Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies, quick post. I've been having email issues and I've spent a long time troubleshooting and I still can't figure it out! So frustrating! My workout tonight was X10 w/u, BB Bulk Legs, Treadmill, stretch. My DOMS are gone thank God.

    Laurie, great workout and so happy both your girls loved the sweater! It really looks nice! Congrats on upping the weights and the weight loss! Those DOMS were unexpected but I think it's because I didn't stretch afterwards.

    Awesome workout Laurel and congrats for going as heavy as possible. I wasn't too energetic tonight so I didn't up anything! I definitely used different muscles with the butt kicks. I have serious doubts you will get your car back this winter! Hopefully he'll let you drive it next summer! He really needs to get a Subaru. I finally made DH get one about 6 years ago and he loved it while he had it.

    Tami, great job with your BC class! Glad you enjoyed that killer workout! Sorry you have to go to the dentist on Friday but hopefully it won't take too long. You're going to lunch after the dentist with your mouth still numb?
    I bet you are looking forward to having a short week after working over the weekend. We don't get the holiday but DH does. I hope you still get paid OT with this new FT job if you still have to work weekends!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I got in KCM's 30MTF Body Design Cardio Bootcamp & Weighted Kickboxing. Really enjoyed that combo. The bootcamp was all cardio, with I think 40 sec on and 10 off. The weighted kickboxing was done with light weights, I used 2lbs. This morning was BB Bulk Shoulders, this is my weak muscle, so I was able to go up on a few exercises. They are talking to me right now. :D

    Laurel, Wow on your combo! Doing the legs and then an Imax workout, that really had to test your legs good. I hope that the DOMS are not to bad. I'm sure that first attempt at getting out of bed will be the true test, that is when I felt it. I was fine after going for the morning walk. Thank you for the compliment on our dd's, they both are very beautiful and wonderful women. I don't know how DH and I got to that with how the environment is today, but we are truly blessed. I just might have to create that sweater for myself too. :D It seems that the hip area is always needing TLC, so I really enjoy doing those stretches when they come up. Rudy has a workout in the set that he does down dog to pigeon pose, I will have to pull that one out.

    Tami, Sounds like a really good bootcamp class! I have Friday off also, but I don't have to go to the dentist. ;) Sounds like it will be a quick appointment though. Like I said to Laurel, I think that I may have to make one for myself. Will have to take inventory of all the sweaters I have, and decide what color I would like mine to be.

    Thelma, Great job with you workouts. Hope your email gets fixed, not fun when you need it to work. Stretching is important.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with Bulk Shoulders. I find shoulders the most difficult body part to increase weights on, partly because of my shoulder problems and partly because of the muscle itself. So today I told myself to just strap on an additional 1lb weight on each wrist and go with that until I couldn't....and I made it through the workout with the weights still on. It was enough of a challenge that I felt it but not too much (like the standard 3-5lb jump) that I couldn't finish the reps. Maybe next week I will try it with my 2lb weights. :) For cardio, I pieced together the cardio only sections from two Cathe Live boxing workouts for a fun 60 minute cardio kickboxing challenge. Surprisingly, while I am a little tight in my legs, for the most part they feel fine, so I was able to go longer and harder today than I expected.

    Tami, sounds like a really good BC class. Another one where there is so much variety that it is hard to get bored. Yep, I don't know what I was thinking doing Legs followed by IMAX, but, thankfully, I am not paying for it too much! I am sorry you need to go to the dentist on your day off but hopefully it will be short and painless.

    Thelma, glad to hear your DOMS didn't last long. Good job getting your workout in despite being somewhat low energy. I think (hope) I will get my car back after the winter. We traded cars in the winter last time we were here, and I got my car back. But, of course, back then he was driving the nicer car.....and now I am. Hmmmm.....maybe I should be worried! :)

    Laurie, sounds like a good workout. I wish there were more cardio-only BC options to be honest. It sounds like a combo I would like with the BC. I hear you on the 'talking' shoulders right now. Those weighted gloves for boxing today felt really heavy! It is funny about my legs, though, because I hopped right out of bed without any problem. The first I really felt them was doing my Cathe warm-up before Bulk Shoulders when she started pulling those legs up and I was like 'Yep, I worked those yesterday!' Hope the DOMS don't kick in tomorrow. :o

    Enjoy the day.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Chest, Jill Miller's Yoga Link: Shoulder Shape-Up, Stretching. Today was a very long day at work. I felt tired and overwhelmed. Not so much stressed but I think the fact that my aunts will be here in 2 days is adding to the overwhelming feeling because there is so much going on at work and I'm scheduled to take 3 days off next week. It's strange but every year when my aunts are scheduled to be here my work goes gets busy. I didn't start my workout till 8:45 tonight. I was able to up my weights on one of the exercises.
    My email app isn't fixed yet. No time for that now so I switched back to using a browser. Temps will drop into the high 20's tonight! Cold front arrives just on time for my aunts arrival and they are not used to cold temps. I hope we don't get any snow the next two weeks.

    Laurie, great workouts and good for you for getting your cardio in last night! Stretching is definitely important. I stretched my legs today even tho I didn't do any cardio.

    Laurel, another great combo and congrats on upping your weights for the entire workout!! WTG!! It really is hard to be able to up weights with shoulder workouts. I think I've reached my max with shoulders.
    I sure you hope you get your car back after the winter.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, we where moving the furniture back into place after having our carpets cleaned. Rocket was having a blast with all the space, and of course we found a lot of lost toys. :D Those tennis balls seem to hide really well. This morning was Bulk Arms, and I tried a few exercises for upping weight. Only about a pound, but it felt great.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, it really makes a difference with just that 1lb. I have some 1/2lb weights that are small enough to put in my hands, and even that makes quite a difference. That KCM workout would be a good one to get, it is intended for adding onto a workout. So that Cardio Bootcamp was probably around 15 min., but it got the hr up. There are 6 of these workouts, and they are Cardio Bootcamp, light db Cardio Sculpting, Upper Body Strength, Stronger/Leaner Lower Body, Kickboxing with light dbs, Yoga Flow Stretch. Not that I enable at all. :D I to hope that it isn't a case of the two day DOMS. I have had that happen when doing STS workouts.

    Thelma, Great job getting your workout in even at that late hour. Sorry to hear that there is a lot going on at work, but I'm sure that you will have a good time with your Aunts when they get here. Dang on the app not working, I don't know what I would do without having my e-mail on my phone. We are suppose to get those temps today with snow, so our winter has started. :(

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday, it just got really busy so I didn't get a chance. So yesterday's workouts were: BULK Legs in the a.m. and then Spinning in p.m. Was a good class again. This a.m. was BULK Shoulders and no workout tonight.

    Thelma: BRRRR on your temps. Great job with the workouts! I can understand your stress/anxiety with company coming. There is always a lot to do when people come for a visit forsure. Yes, I will still get all the OT i can handle with working in just the one dept. They have so much to do still back here it is still being offered. Normally this time of year they say "no OT" unless approved. So I am not worried about that. Hopefully tomorrow after my dentist appt. then my BFF is doing my hair and then lunch so it will be at least 2 1/2 hours or more before I actually eat after my appt. So we will see. Just a small filling replacement so hopefully it will be wore off. If not, I will make sure to wear a bib. LOL

    Laurie: Awesome job with your workouts! Good job upping your weights with BULK Arms! an increase is an increase so yahoo! Yay for you as well having tomorrow off. Will feel so nice having that extra day. I'm glad you are going to make yourself a sweater too. :smile:

    Laurel: Another amazing combo of workouts yesterday! I actually love working shoulders, I always have. Probably because it is one of my stronger body parts, so I love the challenge and the burn of course. LOL Yes, tomorrow should be short and sweet and then off to enjoy the rest of the day. My hair is WAY overdue so I am excited to get it done and catch up with my BFF. Her father was diagnosed with Bone Cancer last week and it is all a lot for their family right now. We have talked on the phone but I haven't been able to see her and give her a big hug.

    If I don't check in tomorrow ladies I will chat with you on Monday ~ Have a great weekend!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies! Today started with Bulk Arms, and I focused on trying to up the weights on triceps. I was successful! I even was able to increase the weights on those last sets of biceps. I feel much stronger this week than last, and chalk that up to sleeping better now that DH is back. I think I've grown used to him being home all the time because I used to sleep better when he was away! But I guess this is a good thing. Anyhow, for cardio, I went back to the 1990's and did Cathe's Max Intensity Cardio. Still tough and still gets me sweating buckets. I really have to talk myself into doing this one, but it is one I never regret doing because it gives me so much energy. Good stuff.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the long day. Again, I am amazed at your ability to workout that late. No doubt your aunts visit is causing some stress. No matter how much I love seeing people, I still find having houseguests completely exhausting. Here is hoping the snow stays away and milder temperatures return soon.

    Laurie, moving furniture is a workout! But it is so worth it for clean carpets. Good job with the workout this morning. It really is amazing how much difference a pound can make on some exercises. Thank you for enabling me! When you all were talking about KCM's pre-sale, I went browsing on her sight. But I would imagine my reaction was the same as many going to Cathe's site.....where do I start? But I am going to look into these. I used to go to my Shaun T. workouts when I needed a little time away from Cathe cardio, but I don't think my body is going to handle those for too much longer. So I am looking for a challenging Cathe alternative that isn't brutal. This might be a good place to start looking.

    Tami, great workouts! Boy do I wish my shoulders were the strongest part of my body!! They are the link to so many other muscles. But mine like to dislocate, so...... :# . I am sorry to hear about your friend's father. That is difficult news. I am sure she will appreciate a day with a friend right now....and a hug. Hope all goes well at the dentist.

    DH is off tomorrow for Veteran's Day, so I probably won't be checking in. Enjoy the long weekend. And, Thelma, I hope your aunts trip goes smoothly, and they arrive safe and sound.

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Hi Ladies! Just wanted to stop by and read up and the amazing workouts you've been doing. It sounds like the latest rotation some of you are doing has been great for isolating muscles and burning them out. I am really missing my Cathe workouts. I am not doing them like I was before graduate school. But, I am trying to do what I can.

    Kids/hubby/dogs are good. I donated my tortoise to my school (one less thing to take care of). We are moving to a new house in 6 months (it's being built). My dad is moving in with us, so we need a "mother in law" suite for him. Graduate school is kicking my butt, but I am really enjoying the program.

    The sprint triathlon I signed up for is coming up fast (Thanksgiving morning). I am no where in the shape I should be, but that's ok. I will survive and do it.

    Keep up your amazing work! One day I will be back with you all (I hope!)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS B/T w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Shape-Up, Stretching. Today was yet another very long day at work. It seems that lately my normal is to start my workout at around 8:45 tonight. I was able to up my weights on one of the exercises. On the EZ bar curl I went up 2 1/2 lbs! I think that is my max. I'm up to 33 1/2 lbs and it got hard on the last set. I went up a lb on the first exercise which was also a curl. Don't know how I had the energy to workout but I had the energy.

    We had a killer frost last night. All the plants died. That is kind of sad! Tomorrow will be even colder. It will start warmer and the temps will drop throughout the day. By the time we leave the airport after 1AM it will be in the low teens! This is insane right on time for my aunts' arrival.
    Laurie, great job with your arm workout and for going up on the weights! Funny about Rocket loving all the space and you finding all his toys under the furniture. Same thing happens here with the cat toys.

    My mail app started to work last night so it was a server issue! The good thing is that I could get my mail through my phone and the browser but of course answering email with the is frustrating because I'm a fast typist

    Tami, great workouts! It really is a lot when you're expecting company. So glad you will be able get OT pay! Your mouth will be OK by the time you eat lunch after 2 1/2 hours for sure. Just don't get soup or you might need a bib! LOL

    Laurel, awesome job upping your weights! I think the feeling of feeling so much stronger with this rotation is the reason why I want to stay on Bulk as long as possible.
    Honestly I don't know how I get myself to workout that late but it's a good thing cause I've been trying to talk myself out of working out and yet I still go downstairs to workout. Notice how I didn't say 'drag'. I couldn't agree with more with you about having houseguests being exhausting. Of course I have to go into entertaining mode the minute I get home from work. I'm only working 2 days each week for the next two weeks but I'll worry about work falling behind. So I'll probably call my team in the morning for our daily stand up meeting. I have to prepare a report so I'll try to do that while I'm off. I know it stinks but I have to do it. I hope the temps warm up for use for sure.

    Good night ladies!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had a great weekend. On Friday I did Jessica Smith Kickboxing cardio & Circuit Training. I took Saturday off because I was too tired from the lack of sleep the night before. On Sunday I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Chest, JS Abs, Jill Miller Shoulder yoga.

    My aunts are here. You won’t believe what happened. My aunt from Italy arrived on time. My aunt from El Salvador arrived 8 hours after her scheduled arrival time. When her flight from Miami was starting to take off one of the wheels exploded! So everyone was scared. Eventually American made everyone get off the plane and they had to spend the night at the airport. My poor aunt had to sleep on the floor! Thank God she finally made it here safely.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had off on Friday, so that is why I didn't check in. We had cold rainy weather, and I was without my car. It was in for some needed repairs, since it is going to hit the 200k mile mark soon. It still rides like a dream, so I will just keep repairing it at this point.

    Friday was 30MTF Split Sessions Lower Body, Saturday I pulled out Jillian's Yoga Meltdown and did the first workout. We had a busy Saturday, so that fit in pretty good. Sunday I did BB Bulk Chest, and upped the weights a little bit on all the exercises. Still amazes me that that slight increase really does make a difference. This morning was Bulk Back, and I upped on these exercises too.

    Tami, Great job on your workouts, and spinning class. So sorry to hear that your friend is having to go through that with her father. It is nice that you are there for her to talk to and support her. I will probably look at getting yarn for my sweater after Christmas. That way I will have something warm on my lap when it gets super cold here.

    Laurel, Hope you enjoyed your weekend, and that you and your DH had a nice veterans day. LOL about not sleeping well when your DH is away, it is interesting how that happens. Great job on upping the weights on your arm workout. I was able to do the same, but I only upped it by a half pound. That is what I have been doing with all these workouts. So far so good. Glad I can be there to enable when it comes to workouts. :D I just find that workout to be a little snippet of everything that is Kelly.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your Aunts made it safe and sound. Sorry to hear that you Aunt had to sleep on the floor at the airport though. I'm sure that she was really tired by the time she got to your house. Enjoy your time with them. Great job on getting in your workouts, and upping the weight on your bar. Rocket is like a little puppy with his toys, I was surprised how many he stuffed all over the two rooms. Goofy dog. Glad to hear that your e-mail is working again.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ I had a really nice 3-day weekend. So Friday my dental appt was @ 8:00. I thought there was going to be a shot and drilling to fix that piece …. NO! Just a little filling in of the material they use and off I went. He said the piece was so small I should be good to go with that. Was out of the chair in 15 minutes. WOOHOO! So I headed back home until it was time for my hair appt and then lunch with my BFF. She cried and hugged me as soon as she saw me. She said that caught her off guard, I told her it was because it was “me” and she knows I understand. We had a great time together.

    I did my BUILD Legs workout on Saturday follows by Yoga for Strength which is on a DVD I bought prior to our starting “Yoga Saturdays”. It was good and just under 30 minutes. Yesterday I did BULK Chest and then met my same friend again to go to the beauty supply store and a movie. We saw Bad Moms Christmas 2. Was funny! Today was BULK Back and tonight will be BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: Fabulous job with your workouts and upping the weights! I can understand why you took Saturday off. Yay on your Aunts being there and even more celebration that they are both safe. How scary about the wheel. I bet that was terrifying. Glad they are there now and I am sure you will have an amazing time. I kept forgetting to bring my XT Book to work last week and didn't come in one day over my 3 days off (Felt really nice I have to say) but I will start copying the workout sheets this week, I promise! :smile:

    Laurie: Excellent workouts with Split Sessions lower and Yoga Meltdown …. So funny, I almost did that one and then changed my mind at the last second to try one of these others I have. Congrats on upping your weights as well! Surprising how much strength you can gain with these Sagi workouts! I laugh every week about his comment “Come fly with me” on back day as he flexes his back. HILARIOUS.

    Hi Laurel ~ I hope you had a nice weekend and I am sure you put together some amazing combos!

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sounds like you all enjoyed the weekend. We did here as well.....despite the snow. We are just coming out of a winter storm warning that started Saturday night. The storm wasn't as bad as predicted as we didn't get high winds they were predicting......but we got about 8" or so of snow. That is pretty unusual for here......or at least it used to be. But, again, I never imagined temps in the 20s this time of year, so things are definitely different. But the snow didn't stop us from doing anything, so that was nice.

    Friday's workouts were Build Legs followed by Cathe Live Keep The Cardio Coming. Saturday I did Kari Anderson's Reach, which felt SO good. Sunday was Bulk Chest, and I was able to push just a little more weight this week, which was good. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Birthday Blast. Today was Bulk Back, and I have, admittedly, been lazy on this one the entire six weeks. So today I bumped up all of the weight (by 2-5 pounds) and it felt great. For cardio, I did one of the workouts from Cathe's Hardcore Extreme DVD (the workout combining cardio from Low Max, IMAX3 and Kick Max). For core, I did the ab work from Muscle Max.

    Becky, thank you for checking in!! Congratulations on the new home. That is a fun process watching your home be built. Glad to hear you are doing okay. No doubt graduate school is tough work! Your workouts will be there when you can get back to them....and we will be here to support you!! Please keep checking in when you can. Love hearing from you!

    Thelma, glad your aunts arrived safely but that is so horrible about your aunt having to spend the night in the Miami airport! No fun! I am glad nobody was injured and that the blow out occurred while taxiing for take-off instead of on landing! Scary stuff. Great job getting your workouts in, and great strength increases as well! Just a suggestion if you want......but you can always stay with Bulk for next week when the rest of us move on and then just join in with us when you have the time to do the other workouts (and no houseguests). Nothing about this is not long as we are all here supporting each other! So if that takes pressure off you for next week, just do it. You have already seen me change my plan because of the 'dreads!' :)

    Tami, I am so glad you got together with your friend thIs weekend. Sounds like she definitely needed it. And, no doubt, a trip to a funny movie was just what she needed. You are a good friend. And yay for the painless dental appointment!! Those are always good. Great workouts, as always.

    Laurie, great workouts and great job with the weight increases. I am so glad we did these workouts for an additional two weeks because it made me focus on pushing more weight. And it has felt good. Hope your car is all good! DH and I have a tendency to have cars as long as we can. That we have two cars right now that are both newer than two years is definitely out of the norm for us. But, chances are, we will have both of them as long as they are running,

    Off to shovel snow. See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, JS 1 Mile Express: Flat Abs Walk. I'm happy to report that I went up by 1 lb on the entire Reverse Grip Row set and 2 lbs on the One-Arm Row set.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! Wow almost 200K miles in your car! I hope the mechanic left it like new!
    My aunt wasn't tired which tells me she slept at the airport even though she doesn't think she did. LOL. By the afternoon we were all falling asleep and took a nap. Rocket sounds like a funny little guy.

    Tami, glad you had a nice long weekend and that the dentist went much better than expected! Your friend was definitely in need of girls' weekend! Great workouts!
    My aunt says it was terrifying when wheel exploded and they hit the ground. We're having a good time and our yearly shopathon has began. LOL

    Laurel, glad you also enjoyed your weekend and that the storm wasn't as bad as predicted. Awesome job with your workouts! bb
    It really was good that the tire exploded on take off rather than landing. Funny you mention the idea of doing BB Bulk one more week because I've been seriously considering doing that. I think I will do that and it will be great not having to figure out weights and all that stuff! Thanks for your suggestion!

    Becky, good to hear from you! Congrats on the new house! Great job with your workouts even though grad school is kicking your behind Good luck with triathlon!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was BB Bulk Legs, and I stayed with the same weight as last week. Felt great!

    Tami, Great job with your workouts! I'm glad that you where there for your friend, it appears that she really needed to have that time with you. Nice that you had two days with her too, and going to a movie. DH and I went to see Thor Ragnarok on Saturday morning. It was a good time to go, since there was hardly anyone in the theater. They now have the dreamlounger theaters, boy was that nice and comfy. ;) I love that we are on the same yoga wave length. For some reason Jillian has an appeal right now, will probably do the other workout next week since I have a lot of things to get done for Thanksgiving.

    Laurel, Awesome mix of workouts! Looks like you have the additional snow removal workout to deal with also. I'm sure that once the temps start to drop the snow will be less? That is usually what happens around here. I'm glad that we did the additional two weeks also. Will be ready to move on at the end of this week though. That is usually what DH and I do with our vehicles, his truck is a few thousand miles behind mine. As long as they are still running, and it doesn't cost a fortune to fix, we will continue to drive them. ;)

    Thelma, Nice on the increase in weight, and of course getting those workouts in. The mechanic did a great job. He did a lot of maintenance things to the car, and I now have a car that isn't clunking when I drive over little pot holes. Feels like a brand new car, since there isn't any noise. :D Glad to hear that your Aunt wasn't to tired.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Ended up not making it to BootCamp last night. :neutral: Was helping out in the other dept. and we had to stay a little after 5:00 so by the time I could leave it was a huge rush and traffic so I headed home. Today was BULK Legs and DH isn’t home tonight so I may do something at home OR go to Insane-X. Will see how I feel at the end of the day.

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a great weekend minus all that SNOW and the temps. How are your new boots doing? I bet you are glad you purchased those in time. Excellent job with your workouts, putting some amazing cardio add-ons with your BULK workouts! So good. I haven’t been doing as much cardio as I would like through this BULK 6 week period other than Spinning and BootCamp but I am amazed that I still feel the positive effects from this heavy lifting.

    Thelma: Fantastic job with your BULK Back workout and going up in weight! That’s so great. I agree with Laurel, if you feel like you want to stay in BULK phase of workouts go for it! I am happy for you that you are only working 2 days this week and next especially having your Aunts over. It does create that “Work Thelma” mode right into “Lovely Entertainer Lady Thelma” mode when you get home …. = tiring! So whatever workouts motivate you right now, stay with them. You can always start into the next phase if you want and go back. No pressure, just as Laurel said.

    Laurie: Gotta love BULK Legs! Glad it felt good to you …. Your knee must be 100% now? Thanks for the kudos on my workouts, they have felt really great. As I told Laurel, despite not doing as much cardio as I would like it has still been really great and I can feel the positive effects, so that is great! Next week will feel good too to have that “higher rep/cardio effect” as well.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies! Boy, shoveling snow is hard work! DH and I had cleared the driveway Sunday night of about five inches of snow so I wasn't expecting it to be too bad yesterday. I was wrong. The wind had kicked up, and parts of our driveway were covered in about a foot of snow. In fact, I could barely figure out where our snow piles from the night before were. It took me more than two hours to clear the driveway and had me so sore last night I was asking DH for a snow blower for Christmas! This could be a long winter if we keep getting snow at this pace because our snow piles are already about 3 feet high....and we are supposed to get another 5-7 inches on Thursday.

    Anyhow, I didn't know what to expect from my workout today because I still felt pretty fatigued physically when I got up, but it was a good one. I started with Bulk Legs and stayed with last week's weights....just to be safe. But, honestly, I think I could have pushed a little harder. For cardio, I started with the Rock'm Sock'm warm-up and Blizzard Blast, then did Cathe Live Jabs and Abs. It was a really fun and energetic combo.

    Thelma, great job with the workouts! Those are some good weight increases. I am glad to hear your aunt didn't suffer too badly from her night on the airport floor. I am also glad to hear you are sticking with Body Beast for another week. Hope that is one less thing for you to have to think about right now.

    Laurie, yep, moving that snow stuff is definitely a workout. :o It has actually been several years since I have done this kind of shoveling because when we were in Colorado, we didn't have to do it. So Virginia was the last place, and even there we didn't get much snow. And I was five years younger in Virginia (and we had half the area to shovel as we do now)! Like you there, when the temps are low, we don't get snow. One of the reasons I am praying these temps to drop out soon. They are predicting next week will be below zero......but they said that last week so who knows? But I would prefer -20 and sunshine to 20 and snow/ I am hoping. Great workout today!

    Tami, sorry to hear you missed your class last night. I don't know about you, but when I miss a planned workout, I feel a little unsettled about it. Hopefully you were able to relax and enjoy your evening at home! I love my boots! I wore them for the first time Sunday, and they are perfect snow boots.....and I am not slipping and sliding everywhere. I don't know how warm they will be when/if we do get those really cold temperatures, but there is plenty of room for me to double up socks and use foot warmers. Definitely happy with them. I certainly was thanking Sagi and these strength increases yesterday. Love the feeling of being stronger. I think I will revisiting Body Beast after this rotation.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT Legs w/u, BB Bulk Legs, Walking on Treadmill and stretching. I started working out almost at 8:30 because one of my aunts seems to have a cold and wasn't feeling well so I had to keep my other aunt company. I tried to talk myself out of working out but I failed :) I feel that I worked out extra hard which was nice.

    Laurie, great job getting your leg workout in this morning! Glad your mechanic did a fine job with your car!

    Tami, great workout today! Sorry you missed your BC class. I hope you didn't have to work late tonight. It really is tiring having to turn the 'tired work Thelma' into 'Lovely Entertainer Lady'. The biggest reason for staying with BB Bulk besides loving the workouts is that I already know what weights to use. I won't know what weights I would use for the next phase and figuring out it while I workout is a little time consuming.

    Laurel, great job with that workout even though you felt so fatigued! Snow shoveling IS hard work. I hope you get that snow blower for Christmas. It will be less tiring to stick with BB for another week.
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to get in a workout after work, and of course Jillian is appealing right now so I did her Cardio Kickbox followed up with Kickbox FastFix Workout 1. This morning was BB Bulk Shoulders, and stayed with the same weight as last week, this is my trouble area.

    Tami, Dang on missing your class, but good that you got in your BB workout. Yep my knee is very good, I'm not going to go as far as 100%, since every once in a while I feel it talk to me. Nothing serious, but I have been able to do most high impact moves with no problems. It is amazing how weight work can affect our bodies. Sagi doesn't really do all that much cardio with his series.

    Laurel, Oh I feel your pain with how your snow was moving around! That is exactly what we experience with our driveway. If we didn't have a snow blower, I don't know what we would do. My advice is to invest in one, it really does save a lot of back breaking work. Awesome job with your workouts! Guess we both had kickboxing on our minds. ;)

    Thelma, Great job not listening to that non-workout demon. So sorry to hear that one of your aunts may be sick, hope that she recovers quickly. Sounds like a great idea sticking to the BB workouts for another week.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Wish I could send you all this morning in Alaska! It is so beautiful!! This is how I remember winter in Alaska. Cold but bright sunshine and blue skies, white mountains in the distance and everything looking like it has been professionally flocked. Stunning. And energizing! :p So today’s workout started with Bulk Shoulders, and I held true to my promise from last week and upped my weights by putting on my two pound hand weights throughout.....and I made it. I did have to slow down some reps just to keep form, but it felt good. I think doing the 1lb weight increase last week gave me the confidence to push through this week. For cardio, I did LIS Low Impact Challenge Extreme......which felt surprisingly good today.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about your aunt. Sadly not an uncommon thing to experience after traveling. Hope she feels better soon. Great job on pushing through with your workout. One of my problems with houseguests is I am so used to being alone (or just with DH) that I have a hard time transitioning into ‘hostess mode’. No doubt I overthink everything which is a huge part of the problem. I mean, seriously, do I think my guests are going to look under the sofa to make sure I vacuumed there? :# I know I don’t when I am a houseguest!! But I guarantee you when I am preparing for my sister next month, that vacuum will be out..... :# .

    Laurie, more great workouts! Yes, kickboxing has been on the mind a lot lately. Still happy I am resisting the desire to do it every day. My concern with a snow blower is we have a gravel driveway. DH doesn’t think that will be an issue because we can adjust the height settings, but I just have this mental picture of shooting rocks everywhere.....which would not be good. But ask me after this next storm, and I may not care quite as much. B)

    Tami, hope you are well.

    See you tomorrow.
