Cathe Fans Part 5
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 45 minute HiiT and Hills ride with Peloton followed by Cathe Live Legs and Core Down On The Floor. This was my second time through with the Cathe Live workout, and I remember thinking the first time that it wasn’t too tough. Clearly I hadn’t done a tough spin class before doing it last time. Because today.....yowza! But I know what muscles in my legs my spinning hits the most (quads and hips) now. But it was a really good combo, and I really do like that Cathe workout because it is all equipment-free, and she does some wonderful warm up moves and stretches throughout. Has me hoping some similar moves show up in the Perfect 30 flow or core workouts.
Thelma, great workouts. That Pyramid Pump premix sounds good....and much more reasonable than the full 80 minute workout. I am so with you on this virus right now. Thankfully the mask mandate here has really made an impact. When DH was gone we got up to over 120 cases a day average. Now we are down around 40. But....I think we have a great deal to worry about because of the universities. I saw last week where Georgia had become the state with the fifth highest number of total cases in the nation. It is just so disheartening. For me, it is even more disheartening as I see the sun setting earlier every night and wondering if summer is this bad, what will happen this winter? Listening to experts does not help my concerns about that at all. Huge hugs.
Laurie, great workout. I am glad your cleaning day wasn’t too bad. Is your DH going back to work any time soon? I think conducting your days on different floors of the house when you are working from home next week is very wise. Because our house is so open, I know way more about my husband’s job than I ever imagined knowing.
Erika, I am so sorry things are going so roughly for you right now! I am glad you are finding some release in running. I am also glad your DS made it through his first day on the job, despite a nervous start. I hope your friend being the manager is short-lived and you are able to comfortably go back to being friends. It is so important to have a co-worker/friend you feel comfortable talking to. I understand structure overload. Sometimes I rebel and just want to do what I want to do. I like routine, but rigidity to routine makes me feel claustrophobic. Anyhow, about the push-up challenge....I watched it! I counted the push-ups she did as she did them and said ‘wow’....and went and got a cookie. Okay, I didn’t go get a cookie, but I also didn’t do any push-ups. Maybe later today since I didn’t work my upper body today.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Things are good, the week is of course flying by, as always. Tuesday I did a High Reps Premix of KCM from her Lean Body workout and then was about to jump on the bike and Bernie was laying there staring at me so I opted for pup time instead. Took him outside and brushed him again. Poor guy he is just shedding and shedding like crazy. He just loved all the brushing and attention, little sweets. Last night I did a 30 min HiiT Ride + 20 min Low Impact as a cool down ride.
Tonight after work I am headed to a friends house for dinner. My girlfriend that was a childhood friend, we re-connected the last few years and she is in town now for good so we finally decided to get together. When COVID hit neither of us got together at that time and have just hunkered down, so we decided its finally time. She was in our office a couple weeks ago buying a house with her brother & SIL who is moving here from Japan, he is in the Air Force and his wife and their little boy is here now waiting for him. So no workout tonight but it will be nice to see her. I will have to get home early though for poor little Bernie … waiting for me. DH is supposed to be home tomorrow night so that will be good to have him back again.
Thelma: Way to go with the Pyramid Pump Total Body + the Yoga and JS Power Walk Sheesh! That must have taken a lot of time, way to work! So sorry to hear about your cousin. As Laurel said, his poor mother, how heart breaking.
Laurel: Way to go with your Power Hour & S&S Cardio Slam combo. WOWSA! I looked at Power Hour the other night and just didn’t have it in me, so I did the KCM workout. Then today with 45 minute HiiT and Hills ride & Live Legs and Core Down On The Floor. Sweating buckets I am sure. Way to WORK. YES! IT was the Feel Good Ride. I always love those SO much, the time flies by and I usually get teary at least once.
Laurie: Sounds like a very productive day you had at work! That had to feel good. Way to go with your KCM workouts and Thank You for the link on those hand weights. I have some hand weights that wrap around your hand. They are good but 5 lbs each and can be a little awkward so I may look into these.
Erika: I am so sorry to hear about your very stressful day and days you have been having. I am glad the run helped and don’t worry about missing an additional KCM workout. Take care of YOU and do what you can do each day. Big hugs for you friend.
Talk to you all tomorrow ladies! Tami
0 -
Hi Ladies, Thursday workouts were High Reps, Gina B. Latin Pop Dance Cardio and Yoga Thigh Blast. I did High Reps first thing this morning when I was feeling very tired and stiff. I had to use lighter weights than I would normally use but everything felt heavy to me today. I am glad that I pushed through and finished the workout.
I found out my yoga studio is moving to a neighboring town. I'm so spoiled to be ale to get there in 8 minutes. It will be about 25 minutes to get there but it sounds beautiful. I think they bought an apple orchard or at are leasing a building in the property. The setting sounds beautiful and they'll have more stuff to sell us! LOL. I'm not sure I want to make the drive though. I'm not sure I want to have a one hour commute for one yoga class a day. I would miss the social aspect of it though.
Laurie, I'm glad you got a nice break during clean up day at work! Great workouts! Are you off Jillian's rotation now?
I am so sick of this virus. I can't imagine wearing the mask all day long. We actually wear anti-fogging safety glasses when we have to wear our masks. They work very well.
You could totally work the short X10 workouts into your routine!
Erika, I'm sorry you're going through such a stressful situation with work. It doesn't sound good to have all that work aggression. Please don't pound the street so hard because you could hurt yourself. Don't worry about being behind on the rotation. You need to do whatever you have to in order to survive. An 11 hour work day is very long.
Your relationship with your friend has totally changed. She can't be seen as your friend now because others will feel that she's playing favorites. It is a very awkward situation. I've been there on both sides of the coin.
I'm so glad your son survived his first day of work. Poor thing with the nervous vomiting! I can't believe he's having his wisdom teeth removed. I still have mine!
Thanks so much about my cousin. It really is mind-blowing how this plague keeps spreading. It's impossible to control the spread. You are going to have to be very careful with the constant re-exposure. Hopefully, you guys are already immune from having been exposed to other people.
Laurel, sounds like you did a really good workout combo today! Great job!
I heard that a university in NC had closed because 131 students tested positive. I'm glad the mask mandate has made a difference there. I wish it would be a mandate in the entire country. Italy has a mask mandate and now that places are open the virus is spreading again. The spread happens when we expose ourselves to others. I hear you about the sun setting earlier! I hate to say it but I think we'll continue to shelter in place during the winter too. I don't listen to the so called experts because clearly no one knows what the heck is going on.
Tami, I think this week flew by! Great job keeping up with the workouts! Awww! I'm so glad you spent some quality time with Bernie! I hope you had a wonderful time with your friend!
I didn't do the full Pyramid Pump. I did a shorter premix. I've been feeling tired this week so there was no way I could've done the full workout. Thanks so much on my cousin. It really is heart breaking.
Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was High Reps followed by Cathe’s live class from yesterday which was Cardio Crush. This was a really good 39 minute minute, moderately intense cardio workout. She mixed the impact in it, which was really good. I think this is one I will gravitate to from time to time on days like today....after a longer strength session. Good stuff. She also talked a little bit about the mobility workout in Perfect 30, and I am getting more and more anxious to get my hands on that workout. I have been noticing that she is throwing more and more little mobility moves into her workouts (even this one today she took a moment to twirl out the ankles, which she rarely does), and I like it very much.
Tami, great workout. I am glad you found something you enjoyed over Power Hour. Power Hour is not the most ‘friendly’ workout, that’s for sure. Love that you spent some time with Bernie instead of another workout. No doubt he appreciated that. Hope you had a good time with your friend last night. Hopefully you can start getting together more and more despite this pandemic.
Thelma, great workouts! I was right there with you on High Reps this morning. I put that workout on Friday because, for me, it always seemed easier than Muscle Endurance or Power Hour.....but not today. But, like you, I pushed through and am glad I did. Sadly, some of the experts I have been listening to have been pretty spot on with their predictions, which is why we are planning for a long, quiet winter doing exactly what we have been doing for the last five months....nothing much outside of the house. But there is a rule of thought that if people wear their masks, and keep distance (especially avoiding crowds) and wash hands, etc., then the flu situation may not be as bad as normal this winter, making the winter better than some predict. But as things are going, they are doubting the likelihood of that happening, which is why the outlook is pretty bad right now. I have resolved myself to another year like this and am glad I am more comfortable doing some things (like going into shops) than I was this spring. But no bars, restaurants or traveling for me unless necessary. And I can live with that.
Enjoy the weekend!
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was nice. We had our new neighbors over for lunch. They moved here the week before the quarantine started so we'd never met them but a couple of weeks ago we delivered a welcome to the neighborhood card with our contact info, introduced ourselves and invited them over for lunch. We see them all the time and always wave hello but that's about it. They're a very nice couple so we're glad to have them as our closest neighbors.
We had heavy rain from Friday night until early Saturday morning!
My workouts on Friday were Gina B HIIT for Weight Loss, Restorative Healing yoga and Sculpted-Movement Fusion.
Sunday's workout was XTRAIN Chest, Back & Shoulders.
Laurel, great workouts on Friday. I loved that she mixed impacts on that Cardio crush workout and also the idea of more mobility moves and that mobility workout in her Perfect 30 program!
Laurel, when I did that High Reps workout I kept thinking about you! How does Laurel do this first thing in the morning?! LOL.
I think that if people were allowed to take hydroxychloroquine as soon as the symptoms developed, this virus would've never gotten so out of control and we wouldn't have lost so many lives. We already decided that we will continue to shelter in place. We are also more comfortable about going to stores but don't do it often. Our trips are to the supermarket, pharmacy or hardware store for now. We won't be going to bars or restaurants either and we don't expect any emergency trips. Thank God it's been easy for us to accept this 'new normal'.
Have a great week ladies!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was quiet, but nice. We did nothing special, which is our ‘normal’ now but that is okay by me. We did do some running around on Saturday, and it was busy enough that I am in no hurry to do it again. But at least I feel like we have accomplished some errands that have been sitting on the shelf since March.
For workouts, Saturday was a Strength Interval Walk with Jessica Smith and 30 minutes of cardio with Kristin McGee. Yesterday was Cathe Live Give Me More Legs and Core followed by a 30 minute spin with Peloton. Today’s workout was XT Chest, Back and Shoulders and XT Core 1. For cardio, I did the kickboxing section from XT Hard Strikes and a 20 minute interval run from Peloton on my DH’s Max Trainer. The latter was because DH asked me to help him develop a workout schedule (again), and I was curious if any of the Peloton workouts would be able to translate to the Max Trainer. The answer is ‘yes....if he wants them to’. We’ll see how this goes.....but it made for a good workout for me today.
Thelma, great workouts! Trust me, doing High Reps first thing Friday morning had me wondering how I do that workout first thing too. Or more appropriately....why I do it! I am glad you got a chance to spend time with your new neighbors. No doubt they appreciated that. I feel so badly that we have yet to meet our new neighbors who moved in right as the pandemic started, but they are so rarely home that I have never seen them long enough to even wave! Hopefully that will change sometime.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies,
Whew what a week last week! Let's just say, I'm glad it's over, and I'm glad I still have a job (and didn't spontaneously quit)!
I did end up taking a break from running the remainder of the week last week, as I was worried I was pushing myself too hard with all my work aggression! I instead focused on my KCM workouts and got caught back up. Only issue is yesterday was Meltdown #2 (heavy bag workout) and now my shoulder is in a lot of pain because I may have took out too much aggression on the punching bag! Trying to find some sort of release for work stress so I don't take it out on my family.
Today will be KCM Muscle Up, I'm looking forward to it!
Tami, what a fun re-connection with a childhood friend! I had one of those a few years ago, and it was so fun to catch up with each other! I hope Bernie's coat is nearing end of shedding...I have a friend whose dog is doing the same and she's hoping that the coat is getting cleared out so she doesn't have to brush her so much! I hope you had a nice weekend with DH home! Great job with the workouts, esp that High Reps premix...I'm jotting that one down!
Laurel, you made me laugh with the comment about getting a cookie after watching the push up clip! Those workouts that don't feel as tough one time and the next you're feeling it everywhere are my favorites! That just means you can tone it down if needed, or if you really push, you can really work the muscles. Either way, you're getting a nice workout in! I also am excited for the mobility workout of Cathe's new series. I need some serious help in that area, and that workout may just be my golden ticket! I love that you are putting together workouts for your DH, you're the queen of workout rotations in my book!!
Thelma, what a fun lunch with the neighbors, and a great idea to send them a welcome to the neighborhood contact card! It's always nice to meet new neighbors, and bonus when they are fun to be around!! Bummer on the yoga studio moving. I'm with you, not sure I'd make the's nice having those things close by! Great work getting in the great workouts, especially the High Reps workout...which is tough even when you're not feeling tired/stiff!
Hi Laurie!!
I hope you all have a nice evening. We are in a stretch of very hot/humid weather here, which is forcing me to spend a lot of time inside relaxing and taking in some TV or a book...which I'm ok with!
Erika0 -
Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were Gina B Pop Mix, XTRAIN Legs and Barre.
Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice weekend and it sounds like Saturday was productive too.
How exciting that your DH asked you to help him develop a workout schedule (again!) and that the Peloton workouts will be good with his Max Trainer too!
I can see doing the High Reps workout first thing in the morning on a day when I don't feel tired. Next time I'll do it in the afternoon. I honestly don't know how you do it lady!
Hopefully you'll get to meet your not so new neighbors soon. At least we've been waving hello for 5 months to them! LOL. We'll see how our get together really went if they invite us over to their house! LOL
The lady fell in love with our house the moment they parked under the carport. At some point she looked inside the house and all she could see were mountains. she practically pushed me out of the way so she could take a better look! LOL. It was pretty funny.
Erika, I am glad you survived last week! I can't believe how stressful your job has gotten. I am so glad you stopped running. I was concerned you were going to hurt yourself. Bummer on that shoulder! I hope you feel better soon. Maybe instead of looking for an aggressive workout look for something gentle. I would highly recommend a Restorative or Revive and Restore yoga class. There are plenty on YouTube. You do need props for those classes like blocks, bolster/firm pillow, a strap and a blanket. I really think that you need to manage your stress differently.
These look like great restorative classes. I feel like a wet noodle after a restorative class. This is not a workout at all. It is relaxing, letting go time.
I would try this class first:
This one looks great but she uses a lot of props. You'd need two firm pillows and a blanket
It was a lot of fun meeting our new neighbors. It turns out that I misunderstood the post where I thought the yoga studio was relocating. What's relocating is their Herbiary store they have and the name of the store and the FB yoga studio name are alike so I got confused. Thankfully the yoga studio isn't moving at this time. High Reps is a killer. I did it recently but in the afternoon and I did a longer version too and I was fine! Never again first thing in the morning! LOL
Goodnight ladies!
Thelma0 -
Good Afternoon!
I did my KCM workout last night, which was legs and bi's/tri's (thank goodness my shoulder gets a rest!). I then sat on the couch and watched TV the rest of the night. It was fabulous!!
Thelma, thanks for the yoga videos. I've tried meditation and yoga style workouts in the past to relieve stress, only my issue is clearing my mind of work thoughts. I need to find a way to be able to let it all go, as I never leave work with everything caught up...there's always something that is past due so I worry about that all night. High intensity workouts make me focus on the workout (because they are tough) and then I can clear my mind. But, I find I'm being a little too aggressive with my workouts. I've been avoiding weights during this time (at least heavy weights) as I can lift like the hulk when I'm stressed out...which also is dangerous! I need to find some good dance workouts...those seem to be a good happy medium, I just can't seem to find ones I love.
Hi Tami, Laurel and Laurie! I hope you are having a good day!!
Erika0 -
Hi Ladies! I started today’s workout with XT Legs and did the premix with the Barre. Then, as part of developing a program for DH, I did a 15 minute Total Body Bodyweight workout from Peloton and 5 minutes of core work as well. Then, for cardio, I did a 30 minute Peloton spin. I think DH may enjoy these workouts, but I am increasingly convinced this will lead to nothing. But I am enjoying the opportunity to explore more of the Peloton app, so that is a good thing.
Erika, I am so sorry about the work stress. I hope things get better soon. Great job catching up on your KCM workouts and understanding you may have been beating yourself up too much with the running. But I am sorry that beating up on the heavy bag instead hurt your arm! Hopefully that feels better soon. I am finding as I get older that how I feel about a certain workout and its effectiveness really depends on more things than it ever used to. I used to be able to just push myself through anything. But, as Thelma has pointed out, on days when I start out tired, I just don’t seem to have those extra reserves anymore. The good thing is I am much more accepting of myself when I need to tone it down, skip parts or whatever than I used to be because I know doing something is better than nothing. And I know that my body is telling me something. I used to always blame my mind for those ‘slow’ days, but it is definitely my body I feel these days. Life over 50 is fun!
Thelma, great workouts! That’s funny about your neighbor and your view! I hope they enjoyed your time together and you get an invite to their house. I don’t need to be best friends with neighbors (though that is always nice when it happens), but I love knowing my neighbors and I hope they feel the same way. It just gives me so much comfort, especially in case of an emergency.
Until tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were JS Cardio Bootcamp Boogie, Yoga Basics and XTRA IN Tri's & Bi's.
Erika, good job with the KCM workouts. I'm glad you allowed yourself some 'me' time!
Sorry that yoga doesn't help you relax. Fun dancing workouts are had to find. I hope you find something that helps you relax.
Laurel, great workouts! If your DH doesn't follow the workout plan at least you'll benefit from the research you're doing for him. It's a win-win situation! LOL
Our neighbors seemed to enjoy themselves. They met through an online dating service just like DH and I did. We don't need to be best friends with our neighbors either. I've never had that kind of experience with a neighbor but it sure is nice to know them and to help each other in case of an emergency. We can't see these neighbors' house. They live up the road that runs parallel to our home so we see them when they drive by.
Goodnight ladies!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
Still catching up on everything. I was surprised at how much I was able to get done from home. Those little annoying things that you avoid at work. So productive two days for me. I hit the ground at 7:30 and didn't stop until 3:30, and by that time I was burned out. I'm kind of glad to be back at work. I did manage to get my workouts in with RAW Strengh Day 1 & 2, this was Back & Bicecps and Chest & Triceps. This morning was Cardio, and I did RAW Bodyfit 1.
Will talk to all of you tomorrow, now I need to do catch up at work.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was XT Bi’s and Tri’s and XT Core 2. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Total Body HiiT which is a really good circuit workout.
Thelma, great workouts. I hope my DH can get in some workouts soon. It seems he should be able to since he has a much shorter commute. But since he has been home from Alaska, he is using that time to stay in bed and sleep more. Some days I am up over an hour before him. I really don’t think that is a habit he should get in to since he will be going back to work....some day. But I am not his mother and I won’t pretend to be, so I just let him be. But if he asks again about workouts, at least I have a plan for him. And I learned something along the way too!
Laurie, welcome back! Glad to hear your WFH experience was good, even if exhausting. But it always feels so good to get those little, long ignored, projects off your plate. Great job with the workouts!
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Wanted to jump in here and let you all know I am doing well. Just plugging away on another busy week. They truly never end ….. but I know they will slow down eventually and all will be good. I did work again on Sunday, but just a couple hours. I am really enjoying the extra $$ on the pay checks. Workouts this week so far:
Sat. Cathe’s Supersets from Body Blast, Sun. XT Chest/Back/Should + Peloton Ride, Mon. HiiT/Hills Ride, Tues. Strong & Sweaty Supersets Lower (X2), Today is XT Bis/Tris + Peloton Ride or maybe a nice walk …. We will see.
I don't think I have checked in since I saw my friend for dinner. It was so nice and the time just flew by. We are hoping to get together at least once a month. Should be easy to make that a date. There is just too much to catch up on so hopefully soon I will see her again. She has spent her time off work re-doing her yard and it looks like Better Homes & Gardens .... amazing.
Looks like everyone is doing amazing with your workouts!!! I will try and catch up more tomorrow.
Tami0 -
Hi Ladies! Wednesday's workouts were Jessica Smith Zoomba Party, Beginner Gentle yoga and Revive and Restore Yoga. BTW, there was nothing Zoomba about Jessica's workout! The beginner gentle yoga class was all about hips again. I was like a wet noodle after that class. It was amazing!
Hi Laurie, I'm glad you got a lot of work done while working from home! Good job getting your workouts in!
Laurel, great workouts! I really like those XT workouts! Hopefully your DH won't get stuck in traffic on his way up the stairs to the workout room! LOL
I used to wake up hours before DH when I worked because my commute was long. Now DH gets up earlier for his commute from our bedroom to the living room which is right outside our bedroom! He also feeds the cats!
I hope your husband asks you about the workout plan you have for him. Is he still going out for walks with you?
Tami, I'm glad you're doing well! A little extra $ on the pay check is always a good thing! I'm glad you had a good time with your friend!
Great workouts!
Goodnight ladies!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
This morning was RAW Strength Day 3 which was Shoulders & Legs. Overall some good workouts.
Laurel, Love the workouts! How long of a workout was the HiiT? Cathe has been putting out the times of the DVD's and it looks like they all have two 30 min. workouts plus abs and or stretch bonus. The covers look great also. Can't wait to get the set.
Tami, Awesome job on your workouts, and getting them done with all the business in your work life. I wish that my yard looked like the BHG gardens that I see. I always look at those with envy. Glad to hear that you both had a great time catching up.
Thelma, Great job on your workouts! I know that you always enjoy the zumba, so dang on the workout not being zumba. I think that I didn't have distractions at home, so I could get those annoying things done. Here at work there are to many distractions.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 60 minute spin from Peloton followed by 30 minutes of yoga with Kristin McGee. I also previewed a 20 minute lower body workout for DH from Peloton but kept my weights light since my legs were pretty fatigued from the spin. DH was talking about the workouts again last night so.....fingers crossed it leads to something.
Tami, great workouts! I am glad you enjoyed your time with your friend. That will give you something to look forward to every few weeks. I hope things calm down a bit at work for you....but not too much! But I have to imagine you wouldn’t mind a bit of a break right now.
Thelma, great workouts. I am not too surprised there was little ‘zoomba’ in Jessica’s workout. I did one of her ‘dance’ workouts several weeks ago, and it wasn’t very much like dance. I laughed about DH running into traffic on his way up to the workout room! Even though he now has plenty of time for a 20-30 minute workout most days of the week, even last night he asked about the workouts....and then started making excuses for not being able to do them in upcoming weeks. I have been down this road before, for sure. I will do what I can, though.
Laurie, great workout! I too have seen the times so far for the new series, and I am very anxious to get it. I think this may be a very versatile set of workouts. That HiiT workout I did yesterday is one of her longest live workouts at 60 minutes, but the HiiT in the title is a bit of a misnomer. The workout is more like a Bootcamp workout in structure with seven rounds, each round with one cardio followed by 2-4 random strength moves. It is challenging enough to keep the heart rate up without feeling at all brutal.
Until tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, Thursday's workouts were FlexTrain, 2 Mile Walk with Leslie Sansone and Yoga Ab Blast. Ha! I just realized that I butchered the zumba spelling last night! LOL
Laurie, great workouts! I have yet to find a fun Zumba workout online. Isn't it amazing how much work you can get done when you work from home!
Laurel, great job with those workouts! Fingers crossed on your DH starting his workout routine. At least he's asking about it!
DH and I always laugh at our commutes inside the house! LOL
All you can do is give him his workout plan and it will be up to him to follow it.
Have a great weekend ladies!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
This morning was RAW Day 5 Stretch. Didn't know what the Day 4 Total Body would be like, so didn't want to chance it after the shoulder workout.
Laurel, Great job on your workouts! I will be crossing my fingers for your DH and his interest also. We all know how those DH's of ours resist the exercise. Glad to hear that the workout wasn't a long HiiT session. I'm waiting for the information on the premixes yet. I would imagine that they will be creating some interesting combos. I'm glad that this series is progressing fast.
Thelma, Awesome job on your workouts! That's to bad that you are not able to find some good zumba. I'm surprised that Jessica doesn't put out better dance type workouts, because she has a ballet background. Have to say that I didn't even notice how you spelled Zumba.
Have a great weekend,
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Flex Train followed by Cathe Live Kick, Box and Bags. Good stuff.
Thelma, great workouts! I was wondering about the spelling of Zumba when I replied because something inside of me thought it didn’t look quite right.....but I just went with it! Some days and some words are just like that. Anyhow, I wanted to mention that I may substitute in one of the 4DS Bootcamp Circuit workouts on next Wednesday (in place of Fit Tower Bootcamp). A lot depends on how my muscles are feeling, and how my muscles are feeling will determine whether I go with the upper or lower body circuit. But, right now, my thought is I will do the 4DS BC Upper Body Circuit. I really want to give it a try and since the day before and after aren’t very heavy, I am hoping that will work. I hope my DH starts working out. I forgot to answer your question yesterday about walking. We are still walking a couple of days a week, which is nice. Lately it has been the weather putting us off since we are getting more and more rain. But we walk on his lunch hour when it is dry, which is nice.
Laurie, great workout. And good of you to not attempt to Total Body workout after a shoulder workout. I, too, am really interested in the premixes for this series. Cathe mentioned yesterday that her gym will be re-opening next week, so I think it is fantastic that they were able to get so much work done on this series so quickly because, no doubt, re-opening after six months is probably going to take a lot of resources. But during my workout this morning I was already mentally trying to work these new workouts into this rotation....and whatever rotation I do next! Talk about jumping the gun!
Enjoy the weekend!
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was nice and quiet.
My workouts on Friday were Restorative Healing yoga and Jamie Kinkeade Cardio Dance PARTAAY. The cardio dance workout was a lot of fun. I'm glad I discovered her on YouTube. Sunday's workout was S&S Boot Camp.
I used the step and one riser because my knee has been doing really well since I've been massaging my thigh. I feel the muscle imbalance again even though I massaged. I'll massage more tomorrow.
Here is the link to the cardio dance workout I did
Laurie, great job on your workouts!!
I haven't looked hard for a zumba workout. It bugs me that the American instructors don't talk. I know the original creator doesn't speak on the videos because he can't speak English. You would think that after all this time he would've learned to speak English.
I don't know why Jessica doesn't come up with a fun dance workout. The closest to dancing I've found is Gina B.
Laurel, fantastic workout combo on Friday!
I'm pretty sure I misspelled Zumba because I am constantly in Zoom yoga classes! LOL
I already switched the Fit Tower BC workout with ICE BC. I don't like that workout at all and found it annoying having to adjust the tower when I could do the move the normal way.
Those 4DS circuit workouts are really good. I'm sure you'll do one of those workouts. I'm glad you and your DH are still walking weather permitting. It's been rainy here too.
Have a wonderful week ladies!
0 -
Morning Ladies,
This morning was 30MTF Your Best Body Workout 2 with Cardio Rests. I don't know that the cardio was a rest, it was pretty tough. I didn't workout out on Saturday, and Sunday was so beautiful that I was outside cleaning up some of the garden beds. Have to get them ready for winter coming.
Laurel, Great job on your workouts! I saw some of the pictures that Cathe posted of them cleaning up the facility. They really are doing a deep clean on that place. I'm glad to see that they are able to open up, the fitness facilities around here have been open for a couple of months. I'm fairly sure that I will be putting those new workouts into my rotation right away.
Thelma, Nice workouts, and very glad to hear that you found a fun dance one. Have you looked at Pop Sugar also. I'm pretty sure that they have dance videos, but I don't know if they specifically have zumba. Good call on taking the step out, I know I did that a lot when my knee was bothering me.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was quiet, but still very nice. We had quite a bit of rain on Friday and yesterday which has the humidity up a few notches, I am definitely feeling that during my workouts right now!
For workouts, on Saturday I did a Jessica Cardio Abs workout followed by 45 minutes of Power Yoga with Kristin McGee. Yesterday was Cathe Live LIHI Legs and, for a change of pace, I did a Cathe spin which was S&S Cycle Sweat. I did that because DH was using my Peloton app. Today was F/S Shred Cardio right into LIS Athletic Training, which was a surprisingly tough combo. I was drenched. But I still had enough in me to convince DH to take a walk before more storms show up this afternoon.
Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you found a dance workout you enjoy. I hope your knee is okay. I am glad you found a good substitute for the Fit Tower BC workout. I like that BC workout because it manages to make me feel like I have gotten a decent workout without weights. But I completely agree about the hassle of constantly moving the bar around. I will definitely be substituting in the 4DS BC upper body circuit workout in its place this week.
Laurie, great workout. I am not sure the words ‘cardio’ and ‘rest’ should be combined. It will be so weird if Cathe has a live class this week. I have grown so used to seeing her alone. As much as I am glad she is getting her business back, I must admit I will miss her solo Live workouts.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, Monday's workouts were Gina B 2000 Steps, Beginner Gentle Yoga, Barre and LIS Athletic Training.
Laurie, nice workout! Funny how instructors call cardio a rest! LOL
I have done Pop sugar workouts in the past but some of them are too intense. I'll probably look there again soon. My knee doesn't like the step at all. At least I know what the problem is and with a lot of massage it feels better soon.
Laurel, I'm glad you had a nice weekend. The rain definitely brought the humidity back.
Great workouts!! Was your DH using your Peloton app as in playing with it to learn how to use it or actually using it to workout?
My knee is better thank you. Athletic Training uses the step but I stayed off the step today.
Goodnight ladies!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
This morning was 30MTF Lean Body Circuits Combined Premix. I'm doing something that I told myself that I would try at some point this year. Doing some premixes and with this circuit week, it is a good opportunity to try some of the premixes out. I really enjoy this one, since she does a cardio move, then boxing, legs and upper body.
Laurel, Dang on the humidity, we are having to deal with the humidity. We could use the rain though. We had our lawn treated for grubs, and are having to water the lawn. We have a well, so DH doesn't want to be watering all day long. Great job on your awesome workouts even with the humidity. WHAT!! Your DH is using the app! I hope that he enjoyed using it. I wonder if she will do some of those workout solo, if people ask for it. I know that she does those during her class time, but maybe...
Thelma, Love the workouts! I think that the Pop Sugar workouts usually have a low impact person. I know that it can be difficult to not want to try what the instructor is doing. I had to do the low impact this morning on one move. It was just to much for me, so I had to take it down a notch.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 20 minute Tabata spin with Peloton right into LIS Afterburn Bonus Burn premix. It was a bit of an awkward transition as my legs didn’t quite know what to do getting off the bike and going into a squat move, but after the first few minutes, they figured it out. But just like yesterday, having that tough cardio ‘starter’ sure made Afterburn feel tough. I am going to try to stick with this kind of format for at least one more day, but I am not sure I am made for these long, tough cardio workouts anymore.
Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you stayed off the step for Athletic Training. Hopefully that suited your knee much better. DH was actually doing a workout with the Peloton app! He did a beginner body weight workout, and yesterday he tried a 15 minute spin. It is a good start, but he is going to be derailed almost immediately as he just let me know he will be headed back to Alaska next week for the better part of two weeks. I saw this coming so I was not surprised by his news. But I also know the workouts will come to an end and whether he picks them back up....only he will know.
Laurie, great workout. I absolutely love the sound of that premix. I really have grown to love that kind of circuit workout over the last few years. I think Cathe Live has helped with that because she does so many good Circuit workouts on that platform. She mentioned last week at the end of her class that she was excited to get her class back for Live, so I don’t think she plans on doing anymore alone. But I would imagine they will need to limit the number of class members and maybe that will allow for her to continue to do some different types of workouts than she does with her full class. Yes, I was shocked when DH surprised me on Sunday morning with wanting to workout! But like I mentioned to Thelma, I am a little concerned it will be another short run at this.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Jamie Kinkeade Feel Good Dance Workout, Yoga Basics and LIS AfterBurn. I am really enjoying this week's workouts! My knee is feeling better. I think it's interesting that I can do jumping jacks but not the step!
I signed up for a yoga workshop on 9/11 from 5-8PM and I'm dreading it because of the time. It's about the 'why' behind yoga and understanding how moving our bodies on the mat affect our mind, body and heart.
I love the instructor so I know it will be good. We're going to have two 1/2 hour pre-classes to go over the connection of postures, hearts, body and mind prior to the workshop. There may be some homework and I think some yoga too.
Laurie, good job trying the premixes! I love that Lean Body Circuits workout!
I'm going to take a look at Pop Sugar again for low impact workouts. Jamie Kinkeade doesn't have a lot of workouts so there's only so much I can do from her channel. It's a good thing we've been working out for such a long time that we know how to make things low impact.
Laurel, great workouts and good for you for pushing yourself so hard! I definitely couldn't do it. AfterBurn is a hard workout!
I am so glad your DH actually did a couple of workouts! Too bad he has to go back to Alaska though. Is it cold there already? I hope he picks up the workouts when he returns from Alaska.
I like doing my cardio first thing in the morning. It makes such a huge difference on how my day goes. I usually go from cardio to yoga though, then I don't do my Cathe workout until the afternoon.
Staying off the step during Athletic training helped a lot with my knee.
Goodnight ladies!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
This morning was 30MTF Body Shop Workout 1.
Laurel, Glad to hear that your legs adjusted to the workout, sounds like it was tough. I hear you on the cardio. The two I did at the beginning of the week where tough, and this morning I had to take it down a notch. I'm trying to get my DH to at least do some ab work, he is good with the walking. He has been taking Rocket for a walk during the day when he isn't busy. Dang on your DH having to head up to Alaska again. I'm sure that Cathe's classes are going to be minimal. I'm sure there will be people that will not go to the gym.
Thelma, Great job on your workouts. That is the same thing that happened to my knee. I could do jumping jacks, but the step was a no no. It also didn't like when I did the split jumps. That isn't a great time, but I hope that you enjoy the class. Since we have been getting older along with these instructors, I'm sure that people like us have sent out the request that we can't do those workouts anymore. I know at the road trip, Cathe mentioned that she had a hard time with doing all those workouts in one day. Her body had a hard time adjusting also.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a fun one. I did 4DS Kickboxing cardio into 4DS Bootcamp Upper Body Circuit premix. Thank you, Thelma, for recommending that latter workout. I was really surprised how effective it was even with the heavier, slower lifting style of the 4DS workouts. I definitely want to try to BC Lower Body circuit someday. DH did another bodyweight workout with Peloton yesterday and we have walked every day this week. I am so hoping this keeps up when he gets home. Even in just a few days I can tell how much easier he is moving about.
Thelma, great workouts! I love the sound of that yoga class but agree on the time. But I always feel like with yoga that I am missing the key component of the ‘why’ behind yoga, and this sounds like it will answer that question. I just wish I had enough interest and patience to pursue something like what you are doing! I don’t think it is too cold in Alaska yet. DH should be there, though, to see the last leaves fall off the trees as autumn is now....and will last for the next three weeks-ish!
Laurie, great workout. I definitely pushed myself pretty hard the last couple of days. But at least my body doesn’t feel like I am pushing it too hard because at least I am not sore. But during my workouts.....I was getting pretty tired! But I think part of that is the heat and humidity. And part of it, no doubt, is being 55! One of the reasons I am glad DH is doing these bodyweight workouts is because they indirectly work the core with things like pushups and planks. And, like you, I think he would really benefit from strengthening his core muscles.
See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were a Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk workout and Revive and Restore yoga. I woke up without energy at all. My body didn't want to move. DH and I went on a little ride to NC. It didn't help with my energy. In the afternoon I forced myself to do the walking workout.
Laurie, great job with the Body Shop workout!
Interesting that the same thing happened with your knee. Those split jumps are not good either. I'm so glad Cathe isn't doing crazy high impact stuff. She can still give us a killer workout without all that jumping. I do like those step like AfterBurn. At least I know what my knee needs to feel better.
Laurel, great workouts! I'm so glad you also liked that 4DS Bootcamp Upper Body workout and that your DH did another body weight Peloton workout! Its's also great that he's been walking with you. I hope he'll get back into the routine when he returns from Alaska. Start him with the walks when he comes back! I'm glad it's not cold in Alaska yet. I bet the fall colors are beautiful there.
The yoga class is also being offered on the 12th from 3-6 if you're interested. This instructor is amazing. She has gone to India to learn about yoga and studies with gurus too. She has made me feel different about yoga.
Goodnight ladies!
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