Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies & Happy Wednesday! Ended up heading home last night, so didn’t go to Insane X. This a.m. was BULK Shoulders and tonight I will head to Spinning. DH will be back so Bernie will be safe & sound with him home this afternoon.

    Laurel: Shoveling snow is very hard work …. Especially when you have a lot and it just keeps coming. I would absolutely be asking for a snow blower for “early” Christmas and before they are sold out! Great workout with that alone but excellent job with your scheduled combo! It was unsettling forsure to miss my Monday night BC workout; I was bummed but tried to just not let it eat at me too much. I think a re-visit on Body Beast will be a great idea. I think it is one of those rotations that you kind of forget how great it is. As we have all discovered. Looking forward to STS next week.

    Thelma: Excellent job getting in your BULK Legs workout and walk on the treadie plus a stretch. I don’t think I would ever be able to start my workout at 8:30 at night, even if I was home alone. LOL Sounds like staying with the BULK rotation for you is going to work perfectly as far as time slots and planned weights, etc. Good choice! Hope your aunt is feeling better. Nothing worse than being on vacation and not feeling well. Maybe a little jetlag?

    Laurie: Sounds like a lot of fun doing those JM workouts! Nicely done. Way to get in your BULK Shoulders this a.m. as well. Glad to hear your knee is doing good!

    Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi ladies, no workout for me tonight. I got home late from work and had to immediately switch into hostess mode. I hope to be able to catch up between tomorrow and Saturday.
    My aunt is definitely sick. I had Mucinex and that is helping her. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow so that we can go out. I am getting a much needed haircut tomorrow. Can't wait!

    Laurie, great job with your workouts!

    Laurel, awesome job upping your weight with shoulders! WTG!!! OMG Alaska sounds gorgeous! I love waking up to evergreens covered in snow. Our bedroom is in the back of the house and we have 5 windows in our room. Sometimes when I wake up and open my eyes all I can see are those beautiful white trees.
    I am like you when it comes to houseguests. I had my SIL point out that the dining room table was dusty! I can see her looking at everything too when she's here. Drives me crazy! We have a house built in 1904 so the table was dusty two days after the cleaning lady had been here. So now I clean that table 5 minutes before they get here. Now when I go to their house I notice dusty areas easily where before I wouldn't have paid attention. LOL. you should see me looking at my table from every possible angle to make sure I didn't miss a spot! With my aunts I'm more relax. They really won't say anything and when it's time for me to clean up the house they help out.

    Tami, great job with your workouts! I hope you had fun spinning! Sometimes it's very hard starting my workouts at 8:30 but it seems more like my new normal so I need to just push through. I wish my aunt had jetlag but she is really sick. I feel bad cause I never saw her today. when I got home at 7:15 she was already asleep and I left the house at 7am and they were still sleeping. I really hope she feels better tomorrow.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got home late, so no additional workout last night. We had some sad news yesterday, a friend of ours passed away in his sleep. He actually worked for my company, but at a different location. He was going to retire at the end of this year, and had just turned 60. He wasn't married, and lived with his mother. They don't know what happened at this time. Very sad.

    This morning was BB Bulk Arms, and that is the last BB workout for me. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts, and upping your weights for the shoulders. I always have a problem doing that with shoulders, since it is my weak muscle. Your description sounds really pretty, I really like those sunny days like that. We don't usually get those types of days until Jan/Feb. I like when the sun shines on the snow, and it looks like crystal lights dancing on the snow. Your DH is right, you can adjust the height. There is the potential to throw rocks, but the blowers really can't push the snow that far. They have those shoots angled so that the snow comes out in a arch.

    Tami, Great job getting in your workout, and I hope that spinning was good and energetic. Next week I will probably be on another instructor kick, but that probably is a good thing. If I don't change it up then I start getting that dread feeling. That is probably why I'm ready to start the next four week rotation. :D

    Thelma, So sorry to hear that your Aunt is sick. Hope that she improves enough to go out shopping. Have fun getting your haircut. I'm going to be off next week, since I have 8 days of vacation to eat up before the end of the year.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Wish I could say it was another beautiful day here....but it is snowing. So after I post this, I get to go do my Shovel Max workout! :p Anyhow, I enjoyed my last Bulk workout this morning with Bulk Arms. I went up on the exercises I didn’t’ go up on last week, so it was pretty challenging. I loved it. I love what these six weeks have done for my body. DH keeps pointing out how baggy my jeans have gotten. Yes! Couldn’t be happier about that. For cardio, I did RWH Plyo HiiT One into Cathe Live Mixed Impact HiiT and Abs.

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That is much too young an age. I cannot even imagine what his Is experiencing. My thoughts are with you and his family. Thanks for the input on the snow blower. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if one doesn’t find its way home with us this weekend. :) Yay for completing Bulk! Like you, I am pretty ready to move on now too.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about your aunt. Hopefully good rest will heal her up quickly. That is no fun for her. I can’t believe your SIL pointed out the dust on your table! Wow.....that would not make me happy (mild understatement). My sister who is coming next month should I put this......definitely NOT a clean freak. Quite the opposite in fact. So I feel no pressure from her, that’s for sure. So whatever I do, it is because I am making me do it. Love the sound of your bedroom windows though. That’s what I want in a house someday for sure.

    Tami, great job with the workouts. I have a few ideas for what to do as a rotation after this one (yes, I am planning five months early!), but I think it will definitely involve heavy weights. I think the last time I stuck with heavy weights for longer stretch than this past six weeks was last time I did Body Beast, so I want to focus on that for awhile. My body seems to love them. But I am going to see how the next couple of months go before I start developing a more solid plan.....maybe. :)

    See you tomorrow.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was really good and tough I thought. Katy said everyone looked tired in the class ….. not sure what that meant exactly but I thought it was a really good class and the energy was good for it only being ¾ full last night instead of jam packed. She did however call me out after saying everyone looked tired. She said "well maybe not you Tami since you weren't at Insanity last night" BAM! I just laughed and she said i can always come back with something on her too. It was all in fun :smile: I know better than to come back with something on her ..... she will make me or the class pay for it.

    This a.m. was BULK Arms and no workout tonight.

    Thlema: Sounds like you are definitely busy with being the hostess right now and thank goodness you are off today and tomorrow. I hope for all of you that your aunt feels better. That’s awful she is so sick. Hopefully you were able to get out today and do some things as well as get your hair cut. Thanks for the kudos on my workouts, spin was fun! Not nearly as full as it has been but it was good.

    Laurie: I am so sorry to hear about your friend that passed away. OMG that is so young too. Good job getting in your last BULK workout this a.m. I still have BUILD Legs tomorrow. Looking forward to our next phase as well. It’s good that you know to keep mixing it up so you don’t get the “dreads” over your workouts!

    Laurel: I am sure you put together another amazing combo today! Any new snow?

    Have a great afternoon ladies!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, arms for me today. My aunts and I had a busy day today. My aunt was feeling much better today. Thank you Mucinex! We went shopping and before my hair cut I dropped them off at home so they could eat a little lunch. Then after my hair cut they helped me make dinner. I made Salvadoran Bean soup served over brown riced. They loved it! Tomorrow morning I have to take my baby Bella to her yearly ophthalmology appointment. She won't be happy! Then after I get back we'll do more shopping and DH will come with us. I love it that he doesn't mind coming with us! He carries our bags! :smiley:

    Laurie, I'm so sorry about your friend! That is so sad and he was so young! His mom must be devastated.
    Great job working out! Enjoy your time off next week. I will be off in December 12/20 - 1/1. That will be great!

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing up the last BB Bulk workout of this rotation! Sorry about the snow but it really is a good workout. There was a time when I had to do the shoveling and we had one winter when I had to do it every day. I think you guys should look into getting the snow blower as an early Christmas gift. The only reason why I'm saying that is because sometimes stores run out of them. It happened to us when we had a very snowy winter and ours died. DH had to order it online. When it finally got here it didn't snow anymore! LOL
    My SIL did that! She started dusting the table with her hands! I don't feel pressure when my aunts are here. You must be very excited about your sister's visit.

    Tami, glad you had a great spinning class. Katy is just too funny. She seems to get a kick out of picking on you! Very kind of you to not come back with something good so the class wouldn't pay for it! LOL

    Have a wonderful weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did another Jillian workout, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Felt great. This morning was KCM's 30MTF Split Sessions Lower.

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts! Sorry to hear that you had to do another round of shovel max, and after that arm workout too. I love that your jeans are getting baggy too, I have noticed that mine are not as tight. They are not baggy yet, but I'm getting there. :D If you do get a snowblower, I'm sure you will enjoy having it when that snow has blown over your driveway.

    Tami, Nice job with the workout, and getting in your spinning class. Katy is going to pick on you no matter what, she knows that you can take it as the joke it is. ;) I opted to change up the BB workouts for that last leg workout, I just couldn't do those leg presses in the BB Build workout. That is one exercise that I just dread doing. ;)

    Thelma, Good job getting in the workout, even with all the activity at your house. The bean soup sounds like it would be wonderful. My DH doesn't like beans, so I really don't have a chance to make things like that. Even in my chili, he picks the beans out. :o He doesn't like the texture of them. Glad to hear your Aunt is feeling better, and that your DH is going to carry all the bags for you today. I'm going to be off for Christmas week also, we always spend some of that time at my parents.

    Thanks for all the thoughts with our friend, still have not heard anything else. I'm guessing that the family will have something within the next few weeks as far as funeral arrangements.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I went a little less intense on my workout this morning. I was outside for two hours yesterday moving snow about and knew I had another round of it today. So I thought my body could use a little gentler routine.....but not too gentle. :) I started with Cathe Live Love Those Legs which is very similar to ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Rock It Sock It, which is similar to ICE Rock’m Sock’m. Then it was another round of Shovel Max. But that should be the last time I have to do that for a few days.....I hope!

    Tami, that is funny from Katy, but all in good fun. I like that. I pulled out my Meso 1 worksheets today to get ready for the next phase! Unlike the dread I was feeling thinking about P90X, I am actually looking forward to this next month of workouts now. Thanks to you and Thelma for helping me see another way to go with this coming month. I think we have seen the end of snow for a few days. The temperature is supposed to dive 30 degrees tonight (it is currently 12), so those temperatures generally mean clear skies. Looking forward to that for a few days.

    Thelma, I am so happy your aunt is feeling better and you were able to spend the day with her. The soup sounds wonderful! Glad you all enjoyed it. You are right about snow blowers selling out. DH was looking into some for his work, and they are sold out. But Lowe’s will be getting more next weekend, so I think we will go sign up for one. Our driveway is about four car widths and a little longer in length, so it really is a lot of space to cover with a shovel. It has been fine with these temperatures, but I really realized yesterday that much colder, and I wouldn’t be able to do it. So hopefully we will have a better solution......before winter officially starts. B)

    Laurie, another great workout! Sounds like Jillian was the perfect instructor for this week. I am hoping to get her Yoga Meltdown in tomorrow, but I may have to go with something even shorter due to an early appointment for new contacts. And shopping for Thanksgiving. And trying to get our outdoor Christmas lights up. And......lots of other stuff! But I am determined to get some yoga in!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a really busy shopathon of a weekend. Shopping is exhausting. Today I asked DH to take my aunts shopping while I cleaned up the house. It worked out nicely and by the time they got back I was done with the cleaning.
    Exercise wise it wasn't a good weekend. On Friday I did Jessica Smith Low Impact Hiit. I took Saturday off. Today I XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Chest, Jessica Smith Abs.
    My aunt is finally pretty much back to normal. There is a trace of a dry cough but that's about it.

    Laurie, great job getting those workouts in.
    The bean soup is really wonderful. Maybe you can set aside a portion of the foods you cook for your husband before you add the beans. Thank God my American husband loves Salvadoran food! I can't wait for my time off at Xmas time!

    Laurel, great job to you too for getting your workouts in addition to your Shovel Max workout!
    I'm so glad you are to go sign up for a snow blower! You do have a huge driveway. I used to do a long 3 car driveway. I'm short so after a while it became really hard to throw the snow over the mountains of snow on either side of the driveway. Good point about not being able to do the snow removal yourself during seriously cold temps! Sounds like you may need a plow service.

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies! We had a busy but fun weekend. Saturday was another of those beautiful days here, but the temp never did get above -10. Today is the same. I don’t mind because it means sunshine. I guess living in the Sunshine State did have an impact on me. B) Saturday I did Jillian Michael’s Yoga Meltdown One and really liked it. It is one of those I will reach for when I am not looking for relaxing or peaceful yoga, and I love having more of those options (Bob Harper’s bring another one). Sunday I started Meso 1 with Disc 1......and absolutely enjoyed the heck out of it. :o I don’t think.....for all my STS love.....that I have ever said that about that particular workout. And certainly didn’t expect to feel that after coming out of those Bulk workouts. But I will take it! I followed it with Cathe Live 100 Episode workout which is a great one. Today was Meso 1 Disk 2/Legs....and I loved it. For cardio, I did Cathe’s latest Live workout which was Compound HiiT. Short and surprisingly tough.

    Thelma, I think you are doing great getting your workouts in with your guests and work! Great job this weekend.....and finding the energy to shop and clean! I agree about shopping. It is exhausting. So glad to hear your aunt is almost back to normal. Hopefully you can all enjoy this week together.

    So it is beginning to look like Christmas up here. DH and I took the opportunity to decorate the outside of the house this weekend.....before more snow or colder temperatures. Even as it was it was difficult. I think I told you all that I asked him to build a sleigh for our front area one summer evening when I was drinking wine.....and he agreed. Well, I love the result so thought I would share.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday. We had a little Office Retirement Party for a lady that has been here for 41 years! So I didn’t really get much of a regular lunch break to chat with you all. So Friday I ended up hitting the snooze in the a.m. but went to Spinning after work; did my last BB workout on Saturday then which was of course BUILD Legs and followed it up with 21 DFX XT Yoga. Yesterday started off our next phase with STS Meso #1 “The Push-UP Workout” I like to call it. LOL Felt great, minus those 30 at the very beginning. Then I packed up a bag of snacks/water to head to my Volleyball Tourney. We played really well up to the Championship game … ended up 2nd place. But that is still good. We just all kind of fell apart, for me it isn’t the loss necessarily but going out playing not to our potential. Sort of handing them the game so to speak. LOL But that’s ok. We have so much fun together and will play in the 3rd Annual Holly Jolly Tourn. On December 3rd. Then start winter league in January.

    Today’s workout will be BootCamp and then STS Legs tomorrow. DH was having trouble with his back again last night and slept on the couch (thinking that would feel better) so I didn’t want to wake him up with clanking weights around plus I would need the light on.

    Thelma: Firstly, I am happy to hear your aunt is feeling better and I bet she is too. Sounds like so much fun hanging out in the kitchen fixing up an authentic dinner. Your DH is truly a Saint I say. My DH would never go shopping with a bunch of us ladies and carry our bags. HE would wait in a Sports Bar and watch football. LOL Yes, Katy does like to pick on me …. I think because she knows I can take it. She would never if she thought it bothered me.

    Laurie: Great job with your workouts! It has been soooooo long since I did that JM workout “BFBM” but it is a good one in a short period of time I remember. Good job with KCM Lower Body as well and making it work for you … don’t want the dread factor kicking in! The exercise that I have come to dread slightly but love when I am done is the Bulgarian Split Squat … LOL

    Laurel: Good grief on all that shoveling! We have had winters like that but luckily DH had a snow blower and I didn’t have to help. But I remember back in the day having a winter that I shoveled every single day just to keep up and still could barely get my little car in the driveway. LOL (Pre-DH days). Sounds like you still got some amazing workouts done! Yay for STS ~ I feel the same way, after first workout I am right in it and looking forward to what it brings . Especially through the holidays. That red sleigh is absolutely darling and perfect in front of your house. Holy SNOWfall as well! Glad you will have a little break for a while. What are you and DH doing for Thanksgiving?

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    I read on Cathe's e-letter that she has a free trial on her on demand service. What is the difference between this service and her live service?
    It's been really hard getting my workouts in this past week and this week didn't start any easier. I left work at 6pm and headed straight to our local supermarket to buy some chicken noodle soup, juice and some berry muffins for my aunts so they have that for tomorrow. I hope the chicken soup helps them.

    Tami, great workouts and congrats on finishing up on 2nd place in VB! I bet it hurt to feel that your team handed over the win to the other team. Your looking at it in a positive way. It's about the team effort and the fun you had during the season.
    It really is fun to prepare a meal together. On Thursday we'll all be working together (if feeling better) on the apple pie. We'll have an assembly line going! Peel, Core, Cut. DH is really a Saint. He not only carries our bags, he also pays for my purchases! Not that I don't have my own credit cards but it's so much easier for him to deal with that! LOL. He may go to one store with my aunts while I go to another one. Today he worked from home so when he saw that my aunts were going to walk to the little shopping plaza in this cold weather he called me to ask me if they would like a ride. So I called my aunts to ask and they accepted the ride. They declined the pick up offer but he still went to find them after 2 1/2 hours to give them a ride home.

    Laurie, I hope you have a wonderful vacation!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Definitely feeling that STS leg workout today......just like I always do when I start Meso 1. Always gives me serious DOMS which I take as a good thing. Unfortunately, it left me with little energy. So, of course, I did a ridiculously long workout. :o I started with Rock’m Sock’m Knockout and Blizzard Blast into Cathe Live Warrior Kickboxing. With the tough core work in that latter workout, it ended up being just shy of two hours......but it went by quickly and was a lot of fun. All those kicks seemed to have helped my legs as well, which is good.

    Tami, glad you are enjoying the return to Meso 1as well......but you are right about those first 30 push-ups! After that it is all downhill. ;) Congratulations on the volleyball though I understand the disappointment in not playing to full potential. But at least you all enjoy playing so you will be back in th champions chair again, no doubt. I am sorry to hear about your DHs back. Hopefully it is just temporary and some rest and light stretching will do the trick for him. DH and I are going to do a small Thanksgiving.....just the two of us. We are going to roast a turkey breast and do a couple of side dishes, so nothing too major. Of course we decide on this small Thanksgiving turkey and when checking out with our groceries at our local North Pole Safeway on Sunday......they gave us a free 18lb turkey! :o So that is now perched in my freezer. We will probably give it away to the local Catholic Church at Christmas. But I am still stunned they were just handing them out for free. What are you doing this year?

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the long days. Sounds like your aunts are still under the weather if you are buying them chicken soup? Hope they and you are okay! Cathe On Demand is a streaming service for her DVD workouts. It is just for the main DVD workout (no premixes) and does not include access to her Live workouts. I like On Demand for traveling because I don’t have to either carry DVDs or download workouts on to my iPad. But since I own most of her workouts, it is a little redundant for me. But if you want to try some of the workouts you don’t have, free access for awhile is a great option. On Demand also gives you access to her workout blender where you can create your own workouts from her workouts. For instance, you could create a workout using the XT warm-up and then go into the upper body work from STS Total Body (as an example). I do have an issue with this option, though. I can create workouts just fine, and they play on my iPad just fine. But when I plug my iPad into my TV, they stop at the end of each chapter. I have no idea why and will try to figure out why....some day. When I do figure it out, this will, no doubt, be my favorite feature of On Demand. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying your week off.

    See you tomorrow.


  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good BootCamp class last night. She did a format of various excercises working Legs – Shoulders – Bi’s with rep patterns of: 50, 20, 50, 20 then 40, 15, 40, 15, etc. down to 10 reps each. It was a total of 10 rounds of strength and then also cardio bursts of: 3 KB swings, 3 burpees, 5 KB swings, 5 burpees X10 rounds of that back and forth. This a.m. was STS Legs and tonight I will head to Insanity.

    Thelma: Don’t worry about the missed workouts right now …. I am sure you are running around busy enough being the Hostess with the Mostess and that in itself is exercise! LOL Plus shopping. I hope they are both feeling better by Thanksgiving forsure so you can all enjoy the yummies. Yes, your DH is a Saint … its official! What a sweetie pie.

    Laurel: It always amazes me to no end when you say “little energy” and follow it up with a 2 hour cardio session! LOL Way to WORK! Luckily DH is feeling better last night and this a.m.; it is just stiff and sore but not “out” or muscle spasm like it has been before. Thank goodness. I told him that stretching and moving is really important. He is realizing that but not seeming to make the time for one or the other right now. {SIGH} Your Thanksgiving with DH sounds like it will be very nice. It will probably just be me and DH as well OR we will drive over to his parents. They just came over on Saturday for a dinner with us along with my stepson and his girlfriend so they said, no worries about Thanksgiving. DH said we will probably go visit and come back for our own dinner. Anotherwords, it is up in the air right now. We will just BBQ probably since we enjoy doing that. OR DH will make his Thai Shrimp we love so much. We will see. I have to work Friday so it always makes it not quite “holiday” like when you have to work the next day.
    Hi Laurie – Safe travels!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. Another long day at work. I got home at 6:30, spent a few minutes with my aunts and realized I was hungry since I hardly had time to eat at work today. So I had dinner because I definitely knew I was not going workout given the way I felt. I then joined my aunts in our bedroom where they were watching TV and I fell asleep right away. They went to bed at 8ish and I felt asleep right after that. Needless to that is why I'm posting so late because now I'm wide awake.

    You ladies are doing amazing with your workouts! I can't wait to start the new phase. I just realized that you are doing Meso workouts instead of P90X. Clearly I missed something. This means I need to change my rotation schedule. Could you share with me what you have planned to do for this phase since that would make my planning this coming weekend a lot easier? Thanks!

    My other aunt did get sick. I was surprised it took her this long to catch the bug. She seemed to be doing today. I feel bad that will go back home sick! Of all the years they've been coming to visit this is the first time they've gotten sick while here.

    Laurel, your Thanksgivings menu sounds pretty much like ours. We are going to cook a 6lb turkey breast. I can't believe the supermarket gave you an 18lb turkey! Wonderful idea to donate it to the Catholic Church. When will you get the snow blower? I don't think I would care for the On Demand service at this point in my life. I imagine it takes time to be creating your own blender workout and I don't have that kind of time. I forgot to tell you that over the weekend a family in my time gave away a 5 disc cd changer. Well it's more like they put it out on the street and announced it on the town's Curb Alert Facebook group. I happened to see the alert while DH and I were on our way home from our shopping trip with my aunts. So I made him drive straight to that home and we took it. DH hasn't had a chance to test it yet but I'm happy about the possibility of having a back up device. I'm also happy about the price since we had to pay a lot for a used device.

    Tami, those are serious reps and it sounds like a great workout! Sorry your DH is experiencing stiffness. People just don't realize the importance of moving and stretching and it's even more important as we get older.
    Do you get Friday off?

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was STS Disc 2/Back and Triceps, and I took the weights much higher than I had done when I did this workout in the LGI8 rotation. Thank you, Sagi! It felt good. For cardio, I did Cathe Live Cardio HiiT Metabolic. After yesterday’s marathon cardio, this was short, sweet.....but still tough. And, later today, I will be doing Shovel Max again. :o I am thinking Alaska has a measuring problem because their idea of ‘less than an inch’ is consistently looking like 6 inches (and increasing) to me. ;)

    Tami, yowza on that workout! That sounds like a lot of reps. Great job!! I love the sound of your Thanksgiving. Honestly, I would have preferred to have a nice breakfast and just skip dinner all together (minus a snack). But when DH mentioned (unasked) how much he was looking forward to my stuffing......well I didn’t put up too much of a fight about dinner. And with temps below zero tomorrow (and all the snow we are getting today), spending the day inside and cooking a nice dinner isn’t the worst thing we could be doing. :)

    Thelma, I am sorry about the long day and your sick aunt. That is so unfortunate for all of you that they have been ill because I know how much you enjoy your time together. Hopefully everybody will be well tomorrow so you can enjoy your holiday. Great news of the 5 DVD changer! They are rare finds these days. Well, I will be kicking myself in a couple of hours when I am standing in the driveway surrounded by a sea of white......but I said no to the snow blower. :o We were there in Lowe’s getting ready to put our name down on one coming in this weekend, and I looked at DH and said ‘I don’t want to spend $800 on something that I can do just as well with a $30 shovel’.....especially since I hope we are only here a couple of years before moving back to a place that doesn’t need a snow blower. B) So we left the store. Right now, as I look outside, I am thinking my practicality may just be the death of me. :# Anyhow, here is our Meso 1 schedule for these four weeks:

    Sunday-Discs 1,4,7,10 (one per week)-Shoulders, Biceps, and Chest
    Monday- Discs 3,6,9,12-Legs
    Tuesday-cardio of your choice
    Wednesday-Discs 2,5,8,11-Back and Triceps
    Thursday-cardio of your choice
    Friday- Total Body workout of your choice

    Hope that helps.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you, Ladies, for being my friends and for inspiring me through some tough times this year. I will never be able to fully express my appreciation.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, another crazy shopping day today! I did BB Bulk Shoulders today.
    I took my aunts out for breakfast and as we were leaving I went to get the car because it was raining and one of my aunts didn't see the curve and fell down. OMG my heart went all the way down to my feet I think. I couldn't get off the car fast enough. I tried to help her get up but she was pretty heavy for me. Eventually she got up on her own. She landed on a huge puddle and her behind was all wet, she also twisted her ankle. OMG I was so scared. I gave her an Aleve just in case. She seems to be OK. I drove back home so she could change and then we went shopping all day long. We were pretty much gone 9 - 5.

    Laurel, another winning combo! Great job! Thanks for sharing your STS rotation with me! I think I'm going to go with STS Meso 1 and when I don't have enough time to complete the workout I will shorten it.

    You will probably be OK with the shovel Laurel because you're treating shoveling as a workout. I had a full time job and having to shovel everyday eventually became overwhelming. My advice would be keep shoveling a little at-a-time. Don't wait till the snow fall if over. Shovel a few times during the storm.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgivings yourself!

    Ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgivings. Like Laurel I also would like to thank you all for being my friends, my workout partners, my inspiration, the reason why I am still working out. Thank you!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday an a nice weekend. We had a quiet Thanksgiving and weekend. My aunts went home on Friday. We had to go to the airport twice because one left in the morning and the other one in the late afternoon.
    On Friday I did Jessica Smith Kickboxing cardio & Circuit Training, on Saturday Jessica Smith Yoga for Back Pain + 10 min Total Body Stretch. Today I started the Meso I/High reps phase of the rotation.

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Will be a busy day for me today, but I have been keeping up with all my S90 workouts. Yesterday's was a little tough after getting up early and driving home from our weekend with my family. We had a really nice Thanksgiving too. Yesterday was S90D Ultimate Ball workout, and this morning was Back & Bi's. Nice change of pace with these workouts from doing the BB workouts. I will try to get on later to check out everyone's posts.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. We had a very nice, quiet weekend. It was nice to be able to relax together for awhile. I got some good workouts in, though. Thursday was Cathe Live Lift It HiiT It Legs followed by Cathe Live IMAX Live. Friday was High Reps followed by Intensity. Saturday was Cathe’s Yoga Relax. Sunday was STS Meso 1 Disc 4/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps followed by XT Tabatacise and Core 1. And today was STS Meso 1/Disc 6/Legs followed by To The Max.

    Thelma, great workouts. I think you could probably cut these Meso 1 workouts in half and still get a great workout. That is a benefit to this Mesocycle since she alternates body you know each body part will have been worked no matter when you stop. I hope your aunts made it home safely and your aunt doesn’t have any issues from her fall. That would have scared me too! Hope when they visit next time their trip goes a little smoother. I survived the shoveling on Wednesday with no problems. Even though we had about five inches, the snow was so light it wasn’t really a problem. I did hear yesterday that we have broken a snow fall record for November, which doesn’t surprise me at all. Given that, if this is as bad as it gets, we will be fine without a snow blower.

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving. No doubt S90 feels totally different from Body Beast. But that Ultimate Ball workout is so good. Hope you get caught up at work quickly.

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.....even though you had to work on Friday. Hopefully that wasn’t too bad.

    See you tomorrow.
