Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Feels like forever since I chatted with you all! Thanksgiving was good except working both days in between makes it not really feel like a holiday. DH and I ended up just being the 2 of us because his mom came down with a bad cold Thanksgiving a.m. so we just had the day for us and watched football. They were maybe going to come by or we were going to do something Friday when I got off work, but it was a "no go" on that since she was ill.

    I did get my workouts in: Thursday for Cardio day I did Cardio Slam, Friday I actually didn’t work out, went to work and we were able to go at 2:00, so that was kind of nice. Saturday I did STS Total Body and yesterday was STS #4. Today I will go to BootCamp after work.

    Thelma: It sounds like you had some much needed R&R over the Thanksgiving holiday. Hopefully you were able to get it. I hope your Aunts both had a nice time visiting despite getting sick. Congrats on the new DVD player! That is so funny how you got it and good on your DH (again) for going straight there to be the first one. DH is doing better with his stiff back, but I think this will forever be ongoing unless he figures out a way to make time for his poor body and move/stretch at least a few times a week. Sadly, as you read above I didn’t have Friday off. PLUS I was filling in for the other dept. Wed and Fri so a lot of back and forth. Luckily it wasn’t overly busy; pretty dead actually so it was nice we were able to leave at 2:00 when the courthouse closed.

    Laurel: Amazing job with your workouts! Sounds like you and DH had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with the traditional fixings. We did stay with our Thai Shrimp dish and DH BBQ’d steak as well for himself. LOL That’s how he always does it. For some reason he always things Shrimp or Fish needs another main dish with it. I am also thankful for you ladies for the daily encouragement and inspiration along with our “group rotations” that help keep me going throughout the year. I can totally understand why you didn’t go for the snow blower purchase …. Yowsa! Maybe you could find a decent “used” one for your time there.

    Laurie: Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving as well and keeping up with the workouts! Good job.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 1-Disk #3 Legs. OMG I have serious DOMS from yesterday's chest, shoulders, biceps! I think I will have lower body DOMS tomorrow too. As much as I didn't want to stop the BB workouts these DOMS tell me the change was needed.

    Laurie, glad you had a great holiday with your family. Great job getting your workouts in!

    Laurel, so glad you also had a good weekend with your DH! Awesome workouts! Great job! I am trying to do the as much as possible of the STS workouts. I agree with you that the workouts can be cut in half. What I've done is skip one or two of the exercises that she does a lot of flavors of such as pushups yesterday and calves tonight. I skipped the last calf exercise.
    My aunts made it home safely thanks for asking. The fall was scary. So far she is OK. I hope next time goes a lot smoother!
    Wow I can't believe you already broke snow fall records! Fluffy snow is the best kind when you have to shovel it.

    Tami, awesome job getting your workouts. Sorry you had to work on Friday. At least it was slow. Sorry your MIL got sick!
    I managed to get a little rest on Saturday. Friday was crazy having to get up at 4AM to take one aunt to the airport. Then took my other aunt to do some black Friday shopping to kill time until it was time to go to the airport again. These past two weeks have been incredibly exhausting. You just reminded me that DH hasn't said anything about trying out the DVD player we got from a neighbor! Glad your DH's back is doing better. Hopefully one of these days he'll learn that the back needs daily TLC.

    Good night ladies!
  • hopesechosoffice7387
    Hi everyone. I’m new to MFP. I love Cathe workouts and have been using her streaming service for over a month now. Is this group open to join. I would like to have a Cathe group to chat with.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was able to do a workout after work, and I did Jessica Smith's Cardio Party. It was a nice low impact workout. This morning was KCM Split Sessions Workout 2, still using that one since I really love it.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, looks like a great mix. Glad to hear that you have upped the weights on these workouts from your previous time. LOL on the stuffing, that is the one thing my family says they would miss if I didn't make it. My BIL said I should patent it. :D That is a lot of $ for a snow blower! Guess the prices for them are a lot higher up in Alaska than down here. Hopefully you don't get to much more snow.

    Tami, Nice job with your workouts also. Sorry to hear that Mom was sick and not able to make it for Thanksgiving. I hope that she starts feeling better, this current cold virus is really horrible. Sounds like a nice Thanksgiving meal though, sure is a bit different than everyone else probably had. :D I made 6 pies, since the girls wanted a whole pie themselves. So we had all the Thanksgiving trimmings.

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! Sounds like the change of pace from the BB workouts made your body aware of the change. I noticed that change also, so it was working for me also. I just have to make sure that I up the weights next week. Sorry to hear that your Aunt took a spill, hope she recovers quickly. Sounds like a very exhausting time, and now we can look forward to Christmas coming up super quick.

    Hello hopesechoso... Couldn't get the whole tag line ;) Glad to hear that you are enjoying the streaming service, you will probably have the new workouts before I will. Feel free to join us with talking Cathe workouts, we do enjoy having anyone interested in Cathe or other instructors.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio day, and I did long one again.....but not as long as last week. I did S&S Cardio Slam into Cathe Live Solid Cardio and HiiT, and then finished with S&S Bonus Abs. All together it was right at 90 minutes, which was much better than my two hour marathon last week. :#

    Tami, I imagine Thanksgiving didn’t really feel like a holiday when surrounded by work. But your dinner sounds good! My DH sounds like yours when it comes to shrimp and steak. It isn’t one or the other for him.....always both. I could live happily never eating steak, so it works for me in I get my shrimp and he gets all the Surf and Turf he wants. :) Sorry to hear about your MIL. Hopefully she feels better soon. Great workouts, as always!

    Thelma, I am right there with you in feeling the Meso 1 DOMS! This week I am not quite as sore as last but, like you, it really shows me my body needed a change. Great idea in skipping the overly repetitive exercises in the workouts. That should also make them much more enjoyable.

    Laurie, great workouts! Wow on baking six pies! That’s a lot of baking. Bet your DDs appreciated it though. Yes, everything up here is more expensive to be honest. It is just the price of doing business (as I say) in a remote location. We even checked at Walmart and Sears to see if they had anything, and their prices were competitive with Lowe’s. Thelma said yesterday, if I treat it like a workout and just keep on top of it, we should be just fine.

    hopesechosoffice, welcome!! As Laurie said, you are more than welcome to join in our group. I am glad you are enjoying Cathe’s streaming. I use both her On Demand and Cathe Live services, and love both. So free to jump right into the conversation.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Pretty good BC class last night. It was Shoulders Bi’s/Tri’s + Abwork thrown in too. It would be 1 minute of each exercise and then abwork for 1 minute and lots of variations of some push-ups at the very end. She seems to always do 1 minute reps or longer. Needless to say, back-to-back Shoulder days I was feeling it at the end. This a.m. was STS Legs, which is always great.

    Thelma: Great job getting in your Leg workout! Hopefully the DOMS from Chest/Shoulders/Bi’s wears off quickly. I am happy to hear that your Aunt’s made it home safe & sound and hopefully recovering from their trip as well. Maybe this weekend you can get some true downtime where you don’t have to entertain or do anything. Just relax and enjoy. Work still crazy busy for you?

    Laurie: Excellent job on the workouts! I always forget about Split Sessions and love that workout as well. Glad you are enjoying it. OMG I cannot even imagine making that many pies, you are a good mom to make each of them their very own to take. YUM. I bet they loved all the Thanksgiving foods as well. It would be different forsure if I had a family “requesting” something but DH and I are happy to make whatever we want when it is just the two of us. LOL Thank you for the well wishes on my MIL, I think she is doing better so that is good. Sometimes her cold turns to Bronchitis and she is sick for a long time. Hopefully not this time.

    Laurel: Fabulous cardio session you had today … as usual! 90 minutes of straight cardio is impressive let alone the 2 hours you did last week. Holy Moly! I am laughing about your comment “Captain’s Plate” because I always tease him and say, so you’re going to have the Captain’s Plate then, nearly every time he does various seafoods + Steak. I am so happy to not eat steak as well and yet he always offers to cook one for me. LOL

    Hopesechosoffice – Welcome! Please feel free to join us here if you want. We are always talking “Cathe” workouts one way or another. I have not tried the On Demand or Cathe Live sessions but have heard through Laurel they are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ enjoy the rest of your day/evening :smile:

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, I didn't look up today's workout schedule so I did STS Meso 1 Back & Triceps. I guess I'll do cardio the next two days. I have serious pecs and lats DOMS. Even today's warm up hurt. A good hurt off course. LOL. I've gone up on weights in a couple of upper body exercises but I also found that for some I had to go lower just because I had marked the last weight as heavy. Going down on weights was definitely a good move form wise.

    This morning I heard a story about a policeman stopping a driver for driving with a giant Xmas tree on his roof. Little did I know that it happened in my town! LOL

    Laurie, great workouts! I'll have to check that Jessica Cardio Party workout out! Sounds like fun. I've not ran into that one yet.
    I'm glad you're experiencing DOMS too. Feels so good! My aunt's fall was super scary. Those were two exhausting weeks for sure!

    Laurel, awesome combo today! Wow you too are experiencing DOMS! So cool. This was totally unexpected! I have DOMS like I've not had before though. I think all those pushups on Sunday did a number on me! I've had to take Aleve the last two days because I needed things to relax as I don't need any help with back tightness. Tonight I skipped two of the repetitive exercises and I still got a great workout.

    Tami, great workouts! Sounds like a different type of Katy BC class. Oh man! Two days of shoulders would've killed me as my shoulders got a serious workout on Sunday!
    Like I told Laurel, I've had to take Aleve the last two days to help with the DOMS. I hope things are better next week. STS (no pun intended) has seriously shocked my body! Work is not going to get any easier for a long time. I've started my workouts at 8:30 pm the last two nights. I live for the weekends these days so I can sleep in! I was able to sleep in on Saturday but not on Sunday. I woke up way too early!

    Hopesechosoffice, welcome to the group! Glad you are enjoying Cathe's workouts!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I did Jessica Smith's Brain Fitness Fun and Fat Blaster workouts. Guess I'm in a Jessica mood right now. :D This morning was S90D Chest, Shoulders & Tri's. Love getting in that ab work with these workouts also.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts, and glad that you cut that time frame down on those workouts. I can't even imagine working out for that length of time with cardio. ;) It always fascinates me how those DOMS come on when you change up the workouts. I'm feeling it all over my body, so know that the change was good. One of the things I enjoy making is pie crust, so I do enjoy baking them. I think that DH wants me to make a blueberry one of these days. :D I have not made one in a very long time.

    Tami, Nice job on the workout, and class. I can imagine that your shoulders where talking to you after all that work you gave them. A minute is a long time on one body part too. I may have to change up the Split Sessions workout, since I used it for the last round too, and I will see what she has with the new set. I have not seen anything on shipping yet. My MIL gets bronchitis when she gets a cold too, so I understand your concern.

    Thelma, Awesome job with your workout, and making the weight adjustments that where necessary. That is one huge tree that they had on that vehicle. :D Amazing what people attempt. We had a woman put her kid on top of her car trying to hold down a pool. Her excuse was that her father used to do that with them. :o Hope you have a more relaxing weekend coming up.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with STS Disc 5/Back and Triceps. Last week I had increased the weight on some exercises by about five pounds from when I was doing these workouts in the LGI8 rotation. That was quite a jump for me, but it felt good. So today I tried to add my 1# wrist weights on most of those exercises. I am happy to report I was able to do that minus 2 triceps exercises on my left arm. I was happy with that because I really didn’t expect it to be that good. I am finding that doing those Bulk workouts first, with so many 15 rep exercises it them, has increased by confidence on what I can lift in these Meso 1 workouts. Such a good feeling. For cardio, I had planned a moderate, low impact workout today, but both my body and mind said ‘Nope. We want more!’ :) So I listened and did X10 Cardio Blast into Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast. It felt like a lot of fun today.

    Tami, I bet your shoulders were screaming! Sounds like a good class, though. She does seem to change it up every week which is nice. My DH is really good about his steak love because he knows I don’t really care for it. So when we go out, we often go to a steak place for him.....but only if I can get seafood of some sort. I found myself saying once to him in Florida that I felt like seafood so let’s go to the Steak House. He just laughed.....but I did think of our favorite steak restaurant as a seafood restaurant. Oh well. Sadly we haven’t found a good steak place up here so next time we get out the grill (in May), no doubt that will be one of the first things on it.

    Thelma, good job with the workout. No doubt your upper body will enjoy a break, though. I feel the DOMS mostly from the leg workouts. Last week it was from that standing/toning session at the end! Made me think I probably should do more mat work because it really does get in to those muscles. I have to admit I burst into laughter when I opened that link about the Christmas tree on the car. Looks like something out of a movie! I am glad nobody got hurt by it though. Some days you really have to wonder what people are thinking.

    Laurie, sounds like another good workout. Boy do I wish I had mastered the art of making a good pie crust. Mine are so hit or miss. But there is nothing like a good homemade pie crust.....and, sadly, there is nothing like a bad homemade pie crust either. :# I admit over the past couple of years, I have opted for refrigerated pie crusts. I love making everything from scratch, but it is just one thing I can’t seem to do right. Blueberry pie is my favorite. Do you get good blueberries there? I would have to imagine so since that is one berry we get here and our climates aren’t that different. So good. :p

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout this a.m. Will head to Spinning tonight for some cardio though!

    Thelma: Way to get in your next STS workout despite the serious DOMS you are having. Hope tomorrow is better for you. Definitely a different style of class for Katy. She tries to change it up to make everyone happy. IT would be tough and you are never going to please everyone forsure. I’m sorry about work being a constant uphill battle for you right now. Dang it.

    Laurie: Great job with JS Fitness Fun & Fat Blaster – also the S90 workout too! Yes, they were definitely on “fi-ya” my poor shoulders. I was wondering if you had seen or heard anything in those new KCM workouts. Cathe’s should be coming in December I hope.

    Laurel: Way to go on the Back/Tri’s . . . and increasing the weights!!!! Yahoo. Excellent work with the added on Cardio as well.

    Have a great evening ladies~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did Jessica Smith Kickboxing Cardio abs, Treadmill. My DOMS are much better.

    Laurie, great workouts! It really is amazing the crazy things people try. I can't believe that woman put her kid on top of the car to hold the pool down!

    Laurel, awesome combo!! Congrats on upping your weights. I think that out of all the rotations I've done (or attempted to do) this is going to be my favorite. I think I played it safe with the leg workout because there are too many lunges and if I go too heavy my form suffers big time.
    I laughed too when I saw that giant tree on top of that small car. It was almost something out of a movie. at the bottom of the page there was another video of some funny movie. Christmas Vacation I believe.

    Tami, I hope you had a good spinning class! DOMS are almost gone. What a difference a day makes! It's good that Katy tries to change her classes to keep people interested. Work really stinks with the long hours. Hopefully my work will be appreciated.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work yesterday I decided to do some more Jessica Smith workouts, I opted for her Barefoot Fusion Sculpt and Sole Sculpt. This lady is very deceptive in her exercises, but I love it. This morning was cardio, so I did one of my favorite kb workouts with ICE Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job with upping the weight since your LGI8 rotation, that is quite the increase. I would say that Sagi really did his job, and of course you having the confidence to increase the weights too. Nice that you opted for the non low impact, since your body seemed to need it. Of course it looks like you got in the fun CCC type workout too. Yep we have blueberries, but mostly where my parents live in the northern part of the state. It took me quite a few tries to get my crust just right. It all depends on the feel of the dough before you start rolling. I can usually tell if I need more water or flour.

    Tami, Hope your spin class was a good energetic workout for you. Jessica worked my shoulders a little bit more than I expected on the first workout I did yesterday, but the DOMS are good ones for me this morning. Loved that the Cathe workout loosened up the shoulders with the punching. I'm going to guess that Kelly will be shipping first, and Cathe not far behind since they filmed about a week apart.

    Thelma, Great job on your Jessica workout and the treadmill. I really do enjoy working out with her.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did another long workout today, but it was a really good combo that I will definitely repeat. I started with ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast and the Blizzard Blast. Then I added on the Cathe Live Compound HiiT workout from last week, which is very, very similar to the Blizzard Blast except it puts more emphasis on the upper body than lower. But it is the same format—cardio drill followed by weighted exercise back to cardio. It ended up being about 1 hour and 40 minutes with warm up and cool down. But because it wasn’t straight cardio, it really flew by. I will say that last section really tested my arms which are a bit fatigued from yesterday. :o But it felt good.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed the Spinning! I am still researching how to get a Spin cycle. I have DH on board for it. We are thinking Walmart may be our best option. Still love the idea of no impact tough cardio for some days.....and Cathe has so many Spin classes on her Live stuff I would have plenty of workout options. So.....maybe Santa will bring me one.

    Thelma, great workout. Glad to hear the DOMS are much better. You nailed the movie that tree reminded me of—Christmas Vacation! Such a silly movie....but one of our favorites. B)

    Laurie, sounds like an interesting workout. Glad the kickboxing helped ease up the shoulders a bit after that. And you know how much I love that kickboxing workout! Impossible to feel bad after that one.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Great Spin class last night . . . She kept us busy with a lot of different things so the time flew by. This a.m. was STS Disc 5/Back and Triceps. No workout tonight, I will be taking Bernie to get his shots right after work. Going to attempt a nail clipping as well. They may have to sedate him slightly; he wouldn’t let them last time, but it needs to be done. Poor guy, he cried so loud you would have thought they were pulling his nails out or something. So hears hoping it goes well tonight. Will be my first time back there since Emma.

    Thelma: Glad to hear those DOMS are feeling better! Good job getting in some KB w/ abs. I think KB workouts are always good for that, gets the blood flowing through your whole body.

    Laurie: Yay for getting in Rockm Sockm this a.m. The Barefoot Fusion Sculpt sounds interesting … do you do the workout barefoot? Lol Thanks for the thoughts on those workouts. Not that I am ever in “need” and standing by the mailbox but with 2 new ones coming it is something to look forward too.

    Laurel: Fabulous job with the workout combo! As always it sounds amazing. Depending on how much you want to spend on a Spin bike there are some great options. My sister has a Pelaton which is a top of the line style bike, (which she NEVER uses). But they are pricey forsure. WalMart I am sure has some good options or Sears, Costco. Not sure if you have access to either of those. I hope Santa brings you one. They are a great cardio option forsure. I can definitely ask Katy for her thoughts on one. She might be very knowledgeable on this subject.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I came home late from work feeling completely exhausted. My DOMS are almost gone. I can still feel a little triceps DOMS. It feels good that I got my triceps really good!

    Laurie, great workouts. I really like Jessica Smith and love the variety of workouts she offers. I wish I could make a pie crust so I buy the Pillsbury crusts. DH doesn't care for pie crusts anymore so we make pies with crusts once a year when my aunts are here. He likes pumpkin pie and we have a Weight Watchers crustless recipe.

    Laurel, another awesome combo! Great job! I hope you get a nice spinning bike for Xmas! Christmas Vacation is a funny movie! LOL

    Tami, glad you had a great spinning class! Great job with the STS workout. AWWW poor Bernie getting a pawdicure! I can't imagine what it's like to clip a dog's nails. Cats have really soft claws compared to dogs. DH and I clip their nails. I hold the cats and DH clips. Some day when we retire we will adopt a dog. I know DH used to own dogs with his previous wife but it never occurred to me to ask if he did their pawdicures or if they took them to the groomer. It may be a little difficult for you being at the vet's office for the first time since Emma. Just give Bernie a big hug if it gets hard for you being there!

    KB workouts always hit the abs without having to do floor work but this particular workout did include floor work.

    Good night ladies and have a great weekend. TGIF!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did some more Jessica workouts, 360 Abs, 15 Min. Fat Blaster, and 15 Min. Standing Abs. This morning was S90D Legs, and truly do enjoy that workout.

    DH and I went to the funeral for our friend yesterday. Still have to wait another couple of weeks to determine how he died. Apparently he put himself as the beneficiary on his 401K and the small life insurance policy that we have here at work. So now everything goes through probate. I would have thought that he would at least take care of his mother. So now the government will end up getting the majority of the $, and it will be tied up for months to years. So sad.

    Laurel, Sounds like an awesome combo of workouts, and of course getting in the Blizzard Blast. Wow on the length of time with those workout, but you enjoyed it so that is what is important. It appears that we are all testing body parts with our other workouts. I so enjoy the metabolic type workouts, and they seem to compliment the high rep type workouts.

    Tami, Glad to hear that your spin class was a good one. Oh my on Bernie and his nails, that would break my heart to hear him cry like that. Of course they usually are not hurt, it is just them being scared. I have the doggy daycare take care of Rockets, his grow very fast. They usually have to cut his once a month. Yes I did do the workouts barefoot, I like that she has those type of workouts. She does some moves where we lift the toes, and it works better without shoes.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you missed your workout, but I'm sure that you will have an opportunity to get it in at some point. So far I'm having fun with Jessica, so I may continue to use her workouts next week too.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Took the workout down a notch today, but it was a good one. I started with Flex Train which really is a good workout. I don’t do it often enough to truly appreciate its worth, but I really do like the combo of strength and metabolic work in this one. And the triceps work at the end felt tough today on my tired arms from Wednesday! For cardio, I did Rockout Knockout with the Bonus Bag add-on.

    Tami, poor Bernie! I hope the appointment goes well. No doubt it won’t be easy revisiting the vet. Too many memories still I am sure. But I bet Bernie will keep his eye on you....when he isn’t crying for his sore paw nails. :'( Thank you for the recommendations on the spin bikes!! We looked at Sears last weekend, but they didn’t have any on the floor. But that was Black Friday and our normally very quiet store was really busy so I didn’t want to ask about them. But next time we are there, I will. I keep seeing the Pelaton commercials, but I am not sure I want to go there is the concern about getting it shipped here. With both Walmart and Sears that is no problem. If Katy has recommendations on brands, I would love to have them. Thank you!!

    Thelma, sorry to hear about another long day. Glad your DOMS are better though.

    Laurie, no doubt the funeral was difficult. I learned a great deal about wills and probate last year when my mom passed away. She made it so easy for us and even with that it was still not an easy process. I can’t imagine what his mother is going through right now. Legal issues like that just make a difficult time even more impossible. Anyhow, sounds like some excellent workouts. After I get through all these Christmas projects I have going on, I am going to explore both Jessica Smith and KCM more because I am finding that I kind of want a bit of a change right now.

    Hope you all enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a good one but today I woke up with what felt like a pinched shoulder blade. It was painful so I decided not to lift weights today so I'll be off a day on the rotation. On Friday I didKCM 30MTF Cardio/Pump, on Saturday Shiva Rea: Flow Yoga for Beginners and today Jessica Smith Pilates and Yoga Stretch. I've taken Aleve and that has helped so I feel confident that I will be better tomorrow.

    Laurie, awesome workouts on Friday! I'll have to check out those JS workouts! You're finding some I've not ran into yet! OMG how unfortunate about your friend putting himself as his own beneficiary! Sad for sure.

    Laurel, another fabulous workout combo! Great job!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    edited December 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    On Saturday I did Jessica's Dynamic Stretch & AM Energizing Flow. Sunday was S90 Ultimate Ball! Had a very nice relaxing weekend. This morning I did S90 Back & Bi's.

    Laurel, Flex Train is a really good workout, will have to pull that one out for our next round as a metabolic workout. ;) Great job on the Rockout Knockout workout too. Fun that you are looking at a spin bike, you can start using those Cathe workouts. DH and I updated our wills last year, so all we have to do now is our funeral arrangements. Kind of sounds a little morbid, but I don't want our DD's to have to deal with anything. ;)

    Thelma, Nice workouts, but I'm sorry to hear that you are having some shoulder issues. I hope that it clears up quickly, and doesn't cause you further pain.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a nice but busy weekend. I spent most of the weekend in the kitchen starting my annual Christmas cookie bake for DH’s staff. Every year I tell myself I am going to scale back.....and every year I don’t! But it was actually fun, and the cookies are all safely in the freezer until their Christmas party.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a new one. I was looking for workouts on Amazon similar to Kari Anderson’s and people recommended workouts called Ruha Mind Body Movement. I did one called ‘Release’ on Saturday. And it is like Kari Anderson in mixing yoga and Pilates into a total body toning workout. Where Kari is different is she blends in dance moves, and this workout was less that and more ‘athletic’. I enjoyed it. It was not easy but also not too taxing. Sunday I started with STS Disc 7/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps, followed by Cathe Live 100 Episode workout. Today was STS Disc 9/Legs followed by Cross Fire with Core.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about your shoulder blade. Hopefully some rest will take care of it. Great job this weekend with the yoga workouts!

    Laurie, great workouts! Glad you enjoyed a relaxing weekend. Those are nice this time of year!

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend.

    Until tomorrow!
