Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Good weekend of workouts! I met my friend for Spinning on Sat a.m. and later did the HardStrikes workout as planned. I also took the kids for a walk on Sat. Yesterday was Burn Sets Chest/back/Shoulders and I debated on what to follow it up with .. well I picked Asylum’s Strength! It felt good and it had been forever since I did this one. There is a lot of shoulder/core of course in that one so I was feeling it at the end.:wink: So after all that energy and feeling just fine by the afternoon I’m not sure what was going on with me but afternoon into the evening I was feeling anxious, (over I don’t know what ????):noway: my heart was beating fast, carried on into trying to sleep so needless to say I had maybe 2 hrs strung together. I should have taken a “sleep aid” but just didn’t.:frown: I woke up feeling “normal” again which is great but so tired from no sleep; needless to say my 4:15 wakeup did NOT happen for my Legs workout. Again, I’ll be making this one up later in the week. So for today I am planning on going to BootCamp! :wink:

    Laurel: Great job with the workouts yesterday :bigsmile: and sounds like you had a perfect day of REST all cozied in with the blizzard going on. Craziness this time of year, right? We had some nice sunshine and good temps Sat so I took the kids for a walk, yesterday was more like winter again with gray skies and wind. Then it rained in the afternoon. I commend you for getting in the XT Legs workout! Nice job, since that isn’t at the top of our favorites list. :wink: I bet S&G was a fun addition to that. It was interesting to feel my stamina in the Asylum workout yesterday, even after completing my full workout and then doing that I felt strong, a very good sign I would say. Yahoo on ordering up the new DVD’s! :drinker: Oh, I watched a brief infomercial on Tapout, it does look like some good workouts.

    Michelle: Sounds like you had a fabulous weekend with your family! You all do such fun things together, that's great! Nice job with the Turbo Barre & HiiT run on Sat.

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was such an off day for me as far as energy..I had none:huh: I felt so listless and I took a 3 hour nap which seems like it was some of the best sleep I have enjoyed in weeks:yawn: The time change played a factor but it also allowed Mr. C to sleep longer and not wake me up at 4am in order for me to stay with him in the other rooms as our bedroom is off limits...well when dad is home:blushing: This morning I woke up early and felt great and thought about running but it was chilly at 5 this morning:noway: Instead I took out Cathe's Cardio Supersets and enjoyed that one this morning along with a nice sweatfest:bigsmile:

    Tami- My mom had some of those symptoms two years ago and the doctor later attributed it to her thyroid problems that she was diagnosed with last year. Does anxiety run in the family or was that your body's way of trying to destress after a long day. It may seem counterintuitive but sometimes exhaustion will create a hyper active feeling before we crash, so maybe tonight you will enjoy some quality sleep.

    Jaz- Erika has JNL so when she returns she would be able to give you some feedback on that system.

    Laurie- I hope all is well:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- How is your crazy weather? Today I will be enjoying our favorite salad with some fresh avocado slices..may top with some grill shrimp:wink:

    Erika- Where are you lady?

    Ok off to the showers and I really do want to eat my salad but it is still too early:blushing: Dang it:laugh:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I had a great Friday off with the boys, and the weekend was good too. Lots of down time, which I just loved! Workouts have been great, as usual! :bigsmile:

    Tami--I'm sorry to hear about the anxiousness...I have that happen every one in a great while too, and it really drives me nuts. Mine is more of a worry about the kids, but for no reason. I hope you were able to get some good sleep last night. Great job on the workout mixes and of course spinning! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I wish I could send some of our moisture your way...we're back to this dusting-1" of snow every other day. It sure messes with the roads here, that's for sure! Great job getting in the workouts you have time for, but also mixing it up. That always keeps it fun. I love that XTrain is challenging you enough that you feel like STS is a little easy! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--It sounds like your b-day was great, and a trip to Europe to top it off??!?! I'm jealous, I want to go there so bad! What a fun gift to get from your hubby! :bigsmile: Ending b-day week with a fun weekend and great workouts sounds just perfect!

    Laurie--I'm glad you are feeling better, but still wonder what is up with the random bouts of not feeling well!?! Good idea on the walking/weight workouts, as you feel up to it. No sense pushing yourself too hard!

    Have a great day, I'll catch up with you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    I had JNL and had done about 2 months of a rotation with her set. I ended up selling it, only because something in the workout aggrevated my back (no idea what it was) to the point where I couldn't get myself to do it again. I have a sensitive low back, and I think I was able to narrow it down to jumping rope or burpees.

    But, I LOVED the set up. Short, but super effective, and I was a sweaty mess at the end everytime. If you get annoyed by instructors that talk a lot, or have lots of little personal sayings (ie Kiss my Abs, Strong is the New Skinny, etc), then you'll get annoyed with her. If not, she's great!

    I hope that helps! I loved Chalene Extreme, and would rate JNL up there with that one. STS workouts were too long for me (most are close to an hour), so that one didn't last long with me.

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member

    I had JNL and had done about 2 months of a rotation with her set. I ended up selling it, only because something in the workout aggrevated my back (no idea what it was) to the point where I couldn't get myself to do it again. I have a sensitive low back, and I think I was able to narrow it down to jumping rope or burpees.

    But, I LOVED the set up. Short, but super effective, and I was a sweaty mess at the end everytime. If you get annoyed by instructors that talk a lot, or have lots of little personal sayings (ie Kiss my Abs, Strong is the New Skinny, etc), then you'll get annoyed with her. If not, she's great!

    I hope that helps! I loved Chalene Extreme, and would rate JNL up there with that one. STS workouts were too long for me (most are close to an hour), so that one didn't last long with me.


    Thanks. I've had an email offering 10% discount for JNL and they also offer a money back guarantee so going to try that first.
    People have said there is an option to turn up the music and drown her out.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was a good workout day. I started with Cardio Fire and did the premix with the core work (I love the core work in that workout). And then I followed it with XTrain Bi's and Tri's, which is one of my favorites. I don't know why I switched around my cardio and weights today to put cardio first, but it didn't seem to impact my strength, which was good.

    Tami, it is so ironic because I was thinking about Asylum Strength just yesterday!!! Must have been doing our mind meld thing again. :laugh: I'm glad you did it and enjoyed the stamina that you have. As far as the anxiousness, it could be a few things. As Michelle indicated, it could be a sign of thyroid or sleeplessness/exhaustion. Just so you know, I suffer from those kinds of attacks quite a bit, and my thyroid is fine. It could be peri-menopause. Heart palpitations and anxiety are definitely a symptom of that. It could also be a sign of over-training. If it happens again, take note of what you've been doing, where you are in relation to TOM, etc. and see if you can find a pattern. Of course, it could also just be one of those things that happens to the mind/body every now and again when you don't know why you're stressed but something is bothering you without you knowing it. I find that happens to me a bit as well, and I have to think back to something (a conversation, a news story, anything) that might have set me off. Just some you can tell, I have alot of experience with anxiety. :ohwell:

    Michelle, glad you were enjoying some lovely weather last weekend. We are definitely experiencing spring in Colorado which means to expect the unexpected. For instance, we just experienced a completely unplanned snow storm. Go figure. But, again, I'll take it if it means some moisture. Glad you took some time off to sleep. I've been feeling tired since the time change, but I also feel tired around the time seasons change too (which is just the strangest thing, but it has been going on for years, so I recognize the pattern). Getting out of bed in the morning has been quite a struggle this week. :yawn:

    Erika, glad you enjoyed your weekend with your little ones!! That's the best kind of weekend.

    jaz, regarding the equipment in STS and XTrain, there is no doubt both programs use alot of equipment. For STS, you need a variety of weights, a step (or workout bench), a stability ball and a band of some sort. You also need some ability to do pull ups (you can use tubing as opposed to a pull up bar). Each Mesocycle lasts one month or two depending on how long you want to do the program. I actually like the 6 1/2 STS rotation the best because I feel like that ensures the best strength results for me. The 90 rotation is just a little fast for me as I don't feel like I get the full benefit of the week's workouts before I have to move on. But that is a personal preference. XTrain also uses alot of equipment, but not for all workouts. For instance, hard strikes requires just a couple of weights. Tabatacise only requires your step and a couple of weights. And so on. Hope that answers your question. Please ask if you have more.

    Laurie, I hope you are okay! :flowerforyou:

    Until tomorrow.....

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: After a good night’s rest (compared to the night before) I felt way better today! Last night’s BootCamp was a good one. Since we had nice weather yesterday and it was light out, she had us run outside in between our first set of 10 stations. Felt a little cold but of course we warmed up. :wink: Then went back in and did another round. Today was XT: Bis/Tris followed by Core work. Tonight will be Insane-X “unless” the plan of going to dinner with DH’s business associate comes into play. He said “maybe” we are going so we’ll see. I have my gym bag and ready to go if not. Funny that I am secretly hoping it gets changed to say Thurs night when I don’t have a class :blushing:

    Michelle: Great job on Cardio Supersets today! Hope you liked it, I think that one is so much fun, time flies by. Thanks for the thoughts/ideas on my symptoms Sun. Anxiety doesn’t play a role in our family (which is good), each year when I do my “annual checkup” they check my thyroid and it is always right on. So maybe it was simply being tired and my mind was racing in the background a bit, just an odd feeling forsure. TOM starting up too??:grumble: Who knows, maybe? I’ve had that happen before of course being anxious for something but not just randomly like that . YUM again on your food choice!

    Erika: So nice to hear your Fri & weekend were good and lots of down time. :smile: That feels so good I’m sure especially all the traveling to hockey you do. Thanks for the well wishes, yes much better yesterday other than the “tireds” and then a good workout and night sleep always helps!

    Jaz: Sounds like you may have made your decision on the JNL program but in the future if you have the option to try STS or XTrain I would highly recommend both. XTrain has so many options and so many pre-mixes. You do need a ball, step bench and weights along with the bands. STS is such a fantastic weight program for improving strength. It is very straightforward and Cathe does not leave one muscle alone throughout! Please feel free to ask any questions on either program! Happy to help. I have seen the advertisement for JNL but have not done that program.

    Laurel: Great job with the combo today! :bigsmile: Sometimes it’s nice to change it up, cardio first, weights second! Thanks so much for those ideas on my symptoms! Great, maybe it is the ol peri-menopause:noway: … YIKES! :grumble: Or pre-TOM as I mentioned above to Michelle. I will definitely take note in the future. I know DH mentioned several “ideas/plans” to me as of late to take a little trip at the end of the month. So I’ve been running ideas through my mind, coordinating perhaps with my sister, or not, it’s all up in the air but I do worry about “the plan” and not having one. If that makes sense. Maybe it was that too. That is so funny that you have been thinking about Asylum Strength!! I am not surprised at all because we do tend to get on that same mind meld with workouts. :laugh: :bigsmile: Love it.

    Hi Laurie – Hope things are going well for you and you are feeling ok?! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow, Tami
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: After a good night’s rest (compared to the night before) I felt way better today! Last night’s BootCamp was a good one. Since we had nice weather yesterday and it was light out, she had us run outside in between our first set of 10 stations. Felt a little cold but of course we warmed up. :wink: Then went back in and did another round. Today was XT: Bis/Tris followed by Core work. Tonight will be Insane-X “unless” the plan of going to dinner with DH’s business associate comes into play. He said “maybe” we are going so we’ll see. I have my gym bag and ready to go if not. Funny that I am secretly hoping it gets changed to say Thurs night when I don’t have a class :blushing:

    Michelle: Great job on Cardio Supersets today! Hope you liked it, I think that one is so much fun, time flies by. Thanks for the thoughts/ideas on my symptoms Sun. Anxiety doesn’t play a role in our family (which is good), each year when I do my “annual checkup” they check my thyroid and it is always right on. So maybe it was simply being tired and my mind was racing in the background a bit, just an odd feeling forsure. TOM starting up too??:grumble: Who knows, maybe? I’ve had that happen before of course being anxious for something but not just randomly like that . YUM again on your food choice!

    Erika: So nice to hear your Fri & weekend were good and lots of down time. :smile: That feels so good I’m sure especially all the traveling to hockey you do. Thanks for the well wishes, yes much better yesterday other than the “tireds” and then a good workout and night sleep always helps!

    Jaz: Sounds like you may have made your decision on the JNL program but in the future if you have the option to try STS or XTrain I would highly recommend both. XTrain has so many options and so many pre-mixes. You do need a ball, step bench and weights along with the bands. STS is such a fantastic weight program for improving strength. It is very straightforward and Cathe does not leave one muscle alone throughout! Please feel free to ask any questions on either program! Happy to help. I have seen the advertisement for JNL but have not done that program.

    Laurel: Great job with the combo today! :bigsmile: Sometimes it’s nice to change it up, cardio first, weights second! Thanks so much for those ideas on my symptoms! Great, maybe it is the ol peri-menopause:noway: … YIKES! :grumble: Or pre-TOM as I mentioned above to Michelle. I will definitely take note in the future. I know DH mentioned several “ideas/plans” to me as of late to take a little trip at the end of the month. So I’ve been running ideas through my mind, coordinating perhaps with my sister, or not, it’s all up in the air but I do worry about “the plan” and not having one. If that makes sense. Maybe it was that too. That is so funny that you have been thinking about Asylum Strength!! I am not surprised at all because we do tend to get on that same mind meld with workouts. :laugh: :bigsmile: Love it.

    Hi Laurie – Hope things are going well for you and you are feeling ok?! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow, Tami

    Thanks. I'm sure I will get one or both in the future.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Tonight will be Insane-X “unless” the plan of going to dinner with DH’s business associate comes into play. He said “maybe” we are going so we’ll see. I have my gym bag and ready to go if not. Funny that I am secretly hoping it gets changed to say Thurs night when I don’t have a class :blushing:

    Just found out we have to reschedule :wink: Headed to Insane-X :bigsmile:
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was a shorter workout....but a goodie. I did Cardio Leg Blast Extreme Premix with Core 2. I love that one. It felt really good. I toyed with adding extra leg work at the end, but just ran a bit short of time today. Oh well.

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your class last night! Don't you love it when things work out the way you hope? Glad you hear you were feeling better. Anxiety is a funny thing. It can just creep up on you and all of a! Not fun. Hopefully a good night's rest and just a little relaxation took care of it.

    Wishing all of you a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X was a good one! :bigsmile: We did the “all cardio” pre-mix (again) where you do 30 exercises, one minute each. BUT, the kicker before and of course after was two sets of suicides (full length of gym) + 10 burpees – twice. We ran forward and then backwards on the suicides. With a crowded group it was difficult to see where you are going. :laugh: Today was Cardio Leg Blast + Core and Spinning tonight. :wink:

    Laurel: Nice job on the workout today! :smile: I was wondering if you would do an add-on with legs. Glad that the workout you did felt good in the timeframe you had. Thanks for the well wishes.:flowerforyou: Yes, it must have been anxiety or “whatever” but the good news is that it didn’t last and I have slept really good the last couple of nights. Workouts are feeling great too:bigsmile:

    Hope you are all having a great day!
    Talk to you tomorrow,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a short workout this morning. It was Hard Strikes (the entire workout). It felt good. But I have been organizing a charity fundraiser taking place Saturday night, and the next two days are going to be crazy! So that's all the time I have today. Tomorrow I will squeeze in Supercuts.....but I probably won't be able to drop in and say hello to all of you. The good thing is that starting next week, life should get much calmer.

    Tami, those suicide drills sound tough! And dangerous. :wink: Glad you enjoyed the class. Glad you are feeling better!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Things are crazy. My college girlfriend and DD godmother's mom passed last week and yesterday we received news that my FIL has to be taken off all machines. My hubby is headed down but we were told he may not make it pass Sunday. Send me prayers ladies. I plan to exercise today but also working a new program which is very interesting this company:grumble: Ok back to work.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:
    Spinning was a tough one but great! :bigsmile: This a.m. was HardStrikes (entire workout) and headed to Insane Abs at lunch today! No class tonight and our dinner that was reschedule for tonight is already postponed for another time. So I have a free night to get an earlier start on dinner & relax a little bit. :wink: It’s nice temps here today so maybe a walk with the kids will be in the lineup as well. It’s so great that we have more daylight now.

    Laurel: Great job with HardStrikes today, that one just flies by doesn’t it? Good luck with your fundraiser, hope it goes well for you. Week 10 done tomorrow with XTrain … hard to believe:noway:

    Michelle: I’m so sorry for all of the loss you are dealing with right now :sad: It’s got to be so tough! I’m sending you tons of prayers. :flowerforyou: Good luck with your new program as well.

    Laurie ~ Wondering you about you lady and hoping all is well?! :smile:

    Hi Erika ~ Hope you are having a good week:wink:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Last night I worked out after work and attempted Michell Dozois but the jumping was hurting my body so then I pulled out TJ Punch, Kick and Jam and followed with Tonique Mat 2 segments. I'm definitely feeling some DOMS form Core Fusion Bodysculpt on wednesday and my legs are tight this morning so I will relax today. My FIL is hanging on so the girls and I may leave tomorrow to drive down to see the family as he has started to release the fluids without aid and he is no longer on the morphine..awesome as that suppresses the respiratory system.

    Laurie and Erika- I miss you ladies:flowerforyou:

    Tami- Enjoy the walk and I'm glad to hear the weather is good for a nice walk with the kids:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Good luck with the fundraiser and hopefully a great cause can benefit from your hard work:wink:

    Ok back to work plus some online shopping as I need some boots for the rainy season in Europe:grumble: :bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Have a I really been MIA from MFP since Tuesday?!?!? :blushing: Wow, the week must have just escaped me! Workouts have been good, esp. this weekend. I did Cathe's Cardio Leg Blast on Saturday and then a treadmill sprint run on Sunday, and I can hardly move my legs are so sore! :bigsmile: We had several mornings of snow last week, so lots of delays getting to work, and again today, so I'm home. My youngest isn't feeling well, so he's watching movies while I work!

    Michelle--Sending lots of prayers your way, I hope you were able to make it down to visit your FIL this weekend, and he's peaceful! Great job on the workouts...I like the mixes! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Great workouts, both in class and at home! :bigsmile: I hope the weather stayed nice for the walk with the pups. It is so nice having it light later into the evening!

    Laurel--I hope your fundraiser went well, and you have more freetime now to enjoy your longer workouts! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie!!!

    Back to work, enjoy your day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    This weekend was a lazy weekend with the girls as we waited for hubby to confirm heading down or staying at home. My FIL did call via my DH and he sounded really strong and asked for some soup I had made last TG when they visited last year:bigsmile: On Sunday he was incoherent and having a rough day and right now we are hoping that his numbers stay as solid as they are now, hopefully we will leave on Friday as the girls Spring Break starts next week. This morning I enjoyed MMA Boxing after some major backpain this weekend due to poor sleeping, stress, and the youngest sleeping in my bed a bit wildly. As a light sleeper I'm always up checking to pull her back from the edge or remove those arms and legs from hurting us:grumble:

    Erika- Sorry to hear the little one is sick:flowerforyou: Snow:noway: today is sunny and cloudy with a high of 76..flip flops again:ohwell:

    Laurel- How was the fundraiser? Now that the stress of it is all over I'm sure you feel great!:bigsmile:

    Tami and Laurie- Good morning..hopefully your weather is just as great as mine today:bigsmile:

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member

    I had JNL and had done about 2 months of a rotation with her set. I ended up selling it, only because something in the workout aggrevated my back (no idea what it was) to the point where I couldn't get myself to do it again. I have a sensitive low back, and I think I was able to narrow it down to jumping rope or burpees.

    But, I LOVED the set up. Short, but super effective, and I was a sweaty mess at the end everytime. If you get annoyed by instructors that talk a lot, or have lots of little personal sayings (ie Kiss my Abs, Strong is the New Skinny, etc), then you'll get annoyed with her. If not, she's great!

    I hope that helps! I loved Chalene Extreme, and would rate JNL up there with that one. STS workouts were too long for me (most are close to an hour), so that one didn't last long with me.


    Thanks. I've had an email offering 10% discount for JNL and they also offer a money back guarantee so going to try that first.
    People have said there is an option to turn up the music and drown her out.

    Well the JNL,fusion was dreadful. I've just sent it back. She aggregated me on the first viewing so knew I couldn't keep it.
    So back to thinking about Cathe DVDs. Just got the Body by You ( you are your own gym) book so may think about getting some cathe cardio ones.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a great weekend. Our fundraiser went very well on Saturday night! I was very excited about it as we nearly doubled the amount earned that I was hoping for. That's good news and made all the hard work worth it. :drinker: But, that being said, it left me exhausted. I was on my feet non-stop for over seven hours Saturday night and had no time for dinner. :yawn: But the good news was I knew that it was going to be a tough day going in, so I did Sunday's workout on Saturday to give myself yesterday off. And that felt great!

    So I started week 11 of XTrain on Saturday with Chest, Back and Shoulder. I wanted to do one of the extreme premixes, but just didn't have the time. time. Today was Tabatacise, and I did Premix 15 which included Burn Sets back and core. And I added on the 100 bicep and tricep challenges for a great workout. Still feeling it in my arms to be honest. Love that. :love:

    jaz, I'm sorry you didn't like JNL Fusion. Let us know if you have any other questions on Cathe's workouts. I own all of them :blushing: so can give you an opinion on most....if not all.....of her workouts.

    Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL, but I'm glad he's hanging in there. You must make good soup if that's what he is looking for. My prayers are going out for you, your husband, and your entire family. Good job keeping up with the workouts through all of this.

    Erika, sounds like you had a great weekend of workouts! Tough, tough stuff there. I'm sure you might be ready for spring to come to you now. Sounds like you've been getting alot of snow throughout the latter portions of the winter. Our weather is mixed, which is to be expected this time of year. But now we are getting the winds, which are fairly common this time of year in Colorado. Makes it feel cold when it isn't. I don't like that. :ohwell:

    Tami, hope you had a good weekend. I bet your workouts were fantastic. So hard to believe we are almost done with this rotation. Where has the time gone? I don't think I'll jump right into P90X/X2, but I'm really leaning towards doing that next.

    Laurie, hope you are well. :flowerforyou:

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Had a good weekend of workouts and our last Volleyball league started up yesterday! :bigsmile: So Sat was Spinning in the a.m. yesterday was Chest/Shoulders/Back “Double Trouble” pre-mix! Felt great, that is such a great workout and then I headed straight to volleyball. My shoulders were pretty tired after all of that forsure. We won 6 out of 6 so that was a good beginning to the league. Today is just Bootcamp after work …. I hit the snooze this a.m. for some reason:grumble: I was laying there wide awake thinking about my workout. :ohwell:

    Erika: Good to hear from you! You must be very busy these days.:wink: Glad to hear the workouts are going good and Yay for Cardio Leg Blast, ouch on the DOMS though. Hopefully tomorrow feels better for them. The weather has been absolutely craziness here. :noway: It is typical N. Idaho weather this time of year. Sunshine one minute, hale the next, snow the next, rain, sunshine, etc. The weekend was super windy too on top of that craziness.

    Michelle: 76 degrees? :huh: Oh my! We woke up to 27 degrees today. It’s in the forties now but strange weather going on, which is typical this time of year. Glad to hear your FIL’s numbers are solid right now so you can plan for leaving this Friday to see him. Sweet that he wants some of your soup. Of course he does, you sound like an amazing cook! :wink:

    Laurel: Great job getting in your workout Sat knowing in advance that you would be tired:bigsmile: ….. Great job on the fundraiser, sounds like you did fantastic. :drinker: What a great pre-mix you did today along with the 100 rep challenges as well! I will be getting Tabatacise in this week to make up for my miss ….. love that one and I was bummed I missed it this a.m. :frown: Where has the time gone is right?!?! Sounds like we might be doing the same program again when it’s time for me to start X2. :bigsmile: I am going to do the Feb rotation of Cathe’s next (with some modifications) and then move into X2 after that. Is that about the timeframe you are thinking too to start up X/X2? Do I remember correctly that you didn't have a foam roller for X2 but you think it would be worth it to have one?

    Thinking about you Laurie, hope you are doing well! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami