Cathe Fans Part 5



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    Busy weekend here, full of hockey, but it was fun! Our oldest had a tourney in WI and the youngest here in town, so lots of running back and forth between MN and WI! :tongue: I ended up with a rest day both Friday and Saturday, due to all the running. I just couldn't find any time to fit it in, unless I were to bring my gear to the rink! :laugh: Sunday was another YouTube workout...Buti Yoga...interesting! :blushing: Today was Jessica Smith on YouTube. I loved her FloYo workout...really a nice twist on Yoga moves, I really liked it! :bigsmile:

    We had a few inches of snow here last night, so the drive was a mess this morning, and we're supposed to get 8-10 tonight. My hubby is headed to Chicago tomorrow for the Wild Game for work, and then back Wednesday. Let's hope everything goes as planned with all this snow!

    Tami--Great job burning out those arms! :bigsmile: I've been in the mood for longer workouts, I just need to find the time. Tonight I did 1/2 hour while the boys were at hockey and then 1/2 hour when they went to bed. It was nice! The cold is pretty much gone...I sounded plugged up, but am feeling 100% again! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Nice job adding to the workouts to create a nice challenge, and fitting in what you can when there are time constraints! I can't believe you're nearing the end of XTrain. What's on the agenda next? :bigsmile: I heard about your 60 degree weather, and snow today. I think it would be hard to go back and forth, but I know the snow melts fast, so maybe it's not as hard as it seems? I know once spring weather arrives, I don't want to see any more snow!

    Michelle--How did you like Cardio Abs? I just live Jessica's way of teaching, and like that her workouts are tough, but not killer? Sounds like Turbo Barre was a hit for you, yay!!! :bigsmile: Your swimming schedule sounds more consuming than my hockey one...wowsa! I like that my boys are enjoying hockey,but it takes a toll on me running during the week for work, and then it continues through the weekend too. I am looking forward to our next hockey league, that will be less intensive...only a couple days a week...whew!!

    Hi Laurie!!!

    Have a great night, I'm off to bed soon so I can wake up and sit in traffic for hours! :grumble:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I definitely did not have a good weekend and Sunday morning it became worst when I was contacted by text to tell me a friend of mine had passed in her sleep last week.:sad: She was in her early thirties and after a major falling out she had written a letter that had found me two years ago and we had reconciled. I was taking things slow as I still had some trust issues but she was like a little sister and we had planned to meet this year so that she could meet the kids. I spent all day in a fog on Sunday thinking it was a hoax and than I called the funeral home and they confirmed her funeral for this week. Although hubby is willing to make arrangements for me to get there I just can't do it under these circumstances:cry: This morning during our walk we talked about it and it felt good to vocalize and rationalize to another person and I'm comfortable with my decision at this point.

    Erika- Traffic sucks:laugh: Yes her schedule is intense and then of course the little one is ready to get back into gymnastics so fitting that into the schedule is interesting:ohwell: JS workouts are outways contagious and never a dread factor, I would love a full KB workout from her.:bigsmile:

    Tami- The weather sounds great:bigsmile: Today it is overcast and dreary. Glad to hear that Argo was good as that is on our family night movie watch list. Yes I enjoyed Cathe's workout:love: and I want to get an upper body dvd that includes great Premixes, any recommendations from her latest releases? I previewed a few but at times Cathe tends to require a gazillion pieces of equipment:blushing: I want to enjoy the workout with just me, my dumbbells, and Cathe:laugh:

    Laurel- What's next after Xtrain, a possible P90X2/Cathe hybrid?:laugh:

    Laurie- Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Last night I cooked a nice Turkey chili and hubby," Mr. I can tell it's not beef" ate half of my pot:grumble: .So it seems as if I will have to come up with a menu for tonight since the 6 year thinks the Baked Spaghetti was made just for her:laugh:

    Have a great day ladies:flowerforyou: ,

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I do have an appointment ot see the doctor, because I have a new symptom. I have shortness of breath, and that is another symptom of anemia. I was not having this problem until after my issues, so I'm hoping it has nothing to do with my heart. :wink: I tried doing some workouts, and have found that lifting weights is about all I am capable of doing at this time. I tried out Slow & Heavy Triceps & Biceps on Friday, and that felt really good. Had a busy weekend, so didn't have a chance to try the other workouts. Last night I was plain tired. :grumble: I promise you all that I will take it easy until I get confrmation from my doctor on my condition. :wink:

    Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about your friend, that is very scarry. You know what is best for you, so don't feel bad about your choice. :wink:

    Erika, That is great that you are enjoying those Jessica Smith workouts. I have some that I am really wanting to try, but I'm waiting until after my appointment. :wink:

    Tami, I have heard many people really like the movie Argo. One of the movies that I actually want to see at some point. I have not been really thrilled with what Hollywood has cranked out lately. DH and I went to see Die Hard on Wednesday last week, and I really am looking forward to the new Wizard of Oz movie.

    Laurel, That Super Cuts DVD sounds like a keeper. :wink: How much snow did you get, we where suppose to have some dumped on us overnight. We got nothing! :laugh: It is snowing right now, but very very lightly.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I took the option of a 'quieter' combo. Feeling a little lack of energy, probably due to a busy schedule and TOM. So I started with XTrain Bi's and Tri's (and, despite low energy, felt surprisingly strong) and followed it with MMA Kickbox. That is still not my favorite workout (I get bored), but it was perfect for today.

    Laurie, I'm glad you are going to see the doctor. I'm worried about you! Please keep us posted. I'm hoping it is something they can diagnose and treat easily. This must be frustrating for you, not just because you haven't been feeling well but because you were enjoying your Combat rotation so much. But I'm glad to hear you are agreeing to take it easy, because it is important right now. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. :cry: Much too young for somebody to pass away like that. I'm glad you were able to talk it through with your DH and feel comfortable with you decision. But that must have been quite a shock. After XTrain, I'm thinking of a P90X/X2 combo, possibly throwing in some Cathe and maybe these Tapout XT workouts my DH bought himself. I haven't look at those yet, but I know them to be functional total body workouts, and I like those. So.....we'll see.

    Erika, good job with the yoga. I've heard about Buti Yoga. I like that you found it.....interesting. I don't mind the 60 degrees one day and snow the next because, as you say, that means the snow melts fast. Yesterday's snow storm was probably the best one we've had since we've been here. Big flakes and such. But we still only got about 3 inches. We really need your 8-10 inch snow storms right now to get some moisture. But I'll take what we can get.

    Tami, enjoy that spring-like weather! Your gym workouts will always be there again. But a beautiful night with the pups? I hope that's what you enjoyed. I was really toying with doing that Double Trouble Chest, Back and Shoulders workout on Sunday but knew I had limited time and felt like cardio. That's why I settled on the Extreme premix instead. But after your review, I will definitely try that Double Trouble workout when I get a chance. I imagine it is tough! About the new workouts, yes I'm going to pre-order. I haven't done it yet, but I kept the link open on my iPad to remind myself to do it before the end of the month. I want whatever Greatest Hits workout she puts out!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ I went with the walk with the pups last night instead of BootCamp and it felt great! :blushing: Kind of a”rest” in a way, right?!?! This a.m. was XTtrain Burn Set Bi’s/Tri’s + Core, felt great! Tonight will be Insane-X after work! :wink:

    Erika: Sounds like a very busy weekend, no wonder no time for a workout! I’m sure you burned calories just from all the running around you did. Nice job with the Buti Yoga and JS today! I do love those days when I have time for the longer workouts, so yes it did feel great to really get that burn factor in there.:bigsmile: Weekends are usually my only time to extend it out that long unless I plan ahead during the weekday a.m. workouts! Great to hear your feeling 100%:drinker:

    Michelle: I’m so sorry to hear about your friend that has passed. :cry: I am grateful for you that you had reconciled from your falling out. Not that it makes it better or easier but a little more peace into the difficulty of it all. Glad you were able to talk it out with DH and feel a little better. Weather today is the cloudy gray skies :ohwell: so those refreshing sunny days help here & there! So how about you, weights and a stability ball?! I know you had some issues with your SB a while back but on her new DVD’s (XTrain) the Chest/Shoulders/Back DVD which is disc #1 only uses weights and a stability ball. The Bis/Tri’s one as well; not to be confused with the XT Burn Sets, those use the bench and weights.

    Laurie: So happy to hear from you! Sorry however to hear you are having some health “mysteries” right now. That is sometimes a little scary.:flowerforyou: Will you be seeing a heart doctor as well just as a double check? Good to hear you have already decided to just take it easy until you find out. I can imagine your frustration with all of these new symptoms you’ve been dealing with. I commend you for listening to your body & taking it easy because I would have a hard time unless doctors orders:blushing: . :laugh: Keep us posted with your appt.

    Laurel: Nice job getting in your XTrain workout today despite the low energy! :wink: Funny how you start out feeling low energy and yet still strong, that’s a good thing! I’m with you on the MMA KB workout. It’s been a very long time since I’ve pulled that one out. The P90X/X2 along with Cathe & Tapout sounds interesting! I’ve wondered about that Tapout, it seems similar to Combat right? It was nice to enjoy a brief evening of the nice weather … sun was almost gone but that was ok. It felt nice and I was able to get dinner done earlier than usual on Monday’s. I try to always have leftovers for Mon evening because they are the latest ones for when I get home, but we had gone out the night before so it all worked out great. I went ahead and ordered the bundle on Cathe’s pre-sale.:bigsmile: :drinker: Of course I did. :laugh: I’m really anxious to see what the Greatest Hits will be too. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great day! Until tomorrow ……….. :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Last night was a Zuzka workout from my DVD set. I really enjoy these workouts, even without the music! :happy: I laugh each time when she says how long the workout is (usually 10 minutes), but I am literally dripping when we are done! Every workout has burpees in it, and some ab specific work and then random other cardio/bodyweight work. I always feel like I do after a good run on the treadie, which is fun!

    Tami--Nice choice on the walk with the pups! I'd say it's a rest, especially considering what your other workouts are like! I hope Insane-X was enjoyable!

    Laurel--Great job on taking it down a notch (for you, not me :laugh: ) and enjoying a less intense workout when your energy was a little low. We did end up with 10 inches of snow yesterday and a snow day (I still went to work, hubby stayed home as his flight to Chicago got cancelled), but I keep hearing the weatherman say we're down from where we should be. I don't know how, I feel like every 3-5 days, we're getting at least 3-5 inches of snow! I'm ready for spring!

    Laurie--I am so glad you are heading to see the doctor! It's got to be frustrating to not be able to workout, and not know why continue to feel crappy. I'll be waiting to hear how it goes.

    Michelle--I'm sorry to hear about your friend.:flowerforyou: What a blessing that you reconciled when you did, and now can feel at peace with that part of the equation. I'm glad you were able to talk out your feelings with your hubby and come to a decision about her funeral attendance. That is a tough spot to be in! I got a good laugh about the turkey hubby is the same...there's no regular meat in here! If I don't tell him, he'll need it and never say a word. If I tell him, he doesn't want any. I just don't tell him! :laugh: Enjoy the evening with your family!

    Time to get ready for work!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies, It's My Birthday...I'm turning 34 for the 5th year in a row:laugh: :laugh: Too bad my eldest keeps stating that she saw my birth year on the license:grumble: Yesterday I did Bar Method and then Tracy Mallet Booty Barre Express. I feel my triceps from BM but no true DOMS from Booty Barre:huh: I'm hoping to hit my Upper Body today with KCM and maybe MMA Boxing...not my favorite bit I feel like punching:laugh:

    The family enjoyed a wonderful breakfast from hubby and we laughed especially when I took my daughters pink birthday badge from the party suppy box and pinned it to my cardigan.:tongue: Yes, I'm the person who tends to celebrate her birthday month to make up for the fireworks that does not occur when I wake up in th emorning on my birthday:laugh: :laugh: No plans at all as we were suppose to celebrate on Sunday with a trip to a big city but after the news of Robin's passing it was too much. Thank you for the well wishes:flowerforyou:

    Laurie- Glad to see that you are back, sort of and obviously things are still unknown. It is kind of scary as I also have been having just allergic reactions to unknown stressors and it happened for the first time last year before the move but this weekend it came back again. It seems to affect my face only and starts with a small cyst that evenetually leads to my face swelling in particularly my mouth:sad: I actually spoke to my mom yesterday and she told me that in her late 30's she started to suffer with similar symptoms but hers occurred monthly:huh: She was never diagnosed with a particular ailment and eventually she stopped having it later in her 40's, so hopefully whatever is going on can be alleviated with traditional medicine and hopefully is a temporary issue.

    Laurel- That rotation sounds interesting actually as there are great dvdds that can be mixed and match for long workouts.:bigsmile:

    Tami- Thanks Tami. Initially I looked at High reps as I bulk too easy on top and need to really just keep the upper body maintained, but now there are so many choices not to mention her future dvds...arghhh:blushing:

    Erika- Yes, I did not even tell him that it was Turkey chili so we will see the next time:laugh: The dreaded burpee but I'm still interested in getting that set in the future:wink:

    I told the kids I was going to shop all day, so Blomingdales, Lord & Taylors, Nordstrom and here I come.:laugh: :laugh:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! What a mess of workouts I did today. I just kept moving from one thing to another as I felt like it. Strange combination, but I ended up loving it. I started with All Out Low Impact Hiit, but initially decided to do the premix with Burn Set Shoulders and Core. But at the end of the cardio, I felt like more cardio, so I did the 30/20 HiiT section from To The Max which was a perfect add-on. So then I went back to Burn Set Shoulders, and at the end of that felt like more upper body work. So I popped in Disk 25 from STS which is Meso 3 Chest/Back. That felt fantastic today. I finished it up with the core/upper body section of To The Max. It was only slightly more than two hours, but I feel thoroughly worked out! And, obviously, my energy is back. :blushing:

    Michelle, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: What a great age to be.....again.:laugh: I hope you are enjoying the day shopping. Spoil yourself! You've had a tough run of it lately, so I hope you get treated....and treat yourself...wonderfully.

    Erika, it does sound like you've been getting alot of snow. We are still WAY low on the water count right now. I think it would take a miracle to even think about coming close to catching up. Makes me dread this summer to be honest. Great job with the workouts!

    Tami, I'm so glad you enjoyed your evening with the pups! To be honest, I haven't looked at the Tapout workouts yet. DH finally did one over the weekend, and they sound like a good blend of moves from X2, Insanity, some Cathe, etc. I really like these all over body functional fitness workouts of late, so I might try to blend them in where I can if I choose to go the P90X/X2 route. But I'm still toying with STS. Off to pre-order today too!! I'm glad that series isn't coming out until later this year, because I might just be able to get the P90X/X2 hybrid AND an STS rotation in before they get here!

    Laurie, I hope you are all right. :flowerforyou:

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Another great Insane-X class last night. She mixed in burpees and speed-jumping rope between rounds. We did the 1-min rounds this time. Several people asked me where I was on Mon, they said it was weird to not see me in BootCamp. :laugh: Nice to be missed but who knew they would notice with all the people? Today was XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT and tonight is Spinning… of course because it’s my favorite Wed Spin class!:wink:

    Erika: Yikes on the snowfall you have received and still coming! :noway: I bet you are ready for spring. Sounds like a fun workout you got in last night, nice work. It did feel like a good choice on Monday so I must have made the right one for myself.

    Michelle: Happy Birthday to you! I love it that you’re re-celebrating your 34th again, must have been a good year:bigsmile: :drinker: Sounds like a perfect start to your special day with the family breakfast. Enjoy your shopping today! SPOIL yourself, you deserve it. Can’t wait to hear what kinds of fun things you found. Good job with the Bar Method & Booty Barre. Do you have KCM Circuit Burn? That one has a punching pre-mix on it that would be great when you’re in the mood for punching! High Reps would be another good one of Cathe’s yes. So many choices. I thought you meant from her brand new collection when you asked, sorry about that. I meant to share my funny ground turkey story yesterday …. My DH cannot stand gr turkey (or thinks he can’t stand it) and will not try it. Yet, I made stuffed turkey/quinoa peppers now 5 times and he didn’t ask what they were made of other than recognizing the quinoa. He thinks it’s gr beef! :laugh: I have still not told him. I may wait another 10 servings and then tell him . . maybe :wink:

    Laurel: You had quite the mix of workouts this a.m. You must have had DVDs everywhere! :laugh: Nice job and I am sure you felt amazingly worked when you were done. I’m with you on being glad that the new DVDs won’t be out until summer. I am hoping to do the X2 and some sort of STS rotation as well prior to those. I’m sure in the months ahead too I will have the urge to mix it up with some favorites. Which would be a fun STS/LIS combo. The “new” bundle doesn’t seem like the type that will have a long rotation attached so they will be great to mix in with others in the future as well.

    Hi Laurie - Thinking about you and hoping all is good today!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, today is my Friday...the boys have no school tomorrow, so I am off with them. Best part...we have NO plans whatsoever. I am so excited to just hang out and not have anywhere to be. We'll have a full weekend of hockey (last weekend of this league, and then next week starts the new league), so I'll be ready!

    Last night was JM Killer Buns and Thighs. This was my 3rd attempt at this one, and I don't think I'll ever be able to tolerate Jillian. The fact that she tells me this workout is going to kill me, just makes me want to turn it off! I made it through just fine, but this one went on the VF freebie listing right away! :laugh:

    Tami--What a compliment to know that people miss you when you're not at class! :heart: I'll bet that several people watch you as motivation, and when you're not there, they don't push as hard keeping up with you! I hope spinning was fun last night!

    Michelle--Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope you had a blast yesterday, and managed to buy lots of fun stuff! I love that you wore your daughters b-day badge! :bigsmile: I do really enjoy Zuzka's workouts, and don't mind the burpees. I think what I appreciate the most is that you can hear that the workout is tough for her, she takes breaks when she needs it, and it's real sweat she's sporting!

    Laurel--Wow lady, that is one line-up of workouts!!! :bigsmile: You must have had a lot of stored up energy to get through that much, and that intensity! I saw yesterday we are actually now above average for snow, with another storm coming on Saturday/Sunday, which will be rain turning to snow, with several inches expected again. But, we're in the upper 30's this week, so things are melting fast!

    Hi Laurie, I hope you're doing good!

    Back to work!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had my dr. appt yesterday, and really nothing interesting to report. They of course did a blood draw, and they will be doing the usual check. She was for sure checking on anemia and thyroid. Will have an echo done on my heart to make sure that my murmur has not changed also. The shortness of breath has been getting better and better, and have been feeling almost normal. :laugh: I was surprised to see Cathe posting an article about anemia and overtraining. Well I don't think that I was over training. :laugh: , because of the other issues. :wink: It was interesting to see that one of the symptoms was shortness of breath though. :wink: Doc was ok with me doing weight work, so I am going to do the Slow & Heavy workouts with some walking. Since walking doesn't seem to bother me at all. :wink:

    Erika, I'm pretty good with Jillian, but understand how she can get annoying. :laugh: Have fun with you boys tomorrow, are you getting some of this great sunshine! This winter has been pretty overcast for us, and it sure is nice to see the sun. :wink:

    Tami, Of course you are going to be missed at bootcamp! Most of those people are probably trying to keep up with you. :wink: LOL about not telling your Dh what he is eating. I do that too, and find that he is ok with it in the end. :laugh:

    Laurel, WTG on adding to your workout day! I will be interesting in what you think of those Tapout workouts. :laugh: I'm not at the point that I can actually try out something like that, but I am interested in what you think of them. :wink:

    Michelle, Happy be-lated Birthday! I also did my research on what my Mom and my oldest sister have gone through when finding out about what I'm going through. Surprise surprise, my sister had the same symptoms! :noway: She also added on some more, but I'm hoping that I don't have go through all of them that she did. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in today. I was in meetings all morning (for 4 1/2 hours), and I don't even work! Crazy stuff. But I got my workouts in before I went. And now I get to do some quick housework before heading out the door again for another event. My workouts this morning were Hard Strikes (I did the entire workout) followed by Leaner Legs. Though it was a shorter-than-usual workout, it felt tough! I enjoyed it. :smile:

    Tami, how nice that people missed you from class! I bet they do notice how fit you are and consistent with attending. I agree with you about the new workouts. Definitely doesn't look like they are any type of system or anything that would comprise a long rotation, and I'm good with that. I can't wait to get my hands on those new leg workouts, though. It seems lower body workouts have become a favorite of mine, maybe because I'm missing it a bit from this XTrain rotation (and from X2, to be honest). I'm sorry, but I have to laugh at you serving your husband something to eat that he would think he couldn't stand if you told him what it was!! What he doesn't know won't kill him, right? Good for you in feeding him healthy!

    Erika, enjoy your long weekend with your boys! I love those days when there are no plans. Those are some of my favorites. Enjoy it. Sorry to hear about Jillian. I used to love Jillian, but she is annoying the heck out of me on this season's Biggest Loser. I don't know what it is.....she just seems to be trying too hard or something. I only have a few of her workouts, and she doesn't bother me in the ones I have. But if that same approach I'm seeing in this season's TV show has carried over into her workouts more, I think that would bother me as well.

    Laurie, I hope you get some answer from the blood work they are doing for you. I find it interesting that your mother and sister had similar symptoms. At least you've gotten the approval to do some workouts. I would think the shortness of breath would be the most concerning thing right now, and I'm glad that is getting better. Keep us posted on what you hear. I will definitely let you know what I think about the Tapout workouts when I try them. It will probably be another month, but I am anxious to give them a look at right now.....just for something different. And I heard the second series of these workouts is even better, so, who knows.....maybe another purchase down the road? :noway:

    Michelle, I hope you enjoyed your birthday!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning last night as planned, heavy hill work. She alternates speed training and hills each week for a month and then we will do a different program. This a.m. I decided on making up my missed Cardio Leg Blast from Mon a.m. which felt great and then went to the Insane Abs class again for my ab work today. :wink:

    Erika: Tomorrow sounds like it will be the perfect day with your boys! How fun. Nice job on the workout, sorry to hear that it sent you right into listing it for free on VF though.:ohwell: You don’t mess around with those workouts you don’t like, that’s great. :laugh: Move em out! What a nice thing to say Erika, I didn’t really look at it that way. Definitely nice to be missed. Yes, spinning was great. Tons of hills and sprints at the base of a hill. Tiring stuff after an hour forsure but a good tired!

    Laurie: Great to hear from you and sounds like they aren’t overly alarmed, which is nice and good to hear they will be doing an echo as a precautionary as well! I’m sure it feels better to be looked after by a doctor at this point vs. the symptoms and not know what’s happening.:smile: Definitely keep us posted! Great to hear you are approved for some weight work and walking. Then you can still be getting something in until they determine what’s up!

    Laurel: Nice job with your workout combo this a.m. :wink: I moved HardStrikes to Sat. so I could make up my Mon. Leg workout. I’m with you a million percent on the anticipation of those new leg workouts. :bigsmile: They sound like her “usual’ stuff. I do know I will want to try and incorporate some sort of leg workouts into X2. Legs is one of my favorites and coming out of XT into another “lighter” leg rotation I would really be missing it. I know, hilarious on my DH right?! :laugh: Even Sunday when I was pre-cooking some Gr Turkey for the week, he walked by and said “gross, I don’t know how you eat that stuff”. I just laughed and said because it tastes good to me. If I could sneak it into more things I would, believe me I’ve tried. I truly don’t know how he hasn’t caught on with the peppers. But he hasn’t and LOVES them.

    Hi Michelle :smile:

    Hope you all have a great day ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies..Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes and boy did the day get better. I spent the morning at my youngest school where they had a run-a-thon to raise funds for equipment and that waas awesome cheering my baby on to finish those laps.:bigsmile: Later that evening hubby and the girls did the usual presentation and hubby gave me a trip to EUROPE.:noway: BrusseLs, Germany, France, & England. The trip covers everything and he even included my spending money:love: . Needless to say I cried and they videotaped everything and then I became anxious about leaving my girls, then I tried to see if we could get tickets for all of them, then I tried to upgrade...okay obviously Type A personality surfaced and I had to just take in the moment and grin like a Cheshire cat all day. I will be traveling with my aunt and some of the nurses from her hospital and this is my favorite aunt who is super outgoing and we spoke later that evening and she is really excited that I'm seems they all were concerned due to a contract during those 2 weeks and of ocurse never being that far from my girls:frown:

    Yesterday I enjoyed a Kickmax Premix and KCM Muscle Definition...forgot about Cathes Leg Conditioning drills:grumble: Today I'm off early to the vet and taking the girls to school. Then a quick visit to Publix for my crab salad:bigsmile:

    Erika- A day off with the boys:bigsmile: The storm closed schools up North and affected everything including delaying the funeral:sad: I hope that you were able to snuggle in and do absolutely nothing:laugh:

    Laurie- Glad to hear that things seem to be improving:flowerforyou: I guess the body will do what it chooses when it thinks it is time to act up:grumble: , hopefully the murmur has not changed for you as mine will but only with my pregnancies. It scary to know that the symptoms are shared but as you said hopefully you will not experience all of them:laugh:

    Tami- Do not tell him! I did that to hubby when I subbed soy milk but eventually I did and now he thinks everything is linked to that if it tastes different:laugh: I did shop, no spa dates yet but now of course with my departure next month I'm ready to fill those online shopping carts:blushing: :laugh:

    Laurel- Geesh 4.5 hrs and it is not work related:tongue: , no wonder you kicked butt with those routines:wink:

    Enjoy the weekend ladies:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hey Ladies! Happy Friday! :drinker: Finished out week 9 of XTrain today with a goodie. I started with Supercuts and did the Extreme premix. Still my favorite workout of the set. Then I finished it with STS Disk 27/Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. I don't know why I felt like adding extra upper body work this week, but I did. I must say, I felt every bit as strong as I always have doing STS so these XTrain strength workouts are definitely working. In fact, some moves in STS felt a bit easier, and I probably could have gone a bit heavier. :noway: That's really surprising to me, especially since I was focusing on Meso 3 workouts. So.....I'm pleased right now. :smile:

    Tami, great job with the workouts. I still can't believe how quickly this rotation has gone by. But I really am pleased about my upper body strength right now. That makes me feel good. I think I may need to work a bit on my lower body after this rotation, just in terms of getting some strength back. But I don't seem to have gained any weight or anything from doing these lighter workouts, which is kind of nice to think about. It has been a fun rotation, and I must say I don't have much dread factor for most of the workouts. I think the only one I have to really think about is the Legs workout, and that's only because I need to find ways to make it challenging. Not a bad thing I suppose.

    Michelle, what a wonderful birthday present from your husband!!!! Sounds like a fantastic trip, and I really hope you have fun. I love all of those places so very much! I know it will be tough to be away from your girls for that long, but what a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your aunt. Great job with the workouts!

    Laurie and Erika, hope you are well.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies :drinker: One of my favorite days of the week! Supercuts and Spinning are today’s workouts. I’m with Laurel, Supercuts is probably my #1 pick of the set. Really enjoy this workout. :bigsmile:

    Michelle: That is so amazing on your Birthday gift! :bigsmile: :drinker: WOW I cannot begin to imagine how excited you must have been. Congratulations and happy pre-shopping for that! :laugh: Sounds like you had a really fun day. Nice job on the workouts! Did you like the Kickmax pre-mix? I really enjoy that whole workout. Busy day of errands with a nice reward of Crab salad.

    Laurel: Nice combo today! :wink: Great job getting in that extra upper body work lately. So great to hear you feel the strength is there and things are working with XT. I wonder if it is because XT is such a multi-functional set, that the strength is increasing without the mindset of lifting heavier. I’ve noticed that I have felt strong as well and thought it seemed surprising since I’m not lifting that heavy through this program; thought I would have lost some. It is so amazing that we have finished week 9! :noway: :smile: Where does the time go?! No dread factor at all or thinking, thank goodness this is the last few times I will do this workout in a while.

    Have a great weekend everyone! :flowerforyou: Tami
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I'd live some advice about whether to get STS or Xtrain or JNL fusion.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a good weekend. We had a 'blizzard' on Saturday, which as at least more like a real blizzard than the one a couple of weeks ago because the wind was blowing quite strongly. But still little snow. :grumble: We need the moisture more than the wind right now. Oh, well. But that made for a cozy Saturday which was my day off this week from workouts.

    Yesterday was back to sunshine and working out. I started with XTrain Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders, and followed it with TF45 (which I haven't done in forever) and the core from High Reps. It was a nice combo. Today was a little lighter because I have alot of my plate today. I started with XTrain Legs (the 67 minute premix) and followed it with Slide and Glide. I don't do the latter workout very often, but I always enjoy it when I do get around to doing it.

    Tami, I think you are right that XTrain is really helping strength with all of the functional fitness in it. I don't feel like I'm working hard, but my body is telling me something different. I love that. I had the same sensation with X2. So I finally pre-ordered the new workouts this weekend! I'm excited for them.

    jaz, if I were to pick one series from Cathe, it would be STS simply because, as a strength training program, nothing I've ever done has had more of a positive impact on my body. But if you are looking for a blend of strength and cardio, I'd go with XTrain. XTrain is a more versatile program than STS, and she has done SO much with it with her premixes. You can use XTrain a hundred different ways and not get into a rut. If you have some more specific questions about the programs, please ask!!! Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with JNL Fusion, so I can't help you there. Hopefully somebody else is!! Again, feel free to ask more questions!!

    Until tomorrow!

  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all had a good weekend. We had a 'blizzard' on Saturday, which as at least more like a real blizzard than the one a couple of weeks ago because the wind was blowing quite strongly. But still little snow. :grumble: We need the moisture more than the wind right now. Oh, well. But that made for a cozy Saturday which was my day off this week from workouts.

    Yesterday was back to sunshine and working out. I started with XTrain Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders, and followed it with TF45 (which I haven't done in forever) and the core from High Reps. It was a nice combo. Today was a little lighter because I have alot of my plate today. I started with XTrain Legs (the 67 minute premix) and followed it with Slide and Glide. I don't do the latter workout very often, but I always enjoy it when I do get around to doing it.

    Tami, I think you are right that XTrain is really helping strength with all of the functional fitness in it. I don't feel like I'm working hard, but my body is telling me something different. I love that. I had the same sensation with X2. So I finally pre-ordered the new workouts this weekend! I'm excited for them.

    jaz, if I were to pick one series from Cathe, it would be STS simply because, as a strength training program, nothing I've ever done has had more of a positive impact on my body. But if you are looking for a blend of strength and cardio, I'd go with XTrain. XTrain is a more versatile program than STS, and she has done SO much with it with her premixes. You can use XTrain a hundred different ways and not get into a rut. If you have some more specific questions about the programs, please ask!!! Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with JNL Fusion, so I can't help you there. Hopefully somebody else is!! Again, feel free to ask more questions!!

    Until tomorrow!


    Do I HAVE to have all that equipment for xtrain/ STS. I'm concerned about all the faffing about getting it out of cupboards and to my workout area. Also, STS is ver expensive, how long will each mesocycle last. Finally, I'm doing ChaleannE tremendous at the moment, will I need similar weights.

    Thanks very much.
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I had a full weekend and was able to enjoy TurboBarre on Friday, a nice HIIT run on Saturday and relax on Sunday. On Saturday we headed to Montgomery to do some shopping but of course the girls came out with bags and not me:grumble: We spent a wonderful day and my eldest and I left hubby and the youngest in the store and started a text scavenger hunt that led them to us in a cool cupcake store. Yummy flavors and the line convinced me to purchase a half dozen and wow they were delish. I tried a strawberry flavored made with a graham base and a cream cheese filling topped with a strawberry.:love: It was so moist that I had to eat it with a spoon:laugh:

    Laurel- A blizzard:noway: on sunday my neighbors were in the pool with their kids:bigsmile: The weather here is rainy again but overall we enjoyed two days of 70 degree temps this weekend. The upper body mix sounds great and I definitely may invest in High Reps for a good Upper or great premixes with Cathe.

    Tami- I enjoyed the Kickmax premix and did not really want to go at it for 70 minutes especially with my shoulders being so tight that morning. That one is best set for cardio only days:laugh: Love that crab salad:love:

    Erika & Laurie- Good Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day.