Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy :heart: Day!

    Spinning was a long set of hills last night! It was a great class though:wink: Unfortunately DH was sick (again) :grumble: this time with some kind of stomach bug and was up most of the night. So no sleep for me either, wasn’t able to get in my a.m. workout so will make that one up Sat before Spinning.:smile: I did go to the Insane Abs class for lunch today though! It was a great 45 min workout, lots of moves I have never even seen before, it was good.

    Erika: Great job doing what is sounding good to you! :wink: Sounds like it was a good workout. You’re so good about slimming down the supply of workout DVDs. I really need to do that one of these days. Where do you put them up for auction again? When I have a chance one of these days I should commit to doing that.

    Laurel: Great combo getting in HS along with legs. :bigsmile: That would be a great day to incorporate that, I have even thought of a portion of KickMax or Cardio Kicks on the Hard Strikes day … again, need to check it out! Kudos to you for getting in some extra stretching. Always a good thing. I’m happy with myself these days to complete the entire stretch at the end, I make sure no matter what to not skip it. A little is better than none. :wink: Your Valentines Day sounds perfect. If DH is feeling better this evening we are planning on just hanging out at home as well and having a nice dinner, watch some TV. It’s so much nicer than fighting the dinner crowd at a restaurant. We’ll see what happens & how he is feeling.

    Hope you all have a great evening ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies, Happy Belated Valentines Day:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    Yesterday was another one of those wierd sleep-ins, this has only occurred twice both times during the 1st 6 weeks of pregnancy:frown: TOM is here but wierd so I'm not sure what is going on with my body this month. In the afternoon I did KCM Split Session Pre-Mix FB and that was great as I went heavy but can probably use my 20lb DB next time. Last night I hit the treadmill for a Hiit session and that felt really great as I use it as my "thinking time". I switched up the routine as I have an early Drs. appt so I will do some glute moves later today or combine workouts tomorrow.

    Laurie- Sorry to hear of the issues especially with being at work, hopefully your body levels off and the doctor can provide some insight and relief on the issue. So many women sometimes experience similar or different symptoms that can make life miserable until the body fully transitions. My mom had a tough time during the first 18mths with palpitations, sweats, etc and then eventually her thyroid was affected. What is so amazing to me are the elders who never discuss these issues during their experiences and I know that my grandmother never mentioned anything and we are not even sure when she went through full menopause and she is in her 80's:ohwell:

    Erika- Sounds like fun, after Barre etc I'm enjoying using weights again and really loved going heavy yesterday. I did not enjoy my recent TLC which I usually love but enjoyed SS which is my least favorite yesterday. Oh well some days we tend to get finicky about our workouts:bigsmile:

    Tami- Sorry to hear about your sick hubby, hopefully it is a 24 hr bug that goes away immediately. Yummy avocado my favorite! I enjoyed a slice yesterday with my scrambled eggs which was different but not bad.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Welcome back and I'm glad the hectic schedule is over for now:wink: I hope the snow fairy shows up for you:laugh:

    Ok I'm grabbing some coffee and prepping to get out of the door on time. Have a great weekend!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    What a weird week for me...workouts have been feeling kinda "off" and my motivation hasn't been present. Couple that with poor eating choices, it's just been off this week. But, I'm going to start off the weekend with a nice workout tonight to see if I can kick myself back into gear!

    Tami--Great job at the tough spinning class (at least it sounds tough to me! :laugh: ) and getting in the Insane Abs over lunch. Bummer on hubby being sick and keeping you up all night! :ohwell: My hubby has actually been sleeping so soundly, that I don't even know he's in our bed...normally he's fighting with his CPAP or twitching/moving all night, so I'm up half the night. It's been a nice change! :bigsmile: I typically sell on ebay or craigslist, otherwise I trade on video fitness, if I know there's something else I want. I like the trading, as you don't have to deal with waiting for payment, fees, etc.

    Michelle--I hope your body gets back to normal and doesn't keep "acting up" with the weird sleep patterns! :ohwell: Great job getting in the workouts, esp. one that's not necessarily a favorite. I'm finding that if I don't like a workout on a certain day, it's almost always that way everytime. I usually just get rid of those and move on. I have a hard time getting over certain things in workouts (music, quirky comments, etc). I hope you're aboe to get in your workouts today after the Dr. appt! BTW, I never commented on your question about 6 small meals vs. 3 big meals and a snack. I typically do this: breakfast (eggs, yogurt or oatmeal), morning snack mid morning (apple, carrots, granola bar), lunch (salad), afternoon snack (fruit or veggies of some sort), dinner (all over the board on this one) and after dinner snack (granola bar, homemade ice cream or protein shake). I've found if I don't eat often enough, I'm starving when it's time to eat a meal, and go a little overboard on the food. This helps regulate it a bit.

    Laurel--Great combo with STS Legs and Hard Strikes...I bet that was a fun combo for you! :bigsmile: Keep up the fun combos, as it gives me new ideas of combos to try during my long workouts on the weekends! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie, I hope you're feeling better!

    Have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies! :bigsmile: :drinker: We even have sunshine today + it’s Friday! WooHoo Feels great. DH & I ended up having a nice dinner at home. He was feeling a little better so that was good. This a.m. was Super Cuts + Core 1, lots of fun and tonight will be Spinning. :wink:

    Michelle: Hopefully your body will be back on track soon! Great job getting in your workout yesterday afternoon, I’m sure that felt good and sounds like the thinking time during your HiiT workout was great too!

    Erika: Some week’s are like that aren’t they?:ohwell: :wink: Hopefully your workout tonight kicks it back into rhythm for you. DH slept great last night he said so that was good to hear. He ended up falling asleep on the couch so I slept great.:blushing: Thanks for the “places” to look for. I knew you used ebay but I was thinking there were others as well.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :flowerforyou: Planning on getting in some good workouts and we have our end of the league tourney for volleyball Sunday a.m.

    Talk to you Monday, Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I was MIA on Friday, but some things around here are getting really hectic right now. In fact, I will most likely be MIA all this week as I have tons of appointments and meetings and such. :grumble: But hopefully another couple of busy weeks and things will calm down a bit. At least I've been getting in my XTrain workouts, which is good.

    Michelle, I'm sorry to hear things are a bit weird for you this month. I know my body is constantly surprising me anymore with the weird things it does during TOM. Not a fun thing at all. Good job keeping up with the workouts throughout it all though.

    Tami, I'm sorry to hear DH was sick again! I hope it didn't spread to you because that is no fun. At least you had a nice Valentines evening with him. My DH and I enjoyed a quiet evening at home. Our schedules have been so busy that we will probably have something like three dinners together in a three week span of time. But, again, I think things will calm down soon. I hope.

    Erika, hope things go better for you this week!!

    Laurie, hope you are feeling better!!

    Again, I will probably be gone most of the week, but if I get a chance to check in, I will!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Weekend was quick (again) but good! Sat a.m. I went to the early spin class and then to my hair appt. Felt nice to get that done. Ran some errands, stopped by my friend’s daughter B-day party and then headed home for HardStrikes workout that I had missed on V-Day a.m. :wink: Felt good. DH was feeling much better so he headed out for the day/night for some fishing and fresh air. Yesterday we had our Volleyball tourney and we ended up in the championship! We placed second but I was glad we made it there. XT Bis/Tris & BootCamp for today’s workouts. :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Sounds like you are having a real hectic schedule for a while! Great job getting in XTrain throughout though . . . Nice job.

    Happy Monday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Well, another weekend filled with hockey, so much so that I wasn't able to squeeze in my Saturday workout and Sunday was a bit less then I wanted to do. But, something is better than nothing! Tonight was JM Ripped in 30.

    Tami--I'm glad your hubby is feeling better, and you both got some good sleep the other night. The nights when my hubby used to fall asleep on the couch used to bug me, but now I know it means a sound nights sleep! :laugh: Great weekend workouts, and sounds like your day with the hubby was fun and relaxing! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I'm sorry to hear things are so hectic for you right now, but I'm glad you're getting your workouts in, as I'm sure that helps keep the stress level down. Keep up the great work, and we'll be here when your schedule calms down!

    Hi Laurie and Michelle!

    Off to warm up my spot on the couch for The Bachelor...the only show I watch on TV. Great one to pick out of all those available, huh? :wink:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday the kids were in school but hubby was off:huh: , unfortunately I had a 3 hr Teleconference so no quality time for us:huh: We did hit the trails after he took the girls to school and we had a fun time talking and laughing which is something we somestimes just don't enjoy enough:bigsmile: On Saturday it was Cardio and 30mins of Hight & Tight followed by free style dancing to Hurbano, Salsa and Pop music:bigsmile: On Sunday we went to church, did some shopping and then the 6 yr old treated us to MCdonalds with her $5.00 tooth fairy money:love: Needless to say my eating was not great as we also picked up pastries for our next door neighbors who sent up cupcakes for Valentines. It is raining here again and I'm not sure what is on my schedule but my energy has not picked up yet so maybe KCM Split Series Pre-Mix or P57 Express:huh:

    Erika- Thanks for the meal ideas. I actually do better with 3 meals and 1 snack and feel stuffed and become too focused on deciding meals with the 6 mini meals. I bought some items to start blending some shakes and also downloaded a free Whey Protein shake recipe booklet for Kindle this weekend. The Bachelor?:tongue: the Job which recently premiered on Friday was pretty good but then again I'm a Bones, CSI & NCIS type of gal:wink:

    Laurel- My body is going through something wierd and yes TOM can definitely add to the situation:grumble: Glad that exercise is balancing your crazy schedule:bigsmile:

    Tami- Glad to hear that hubby was well enough for a nice dinner night. Awesome on your team's placing:drinker:

    Laurie- Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Off to grab a late breakfast and take my vitamins.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: BootCamp was a good one last night, lots of legs and abwork. Of course, running, squat jumps, high knee drills included as well. She has to be creative with our “cardio” portion of the class because with all the Biggest Loser teams being in the gym for their team workouts we don’t run lines. This a.m. was Hard Strikes which I did the full version + tricep bonus & abs. Tonight is Insane-X. :wink:

    Erika: Sounds like another very busy hockey weekend again for you! Good job getting in JM’s workout last night, I bet it felt great. I used to be the same way when DH fell asleep on the couch I felt bad, mostly for him. :ohwell:

    Michelle: Sounds like your afternoon was relaxing and nice with the walk and laughter! :smile: Sounds great. Your family weekend sounds like it was lots of fun as well. You’re still getting in a nice variety of workouts, great job!

    Laurie: Hope you are doing well and feeling better this week! :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: I know you are crazy busy so you may not have read Cathe’s e-mail today. She is back at the work table for another DVD series; announcement coming ...... She is also putting together a DVD of “Cathe’s Greatest Hits” :bigsmile: She is asking people to vote/design a Cathe DVD lasting anywhere from 50 to 75 mins based on segments from any of her DVDs done in the past – What would it be? How awesome will that be?!?!:wink:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Quick check-in tonight, as I have a little guy that needs snuggles to fall asleep tonight! Just did TF Hiit 15, as I was running short on time...always feels good! Tomorrow night will likely be a rest night, as we have a cocktail party for our clients tomorrow night, so it will probably be a late night.

    Tami--BootCamp :heart: Nice work with the full Hard Strikes plus bonus! I hope Insane-X was fun!

    Michelle--I'm glad you and hubby were able to squeeze in some time during your trail work...sounds like a lot of fun! :bigsmile: We have such similar taste with the dancing type, free style workouts! I bet we could dance for hours if we were given the chance to get a workout in together! :laugh: I hope your energy showed up today...that crummy weather really kills the motivation! I'm really getting tired of this freezing cold crap, and it's making me just want to snuggle under a blanket and not do anything!

    Hi Laurel and Laurie!!

    Off to bed!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Great news this a.m. I had my dental cleaning and they said everything looks fabulous! :drinker: I don’t get nearly the anx I used to feel but still is not fun to go. So I was happy with that. Insane-X was another good one!:smile: It was pretty hilarious … my boss, who is doing the Biggest Loser competition decided to try it. He asked me 4 times “how much longer”. :laugh: She did the speed rope jumping rope action at the beginning and end of every round. This a.m. was XTrain: Chest/Shoulders/Back Xtreme premix. Headed to Spinning after work.

    Erika: Great job getting in a quick workout last night! I bet it felt great. :wink: Hopefully you had nice snuggles with your little guy, that’s so sweet. Enjoy your party w/ your clients this evening. Our office is having its annual “Awards Night” for the Realtors on Friday, but I don’t think I’m going to attend. I stopped going a few years ago when it had turned into just a huge “drunk fest” year after year :noway: …. stumbling people everywhere.

    Hello Michelle, Laurie & Laurel ~ Hope you are having a good day! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We have been dealing with some chilly temperatures here and now hubby is getting sick, he did start taking medicine early so hopefully he nips this in the bud quickly. I have a contract starting tomorrow and the company has recently changed the hours to an earlier start time so that will be an adjustment for sure with AM workouts:frown: Maybe I will not stress about the time and try to do some HIIT treadmill in the evenings. Yesterday was Jari Love Get Ripped which totally burned out my poor arms but overall was a good change:bigsmile: Last night while surfing I went to Bob Harper site and saw that his 4 disc collection is on sale for 14.99 and singles for 3.99, sounds like I may be tempted to grab a few for a new hybrid rotation in March and he was on my list as the instructor to kick my butt:blushing:

    Erika- Yes, we would definitely have a blast:wink: I have a new rug on the wood floors and it faces the Tv which is great for exercising during a show, floorwork and of course perfect for dancing. My eldest thinks it wierd that I will flip from music channels and dance to great beats but it is an awesome workout and less structured:wink: I think that is why I love Barre so much, I get to work muscles without being encumbered by shoes or equipment:bigsmile: I too would love to see some Spring-like weather but my body is not quite ready for shorts:laugh:

    Tami- Too funny that the BL takes over with their team workouts. I saw that newsletter and I'm very curious to see the end results as she has to cater to those who love her old high impact routines and the newer fans who love her Low Impact series.

    Laurel & Laurie- We miss you ladies, hopefully things are not too crazy on your end:flowerforyou:

    Off to hit the road and pick up some materials as my youngest will be attending school as Einstein tomorrow for The Hall of History:bigsmile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I can actually say that I'm finally starting to feel human. Still dealing with my issues, but it is getting better. :wink: The bloating/pain has finally gone! :drinker: Have not been exercising, but I think that I can attempt something this weekend.

    Michelle, Dang on the temps, we have been dealing with single digits. I have all of Bob's DVD when he was selling them for cheap, and I don't regret it at all. Have not been able to try a rotation, but am looking forward to just doing something within the next few days. :laugh:

    Tami, Congrats on the teeth cleaning, I have to go in next Friday. Have to get a crown on that tooth that I had a hole in also. I love that your boss is getting tortured at the gym. :laugh: I'm getting my review from my new boss today, and he just sent me his comments. What a difference from my previous boss. I just love this guy! :bigsmile: Feel like all the work I do around here is worth something.

    Erika, I'm hoping to get in just a little something on Saturday, so 15 min. of anything sounds good. Just getting some type of workout in is good. I agree with you on the freezing cold. We are suppose to get snow tonight, so that means that the temps will be in the 20's. That actually makes me happy. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We have a snow day in Colorado!! :drinker: Of course, I'm not sure why since the sun is shining and there is maybe three inches of snow on the ground. :noway: I actually think they build in a number of snow days in the school schedule, and since we aren't getting any snow this winter, any excuse the schools can have to give those days they are taking. And snow day for kids meant my meetings today were canceled, so I'm good with that.

    So I finally got in a good workout this week. I started with Tabatacise (did the entire workout) and followed it with XTrain Legs. I was supposed to do that latter workout on Monday, but at the end of that day when I was finally putting my DVD in to workout, I opted for Cardio Leg Blast instead. :blushing: So this was a make-up workout for me, and, actually, it was a great combo with Tabatacise.

    Laurie, I have been worried about you! :flowerforyou: I'm so glad to hear you are beginning to feel better. Don't worry about the workouts! Just make sure you are okay.

    Michelle, that's a great deal of Bob's workouts! I'd be tempted to nab a few of those too if I didn't already feel like I have too many workouts. :tongue: I hope you are able to work out something with your schedule to get those workouts in when you feel like them. It is so hard for me to change my schedule that I have total sympathy for you.

    Tami, great job with the workouts and woo-hoo on the dentist!! That's good news. Thank you so much for the heads-up on Cathe's email. It has been sitting in my inbox since Tuesday. What a great idea she's come up with!! I'm not sure what I would do if I were to design my favorite Cathe workout. One idea that comes to mind for a cardio workout is to combine parts of Body Max 2, Drill Max and Intensity, but I'm not sure how. Maybe start with the warm-up of Body Max 2, then the step drills from Body Max 2, then the cardio drills from Drill Max, and end the HiiT sections from Intensity (and cool down). I think that would ring in at about 75 minutes. I think it would be tough and fun! As far as strength, I'd love an upper body workout combining some of my favorite sections from some of her workouts. For instance, chest from Gym Styles, back from Pure Strength, shoulders from 4DS, biceps from XTrain Bis and Tris, and triceps from Gym Styles. I have no idea how long that would be (probably too long), but I think it would be a great workout! I could go on forever!! I might have to actually put in a suggestion. Or two. :tongue: I don't know how she is going to be able to choose just one.

    Erika, hope you are doing well!

    My meetings have been rescheduled for tomorrow, but I hope to be able to check-in anyway!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Great Spin class last night! I can’t imagine her ever doing a bad class, she’s so talented with the programs she puts together I think & good music. This a.m. I decided to get a few extra zzz’s since I was responsible for waking DH up at 3:30 :grumble: by the time I actually got him up and moving I fell back asleep and decided that was ok. I will do my workout tonight at home, Tabatacise is on the schedule :bigsmile: & DH is gone fishing for a couple days so I’ll have my area to myself. Looking forward to the workout!

    Michelle: I have three of Bob’s newer DVDs and they are great! :drinker: I love his style of training. Hopefully you were able to get that bundle, what a deal! He will definitely work you hard but he has a way of making you want to work harder I think, love that about him. Brrrrrrrrrrr on the chilly temps. Hopefully your DH takes a “miss” on getting sick. Sorry to hear about the schedule change, always challenging to make those adjustments in the workout schedule, especially when you are on a roll with a certain time. I’m curious to see as well what that Cathe DVD ends up being, everyone’s favorites are different that’s forsure.

    Laurie: Great to hear from you and even more to hear that you are feeling better! :bigsmile: I bet you are relieved. Hopefully you can get in a workout soon if you are feeling up to it! Congrats on your review being in such a positive direction. That’s awesome, it’s amazing how some good feedback can just keep you going.:wink: Our company has not given out reviews in 5+ years :frown: Thanks for your well wishes on my dental appt. I know of all people, you can relate to the relief you feel when it goes good!

    Laurel: How fun that you have a snow day! :smile: I used to just love those as a kid, the unexpected surprise of a day OFF! Great job with XTrain and making up your missed day.:wink: I am adding on a day to this Sat for my legs day I missed due to my V-ball tourn. I seem to be pulled towards any other leg workout than XTrain legs:blushing: Cardio Leg Blast is lots of fun! I think you should definitely send in your two cents on the “best of” series. Just what you mentioned above sounds good! I have no idea either how she will choose, but I’m thrilled with the idea of it and also what she has in store for us next. :bigsmile:

    Hello Erika :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! WooHoo tomorrow is Friday :drinker:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    We're expecting a nice little dumping of snow right during morning rush hour tomorrow, so it will make for a long day!! I made sure to get in a kick butt workout tonight, so I sleep hard (I always sleep better after a tough workout)! It was Jillian's Legs workout...wowsa!! :noway: The client cocktail party was fun last was inside a cave. Of course, the typical belly-up-to-the-bar people, so I didn't hang around too late.

    Tami--I'm so happy to hear the dental visit went well! I absolutely hate the dentist, due to all the work I had done as a kid. I always tense up, even during a cleaning! :laugh: Sounds like some great classes're going to be in kick butt shape for summer! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Nice job on getting in a great, tough workout. I bet that felt good! :bigsmile: I have a friend that lives in Colorado Springs, and she posted a pic of the snow and said the kids got a snow day. I thought that was funny for how little snow there was, but your explanation makes sense. We haven't had any yet this year, as we're in an area where all the roads are plowed by the time we wake up. Maybe early next week if the next storm pans out!

    Laurie--I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, but wish you were back to 100%, as I'm sure it's taking a toll on you. I hope you can get in a short workout, just to slowly get back into it, and I'm sure it would feel good. Keep getting lots of rest!

    Michelle--Bummer on the cold temps still, I saw Arizona got snow! :tongue: I hope your hubby is better soon so you don't have a 3rd child to have to take care of! :laugh: I hope your contract work goes well and you're able to still squeeze in an evening workout.

    Off to bed...Friday tomorrow!!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I really do love my boss! Such a positive review, and I will be very happy to sign this one. :laugh: I'm hoping that he stays in this position for quite a while. I have taged a few of Jessica Smiths walking workouts, and plan on trying one of those this weekend. Maybe some yoga also.

    Laurel, Congrats on the snow! We had about 4 inces overnight, it sure does make everything look so pretty. Well maybe if the sun was shining it would. :laugh: What you have to many workouts! How can that be. :laugh: I know what you mean though, never seems to be enough time to even try them all out.

    Tami, You are going to have a nice quiet time ahead. Getting in those few extra z's is good. Wow that is a long time for no review. I have gotten a yearly review since I started working, so it would be nice to avoid them periodically. Do you get raises? Our reviews are based on how much we get for a raise.

    Erika, You are getting in a great mix of workouts. :wink: Hope you didn't get a ton of snow, but I know how much you love it. :laugh: When we where kids, dental work was not as advanced as it is now. I also hate the dentist because of my past expericence. I was sitting in the chair, and looking at my molar about 300% bigger. :laugh: I was very glad to see that I didn't have a cavity. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My DD slept with us last night which equates to back pain. After the hair spraying, the fake eyebrows and the moustache, my youngest was not too thrilled with her Einstein look-a-like:grumble: Finally she gave us a smile and off to school she went looking sooo cute through the torrential rains..will post a pic soon:blushing: This morning I needed a quick but intense workout so Jari Love Intervals was the answer and I had to shorten that by a few minutes to jump into the shower and start on time:grumble: Today is Fish Friday in our home for Lent so I made an awesome crab salad for later and tuna early this morning to help with this new time shift. It is rainy and foggy here, a perfect day for a good book.

    Erika- Snow...yikes the temps are scheduled to hit 73 today although it is pretty dreary:frown: This morning as hubbby was headed out the door I had to remind my third child to take his meds so he would not be coughing andfeeling crappy at work:wink: Unfortunately I'm picking up a new cough so he may be spreading his cooties:tongue:

    Tami- I bought five dvds to include the Yoga Warrior and I'm excited because he does kick butt but inspires me to keep going at the same time:blushing: I have a find a new dentist here for me and the girls but I dread dentist and our last one was a female who was awesome.

    Laurie- Glad to hear of the great review:drinker: It is always great to have a boss that you can respect and he/she also respect all that you do:wink: Not to mention the raise aspect of a great review..even better:wink: More dvds?:laugh:

    Laurel- I felt guilty about the purchase but for that many dvds for less than $30, it was well worth it.:bigsmile: Snow day..interesting just as crazy as the kids going to school on President's Day here:huh:

    Have a great day ladies.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday!! It has been a very long week. But I ended it with a good workout. I started with Super Cuts and ended with Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders. Made for a great combo for the upper body. Super Cuts is turning into one of my favorite workouts in the series. I really like the combination of exercises and how it makes my entire body feel worked without feeling overworked.

    Tami, I hope you enjoy your weekend. I don't blame you for going back to bed after getting DH up at 3:30am. That's just not a good hour to be getting out of bed. Anytime after 4:00am, and I'm fine. But before that.....:grumble: :yawn: . I am with you on XTrain Legs. I just have a hard time popping it into the DVD player. But with all of the impact in Tabatacise, it really did kind of feel nice. So maybe that's how I should do it in the future. But for a leg workout on its own? I'd pretty much rather do anything else. That's a bit of a sad statement, isn't it? :blushing: I'm really curious what Cathe has in store for releasing next as well. She has pretty much covered all bases in her career, so where will she go now? I'm excited to find out!

    Erika, I hope the snow this morning didn't cause you too many problems. I guess there are some slick roads around town that I'm not aware of, so maybe that is why they canceled school. But slick roads never stopped us from going to school when I was growing up. I was in 8th grade when Denver Public Schools called its first snow day EVER, and the snow was so deep that cars couldn't get through it. That's the only thing that stopped school way back when. I'm beginning to feel like one of those old-timers who talks about how they walked five miles up hill in the snow....both ways. :blushing: But things really have changed, and while I understand concerns for safety, I also think there is a border line between teaching/ensuring safety and sending kids the message that minor inconviences can result in a day off. :ohwell: Anyhow, that client cocktail party sounds interesting! Like you, though, I'm not a belly-up-to-the-bar kind of person either. Glad you enjoyed Jillian's leg workout! She is looking really good on this season of Biggest Loser. I'd really love to have arms like her.

    Laurie, I'm so happy to hear about the positive review from your boss!! :drinker: I'm so glad you like this boss. It makes all the difference in the world sometimes. I hope you get a nice workout in this weekend if you are feeling up to it. Sounds like you plan to take it easy working your way back in, and that sounds perfect. Yeah, I know, is it possible to have too many workouts? :laugh: But I promise myself I will only buy what I have plans to do. So I guess that means I need to start making more plans! :tongue:

    Michelle, I bet your little girl looked SO cute in her Einstein get-up. How fun! Your fish Friday sounds very good. I should try something like that. I usually just opt for no meat instead. I really think I could easily be a vegetarian if I weren't married. I seem to gravitate towards vegetarian meal when DH is out. Congrats on the new BH DVDs. Let us know how you like them. I still love Yoga Warrior. I just love his demeanor in that one.

    Hope you all enjoy a good weekend! See you Monday.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF!!!! :bigsmile: As planned, I went home last night and did Tabatacise 1-5 + Core – it felt great. :wink: The dogs were snuggled in on their beds watching me. Emma always comes and checks on me when I get down on the floor to do abs. Cracks me up!:laugh: Today’s workouts are XTrain Supercuts & Spinning after work.

    Erika: Hope you had a safe commute with your fresh new snow this a.m.! Nice job getting in the JM Legs workout last night. Im glad you had fun at the cocktail party, sounds like you stayed for the perfect amount of time. I was the same way at dental cleanings until they hired a new hygentist. I tell her she is my good luck charm! She is so nice and calming plus I have had nothing but great reviews since she started on my teeth. The other lady made me nervous and like I needed to re-learn brushing my teeth every time I was there.:angry: Depressing and more “anx” was put on me in those moments.:laugh: :ohwell: Thanks for the kudos on my workouts! They are feeling great and enjoying the XT rotation.

    Laurie: Huge congrats on a positive review and that you have a great relationship with your boss! :drinker: That’s so awesome. We only get raises when reviews are done …. In the past it was yearly. So yes 5+ years :sad: Since the real estate market hit the big drop they have just been trying to hang on to all their companies/staff, etc. Hopefully as things are showing signs of improvement for 2013 we will eventually be on the list. We have been getting big snow flurries of rain/snow mixed. Kind of a mess out there today.

    Michelle: Congrats on the new DVDs coming your way! :smile: Yoga Warrior is such a great one & I’m sure you will enjoy the others. Hopefully your DH is not spreading the cooties your way. Enjoy your relaxation with your book, sounds awesome ….. wish I was doing the same right now.

    Laurel: Great job with Supercuts! I know what you mean on that one.:bigsmile: Definitely one I look forward to doing and love the variety. Sounds like a perfect combo you did today. I’m with you a million % on that leg workout.:ohwell: I think because there are so many others that are better (in my opinion) that putting it in the DVD player just feels like I should be doing something else. So glad I’m not the only one. Enjoy your weekend after a busy week.

    Talk to you all on Monday ~ Have a great weekend!:flowerforyou: