Cathe Fans Part 5



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!! :bigsmile:

    I now have an even better excuse to get my workout in each is stinkin' cold this week in MN. Tonight the low is -14, with windchills to -35...yikes! It's been just barely above 0 most of the week. But, it makes me move to stay warm! :wink: Tonight was Burn Sets Bi's and Tri's. I don't know if my arms can take any!

    Tami--Nice class last night!!! :bigsmile: I need to really work on my push-ups on my toes. I used to be able to pump those out without a problem, and now I hit about 10 and have to go to my knees. Hopefully that strength comes back soon. I love your combo of XTrain Legs/Tri Sets Legs. I think Tri Sets Legs and Cardio Legs are my two new fave Cathe legs workouts. I always feel fried at the end of both of them! Probably how you felt after 3 workouts! :happy:

    Laurel--Great work on adding in the STS workouts to replace Burn Sets, and getting the 100 rep challenges in there too. Sounds like a winner for sure!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--I feel for ya on the cold...we are getting it here too! I need to fill up my tank, but I couldn't stand out there for even a second with the 20mph winds right now. Maybe tomorrow morning? Good thing is my work day tomorrow is at a client about 2 miles from my house, so I can make it there and back without filling up, if I need to! :bigsmile: Great job on Combat Hiit...I think I might try that out tomorrow!

    Michelle--Hi! :flowerforyou:

    Time to get all snuggled up in my nice warm bed! Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Combat 60 was accomplished last night, and then I helped DH haul three bookcases (free! :drinker: ) down into the basement. :laugh: They where not super heavy, but it is really hard getting things down our steps. There is an angle half way down. :wink: These are some nice wood cases, and I think will look good down there once we get the basement remodeled to what we want. I'm getting excited about the ideas that DH has for the house, and I'm so glad that he has found some outlet besides the faire. This morning he turned on a light (I can't stand bright lights in the morning), and he pointed out what he wants to do with a window that we have in the corner of our bedroom. :noway: After he talked about the wood valance, he turned the light off. :laugh: It made me giggle.

    Laurel, Let me see if I can remember how to respond to all the good things you had in your post. I really want Cathe to do one DVD with all the challenges in them! That sounds like something that one could use as an add-on to many workouts. :wink: Yes we are getting those below zero temps, and I think my feet have been frozen since they blew in. We are suppose to be getting some snow tonight, but the temps are still going to be low. :huh: Guess that is what we get for living in this area. :happy:

    Tami, Sounds like a great workout, even though Pure Cardio was always one of those workouts that I dreaded doing. Did you and Laurel see that there are two new workouts for Insanity. One is 26 min. and goes through all the Insanity moves, kind of sounds like the Fast and Furious workout that Shaun put out previously. I do like that one, short and intense. Also a 15 min. ab workout. This one is all of Shaun's favorite ab moves. Just thought I would let you know about it. :wink: I love the DOMS, and I'm starting to see some improvement in my arms and shoulders. :wink:

    Erika, LOL about the cold motivating you to workout. :laugh: I get in the basement and wonder what the heck I'm doing down there in the cold. :laugh: I need a little heater down there, just to start me out. I love how we avoid standing out there waiting for the pump to fill the tank. It seemed to go a lot slower that day too. :laugh: I like different things about both hiit workouts, but my favorite on is the Plyo Hiit. In the Power Hiit I really like all the weight work, it get the hr up there fast.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did XTrain Cardio Leg Blast Extreme premix--the one that is 87 minutes long. Great workout!! Felt really good to get that kind of cardio in AND work my legs at the same time. I was supposed to do Chest/Back/Shoulders (Disk 1) and Hard Strikes cardio today, but my arms are still a little wobbly after yesterday's workout. Those 100 reps really do work. They were surprisingly tough yesterday after that Bis and Tris workout. Definitely will be doing that again.

    Tami, sounds like a great workout. I've thought about mixing the XT Legs workout with LIS Lower Body Trisets, but since that latter workout always gives me DOMS, I've been hesitant to do it. :blushing: Maybe next time. Glad you enjoyed the workout that way. Thanks again for the recommendation of that Cardio Leg Blast premix. I really enjoyed it and was amazed how quickly the workout went. Just a side note--instead of Burn Sets Bis and Tris, I did the XT Disk 2 Bis and Tris and then the 100 reps. I'm not sure if the 100 reps are on the Burn Set workout are not. I haven't checked! But they would be a great add-on to the Burn Sets workouts as doubt!

    Erika, sounds like some miserably cold temperatures! I remember those kind of temps from Alaska, and they are never fun. Be safe....and warm! Glad you enjoyed that Burn Sets Bis and Tris workout. I like that one.....short and effective.

    Laurie, I'm so glad your husband is focusing on your house! How fun that must be. I can't wait to own a house and finally get around to making a place our own. We actually went house hunting this past weekend (just for kicks to see what a dollar buys you in Colorado Springs). It is a bit dismaying, that's for sure, because of the cost of houses. But it was fun. Maybe in a couple of years we will finally have set some roots down. Somewhere. :ohwell: Great job on the workout! I wish Cathe had included all of her 100 rep challenges in one place as well. I lose track of them. In addition, she doesn't use any of them in her premixes, which is a little strange. But, still, they are there. And they got me good yesterday!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Spin was tough stuff last night, but always fun & feels great when you’re done! :wink: This a.m. was Burn Sets Bis/Tri’s followed by Core 1. Planning on completing my B&T workout with XT Bis/Tris + BONUS tonight after work. I didn’t have enough time this a.m. Works out perfectly though, DH is gone to a B-Ball game tonight so I’ll have my workout area to myself.

    Erika: Great job on Burn Sets Bi’s/Tri’s last night! It is a good one, I enjoy the XT Burn Sets workouts. I agree on both of those being really great leg workouts; tri-sets really offers some great variety. Brrrrrrr on those temps :noway: glad that it’s providing motivation!

    Laurie: Another nice Combat workout and then moving the bookcases could have been your BONUS! :happy: Sounds like DH is really getting into this basement remodel, that’s so great. Thanks for letting us know on the new ST workouts. I haven’t see them, are they on the BB site?

    Laurel: Yay! Glad you liked the pre-mix! :bigsmile: That’s a keeper & I feel like it is a better workout. I did look this a.m. when I was planning out my workout the Bonus 100 are on the XT #2 disc. Thanks for the side note ….. I was thinking this a.m. when I saw the time frames, WOW that is a looong workout w/ the two together plus BONUSES, no wonder her arms were shaking! I’m looking forward to doing that 2nd workout tonight, maybe it’s not necessary but :blushing: feel like I should.

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Tonight was Xtrain Cardio Legs cardio only (thanks for the inspiration Laurel), which was w I am off withso fun! I just love that workout! Tomorrow I am off with the boys, so plan to get in the rest of Burn Sets. It reminds me of PLotsUB, but with no DOMS:ohwell: Lots of hockey this weekend, so I will need a break for my workouts!

    Tami, sounds like spin was a toughie! :happy: I hope you enjoyed your evening workout with the house to yourself!:happy:

    Laurel, your legs must be jello after that workout! :bigsmile: If i had the time, I would do that premix for sure!

    Laurie, I bet you have some soreness after Combat and moving bookcases! I love that you and your hubby are having fun remodeling room by room. I love that stuff! :bigsmile:

    Michelle, Hi! :happy:

    Time for bed so I can keep up with the little buggers tomorrow! :laugh:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Finally:grumble: Yesterday the computer or site was acting up and I could not post and since I was rushing for a hair appt I gave up:blushing: After a 9:30- 1:30pm day at the hairdresser:grumble: then the grocery store my day was an all day event so no workouts. This morning my Bum Bum does not fee as if it is swollen so my rotation continues:bigsmile: I'm on my way to drop the girls to school and Mr. C to the groomer.

    Erika- Yesterday the temps reached a high and people were in shorts...eeek with those temps. Excited to hear that the dvd is fun as that is on my new list:wink:

    Laurie- Cold basement sounds like back home in Texas and the cold garage chasing me back upstairs from running..did not think of a heater:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Glad to know the pink gloves are show and the workout is good, another potential dvd on the list:bigsmile: House hunting is fun until you are truly ready and then it becomes a stressful nightmare trying to blend two individual visions together:grumble: We thank goodness built our first home in Texas so we have 85% of what we wanted and added the rest as time passed.

    Tami- Great workouts this week and they sound challenging...way to go lady:wink:

    Ok I'm out of here.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Shock Plyo Hiit was a good workout last night, and I managed to get all the power lunges accomplished this time. :laugh: She does a lot of them, and they can start to get the legs tired after a while. Always love to see improvements.

    Laurel, Love the noodle arms! :wink: 87 min. of leg torture, that had to be intense. I'm sure that Cathe is probably getting requests for the challenges to be put on a DVD, I will probably make that one to her myself. :laugh: House hunting is a ton of fun, and yes they are expensive. The upkeep is another thing also. DH just bought a new water softner yesterday, and this spring we will be getting the house painted. I'm just glad that we will have more time to spend on the house this year.

    Tami, Great workouts! Nice that you have the time after work, since your DH was going out. I'm almost thinking that I have to slow DH down with all the plans he has. :laugh: But I am happy to see that he has found something that he can focus on. I saw the new DVD's posted on the Insanity FB page, so I'm guessing that they have them at BB. :wink:

    Erika, Enjoy your day with your boys! After all these years the house really does need a room by room makeover. :laugh: I have done the family room, living room, dd's bathroom, our bedroom painted and painted the kitchen. The rest of the rooms need updates. Youngest also wants her room made into a non little girl room. :laugh: We have some ideas, just want to get our bedroom window treatments finished first.

    Michelle, I was having problems with the site yesterday also. :huh: Sounds like a very busy day yesterday. Does Mr. C enjoy going to the groomers? My parents boxer always loved getting a bath. :laugh: The heater is nice to have at the beginning, it is just so dang cold down there until I get my body moving. :wink:

    Have a great weekend!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Thanks for warm welcome, ladies. I have been dealing with stomach issues the past few days, so I have not been feeling it. This morning, I did a 20 min hiit on the elliptical and plan on doing something when I get home later. I struggle with weekend workouts. I really need to workout more on the weekends. I must say, I'm impressed with your long workouts! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on X-train. I will probably have more questions as time goes. i do like all the premixes it comes with.

    Laurie- Shock Plyo Hiit sounds great. I love a good leg workout.

    Erika- I hope you enjoy your day with your boys. Cardio legs sounds good. It takes a lot for me to get DOMS on legs. It takes massive reps or sometimes static movements.

    Tami-I'm impressed with your workouts. I have never tried spin, it scares e. One of these days!

    Laurel- Killer workouts. I think the 100 reps is an awesome bonus!

    I hope I said hi to everyone, it's such a fast pace thread! I don't usually check the boards over the weeknd, but I'll check in on Monday. Have a great weekend.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Since I didn't do the Burn Sets workout I was supposed to do on Wednesday, I decided to substitute out the XT Disk#1 Chest/Back/Shoulders I was supposed to do today with Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders. Really enjoyed that workout this morning. My triceps were STILL a bit tender for Wednesday's workout. Love that! Then I went to put Hard Strikes in for my cardio.....and wouldn't you know that Tabatacize jumped out of the case and into my DVD player. :wink: :blushing: I guess I just felt like something different. :ohwell: So I did Tabatacize (Tabatas 1-3) and Core 1. Love. Absolutely love that nice little workout. I think I'm going to really enjoy Tabatacize. Good music, tough moves, flies by.....all good--and very tough--stuff. So I'm anxious for that becoming a part of this rotation, which I think it does in Week 5.

    So four weeks of XTrain down (in three weeks, of course), and I'm happy with it right now. With the few tweaks I've started making, I feel like I'm getting some good, fun, and effective workouts in without really killing myself. Got to love that!

    kclynch, sorry you haven't been feeling well. Lots of nasty stuff going around right now. I always take one day off per weekend. I used to take both days off on the weekend, and felt five days a week was more than enough for me, so don't sweat it too much if you don't workout on the weekends....if you are working out the other days of the week, of course. We're kind of a weekday crowd around here, so you won't miss many (if any) posts over the weekend. Regarding my longer workouts, I am the first to admit that nobody needs to workout as much as I do. I know that probably sounds strange. But exercise is my addiction, so I just kind of go with it. But knowing it isn't necessary gives me that mental freedom I need for days when I don't want to workout as hard. In other words, I don't mentally punish myself if I workout 30 minutes a day because that's all the time I've got and is definitely enough time. I figure as long as I'm doing something good for me and my body, I'm good.

    Laurie, great job with the workout. Yep, nothing like seeing improvements! Love that feeling. Yeah, I romanticize about owning a house. But I'm sure the first time the heat goes out and I have to figure out how to get it fixed myself, I will remember the ease of renting and simply calling somebody up and saying 'I need help!' :ohwell: It will be an interesting transition for us, that's for sure.

    Michelle, four hours at the hair salon? Yikes!! I think my longest appointment was about 2 1/2 hours, and I felt like I knew everybody on a first name basis by the time I left there--and I'm talking customers, not workers!! :laugh: Hope it was well worth the time for you, though. Glad this rotation is working for you. No doubt DH and I will have an interesting time looking for houses. Our tastes are really similar, so I'm not as worried about that as I am my major purchase panic. I can very literally have a panic attack when we start doing things like buying cars and such. I've gotten better over the years, but signing that line and committing hundreds of thousands of dollars? :noway: DH is probably going to have to drug me. :tongue: :wink:

    Erika, so glad you continue to enjoy that Cardio Leg Blast workout. There are so many options available on it that I think you can pretty much get any type of lower body/cardio workout you want on any given day! Enjoy Burn Sets!!

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the spinning class! Hope you enjoyed those 100 reps too!! Hope they challenged you. I didn't get any DOMS in my biceps, but, like I said above, I certainly noticed my triceps today when doing that chest work in the Burn Sets workout. Yeah, doing the XT Disk 2 plus the two 100 rep challenges took that workout to an hour--for just two body parts. So I guess there is little surprise I was feeling it! :smile: Sorry about 'cheating' and doing Tabatacize early, but since I've been accelerating the program a bit anyhow, I felt you wouldn't mind a little preview. :flowerforyou: It is excellent!! I think doing the entire workout will be alot like doing Cross Fire....but all Tabatas. Really good stuff from what I saw this morning. Good luck next week with your Lasik!! I'm anxious to hear how it goes.

    I will be in the land without internet all next week, so I hope you all enjoy the week. I look forward to catching up with you when I get back!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies! :drinker:

    As planned, I did part 2 of Bis/Tris last night w/ Disc 2 & 100 Rep Challenge. I then felt I had achieved the noodle arms burn effect that I was looking for! :laugh: :wink: XTrain All Out HiiT was this a.m. and then Spinning after work. I am also planning on doing the Sat a.m. Spin class with my friend again tomorrow. She said it helps her stay motivated in going… so I’m here to help! :smile:

    Erika: Great job getting in XT Cardio Legs! :wink: Sounds like you enjoyed it …. But I agree on the fun factor with that one so how could you not?! Enjoy your time off with the boys and hockey this weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Sounds like you are all pampered up after your hair appt yesterday! :happy: Very fun. Busy as usual and glad you are feeling good again! Thanks ~ since I started XT and have a schedule to follow the workouts are really falling into place lately and feeling great.

    Laurie: Nice workout with Shock Plyo HiiT it sounds and great to know you are already improving on the power lunges.:wink: Those are always tough on the legs! The workout was nice last night, its unusual lately to walk into the house and have it be just me with quiet, no TV or games going.

    Kclynch: Sorry to hear you have been dealing with some stomach issues.:frown: Understandably you would not be feeling like any kind of workout I’m sure. Don’t worry about the weekend workouts…. For me, I have the time usually on weekends to get in workouts or schedule my longer workouts on those days but I don’t have little kiddos so that makes a huge difference in scheduling & time frames. Do what you can in the time that you have, the best thing is that you are working out! Thanks for the kudos! I always tell people and I will tell you as well re: Spinning ~ Just try it! :bigsmile: They truly will give you options & you are in control of your bike. So your speed or resistance is up to you. You can work up to any level. So if you truly want to give it a go I recommend it. A friend of mine that just started working out about a year ago gave it a try and loves spinning now. She goes at whatever pace she can handle and truly loves it.

    Laurel: Great to hear that Tabatacize is a good one! :bigsmile: I have been wondering when that was coming around in this rotation. Yay! I’m so glad it’s a great workout. I’m so glad to hear you are enjoying XT too & great job getting the four weeks into 3!:drinker: I think with some tweaks that we are making it will be a great rotation. Thanks so much for the well wishes on my Lasik! I’m excited now that it is finally around the corner. Thursday is my big day! Yahoo Have a great visit with your mom:flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • halleyg2
    halleyg2 Posts: 66 Member
    I'd really love to try one of Cathe's workouts but they are kind of pricey. Can I purchase them anywhere other than Cathe's website or Collage Video?
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    This weekend was great and dedicated to exercising and enjoying the short weekend with the girls. On Saturday with temps in the 70's, my energy was revved and I did a two hour workout starting with BBL and then adding KB and intervals to really get my heart rate up. I finished the session with 200 lunges and 200 punches..what fun!:bigsmile: Sunday was a 45minute run on the treadmill and then we turned on the music channel and I freestyled until the girls were tired of my energy and gyrating hips:blushing: :laugh: This morning hubby and I hit the trail for our walk...we're back:laugh: Yes my legs are tired and sore and I have Squeeze Stronger Upper body & Waist scheduled for this afternoon. On saturday night after watching our cruise pics we finally watched The Girl with the Dragon tatto and it was very graphic at times but an overall good movie. I'm not a big fan of mysteries but hey Daniel Craig is in the movie:bigsmile: and although I solved part of the story early I am definitely excited to continue the series with another movie, even thinking of buying the books.

    Halleyg- Sometimes I check Ebay, Totalfitness or even Amazon for new or old dvds of Cathe. Of course on Monday she offers here specials and downloading her dvds to your Ipad, laptop, etc is also a cheaper option I have used while traveling for work in the past.

    Laurie- Funny you asked that as I could hear him barking for me from the front office and he literally dragged me out of the vet and eagerly jumped into the back of the truck. Lol. It is quite embarrassing as he acts as if he was tortured the entire time:bigsmile: .

    Tami- Yippee surgery is nearly here. I'm excited for you and can not wait for you to reap the benefits and tell us all about it:bigsmile: I'm not sure if I qualify for Lasik but I have definitely thought about it lately as I struggle to see the letters on the 65" tv:blushing: After years of only needing glasses while driving and not using them for anything else it may be time to look into that option.

    Laurel- LOL in reference to the house and drugging you at the purchase. I bought my first home at 21 and have also worked selling homes to families, especially those with poor credit who never dreamed of owning a home. My hubby on the other hand may of felt that way when I woke up one weekend and drove to the builder and said we were looking to purchase/build a home. After renting for nearly 8 years it was a great decision although the first time something broke it was nervewrecking to realize it was up to us to find the professional to come into your home and fix the issue...even more nervewrecking trusting someone to do the job right .:laugh: :blushing:

    Erika- Do you have the entire set of Cathe's new dvds? Favorite ones thus far? Although I do not need another dvd until I commit to my current rotation, I'm definitely interested in a few of her new ones:blushing:

    Kclynch- Listen to your body as those muscles will remember when it is time to get back on track. I have been off for 30days due to vacation and a horrible flu that knocked me on my feet and that is not easy:laugh: I started exercising last week and it kicked butt the first week but this weekend my body felt great, my lungs have definitely improved and my arms are looking good again as I flex in the mirror:blushing:

    Have a great Monday, off to make an egg salad and prepare for Upper body with Tracy..yowzsa:bigsmile:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:
    Nice weekend of workouts and some time with friends! :wink: Sat a.m. I did Spinning and then followed it up later with a HiiT workout, just sounded good! Yesterday I decided I better take a REST day other than Volleyball because I hadn’t taken one in a while. Felt strange but I’m sure my body appreciated it.:smile: Today I swapped out XT Legs for Lower Body Blast instead! Tonight will be BootCamp.

    Michelle: Yowsa on the 70 degree weather! That is amazing.:noway: :bigsmile: We are having blustery snow and low 30s. No wonder you had some great energy! Nice job on the workouts, so nice that you are back in action. I’m sure it feels wonderful. Great to hear you and DH started back up with your walk too! I saw that movie as well, but luckily was warned of the graphic nature. It’s shocking. We watched Taken 2, which I really liked. Thanks for your excitement on my Lasik surgery. WooHoo for just getting up and no contacts, etc. I’m looking forward to that forsure.

    Hello Laurie, Erika & KCLynch ~ Hope you all had a great weekend:bigsmile:

    Safe travels Laurel:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow! Tami
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    I'd really love to try one of Cathe's workouts but they are kind of pricey. Can I purchase them anywhere other than Cathe's website or Collage Video?
    I know what you mean .... but she is worth it! :wink: You might look at Video Fitness Forum – they do trades/purchases on DVDs. You can also try Ebay or Amazon as well.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I had a nice long weekend with the boys--filled with hockey, of course! :laugh: It was fun though, as they both played really well, and on Saturday they got to show off to both sets of grandparents that came out for the game. Sunday was a mix of ice/snow here, so we pretty much stay put after their games.

    Workouts continue to be great, and I have found my motivation that was lost a few weeks ago. Can't wait to pop in that DVD each day and get to it. But, I did make myself take a rest day yesterday, as I think it has been at least 2 weeks since I took one and my wrists are a little sore from my CLX workout the other day with all the dang pushups! :laugh:

    Laurie--I finally tried the Combat 60 minute workout (the Extreme one), and it was SO MUCH fun!!! No DOMS, but I didn't wear weighted gloves this time around. I love the energy, music moves, etc. I esp. love the section breakdowns with a different instructor for makes the workout go so fast! I still have to get to the Hiit ones...hopefully soon!

    Tami--Sounds like you had some really great workouts at the end of the week last week, up through yesterday! Love the noodle arm feeling! :happy:

    Laurel--I love how Tabatasize jumped into your DVD player! :laugh: That kind of stuff happens a lot over here! Great job on subbing out where needed to make your workout feel "complete!"

    Michelle--Great job on the nice long workouts over your long weekend! :bigsmile: I'm curious to hear how the Squeeze workout went after all the muscle frying workouts you did! I swear that one always brings the DOMS! I only ordered 2 of Cathe's workouts from XTrain...Cardio Legs and Burn Sets. So far, very happy with the purchases. I would purchase Cardio Legs all over again, but Burn Sets reminds me a lot of Pyramid Upper Body, which I have, so not sure I will use that one as much? Enjoy that nice weather, we're headed back into below zero temps for later this week!

    kclynch--I hope the stomach bug leaves soon, I know there's been a little of that floating around in our house too! I am one of the shorter length workout gals on here. I try to stay to 30-45 minutes, even on weekends. However, IF we have free time on a weekend (I have 2 boys that play hockey year round), I shoot for a longer one. I generally workout at night during the week and whenever I can get it in on the weekends. I try to take 1 rest day per week (I have to force myself!), and love to mix it up with Cathe, Chalene, Jillian, Combat, Kelly Coffey-Meyer, etc.

    Off to get ready and see what the roads look like...lots of schools delayed due to icy roads. I think it actually went north/south of us, as we have normal school start times here.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    This is going to be a quick one. I have been super busy at work, two tcons that I had to do just today and one yesterday. Have been keeping up with my workouts! :drinker: Very busy at home, but I will try to get on tonight to talk to all of you when I'm not so rushed.

    Talk at you later,
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hi ladies! I seem to be over my stomach bug, but for some reason I am still exhauseted. I have been sleeping 9 hours a night instead of my usual 7-8. Plus Sun, I even took a nap- which I NEVER do. But I feel fine. So I actually worked out Sat and Sun! Then I slept in yesterday. I have been doing shorter workouts and hope to do Slow and Heavy tomorrow.

    Erika- Sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend. It was snowing thsi mroning and i was hoping for a delay tomorrow -I'm a teacher and the occasional delay makes me happy- but it seems to have stopped. I'm pretty much right there with you with the mix up. I never completed P90X, but still like to do some of the DVDs. I had this whole plan for Cathe, but I've already fell off the wagon! This morning I did JM just because her videos are shorter. Maybe I'll never be a program girl and will just choose a few Xtrain dvds to get.

    Michelle- You rocked thsi weekend. No wonder your legs wore sore. I wish I had more deffinition in my arms. That's ne of the reasons I choose Cathe. There is nothing like killer arms to say, "yeah, I work out!" Someday.

    Tammi - Thanks for the push on spin. I just want to try something new and challenging!

    Laurel - I love a long workout, but I am always short on time. LOL. I'm pretty happy when I get something in, even if it is short. If I go more then 2 days without working out -like skipping the whole weekend- I get real antsy. Exercise really keeps me gorunded.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    BootCamp was probably the easiest one we have had to date. Only because of the Biggest Loser competition going on it was so FULL we were limited in what we could do. :frown: Still a good workout but just worth mentioning after last week’s craziness with all the running! :laugh: It was core & legs for the focus. This a.m. was XT: All Out LI HiiT, I did the XTreme premix which was perfect for me! :bigsmile: Tonight will be Insane-X after work!

    Erika: Sounds like a fun filled hockey weekend with some great family time! Good job with the workouts and taking a rest day. I’m so glad you have found that motivation! :bigsmile: I knew it would come back Great job. I’m really enjoying my workouts right now as well. Making XT work for me by adding some bonuses on strength days or longer pre-mixes is really fun.

    Laurie: Hang in there with those busy days! :flowerforyou: Nice job keeping up with the workouts.

    Kelly: So good to hear your bug is gone! I’m sure the “tireds” are from being sick. Your body is probably just needing the extra zzzzz’s right now. Good job easing back in with some shorter workouts. :wink: Slow & Heavy is a great one, hope you are able to get that in tomorrow. You’re welcome on the spin “push” :laugh: It’s a good one to try for a new challenge! I know what you mean about being antsy if you haven’t worked out. Even the other day when I forced myself to take a rest day I was thinking, maybe I should just do a quick/shorter workout. Sheesh, I’ve got the sickness forsure :blushing:

    Hi Michelle & Laurel!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My body is sore:bigsmile: from my booty to my triceps. Squueze Stronger has done its usual major DOMS days later not to forget my screaming obliques from her Squeezestick sidebends:noway: I was so tired I told hubby to take the dog and I snuggled in for some extra time with the 6 year old:heart: Today it is Bum Bum and Squeeze Stronger focusing on Biceps. The school just called and has decided to release the district at midday due to weather conditions:huh:, not sure if that is really why or due to the kidnapping And shooting of the busdriver 20 minutes away yesterday and the current hostage situation. I know that last night I went to bed angry and seriously concerned and thinking of homeschooling again:brokenheart: I'm praying that everything works out and this maniac releases this 6 year without hurting him:sad: .

    Erika- DOMS is my friend and yesterday when I went to push down the soap dispenser my triceps groaned:laugh: This Brazil/Squeeze hybrid has been effective at creating DOMS daily which is interesting but hopefully the results will speak in 6 weeks:wink: Ice & snow..we hit a high of 80 this week:huh: so I'm sending you warm winds:laugh:

    Laurie- Glad to hear your workouts are on schedule and hopefully the work schedule will ease up by the end of the week for you.

    Tami- Easy Bootcamp..really:tongue: then again after some of your descriptions she is brutal.:laugh:

    Kelly- Glad to see that you are feeling better. My arms tend to bulk easy as bodybuilding is a part of my father's side and genetics unfortunately the pear shape from mom kills me:grumble: I don't do traditional weight lifting anymore and have found that FB circuits produce better results for me, it allows me to slim down my troubled lower half and keeps the upper sleek and defined versus big arms where I had to increase my shirt size due to my biceps:blushing: In the last two years Barre routines have been a new change especially a mental one that has been helpful in creating a look for me but I also constantly change up anything as my adult ADHD kicks in at times when it comes to a rotation:bigsmile:

    Ok off to get this Bum Bum in gear before the bus drops off the girls and everything goes haywire:wink:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    I think I’m getting used to the weekly set of lines between BootCamp & Insane-X. Last night was 3 sets of lines with 20 burpees, then the regular Insanity format followed by 2 sets of lines and 10 burpees. Tough stuff. Two different friends of mine saw me in there last night and said they would NEVER take that class. Lol This a.m. was XT: Burn Sets Bi’s/Tri’s + Core 1. Tonight is Spinning after work. :wink:

    Michelle: Youch on the DOMS you have going on lady! Sounds like the workouts are doing their job though, :bigsmile: which is great! So sad to hear there was a shooting and hostage situation going on so close to you.:frown: It is so scary every day it seems anymore and as a mom I can only imagine feeling like you should home school. I know, right? Easy should have been worded “easier” than the norm. :laugh:

    Hope you are all having a great day! :flowerforyou:
    Talk to you tomorrow... I'll check in before I leave early tomorrow for my appt.
