Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    CrossFire this a.m. LOVE it! Tonight I am getting my hair prettied up after work. I’m looking forward to it. I did find out that the new bikes will be in on Tuesday so Spinning next week will have a freshly painted/spruced room w/ the new bikes! It will be nice to have my pm classes back next week. Eventhough they are probably going to be TOUGH! :bigsmile:

    Laurie: Sounds like Combat is going to be really great for you! :wink: That is so awesome ….. and in just a short workout you’re already feelin it! Yowsa on the 243 kicks! :huh: I bet your legs are feeling that today. That was not a fun reminder from your boss to realize it’s back to the daily grind until May! :laugh: I’m sure you are very anxious to get back into the workouts. I would be going crazy forsure. Kleenex on hand may be the ticket! It’s funny Laurel mentioned that and read about it …. Only because there are a few people in Spinning that have a Kleenex handy every time.

    Laurel: Fabulous Reviews! :flowerforyou: Thank you again … It’s the big countdown to Sunday! I’m excited to see what kind of results we will have from this program and good to know that we won’t be struggling to figure out which weight is next w/out workout cards, (for now anyway). I thought I did see that in the booklet that they list what Cathe is lifting for each. Definitely sounds like a ton of variety plus some great concentration/focus work on particular body parts! Of course as we always say … she thought of everything.:bigsmile: I’m glad to hear the leg workouts are similar to the Meso 3 Plyo, since those are some of my favorites.

    Erika: That’s no way to start the New Year :noway: Ugh is right. Definitely let’s hope the rest of the month does not follow suit. Sounds like you had some great days up until then, so that is good and great job with the workouts. I started thinking of you with the XTrain program just due to the endless possibilities and mixes she offers! I know you prefer shorter workouts/mixes so this might be something in the future you would enjoy! We will keep you posted.:wink: Definitely excited to start. Have a great celebration with the B-day boy!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So after almost 5 years of not being able to wear contacts, because of how horrible my eyes are. I found a doctor that made a perscription from soft contacts, and I can see! :love: I still have to wear reading glasses, but being able to wear sunglasses right from the store is going to be so wonderful. :bigsmile: Last night I did another Combat workout, and it was Power Hiit. This had body weight, compound weight exercises and plyo work. As you probably can guess it was done in a circuit style. It was a tough workout, and I really felt my upper body.

    Laurel, Does Cathe have her other workouts in the undulating rotation? I would think that some of her other cardio workouts would be included. :huh: Interesting information on the Hard Strikes, I will be interested in what both you and Tami think of that workout. My nose runs constantly, so I have a box of Kleenex in my workout space. :laugh: Only two workouts down, and I am feeling my whole body! :noway: Looks like the two Hiit workouts contain body weight/weight/plyo moves. The other workouts are all MMA cardio, so if I don't like this set there is something seriously wrong with me. :laugh:

    Erika, Oh I am soooo sorry to hear about the head lice. My dd's have never had it, so I am no help at all. My sister is a daycare manager, and the lice check is one thing that she hates to do. Hope you both are able to contain the little pests! I did get some great workouts, and I think I need to clone myself so I can try them all out. :laugh: One thing I have noticed so far about LM Combat workouts, is that they are not high impact like Insanity is. There are impact moves in the Hiit workouts, and some in the cardio. So far loving them though.

    Tami, So cool that you will be one of the ones getting to try out the new bikes. So how has the gym been? This is usually the start of everyones resolutions to lose weight. :wink: I have been feeling that thutt area, so I know those kicks have been working the legs. Have also felt the inner thigh. :wink: I like that they do different kicks, not just the front, side. I don't know what I would do at the gym with just one Kleenex! I need my box, because I go through so many. :laugh:

    Maria, Yes do join us here, so I can get a feel for what those XTrain workouts are like. I'm still on the fence about buying them. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! I finished the week in good style having a similar thought to doing Cross Fire!! So much fun. I followed it with STS Disk 15/Back and Biceps, and I feel all ready to start the new rotation on Sunday. My body feels these STS workouts (my legs are really sore today!) so it will be good to get back to that kind of rotation again.....albeit a very different rotation.

    Erika, ugh!!! I can't believe the way you started your year. No fun. I've never had to deal with anything like that either. I hope you got rid of those pesky pests and they never return. Like Tami, I've been thinking of you with these XTRAIN workouts. There is so much variety in length that you can make whatever you want out of them. Like Tami, I'll let you know what I think when I do them, but from viewing them, they look very good to me.

    Tami, great minds think alike!! Cross Fire is so much fun, and I might miss it over the next few months. I did the premix with core, but wished I'd done the Extreme Premix about half way through. It just felt so good today. I previewed two more disks yesterday--Burn Sets and Super Cuts. Burn Sets is broken down into two workouts--Chest, Back, Shoulders and Biceps/Triceps. They remind me alot of STS Meso 2. She lifts pretty heavy weight for ten reps per set including a failure set. Then at the end of each body part, she adds a Burn Set (alot like STS Total Body). They look great. Super Cuts looks fantastic! It reminds me of a cross of AfterBurn and Cross Fire, with maybe a litte more emphasis on conditioning than either of those two. But it is in that avenue of metabolic training that uses weights, body, and some cardio moves that I've just grown to love SO much. Can't wait to try that one, that's for sure. One more preview to go--the Tabata workout!!

    A couple of other observations about these workouts. There are no 'clocks' like there were in STS or in her other HiiT workouts, so you can't tell how much time is in between sets. I'm okay with that with the weight workouts, but I find myself looking for that clock in HiiT workouts! One of the things I noticed is that she really emphasizes to 'go at your own pace' during the weight routines, and, unlike her other workouts, you see her background exercisers doing just that. I like that! One thing that has always bothered me a bit with Cathe's workouts is her seeming to want everybody to go at her pace, but that isn't the case in these. You also see where her background exercisers let up if they can't complete reps, and I like that as well. The workouts feel more 'real' than alot of Cathe's other workouts in that regard. I think this is a great set, and I've seen something I like in EVERY workout.

    Maria, as Tami said, she and I are starting on Sunday. So please check-in and discuss these workouts with us!! I'd love to her your experience as well.

    Laurie, hope you are doing well and continuing to improve from that nasty cold!!

    Michelle, I hope you are well!!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF my beautiful, fit friends!!! :bigsmile:

    We have trimuphed over those stupid pests and finally got a good nights sleep too! :laugh: My hubby did laundry all day yesterday, so that we could be virtually done by the time I got home. We finished up the last load around 9 last night. DS had a great b-day (although many kids--friends of his even--were teasing him about how short his hair was), and got to pick his dinner destination, open gifts and I even picked up a little cupcake for him for dessert. He'll have his big friend party tomorrow.

    I got my workout in last night too...4DS Shoulders plus 4DS Kickbox. Nice combo! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Sounds like Cathe really tried to make XTrain different, which I'm excited about. I feel like many of her workouts are the same, with just a tiny twist here and there. I love that they are more "real" in that not everyone is at her pace. I always wonder how everyone in her crew can get through all the reps without even looking like they are struggling! :laugh: I'm just ask excited as you and Tami to hear all about the workouts! :bigsmile: The biggest thing for me will be if you can skip past the warm-up and into the workout. Most times, I'm going from one workout to the other, and don't need the warm-up, so just want to skip right to the muscle group or workout.

    Tami--Oh, the new studio sounds like it will be nice, and done quickly too! :bigsmile: Can't wait to hear your take on XTrain as well...I probably have been more curious about that set than any others out there! Keep an eye out for the discs too...I don't have a surface I can use them on (nor do I have them), so I'm hoping I can modify without them! :wink:

    Laurie--Ooh, those Combat workouts are calling my name too! Sounds like a great workout. When you eventually get to the TF Hiit workouts, let me know what you think of those compared to the Combat Hiit. That's what I need to know the most about those workouts! :bigsmile: Congrats on the new contacts, what a difference that must be for you! I wear contacts 90% of the time, and glasses the rest. I have a hard time wearing glasses, because of how convenient contacts are. Enjoy!

    Have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: TGIF!!

    STS Total Body this a.m. Will be a while until I do this one again and it geared me up for starting XTrain! Meeting my friend for a Spin class in the a.m. at the other gym near our house. Our next Volleyball league starts up this Sunday so it will be a good a.m. of XTrain and then some V-ball action. :wink:

    Laurie: That is so great to hear about your new contacts! I have worn soft contacts for about 15 years and haven’t had problems at all. I’m actually opting for Lasek surgery in a few weeks!! :happy: Pretty excited to have the convenience of no contacts/glasses. Although they informed me that later down the road I will need reading glasses, but I would anyway I guess. Combat is sounding fabulous! :bigsmile: That is so good to hear. This whole week the classes that I take have been a no go because of New Years Eve/New Years Day and then no Spin on the other days. So, next week will be a FULL house I’m sure. :huh: Usually dies off pretty fast other than they will have the Biggest Loser competition again.

    Laurel: Great minds do think alike is right! :laugh: Nice job with Cross Fire. Great job getting in some good STS weight work this week as well. I was glad to do Total Body this a.m. I’m so glad you’ve been our previewer on these workouts and you’ve let me know .. Thank You again for that, I appreciate it. :flowerforyou: I don’t have quite as good of a feel as you do (visually of course) at this point but I feel ready to get started forsure! I wondered if Super Cuts was going to be fabulous just from what I have read. Yay! :drinker:

    Erika: Good to hear that you have triumphed over those little tiny pests! Glad he had a nice Birthday as well. Minus the short hair comments .... kids can be so mean. :grumble: Nice job on the workouts!

    Michelle, I hope you are well!!

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies, Happy New Year!

    So I'm definitely on the road to recovery but on Friday went to my doctor and was told it may have turned into pneumonia:huh: , figures when I finally allow myself to get sick I do it with a Bang:tongue: So I'm on tons of meds with pills that are huge and I'm not good with big pills and then of course there are the side affects from these lovely gems:noway: None the less I attempted to resume walking with hubby this am and those 35 degree temps started a coughing spasm that ran me back into my bed:blushing: Maybe I'm not there yet:ohwell: So I plan to allow my body to heal and try again tomorrow with short walks and maybe some 30min Barre routine..depends on breathing as it has been affected which causes me to have intervals of labored breathing and get out of breath quickly:huh:

    Erika- The dreaded "L", our first year of school with the eldest we had that issue and after calling the school to notify them of a possible issue, the nurse told me it was no longer a part of their protocol to inform parents once a case is being treated. Needless to say my daughter's classmate and her mother suffered with the issue and the little girl told my daughter while they were huddling on the playground. As an African-West Indian woman this has never been an issue in our culture so I was blindsided when we discovered the problem, well not me hubby:blushing: discovered the infestation. I ran like a chicken and hubby bought the comb, shampoo/Conditioner and we were up all nite cleaning and being paranoid. Unfortunately our youngest one also had it when she started school and we discovered it in a hotel room while heading to Florida for vacation, another late night and then of course she had played with her cousin that afternoon so we had to delouse my in-laws and everyone just to be safe. After that episode I started using coconut oil in the girls hair for deep conditioning on weekends and as a moisturizer as apparently they don't like that oil. TG we have not had any episodes in a few years but I feel your pain, just keep checking during the next 2 weeks as they can survive in water for several days.

    Laurel- Glad to hear of the reviews and excitement for the new Cathe program. I went to order a few from another site but they were out of stock. However I'm a bit nervous with the program as Cathe and her crew are extremely buffed on the LB compared to Crossfire. I'm definitely buying Supercuts as that appeals to me along with one other, so keep us posted on the rotation.

    Laurie- Yeah to your contacts:bigsmile: I wear glasses for distance or reading docs on the computer but I'm one of those people who always wanted glasses when I was a teenager but never needed them until later:blushing: Actually I begged my dr. for the prescription when I was 24 and now I do need them especially this past year:laugh:

    Tami- My BFF had lasix when it first came out and she has had no problems since and she has always worn glasses throughout her teen years. That is a great way to start 2013!

    Well the kids are off to school and I actually work today which I regret signing on as I thought I would of had a full recovery by now.:grumble: I will use my laptop on the sofa instead of working in the office. Mr. C has been depressed since returning from my mom's house and being with his sister, Chyna, so he has been sleeping most days and has not been his usual self. This morning hubby took him for a run so I'm hoping that this is the start of his recovery, actually both of our full recovery.:bigsmile: I'm glad to be back and hoping to soon join you with a routine.

    Have a great Monday:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I still am in my exercise funk, but I'm going to get in a full week of workouts this week. This weekend I spent the time cleaning the house, and taking the Christmas deco down. Lots of trips up and down the basement stairs, but we are almost done. Only things left are the main tree, and all my Santas. :wink: Today is my first day starting the new Les Mills Combat workouts, and I'm ready. :bigsmile: After work today is going to be Combat 30 Kick Start.

    Laurel, Today is the first day of XTrain! :drinker: It is very exciting to see that there is something that you are looking foward to in each workout. That is a plus. I really enjoy having that clock also. I don't know why, but I think it helps to see the time going down. Really like it when the workout is tough. :wink:

    Erika, Glad to hear that you have some containment of the pest. :wink: Did the boys get buzz cuts? My brothers always had those. :wink: I'm planning on doing Turbo Fire right after I'm done with this Combat rotation. So I should have some type of comparision for you after 60 days. :laugh: So far I'm loving my contacts, but I still do have to wear reading glasses. But I can deal with having to wear them for reading and computer work. :laugh: I went to Charming Charlies, and got a really cute pair for $9. I also can now wear sunglasses so I bought some of those also, sure was nice to drive to work this morning with them on.

    Tami, Congrats on getting Lasek! Lasek is actually something that I am not a candidate for. :sad: I was told about a study that would stop or reverse my astigmatism. The dr. said that if it wasn't for that I wouldn't need to wear glasses, well just for reading. :wink: Getting excited to hear about the new XTrain workouts, between you and Laurel. Love to hear how you both feel about them.

    Michelle, Sorry to hear that you may have pneumonia! :noway: Yes that cold air really can bring on that nasty cough. :frown: Take it easy, and let those dang drugs do their business. You will be ready to workout soon. :wink: I have worn contacts in the past, but my eyes got so bad that no manufacturer could make something for me. Well of course contacts are getting better and better so the dr. was able to make something that would work for me. I love how much clearer I can see with the contacts vs. my glasses. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, today was official Day 2 of XTrain! :drinker: I started yesterday with Disk 1/Chest, Back and Shoulders. Like I said in my preview, it reminded me alot of Meso 1 except there isn't a set amount of time in between exercises and the use of the stability ball as 'bench'. I enjoyed it. The rep count was basically 16 on each exercise, but Cathe was lifting some pretty heavy weight (30lb dumbbells on the ball for one set of bench presses). I didn't feel overworked at the end of it, but I did have a nice worked-out feeling in my arms. On many disks, Cathe has included some challenges, and on this disk it was 100 rep lateral raises, so I included that in the workout. If I'm being perfectly honest, I used 3lb weights, and I probably could have used 5lb for much of it as I didn't really feel it until the end. But it was a good add-on.

    Today I did Cardio Leg Blasts which reminded me in preview of Meso 3/Plyo Legs. But it felt very different to me from those workouts in doing it. While it had the same format (cardio followed by strength), I found the cardio to be more cardio-based and less plyo based so while it was a good leg workout, it really had a cardio feel to it for me. I like it, and it flew by. I followed it with the challenges on the DVD--100 hip thrusts (which were a bit killer!) and 100 scarecrows (which I'm not sure how often I'll do because I don't like scarecrows.....because they are tough for me!). So, all in all, a good workout. I'm trying to stay true to the rotation this week by not adding in additional workouts because I want to see what the program is like on its own. It felt a bit strange only doing one workout these past two days! :ohwell: I will say these workouts are tough....but not SUPER tough, and I like that.

    Laurie, I must have been writing my post when you posted on Friday because I didn't see it until now. Congrats on getting new contacts!! I have an astigmatism as well, and I know how annoying contacts can be because of that. But they've made huge improvements over the years in contacts, that's for sure. I hope you like them. I find I wear my glasses around the house most of the time, but still prefer my contacts for driving and such. Nevermind the exercise funk. I'm sure this rotation will get you back into the swing of things!

    Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear you've been so sick! Please take care of yourself. There is no reason to push it....especially with a pneumonia. If you feel any chest congestion, don't even attempt to workout at all. Your body needs its energy to recover. I remember Erika's husband being hospitalized not too long ago with pneumonia, so please take care of you right now! :flowerforyou: Regarding XTrain, I think her crew looks pretty lean right now. Cathe herself isn't anywhere near as buff as she was in STS if that helps at all. The LB workouts really do seem to be endurance based (the one this morning definitely was). I'll let you know about the one on Thursday but from the preview, it looked like endurance as well.

    Tami, how are you enjoying XTRAIN?!? I'm curious your impressions. I previewed the final workout--Tabatacize--on Friday, and it definitely looks like a goodie! I'm jealous about you getting Lasek! My husband had his eyes fixed (PRK instead of Lasek) almost seven years ago and hasn't had a single problem. I would have to do the surgery twice because my eyes are so bad, and I'm tempted. I don't care if I have to have reading glasses or even still wear contacts for my astigmatism. I'm just so tired of being walk-into-the-walls-blind! Let us know how it goes!

    Erika, I'm glad the dreaded lice are gone. No fun that. Regarding these workouts, you can skip the warm-up by just hitting 'chapter forward' on your DVD. That's how I do it when I go from one workout to the next. I will say that in the two workouts I've done so far, there isn't anything drastically new in the moves that Cathe is doing. I just think the overall combo of moves is slightly different AND the combo of workouts within the rotation is different (if that makes sense). I like that there isn't a strong learning curve as I no longer have the patience to try to figure out a workout. So being able to hop right into these is a great advantage to me. And yet I still feel like they are offering up enough different that I'm being challenged in a new way.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Saturday I met my friend at the gym near my house for Spinning. It was a good class. Enjoyed the format a lot but not the music. However I tuned it out and just concentrated on the workout! :wink: Really liked their spin room though, much larger than the one I’m used to. So then yesterday I started XTrain … as you are all aware! :flowerforyou: Chest/Shoulders/Back, which I felt was a great workout, variety forsure which I love and it flew by. I was definitely feeling it at the end but needed a little cardio “warm-up” for Volleyball so I did HiiT 30/30 and then went to my match. This a.m. was Cardio Leg Blast and again lots of fun. :bigsmile: I think Laurel described it perfectly. Headed to BootCamp after work tonight! :wink: Looking forward to it and wondering if she will have a little mercy on us for a few weeks because of holidays …… probably not! :huh: :laugh:

    Michelle: So sorry to hear about the pneumonia …… It’s good that you are listening to your body & allowing a complete recovery before you hit the workouts. You don't want to mess with your lungs (as you are well aware:flowerforyou: ). Hopefully the shorter Barre routine & a walk will be just fine. Thanks for the good comments on Lasik – that seems to be the answer every time I ask anyone. They don’t regret it for a second.

    Laurie: WooHoo on starting up Combat today!:drinker: :happy: I bet you are going to love the program & hopefully it pulls you right out of the “exercise funk” ~ sometimes just getting in the workouts and clicking with the program helps! I am already loving XTrain and just 2 days into it, feeling like it will be such a thorough/well rounded program. :smile: The aspects that I like about her Low Impact Series seems to carry over to this one along with STS moments forsure. Strength w/ Cardio and working the muscles at different angles. :wink: I can imagine being an eye glass wearer how much you are loving your new contacts. I have to wear my glasses right now for 3 weeks so I am already missing my contacts! I think it is part of their way of keeping you motivated towards the surgery .. :laugh: but seriously, playing volleyball for example yesterday with my glasses on …. Not the most fun vs wearing contacts! I am excited/nervous all in one. It will be great though …. Jan 31 is the big day! I had allotted $$$ last year in my Cafeteria plan so needed to spend this by March 15. Works out nicely, already paid for over last year basically.

    Laurel: Day 2 is right! :drinker: Really liking the workouts so far and from the reading of your reviews and the booklet along with clips it is just what I was imagining. :bigsmile: I’m liking the rep count w/ heavier weights and feel that she is not leaving one muscle out for that particular day! This a.m.’s Leg workout was lots of fun. Like you said, definitely more cardio based than I was thinking it was going to be for some reason (not sure why) but great . . . not like your dying; such short bursts and then the weight work. I enjoy that format. Keeps me mentally & physically in tune with the workout :smile: I thought about adding on the bonus Hip Thrust this a.m. but remembered I’m headed to BootCamp tonight so decided to add that on another day. Looking forward to those bonuses and seeing the Core work she has planned for us. I’m right there with you on trying to stay true to the program this week as well to get a feel for them and make some notes on weights, etc. So far I am staying right with what she is doing and making notes for next time I do that particular workout or if I know forsure I want to go heavier I just do. Tomorrow a.m. I think I will opt for the longer format of Hard Strikes though instead of just the 35 min. I would imagine Tabatacize is a goodie! The name alone:laugh: My DH really wanted to get his eyes done as well but wasn’t a candidate at this time. Something about the shape of his eye? They did say he could maybe do the PRK down the road so he might just check again in a few years. Yes, I will definitely keep you all posted ….. Jan 31. They told me the only thing I couldn’t do was play Volleyball that following Sunday. I did say, “but I can work out right” As long as I don’t get sweat in my eyes she said. Phew! I'll wear a thick headband if I have too, I thought to myself. :blushing: :laugh:

    Hi Erika – Hope all is well at your home and you had a nice weekend!

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Quick check in, as it's my bedtime! :blushing: Tonight was TJ CP 2, which was wasn't really in the mood to workout, so that didn't help much! :ohwell: Tomorrow I'll be more motivated, I'm sure!

    Tami--Bummer on the music at will make or break my mood for a workout...good job on concentrating on the workout and not the music! :wink: Sounds like XTrain is a goodie, can't wait to hear more!

    Michelle--I'm so bummed to hear you are still sick and pneumonia at that! :grumble: You so deserve some nice, relaxing days, where no one in your house is sick, so you can truly relax! Make sure to take it easy, lots of rest and get better! I'll send healing vibes your way! :wink:

    Laurie--I am in and out of a workout funk, but hopefully it will lift soon. I still am getting the workouts in, but can't say I'm putting in much effort! :ohwell: I think I need to find that ideal time and capture that, as early morning isn't good, and late night isn't either. Not sure what time is my "prime" time! Hopefully your funk lifts soon and you can get into all the fun new workouts!

    Laurel--Great reviews on the new workouts! :bigsmile: Sounds like they are different than her other systems, just enough to keep things fresh and new. I'm really curious to know if I'd like them. My ideal workout with Cathe would be around 30 minutes, with a shorter warm up and cool down. My one complaint about 4DS is the really long warm up...otherwise, that is probably my fave Cathe workouts right now. Keep the reviews comin!

    Off to bed! I'll catch up with you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got the Combat 30 Kick Start workout done last night, and I again used weighted gloves. Feeling my butt and shoulders this morning. :bigsmile: I'm really determined on my eating this year, and I kept that on track. I did have a small handful of dark chocolate M&M's. :wink: It satisfied that need, I'm sure you can all understand that one. :laugh: Tonight is Combat Hiit Power, I have done this one before so am actually looking forward to it. :noway:

    Laurel, So will you have to up your weights for the next time you do that workout? I know you checked some of the 1RM's before you started. :wink: Those 100 rep challenges really sound good. Don't know that I would enjoy doing 100 scarcrows either. :wink: I would have opted for the 3lb also, but now you know that you can handle the heavier weight. I was wondering if you where going to do two workouts, and I bet it is tough for you. You have been doing two workouts for quite a while. :wink: Was the cardio in the leg workout on the step? Just curious about that one. :wink: I wore my glasses today, had a horrible headache this morning. I think it is getting dry in our house, so that my be contributing to it. Youngest came downstairs this morning a chugged a glass of water. :laugh:

    Tami, Hope you enjoyed your Bootcamp class! Did she torture you all for the holiday eating. :laugh: I'm sure that was the excuse if she did. I wore the contacts to workout yesterday, and it sure was nice not having them fog up like my glasses can do sometimes. :laugh: Volleyball must be tough, they tended to bounce on my face when I jump. I'm glad that you are loving the workouts so far. Interesting that it is a combo of STS/Low Impact. I really like the sound of the weight work so far. :wink:

    Erika, Sorry to hear that you are doing the same as me, it sure is hard to get back into exercise. Life has a way of getting into our workout routine to much. Dance class starts up again for the youngest, so Fridays are again going to be my off day. I think these Combat workout will do the trick, now that I have done the Combat 30 workout twice it was a lot more fun yesterday than even the first day. And I enjoyed that workout when I first tried it too. Hope you find the "ideal" workout time, it is hard when you have commitments with the kids also.

    Michelle, Hope you are feeling better today! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Cold and dreary day here..perfect for bed and MSNBC:blushing: Hubby left on a business trip today so it will be interesting this week for sure. Overall the meds are doing their job although this morning I sounded worst than usual and woke up throughout the night coughing:huh:

    Erika- Listen to your body and pull out the best dvd with the best soundtrack to get that excitement started:laugh: This week I have been previewing dvds to get me mentally prepared but like you I'm not sure where my sweet spot is for getting started:ohwell: I know that being sick is definitely not helping as I usually do not get sick...ahh well:grumble:

    Laurie- I looked up your Combat workout and it seems interesting. Is it more of a traditional KB or more martial arts? How are the accents working for you as sometimes the voice can be a major turn off on exercise dvds. I had that same need this wknd and bought a hershey bar with almonds, it really hit the spot and then I was back to normal:laugh:

    Tami- Glad the wait is paying off and the excitement is there. Did you buy the full system or individual dvds?

    Laurel- After reading some more I see that the system can be done in short or long rotations, does she specify which rotation is best for individual results, i.e. lower body, mass, fat loss, etc? In one of the dvds Cathe's legs seem so massive and I compared it to last year dvd pics and it looks as if she has packed on mass on her body with the system and that is scary to me who definitely prefers her Drillmax body:blushing: :laugh:

    TOM is here so needless to say I'm feeling lazy this morning and really feel like eating some homemade soup or better yet relaxing on the beach in St. Maarten indulging in a rum punch:wink:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was Hard Strikes. The rotation called for just the cardio portion of the workout (34 minutes) and that is what I did. And, boy, was it fun!! It reminded me of the first section of KPC but the fun factor for 4DS Kickbox. Loved the music. Loved the moves. More 'boxing' than I thought it would be, but also alot of cardio (like jumping jacks) moves. It flew by and left me wanting for more. The second half of the workout is strength conditioning, so I decided not to do that. But 34 minutes just wasn't long enough, so after a break for some housework and such, I did Slide and Glide. Just a little added something without it being TOO much. Felt great.

    Tami, I'm really curious your impression of Hard Strikes, especially if you did the whole workout. I was just concerned about doing the strength training portion today and then Biceps and Triceps tomorrow. If the weights used in Hard Strikes are light enough, though, I may do the entire workout from here on out because, like I said, I really enjoyed it. Like you, I'm kind of sticking with Cathe's weight right now, but the good thing is I've worked out with Cathe so long that I know when I can't match her weight and when I can go heavier. So far, it is working out great for me, and I haven't found myself wishing I'd reached for a different weight yet. They have made such good improvements in these eye surgeries. I remember when my husband has his done, he needed to stay in a dark room for 48-72 hours. Now.....I saw somebody on TV the other day who had had Lasik the day before! So I think you'll be fine pressing on as normal....except for the contact sports, of course. :wink:

    Erika, I was thinking about you this morning and the length of Cathe's warm-ups. This morning's workout was 34 minutes long....and the warm-up was almost 9 minutes! :noway: As I get older, I really do appreciate the longer warm-ups (they used to drive me crazy!), but today's did seem long in comparison to the rest of the workout. I don't think I'd probably feel the same had I done the entire 60 minutes though. But these workouts are fun so far, I will say that. I hope you get out of your workout funk soon. Just choose workouts you enjoy!

    Laurie, great start to your new rotation! I totally understand about the need for a little chocolate though. :blushing: So far, like I said to Tami, I'm feeling pretty good about the weights I'm using. I'll see how it goes next time. I must admit that using those 30lb dumbbells on the stability ball (for chest press and pull overs) had me really concentrating on my balance, so I'm not sure I will really want to go up in those areas ever because of the stability factor. But I'm okay with that as I don't feel the need to bench press more than 60lbs! Regarding the leg workout, there are twelve different drills (divided into two sections....cardio and weights). The first six cardio drills use the floor. The second six use the step. But there is no choreography. There are moves like knee ups and tap downs or double feet jumps on to the step, etc. I kind of wish she'd left the step out of this series if I'm being honest because I don't think it needed the step. But I suppose it adds some variety as well. She also uses the step in Tabatacize. The tabatas (four tabata moves repeated once) use no step, but she does a recovery move between each tabata section (there are a total of five sections) that uses the step. Regarding the dryness in your house, one of the reasons I struggle with wearing my contacts more is the dryness here in Colorado (I had the same thing in Alaska). It drives me crazy. And, yes, the dryness gives me horrible headaches. I'd forgotten that about Colorado. Until now. :ohwell:

    Michelle, I'm happy to hear you are taking care of yourself right now and planning a quiet day with the bed and TV. Sounds perfect. We have sunshine here and it is warm enough (over 50) that I have the windows open trying to air the house out! I love that. I miss fresh air in the winter time and take advantage of every opportunity to get some into the house when I can. Regarding the size of Cathe's legs, the picture you saw must show them a bit distorted because they really do look lean to me....again, especially in relation to STS (which is the last time she wore shorts in her workouts if I'm not mistaken). Cathe so rarely wears shorts in her workouts anymore that it is hard for me to compare her to earlier. But her background exerciser, Jae, has worn shorts in some of the previous series, and I am obsessed with her legs in the Intensity, Lower Body Blast, etc series. And her legs look identical to that series. Boy, what I wouldn't give to have legs like that. :blushing: But I'll let you know more after doing the second leg workout on Thursday. But the leg workout yesterday really wasn't as plyo based as some of her other workouts, and that is a good thing if you are concerned about building mass.

    I'll be gone the next couple of days, so enjoy your workouts!!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :flowerforyou:

    I do have to say she did show us a little mercy at BootCamp last night. :tongue: It was still tough but not running lines twice tough. Lots of core work, lunges, jumping jacks on the bench, burpee-then jump up to the bench. I was very surprised to see that the class was not packed; so was the instructor. This a.m. was HardStrikes ~ I decided to go ahead and do the workout in its entirety (as I mentioned yesterday) and added on the Core. As Laurel mentioned, and I agree 100% it was lots of fun! The time absolutely flew by. I wore my 2LB gloves to see how that would feel and to get a good feel for the workout before wearing my 5LB gloves. The Core portion was just over 10 minutes and it was a great variety, felt great! Tonight will be Insanity after work. Wish me luck :wink:

    Erika: Bummer for you that the workout was just “eh” but like you said maybe it was your mood and tonight will be better! Maybe grab something that just sounds good or you know you used to enjoy a lot and it will bring back that feeling! :flowerforyou: XTrain does have longer warm-ups (thought of you this a.m. actually) but I feel they offer enough variety and keep my interest that I’m not thinking about when is the workout going to start. This a.m. for example was definitely longer than normal but went right into the workout. The part of these workouts I think you would absolutely love is the choices of pre-mixes. There are options for 30 min premixes in just about every workout I believe & the amount of pre-mixes offered is outstanding. She specified that she understands "life" gets in the way sometimes and an hour workout just may not work.

    Laurie: Great job getting in your Combat workout last night! :smile: That’s a great goal for your eating this year …. A few little dark choc M&M’s are just fine, we understand. I do have to say that last nights’ class with my glasses was a little challenging. They don’t seem to bounce around much at all but simply because I’m not use to them being there I feel that they are going to fall off :huh: doing lots of push-ups or burpees for example. Tonight I may opt to not wear them during Insanity – but we’ll see! I think the combo example I used is because of the format of cardio/weights that she does from her LIS (cardio based) and then it is also weight work/concentrating on form/specific muscle groups etc, like in STS. . . all combined into one program. Hopefully that makes sense. So far I am loving the combo!

    Michelle: Cold & snowy in our neck of the woods! I saw we made the news this a.m. Funny because it wasn’t that bad really in our area but I guess the onset of 5-7 inches and then starting to melt and freeze did become treacherous in areas.:frown: Big “Christmas like” flakes out there right now. I definitely went for the whole DVD system! :bigsmile: From the feel of it I will love all of them! I understand what you are saying about the difference in Cathe's physique but from seeing a couple videos now she is definitely lean. Maybe not quite as "cut" as you have seen her in the past ie: DrillMax but she does look great. I think XTrain offers enough cardio base to the program it would not be a program that bulks. She addresses it as well in her guide book. :wink: I know I don't want to bulk up so that's good news to me! :laugh:

    Laurel: Great job today and getting in Slide & Glide too!:bigsmile: Hard Strikes in it’s entirety was great! I second guessed myself for a moment due to weight work tomorrow (and contradicting what I said about staying true to the program:blushing: ) but was glad I looked in the booklet and went ahead. The heaviest weight that is used is 8 LBs and mostly shoulder work & some bicep work, then a little triceps down on the floor. I think it was 10 various moves. It felt good & I think you would be absolutely fine adding it in next time, I was glad I did. :wink: Just out of pure curiosity I did the Core portion too and really liked it. There is one move she does in the regular portion of the workout and also in the Core portion that you are doing regular sit ups while your hands are doing speed-bag. Forward motion going up, backward motion going back! It was new and a good one to add onto this workout since it is boxing related! :laugh: I actually enjoy the longer warm-ups too! I used to feel sort of impatient with that but I think the variety she puts into them keeps my interest and feels good. I understand your obsession on Jae’s legs :laugh: :blushing: they really do look fabulous in every workout!

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!!!

    Well, I think I found my "sweet spot" for working out. I get a little energy burst right at 8:30 when my kiddos go to bed. If I wait 5 minutes, it won't happen, but if I head down to my workout room right at 8:30, I'm good. Now, just to get out of my "I don't know what the heck to do" workout funk! :laugh: Tonight was JM Ripped in 30 Week 1. Waaaayy to easy for me, but it was that or nothing, as I just didn't feel like lifting heavy tonight. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

    Tami--I'm glad BootCamp was good, but not killer! That is odd that class wasn't packed, esp. for the 2nd week in January! :ohwell: I'm glad to hear your review of Hard Strikes was good, as I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on it. I think a lot of people thought it would be more kickboxing than boxing/cardio? I've still got my eye on the XTrain workouts, esp. the ones with the 30 minute pre-mixes!

    Laurel--I like your mix of HardStrikes and Slide and Glide! Just a little something more, but not too much. I'm sure it is hard not adding on a really tough or longer workout, as I know that is an area that you really excel in! I can't ever make it more than about 30 minutes before my body starts to drag! :laugh:

    Michelle--I'm glad you are starting to feel better, and getting lots of rest! Great idea on previewing the workouts so you can get pumped up for them and probably plan them out too!

    Laurie--Yay on Combat being fun (and effective)! I think those are going to be my workout I pick to purchase next, as I like the shorter workout options with that set too.

    Well, off to bed. This week is just flying, probably all the hockey we've got this week (tonight is our only break!).

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got the Combat Hiit Power workout done last night, and it still was tough. Was able to get through more of the burpees and lunges. I also used 12lb weights through all of the shoulder presses. Really feeling that body part today, in a good way of course. :laugh: After work is Combat 45 Power Kata, have not tried this workout yet. This one has been getting good reveiws.

    Michelle, Glad to hear you are feeling better, even though the coughing is bad. I know how that feels. :wink: I'm just glad to be working out without having a coughing fit. I will let you know on the two 60 min. and todays workout, but so far it has been mostly kickboxing. They do incorporate MMA type moves, and I'm sure that they will be moving a little faster in these next workouts. So far the accents have not bothered me at all, since both of the main instructors are from England. Guess I'm used to that accent being at the Ren faire all summer. There are some lingo that I have to work through the meanings. :laugh: I love almonds and chocolate together. :bigsmile:

    Laurel, Very interested in the Hard Strikes now, since it does have the fun factor. :wink: I can understand that a 34 min. workout wouldn't be enough. Nice job on your selection. The leg workout sounds doable for me with that description. The Tabata workouts sounds good also, guess some purchases are going to be in my future. :laugh: Back to wearing my contacts this morning, since there was no headache. I like having the option of wearing them or not. :wink:

    Tami, So your instructor didn't rip all of you to shreds. :huh: I would have though she would get all the holiday goodies out of your systems. :laugh: The do a move in the Combat 30 workout (reminded me of Insanity), where you do burpee/pushup/jump. It is a little different than Insanity. Maybe it is the accents that make it different. :laugh: The one problem I have with my glasses during workouts is the steaming up from sweating! :noway:

    Erika, Glad to hear that you have found a good time for workouts. I know at one time I had to work out around that time, just couldn't do anything until the girls where put to bed. I'm sure that you will find something that appeals to you. I'm sure I will be very happy with the Combat purchase, these workouts have some intensity and of course the kickboxing that I so enjoy. I like the fact that the two Hiit workouts are short. They also incorporate plyo/weights and body weight. The time flys by, since they do a nice mix.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Insane-X earned every bit of its name last night! :noway: She did NOT show mercy (which I knew was going to be the case). OMG! So as you most know how Insanity workouts go imagine mixing in 3 sets of lines, full length of the gym, running forward and backwards, then 10 burpees. Yes that was her program last night. :tongue: When I got home I was pretty much ready to relax so it was great to see DH already working on dinner for us. :drinker: This a.m. was XTrain: Bis/Tris + Core 2. Headed to Spin tonight with our brand new bikes! :bigsmile: Really looking forward to it & the freshly spruced up room.

    Erika: Glad to hear you found that window of opportune time that works for you ….. now just getting the right DVDs in line for you. :flowerforyou: Good that you got a workout in, even if it felt easy for you. You committed the time & effort, which is great! On Hard Strikes, now that you say that I was surprised that there wasn’t more kicking just due to Cathe’s other KB workouts in the past, but it is more punching forsure. Still lots of fun, just a slightly different format w/ more punching. Wearing the weighted gloves is the way to go for me. :wink:

    Laurie: Combat HiiT sounds like it was great! :bigsmile: Sounds like you are truly enjoying the program so far, that’s awesome & without the coughing everything probably feels better. :flowerforyou: Good to hear your new contacts are working for you as well. Last night was the “tell all” of if I can wear glasses or not during these workouts. Not steamy, just start to slide more w/ the sweat. I did take them off during our regular rounds since I knew what we were doing, etc. But put them back on during the “lines”. Wanted to make sure I was “clear” on where I needed to stop when running backwards:huh: I wasn’t surprised last night that Katy ripped us to shreds :laugh: She is the one I have described as a little blonde Jillian meets ST! Love her though; she is our Wed night Spin instructor too. During the 3rd set of lines/burpees w/ jumps I did have that feeling of “oh this is why people throw up sometimes” :laugh: Air, water STAT! Still finished in the top 5 ea round though, not competitive much right? :blushing:

    Laurel: How did you like XT: Bis/Tris + Core 2 today? Cathe's 35LB for tris right out of the shoot! :huh: Hope you are having a good day.:bigsmile:

    Michelle: Hello! Hope you are feeling better & better each day. :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    My workout tonight was TF Low Hiit 20. I really do love the TF Hiit workouts. I wish I could do them more than 3 times per week, but it's advised not to. Def. my favorites in my DVD collection! :bigsmile:

    Tami--I'm happy to hear Insane-X did not disappoint! :wink: Sounds like a killer workout for sure! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Keep those Combat reviews coming...I'm almost ready to push that purchase button!! :bigsmile: Can't wait to hear the next review!

    Michelle and Laurel--Hello! I hope your day was good!

    Off to bed. Talk to you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Last night was Combat 45 Power Kata, and another winner for me. I used my weighted gloves for this one also. Loved all the punching combos, and they took you through many of the martial arts. They had boxing, karate, kata (these are the ones I remember). They did each martial art in it's own section, so there was no confusion to go through. I was able to get most of the moves down right away, since they do repetition. Even with the repetition, they keep adding on so it doesn't get boring. I'm a super fan of kickboxing so I may skew the view a little. :laugh: For me these workouts are up there with my favorite kickboxing workout Chris Freytag's Cardio Kickboxing. :wink: I don't think it has as much "cardio" as that one, but my HR was in the zone and at times in the higher zone. :wink: Had pixel problems at the end of the DVD, but it was when they where giving the motivational talk at the end. I didn't see a scratch on the DVD, but will have my DH take a look at it when he gets back from his trip to FL.

    Tami, That has to be very nice to have your DH making dinner. My DH doesn't cook, so I don't get that treatment often. He can take frozen things and heat them up though. :laugh: Your instructor sounds like a great motivator and trainer. She really was working you good. The more I wear the contacts the better they are, and working out with them is a dream. :laugh: Anyone that has been in sprots is probably competative. :laugh: I know that I have a hard time losing.:wink:

    Erika, I will try to give you good reviews, and please do check out others opinions on VF. Some people say that there isn't enough cardio, but I think that is the thing that I like most about them. I'm able to put power into the punches, instead of having to move and punch. My whole body is sore, and that is not something that I feel with some "cardio" type kickboxing. I'm still debating getting the other workouts, I purchased the basic. I might push the button on those also. :laugh: You are helping me to look forward to my TF rotation with your love of Hiit! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • SherryP71561
    Morning all! I'm new to this thread, but not new to Cathe workouts. I just got her new XTrain series and started this week. So far so good. I like how she mixes it up and offers the premixes for other options. I also enjoy Chalene Johnson's Turbo Fire series. Kickboxing is a blast!

    Thismorning was XTrain bi's & tri's and I did a 20 minute hiit also. Great way to start the day!