Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a stormy day but my workouts started out with equipment everywhere and eventually became P57 Arms followed by a Les Mills Body Combat I found on Youtube, although I was not able to complete it I was able to get a feel for his style and their accents:blushing: I'm not sure what the deal is with with instructors and accents but it tends to turn me off hence my inability to work out with Denise or Tracy Mallet:ohwell: I love accents that is how my hubby caught my attention not to mention my British family members who I tend to emulate when they visit:laugh:

    Laurel- Sounds like it was a busy day and I definitely felt the workout last night in my obliques. I also love the music intervals as music is my driving force in cardio workouts. Keep up the reviews as I have this one in the lineup and by the 30min mark the accents were kind of white noise for me as I was in the groove of the combos:bigsmile:

    Erika- I'm the same way and actually threw away toothbrushes and travel items that could reinfect any of us:laugh: I'm a clorox freak myself so I completely understand as I disinfected every bathroom in the house and have banned the girls from using the 3rd bathroom which I have officially claimed as my own:blushing: My daughter went through that with swimming and I actually pulled her out for a season as she said it was no longer fun just practice practice practice..great decision.

    Tami & Laurel- It seems as if the combos are a better option as both of you are our hardcore Catheletes here whose abilities completely amaze me as I'm no longer that disciplined. I finally admitted it to myself this week that I'm no longer disciplined enough to follow routines/rotations, workout twice a day and until then I have to create a plan that works for me at this stage in my life as beating myself up mentally is just as unhealthy:blushing: Tami- funny when an instructor compliments another hardcore instructor on being tough:happy:

    Off to jump into a Lavendar & Vanilla epsom salt detox smells heavenly and is a perfect way to ease these muscle after Physique 57 Express this morning...geesh 30 days off from any exercise is kicking my tush:noway:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was Cardio Leg Blast. I did the workout as is, then I did the strength only portions again (about 30 minutes) and added Core 2 to it. The combo of the original workout and the strength part was perfect for making me feel like I actually did a leg workout. It was pretty good cardio throughout as well since my heart rate was up when I started into the second set of strength moves. I think I'm going to do this again because it might help me with the feeling that I'm not getting enough lower body work between this workout and the legs workout. I don't think I'll have DOMS or anything, but because I was able to up the weight in the strength premix, my legs feel a bit rubbery right now. And that's what I was looking for! :tongue: So that is definitely a keeper combo right there. I might still try some of the other premixes because they look like fun, but I really wanted a good leg workout today.

    Michelle, I think it is fantastic that you've recognized that you don't have the discipline for rotations and routines right now in your workout. There is no reason to beat yourself up for not doing a rotation. Until I did STS, I might have done about two 30 day rotations in my life. Seriously. I just never was a rotation girl because I much preferred choosing workouts that I felt like doing on any given day. I think the reason I was able to get through that first six month STS rotation was because I was still able to choose my cardio and there was enough variety in the weight lifting that I didn't feel like I was repeating workouts endlessly. Since then, I have obviously become more able to do rotations, but I still like wiggle room to tweak as I see fit. I see no harm at all in just doing your thing and absolutely no reason to beat yourself up for it. If you do anything on any given day to improve your health and fitness, that's a good day. At least that's how I look at it. :flowerforyou:

    Erika, so glad you enjoyed the Cardio Legs workout. It is a good one, isn't it? I'm with you on being a germ-phobe. If DH gets sick, the whole house gets hosed down in whatever disinfectant I can find. :laugh: The funny thing is he is just the opposite of me. Drives me crazy sometimes because I feel like the mother of a child when I remind him to wash his hands before he eats. :blushing: But.....really. When he'd come home from work in DC after getting off the metro, I was particularly aware of it. It is amazing how different we are because everytime I got off the metro, I wanted a shower. And he needed to be reminded to wash his hands!! :laugh: :ohwell: I hope you enjoy Burn Sets as well. That is a very flexible program that you can use with other workouts as needed.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the crazy day. Sounds like these workouts are very effective for you. I'm surprised that the HiiT workouts seem more steady state to you in this program as well. I'm beginning to think that instructors are calling workouts 'HiiT' simply because that is the 'in' thing in working out right now. But if they aren't really HiiT (and Cathe's isn't for sure), I'm not sure what the benefit/purpose is (except maybe to sell the workout). Maybe that's my cynicism weighing in though. :blushing: I am really beginning to feel I can tweak this program to make it fit without making too many changes, and that makes me happy. Both yesterday and today felt great!

    Tami, Insane-X sounds like it was alot of fun. Like I said above, I really enjoyed doing Cardio Leg Blast with the added strength only premix. It was great. Let me know if you try one of the other premixes because they look good too. I suppose it isn't unusual that I thought about substituting LBB for Xtrain Legs as well since we think so much alike. :wink: I always think about it when we get to the floor work in Xtrain Legs and are doing the same floor work moves that Cathe does in LBB (on hands and knees and raising leg either straight or pizza press). I really notice at that point how much easier it is to knock out those 128 reps in Xtrain Legs than it is in LBB. I'm thinking this next time I do Xtrain Legs I might skip the rear delts (I don't think we're supposed to do those in Week 3 anyhow) and repeat the standing portion of the workout before moving on to the barre/floor routine to see if that helps. But getting the extra leg work in today was good, and that might help me with my mindset in Xtrain Legs as well. We'll see! I'm really glad I'm doing this with you because it is great to have somebody to bounce ideas off of! :flowerforyou:

    Danielle, welcome!! Hope you post more and let us know more about you. None of us are exclusively Cathe users here, and I know I love to learn about different instructors and programs. So feel free to jump in!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Great Spin class again last night, I know it probably sounds like a broken record when I say that every Thurs. :laugh: Between my new cycling shoes and the bikes, it just really makes a nice workout. This is a.m. was Hard Strikes + Bonus Tris Burn. No class tonight, planning on having dinner with some of DH’s business associates/wives.

    Danielle: We’re glad you found this thread too! Please join us if you would like. We all share about any workouts we are doing even if it isn’t Cathe! :wink:

    Erika: Sounds like you are really getting your “groove back” with the workouts! :bigsmile: Great job I just knew you would like Cardio Legs, so glad you added that to your collection. Burn Sets will be right up your alley as well I think. Exciting that you ordered Combat, those sound like they are going to be great and a perfect time frame on the workout lengths! Hopefully the lower back is just a minor soreness from the jumping. The outdoor hockey sounds like fun but BRRRRRRRRRR. Good on ya for staying away from the sickies!

    Laurie: Great job with your Combat workouts on Tues! :drinker: Sounds like it was a great combo along with a great calorie burn. That is a good goal, getting out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you can change programs/style of workouts/instructor, etc and still be in the comfort zone. So it’s good you are pushing yourself. I bet you will see results! That is so great your DH mentioned he was losing weight. I’m happy for him. I wish my DH would just get back to wanting to be healthier.:ohwell: Not necessarily a drastic change or anything but at least changing his evening habits of snacking and staying up super late. The vicious cycle that can create. He did mention going back to a personal training gym that he did a couple years ago ….. I encouraged it but didn’t get too over the top or he would think I was thinking he NEEDS to go. Just want him to feel healthy instead of tired/stressed all the time.

    Michelle: So glad to hear you are getting your workouts in and feeling better these days! Great job with P57 & giving Combat a try. I think it is so refreshing for yourself to recognize where you are at with working out. Making the decision to do any kind of activity at any given time is what is important for your health and well being. Do what works for YOU! If you start feeling pressure around it, it’s not fun at all and definitely creates more anx around the whole idea. Kind of like your daughter with swimming. So good on ya! Yes, it was funny on the two instructors. One thing too, the BC instructor joined into our class more than she ever does I noticed. Probably because Katy was in there with us doing the whole class.

    Laurel: CLB pre-mix sounds like it was great! :bigsmile: That’s awesome, I’m hoping to give that one a try as well and any others of try of course I’ll let you know how they are. I absolutely love it that you thought the same thing on LBB. It’s not unusual at all we think a lot alike forsure:wink:

    Hope you all have a great eve!
  • Mane1972
    Mane1972 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks everyone! I did do a Cathe workout this morning...(Muscle Max), and I am already feeling it! I also love my Turbo Fire's, a couple of Jari Love workouts, and 1 Bob Harper workout that I am addicted to! Can't wait to get to know all of you better!

    Oh, and Brazil Butt Lift! A couple of his workouts give great results!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Evening Ladies! :bigsmile:

    I had probably the best work day of my life today, which just confirmed once again I have made the right career move! :bigsmile: It was rolled out to us today that our company's mission is to be leaders in all areas of wellness (fitness, nutrition, financial, etc), and we have some really awesome products, that I have been asked to help promote. I got recognized by the president of our company, for sitting on a ball at work, and how awesome he thought that was. We started talking about passion, and I mentioned that I would love to teach fitness classes to the employees, and it is being considered for me to get certified and do that. It was all so overwhelming, as I was asked about my passion and how we can make that happen. Such a cool feeling!!! :bigsmile:

    Tonight was Combat 30 Live...AWESOME!!! I don't know where this energy/motivation is coming from late at night, but I'll take it! I think I'm feeding off all the fun energy at work. I can honestly say that I love my job (nothing different than I've done in the past, but doing it for such an awesome company makes a world of difference!).

    Mane1972--Welcome! That Muscle Max will get you every time! I too love my TF's...specifically the Hiit workouts!! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Nice to hear the classes are continuing to be great, as usual!!! :bigsmile: So, I have to laugh, I was absolutely dying during the Cardio Legs premix (about 40 minutes long) and thought of you and Laurel. I wondered if you were sucking wind through the workout as bad as me! :laugh:

    Laurie--Thank you for the wonderful reviews on is just what I love! Love the heavy bag type feeling to the workouts, and the ability to really focus on form and power. I know I'll be sore tomorrow!!! Next up will be the "hiit" workouts! I'm glad to hear that you are getting the moves down and now can really put extra effort into the workout! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Good job on the workout, despite the accent throwing you off. I can handle the accents in Les Mills, but not in other workouts (Tonique, Tracey Mallet). I think it may be because I did the pumped up music option!!! :wink: I hope you enjoyed your soak, that sounds heavenly!

    Laurel--Great idea on adding on to the end of the workout today. I wonder if I'd be able to walk if I did that?!?! :laugh: I thought the short premix was killer! As I said to Tami above, I was seriously sucking wind! :laugh:

    Time to get off to bed. I just got a call from my SIL, her 4 kiddos have lice at their house. She is just beside herself (as was I when it happened to us). I wish we lived close by so I could go help her out., since I've been through it and know what to do. She is going to call her mom to see if she can help, so hopefully she's not up all night stressing!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in my Combat 45 workout last night, and used my weighted gloves. Great workout again, since I'm more familiar with the workout. I really enjoy the boxing part in this one, since they put in a little footwork. Sore in the back, shoulders and butt today! :drinker: Don't know if I will be getting in a workout tonight, but I really am trying to tempt DH into trying out yoga. :blushing: Wish me luck on that one ladies. :wink:

    Michelle, I had heard about those Combat workouts on youtube, but have not had the chance to look at them. I don't have a problem with their accents, in fact I find Dan to be funny in some of the things he says. :wink: From what I heard those workout are a good representation of the Combat workouts on DVD. I think that you are right, once you get in the groove you don't notice their accents. At one point Rach starts sounding American, and she asks why she is doing that. :laugh:

    Laurel, I love how you are making those workout yours! There are so many premixes to try, that you should find some great combos. I think you may have to start writing these down so you can do them again. :wink: The Hiit workouts in this set remind me of some of the Insanity workouts. Not the cardio ones, but the ones that have plyo and body weight exercises in them. So you really don't get your hr down to much, even when they pick up the weights. Doing squats and overhead press really get the hr going. I think that instructors do what they think Hiit is, because I have seen different descriptions. Oh well, if I love the workout it really doesn't matter in the end. :laugh:

    Tami, That is the same situation that my DH is in, but he doesn't want to exercise. I think that stretching or yoga would be something that we can do together. I'm crossing my fingers that he will at least consider it. I can only try. :wink: Sounds like a nice get together you had last night, I always like meeting people that DH works with. So wonderful that you are enjoying those spinn classes, and of course the new bikes. :wink:

    Danielle, I still want to do a Bob Harper rotation some time this year, I have all of his workouts. :wink: Muscle Max is one of the best total body workouts, and really does torture the legs.

    Erika, Wonderful that you are at a workplace that is just the right fit. Sounds like a great opportunity for you. :drinker: I'm so glad that you like your first Combat workout. I don't think that I have had my whole body sore from a kickboxing workout like I do with these Combat ones. It has to be their ephasis on power. Have fun with the hiit, it is a bit different since it incorporates weights, but I really loved it sans the burpee torture. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Really enjoyed my Xtrain workout combo today. I started with Chest/Back/Shoulders, which I enjoy. I even went heavier with some of the weight this time as I felt more comfortable doing heavy work on the stability ball. I followed it with the cardio from Hard Strikes. Really enjoyed it today.

    Danielle, I love Muscle Max! I think that is one of Cathe's best total body workouts. I'm really interested to hear what workouts you enjoy from Brazil Butt Lift. Sadly, I've owned the set for a couple of years but haven't done any of the workouts. :blushing: I'd love some recommendations so I finally break the seal on it and give it a shot.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the Spin class! It is hard for me to believe I'm leaving for Arizona in a week, but I checked this morning, and I'm on pace to be back on schedule with the workouts when we get back. I must admit, I've enjoyed combining some of these workouts together so it has been kind of good for me to try to compress four weeks into three. I feel much more challenged now than I did during that first week but, at the same time, I don't feel like I've overdoing it. I like that as well.

    Erika, congratulations on all of the good stuff at work! I'm so happy to hear that you are glad you moved. How wonderful to have employers who care about what matters to you. And if they can make it work that you can teach fitness--what a bonus!! That sounds ideal. Great job with the workout. Now you and Laurie raving about these Combat workouts! Makes me think about them more and more. :smile:

    Laurie, good luck getting DH to do yoga. I tried that with my DH a few times. He has absolutely no flexibility. At all. It is amazing. Sadly, we end up laughing most of our way through the workout because of that, though. At least he has a sense of humor. I wish my husband did more stretching and such because I think it would be good for him. But I'm lucky that he is getting himself to the gym five days a week right now, so I'm not going to push it.

    I hope you all have a great weekend. It is a three day weekend for DH and I, so I will see you on Tuesday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ TGIF:drinker: :drinker:

    Today became my rest “morning” due to a later night than planned at dinner :ohwell: It was a nice dinner and fun to meet one of the couples that I hadn’t met. Conversation went on quite a bit longer for the men so we got home later than expected. :frown: I knew getting to bed so late would not make for my usually 4:15 wakeup. So will go to Spinning after work and tomorrow do the XTrain All Out HiiT workout w/ core, :bigsmile: which will be great because I have more time, might try an add on to it a bit w/ a premix or something. :wink:

    Danielle: Great job this a.m. Muscle Max is a great one! :smile: Truly gets the whole body. I have the TF workouts as well and enjoy them, just not always in my “lineup” due to so many others. Bob Harper is so great, he always makes me laugh and he works you hard forsure. Really enjoy his style of training.

    Erika: Can I just say how fabulous that is!:flowerforyou: The description of how it made you feel makes me feel SOOO good for you. For me, the bottom line of happiness at a job is to feel valued and respected; them taking an actual interest in what motivates you. WOW!!! If I could find a company like that I would run full speed towards it. My mom has been trying and trying to get me to pursue at least taking a PT course to get certified or at least pursuing something that I enjoy. I told her I might just do it because it is my passion and would feed my mind/soul with something I love. Whethe I ever used it or not, it would be fun to just gain the knowledge.:wink: The opportunity to lead people at your work towards fitness and doing what you love to do at the same time is beyond amazing! That is so fantastic and how awesome it is that you have yet another reminder of making the absolute best decision. My DH just asked me the other night why I don’t sit on a ball at work? :laugh: Fabulous news that you enjoyed your first Combat workout as well. I’m sure the motivation/energy at work is feeding you as well, but it ‘s great that you are in the zone and loving the workouts again. Cardio Legs is a great one ~ I love it! Those cardio segments do get your HR going forsure:wink:

    Laurie: Yahoo for Combat 45! Sounds like it was lots of fun for you (again), I’m so glad.:bigsmile: Between you & Erika it is making me want to try these one of these days as well :blushing: I will keep my fingers & toes crossed for DH to join you in Yoga. Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes with my DH, it’s an ongoing wish I have for him and hope that he pursues it in some format. He definitely has to make this decision on his own though. He’s sensitive about gaining weight and a little defensive when anyone says something to him (which boggles my mind that grown men tease each other that way), but pushing him will only make him not go workout. :frown:

    Laurel: That sounds like a perfect combo today! :happy: Very fun. It is hard to believe you are leaving in a week. How fun though and warm weather I hope for you. Great job getting caught up/ahead of the Xtrain rotation in preparation for your trip and like you said, enjoying some good combos out of it. I’ll let you know how the XT HiiT goes tomorrow if I do a pre-mix. Enjoy your 3-day weekend.

    Have a great weekend ladies :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Not a great weekend for exercise, but I did get in Combat 60 yesterday. I'm still amazed at how sore my legs, butt and arms are after doing these workouts. :wink:

    DH and spent the majority of the weekend organizing our family room DVD area, and our bedroom. We now have all the DVD's off the floor, and room to have more in our new TV stand. It really looks nice, and we are starting to gather more charity items from the bedroom reorg. :laugh: Have some DIY projects in our future, but I think that is a good thing. We have neglected our house since we have been going to faire full time for 6 years, so it is about time that it gets more TLC. :wink:

    Laurel, Once you get comfortable with a workout it does tend to get better, and I'm sure that there is a learning curve when adjusting to heavy weights on something that tends to bounce. But you are really using that core for stability I'm sure. :wink: Enjoy your weekend! DH has off today, and it was really hard to go out the door. He is going to do some organization down in our basement, and also looking at some prices on trim work. We are going to make a cornice for the window in our bedroom. I was thinking of starting with some easy stretching workouts, because I know that he has been having some problems with his legs and back. I'm not going to push it though. :wink: I should have gotten that $5 yoga mat that I saw at Walmart yesterday. I actually do need one, since the dog has taken over my old one. :laugh:

    Tami, Sounds like you have a great plan for making up the missed workouts. :wink: I think that you would probably like these Combat workouts, and they will be there in the future to try out. :wink: I think they are a great purchase, and I have found that once I've done the workouts a few time, I can really get into them. DH gets mad at the girls for pointing out his weight. This weekend my oldest asked him if he had lost weight. Both girls told him that it was noticeable, and I could tell that he was encouraged about that. :drinker:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Another weekend that went by at mock speed! I did get in some good workouts however, so I always love that. Ended up going to a Spin class Sat a.m. so didn’t get to do XT HiiT premix. :ohwell: It was a good class and great music. Yesterday I did the Cardio Leg Blast Xtreme pre-mix, which I loved. :bigsmile: My legs felt worked by the end having that extra bonus 6 rounds on there. Then headed to Volleyball … I was warmed up at that point. Today was XT Hard Strikes + Core 1, wore my heavier weighted gloves and went up in weight on the weights portion. Tonight will be BootCamp.

    Laurie: Sounds like you were able to get a needed project around the house accomplished/started! :drinker: That’s awesome and it feels so good when you get those things done, nice job :smile: Great job getting in Combat 60 yesterday as well, again it sounds like these workouts are really doing the trick. It will be interesting to hear your results at the end of this rotation! I know what you mean on it being hard to go to work today. Seems like everyone is OFF today except our office. DH has a “skeleton” crew at their office so he didn’t have to be in at any certain time. It’s very quiet today :frown:

    Hello Laurel, Erika & Michelle ~ Hope you are all enjoying your day:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you tomorrow,
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I don't know what I was thinking, but I put in Combat 60 Live last night by mistake. I decided to leave it in and try it out. LOVE :love: What a fun workout, and my whole body is sore today! :drinker: This is the same format as the other workouts, but a different mix of music and punching / kicking segments. I liked the feel of the live class in this one, the only thing is that they didn't have the camera on the exercise as much as I would have liked. But I caught onto the moves pretty quickly.

    Tami, You really did get in some great workouts. I agree with you on the speedy weekend. I had a hard time eating correctly, because by the time I looked up at the clock it was almost dinner time. :huh: I have a tendancy to get caught up in what I'm doing. :blushing: DH and I have decided that these winter months are probably the best time to get these projects done. It has been so cold out that we tend to be housebound anyway. I have been getting some great ideas off of Pintrest. That site can be evil (time sucker), and great at the same time. :laugh: But we did get a great idea for a window treatment for our bedroom, and DH has been out getting prices for it.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    It has been a super fast weekend as today is my eldest 12th birthday :bigsmile: Wow time has definitely flown by and she is nearly 5'3 already:laugh: On saturday I did Zumba, Sunday was a nice treadmill HIIT run, on Monday it was coffee and watching the Inauguration until we headed out to see the Hobbit and then dinner with the girls. Today I'm exhausted for some reason and slept in after putting the girls on the bus:blushing: I have decided to do a Brazil Butt lift hybrid with P57 and sunning. This is the only BB program I have never completed:blushing: so I'm determined the do at least a 30 day rotation as so many results from online are impressive.

    Erika- That is super awesome! Teaching employees is perfect and will develop your skill and feed that passion. I'm so glad that everything is working out at the new place...Fabulous!!

    Laurie- I was enjoying the routine and the style is not my norm with the singing along and the constant chatter and eventually the voices fade as I try to focus on the music and not their voices...hmmmn I will try the other video posted and see how I feel a second time around:laugh: Oooh the Live dvd sounds like fun..hmmm wondering if anyone is selling single dvds on Ebay:bigsmile:

    Laurel-Glad to hear the combos are working out and you feel more in sync with the mixture. BBl seems so easy in comparison to your workouts so I'm not sure if that would work for you except as a nice add-on..that and the models are annoying at times:blushing: I'm hoping that attempt number two combined with another system will make it enjoyable:ohwell:

    Tami- As usual your workouts sounds fantastic! How is the Hard strikes as I love boxing but everytime I see the dvd picture I think WTH is she doing with those humongous pink gloves:blushing:

    I'm moving slow today and I'm actually now enjoying my first cup of coffee:yawn:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! You aren't joking about a speedy weekend. Where did it go? :noway: But I got my workouts in, which is good. Sunday was Disk 5/Legs and after I finished the standing part, I knew I wanted more. So I popped in LBB and did the standing portion of that, then finished it off with the barre/floor work of Xtrain Legs. That was a good workout! Yesterday was Burn Sets Bis and Tris followed by All Out Low Impact HiiT.

    This transition from Week 3 to Week 4 in the rotation is interesting because it repeats itself. So today, starting out Week 4 of the rotation, I was set to do Disk 5/Legs again. I started with the standing work of Butts and Guts, and then did the scheduled Premix 1 of Legs, and that was a good workout too. I will definitely be adding extra leg work to this workout from now on.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed that Cardio Leg Blast premix. I might look into that one this week. Sounds like you had a busy and active weekend!

    Laurie, great job with Combat 60. I love that you said to yourself 'It's already in the player so why not?" Great approach. So glad it worked out for you....and worked you out! :wink:

    Michelle, thanks for the input on BBL. I heard there were a couple of good toning workouts in the routine, but I forget their name. Maybe I should open the package and have a look at the DVDs sometime. :blushing: I'm off to get my first cup of coffee for the day as well.

    Erika, hope you are well.

    Busy days ahead, but hope to be able to check in all week before heading off to Arizona.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:
    Another amazing BootCamp. Can I just say over 225 squats w/ shoulder presses! After recounting the stations and how many we would do at each :huh: WHAT Plus burpees, push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lines & sprints + sprints w/ more push-ups in the gym. This a.m. was XTrain Chest/Shouldres/Back – after last night I was wondering how my strength would feel, but it was good! I still went up in weights. :wink: When the workout was over, I was ready though. My upper body was feeling it all. Tonight will be Insane-X. Katy was there again last night and she said she has no idea what to do with us tonight after last night. :laugh: :laugh: She said, now I truly know how you guys feel that take this class and then my class on Tues.

    Laurie: Another fabulous Combat workout it sounds like! Yahoo not a penny wasted on this program. How fun that you are getting some good ideas of Pinterest. I have heard that from people over & over again. I did join on there but I have just looked at some photos/recipes/ideas but haven’t taken the time to figure out how to get in there and read more about the idea/recipe. But I can see where you could be on there FOREVER!

    Michelle: Sounds like you had a really nice 3-day weekend with your family and got in some great workouts as well! Nice job I think the HS workout is a lot of fun. She focuses almost 100% on upper body - emphasis on boxing with some jumping jacks mostly for cardio. I think the ginormous gloves are just for added excitement maybe?! :laugh: They provide a little bit of weight. I use my weighted gloves for added intensity. The latter half of the workout is some upper body weight work; Cathe uses lighter weights on this section as well. The two together make for a nice workout and adding on the core is perfect!:wink: So just the boxing portion is right at around 30 min is all.

    Laurel: What a great idea on the leg combos! :bigsmile: I have Legs tomorrow and was wondering what I could do to add-on, etc. like we have talked. I was going to see what “xtreme” pre-mix might be on there but I think I’ll go with LBB standing as an addition ~ will make for a really well rounded workout! Nice job w/ Burn Sets & HiiT yesterday as well! I bet you are on countdown for AZ! :drinker:

    Hi Erika:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • Mane1972
    Mane1972 Posts: 26 Member
    Laurel, the two of the BBL workouts I like are Bum Bum and High and Tight. They are both are very focused on the legs and butt. I usually combine High and Tight with a 30 min Cathe HIIT fact, the is what I have scheduled for today...I am just trying to motivate myself to do it!

    Have a great day, everyone! :happy:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I just started doing Cathe a few weeks ago. I'm doing Slow & Heavy, which I love, love, love! I also got Core Max, Turbo Fire, and Pyramid (which I haven't tried). I just glanced over the last two pages of this thread but would deffinitly like to hear what you all think of X-Train. I ordered my DVDs just before it was released and wanted to hear what the reviews are. Would you reccomend it to a friend or just pick and choose a few DVDs?

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    The weekend flew by, as did yesterday being off with the boys. Great workouts throughout the weekend, however my DOMS were so bad from Combat I had to take Friday off! :bigsmile: Can't wait to try another one!!

    Laurel: Great work on the workouts, and esp. adding in the extra where needed. I think that's necessary to keep interest in the rotation, coming off of longer workouts! Keep up the great work!! :bigsmile:

    Tami: Ok, now class sounds truly killer! :laugh: I don't know how your body is able to kill it at bootcamp and then push those heavy weights the next morning! Way to go! :bigsmile:

    Laurie: I am so excited to try another Combat workout...the DOMS rock! Nice work getting organized on the homefront, I bet that felt good! :bigsmile:

    Michelle: Awesome work getting those great workouts in! I love the combo of BBL and P57, esp. with the great results you've gotten from that type of combo in the past! :happy:

    Kelly: Welcome! I didn't order X-Train, but got Burn Sets and Cardio Legs. LOVE Cardio Legs, but I haven't tried Burn Sets yet. Welcome to the forum!

    Mane1972: Hello! Nice combo idea with BBL and Hiit...sounds killer! :bigsmile:

    Time for bed...then get up and do it all over again (but no hockey...going on 3 days in a row :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had intended to do a couple of workouts yesterday, but I got out of work later than normal. I also had to stop at the grocery store, and get gas in my car. Why I waited until the coldest day of the week to get gas boggles the mind. :laugh: It sure was cold standing out in 5 deg. Andyway I did get in Combat Power Hiit, and since that one gets the hr up there, and I put my all into the plyo, I felt I got in just enough. :wink:

    Michelle, If you are bothered by the accents, then don't force yourself to like the workouts. :wink: There are a couple of workouts that have girls with no accents, but they only do one of the segments. Great combo with BBL and P57.

    Laurel, Interesting on wk3 and 4. There must be a method to her madness. :laugh: I love that you are adding on leg work, isn't that what Cathe always say, make the workouts yours. :wink: I'm really enjoying these workouts a lot. I knew at some point there would be some form of workout that was just my style. :laugh:

    Tami, WOW on the squats! She really does like to torture you guys! Not only am I getting ideas, but DH has been online getting ideas for updating our dinning room. Now that he has the faire stuff all straightened out in his mind, he is looking forward to house projects.

    Danielle, Hope you where able to get in that great workout!

    Holly, S&H are some great workouts. I didn't purchase the XTrain, I have been having a great time learning all about them though. :happy:

    Erika, I love the DOMS also, and they don't seem to stop after the first couple of weeks. I'm on week 3, and still have them after each workout.

    Have to get to a meeting!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was meant to be a repeat of Monday's workout. But I changed it up a bit. I started as I was meant doing All Out Low Impact HiiT, and just had alot of fun with it. My body was telling me 'You feel like working out today!' at the end. So instead of doing Burn Sets Bis and Tris, I did Disk 2/Bis and Tris, which is a little longer. And then I added the 100 rep challenges of bicep curls and tricep extensions. YOWZA!! My arms are still shaking! :laugh: I knew I had a good burn coming out of the workout already, but to add those two simple moves (but at 100 reps) really got my arms quivering. I was laughing after because I tried to reach my arm over head to do a tricep stretch....and couldn't get my arm up. I must say, I :heart: that! :blushing: So I finished it off with Core 1 (and was laughing again when trying to do planks with those shaking arms......but I did them) and feel totally energized for the day. Just what I needed this morning.

    Tami, oh my on the Bootcamp class! That sounds killer!! No doubt you were ready to be done with your workout yesterday morning after that. Regarding the Legs workout, I find that short 15-20 minutes of standing work felt more challenging after doing the Butts and Guts workout first. In other words, I think the problem with that standing portion is simply that my legs aren't pre-exhausted. But when they were a little tired and totally warmed up, I found I could feel the moves so much better. I preferred that to the day I did the standing part of Legs first and then followed it with LBB standing, so I think I will always start with another leg workout and then move on to legs after. Just a recommendation! Yep, I'm beginning to get excited to head off to Arizona. It is hard to believe it has come up so quickly!

    Erika, I love that plug for Combat!! Sounds like you had a great weekend!

    Laurie, are you getting hit with the Arctic Freeze I keep hearing about? DH is in DC, and it is cold and miserable there. We are supposed to be near 70 today. :noway: Go figure.

    Mane1972, thanks for the recommendations on BBL. I think it was High and Tight that everybody was raving about when the workouts first came out. Thanks also for the recommendation on how to use them. I am going to give them a look....I really am this time!!

    Kelly, welcome to Cathe! I've been using her workouts for about 15 years now and still really enjoy her style. Slow and Heavy is one of my favorite of her programs. I found it very effective for me. Regarding XTrain, I am enjoying the workouts. Both Tami and I are doing the 90 Day Undulating Rotation right now, so I still have two workouts to try (Tabatacize and Supercuts). I will be honest and tell you that I'm not sure I love the rotation. But I DO love the workouts. She has so much in this series with all of the premixes she has added that I think anybody can make this program work for themselves. I think that's one of the reasons I'm a bit frustrated with the rotation--I want to try more aspects of the program and use the workouts in different ways. Over the past week or so, I've been experimenting more and more with the workouts, and they really are solid. I would definitely recommend them to a friend--especially one relatively new to Cathe because these are not full of choreography (as some of her previous workouts are and, therefore, harder to catch on to unless you've done Cathe before). So far, as far as picking and choosing the workouts, I would say that I enjoy all of the workouts enough to own. My biggest disappointment has been in the Legs workout (I think that is Disk 5) because it is a little lighter of a leg workout than I prefer. But I do enjoy the barre and floorwork in it, so I can't say I wish I didn't own it. Hope that helps. Feel free to ask more questions!!

    Michelle, hope you are well. I echo what Tami said about Hard Strikes. It is fun. I think the gloves were a style decision by Cathe. :tongue: They aren't nearly as distracting as I thought they would be when I first saw the photos of them. I hardly notice them anymore.

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Last night was Insane-X and we did the Pure Cardio format (28 exercises for 1 min ea) along with warm-up and cool down. It was tough stuff but felt good when I was done. We did end up doing quite a bit of plank work, push-ups, etc. because that’s pretty hard to avoid in any Insanity workout! She added in the speed jump roping at the end of every 3 exercises. This a.m. I did a really fun combo. :bigsmile: I ended up doing XTrain Legs (standing portion) then Tri-Sets Legs in its entirety and back to XT Legs floor work. That felt great and going to continue (like Laurel) to modify or add to the Disc #5 Legs day forsure whenever it comes up on this rotation. Headed to Spinning after work!

    Kelly: Welcome! Hope you continue to join us here if you would like too. Laurel described XTrain perfectly I think so I don’t have a whole lot to add. I think definitely on the recommendation list to anyone. I have found so far that some of the workouts are surprisingly easier than I had anticipated. That’s not a bad thing, just a surprise. I think finding ways to increase intensity or duration of the muscle burn by adding on various pre-mixes or even other workouts like I did today is what will make the rotation work for me. The flexibility she provides with all the pre-mixes was definitely a priority when she put these together! Feel free to ask more questions if you are considering XT! We’re here daily for ya!

    Erika: Definitely sounds like Combat did its job for you! :smile: That’s great feedback to hear and love your excitement over the workout and having DOMS! Thanks for the well wishes. I felt amazingly strong the next a.m. after all that the night before. I was feeling it in the spiderman push-ups last night forsure with all that shoulder work.

    Laurie: Great job with your HiiT and Plyo workouts last night! I’m so happy that you have found just the right set of workouts for yourself! Such a great feeling. :bigsmile: Great to know it is still giving you DOMs daily/weekly! Brrrrrrrrrr you are getting those cold temps they keep talking about aren’t you? :noway: I hate getting gas when it’s freezing out Yes, she got us good! Of course she didn’t join in with us the other night though at all this time. I always wonder if she would ease up a tad if she was actually doing the workout:huh:

    Laurel: Great advice, thank you! :flowerforyou: I think the combo I did today felt pretty good, but again the XT portion felt more like a warm-up even trying to go heavier with the weights. So the Tri-sets added a nice burn and felt more like the meat of the leg program today. :wink: Next time I will try doing LBB first then add on the XT portion. It is surprising as much as her leg workouts in the past have been such complete workouts and just not with this one. Tomorrow is Burn Sets Bi’s/Tri’s for me so I am taking notes on what you did today! :bigsmile: Love that. I was already looking ahead wondering what I would do to add to the short format to make it feel more complete. I’ll check the time frames so I know when I need to start to get it all in Great workout today! :drinker:

    Hi Michelle:smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami