Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :bigsmile:

    Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!! We had a couple of DH's friends over in the a.m. for breakfast and then the in-laws came over around noon. It was a nice day, very quiet. DH had prepared some food or prepped it so that it was super easy for us both having company for a couple different meals. Very thoughtful of him I thought. :wink: After everyone was gone we watched Bourne Legacy, it was good!

    I'm off work today :happy: which feels really good to tidy up the house, finish up a little laundry & relax before I head back to work tomorrow. Today's workout was Total Body Tri-Sets (Upper & Lower) which felt fantastic and I am headed to Spinning this evening! Anxious to try out my new cycling shoes:bigsmile: Santa did bring P90X2!!!!!:drinker: So that will be another program I look forward to in 2013!

    I'll check in with you all tomorrow ~
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I feel like I have been gone for so long! :ohwell: We had a great Christmas here (despite my oldest having a fever for 3 of the 5 days of vacation so far), and the boys had so much fun taking in everything. They really got into the church service this year, and I think had just as much fun giving their gifts, as getting them, which was my hope. My hubby got me Selecttech weights, which I am in LOVE with!! :bigsmile: Santa brought me a Mint floor cleaner, so I don't have to mop my floors several times a week anymore...that little bugger can take a day each week for me! :bigsmile:

    Workouts have been great, although this lifting every day has left with with DOMS all the time! :laugh: Eventually I'll get used to it, I'm sure!

    Tami--Sounds like you had a great trip to see your mom, and how awesome on the cycling shoes! :bigsmile: Can't wait t hear how you like them! Christmas sounds just perfect..not too stressful, and lots of time to relax and enjoy family! Great job on your workout after your return home..I'd be itching to get back into it too! I'm excited to hear about your thoughts on P90X2 once you start that rotation...or will it be X-train?!?!

    Laurie--I'm glad you hear you are feeling better, no fun having it drag out that long! My youngest had about a 4 day cold (nothing bad), my oldest had a horrible cough, fever and just overall miserable, but the fever went away just in time for the Christmas celebrating. However, we got a call yesterday that my nephew (that we all were kissing on) got diagnosed with Influenza symptoms but a fever. Ugh, the year I didn't get around to getting my flu shot, I get exposed to it!

    Laurel--Nice killer! I think I would have been in a ball on the floor halfway through that combo! :laugh: I hope your Christmas was wonderful, and you were able to keep the eating under control more than you thought. I did good on Xmas Eve, and then lost in on Christmas Day. But, I did some kick butt workouts, so I felt ok after it all. :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Can't wait to hear about your vacation!

    Off to work...2 day work week and then off for 4 days! :bigsmile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Quick check in as we get on the road tomorrow. Great time on the cruise, a bit of tough love with the bff but we shared some tears and moved on like big girls. I have been sick with the flu since Monday and finally showered and ate today. Happy Holidays and I will be back next week.

    Happy New Year:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:
    Back to work today …. :ohwell: Since it is only 2 days I don’t feel quite the dread factor as normal. Next week will be a 4-dayer so that is nice too. Last night’s Spinning was great, full class and lots of energy. I was able to try out my new spinning/cycling shoes and LOVE them! :smile: I can see why people go that direction. You can really feel the difference in the push/pull of the revolution. Plus, more comfortable on your feet as far as the positioning and not have a strap along the top. No workout this a.m. I was startled from a deep sleep with my sweet Emma throwing up in our bathroom at 2 a.m. :noway: So tended to her, got her outside, cleaned up the mess and let her back in and finally back to bed. FINALLY fell back asleep after 3 sometime, so when my alarm went off at 4:15 …. I hit the snooze and did not get up. :grumble: Hoping to get in a workout at home after work – we’ll see.

    Erika: Sounds like you had a really amazing Christmas with your family. :happy: Sorry to hear your son was sick for several days. Hope all is well now and nobody else gets sick after being exposed to your nephew. Yahoo for SelectTech weights! That is what I have and absolutely love them.:wink: Fantastic gift from DH forsure. Great job getting in the workouts throughout the festivities and busy holiday time! Is the Mint floor cleaner one of those auto robot type floor guys that goes around by itself? I have considered one of those because we have so much wood flooring. How fun! P90X2 will be later in the year. X-Train is first and cannot wait! :bigsmile: They are sending out the DVD’s this week according to Cathe’s newsletter. Laurel and I are going to start that up in February. It’s nice to have a couple programs that I’m excited for.

    Michelle: Good to hear from you – Happy Holidays and so sorry to hear you have been sick with the flu.:flowerforyou: Sounds like your tough love moment with BFF was hard but you got through it maturely and hopefully things are good there. Talk to you soon.

    Hello Laurel & Laurie:bigsmile:

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF (already!) Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Nice short week for me, which is nice! Last night was chest/legs with TF LI Hiit 25. I got the low impact Hiit workouts as a pre-Christmas gift to myself, and I really like them. I wasn't sure if I would, but there are some fun new moves in them, and considering how often I'm going Hiit workouts, I needed some more variety!

    We got a couple inches of snow overnight, so of course the roads/drivers are a mess. Thank goodness for very few drivers on the road due to the holidays!

    Tami--That is so awesome that the shoes helped improve the "ride!" :bigsmile: Poor Emma...I hope it was a one time deal. Our pup has been throwing up the last couple days (she has never done that before), so I'm wondering if this bug that my DS had somehow made it to the dog? She just seems extra sleepy and needly lately. :tongue: I think the bug is starting to hit me, as I am feeling like I'm in a fog today, but hopefully I'm able to sweat and/or sleep it off! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Welcome back, and then bon voyage again! :laugh: I'm glad to hear the cruise was fun, but sorry to hear you are sick. That crud is definitely going around like crazy! Get better fast and enjoy the rest of your vacation time.

    Laurie and Laurel--Hello!

    Have a wonderful weekend and New Year's holiday. I'll be back on Wednesday!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm back from the no-internet zone! :laugh: I failed at getting any workouts done during the Christmas time. I was way to busy, and the cough was still around. I think that the great up north cured my sickness though. :laugh: It was so dry up there that I don't think my cough could do anything. :wink: Anyway, tonight is going to be a workout, don't know what yet, but I will get something done.

    I was able to open my gifts of Turbo Fire, Combat, Peak More Cardio Interbal Burn and the girls got me this boxing kit. It has weighted gloves, 6lb med ball, jumprope and boxing workout. It really looks interesting, so maybe that will be my workout tonight. :wink: Overall it was a busy time, but it was very nice to see both families.

    Tami, I had heard that they where sending out the DVD's this week, I'm hoping that you get yours soon. :wink: Are you going to try a few of those workouts out before you get into your February rotation? Since this awful cold happened, I have had to nix my Peak 10 rotation. I have joined a group on here to start Combat on January 7th, but I'm hoping to get back to the Peak 10 rotation after that. I hear you on the dread factor of going back to work, but mine is only one day. :laugh: I'm off for four days again, so that is going to be nice. Sorry to hear about Emma, hope she is ok!

    Michelle, Sorry to hear that you where sick. Glad to hear that you and your bff are back on track! I'm sure that made the cruise even better. :wink: I hope you are able to avoid that flu! :wink:

    Erika, I felt the same way about being gone so long. And in a way I was gone a lot longer than most everyone else. Since I have not worked out really well for about three weeks now. :noway: I'm ready though. :laugh: That floor cleaner sounds great! I had to come into work today, because I didn't have enough vaction time. One day! :laugh: I can get a lot of work done today, so then I don't have that hanging over my head entering the new year.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! A very belated Merry Christmast to you all! I'm sorry to have been MIA for so long. My plan was to be back yesterday, but life had other plans for me. Nothing serious.....just driving my DH back and forth to the airport a couple of times. :huh: Not much fun, but he finally got off late yesterday afternoon (after making our first trip to the airport at 7:00am yesterday morning) and is safely in Texas awaiting the Armed Forces Bowl (AF vs. Rice).

    But I'm back today and have been managing to get my workouts in all week. I took Tuesday off (as I always do on Christmas), but have managed two workouts every other day. Today was Low Impact Circuit followed by Pyramid Lower Body. Good stuff there! I don't quite know what I'm going to be doing next, but I think I'll do what feels good for another week or so as I get through the next set of holidays.

    Laurie, so glad to hear you are feeling better! Sounds like you got alot of great fitness gifts for Christmas!

    Michelle, I'm glad you enjoyed the cruise, though I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope you continue to feel better. Safe travels home!

    Erika, have fun with those new weights!! I'm glad you like them. Yep, my eating went south over Christmas (as it always does), but I'm back on track. I made the Amaretto Fudge I was talking about, but took half of it up to my sisters, so that kept me from eating the whole pan!! :tongue: Next week will be much better, and, thankfully, I don't feel like I've gained much (if any) weight.

    Tami, so glad you enjoyed the trip to see your Mom. I bet the workouts felt good when you got home, though. So happy to hear about the fitness giflts for you too! And X-TRAIN is coming!!! :drinker: So have you seen the rotation? I read the review of Hard Strikes today on Cathe's site (sounds good!) and the poster mentioned the 90-day rotation. I've looked all over the site for it, but can't seem to find it. I just thought I'd ask if I'd missed something. The reason I'm asking is I'm wondering if maybe it would be possible to start X-TRAIN earlier (like a week from Sunday). Would that work for you? I'm thinking I could get almost four weeks in before going to Arizona. Let me know what you think!! I'm happy to wait as well.....but wanted to toss that idea out there just in case.......

    Off to get some housework done!! Enjoy the weekend! And if I don't talk to you before Tuesday, Happy New Year!!!!! :drinker:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ TGIF is right! I’m always so thankful for short weeks ~ plus our office is SO quiet…..Boring :sad:

    Erika: Nice job on the workouts and for getting yourself the new HiiT workouts for Christmas! :flowerforyou: I think Emma’s situation the other a.m. was due to a big knuckle bone that DH had bought both the dogs for a treat. She ate it down to nothing and fragments seemed to not agree with her stomach.:sick: Seems good to go since so probably just a normal “dog” thing. Hopefully you aren’t getting the bug. Fingers crossed for you. Keep up the great workouts and Happy New Year!

    Laurie: So glad to hear that your sickness is cleared and the cough is gone! :wink: That’s great news and I’m sure nobody is happier than you for it! :wink: Sounds like you received some fabulous fitness gifts, that’s so great and a good family time as well. That’s fantastic you are going to be doing the Combat rotation with another group of MFP peeps! :smile: I’m looking forward to hearing your reviews on that series. Yes, Peak 10 will be waiting for you I’m sure, which is the beauty of having choices & our collections. Thanks for that on Emma …. She is doing good, seemed to just be the bits of bone that didn’t settle. I will definitely check out XTrain as soon as I get it and we might be starting earlier than February so that will be good too.

    Laurel: Sounds like you have had a busy holiday and the back & forth to the airport always chews up a bunch of time! I know for us it is 45 min to the airport, (one way). :frown: Nice job managing in your workouts throughout though! I was really anxious to get in a normal workout when I got back. I did spot a gym near my mom’s house this time that is new - so in the future if I am ever there for extended time I’ll check into it. From my understanding the rotation is posted inside the “guide book” that will come with the series. I don’t think it is something posted on her site. So as soon as we receive them we can check it out from there. XTrain Rotation :bigsmile: Yes, I am absolutely up for starting earlier if that works for you! :wink: :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a very nice weekend! Talk to you soon ~
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Just sharing in my excitement that XTrain arrived today :bigsmile: Laurel - There is a booklet that comes with the program that lists all the workouts, rotations, etc!

    Have a great weekend ladies ..... talk to you Monday! :flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! I got my X-TRAIN too!! It looks like a great program. Very versatile. I am amazed at the number of premixes she included and the variety. This program looks like it could go from being a 30-minute-a-day workout program to working out 90+ minutes a day. I think it would take months just to do all of the premixes. Cathe definitely gave this program alot of thought in terms of how the workouts can be mixed and matched, adding unique bonuses, and making the workouts fit most people's schedules. Alot of bang for the buck in 'just' 9 workouts, that's for sure. Looks like very good stuff.

    Tami, I'm all for starting next week. I normally workout Sunday thru Friday (as opposed to Monday thru Saturday as the rotation states), but I could change to Monday thru Saturday if that works better for you. I noticed there aren't any 'break' weeks in the rotation, but I will double up workouts for the time I'm gone to Arizona (and it looks like that is very possible) so that I'm caught up with you when I get back. I'm thinking about doing the 90 Day Undulating Rotation as this is the primary rotation for the program. What are you thinking? No doubt I will try the other rotations at some time because they all look good so if you want to start with something else, let me know. I'm off to preview some workouts now!!

    Happy New Year!!! I'll catch up with you all again soon--probably on Wednesday.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Busy day for me, we have a party with some friends. Just wanted to say congrats to both Laurel and Tami for getting their X-Train orders. Can't wait to hear what you both think of the set. I'm excited to see that it comes with rotations, and she gave so many options for premixes.

    Will be on again when I get the chance, but I need to get cooking.

    Happy New Year Ladies!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Tami, I'm all for starting next week. I normally workout Sunday thru Friday (as opposed to Monday thru Saturday as the rotation states), but I could change to Monday thru Saturday if that works better for you. I noticed there aren't any 'break' weeks in the rotation, but I will double up workouts for the time I'm gone to Arizona (and it looks like that is very possible) so that I'm caught up with you when I get back. I'm thinking about doing the 90 Day Undulating Rotation as this is the primary rotation for the program. What are you thinking? No doubt I will try the other rotations at some time because they all look good so if you want to start with something else, let me know. I'm off to preview some workouts now!!

    Once again we are both on the same mindset! I like to do Sun - Fri as well and the 90 Day Undulating Rotation is what I was thinking as well! Yahoo :bigsmile: :drinker: January 6th it is then! Sounds great. It truly does look like a program that can be used in SO many different ways which is awesome. Once again, Cathe is a star in her thought process and dedication to everyone's fitness!

    Can't wait .... Thanks Laurel!

    Happy New Year Everyone :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was really really bad about working out, but there is going to be a workout tonight when I get home. We did have a great time having people over for New Years Eve, and the food turned out to be really delish. I did get in Kick Start Your Metabolism on Sunday, and had just a little bit of coughing. This thing is still hanging on. :huh:

    I will be starting my 60 day Combat rotation on Monday, will be doing a check in with a group of people here on MFP. :drinker: I'm getting excited about the coming year as far as workouts go. DH is going to try really hard this year to take of about 20lbs. I think that he can do better, but 20 is a good number to start with. :wink:

    Laurel, I'm really glad that both you and Tami have decided on the Undulating rotation. Can't wait to hear what you both think of the system. So far I have heard nothing but possitives. Well maybe I saw one thread on VF that was negative, but then people seem to have a need to complain no matter what. :noway: Apparently they think there is way to much information! :laugh: I just had to laugh.

    Tami, So all of us are starting the new year with a new rotation of some sort.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy New Year!!! I took a couple of days off working out to spend time with DH, take down the Christmas decorations and, generally, to just lie about in the mornings. :blushing: What can I say? It felt good! But I was back at it today. Because of starting XTRAIN next week :drinker: I decided to do a little STS to check to see how accurate my 1RM estimates are. XTRAIN also uses 1RM, and I really don't want to re-do them unless I have to. So I did STS Disk 13 (Meso 2, Week 1, Chest, Shoulders and Triceps) and it felt dead-on to what I was doing when we last did the program. So I feel very comfortable going into XTRAIN. I also did Cardio Supersets today which is always fun!

    I previewed three of the XTRAIN workouts so far (Disk 1/Chest, Back, Shoulders;Disk 6/Cardio Leg Blast; and Disk 8/Hard Strikes). They look good! Disk 1 remindes me of Meso 1 of STS in its format except you use the stability ball for alot of the exercises. There are some innovative twists to standard exercises, which I like. Cardio Leg Blast is alot like Meso 3/Plyo Legs in that it alternates one plyo move with one weighted move. Hard Strikes is interesting. The first half is high impact cardio with a little boxing in it. There is very little kickboxing at all. And there seemed to be more high impact moves (jumping jacks, etc) than boxing moves. I'll see how I feel about that when I do it. The second half of the workout is total body conditioning. For the rotation Tami and I are doing, we will be doing a premix that includes just the cardio portion of the routine. The music in the series, so far, seems good and reminds me of Cross Fire and To The Max (in fact, I think some of it is the same music). The set looks good. Cathe looks good! I will preview more today, but I'm ready to go!

    Tami, I'm so happy to hear you can start on Sunday!! This should be fun. It looks like a fun program, and I am amazed at how many different ways these workouts can be used. So bring on Sunday!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Laurie, I'm sorry to hear that pesky cough STILL hasn't left you. I'm glad you took it easy over the holidays because that is probably just what your body needed. Congrats on starting the new rotation on Monday. I'm anxious to hear about it. I was thinking of you when I previewed Hard Strikes as I know how much you love kickboxing/boxing workouts. I'll let you know what I think about this one when I do it, but I will admit I was thinking it would have more of a boxing focus. But, oddly, I didn't find the big pink gloves distracting!!! They look huge in the photos, but in the context of the workout, they aren't that bad. I think they weigh something like 12oz, so I will just use 1lb wrist weights and see how that goes. I'm not surprised people are complaining about the info aspect of this over on VF. People thought the same about STS. I like that Cathe puts together a scientific program.....and takes the time to explain it and make it is such a way that people can get the most out of it if they want (by doing 1RM and such). But that doesn't mean it HAS to be used that way, and I don't think alot of people quite understand that. But each to their own I guess.

    Erika and Michelle, hope you had a great holiday and are enjoying the New Year!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Let’s see – so mixed up on my days right now. Work on Monday, OFF yesterday, back to work today thru Friday.:ohwell: Yesterday I did Total Body Tri-Sets :bigsmile: (Upper & Lower combo), figured it would be my last time on that one for a while, felt great! Met my BFF for lunch after that and we caught up a bit after Christmas and me being gone, etc. So that was a fun day. DH was home watching bowl games. Today was Athletic Training:wink: No Spinning tonight, the room is closed for renovation ….. they are getting it ready for the new bikes!!!! :drinker:

    Laurie: I ditto Laurel in saying, sorry to hear that cough is hanging on.:grumble: Darn it! Sounds like you got in a workout which is good and I’m sure felt great (minus the cough). Yahoo for starting up Combat Monday! :happy: Yes, several of us starting a new rotation in the New Year! Feels good. I’m super excited to get started.

    Laurel: Happy New Year and Happy X-Train!!!! Bring on Sunday is right. :bigsmile: I am planning on STS Total Body for Friday’s workout so I am getting that in close to our start date. :wink: I haven’t seemed to veer too far off the path, which is good! I didn’t really feel like re-doing my 1RM sheets either. I know last time we did STS I updated them at that point so I should be about the same. As always, will just make adjustments as needed. :wink: Thanks for doing some previewing … The workouts sound AMAZING! :bigsmile: I was hoping to preview some as well but haven’t had the opportunity. I did read that the workout cards for XTrain weren’t quite up and running just yet. Hopefully this week or next, so that will be nice to have. I’m glad to hear you took a couple days off and just relaxed! I agree 100%, it feels good to get the Christmas decorations down .. We did that last Sunday. We didn’t have much up but always feels good to put away.

    Happy New Year Erika & Michelle ~:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,460 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Tried out a Combat workout last night, thought that maybe I should at least preview some of these before I start the rotation on Monday. :laugh: I absolutely loved it! I did Combat 30 Kick Start. I used my weighted gloves also. The instructors in this workout really know what they are talking about, and give really good instruction. They really emphasize power in the punches. The said that we did something like 243 kicks during one 5 min segment. :noway: Well I do feel it in my legs this morning. I also notice that my shoulders, upper back, biceps and triceps are sore. I was very surprised about the triceps. I had my HR monitor on and I was in my zone for 21 min., above the zone for 7 and only 2 min was below the zone. :bigsmile:

    Laurel, Great idea taking some time off! I have taken way to much time off, so really need to get my butt in gear. :wink: Great idea on checking your 1RM's. Sure wouldn't be fun to start a workout and not have enough weight picked out. :wink: I would think that using weighted gloves/wrist would be an excellent option. So are the high impact moves a lot like what she did in Kickmax? From your description thats what it kind of sounds like. I will be very interested in what you think of the Hard Strike workout, it is the one that has most of my interest right now. :wink:

    Tami, It was hard for me to realize that today was Thursday and not Tuesday! My boss said that now we have the long haul until about May. :sad: No extra time off during those months. :wink: I'm sure that those new bikes at the gym are going to be great. I'm getting really anxious about starting this new rotation, just really need to get back into working out after this dang cold sidelined me so horribly. Yesterday the only problem I had was my nose running, which is something that has happened in the past while working out. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was Step Moves, followed by STS Disk 17/Legs and STS Stability Ball Abs. Good workout. I can definitely feel that STS workout in my legs right now as they are shaking! But STS leg workouts are always like that for me. I will be feeling it tomorrow, that's for sure. :ohwell:

    Tami, great workout! I previewed another three XTrain workouts yesterday--Legs, Bis and Tris, and Low Impact HiiT. They look very good. I might re-watch Legs because I got a phone call when I was watching it, but it looks like it is about 25 minutes standing, followed by Barre workout followed by floor work with the Stability Ball. I think it rings in at about 55-60 minutes without the add-ons. We will be doing the add-on of Rear Delts in this rotation, and that looks like 15 minutes of pure rear delt work. Slow, controlled moves starting with 12 reps and followed by 2 sets of 10 reps. I don't remember how many different exercises she does (3 or 4) but it could be interesting focus work. The Bis and Tris looks good as well.....again, alot like Meso 1 in tempo, order and rep counts (standard is 16 reps). The Low Impact HiiT workout is split into three sections. The first 10 minutes is floor HiiT, the second uses the step, and the third uses the sliding discs. Don't worry about the step work because they aren't complex moves at all and many of them have been seen already. It looks good and I like the idea of different sections to kind of break the workout up a bit. So, all in all, I'm really looking forward to these workouts right now!! I read the same thing about the workout cards. I think I would have been lost in STS without them, but I'm not as worried in these workouts. Like in STS, each exercise is spelled out on the TV screen before it starts and it also includes what Cathe is using in terms of weight. So between Cathe's recommended weight and our own STS 1RM recommendations, we should be able jump in and challenge ourselves pretty well!

    Laurie, I'm so glad you enjoyed the Combat workout!! 243 kicks?!? That's crazy! But what a great leg workout that must have been. Sounds like an effective workout all around. Regarding Hard Strikes, I think I expected Boxing drills like she did in the first part of KickMax or in MMA Boxing, but this workout isn't like that. I would say it is more like Cardio Kicks, KPC or 4DS Kickbox than anything, though it has much less emphasis on kickboxing than the latter two of those workouts did. So I guess that makes it more like Cardio Kicks which was more boxing/cardio-based moves.....but it is more intense than Cardio Kicks is, that's for sure. It will be interesting to do because, very often, my impression of workouts when I'm watching them is VERY different than my impression when I am doing them. So I'll let you know more about it next week! Oh, my nose ALWAYS runs when I'm working out in the winter. Drives me crazy. I read about this awhile ago on some fitness site, and it is very common for that to happen. So I'm always armed with at least two kleenex's per workout. :blushing: And my nose rarely ever runs otherwise. :ohwell:

    Erika and Michelle, hope you are well!!

    Until tomorrow.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies...Happy New Year!

    Well, we started off 2013 with a bang...head lice! :grumble: Ugh! Came home yesterday from work and my youngest wanted to get his hockey hair cut off before his birthday (today) so took him to the salon, and they had to stop mid haircut because they found lice. So, with my hubby being gone until 9:30ish, I went into total panic mode! I hadn't gone through this before, so had no idea what I was in for with the shampooing, and endless loads of laundry/cleaning. Well, my workout got sidelined and I was up much later than I can handle, so today is pretty rough. My hubby stayed up all night doing laundry and stayed home today too, and isn't done yet! :noway:

    But, before all the fun was a great few days with the family (and hockey of course!). Great workouts too! :) Now, let's hope that the rest of the month is uneventful (although, I think we were overdue for some chaos in our house after what our other relatives have gone through with the flu/illnesses, faulty appliances causing damage, etc)!

    Laurel--Gosh, I just love the mix of workouts in the rotation you and Tami are doing! :bigsmile: I have been mixing in Cathe and Chalene, which has been fun! I'm excited to hear about your thoughts on XTrain as you start to tackle those workouts. I have my eye on a couple of the DVD's! Good job managing the workouts through the holidays, and getting back on track with the eating! I'm glad to see the holiday goodies go bye-bye! I'm glad to hear you were able to take a couple days off of working out and really enjoy them! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Sounds like you had a nice, quiet (albiet boring) week at work over Christmas, and I'm betting this week is more of the same (it sure is for me)! How exciting that there are some renovations going on at the bikes, yeah! I'm excited to hear about your impressions of XTrain too, looks like fun!! Great job on getting in the workouts at home while the classes are shut down!

    Laurie--I'm glad to hear that you are slowly getting rid of that cough, and able to get some workouts in when time allows! Sounds like you got some awesome workouts for Christmas! :bigsmile: I want to hear more about LM Combat when you get to them...I have those on my radar, but go back and forth! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--I hope you are feeling better and vacation was nice.

    Back to work and then off to celebrate with the birthday boy!

  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    Hello all Cathe Fans - I'm starting the 90 day XTRAIN rotation on Monday - if you are doing the same please feel free to friend me. I would love the support! Thanks, Maria
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello all Cathe Fans - I'm starting the 90 day XTRAIN rotation on Monday - if you are doing the same please feel free to friend me. I would love the support! Thanks, Maria

    Please join us here on this post or send a messages any time! :bigsmile:

    Laurel & I are starting the 90-Day Undulating XTrain on Sunday! :bigsmile: Would love to support you in your journey! Really excited to start :wink: I think it's going to be such a great program with tons of variety. ~ Tami