Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was our walk and then I did CF Upper body circuit. I feel a slight twinge from my Core work yesterday but overall I think it is time to amp up my routine:blushing: Illaria has some new workouts that look great and I love her beats but for now I will stick with too many dvds:blushing: Yesterday after work I opted for a fun Zumba routine after a stressful computer glitch which took 30 mins to fix and get my reports out:grumble:

    Laurie- Yes that combo sounds great and will still clock in around an hour:bigsmile:

    Erika- Back on the Chalean horse I see, good way to tune her out although I loved the circuit dvds in that package.

    Laurel- Welcome back and way to go on staying focused during your busy week:wink:

    Tami- I watch those routines on Youtube on our SmartTV and I have to admit it makes it too easy to type in a workout and find full coverage of that workout...makes me lazy with my dvds:laugh:

    Working today again and the skies are blue and sunny, able to look out the window and feel energized from the beautiful day:bigsmile:

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Insane-X was great again last night and another good turnout! This a.m. I did Cathe’s LIS Cardio Supersets, which was lots of fun. Tonight will be Spinning after work. :wink:

    Erika: Great job with CLX Burn 2 and getting into the workout enough to ignore the chattering! I just know you would love the BC class. We do sprints in some format every week. Of course along with the circuits but a lot of sprints forsure. Reminds me of my competitive sports days when I ran lines! :laugh: It was a tremendous compliment forsure and I knew you guys would appreciate that …. Can’t really share with my non-workout friends. :blushing: Thanks for appreciating it with me. :smile:

    Laurie: Nice job with Pure Cardio … love it that you’re going to go on her Facebook page and suggest another one! Yes, I knew what you meant yesterday, that’s exactly how I read it even though it was typed differently. I’m the same way with workouts, I tend to concentrate more on what is happening or what I am doing than say the music or what not. I’m with ya on the “more programs” to want too … currently X2 is at the top of Santa’s list but I will first be getting through XTrain (can’t wait, can’t wait:bigsmile: ) and that Combat one has been tempting but I will wait and see what you think of it!

    Laurel: Good to hear from you and sounds like the “what feels good” is going well this week! It is funny but not surprising that I am on page with you as far as loving the LIS right now. :bigsmile: In fact I have been doing just “whatever” lately but making sure I’m getting in some good variety & total body work. The format of the LIS with the tri-sets is so fun and the athleticism to it all. Since I have been enjoying them so much I am going to start a one month Total Body/LIS that she posted earlier this year. It is a mix of STS Total Body along with the entire LIS. :wink: So should be fun and I’m sure I will modify a few things adding in others as I go (aka: increasing the intensity here & there). Such good feedback for yourself to know you truly notice a difference in your balance & core strength due to X2!! . The compliment made me feel really good – yes, thank you. It was unexpected and truly in conversation but the fact that she mentioned it just made me smile.

    Michelle: Nice job today with your CF Upper Body and getting in your walk! :happy: Sounds like the headache stayed away and nice job getting in some Zumba! I’m sure that was lots of fun. So nice to hear you are looking out at a beautiful blue sky w/ sunshine day! We have almost all gray days anymore and/or rain. :ohwell: Which is typical this time of year for the Northwest. Love when a blue sky day sneaks in forsure.

    Hope you all have a great day ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mornin' Ladies!!!

    It's Friday for me (yipee!), so I've got a packed day of meetings, and then off with the family tomorrow. I'm headed to a girls night tomorrow night and hubby is taking the boys to watch their cousin in a wrestling meet. Hockey all weekend, with a parents party thrown in there too so we can meet the other hockey parents. Should be a fun weekend!

    Tami--I just inherited LIS Cardio Supersets and did it fun! I may have to throw that one in here and there if I get sick of Chalene. For now, I'm going to stick with her and see how it goes.

    Michelle--I'm glad you had a nice walk and upper body work! That Zumba workout sounds just right to let off some steam from a faulty computer!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel---I love your "do what I want" rotation...those are always the best! Gives you a chance to pull out some DVD's that you may not normally use often, but still love. Enjoy it!!! :happy:

    Laurie--Great work on the PC workout last night. Did you say most of the workouts are close to an hour??

    Well, I probably won't check in tomorrow, so have a great weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Cardio Strength workout last night, and I was surprised at how well it went. Mondays session with this workout was tough, and so was last night, but I didn't have to take any breaks. :wink:

    Laurel, Have a great time with the do what you want rotation! :drinker: I think it is funny that we like being sore from our workouts. This CS workout was that way for me also. I'm feeling my upper back and shoulders this morning. :wink: The problem with me is that when these things go on sale, I purchase them. :noway: So now I think that I will have four systems to try out when the new year starts. The Les Mills can be combined with something else, so I'm happy that I can combine those. And I'm of course thinking of combining the JM and TF workouts. I'm really enjoying these workouts, which kind of surprises me. She does add in hi/lo moves (something that I really have not enjoyed in the past), with kickboxing. It makes me think of Cathe in a way, so maybe that is why I like them. Almost like SJP without the step part. :wink:

    Michelle, I had seen those new workouts from Illaria. I have one of her workouts, and I really like it. Not sure that I will purchase more of hers though. I think trying to combine those two system will keep me busy for a while. I just love creating rotations. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they bomb. :blushing:

    Tami, That sounds like a solid rotation. Did I see that Cathe will be sending out the DVD's? Now that will be a nice Christmas gift to get. :wink: I hope that Michelle does make a new Pure Cardio, I think it would be one that you would enjoy. :wink: And if it doesn't come in a system, then that is way better. :laugh: I'm really excited about the Combat workouts, they are suppose to be shipping out at the beginning of next month. :bigsmile:

    Erika, Yes most of the workouts are an hour. The one I did last night was 59 min. Pure Cardio is 52 min. The longest is Cardio Interval Burn at 65 min. The shortest one is 20 min. and that is the Core workout. The one I'm planning on doing tonight is Anytime Anywhere, and it is suppose to be around 45 min. Maybe I need to suggest that she does some of these workouts in shorter segments. More Facebook time! :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This chilly morning as I stumbled into the cold I was feeling soo lazy plus TOM is here so it was a poor start for me:blushing: After a nice breakfast from hubby, I popped in a newly discovered dvd in the office:blushing: JS 10 Pounds Down Better Body Blast which was fun although Jessica was sweating and out of breath while I was not:huh: I work this morning and also had an appt which I cancelled:blushing:, so today it will be a dreary, foggy day on my laptop on my chaise:blushing:

    Laurie- That is awesome, visible improvements already:bigsmile: Overall what are your thoughts on this series thus far?:bigsmile: I like the dvd from Illaria using a DB in lieu of a kettlebell, but like you I only tend to pull her out infrequently.

    Laurel- I say enjoy your options every morning and focus on a new rotation next year. Rotations are mentally tough so relax and enjoy being on your lack of schedule, although for some of us schedules work better:laugh:

    Tami- Class sounds great as usual. I found my Supersets on a recent serach into my many dvds and I need to do that one again..too many choices:blushing: I guess I could of frozen my loaf too but was impulsive.:blushing:

    Erika- I love this new schedule with the new company. Enjoy your weekend and girls night out:drinker:

    Have a great day ladies.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Boy was it a long meeting this morning!! I was hoping to be able to come home and do another workout (as I got one in before going) but I'm thinking a little relaxing/reading in on order right now! My brain is fried. Anyhow, this morning I did Afterburn Bonus Burn. Love that workout! Tomorrow I will try to push it a little harder, but it has been kind of nice having a little 'recovery' week this week after X2.

    Tami, great job with the workouts! I'm glad I'm not the only one reaching for the LIS series. I'm thinking about doing the Total Body Trisets tomorrow. That will be a first. Thanks for mentioning that STS/LIS rotation. I hadn't seen that and it looks good. many rotations, so little time. And it looks like X-Train may be arriving my Christmas! :drinker: I may just do some parts of some rotations until then. I'm kind of enjoying this 'whatever feels good' thing right now.

    Michelle, I wish I could say it was chilly here! Crazy weather for late November. I put a light jacket on to go out to my meeting this morning, and even that was too much. I have all of the windows in the house open right now. While I love fresh air and such, a little moisture would be very welcome right now. Sorry about the workout. Don't you wonder what you are doing wrong when everybody on a DVD seems to be dying doing a workout and you are just standing there going 'Is this it?' I know I do! :blushing:

    Erika, enjoy your long weekend! Sounds like alot of fun.

    Laurie, sounds like you are really enjoying this series. Thanks for the continued information on it. I'm always very hesitant to try new instructors, so recommendations are really important to me. I really need to connect with an instructor for me to continue doing a workout. I think that's one of the reasons I stick with Cathe as much as I do.....I like her enough to want to workout with her. :smile:

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:
    Really fun Spin class last night! She did speed work but it was speed at the base of a hill and then on a hill. It was standing and sitting combos, tough stuff but a great class. This a.m. was STS Total Body … guess I’m already kind of doing the rotation I’ll be starting next week. No workout tonight.

    Erika: Sounds like a fabulous weekend ahead and how fun that you have tomorrow OFF! :drinker: Yahoo. I agree that the Cardio Supersets is really fun. I like doing the step add on as well, makes for a well rounded workout. Enjoy your time off and a fun weekend with girls night & hockey.

    Laurie: Great job with Cardio Strength! :bigsmile: That’s awesome and way to power through the whole workout, sounds like you enjoyed it. The last update I read on XTrain was that she was going to try and have them all out by Christmas so that would be so awesome! Sounds like you are definitely going to be scheduled out with some fun rotations for a while. I’m sure combining Combat with another program will be amazing!

    Michelle: Great job popping in a newly discovered DVD eventhough you were probably not feeling like it so much. Sounds like you get to have a nice day at home relaxing a bit and getting some work done on the computer. There are way too many choices aren’t there?! :tongue: That’s why sometimes I need to at least right something down for the week if I’m not doing a scheduled rotation. Otherwise I stand there in the early a.m. wondering which one to do. :laugh:

    Laurel: :heart: Afterburn w/ the bonus! Nice job. I'm sure it is feeling great taking it a little easier this week. It's like a reward to your body & mind :wink: Have fun with TriSets tomorrow. I love the combo of the two together like that. You're welcome for mentioning that rotation.. . . very true about so many rotations, so little time. I wanted to fill in the next month with something I would enjoy so that should be good! I think adding in some other things will be great too. Yahoo for XTrain arriving in a few weeks:bigsmile: :drinker:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Peak Fit Anywhere, Anytime workout was a ton of fun. :bigsmile: I think this one has now become my favorite. This one felt more like an Insanity workout with the body weight exercises thrown in. It has two ascents to begin the workout, then it went into basecamp/climb/peak for 8 circuits. The workout was a total of 40 min. with a warm up and cool down included. By the end of this rotation, but endurance should have increased. :wink: Tonight is dance class, so today is my rest day. Tomorrow I plan on doing a little catch up with my rotation, but it will be mostly the core and flexibility workouts.

    Michelle, Interesting that Jessica was out of breath. One of the things I enjoy seeing in these Peak workouts is Michelle bent over trying to catch her breath! :happy: Makes me feel better when I'm doing the same thing. Overall I am really enjoying these workouts. I will say that they are high impact, high endurance but fun. She put just enough variety into the routines, to make you want to go onward. I do have to stop at some points, because I just don't have the endurance yet. If you do have knee issues, this may not be the system for you. I have felt some soreness in my knees, but nothing that has made me stop the workouts. I like that she mixes kickboxing with insanity/Imax. That is the best way for me to describe the workouts. The weight work with cardio is like Cathe's Bootcamp, and the Pure Stength is on par with Cathe's Supersets. Hope that gives you some idea. :wink:

    Laurel, What you only got in one workout! :noway: :laugh: To me Michelle is a lot like Chris Freytag as far as personality goes. Then you throw in a little bit of Cathe (for tough workouts) into Chris, and you get Michelle. :laugh: Maybe that is why I like her. :laugh: I'm always hesitant about instructors also, that is why I have avoided Chalene so often. I think I will be able to handle her though. :wink: We are suppose to have the light jacket weather on Sunday! Guess that is better than having a foot of snow. :wink:

    Tami, I was looking at the new covers for the Xtrain workouts. I am very interested in your and Laurel's reviews of the strength workouts. :wink: I'm not quite certain about the boxing workout. The pink gloves are throwing me off a little. :huh: I'm sure it will be a good one though. Glad that you had a great spinn class!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was TF30 but mentally I was so not into these dancy moves:grumble: I want kickboxing dang it! So out that went and I pulled out an oldie CIA2901: Kickbox Surge with Amy Bento...winner winner winner:laugh: Loved the up to date music..why do fitness instructors do knock off songs vs the real artist:grumble: Ok so Pms must be in today because I'm grumbling:blushing:

    Laurel- I getting better or just not doing it right:blushing: Although this morning my glutes were quite sore and I'm feeling my Abs from Chris Freytag Core Circuit:bigsmile: We are approaching 70 today although mornings are quite chilly here.

    Laurie- It sounds like fun but my knees may not think so and yesterday I was having knee pain in both knees which makes me question the wood floors and exercise..may need thicker mats:huh:

    Erika & Tami- Enjoy your weekend:flowerforyou:

    I'm off for a desperately needed facial this afternoon, not sure if it is the lack of a water softener here or not but my pores have been on overdrive and I need a professional intervention.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided since I'd been slacking a bit this week in the cardio department that I would start the day off with some tough cardio. So I did Intensity with the bootcamp premix. I've given that one a rest for a few weeks and, boy, was it good to be back! Love that workout! Anyhow, after that 70 minute workout, I didn't think I had it in me to do the LIS Total Body, which would have rung in at about 90 minutes. I also could feel all of the leg work this week already, and wasn't sure I was up to another LIS Lower Body Triset treatment! :laugh: So I did High Reps instead, which felt tough too! But it was a great combo, and I feel like I worked out thoroughly for the first time this week. We'll see what rotation I start on Sunday....if I decide to do a rotation. :blushing:

    Tami, that spin class sounds fun! I'm really torn on what is going to best prepare me for X-TRAIN right now. After doing High Reps, I'm thinking I might want to work on my strength/endurance in my upper body a bit, so I'm kind of leaning to that STS/LIS rotation. That being said, the workouts in the other rotation you sent me or so much fun! So I think I might try to do a combo of the two. Haven't quite worked it out yet, but I think I definitely want to add some more upper body work in there before going into X-TRAIN. I carried alot of strength through X2, which should help. But since it wasn't really a weight-based strength training program (minus the middle section), I'm afraid I'm going to get a bit sore/tired jumping right into X-TRAIN without prepping myself first. Don't want that!

    Laurie, that workout sounds like so much fun! And at 40 sounds perfect! Thanks for describing what kind of instructor she is. I don't really gel with the too cutsie-type instructors (if you know what I mean) or Drill Sergeants (and JM has a tendency to go there a bit for me at times). I've watching some of Chris Freytag workouts on youtube, and a combo of Chris and Cathe sounds perfect!

    Michelle, if you are looking for kickboxing, TF isn't it, is it? I still cringe when I see her form on punches. I don't even think of them as kickboxing workouts, if I'm being perfectly honest. So I don't blame you for pulling out Amy Bento instead because she is much more traditional in her kickboxing work. I think knock off songs is all about the cost and copyrights. I much prefer originals too!

    Eirka, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday :drinker:

    This a.m. was CrossFire .. which of course was very fun :bigsmile: and tonight I am headed to Spinning. A friend of mine who just started Spinning recently is going to meet me there. We are going tomorrow a.m. as well to a different PEAK gym that is actually near my house.

    Laurie: That workout sounds like it was amazing! :bigsmile: Love that this series is turning out to be so great for you. I like your description of Michelle, that’s pretty good! I saw those new covers for Xtrain as well. . . I am hoping the KB workouts are awesome; from the description they sound like it but I don’t have the heavy bag or “pink” gloves so will be doing the other instead.

    Michelle: I’m with ya on the dancy moves …. Although for me it is entirely because I am not dancy :blushing: So TF is fun for me but I don’t get into too much of the “hip” action. More of the KB is what I like as well. Sounds like you made a good switch and got in a great workout. I think Laurel is correct on taking original songs vs knock offs. It’s all due to cost/copyrights I would believe. Hope the “professional skin intervention” was amazing and your skin is feeling revived & youthful!:wink:

    Laurel: WooHoo Lady! :drinker: Way to turn it on today ……. Nice job. I know what you mean on preparation for X-Train, which was why I went the STS/LIS rotation. That rotation I sent you I absolutely love because of all the workouts (it’s like a combo of favorites) :bigsmile: but I did have a little sense of missing some weight work, especially upper body when I did it. So I think your thoughts are right on with adding that in and doing a combo of the two. It sounds like it will be REALLY fun & you will keep all that strength you gained with X2 plus be burning some serious calories through the holidays!

    Hope you all have a great weekend! Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I can't believe how fast these weekends ( and work weeks for that matter) are flying by!!! I feel like I didn't have a long weekend, as we were so busy the whole time! Saturday we had a "meet the hockey parents" part to attend, which was fun. Gave us a chance to meet others, find out about their families, and just hang out. I found out that hockey is NOT the most costly/time consuming (but maybe earliest in the morning!) sport. Competitive dance and swimming seem to be the top ones. Wowsa, the cost that goes into those and the hours...ok, hockey isn't seeming so bad now!

    Great workouts all weekend, including a Hiit workout session with my boys yesterday. My oldest is doing crossfit with his hockey team once per week, and asked if I can do stuff like that at home (they don't do the weighted stuff, just the cardio). So, I set up a Hiit session with them, and surprisingly my youngest was the one that kept up the whole time (my oldest is the one in stellar shape==or so I thought!). He was super fun!

    Tami--The last spinning class sounds tough! I so badly want to try spinning, but I honestly think I'd feel like passing out in the 1st 5 minutes! :ohwell: I am sure once you do it regularly, it isn't quite as bad, but getting through that 1st class could be interesting! I'm happy to hear you have a friend joining you, how fun!

    Michelle--I hope TOM is on it's way out, and you were able to get all relaxed during your facial! I've never actually had a facial (just a chemical peel), but have heard wonderful things about them! I'm with you on the TF30 have to be in "that kinda mood" to do that one, which I just never was. I can do her Hiit workouts all day long, but the KB workouts are a whole different ballgame!

    Laurie--Great job on the PF workout...sounds like you're getting your strength/endurance up there, so it's not quite as hard...always a good feeling! I love the sound of the 40 minute workout...sounds right up my alley!

    Laurel--Ok, so your "slacking" days even sound hard to me!:laugh: Wow, you must be full of energy, as 70 minutes of tough cardio followed by High Reps is killer! I'm excited to hear what you have decided for your new rotation. I have decided to just do my own strength training routine for awhile, as I need a break from the instructors! :laugh:

    Well, off to get ready for work in this rainy/foggy weather. 2nd day of it now...kinda weird for December in MN!

    Have a great day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Nice weekend with the family. On Sunday after church we headed to the city for shopping and dinner. I splurged on Sweet potato fries but that was after 6 days of clean eating so not bad:wink: Afterwards we rented MIB 3 and had family movie night. This morning I was dragging as hubby had a major flashback nightmare and I was too afraid to wake him via touch and he was unresponsive to my voice, needless to say he finally physically snapped himself upright and then collapsed and eventually settled into a sleep. That was soo scary as he has never done that before and I'm not sure if the trigger was his rental of Medal of Honor or just stress:huh: This morning he did not recall the dream so I left it alone. I needed fun this morning so I pulled out TurboJam CP3 and that woke me up nicely:bigsmile:

    Erika- Yes swimming is costly and time consuming and cheerleading I hear is also. This weekend my cousin drove in from Atlanta(3.5hrs) for a day event in Birmingham for a 9am competition:noway: , This weekend was too short and it was a lazy one for us:blushing: Fun with the boys including cool:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Slacking...never you are too hard on yourself:tongue: . Chalene is more about dance, fun and motivation to get you moving and I'm still trying to get my head into TF. Today when I did TurboJam it was not too over the top, just her natural personality and fun moves which I can get into but I feel as if TF is way toooo over the top:blushing:

    Laurie- Michelle's newest dvd seems like lots of fun with different moves than the original but I'm worried about these knees, so still thinking before my inpulsive nature kicks in:laugh:

    Tami- Always fun classes and having a friend is a huge plus, I'm hoping to branch out for the New Year with a few classes at the Base gym:bigsmile: My facial & Microdermabrasion was awesome, the esthetician was really good and my face feels great again. I have been neglecting myself again and really need to get back into a monthly regimen of facials again.:blushing:

    Have a great day ladies.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a busy but fun weekend here. We are in the middle of Christmas party season, so I spent Saturday at a party. Didn't eat anything, which was good. I find I am being pretty vigilant about that this year because we have SO many parties to attend. I don't need to be gaining weight this season. Besides, DH has asked me to make cookie boxes for his co-workers/staff, so I am knee-deep in flour as we speak. :laugh: That, in addition to the cookies I am making to give to our airmen in the dorms, will have me baking probably 25 dozen cookies. I'm about half way there. :ohwell: Good thing for the extra freezer. And I have double oven in this house which is amazing when it comes to things like this! That's a time-saver!

    Anyhow, I spent a bit of this weekend toying with what I want to do for this next rotation. So I decided to do the fun rotation Tami sent me a few weeks back, but with a twist. I kind of rearranged it....and added alot of upper body work. We'll see if I have the energy to get through this over the next few weeks and, if not, I'll go to the STS Total Body/LIS combo. Yesterday it started out great witih Kickmax and STS Disk 26/Plyo Legs. Loved that combo. Today I did CCC, 300 walking lunges (those were surprisingly tough!) and the timesaver premixes from Gym Style Chest and Triceps AND Back, Shoulders and Biceps. My arms are still shaking, and it has been over for a few hours. So tough, tough stuff for today, but it felt good.

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed Spinning on Friday. How fun to be able to do that with a friend. Thanks for your feedback on the rotation. It really helped me kind of craft something that I hope will work. A good combo of all those workouts I love so much while getting me ready for X-Train.....I hope. I'm giving myself the permission to swap out cardio workouts if need be, but I really want to see if I can't do this lower body focused rotation you sent me AND get my upper body back in shape a little bit. I'll keep you posted!

    Erika, sounds like a fun weekend. Okay, I understand the cost of competitive dancing, but swimming???? That surprised me. My niece has been competing in swimming for a little while (she's taking a break right now as it got to be a bit much for her), but my sister never told me of the cost. Yikes! How fun to be able to workout with your boys! I bet they appreciate that, especially as they get older. It's funny that you've decided you need a break from instructors as today I was reminded why I like having an instructor. I was doing those walking lunges across my house thinking 'I feel like an idiot doing these all by myself'. :laugh: Like I'm not working out alone when I have a DVD instructor there. Go figure. :blushing:

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your DH dreams. I hope he is okay. I'm glad he has you there to keep track of him, because that's nothing to play with. :flowerforyou: Did you like MIB 3? I slept through it on the plane back from Hawaii in September, and the little parts of it I saw looked.....odd. My DH enjoyed it, so I guess I should see it because I love all of the other MIB movies. Regarding TF, I'm glad I hadn't done any Chalene workouts before I did TF because I think I am able to kind of appreciate it for what it is. I remember reading the reviews of the TF workouts when they first came out, and they seems to hold no appeal to anybody who had done TurboJam. It is interesting you point out her different personality, because that could be a big reason why. I just figured this is the way Chalene always is!

    Laurie, I hope you are well.

    Well, I have Christmas cookies to attend to. I will be out tomorrow.....another holiday party at lunch and then getting my hair all prettied up! :drinker: So I will see you on Wednesday.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:
    Ditto on what Erika said about the weekends! Yikes. :noway: As it gets closer & closer to Christmas I’m sure I will be feeling that even more …. “what weekend” Sat ended up being an at home workout instead of Spinning. My friend CXLD on me :frown: and there was another gal I knew that was going too but she CXLD as well. So I decided to just get my workout in at home & I did Peak 10 Cardio Interval. Yesterday was our end of the season V-ball tourn. We finished right in the middle of the pack. Which was ok I suppose. This a.m. was the “planned” first day of my new rotation (STS Total Body/LIS Rotation) and I did the usual Monday “snooze” :grumble: routine. So will start it tomorrow w/ STS Total Body but definitely BootCamp tonight after work. Slacker!:ohwell:

    Erika: Sounds like you had a fun-filled and very busy weekend! :wink: Great job getting in your workouts in between it all and the HiiT workout with the boys sounds like lots of fun. I always tell people in regard to Spinning …. Try it! You never know until you do and you can always modify to your own speed and comfort level. My friend who met me the other night thought she would never in a million years be able to do a Spin class. Now she is doing a couple a week! Our weather is unusually warm and extra rainy/windy forsure. Doesn’t feel like December that’s forsure.

    Michelle: Your family weekend sounds fabulous! :bigsmile: How did you like MIB 3? We almost rented that the other night. Poor DH on his nightmare ….. probably best that he didn’t remember having the dream. Glad to hear your facial & micro dermabrasion was awesome. I have had a couple facials and really wish I could do more. They always make my skin feel so good.

    Laurel: You are so good about doing all those cookies every year! So awesome and what a special treat they receive. Sounds like you have a great rotation worked out! You started it off in your "Laurel Fashion" it sounds – Yowsa! Those walking lunges are tough after a while aren’t they?!? Friday Spinning was lots of fun. My friend’s bike had a few issues so we were giggling a little bit but it was a good workout and she was happy that Fri eve are only 45 min. I’m sure the rotation you put together is going to be amazing. :bigsmile: Those workouts truly are some of Cathe’s BEST I think! Hopefully you make a huge dent in the cookie project today …. It’s great you have a double oven & freezer. Enjoy the hair appt!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning we went out on our walk and then I came in and enjoyed breakfast with hubby. Afterwards I put on Hip Hop Dance experience for Wii and it was awesome:bigsmile: I was dripping sweat all over the place but what a great way to start my morning.

    Tami- I'm sorry to hear about the friends cancelling on the workout but at least you have a great collection to select from at home.:wink:

    Laurel- Awwh dozens of yummy cookies, those soldiers will truly appreciate your efforts:flowerforyou: MIB was actually good, my kids have never seen the earlier dvds but the eldest enjoyed the movie and I stayed awake:blushing:

    Laurie & Erika- Good morning, the weather here was very Spring-like and this morning was very warm:huh: Have a great day and hopefully the weather is dry and sunny on your end.

    Enjoy your Tuesday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :bigsmile:
    BootCamp went well last night. :wink: Definitely a lower body circuit with lots of running and stair sprints, along with 5 rounds of jumping up the stairs & 5 rounds of regular sprints on stairs. This a.m. was STS Total Body!!! New rotation officially underway :drinker: I also put everything down on paper for the remainder of the month so I have it scheduled out. Seems to help when I do that! Headed to Insane X tonight after work for some cardio. Also signed up for the Insane Abs class on Thurs. that I have been wanting to try.

    Michelle: Sounds like a perfect morning! :smile: Did DH join you in the dancing? Our weather is so dreary …. We are having major rain here in the Northwest. Seattle & Portland are really being hit. Doesn’t feel like Christmas that’s forsure. More like Fall.

    Laurel: Hello and hope the cookie baking is going well! :happy: I forgot to mention yesterday I saw Cathe’s newsletter yesterday and it talked about her guide book with rotations, etc. Sounds like she has a couple of really good ones; one includes LIS.

    Hi Laurie & Erika :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!

    Sorry I missed you yesterday, it was a snooze morning! :ohwell: I did get my workout in last night (my own Hiit workout again), after taking a 1/2 day of work to put up more Christmas lights outside. The boys and I went driving around Monday night looking at Christmas lights, and decided we needed more on our house! I think I have a few more I'll put up tonight, and then I'm done!

    This morning was a lower body/back weight workout that I put together last minute. I think I'm going to try "being my own instructor" for a few weeks and see how that goes! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Sorry your friends bailed on you for class the other night, but sounds like Bootcamp didn't disappoint! :bigsmile: Great job on getting started on the new rotation, sounds like fun!

    Michelle--Your weekend sounds fun, aside from poor hubby having the nightmare! Great job keeping up with those workouts, and throwing in some fun, sweatfest Wii workouts too! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--It sounds like you'll be busy with lots of parties this month...we only usually have one or 2, and I don't do well with staying away from the food (as everyone seems to conjoin there!). Great job avoiding all the food, and preparing for the upcoming events! Lovin' the sounds of your workouts....great combos!!!


    Off to get ready for work. Hubby leaves this morning for a business trip, but will be back late tomorrow. Of course, Wednesday and Thursday nights happen to be the 2 nights a week where we have stuff going on, and I usually have to leave work early to make it home in time to get the boys there. Good thing it's not too busy at work right now!

    Have a good one!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We are in our busy time of the year! :noway: Why does the end of the year have to have everyone ordering everything they needed! :grumble: And of course I have to make sure all the invoices are paid before year end also. But it keeps me busy, and out of trouble. Last night was Pure Strengh. I really feel my back muscles after doing this one.

    Laurel, I have not started my cookie baking yet, but hope to this weekend. Have fun with your new fun rotation. What fun and CCC in the same paragraph! :laugh:

    Michelle, Sorry to hear about your DH's dreams. We where having some warm weather, but this morning was back down to the 20's. Enjoy the weather while it lasts. Sounds like you had a fun workout.

    Tami, I agree on the being busy this time of year. Can't believe how much I still have to do, and of course places to go. We only have our dd's to buy for, so all of our Christmas shopping is pretty much done. Of course there still is DH, and trying to find something for him. :huh:

    Erika, I love going around the neighborhood looking at the lights. There was one house that had their lights on this morning, and it was so pretty. Just need to have a little snow to make the picture really pretty. Enjoy your own instruction workouts. :wink:

    Sorry that this is so short, but I need to get back to work!
    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Late check-in today, but I'm here! I'm continuing with this fun rotation. Yesterday I did Cardio Supersets Extreme premix and Lower Body Blast. Today I did KPC and the upper body premix from CTX, which was great. I'm enjoyiing this tough workout blend right now. Hopefully that will last for the next few weeks!

    Tami, sorry to hear your friend cancelled on you this weekend, but it sounds like you got a great workout in anyhow. I hope you enjoy this new rotation. Let me know! Somehow I missed that part of Cathe's newsletter about the rotations. I'll have to go back to look at that. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Michelle, we're having spring time weather here too! Nearly 70 today, which is nice.....but much too dry. They are talking snow this weekend, which is much needed. I hope we get it right now. Thanks for the review of MIB3. I'll have to give it a try sometime.

    Erika, Christmas parties continue.....two yesterday. :noway: :grumble: It is a bit much right now, but I'm having fun at least, so that helps. Great job being your own instructor! I admire you for being able to motivate yourself to do that.

    Laurie, you made me laugh talking about CCC and 'fun' being in the same sentence. I think about you every time I do the workout. Okay, so it isn't alot of fun, but it does work (I hope!) :tongue: Sorry to hear things are so busy right now. Seems to be that time of year.

    Well, I have to give some thought to dinner. See you tomorrow!
