Cathe Fans Part 5



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    Great end to the week last week, with some nice workouts! :bigsmile: We had a weekend full of hockey tryouts, but my oldest made the top team (not sure who was more excited, my hubby or my son! :laugh: ) and my youngest made the 5th out of 6th, which is not too bad considering this is is first go round of the officially hockey league. Now, the craziness begins! I was writing down all the games (both boys, every Saturday and Sunday...for now. Weekdays get added after the 1st of the year), and realizing I have to miss out on girls slumber party night, as the boys have to be in 2 different places early the next morning. :grumble:

    Still trying to figure out if I can get back into morning workouts. I got up this morning, but was yawning the whole time, and really feeling sluggish. At night, I just find other things that need to get done and the workouts sometimes don't happen. No idea what to do as I'm all over the place! :ohwell:

    Laurel--Congrats on finishing up week 1 of Phase 3! :bigsmile: I'm so happy to hear you are enjoying these workouts still and they are going by fast for you. If they weren't outside my current workout minute limit, I just might try them. I lose interest after about 30 minutes, and then there really is no point past that. :blushing:

    Michelle--That KB workout did it's job on your legs, sounds like! :bigsmile: Bummer on that arm, I would go get it checked if it is still really bothering you, or take a long break and then slowly get back into it with the light weights. I had to take a 1 month break from my back injury, and just take it slow. I almost went to the dr, but decided I would try rest to see if it made it better. If you've had that injury before though, I'd get it checked out. Funny that our pups are our 2nd alarm clock in the mornings. Mine were all over me this morning trying to wake me up. Once they hear that alarm, they start the licking and whining! I hope you are enjoying your long weekend with the family, and are off to see a fun movie today!

    Tami--Great job on the workouts, esp. getting one in after a later wake up time! :bigsmile: I almost skipped my workout this morning, but decided to get in a 20 minute Cathe Push workout, just to get it done. I am so tired this morning though!

    Laurie--Power Hour...that's an oldie and a goodie! :bigsmile: I hope you enjoyed your day off with the nice weather! We hit 70 here on Saturday, so I got the outdoor Christmas lights up and went for an outdoor run. It was beautiful! Yesterday was 30 and flurries...such a change!

    Well, I better get going, off to work! I'm doing a day trip to Fargo, ND tomorrow, so I probably won't check in. We are leaving the office at 7:30 and and will be back home around 7:30pm. Good thing I only have to do this once or twice a year!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Sorry I missed you all on Friday …. I was covering in our other office for most of the afternoon. Workouts from Friday thru today: Spinning on Friday evening, Sat was Total Body Tri-Sets (full version UB & LB), truly going on “one of my favorites” list! Yesterday was To the Max Xtreme pre-mix and then I headed to Volleyball. We won 5 out of 6 games! Today will be BootCamp after work. :wink:

    Michelle: Hopefully those DOMS subsided a bit over the weekend and your arm is feeling better too. It might not be a bad thing to just have it looked it. Especially if you have 100% coverage. Just to see what’s going on there. I hope you enjoy today with your girls being off school. Very fun.

    Laurel: Fantastic job on getting your workout in the other day at 3:30 a.m . Nice dedication there. Sounds like you had a great combo …. Friday too! :bigsmile: Great job I’m sure you had an amazing weekend of workouts as well. Did you see XTrain is coming to completion!!! WooHoo.:drinker: :bigsmile: I feel like I’m kind of in a holding pattern of workouts until I can start that. Enjoying them, just that it’s week-to-week for a “schedule”. Trying to get a good variety in and total body weight work as well.

    Erika: Congrats to your oldest for making the team! :drinker: That’s so great and I am sure he is excited too. Definitely busy times ahead it sounds with the hockey schedule and holiday’s in between…. You will survive! Tell yourself and just take each day as they come. I’m sure as you get settled into this new routine you will find time for you workouts ~ We are definitely having the winter temps and it snowed last Thurs. so it’s been on the ground with temps in the 20-30’s. Today is flurries but supposed to heat up a little. Safe travels today!

    Hope you are all having a great day ~ Talk to you tomorrow!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Long weekend but it was a quiet nice one with the family. This weekend I hit the treadmill for intervals and did some Barre work and eventually the pain disappeared this Sunday. On Sunday we attended church and then it was date night with Mexican food, although they brought out the wrong entree so I ended up taking the correct meal home for dinner:grumble: SkyFall was awesome, it delved into a range of emotions for Bond and gave us a peek into the creation of James. It was sad at times and did not adhere to the typical script but overall I loved :love: :love: :love: :love: Daniel Craig and what he brought to the character:drinker:

    Erika- your schedule sounds like my life last year and of course that also means we tend to be last on the list:grumble: Congrats on both boys placing:big smile, I can imagine your husbands excitement:laugh:

    Laurel- I also think Daniel is truly one of those timeless actors who can bring a depth to any character and although I know this movie will be emotional for me, the desire to see him in the role truly excites me:smile:

    Laurie- I saw the promo for Reacher with Tom and I'm not sure what to think of this role:huh: I 'm a true Reacher fan and had actually wanted to name the dog after him:blushing: , so I'm a bit skeptical of this movie. I thought Tom would of bulked up for the role but he did not and the physically of Reacher is critical to his character. I love Tom but I'm not too excited about finally seeing Reacher on the big screen:ohwell:

    Tami- Unfortunately the arm is still sore so next week is my appointment and hopefully there is no infection. I did rewrap the wound this weekend and some of the stitches has not dissolved so hopefully that is why the area is still so tender because I'm definitely not excited about this doctor at at, TG he is an outside referral and not my primary:grumble: :sad:

    Ok so I experimented today with using my lowcarb pancake mix in my omelet batter:blushing: similar to IHOP and it was sooooo fluffy and created a huge omelet which will be used for 2 meals. This morning we did 4 miles and then I did some nice stretching for my legs after running the last two hate running:laugh: Thinking of KB this afternoon with Bob Harper so we will see:bigsmile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! A true Recovery day for me today (unlike last week) as I woke up feeling a bit under the weather. Nothing serious. Actually think it is PMS. :grumble: But that, combined with an aggravated back muscle, had me decide to take it easy. But I did get in both PAP workouts this weekend, and I really am enjoying this phase of X2. I've even toyed with taking it out another week, but I think by the time I've finished these workouts for the sixth time, I'll be ready to move on. But they are challenging me in a very different way (much like Phase 1), and I like that.

    Michelle, I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed Skyfall. Based on what you said about it, I kind of understand the mixed reviews I've heard about it. If it is more 'emotional', it may not appeal as much to the die-hard Bond action fans. But the notion of that has me intrigued. Regarding the Reacher movie, I just finished "Persuader" over the weekend, and I definitely won't be seeing Tom Cruise as Reacher. That's a movie that will definitely be a miss in this household....and it isn't that I don't appreciate Tom Cruise as an actor. It is just that he is SO completely wrong for the part. I mean, Reacher is 6'5"/250lbs. Cruise.....not even close. But I don't suppose they are trying to sell this movie to book fans but movie fans, and Cruise sells tickets.

    Tami, great workouts! Wish I could say I killed it this weekend on the workouts, but I didn't. I'm sure I'll be back to normal (both the muscle and PMS) in a couple of days. Sigh. And YES I saw the news on X-TRAIN. I am so excited about this series! I think the last time I was this excited about a series, it was STS. Looks like we'll have it my the new year, and I plan on doing the rotation starting sometime in January. When are you planning on starting it?

    Erika, great job on the workouts! The X2 workouts are all between 45 minutes and an hour, so, yeah, they are a little longer than you probably would enjoy. Of course, if you tossed out the 15 minute warm-up (which I don't recommend but....hey), they are a little more reasonable. I find the bulk of the workout lengths (minus warm-up and cool down) to be 30-40 minutes and, to be honest, that is something I really appreciate about this series. Anyhow, is it hockey season again?!? Where has time gone? Of course, it would have to feel like winter for me to think of hockey, and we haven't had a hint of winter yet. We were supposed to get snow this weekend, but woke up to sunny skies all days. :mad: I'm ready for some snow right now, if for no other reason than to make things look pretty. Enjoy your trip to Fargo! Hope the weather is good for your drive.

    Laurie, hope you enjoyed your long weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: BootCamp went good last night ~ we did 9 circuits, ran a couple sets of lines in the gym and then repeated the 9 circuits followed by 10 min of abs. She toned down the warm-up this week. This a.m. was STS Total Body & headed to Insane-X tonight! :wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like a great weekend with the family and you got in a nice treadmill/barre workout! :smile: Great job. That’s too bad on the dinner but fun you were able to have a date night and see SkyFall. I’ve heard it’s good. I’m glad you will be getting your arm checked out, that will be a good thing. Great job getting in the walk/run this a.m. and hopefully you’re able to get in a little KB action with Bob this afternoon.

    Laurel: Dang it on not feeling 100% and/or PMS . :ohwell: never fun times there, I’m sorry. I’m proud of you for taking a “true” Recovery day if you weren’t feeling up to it though, good on ya. :flowerforyou: Love hearing that your are enjoying the PAP workouts in X2!! I’m planning on X-Train in January as well …. Seems like a perfect time to start a brand new program!:bigsmile: I’d love to do the program together if you want. :happy: Wondering if it will have the 1RM sheets like in STS or how that will work, I would imagine so but not sure since it is a different program?! Hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

    Hello Laurie L& Erika :flowerforyou:
    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    The trip to Fargo was good! It was nice to get to know one of my sales reps more in depth, and turns out he's a really cool guy, and his wife and I are a lot alike, so I can't wait to meet her! We had 8 hours in the car and managed to keep the conversation going the whole time, which made the drive go by fast.

    I got up yesterday and did a TJ workout and then this morning was up for a short Push/Pull pre-mix. I was really tired this morning, so just figured I'd get up and at least do something, just to keep myself on this wake up at 5am track! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Great workouts this weekend, and Mon/Tues. too! Once again, Bootcamp sounds like so much fun!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Bummer on feeling under the weather, but a day of rest will make you feel like brand new tomorrow, I'm sure! :happy:

    Michelle--Sounds like a wonderful weekend and with some great workouts! I bet that combo of Barre and intervals on the treadie left you sore! :tongue:

    Hi Laurie!

    Off to get ready for work (and wake up the hubby since his alarm has been going off for 45 minutes now!). We have a 1/2 day of work and then the other 1/2 is a fun event racing go karts in doors. Should be fun!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Doing much better today. So I started the day with Cathe's Low Impact Circuit (to see how the back muscle felt), and it flew by. While I was doing it, I kept thinking 'I want more!' so I followed it with Push/Pull. Then I did X2 Yoga. Only one more time in this rotation for that workout, and I will miss it without a doubt. Felt good to get back to working out even though I was only off for a day. It is amazing how much I enjoy my daily workouts.

    Tami, sounds like a great class! I'm looking forward to doing STS Total Body again. I toyed with doing it today after LIC, but figured that might be pushing it a bit since it is a pretty tough workout. Push/Pull was ideal. I was hoping you might be interested in doing an X-TRAIN rotation together! :drinker: As it gets closer to the date, we'll discuss it more, but that sounds perfect to me. I have no idea what it is going to look like and whether she is going to have anything like the 1RM. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't do the 1RM concept with this program only because it looks like she is building in so much more flexibility with this program. One of the arguments she had for not having premixes was STS/Shock Cardio was because of the science behind the programs. It doesn't look like this program is going to be as cut and dry. I can't wait to see it!

    Erika, glad your trip to Fargo went well, and that you were with somebody easy to talk to. Nothing more uncomfortable than hours in the car with somebody who refuses to talk. Great job pushing through the workouts even with the tireds. I guess we were on the same wavelength with Push/Pull. It is such a great workout for those days when you want to do something but not too much.

    Laurie and Michelle, hope you are well.

    I will be out all day tomorrow, so I'll see you on Friday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s Insane-X class was actually easier than normal. :huh: Not "easy" but different. She put together her own mix of things, same format of course but picked & chose some exercises. Afterwards she said, maybe next time I do that one I will add on one more exercise at the end of each … and looked at me so I agreed with her! :laugh: :wink: Today was a snooze button a.m. :yawn: but will go to Spinning tonight after work.

    Erika: That’s so great that the Fargo trip went well and 8 hrs with a new co-worker could be awkwardly silent … glad it wasn’t! Yay and sounds great that his wife sounds like a new friend maybe! Good job getting in a little something this a.m. I had full intentions of getting up of course, hit snooze then I must have hit the OFF button. Next thing I know, I’ve missed the window for even a short workout :grumble: At least I have tonight to Spin. Sounds like you have a fun day today! Enjoy.

    Laurel: Glad to hear you are feeling better today! :flowerforyou: That PMS can really zap a lady for a day and then you’re right back on track. I know that happens for me sometimes too. Not fun. Great combo today. Yes, STS Total Body has become one of my “go to” total body workouts forsure. Really enjoy it, even the ab portion at the end keeps my interest all the way through. X2 Yoga sounds like it must be really great, looking forward to that. Yes, X2 is officially on the Christmas list. YAY-HOO:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: on doing XTrain with you!! I love the idea and cannot wait!

    Laurie & Michelle – Hope you are doing well!
    Talk to you ladies tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    The morning workouts are getting easier, I must admit! :wink: This morning was TF hiit, which is always fun for me!

    Yesterday afternoon we got to do our go kart outing (we host an annual party for all of the vendors we work with) and it was a blast! Followed that up with dinner with a rep for one of our vendors that I used to work with many years ago, and my boss and another couple of people. It was fun to get out and laugh! We had an arm wrestling contest, and I beat my male sales rep, but my female boss beat me! It was fun though! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Sounds like the switch up in class wasn't really too challenging...I bet it's hard to find a good mix, that's not the same every single week, but also that is nice and tough. I don't know how those instructors come up with their class schedule each time! Hopefully spinning was good last night! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. Nothing worse than waking up wondering how you're going to feel. I like Push/Pull too, however the pre-mixes remind me of Gym Styles where you just jump from one exercise to the next, without even a second to figure out what's going on or what weight to grab. So, I missed out on the first few reps of each exercise, but that's ok. I didn't have time for the full work out..

    Hi Laurie and Michelle!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Sooooo sorry I have not been on since Thursday, wow that is already a week away. I have been so busy at work and at home that I have not been online all week. I have used my phone for some things, but the phone is not good for posting. :laugh: I did something to my lower back, and I noticed it after I did Drill Max. :huh: I did enjoy the workout, but I have not worked out until last night. On my doorstep when I got home last night was my Peak Fit set. Well I opened up the set and did the Fit Test. 30 min. workout, and it is a lot like the Insanity Fit Test. I have to make some changes to my rotation, it appears that Friday is going to have to be my off day. And I'm not really into this Cathe rotation. :sad: I really wanted to get back into Cathe workouts, but this might not be what I need right now. I'm going to start the Peak Fit and see where that takes me. :wink:

    DH and I talked about his snoring, and we are doing an experiment. We think that my getting up at 4am is disturbing him way to much. I noticed that he really snores bad after that time. He has been going to bed earlier also. This morning he slept until the alarm rang, and he said he didn't get up once during the night. I didn't hear him snore either. :noway:

    Erika, Well you start your morning workouts, and I have decided to start doing my workouts after work. It is part of this experiment, and of course my rotation change. :wink: That sure sounds like a great outing, it appears that this new job has a way different atmosphere than your last job. Bet the stress is way way less for you also. :wink:

    Tami, Your instructor must have seen that you where not at your max breaking point. :laugh: Glad that she can see and understand that her class needs the intensity.

    Laurel, Sorry to hear about the PMS, every month for me is a roller coaster! :huh: That is the only part of getting older that I have not been happy with. I know we all need to get older, but why does it have to be so painful. :wink: Glad to see that you got back on track.

    Well sorry to have this be so short, but I have to get back to work. Don't understand why it has gotten so busy, must be the year end thing. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was great as usual! We did hill work along with what she calls the BIG Kahunas! :happy: Which is basically sprints on hills for 20 seconds. 20 sec on, 20 sec off, etc. then more hills! It was a good workout. This a.m. I did the 4DS Total Body Pre-mix. Felt great & jumped right out of bed this a.m. :bigsmile: Getting my hair done tonight …. Woohoo!

    Erika: Great to hear you are feeling better w/ the a.m. workouts! :happy: Your afternoon yesterday sounds like it was so much fun, that’s awesome! Again, a 180 degree difference from your last job.:bigsmile: The Insane-X class …. I agree, and if she sees some people completely struggling she probably wants to design something a little less so that they come back. Don’t get me wrong, it was still challenging, just not quite as! We are still hoping to add a second one during the week .. Thurs night.:wink: She asked us to put a note in the suggestion box. So we will see!

    Laurie: Great to hear from you I was hoping you were just busy and not ill or something. We missed ya! :wink: So that’s good on the busy side of things at work, but sorry to hear about your lower back. . .:ohwell: and good ol DrillMax of all things, darn it! Sounds like you know what your needing right now for workouts so as we all tell each other go with what feels good to you! Especially during the busy holiday’s and work schedule! :wink: I need to get all my workouts into my calendar for the next month so I’m prepared as well. Hopefully your experiment is successful in helping DH get better sleep & perhaps reduced the snoring and if you feel like the pm workouts will be good for you it will be a “win-win” :wink:

    Hi Laurel & Michelle :flowerforyou:
    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies! :bigsmile:

    I'm ready for a nice relaxing weekend, and a short week next week too! :bigsmile: This morning was TJ 3T, and it was loads of fun for me!

    Tami--Such a great spinning class, I bet you were just dripping with sweat after that one!!! Great job on 4DS, I really need to re-visit those workouts sometime soon! I hope you enjoyed getting your hair done! :bigsmile: Yes, the new job is still all kinds of wonderful! I think what makes it so nice is that my boss is very clear that they don't expect me to be staying late to get all caught will be there tomorrow. I tend to always want to be 100% caught up when I leave the office, and that's just not going to happen all the time.

    Laurie--I'm sorry to hear about the injury. It stinks when that happens, and then trying to figure out what workouts you can/can not do, is not fun! Hopefully you're feeling ok after the fit test and ready to go on with the workouts. That's funny that we are switching workout times with each other, but I bet it's helping your hubby tremendously! My hubby sleeps through anything (usually the 5am alarm, until the 6am one starts up), so it doesn't matter what time I get up. I'm right with you on the Cathe workouts...just not feeling them. She actually is bugging me really badly with her chatter, which never happens with her. Not sure why. I'm going to be throwing back in some Chalene and see how that goes.

    Michelle and Laurel--Have an awesome weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was Peak Fit Pure Cardio! :bigsmile: It isn't a total love fest, but it was a lot of fun. I was surprised that I was able to enjoy hi/lo. :noway: Maybe putting hi/lo with kickboxing is the answer. :laugh: Today is my off day, since it is very hard to get in a workout accomplished when I have to get youngest to dance class right away. DH and DD's boyfriend went to her dance class last night, since it was open house this week. I had a wonderful time just being by myself on a Thursday. Maybe DH has to take her once in a while. :wink:

    Tami, When I think of the Big Kahunas, I think of waves! :wink: Hmmm from the sound of it, you might just have been doing hills and waves. :laugh: You have the Pure Cardio workout from this Peak Fit system don't you? I was totally surprised by it, but really enjoyed it. I think that those two workouts that she created after this set came out, will be on my Christmas List. :laugh: Another day of me not hearing any of his snoring! Guess this experiment is working for me at least. :laugh: I find it funny that the workouts are making me even more tired than when I did them in the morning. Might be that I have more energy, but who knows.

    Erika, I'm with you on the short week! Looking forward to the weekend also, just have things to do at church on Saturday morning. Hope it doesn't take to long. I still don't know why I wasn't into the Cathe workouts. :huh: It's not like I wasn't able to do the workouts! I was a little annoyed with having to change my weights a lot, don't know if that was the problem or not. Oh well, I will try again. DH said that he was up at 4am, but I didn't hear anything. Usually at that time I wake up, but not since I started my later workouts. :laugh:

    Have a great weekend!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies,

    Busy busy busy but I finally unwrapped BH KB workout and it was a nice sweatfest. Yesterday was my hairdresser appt and then a poem Recital at the school with the youngest. Afterwards we attended her bookfair and then I was able to sign her out early which she was happy to do:bigsmile: Today it was Brook Benten Butts and Guts KB:ohwell: and I still do not like this workout:blushing: It is soo repetitious and boring and the music is sooo dry and uninspirational:huh: I also did Abs which I hate:grumble: and really just need to find more standing Abs routine.

    Laurie- Sounds like the new routine may work at night as for evening workouts..good luck with that one especially during the holidays:bigsmile:

    Erika- Love that you beat the male but was beaten by your female counterpart:laugh:

    Tami- I soooo plan on joining some classes for the new year on base as they have so many cool classes similar to yours and even some based on Insanity, not sure about those yet:wink: I finally timed my drive yesterday and it is not too bad so I will buy their 2 week unlimited card for 15.00 and try to create a new routine.

    Laurel- Have a great weekend!

    Ok off to work online today as I signed up for a Pre-Thanksgiving gig:huh:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, the end of this week was MUCH better than the beginning, that's for sure. Yesterday I definitely felt back to normal, so I did PAP Lower followed by Cross Fire (with the core work). Today was PAP Upper followed by Two the Max Extreme premix. It felt really good to get back to a tough cardio workout. Only one more week of X2! I can't believe how quickly it has gone by.

    Tami, you did one of my favorite workouts....the 4DS Total Body. Love that workout. How do you think it compares to the LIS Trisets Total Body. Just curious. Sounds like you've been having some fun classes. I, too, am looking forward to doing another rotation with you! It is amazing how motivated that keeps me! Thank you for agreeing to it. :flowerforyou: Now we just have to get the workouts. :tongue:

    Laurie, good to see you! I figured you might be busy after your long weekend last weekend. I'm sorry to hear about the lower back. Good that you took some time off to take care of it. I'm sorry you aren't feeling Cathe right now, but there is no problem with that. I remember when you started and stopped STS last year, only to pick it up again later on and enjoy it. So Cathe will be there when you are in the mood for her again. I'm curious to hear more about these Peak Fit workouts. Sounds like they came at a perfect time for you. I'm with you on the 'getting older' thing. Why does it have to be so hard? :ohwell: Hope the switch to evening workouts helps both you and DH. Sounds like it might be a good solution. Now if somebody could just tell me how to get my husband to stop twitching at night.......driving me crazy lately.

    Erika, great job with the workouts. Cathe can get chatty in her workouts, that's for sure. I don't usually notice it after I've done the workout enough. I tend to tune out the instructor and/or music in most of my workouts and just let my thoughts flow. But for workouts that I don't do very often or haven't done in a long time....sometimes it is just :noway: with all the talk. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

    Michelle, glad you enjoyed Bob's KB workout. He so much fun to workout with. Have you done the Paul Katami Ab Lab workout? It is a combo of standing and floor abs, but he makes it alot of fun. I know you've done some of his workouts so I thought I'd ask.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Can you each message me your address? My computer hard drive crashed and I lost all my addresses. Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm finally back into the swing of morning problem getting out of bed on a Monday morning for a workout is what sealed the deal! :laugh: No workouts this weekend, as we had 7:15am hockey practice both mornings, followed by more practice, photos, etc. We were all exhausted by lunchtime, and I found other chores around the house that had me up and down the stairs all day! :laugh: This morning was Cathe 4DS lower body. Cathe wasn't as chatty in this one, which was better!

    Laurie--I'm glad you had fun with PeakFit! What about it made it not your favorite? I've never done those workouts, or even heard much about them, so I'm curious! Nice work on getting the hubby to do the Thursday evening dance run, so you could have some time to yourself! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--You sure had a busy week, with some fun activities with the girls, and kickin' KB workouts mixed in! :bigsmile: WTG!! I hope your weekend was very relaxing and loads of fun! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Only one more week of X2?!?!? Wow, that has gone fast! :bigsmile: So, have you been getting this unseasonably warm weather out there? Makes me think of you golfing! :laugh: We've had a string of near 60's, with a couple days this week expected to hit over 60!

    Tami--I hope you had a wonderful weekend!!

    Off to get ready for work!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday was Peak 10 Pure Strenght 1. The band that came with the set is tough. I think it needs to be stretched out, because I couldn't do the exercises like everyone on the DVD. Maybe DH and I need to each take and end and start stretching. :laugh: Wasn't able to get in a workout yesterday, because we celebrated Thanksgiving with DH's family. Tonight is Cardio Strenght, and either Dynamic Flexibility or Core Dynamics. Those are the workouts that I missed yesterday. They each run around 30 min. Overall it was a very nice weekend.

    Michelle, Well I am still thinking of tackling BH for a month, probably after this Peak rotation. :wink: Of course I'm getting my Combat workouts sometime in Dec., so who knows what will happen with my rotation. :laugh: I enjoy standing abs more too. :wink: Sounds like you had a busy day! Glad you where able to have some extra time with your dd after all that.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you are better. Wow that X2 rotation flew by! You are right, I did do that with STS! I had forgotten that. :wink: So far so good with the evening workouts, but it has only been a week. :laugh: My DH does some twitching when he first falls asleep, but nothing that I notice unless I'm awake. :wink:

    Erika, Busy time with hockey, do you get a break during the Thanksgiving weekend? I have always enjoyed the 4DS leg workout. The Pure Cardio may grow on me, but I'm not totally in love with hi/lo moves. I tend to feel uncoordinated. Even when I'm all alone in my basement, I want to feel like I could impress someone with my moves. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I worked all weekend so I feel as if I was sooo lazy reading in the office all day but yet so tired at night:yawn: Today I'm off and we headed out early for a nice walk, quite easy today too:ohwell: and then I started to incorporated a nice morning stretch routine to help these ageing joints:blushing: Then it was Barre work to hit the LB as it is less than a month and I'm not sure what dress to wear for Formal night on the cruise:huh: I swear the designers have adjusted the measurements on these new gowns:grumble: My FIL is in the hospital so my trip to my mom's house was cancelled and I'm attempting to throw together something quickly so that they can spend the holiday here when he is discharged this week from Birmingham, which is the midway point to their home.

    Laurie- I see that you are using MDozois new program. Please do tell me about the program as I only saw it last night on a Pop-Up:laugh: .Only 30 curiosity has now peaked so I will be searching in a few minutes:wink:

    Laurel- I will look into Katami' s Abs workout but after my eldest tried on her first two pce this weekend, we decided to start an Ab routine beyond the crunches she does in PT class. I know that Paul will be too much so I told her we will do Pilate Abs and maybe some old Turbo Jam standing abs...definitely more her speed:laugh: Twitching..yikes my husband also suffers with that and it was worst after deployment so I learned to avoid waking him up or trying to adjust him:huh: I always tell him if he has a bad night and some nights are better than others. I also noticed that highly stressed days at the office does contribute to some nights.

    Erika- Yes vacation is approaching rapidly and last year my KB routine combined with Squeeze Upper really did some things to my body. I'm just having a really hard time figuring out my diet to shed a few lbs or rather inches:sad: It sucks to diet during a holiday:huh:

    Tami- Hoping that the weather was great this weekend and you were able to relax or perform some fun workouts.:wink:

    Have a great day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Let’s see …. Since I missed you all Friday, filled in again at our other office 1 – 5 Had a nice hair appt Thurs night but didn’t get home until almost 8:00. :huh: She squeezed someone in between me, while my hair was processing. Took a little longer, but it was ok because DH had a friend over to watch the Thurs night football game. Friday was Spinning, Sat. I did Cross Fire Xtreme pre-mix :bigsmile: and yesterday had Volleyball. This a.m. I decided to do Cathe’s LIS Athletic Training and really enjoyed it. Headed to BootCamp tonight after work! :wink:

    Erika: I’m so looking forward to a short week this week. .thank goodness!:wink: We won’t be going anywhere again this year so I will be able to get in some nice workouts too! :smile: Glad to hear your workouts were lots of fun. Maybe Chalene will be the trick for you in finding another system of workouts that you enjoy. I was dripping sweat after Spinning, both nights. So good to hear that the job is still going fabulous and the approach they have for their people. Sounds like you had a busy weekend with hockey & glad to hear 4DS Lower Body today went well! Yay, glad to hear you are back in the swing of your a.m. workouts!

    Laurie: I suppose the “waves” of hills is what she is referring too on the Big Kahunas! :laugh: Yes, Peak 10 Pure Cardio was the second one of the two that I have of the Peak Fitness workouts. Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn is the other one. I always feel like they are fun and go by fast forsure! So these two are different from the two you have in your new set? Glad that you enjoyed it & I hope you enjoy all of them in the system. Her style is definitely different than Cathe :wink: You might be more tired feeling just because your settling into a new routine that your body isn’t used to just yet. Sounds like you had a nice weekend as well. Nice job getting in Peak 10 Pure Strength on Sat. I’m sure you are looking forward to tonight’s workout! I’m looking forward to hearing about your “new” Combat workouts you will be getting. They look like they will be lots of fun!

    Michelle: Nice job getting your BH KB workout in! Sounds like you enjoyed it and burned some calories! :laugh: We were on the same schedule it sounds like last week getting are hair prettied. Always feels good. I’m with you on enjoying the standing abs workouts …. A good standing abs workout that I have is Cindy Whitmarsh Amazing Abs 2. OR I don’t remember if you have the Jillian Michaels Killer Abs DVD? That has some good standing abwork mixed in with floorwork, but a great combo. That is awesome you’re going to get a punch card at your gym to try out some of the classes! I did that first as well before buying the membership. Then you know forsure before committing to the membership. :happy:

    Laurel: Great combos! :drinker: We were kind of on the same page with Cross Fire & To the Max workouts lately :wink: love those both so much. I cannot believe you have only one more week left of X2! Truly it has gone fast it seems. I think 4DS Total Body is such a comprehensive full body workout and offers a good variety! One thing about LIS Trisets that is similar is of course working your entire body again but she has some different moves in there forsure, as you know. So the way she works each body part is not all the same traditional moves, but a new angle and I like the tri-sets “groupings”. :wink: Yes, now we wait for XTrain! :bigsmile: Again, THANK YOU - I agree that it helps me stay motivated as well! :flowerforyou: Yay

    Hope you all have a great Monday!