Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,424 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    10lb Slimdown Kickboxing and Recovery Core for me this morning. I am still not bored with this kickboxing workout, even though I have done it two days in a row. :laugh: I will change up the kickboxing workouts for the next month though, I think Cathe needs some kickboxing love. :laugh:

    Michelle, Sounds like a great workout! I sometimes can't believe that Patterson can crank out books as fast as he does. That is probably why the books have not been as good as his first offerings. Nora Roberts is like that also, she cranks out the books one after the other, and I just don't know how she does it. :frown: LOL about your Bond guy! I actually have all of Bob's DVD's so will be using them all. He posted a rotation on his facebook page, and that will be the one I'm following.

    Laurel, I like how you say "experienced" instead of OLD! :laugh: This kid was two the year DH and I where married. :laugh: , but I was 25, so of course he could be my kid. Very scarry. Those P.A.P. workouts sound very interesting. I will be very interested in your review. :wink: I was eyeing my yoga workouts this morning, so I need to plug them into my rotation for next month. Looks like Sundays will be the day.

    Tami, That is probably the best part about being at a gym, you get to try out new equipment. :wink: I just am picturing you and Laurel having to listen to headbanging music during your lifting! :noway: Now maybe that is something that I might enjoy! :laugh: I'm always surprised at how my legs feel after doing yoga, it just doesn't seem that you should have DOMS from holding a pose.

    Erika, And the busy season has started, and the best part, you don't have to deal with stress from work! :drinker: I only have three years left of running around! :happy: I'm looking forward to it also, and like you am a real homebody. WTG on getting in your workouts when you can. :wink:

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,778 Member
    Hi Ladies! For some reason, I really decided to push the workouts this week and today was no different. I started with Cathe's To The Max Ultimate Max Premix. I don't know what it is about this workout, but it really gets my heartrate up fast! But I love it because it flies by. Anyhow, I followed it with Lower Body Blast. Alot of fun with these workouts today....and all week for that matter. I don't know how long this energy spurt I'm enjoying is going to last. :laugh:

    Tami, how fun to be able to try out new equipment. Someday, I am going to go to a Spin class. I've heard nothing but great things about them, and I just want to try one to see what everybody is talking about. I'm so glad you enjoyed Upper Body Tri-sets! :drinker: If you like that style of lifting, I'm really convinced you will enjoy X2. I loved your description of the music! :laugh: Like you said, it is just totally unexpected, and I think that's why it caught my attention so much. Cathe's never been known for great music (which has never bothered me), but that one was a just too different. But I think I've grown used to it now. I hope. I've never done the Total Body Premix of that set. If you try it, let me know what it is like. :blushing: on my Afterburn workout yesterday. I'm one of those ridiculous people who has a tendency to equate 'low impact' with easier, so when I reach for one of those Low Impact Series workouts, I do it on a day when I want something lighter. And then about half-way through, I'm like :noway: . Yes, I'm a slow learner since I've been doing this for over a year now with this series! :laugh: But, hey, it works because it keeps me reaching for them AND I get a great workout in at the same time. :happy:

    Erika, I'm so glad to hear you are still enjoying your new job. It sounds busy, but being recognized for work makes all of the difference in the world. Like you, I love to organize as well. I always think of it as a puzzle, and I love me some puzzles! I also think it is terrific that your new employer understands safety and weather. I'm hoping more and more employers are going that way (allowing people to work from home at times) in this day of complete computer connectivity. It only makes sense.

    Michelle, sounds like a good workout! I love that you are using your cruise as an incentive. How fun will that be?!? :drinker: I'm with you on the hairdressers. I've gotten pretty lucky through all of the moves, but when I've been unlucky......:angry: . Just not good. I'm on my second here in Colorado, but only because the first one quit her job. I don't think I caused it. :wink: But this newer lady I tried seems to be good. Not very experienced, but she took the time to make it right, and that's what matters most to me. Hope it all goes well for you! I hadn't heard about that Patterson contract. That's just ridiculous. I remember a time when novelists who pushed out books once a year were considered too prolific. But 9 a year? That's just nuts and, yes, it shows in the quality. The man must be making money hand over fist though, especially with a new movie and all. So something is working somewhere. Just not necessarily for me as a reader though. :ohwell:

    Laurie, how fun that you are still enjoying that kickboxing workout. I love workouts like that. Yes, I figured 'experienced' was a kinder word than 'old'. In my meeting yesterday, one person kept saying to me 'We've had more experience than many' and that really meant 'We're older!' So I adopted it! :bigsmile:

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Happy Friday :drinker:

    Change of plans last night …. I ended up doing Peak10 Max Interval Burn, lots of fun. :bigsmile: Tonight I signed up for Spinning after work. DH comes home this Monday so my last weekend of being a “Fishing Widow” and will start getting the refrig. prepared for larger meals, etc. So Costco run for me and a little food prep. :wink: I also have some fun workouts planned of course and also my first set of Volleyball leagues starting on Sun. a.m. We have official Fall weather now. Rainy, windy and mid 40’s. :ohwell:

    Erika: So awesome about your new job and how amazing they sound! :bigsmile: Truly CAN’T even imagine, that’s so great. I love it that your first project of organizing has been so much fun for you …. Yay on getting you out there in front of the clients. Definitely I would say they :heart: you & that’s why they want you out there! Great job on the workouts too, fitting them in during a busy “new” job and full time family when you can is always a plus. Your back must be doing better then? Yes, get out the Tri-sets ..See what you think of the music. :laugh: I truly had to remind myself to listen to the music because I really do block it out most of the time.

    Michelle: Great job on Squeeze Upper this a.m. and getting those gorgeous arms all sculpted for your cruise coming up! :wink: Hope you find your way easily to the new hairdresser and of course had some moments to spare for shopping! I would highly recommend Spinning if you are interested. I always tell people don’t worry about whatever pace you are at, because of course everyone is different & once you get used to it you can increase. Also, have someone help with your “set-up” on the bike, especially if you are nervous about your knees.

    Laurie: Great job on the KB workout again! I know how much you love that one and you will probably never get tired of it! That’s awesome. I know, right?! On the music. :laugh: Pretty funny. It’s just not “Cathe” like on this set of music. Tony, yes and even Bob too.

    Laurel: Nice workouts AGAIN! I know what you mean on thinking because it is low impact that it might be easier, I have found that they are fabulous workouts and not easier. Your HR gets up there and she just keeps throwing in new combos of moves. The variety is awesome & makes the time fly forsure. Great news to hear that if I like Tri-Sets I would like X2. :bigsmile: The stalking will continue on Ebay.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,424 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was 10lb SD Xtreme Lower Body and Recovery Lower Body. Saturday was 10lb SD X Cardio Kickboxing and Bonus Abs. Sunday was 10lb SD Xtreme Total Body. Oldest came home for the weekend and asked if I could make apple and pumpkin pies. I of course had to make two of each, because DH and the youngest wouldn't let those pies out the door otherwise. :laugh: We also went and picked up some pumpkins and of course went to the apple orchard to get the apples. I love going there and getting seconds. Only paid $.49/lb on those. :wink:

    Laurel, WTG taking advantage of the energy burst. Sounds like a great workout. I will also have to adopt the "experienced" version of "older" :laugh: LOL about the low impact being and easy workout. I don't know if Cathe knows that. :laugh: She is really great at low impact torture. :wink:

    Tami, I do need to get those Peak 10 workouts. I saw on her FB page that she is going to be selling the system. Apparently the company that produced the system, just stopped making them. She was finally able to get rights to them. I wish that Billy Blanks would get the rights to his older workouts, and reproduce them also. :frown: Interesting that Cathe has Tony and Bob music. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,778 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a good weekend. Saturday started with a workout--X2 V Sculpt and Ab Ripper followed by Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit. Both felt great. We then enjoyed the late afternoon/evening at the Air Force football game. We won (again!), but the weather this week was MUCH better than last week. I was in a short-sleeved shirt and didn't need to put a jacket on until half-time, which was after the sunset. :drinker: Yesterday was my day off. I found out, though, that I'm not going to be able to workout on Thursday or Friday due to some meetings I have, so I did a double whammy of X2 today with Plyocide followed by X2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (plus Ab Ripper). Tough workout, but that will make sure I get through Week 4 of this phase before Thursday.

    Tami, how nice that will be to have DH home again. I hope you got all of the preparation done. I know it always takes me awhile to readjust to having to cook (and clean!) for two. Sorry to hear the weather isn't cooperating up there. We've had nothing but sunshine and blue skies for a week or so and, boy, could we use some moisture. :noway:

    Laurie, how fun to have your daughter home for the weekend! I want one of your pies! This time of year, I start craving apple everything for some reason (probably because this is when they are so good). We just can't get them fresh here in Colorado, and I miss those fresh apples like we got in Washington State (and Korea for that matter!) You've got my mouth watering. :laugh: Great job on the workouts this weekend.

    Erika and Michelle, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Weekend was very productive! Ended up doing a full house clean including the wood floors which always takes some time. I did get in a full body workout Sat. (did STS Total Body again) along with dog walks. My plan was to get in another workout later in the day but just didn’t get to it. Yesterday in the a.m. we had our first volleyball games of the season. New teammates so it was a bit of a “first game of the season” moments. Meaning we weren’t exactly in sync but it was fun and then I headed to grocery store, started all my food preps for the week and DH getting home tonight.

    No workout this a.m. I have a pain right at my right side shoulder blade. It was killing me this a.m. I’m thinking maybe it’s loosening up a little bit but it must be from all the swinging at the volleyball games. I play front row a lot. It’s more of a pinch that shoots down and I lose my breath on the right side vs a sore/tight muscle feeling. :huh: YOUCH! So decided to not push it this a.m. and hoping that tonight I can go to BootCamp. Certain positions I cannot even feel that there is a problem so …….. we’ll see. Hoping it’s simply a strained shoulder , pulled something and tomorrow I will report in with good news.:wink: It’s already a little better from this a.m.

    Laurie: Sounds like such a fun weekend! YUM on the pies and fun times with your DD being home. Great job on the workouts too. Yes, I think you would like both of those PEAK 10 workouts forsure. It has some KB type moves mixed into them and cardio blasts. Lots of fun! She is VERY enthusiastic in her teaching technique, but it’s ok… I like the workouts!

    Laurel: Great job on the workouts and your continued success with the X2 workouts! :bigsmile: Sounds like perfect weather for the football game and how great that they won! Very nice. Our weather actually ended up being nicer than predicted …. Not blue skies and sunshine but it only rained a little bit yesterday. Supposedly it’s still on its way here w/ maybe some snow in the mtns. I’ll send ya some Washington apples :wink:

    Hello Erika & Michelle

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Still plugging away here with the workouts, work and of course hockey! :laugh: I've been doing the "whatever sounds good" rotation, until I have an urge to start a strict rotation. Right now, my back gets a little sore (more like DOMS now) after weight lifting, so I'm doing it in shorter spurts and not going quite as heavy. I'm sure I'll be good to go soon, but I did take 4 weeks completely off of all workouts, so my body has to get adjusted to them again.

    Tami--You had some great workouts/classes, and a very productive weekend, way to go! :bigsmile: I love productive weekends, esp. when you can get both cleaning and grocery shopping done! :bigsmile: I hope hubby's homecoming was good, I'm sure it's hard to be apart for that long.

    Laurel--I'm glad to hear you had much more favorable weather for the game, sounds like our weather here the last few days. We've been pushing 70 the last several days, and I think we have 2 more days of it before the 40's set in. I just wish we had less up and down in the temps! Great idea on monopolizing on that energy last week and cranking out some high intensity workouts! :bigsmile: Great work on planning the workouts this week around your 2 days off, so you can complete this weeks workouts on schedule!

    Laurie--Those pies sounds heavenly! This is the 1st year we aren't getting pumpkins at our house. Literally, just no time, and the boys really don't want to do a "pit stop" to get any, as that is about what it would be! They also are tired of our house being the "scary house" so they don't want to carve pumpkins this year. I have got overboard in the past with the scary decor, and it has caused many parents to avoid our house. So, this year will be kid friendly (but not quite as fun!). I love that the 10lb slimdown xtreme kickboxing hasn't gotten old...can I tell you I still have not tried it!?!?! :blushing:

    Michelle--I hope your date with the new hairdresser was a success and you found it there and back ok! Great idea on the Squeeze workout..I remember you saying that one did wonders for your UB and LB. You're going to look smokin' on that cruise!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, off to get ready for work. I'm back to morning workouts (still adjusting to them actually), as our evenings are fully of swimming, hockey, religion classes, more hockey, appointments, etc. Just too hard to try to find time for a workout! :blushing:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,424 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was 10lb SD Xtreme Lower Body and Recovery Total Body.

    Laurel, :drinker: on the win! WTG on getting those workouts in when you know your days are to busy to get those workouts done. Did you decide on how long you will be in this phase? My favorite pie is apple, and I can't imagine not being able to have any. We even got some cider. It just taste so great. :love: I didn't know that you couldn't get fresh apples in Colorado. :frown:

    Tami, So sorry to hear about your shoulder :flowerforyou: , glad that you decided to nix the workout. Hope that it gets better for you, it sure sounds painful. Hope that your volleyball team sync's up in the next game, those moments happen all the time. Just look at pro football. :laugh: I think I remember you telling me about those workouts before, so I am putting those on my wish list for Christmas. :wink:

    Erika, Glad to hear that you are still getting your workouts in. Doesn't matter what you do as long as you are exercising. :wink: I love having the scarry house also, those kids come to our house anyway. I think because there are a lot of scarry houses around us. Our next door neighbor has ghosts all over the place. :laugh: Don't worrry about not getting to try that workout, it will be there when you are ready. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My obliques have been screaming all weekend with those broom twists and now I'm fighting a chest cold to boot:ohwell: I did not do much this weekend except Just Dance 4 and rI took the dog for a run yesterday but overall I'm tired, craving sweets with the upper DOMS now disappearing:laugh: My BFF who is a surrogate & nurse was hospitalized so they had to take the baby yesterday but now she is battling Pulmonary edema. Surgery was last night at 8pm so I stayed up late just in case which means I'm exhausted as the allergies had the dog scratching, shaking his ears and pacing all over the house and my his pet supplies was accidentally shipped to our other house so the tenants will mail them this week.

    This week is the Peanut festival and that is my eldest major allergy, which is sooo scary because the peanuts will be harvested and that combined with the cotton is a hazard. Last friday the doctor put her on major meds because she seems to be close to Bronchitis again and being a child she seems oblivious to the severity of her situation:grumble: As she told me on Sunday, "adults overreact to everything, I'm breathing fine today". Hmnnn I did want to strangle her but instead I had her read the literature on respiratory infections and allergies.

    Erika- The hairdresser turned out to be the manager of the salon and she did a great job, even hubby complimented me when he arrived home that evening with the eldest. I took the shortcut and asked the guards at the gate to guide me which they did and it turned out to be a blessing because the appt for my eldest ran late and my husband met us at the doctor and I left early to rush home to meet the school bus. I hear you on not following a strict rotation, as long as you are doing something and having fun who cares.:laugh:

    Laurie- While you are shipping out send me one of each, I love Apple, Pumpkin and Sweet potato pie..yup I do have a sweet tooth:blushing: I may need to find that set on Ebay because Chris's workouts are definitely effective.

    Laurel- Nice weather. Yummy apples! I have been having a hard time findiny my fav Honeycrisp and then if I do they start at 3.99lb:noway: I recently discovered some FarmShare programs here and I definitely plan to sign up for fresh fruit delivery come Spring, do you have any similar programs or Organic markets?

    Tami- Yeah to Volleyball:bigsmile: , I hear you on not syncing yet as a team but it will happen soon:bigsmile: It sounds like you pinched a nerve, hopefully it will ease up soon and you can slam that ball with full force:laugh:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Happy to report I went to BootCamp and my shoulder survived! :bigsmile: I of course wondered when she was explaining each station how I may be able to exit stage left on a couple of them:huh: It was all “Shoulders” :noway: with planks/core and/or bench hops with your hands on the bench back and forth …. So again shoulders. At any rate I did fine and last night/this a.m. it is still feeling better. I am still aware that it is sore and deep breaths I can feel it (weird) but I’m way better this a.m. than yesterday! WooHoo … So did AfterBurn this a.m. and will go to Insane-X tonight.:wink:

    Erika: I meant to comment last week about your “new” photo – very nice of the family! Love it. Great job plugging away on the workouts. Sometimes after a break doing “whatever sounds good” is the way to go. This week I felt like doing a bunch of Cathe’s newer workouts so put that into my rotation. :smile: Yes, it was nice to see DH when I got home from the gym. He had rolled into town shortly before I got home so we were able to have dinner and catch up a little bit. He’s exhausted forsure but back to the grind today of his “regular” job. How did your presentations go last week when they put you out there in front of the clients! I'm sure you did amazing :wink:

    Laurie: Nice workouts this a.m. Thanks for the wishes on my shoulder. I am really happy that today is a way better day. I can tell it has “shifted” slightly and feels like it needs to be stretched vs. don’t touch me! :grumble: So that is encouraging forsure. Note to self …. Warm up the shoulders a little better this week and get my workout in prior to going, which always helps me feel better warmed up. Every week for as long as I have played nobody hardly warms up. They show up about 10 min before and just start. I think things will sync up better, it’s always tough the first few matches out and playing with new people. Yay for the the Christmas list started!

    Michelle: Sorry to hear about the chest cold and no sleep to boot! Probably felt good to just lay low a little bit and get in some good dancing in along with a run. Get the blood flowing a bit and have some fun. I hope your BFF is doing ok and surgery went well. It’s probably good you handed your DD the pamphlet to read up on infections and allergies so she doesn’t think you are all overreacting! Honeycrisp are my favorite too on the apples! YUM but yeah, what is the deal with the price?:huh: Thanks for your comment on my shoulder. I think that’s what I did and hoping it does ease up let’s say by 100% quickly! Patient with these kinds of things aren’t I?:laugh: :blushing:

    Hi Laurel – Can’t wait to hear what workout you did today!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,778 Member
    Hi Ladies! This morning was Cross Fire Extreme premix followed by X2 Yoga. A great combo. The Cross Fire workout almost felt easy in parts compared to some of the cardio I've been doing lately. :noway: I guess that's a good thing, but it still felt like a great workout at the end. One more day of X2 this week and I will have finished Week 4 of this phase. Can't imagine ever wanting to do four weeks of any phase in P90X.

    Tami, I'm sorry to hear about the shoulder but happy to hear it is getting better. I get sharp pains like that in my shoulder blade at times from certain lat moves that I do incorrectly (apparently) with doing alot of stuff overhead seeming to be the culprit for me. Once it was so bad, the pain radiated throughout my chest muscles as well and I thought I was suffering heart burn....or a heart attack. It was neither, of course. The pain usually goes away on its own within a couple of days. Hopefully yours will as well. I would think it more serious if it were in the shoulder joint itself. Great job getting back to the workouts after a short break!

    Michelle, I hope your friend is doing all right. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's continuing respiratory problems. I hope the peanut season doesn't make it even worse. That's actually kind of scary for her....and you! Regarding fruit, we do have organic markets. The problem in Colorado is that there really aren't many fruit farms, nor are there many in neighboring states. We get some stuff in the height of summer (like cantaloupe) but, for the most part, this just isn't fruit growing country. It's a shame.

    Erika, glad to hear things are continuing to go well with you. I'm not doing anything for Halloween either this year, and it is usually my favorite holiday. But after the attack of mice a few weeks back (which, thankfully, seems to be solved), I'm not even willing to put out a candy dish with chocolates in it. We won't have any trick-or-treaters since we live in a very isolated house with no lights leading up to the house itself. So I can't imagine a parent dragging their child down here with the risk of coyotes and bears and such all around. So, no pumpkins, no decorations, no candy....sigh. But I still plan on watching a scary movie on the night! :tongue:

    Laurie, great job on the workouts. As I said to Michelle, Colorado just isn't the state for fruit, that's for sure. I definitely miss living on one of the coasts (especially west) where the fruit was much fresher and better. We had apples here this summer that were the size of plums. Pathetic. Regarding X2, I've been trying to decide whether I need a break week between now and the next phase, and I think the answer is no. So I will do one more week of Phase 2 (making it five weeks this phase) and then go into the three weeks of the final phase. That has me finished the day after Thanksgiving, and I plan on starting the fun Cathe rotation Tami has been doing to get me through the holidays from there. So only four move weeks of X2. It is amazing how quickly it has passed.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,424 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was 10lb SD Xtreme Cardio Kickboxing! Are you surprised. :laugh:

    Michelle, If you don't find that set on e-bay, they are at QVC also. I guess one never realizes that being in peanut country, that people with allergies really need to be careful. All that stuff is just floating around in the air. :frown: She sounds like a tough little girl, but I understand your concern. :wink: Oh my on your BFF, I hope that she is going to be ok. We have about 5 orchards around us, and a couple are organic. We also have vegetable stands all over the area also, so we can get them fresh when they are in season.

    Tami, I'm so glad to hear that your shoulder is doing well. I find that I get aches and pains one day, and then the next they are gone. Must be something that happens with age. :wink: So your team doesn't do any bumping and spikes for warm-ups. I remember always having to get those bad spikes out of my system before each game. Those nets are different all the time, so you can't assume that you will be ok for each game. :huh:

    Laurel, I can't believe that you are only 4 weeks away from completing X2. It sounds like you have been enjoying them. That is really sad that your fruit is so small, must be the altitude. :wink: Wonderful that you are so fit, that workouts are getting easier. Well it sounds like we will all be doing some type of Cathe workouts around Thanksgiving. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well after two days of an excruciating headache I woke up refreshed and mentally energized:bigsmile: My body on the other hand is dealing with a whooping cough and apparently something is going around the school district so who knows but I feel that I sound worst than I feel:laugh: This morning I walked 4 miles in the neighborhood and that was good enough for now so hopefully tomorrow I will hit the weights and do some kickboxing:bigsmile: As I felt unproductive yesterday I made up for it with a full cleaning, laundry, prepping meats for dinner and now some mini sausage quiches in the oven for a quick grab and go meals:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Too bad on the lack of good fruit as cantelope is okay but there are so many other great choices:grumble: , have you looked into ordering online from thefruitguys or fruitfreshdelivery, which ships to most U.S. adresses? Laughing about "not wanting to do any phase for more than 4 wks in X2":laugh:

    Laurie- I will look at both places but I did find the core, total body circuit and KB workout on Youtube but I think that those are the original versions but that is okay:bigsmile:

    Tami- Yeah to hubby's return and a shoulder that is back on the mend:bigsmile:

    Erika- I second Tami on the new family pic:bigsmile: How did the presentation go?

    Have a great day ladies. Off to fold laundry and call the BFF to check in. Yesterday she was a bit loopy but she sounded stronger so the treatment seems to be working. Her pressure is spiking all over the place and that is a huge concern and of course being a nurse she is well aware of this diagnosis which can be even scarier of course. Thank you for all the well wishes:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Insane-X last night was ST’s “Pure Cardio” DVD basically. She actually did the warm-up, then 30 moves for a minute each, cool down and stretch, so shorter but good intensity. :wink: I felt like the commercial w/ sweat dripping off my forehead. It was full again, so that was great. I missed my a.m. workout this a.m. :yawn: Another adjustment in sleeping w/ DH being back forsure. So will just do Spinning for my workout this evening after work. :ohwell: This is not my stellar week of workouts (as in doing what I had planned) but glad I’m doing a workout each day. Still have the rest of the week though, right?:wink: ! It’s only Wed.

    Laurel: Great workouts!! :bigsmile: You’re making me so jealous of your time and energy too this week! :drinker: :bigsmile: Only 4 weeks left in X2!! I can’t believe it. As we always comment to one another on rotations, it’s crazy how fast it seems to go. I love the comment about never imagining wanting to do a P90X phase longer than 4 weeks but you have enjoyed this one so much! Another big PLUS sign for X2. :smile: I have CrossFire on the schedule for tomorrow. I mixed in a few of her “newer” workouts that I love this week and still have Lower Body Blast planned for Sat. I have to say a huge thanks for sharing your shoulder pain with me because that actually happened to me where it has hurt clear into my chest :huh: and I thought …. Ummmmmmm?! Where is the pain coming from exactly. Kind of had me worried especially with not being able to take in deep breaths. Still takes my breath if I breathe in deeply in certain positions. But if I raise my arm and breathe in it’s fine. My relief came with yesterday being better and again today. Probably should have let it rest a full day but . . . well, as I mentioned to Michelle my patience with these things unless it is truly major is not always my strong point.:blushing:

    Laurie: What? KB again?! Very nice, I know you love that one so it’s great. :wink: I was thinking the same thing (in the far back corner of my mind) about the sudden onset w/ the shoulder pain and how unexpected it was. I’m thankful for being in good shape that’s forsure. I can’t imagine how some people feel that don’t work out at all. Well, I can actually, my DH when he gets up in the a.m. :frown: Another plus to this addiction, right?! :bigsmile: V-ball - we warm-up for about 10 minutes just w/ passing/setting/hitting back and forth and then a few hits over the net and we go. So not really much of a game situation type warm-up.

    Michelle: Great to hear you woke up energized and feeling good today!!! :bigsmile: Glad you don’t feel as bad as your cough is. Sounds like you had a nice walk this a.m. and never underestimate the house cleaning, that can be some great exercise! Hope BFF is doing well.

    Hi Erika :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,778 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was X2 Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper. I really upped the weights in Shoulders and Arms and it felt terrific! I felt so strong today. But my arms were burning at the end, so the best thing for that is....kickboxing! So I pulled out my fave, Turbo Fire 60 and did that with an add-on bonus of TF HiiT 20. It felt really fun today. We're headed off tomorrow for a conference on Friday and Saturday. I'm taking my workout stuff with me as I'm hoping to have some time to workout each day. We'll see about that.

    Tami, sounds like the Insane X class fun. Don't worry about this week not being 'stellar'. I mean, look at what you've done!! Many people aspire to your week! I'm glad the shoulder pain is feeling better. Yep, that chest pain can get scary. It took me awhile to realize what it was, and that was my shoulder blade. At first I thought the pain was radiating from my chest to my back, but it was the exact opposite. It might not hurt to rest it if you are still having trouble taking deep breaths though. Just a suggestion, but I know how difficult it is to follow that kind of suggestion. :blushing: Resting isn't my strong suit, that's for sure.

    Laurie, kickboxing? Yes, that's a surprise! :laugh: I think it is wonderful you are still enjoying these workouts so much. I really have been enjoying X2. I know I will miss Tony when I have to put them away. He can annoy me so much, but sometimes he really gets me giggling. And I love an instructor who can do that. He is really silly in a couple of these workouts, and I kinda like that.

    Michelle, ouch about the headache! I've had a dull one for the past couple of days, but I know that is the weather changing. Snow is predicted for tomorrow. :grumble: But today it is 70 degrees and sunny. :noway: Always messes with my head. No I haven't looked into fruit delivery. Thank you for the recommendations!! I may do that this winter if things get too bad. I had forgotten about this in Colorado, and I keep telling myself I survived Alaska, and that was MUCH worse than this when it came to fresh produce. But I know I love me some fruit around the holidays, so we'll see what it is like by then. Thank goodness for a Whole Foods not too far away from the house because, generally, though outrageously pricey, their fruit seems better than what I get on base or in Walmart.

    Erika, I hope you are well.

    Until next Monday! Enjoy the rest of the week!!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    My workouts are all over the place (some night, some morning) this week, so I keep forgetting to log on! :blushing: This morning I wanted to sleep in (like I did yesterday!), but my pup was not having that, so I got up and did Cathe's Trisets LB Express. I didn't really think the music was all that weird, but I'm glad I did the express as I was starting to feel it in my lower back again. Ugh, when is this going to be done!?!?

    My work presentation went well, and I was asked by the client to do another one for the owner tomorrow! I think the reps I work with are pleasantly surprised with how easily I am clicking with the clients, and I've already got one of them not even attending meetings with me, and letting me go on my own (which historically is not his style). So, it's a good fit. I have a steady workload each day, enough to keep me busy and make the day fly, but not too much that I feel like I am behind or stressed. I really am enjoying it. I had dinner with my girlfriends on Monday night, and they mentioned that I had a glow that they haven't seen from me before and said it must be from the new job!

    Laurel--Girl, your workouts make me tired just reading about them! :laugh: I am glad your energy level is still up there so you can kick butt on those weight workouts and get in some great cardio too! I'm bummed about no Halloween decorations, but we are the only house that does scary ones, so until others do, I think I have to play it safe. Unless, I don't want to hand out candy any more...then I know what to do! :laugh:

    Tami-What a fun Insane-X class, right up your alley and Bootcamp sounded like fun too! I'm glad to hear your shoulder is feeling better, not a fun spot to have pain, considering you use your shoulders for almost all workouts! Make sure to do extra stretching and take a rest day if it's not feeling better each day and ice or heat it, depending on what feels best. Maybe hubby can give you a nice shoulder massage, now that he's back?!?! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--You've had quite the week so far! I hope your friend continues to be on the mend, how scary! Plus, your DD on top of it, with the Peanut Festival and allergens galore! Hopefully everyone (including Mr. C) can get back to feeling normal soon, so you can get some rest! Great job getting in some exercise in each day, despite pure exhaustion! At least you've got a pretty 'do to flaunt! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--You crack me up with your "are you surprised" comment! Make me laugh! :laugh: I'm happy to see you are enjoying the workouts lately and sticking to them, I am having a horrible time with motivation lately! Plus, eating out every day for work (my clients love to meet for lunch) has been hard. But, I'm keeping my portions smaller than normal, so hopefully I end up on top in the end!

    Well, gotta go get ready for work! Have a good one!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,424 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    10lb Slimdown Xtreme Total Body and Recovery Yoga! :drinker: Feeling really good today, must be the nice weather. We are suppose to get a storm later today. Temps are suppose to drop from 70's to 40's. :tongue: Left my coffee at home this morning, and had to dash to Dunkin Donuts for a large. I try to avoid that place, because those donuts are just so tempting. :laugh: One of these days I will have to try one of their breakfast items.

    Michelle, Those headaches are torture, and I'm glad to hear that you got some relief. :wink: So sorry to hear that you are dealing with illness all over. :frown: Those three 40 min. workouts that you mentioned are the Xtreme ones. The 20 min. workouts are the original slimdown workouts. I add on those 20 min. ones to the 40 min. to get a 60 min. :laugh: Hope that made sense. :wink: Glad to hear your BFF is doing better. I will keep her in my prayers. :wink:

    Tami, Sounds like you are back on track! I'm very happy that the shoulder wasn't more serious. Great Insane class! :drinker: I had that sweat thing going on this morning! I'm heading toward that all week workout thing also, since I did a workout on Sunday also. So your team didn't get together before the season to just practice? I have done that with sand v-ball, and it always seems like the first couple of games are poor until everyone gets used to each other again. :wink:

    Laurel, I know can you believe I did kickboxing? :laugh: :bigsmile: Of course you need to do kickboxing after and upper body workout! :laugh: It just sounds like you are having a great time with this rotation. :wink: I just can't believe that Tony is silly! :noway: :laugh: He posted two 10 min. workouts on Facebook that I saved to try at some point. I have not had an opportunity to try them out yet. Maybe I should create a month long rotation using all my Tony workouts. :wink: Hmmm not a bad idea. :love:

    Erika, Dang on the back not feeling better. :frown: Wonderful news on the new job, and glad to hear that you have a glow. I know that since my new boss has been in his position, I enjoy coming to work. No dread factor for work! :drinker: Eating out is hard, today is suppose to be the Chipolte day. I actually have a hard time skipping this eat-out day. Good thing that they have brown rice, and burrito bowls. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Fun Spinning class last night. :wink: She did a “race” style but it was a mountain race so a lot of hills and slow steady climbs along with jumps and sprints. Today is Cathie’s CrossFire, which I love every time. No plans for this evening, hoping the gym ends up adding that additional Insane-X class for Thurs. nights.

    Laurel: THANK you again for your always encouraging comments.:flowerforyou: I appreciate it and you’re right that I should focus on what I have done vs what I haven’t done. :blushing: Glass half full concept! Fabulous workouts to finish off your week of X2 and following them up with some fun TF workouts! :bigsmile: In your X2 rotation, have you been using the foam roller and medicine balls like I see in the clips? It looks optional forsure but just wondered. That’s funny about Tony being kind of silly in some of them, it is a part of P90X that would make me laugh forsure & I know would enjoy in X2.

    Erika: So good to hear that you have a glow about you! :bigsmile: That’s an awesome description of “joy” I would say and sounds like you are loving every minute of the new job. Sorry to hear your back is still bothering you a bit. Nice that you did LB Tri-Sets. I think the music is just so Un-Cathe like, but like I said, I have to really force myself to listen to music in workouts usually because I tend to block it out. Thanks so much for your thoughts on my shoulder … craziness and yes it’s true you do use your shoulders for most every workout I have found out all week:wink: Heat feels fantastic on it and I did have DH rub the area that I felt the pain was coming from. He was half asleep though so not much of a massage. :frown: :laugh: but it helped. Definitely going to stretch it out and warm-up a little better on my own this Sunday before our game forsure vs repeat last week.

    Laurie: Great job again with your workout combo! :smile: So these are a combo of her Xtreme workouts and the one DVD that has all the 20 min workouts on it? I can relate on the temps. We have highs in the 40’s now and lows in the 20’s coming up for a while. :grumble: We’ve been having rain/wet snow mix at night when I leave the gym. Thanks to you as well for the well wishes on my shoulder. NO, surprisingly we have never had one practice. Several of my teammates that I have played with over the years all coach Vball and so they have at least been touching the ball or hitting the bill a bit. I guess with that being said, they don’t feel a practice is needed. We do play in the most competitive league but I think due to time, etc. nobody really wants to practice. :laugh: I don’t know. You can understand what I’m saying then about not syncing. Vball is such a sport of communication and timing forsure especially in our 4-on- 4 league. A lot of court is open if you aren’t communicating or playing well together.

    Hi Michelle :wink:

    Have a great afternoon/evening everyone ~ talk to you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,424 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    TGIF!!! :drinker: It just seems like it has been a very long week. :wink: But I started off my upcoming weekend by doing ..... 10lb SD Xtreme Cardio Kickboxing and Recovery Lower Body! :drinker: I'm shocked that I have not gotten sick of this workout. I will be giving it a rest for my month of Cathe workouts though. :laugh:

    Nothing exciting is planned for the weekend, we have Trick or Treat on Saturday evening. Don't know why they opted for this day instead of Halloween. :grumble:

    Tami, LOL about wanting more of those Insane-X classes. :wink: Sounds like a good spinn class. :happy: This Xtreme set has three DVD's so all six Xtreme on one, five Recovery on another and two bonus workouts. Overall I'm really happy with these workouts, and you can easily increase the weights and go at a faster pace on the cardio portions. I have played on 4x4 leagues, they are a lot more fun because you are moving a lot more. You are right, you really need to be in sink with each other. :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm feeling better and yesterday went for a 4 mile walk and then came home and hit the Upper body. Today I was scheduled to get some pampering but the girls missed the bus and hubby had an early meeting, so it was up to me to make the rounds and then I used a different route home and was kind of lost:blushing: . TG for small towns:laugh: I did Windsor Pilates followed by Tonique Mat Glute section:grumble: dang those 30rep moves and her post-preg workout moves.

    Erika- I need one of those glows but I need a visit to the Spa for that right now:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Glad you told me now I can do them without feeling as if I'm missing out on something:laugh: Yes TGIF although that means finding something fun to do in such a small town:ohwell:

    Tami- Glad you are enjoying the Insane classes and the Spin class sounds killer:bigsmile: Next week I'm going with my neighbor to her Zumba class and then Power Pilates, as for Spin I told her baby steps for now.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- I absolutely love Whole Foods and the fruit is always amazing but the price does sting the wallet. I also love their granola mixes and natural scones and breads:blushing: , yup the sweet tooth loves to visit their bakery department:laugh: Funny about the Turbofire as I tried to do TF30 today but hubby's PS3 was not cooperating, hopefully he can demo how to use so I can try again next week. Have fun on the conference.:bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend!
