Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Insane-X was a good one last night. Man was I sweating ….. she did a new rotation of workouts that were all part of “Insanity” but not from the actual DVD. Changed things up a bit. I think she is really trying to accommodate every level and make it interesting each week so people keep coming! It was a good turnout again so that was great.

    This a.m. was Low Impact Challenge (not my favorite of the bundle … just due to choreography issues:blushing: ) but it was a good workout. Next time it comes up on my rotation I think I’ll do To The Max instead! Tonight is Spinning after work. :wink:

    Erika: Your Christmas lights sound very festive and fun that the boys went with you looking at all the lights.:bigsmile: Enjoy your new “self training program” sounds interesting! Do whatever works I say and keep moving! Nice job. Good thing it’s not too busy at work and also that they are so fabulous about you leaving if you need to for family stuff.

    Laurie: Sounds like Pure Strength was a good workout! Nice job getting that in after a crazy busy day at work. :tongue: Year end is always tough isn’t it? I’m not in a bookkeeping position that I have to do reports, etc. but I know from others in our office it is not fun. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:

    Laurel: Fantastic combos! :noway: Glad to hear you are enjoying this rotation and I love that you have added on some UB work as well! I have Lower Body Blast scheduled for tomorrow a.m. in place of Yoga. :blushing: I know, bad me but it just sounded good! Did you finish all your cookies?

    Hi Michelle:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!!! Wow, is this week flying! :ohwell: I need it to slow down just a bit, so December doesn't just fly by! I want to soak up all the Christmas stuff I can! :laugh:

    This morning was another self instructed Hiit workout. I just set my GymBoss for my 30 second intervals, and borrowed a dry erase board from the boys so I could write down all the moves. This weekend, my plan is to type up a list of cardio moves and strength moves that I can post in my workout room, and then just pick and choose each morning. Right now, this is what's keeping me motivated to workout, as Chalene, Cathe and Kelly are not! :ohwell:

    Tami--YEAH, great insane-x class!!! Love that she always switches it up to keep in interesting! I had checked out that Low Impact Challenge DVD at one time, and it looked confusing, so I hear ya there! I really do like the whole Low Impact idea, but I think there are some improvements to be made on the series too.

    Laurel--I love that you are pulling out some oldies to throw into your rotation...I know how much you enjoy getting back into those! :bigsmile: Enjoy those parties!

    Laurie--Busy season is right...I don't think there is any industry that isn't crazy busy right now...what is it about that and Christmastime? I understand the year end thing, but man, I think people go into overdrive with last minute requests. I'm not terribly busy at work, but one of my co-workers is, so my boss and I took everything off his desk and are trying to help him out. Now, if we can get some snow to throw everyone for a loop, that would be fun! :bigsmile: I can't wait for snow, but I know many are dreading it. Great job on the Pure Strength workout...I know Michelle's workouts really get the back, based on the pictures of her after she finished filming the series. You can tell a major difference in her back muscles!


    Busy day in our house today...hubby is travelling, as am I (just local though) and I'm recruiting another parent to go get my son from school to make the 4pm Thursday hockey practice. Now, I just have to make it home by 5 when he gets dropped off at home! Whew!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another day of requests from the guys. I walk in, and there they are on my desk waiting for me. :laugh: I don't know who told them that we had all this money to spend, but that is apparently what they where told. :huh: Last night was Cardio Interval Burn, still a ton of fun with that one even though it is 65 min. long.

    Laurel, What a great combo! I love the CTX Upper Body! The bicep work always leaves me with DOMS! At some point the CCC workout will be better for me, I just can't stand the move that Tony calls the Dreya roll. I have never been able to do that move on any workout I have done. :frown: I do enjoy keeping busy, but sometimes I get home from work and just want to sit. That was how I felt yesterday, but I didn't give myself the option. :wink: Glad I didn't listen to that devil on my shoulder.

    Tami, :drinker: on an great Insane workout class! At first these Peak workouts had some chorography issues for me, but doing them multiple times has helped a ton. Now I feel like a pro! :laugh: But I know that previous workouts have gone away, because they where just to dancy. I really do enjoy Pure Strength, it is a nice change of pace. This system does have a lot of cardio to it. She posted on FB yesterday that she was thinking of coming up with a new exercise routine. From what I gathered it would be different than Peak.

    Erika, From what I have heard we are suppose to be getting some snow this weekend. We will see if that happens. You are right this week has flown by, guess that is because we are so busy. I have been wanting to get a GymBoss for a while, might have to think about that one. Still have some gift money from work, that I can use at Amazon. That is nice that you could help out your co-worker with some of his load. I don't mind the first snowfall, it just starts getting annoying when we get to March. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had a good, fun workout combo this morning. I started with Cathe's HiiT 40/20, which I haven't done in forever. And it felt like it! :noway: I was surprised how winded I got doing it. I still blame the altitude, but I don't think that's the problem. :laugh: Anyhow, after that, I did Cathe's Bonus Butt Workout she included with this rotation, STS Ab Circuits Weights and Plates Abs and, finally, Cathe's LIS Yoga Max (one of the shorter premixes). So a great blend of workouts today.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed the Insane-X class! I was thinking this morning I might want to get back to some Insanity workouts after how I felt doing 40/20! But I just can't seem to work up the motivation to do them right now. Hopefully soon! But I'm loving this rotation! My body is feeling it, and I love that. :love: Still doing a bit of baking, but getting to the end of cookie making (hopefully). My freezer is full, but most of them will be delivered on Monday, so that will free up some space. Hope people enjoy them! I do enjoy making them.....for the most part. :wink:

    Erika, I agree about the week. Where did it go? Of course, I haven't quite wrapped my mind around the fact it is December yet! We're supposed to get some snow on Sunday, and if we do, maybe that will help. But I wished somebody a Merry Christmas yesterday, and I said to myself 'Really?' You'd think the big decorated tree in the living room would be a clue. :laugh: Great job with your own workouts!

    Laurie, sounds like another busy day! You must be popular at work right now. Glad you are still enjoying these workouts. I agree about the Dreya rolls (and the roll over into push-ups she also does) in CCC. I manage to do them, but they do give the workout an added 'dread' factor that it otherwise might not have. About being busy, as I get older, I find that I can push myself really hard for a number of days at a time still, but when I hit a wall.....I really hit a wall. And nothing but rest (be it sitting and watching TV or reading a book or whatever) is the cure. And it takes longer. :grumble: My day-to-day energy is fine, but when I don't have energy, I REALLY don't have energy. :ohwell:

    Michelle, I hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Spinning was the usual fun last night! There were a lot of returning people that had not been there in a very long time so it was good. It was Big Kahuna night again! :wink: Lower Body Blast for today & went to the Insane Abs class at noon today! It was just as I imagined, really liked it! :bigsmile: Last night I signed up for a holiday “Toys for Tots” Spinning marathon on Dec 15th. You bring a toy for every hour you want to spin. I signed up for two hours (7-9 am) trying to talk by girlfriend into going too.

    Erika: I’m with you on December needing to slow down. Luckily I don’t have many gifts to buy because I’ve only purchased ONE so far! Nice job doing your “self” instructed workout! Do you have music as well? Thanks for agreeing on the confusion (makes me feel better:blushing: ) :laugh: on the choreography challenges. Other than this one I do absolutely :heart: all of those workouts and the variety & sequencing the workouts offer. Our industry is probably one of the few that aren’t crazy busy (other than our bookkeeping dept) for Real Estate. The weather being unusually warm is helping with continued showings and some sales but it is typically quiet. My dept, Advertising is SLOW. Dec & Jan are yawners at work because everyone is “taking a few months off” from ads. :ohwell: We found out our General Mgr is leaving. He will be around for a while for the transition but then gone; he’s been here for 10 yrs. Yikes! Makes me nervous for what's happening in our company but the owner/other mgr talked to me and said not to worry. Of course they will say that though. :ohwell:

    Laurie: Great job with Cardio Interval ~ such a fun workout & glad you have the hang of it now! :wink: Good job just getting right into it, these short days make you want to just go home and snuggle up but if you just keep moving it feels so much better when you’re done I think.

    Laurel: Very fun combo of workouts and way to end it with some Yoga! I do have Yoga Max on one of my weeks coming up. Thought it would be good to not “skip” it every time. :laugh: Did you enjoy the BBW? It’s a nice combo of things forsure! I know what you mean on the Insanity. It is now something that I feel if I got away from it for too long the dread factor might creep in for those workouts! You should feel so good about those cookies and I can only imagine how much they mean to the troops!

    Have a great day everyone ~ tomorrow’s Friday!!!!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry about the MIA but It has been vacation prep, doctors and vet appts, alteration stops,assmebling required docs, etc. I'm a type A perosnality but I'm slacking this time around:huh: . I also canceled our TW service for DirectTv and this is my first experience with them, not to mention signing a 2 year contract...who does that:grumble: The Tv viewing exeperience has been amazing and it is actually cheaper and offers more recordings, channels and rooms for less than my Dud of a package with TW. I'm truly hoping that the internet will run seamless as the experience thus far has been horrid especially while working. It is taking 2 weeks to switch the phone/internet package:huh: , so I have to wait until next week to cancel my current services:grumble: I have been walking in the morning and doing Bar Method in the afternoon, yesterday was a rest day as I was gone all day. Today was a short but peaceful walk and later I would like to do KB and Physique57:noway:

    Erika- This month is moving along so quickly and this is our first year without a tree, so needless to say it really does not feel like that time of year for me:ohwell: Hubby did not take the hint so needless to say I'm annoyed with him:blushing: TG the ship will have Christmas trees everywhere and my mom's house is already decorated:bigsmile: Hopefully you will make it on time and the parent will just sit there even if you are running late.

    Laurel- Interesting how different combos can shake your faith in yourself when it comes to endurance, considering that we know that you are in great shape:wink: Hopefully the baking is done and deliveries were sucessful for the soldiers.

    Tami- I'm still contemplating the Kindle HD for my mom as she is not tech savvy although she has asked for it in the past, after seeing the 7" the concern was how small it was compared to the Ipad, yet the 8.9" received less stars on Amazon:huh: Hopefully the owner is being honest and too many changes will not occur but ten years is an investment so hopefully he was not forced out.

    Laurie- It has been a busy time for you but shopping on Amazon is always a fun option. As for snow:huh: it was short sleeves, flip-flops and shorts here yesterday:ohwell: It would be nice to get some chill in the air, can you send me some please:bigsmile:

    Have a great Friday and fun weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm so glad that it is Friday! Cardio Strength for me last night! That one is probably the toughest so far. I still have two other workouts that I have not done yet, but thy are on the schedule for this weekend. :wink: Tonight is my off night. Only one more Friday night dance class, and then dd is on a break for a couple of weeks. Looking forward to not running to that for a while. :laugh:

    Laurel, We probably don't take enough time to just sit and do nothing. I always feel guilty if something needs to be done, but I'm sitting watching TV or reading a book. :wink: Yesterday I put a pork roast in my slow cooker, and it sure was nice to get my workout in and have dinner ready when I was finished. I have to remember to do that more often. :wink: I'm so glad that I'm not the only one that really doesn't enjoy that move. :laugh: If I had the chance I would blame the altitude also! :laugh: What a nice mix of Cathe workouts. Looks like you are getting some premixes in.

    Tami, The workout title always makes me smile. :smile: I'm guessing those people are getting prepared for the Christmas meals ahead! :laugh: I'm sure you will have the January flood coming up also. What a great idea with the spinning and toys! Cardio Intervals is a very fun workout, I like how she puts in the kickboxing moves. That is what makes if so fun for me. :wink:

    Michelle, The only problem I have had with DirectTV in the past is when we would get a storm. Then the TV would be MIA until that passed. Had problems with snow on the dish also, but that should be a problem for you to much. :laugh: I see a dread workout in Physique57? :wink: I will try to blow the snow south, but I don't know if it will work. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Finished a good week of workouts today starting with Athletic Step and followed by LIS Total Body Trisets! Finally did that workout for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. I'm so glad I stuck to these LIS workouts despite my first impression of them because they are really growing on me.

    Tami, sounds like another great spinning class. Like Laurie, I laugh at the name. :wink: But it sounds like fun. I forgot to mention that Low Impact Challenge workout yesterday and the choreography. I remember the first time I did it, I did more watching than working out. The second time wasn't as bad. But that's as often as I've done it. :blushing: I really should re-visit it because all of the other workouts are so good, but I really have to be in the mood to concentrate on choreography, and, lately, that just isn't happening. :ohwell: I think you've come up with a good substitute. Thanks for recommending this rotation to me. I'm really enjoying it. The BBW was fun. Not too tough but tough enough (if you know what I mean). It makes for a nice little legs/glute add-on. I did a rotation similar to this about five years ago where Cathe recommended lower body various exercises and then finished with the floor work from PLB. I think I like this one better!

    Michelle, I hope you like DirectTV. We've toyed with that as well as we aren't happy with our Comcast service here, but since we only have another year (well, less than that), I think we're going to gut it out. But if I have a choice, I won't go with Comcast again, that's for sure. Enjoy your workouts!

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout, especially if it is the toughest one so far! The others have sounded pretty tough. Yeah, I'm not really good at sitting around and doing nothing. It drives my husband crazy sometimes, but I often think I'm not good at it because he is SO good at it. :grumble: Somebody has to get something done around the house!! Thankfully, DH just finished his MBA, so, hopefully, that means less time on the computer and more time focused on other things which may make things a bit easier for me.

    Erika, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the weekend. See you on Monday!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: TGIF :drinker:
    Insane Abs must have done it’s job yesterday! I can feel a little soreness in my abs when I laugh! Must have been the swimming angels we did, among other things! Yay my abs are sore! STS Total Body this a.m. & Spinning tonight after work.

    Michelle: Busy Busy lady you are! :noway: I can imagine the “check lists” in preparation for you trip. We have Direct TV and really like it! Great job keeping up with the daily walks and Bar Method. Tank tops and shorts :huh: no wonder, I would be loving that weather! We had some snow flurries yesterday through today and the weekend but it is too warm for it to be sticking. Makes for a wet, dreary mess right now.:frown: My mother-in-law absolutely loves the Kindle I purchased for her last year. She is definitely not tech savvy at all. I have a very strong feeling that they are “just saying” he made the decision. They don’t want people to panic and leave the company. They have really struggled due to this poor economy and they have had to personally sell a lot of investment properties along with letting a different manager go last year. Also, with the amount of staff that has left that were full time and only replaced with two part time people … just nervous. I know because I have been here for 18 years I have some seniority but we have also lost some Top Producers that bring in a huge chunk of income. That just happened two weeks before the GM announcement. YIKES!

    Laurie: Great job with Cardio Strength!! :bigsmile: It sounds awesome. So this is the one that she also sells separately? I’m the same way about sitting and watching TV or just reading .. feel guilty like I should be doing one of those projects I have put off or “something” instead of relaxing. :ohwell: My BFF thinks I am crazy … but she doesn’t work, so a different mindset altogether since her house and projects are always done.

    Laurel: Great combo this a.m. sounds like lots of fun! Thanks for mentioning that about the Low Impact Challenge choreography. For now, my plan to substitute another is perfect for me and one of these days I’ll revisit it. Just frustrating to stand there wondering and rewinding :ohwell:

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Really hoping to get some “Christmas” gifts and get our tree up this weekend :blushing: Yikes, we always wait this long, it’s awful. But just the two of us so not a huge hurry I guess.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, we finally got the big dumping of snow I was hoping for...something around 10" here! :bigsmile: Lots of schools delayed/closed to our north and south, but I think we'll be ok here, as long as the roads are clear.

    Great workouts (self instructed) again this weekend, although for weights I'm choosing to use the CLX sheets, but do them in whatever order I want. Works out nicely! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Ooh, I can imagine how sore those abs are! :bigsmile: That Toys for Tots spinning marathon is a good idea, how fun!

    Laurel--I am so glad to hear you are enjoying your rotation with LIS! Your combos sound like a lot of fun! So, are you doing weight work every day, or every other? I am going to try weight and cardio each day (different body parts on consecutive days), to see how my body likes that. I think it will be good for awhile anyway!

    Laurie--Ugh, sounds like you are swamped with work stuff! Great job getting in the workouts, even the tough ones! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Good job getting everything together, esp. during this time of the year. You'll have so much fun relaxing on vaca, that it will all be worth it! Awesome job keeping up with the workouts too!

    Off to get ready for work, should be an interesting commute!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Like Erika, we finally got some snow this weekend! :drinker: Not 10"....more like 2". :ohwell: But it is much needed and made everything look pretty for a little while. But we will be in the 50s by mid-week so it won't last long. But beggars can't be choosers I suppose. Took Saturday off from workouts (as usual) but was right back at it yesterday. I started yesterday off with HiiT Double Wave Pyramid, followed by Leaner Legs and the upper body work of High Reps. It felt good! Today was IMAX2 followed by 300 walking lunges (which felt much better today than last week, despite doing LL yesterday!) and LIS Turbo Barre. So, yeah, my legs are fried. But I had tons of energy today, so it felt great to working out.

    Erika, I was thinking about you (and Laurie) when I was watching the football game in Green Bay last night and wondering if you were getting some of the snow as well. I'm glad you did! I'm sure that helps with the Christmas spirit. I hope your commute went well. That's the only pain of snow, isn't it? Glad the workouts are going well. Sounds like it is a perfect thing for you to be doing right now. I'm kind of dong weights every day right now, alternating lower and upper body. I think I will have one day this week (Thursday) that I don't do weights but will be doing yoga instead. I really like to do a combo of cardio and weights most days if I can because it seems to be the perfect blend for my mind (cardio) and body (strength training). This rotation I'm doing is perfect for that. I still thank Tami for it!!

    Tami, glad the Insane Abs class worked! Is it different from the DVD Insane Abs? It sounds like it!! I'm sorry about your soggy mess up there. Did you get more snow/rain this weekend? I still can't believe how dry it is here. I'm sure it is burned out now, but we had a forest fire burning in the mountains last week. In December. In the mountains. That's not a good sign for our water levels OR our tourism because we need skiers to come to Colorado! But looking at the weather forecast, this past storm was a one-off and we are back to sunny dry days for the foreseeable future. DH and I are talking about barbecuing on Christmas. How crazy is that? Anyhow, saw the update on X-TRAIN this morning. It is getting closer!! But I'm wondering what kind of rotation she will come up for it. Have you seen anything on it? I admit to not being on Cathe's site for the longest time :blushing: . I'm hoping there is something like a three month rotation for this program and not just a one month rotation.

    Michelle and Laurie, hope you are well and enjoyed your weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Yes, we do have a little snow (like 1-2”) as well and cold temps so it looks a bit more like Christmas than Fall like weather! Nothing like the Midwest! :huh: I was thinking of you Erika and I bet you are so, so happy! Good weekend for me with workouts and productivity as far as a few gifts purchased, tree up, decorations up & I bought a Ham for Christmas dinner (request of DH). So that feels good. Workouts I did were: Sat, Afterburn and yesterday was Cardio Supersets Xtreme pre-mix. Tonight will be BootCamp.

    Erika: Yay for you on the snow! :drinker: Great job with your workouts, again it sounds like those self instructed workouts are going so well for you, that’s awesome! I thought it was a great idea as well on the Spinning. I bought a girl gift and a boy gift this weekend in preparation for that. Should be fun. :wink:

    Laurel: Very nice job on the workouts! :bigsmile: Glad to hear you gave yourself a little rest on Sat. Don’t you just love high energy days?! Definitely the Insane-Abs is not patterned from his DVD. He takes some of his moves and put them into an “Insanity” format. 3 exercises one min ea & repeat, then same thing but increasing the intensity on each set of 3. The last set had the side burpees, walking push-ups, mountain climbers, etc. I saw the update too! Could be right after Christmas or a couple weeks after. She will have more definitive time frame by the end of this week. Yes she has 2 different 90 day rotations: XTrain 90 Day Undulating, Optional XTrain & Low Impact Series 90 Day Program and then a few 30 day programs. One patterned after her CTX series and one with optional Upper Body Strength, third one with Cycling into the rotation. So I’m anxious to see them too but either one of the 90-day sound great from the title! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie & Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow, Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Another great workout this morning! :bigsmile: Took some workouts from CLX and did those and then did a 20 minute self instructed kickboxing workout. Now, I just need to actually view some of my kickboxing DVD's for more ideas, as I started to run out of ideas at the 20 minute mark! :laugh: I'm finding I push myself MUCH harder by self instruction than I do while following a DVD. Don't know why?!?

    Tami--Yay, you got snow too, and were super productive this weekend! :bigsmile: We got lots of snow, and we're supposed to get more on Saturday, although they aren't sure exactly how much. I'll take it all! Roads here are pretty messy, as the snow was super wet, so now we're left with ice. Lots of people in the ditch, and a long commute yesterday, but I had already planned on it, so we're all good! Nice weekend workouts!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I'm glad you go some snow too, but sounds like yours will melt. We'll get up to the lower 30's this week, but that's it. I think we're in the deep freeze now for the season! Great job on Sunday and Monday's workouts...the combos sound really fun and lots of variety. I have already noticed a difference in my body just focusing more on weights and less on cardio (I'm sticking to 20 min or less for cardio when I do it). I think adding in a 10-20 minute cardio after weights is the perfect mix! :bigsmile:

    Hi Michelle and Laurie!

    Have a great one!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    It has been a busy weekend packing, repacking, cleaning prior to departure along with last minute Christmas picks:bigsmile: I enjoyed some indoor running with some Hill training this weekend on the treadmill along with some Core Fusion Thighs. I'm hoping to do a fun KB workout and a FB routine and then hit the road for errands. So I asked for chill temps and it is here:ohwell: This morning a drastic shift to sweater gear and turning back on the heat after using the AC this weekend:grumble:

    Tami- Snow..yippee Christmas weather is there for you:bigsmile: I'm not sure if that is your thing but some white snow before traffic destroys its pristine state is always a plus:bigsmile:

    Erika- Too funny as this weekend while in the kitchen I was KB and my daughter was laughing because I was sooo caught up in these moves and I'm doing a jump kick at the refrigerator followed by a roundhouse and upper cuts...and there was no music, just me, my youngest and this energy:blushing: :laugh: I can sooo relate:bigsmile:

    Laura & Laurie- Wow all of my ladies had snow this weekend:bigsmile: The not so fun part is of course when it melts and then low temps combined with the water creates havoc. Be careful and enjoy your day:bigsmile:

    Off to get moving as I'm behind schedule as usual it seems:blushing:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good combo today. I started with Afterburn. Followed it with Cathe's Bonus Butt workout, but instead of doing the leg conditioning drills from LBB (since I did Turbo Barre yesterday), I did the floorwork from PLB. That just kills me! Then to finish it up, I did PUB! :love: I'm loving these combos right now, and feel by body is getting a really good all-over workout.

    Tami, thanks for the information on the rotations! I definitely have to get over there and look at Cathe's site. But those 90 rotations do sound terrific! Great job, as always, on the workouts! How are you enjoying this rotation?

    Erika, so interesting about pushing yourself harder doing it on your own!! Maybe it is because you are doing what you want to do, so you are enjoying it more. I'm glad this is working for you. Wish we were going to keep our snow longer, but it is almost gone just because of sunshine alone! We are still cold, but the sun is packing some heat. It will all be gone tomorrow as we warm up to 50. Oh, well.

    Michelle, when are you off on your cruise?!? That sounds like so much fun. I hope you have a great time! Sorry to hear about the colder temps. My DH is down your way right now (going to Montgomery), but he didn't mention the cold. I'll probably hear about it later. :wink:

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    Off to vacuum the house. :ohwell: See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile: Nice BootCamp class again last night! She had me lead our group in the stair running inside the gym:huh: …. She always splits us into two groups and tells us to go run the stairs. Actually two weeks in a row now she has had me lead our group come to think of it. Makes me push hard, which is good. :wink: Lots of core work, cardio and at the end we did a shoulder “burn-out” with push-ups and overhead presses. This a.m. was Athletic Training, tonight will be Insane-X.

    Erika: Love the smiley faces around all the “snow” you are getting! :bigsmile: I’m sure besides the mess it is very festive! Ours is barely here but we are supposed to get a couple inches tonight. Nice job on the workouts and it sounds as though you are finding just the right mix for your body right now! That’s so great …. Keep it up!

    Michelle: Crazy weather from shorts & tanks, A/C to the heater on! Yowsa. :noway: Sounds like you are keeping very busy in preparation of your trip and your workouts too! Great job. I do like the snow and miss it so I’m glad to see we had a little arrive. Several years ago we had record breaking snowfalls for two years in a row so I’m sure some wish it would never come back. I enjoy it!

    Laurel: Yowsa lady! What a combo today …. Sounds more like a Trifecta! :bigsmile: Nice job, your energy level is up there forsure. The actual rotations themselves aren’t posted yet, just the names of them. Sounds like she has definitely put a lot of thought into this program though making it work for everyone! Again I say … CAN’T WAIT!! :bigsmile: I am really liking this rotation… I’ve substituted a couple workouts coming up and doing an add-on w/ the Lower Body Tri-Sets since it is so short (that’s tomorrow). It’s lots of fun though and a great one month rotation. Looks like I’ll need to figure out something for 2-3 weeks after but that’s ok. Lots of choices! Next week I am leaving on Thurs to go see my mom thru Mon a.m. As I say EVERY time I go, I hope to get in some workouts but this time I’ve got to just make it happen! It will be so good to see her and have our Christmas time together. How is your mom doing by the way?

    Hello Laurie – Hope things are good with you!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was HiiT 30/30 followed by Butts and Guts. But I changed up B&G a bit, and instead of doing the standard workout, I did the Leg Blast premix (that has all of the leg presses) followed by the lower body work (including the bonus glute squeezes with the stability ball). It took that workout to about 90 minutes, and I must admit my legs were screaming during the floor work. Must have been that PLB work yesterday. No doubt my legs are going to enjoy a bit of a break tomorrow!!

    Tami, how fun that you get to be a leader in your class! That says alot about what the instructor thinks of you. It would make me push harder as well knowing that people were 'following' me. Great job! So glad you are enjoying this rotation. It really looks like a good one. I'm glad you are getting a chance to go see your mom. Thanks for asking about mine. She is doing well. In fact, I'm supposed to go visit her the first week in February. I was kind of hoping to get at least one month of the X-TRAIN rotation in before we go, but I'm wondering if that is going to happen. If we don't get them until mid-January, I may wait to start them until I get back. I will completely understand if you don't want to wait that long to start (if that is what happens), and you can 'show me the way' on these new workouts! :happy: But I would hate to get two weeks into it and then have to take a week off. I'm really looking forward to the trip to see my mom, though. And DH is going with me this time, which will be extra fun! The good thing about visiting mom is I usually get some workout time, and that is good.

    Hope everybody is well! I will be gone the next two days (Christmas parties and more Christmas parties!!), so I hope you all enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I have not been working out! :sick: Really bad cold, and the youngest and DH are also down for the count. So it is sickness running wild in our house. I was thinking of working out today, but now that I'm sitting here at work I'm not feeling that great again, so probably will opted to nix that idea. :wink: So everything else in the house is at a standstill also. Wanted to get some cookie baking done this weekend, but that didn't happen. This to shall pass, just have to have some patience. :wink:

    I did receive my Combat workouts, but have not had the will to even look at them. :frown:

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts you have there! Leg Presses on purpose! :noway: I have done that premix, and it was a good one. You are really getting those legs good. Have they said when the X-Train will be shipping, I have not been online since Friday, so I have not clue what is going on in the world of fitness. :huh: :laugh: I'm glad to hear that your Mom is doing good. Nice that your DH is going with you. :wink:

    Tami, What a great thing to be the leader of the group! I would imagine having a bunch of people behind you would make you work extra hard. :happy: Nice that you get to go see you Mom also. We will be visiting my parents during the week of Christmas, just hope there are not to many of the other family around. It can get pretty crowded in the house when we are all there. :laugh:

    Michelle, Can't believe your weather! I'm wrapping up in my winter coat and boots! :laugh: Of course the dog just loves this cold weather, so I have to venture out. We didn't get all the snow that everyone else did, but had some. I think these colds are from that drastic change in the weather. We had some warm weather, and this area has been hit hard with sickness since that happened. One of my friends little one is in the hospital because of this cold season.

    Erika, I saw you all had a ton of snow dropped on you! Glad you are enjoying your workouts. :wink: Sounds like a fun idea mixing up your own kickboxing.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insane-X was TOUGH last night. :huh: Due to the finale at the end. After the whole class was over & we were thinking a little water and stretch was next …. NO! She had us all line up on the back line of the gym. Yes, you all know what was next. We had to do a set of lines, full length of the gym plus10 burpees. Just catch our breath and do it again! It was craziness :noway: But I did it and was happy at the end. This a.m. was Tri-Sets – Lower Body which was great but I had planned to have a follow-up of HiiT 30/30. Due to some technical difficulties n the beginning I ran out of time. :frown: Tonight will be Spinning. We didn’t get the snow like they called for ….. apparently up in the mtns a bit but not down here.

    Laurel: That sounds like a long/tough combo this a.m. I’m sure your legs were definitely feeling it at the end. Nice job. Thanks for the encouragement on “leading” :laugh: I was thinking because I am a "regular" she asked me. That’s so great you will be going to see your mom as well & that DH is going with you. :smile: I don’t hesitate for one second when I say that I absolutely will wait for when you get back to start X-TRAIN! :bigsmile: We are in this together my friend. Looking forward to it and in my excitement for that to start I can absolutely take advantage of another rotation prior to that. :wink: NO worries! Enjoy your parties the next couple of days. We have our company party & my DH’s on Friday evening. Always happens that way on the same night.

    Laurie: I am so sorry to hear you have been sick :flowerforyou: That is never fun. Lots of people here are sick too. I hope it turns for the better very soon ….. Good that you are not trying to push it with workouts on top of the sickies. :wink: Yes, be patient – it will pass and everything will come together plus you will be all better for Christmas! :wink: Thanks for the kudos on group leader, pretty funny. True, when you have a group of people running behind you tends to make you push even harder. Don’t want them passing me or something. :laugh:

    Hello Erika & Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening ladies!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Well, I decided to snooze yesterday morning, so no workout, but came home and felt like working out, so I did my own weights workout (triceps) and then my own hiit workout. Well, something I did in my hiit workout re-aggrivated my lower back, and now I'm out again for a little while. I can't figure out what it is though. I did burpees and mountain climbers, but I do those in my TF Hiit workouts all the time, and never have a problem. I am starting to think it is jump roping. There was A LOT of that in JNL Fusion, which is when I hurt my lower back to start with, and I did a lot of that in my hiit workout last night. Ugh, hopefully some ice and rest will only knock me out of competition for a day!

    Tami-Wowsa on the Insane-X class!!! :noway: I'm not sure I would make it! :laugh: Bootcamp sounds more manageable, however the shoulder burnout would be tough for me...I've been noticing how bad my DOMS after shoulder days, and I'm not doing a whole lot, just yet! Once again, great mixes on the at home it! I just heard we are due for more snow this weekend, possibly as much as the last dumping, but it all depends on the track it takes, if we end up with snow here or freezing rain. Could be interesting!

    Laurie--I'm sorry to hear everyone in the house is battling a cold!:ohwell: I keep waiting for it to hit our household, as it seems to have hit everyone else I know, but so far not here. Get lots of rest and the workouts will come later! We gotta have you all better in time for Christmas! :wink:

    Laurel--Great job in switching up the B&G workout a bit to make it more intense! :bigsmile: I love that you have the motivation and energy to do that...I'd be having a fight with myself over that...mind would want to do it, body wouldn't, and then who knows where I'd end up! :laugh: Enjoy your parties, and warmer weather! We got up to 40 yesterday, which actually was nice as we had washboard roads from the snowstorm due to how wet the snow was, it left washboard like ice on the roads. Yesterday finally melted that mess! Now, just preparing for snowstorm #2!

    Michelle--I heard about your chilly weather there, wow! I hope all the last minute prep for vacation is going well, and you are ready to relax and enjoy some time with the family! You deserve it!!

    Time to get ready for work! Can't believe it's Thursday already! I think all these weeknight activities for the boys (hockey, religion, school programs, etc) are making it fly. Last night I got home, walked in the door, ate as fast as I could, and out the door we went for the night. Ugh, this is only going to be more frequent as the boys get older! :grumble: