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Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Thanks for the prayers for my Dad, I'm sure that it will not be to much longer with the update we received this morning. He did open his eyes yesterday when my Mom talked to him. :) As my SIL said, he is a "tough old bird". :'(

    We got in our last Beastmode workout with Day 10 HiiT. This one used a dumbbell, but the hr really got up there. Both of us where sweating, but we enjoyed this hiit workout more than last weeks. No jumping!!! This morning I didn't workout. After work will be our first try with the Heat workouts. Of course I read that the first leg workout is pretty tough, guess we will get through that also.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great weekend away, and getting to enjoy some nice weather. Great job with the workouts! Love the Pyramid workouts! Are you going to be doing the Imax workout also? That one was one of her toughest Imax's. Today is suppose to be our last heat day, and then back into the 70's. With the humidity it just isn't nice to be outdoors.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! Glad to hear that you where able to go up in your weight on the shoulders. I hear you on the weights for the hip thrusts. It really is hard getting those weights on and off to get to the next exercise. This HiiT workout I had to use a lighter weight, but then Caroline also used a light weight for her. :D I was able to use 12#, but did use an 8# for the Side Plank Row. My brothers melanoma is past tense, but of course he is always aware of anything that changes on his skin.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Pyramid Lower Body followed by Cathe’s live class from last week which was Kick, Box and Sweat. This workout was very moderate in intensity with little jumping and was perfect for after the leg workout. Ever since she put out Gloved Up and Sweaty last year, her live Kickboxing workouts have all been pretty similar in intensity to that, and for me that is great news.

    Thelma, great workouts. I agree about having bigger plates to roll over the legs, but I just can’t justify replacing my entire barbell unit, which I think I would have to do. But maybe after my next go around with STS 2.0, I will change my mind. We hit 96 yesterday and it is only going to get warmer and more humid through the week. But, thankfully, next week we are supposed to be back down into the lower 80s with maybe some chances of rain again.

    Laurie, great workout. But I am so sorry to hear about your dad. That is such tough news to get. I am thinking about you. Regarding IMAX 2, I think I am going to do the IMAX Extreme workout from The Terminator DVD because, while it is longer, it is easier than IMAX 2 because it is blended with some of the step and weight workout from Cardio and Weights which is easier. At least I hope I am remembering that right. :o

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Walking, Yoga and CG Fuel Day - 23 Glutes & Hamstrings Tempo.
    The glute workout was a killer, but I liked it. I gave you the wrong weight on barbell for hip thrusts. It's just 42# and I topped it with a 12# dumbbell.
    I've decided that I am not worried about doing super heavy hip thrusts at this time. Right now, I feel challenged with 55#, so I'm going to focus on form.
    I spent about 20 minutes after the workout stretching and massaging my thighs, glutes and back. It helped me not to feel tight.

    We had another humidity free day.

    Laurie, I am do sorry about your dad's conditions. Sending prayers to your entire family.

    Great job with that Hiit workout! I feel that I get a better hip thrust with dumbbells instead of my long barbell, so I'll use the heaviest dumbbell.

    You do have to use lighter weights in Hiit workouts.

    I am glad your brother is doing well now.

    Laurel, great workouts! Kickboxing can be a lot of fun.

    I can't justify getting an Olympic weight either.

    Thank God it hasn't been humid here!

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Started our first workout of Epic Heat with Day 1 Uncomplicated Complexes Leg Day. She did 3 min. of three exercises, each done 10x on repeat. It was a tough workout, but both of us got through it with a lot of sweat. :D This morning I did Raw Shadowboxing 2. Really enjoyed this one, she did touch your front toe hook, touch your back toe upper cut and then a jab. Great way to get the hr up, without doing any jumping.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts! Sure do love the sound of that kickboxing workout. I have to pull out the Gloved Up and Sweaty workout again. I so enjoy that one, and hopefully she will do some more of those besides live ones. ;) Doing the Terminator workout sounds like a good call. Was Imax 2 the one with the Jeannie hops? I hated those so much. :D When I got into my car yesterday it read 103. I had every window open until the ac started to cool the interior down.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Working on your form is a solid plan. I also think that using the dumbbells is easier. I really do need to start looking at thrift stores for heavier weights, or the used sports equipment. Of course FB marketplace might be another one, just have not looked at that avenue.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute spin into Intensity Series Bootcamp. This Bootcamp workout has always been a bit hit or miss for me, but I really enjoyed it today.

    Thelma, great workouts. I completely agree about focusing on form more than weight, especially in a move like hip thrusts which involves using so many different muscles just to get into position. Our humidity stayed pretty low yesterday as well making it fairly tolerable. But that is supposed to start changing today or tomorrow.

    Laurie, great workouts. Sounds like a good workout with which to start a new rotation. Yes, IMAX 2 is the one with all the genie hops. There is no way I will be hopping in one leg for that long anymore! You are definitely hot up there right now. We are supposed to hit 99 today. DH can’t take his phones into his work area (he works in a classified space), and he has started taking a cooler with ice to keep his phones from frying in the car. :o

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, Wednesday was my rest/baking day. I experimented with pumpkin, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, brown sugar, raisins in a soft sandwich loaf for Saturday's French toast brunch. It came out great. I'm also making an artisan pumpkin loaf with pumpkin spice, cranberries and walnuts. This turned out to be a super wet dough. I had to add more flour. I'm going to bake it on Thursday afternoon. I have some ripe bananas, and some canned pumpkin left so I'll make DH an after-dinner banana-pumpkin bread.

    My workouts were two walking sessions and a CG ab workout that had my abs screaming.

    The humidity definitely kicked in on Wednesday afternoon, but not too bad yet.I went out on the deck and the air felt thick.

    Laurie, awesome job pushing through that hard leg workout!! Good luck finding bigger weights. You may want to check this holiday weekend. A lot of people in those CG FB groups get their weights through Walmart.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you enjoyed the Intensity workout this time around!

    I have no idea how people can thrust those heavy barbells. I rather do extra reps. Caroline had a banded hip thrust finisher yesterday without weights. I used the dumbbells given that I wasn't thrusting a heavy load.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday's workout was another tough one. Epic Heat Day 2 was Superior Shoulders. I started out with 15#, then down to 12#, down to 10# and back up to 12's. :D The weight depended on the muscle she was working, and the first part of the workout was all presses. So that was the reason the for decline as the workout progressed. Once she moved to different parts of the shoulder to work, I was able to go back up a little. This is one of those workouts that you can see the muscles working. ;) This morning was some Yin Yoga with Travis, and I decided to do one that was for shoulders. :D

    Laurel, Nice workouts! Glad that Bootcamp was a good one for you this time around. I have always looked at that one, and then just put it back on the shelf. It may have been because of the time factor. They are saying that we will have a nice weekend, once the storms go though tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that with all this heat we have been dealing with. What a great idea for the phone.

    Thelma, Good job on the workouts! I think I know what ab workout you tired, I have had that experience with a couple of them. The breads all sound delish! Sounds like you are really getting the feel for your dough. I have gotten a lot of my db's from Walmart. I feel bad ordering online, and the delivery person has to drop those heavy weights off.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was IMAX Xtreme from The Terminator DVD. As I mentioned to Laurie a couple of days ago, this is a 75 minute blend of IMAX 2 and Cardio and Weights. It surprised me today because it felt really good and flew by…..though after the last IMAX interval, I was ready for it to be over. But I am glad I chose this workout over doing either of those two workouts individually.

    Thelma, your baking sounds so good! And great workouts. We are under a heat advisory today as our humidity rates have jumped up significantly and the high is supposed to be near 100. Hopefully just a few more days of this. Do you have many snakes around you? Last night after dinner I was spraying our plants because the deer are eating them again and, literally, stumbled across a black snake in our front yard that was about 4” long. Yes, I screamed. B) I have never seen anything like that around here and was wondering if you have anything like that there. Between the ocelot, the armadillo, and now this pretty big snake, I am beginning to wonder what else is going to pop up! Not good.

    Laurie, great workouts. The yoga sounds like a perfect workout this morning. I hope you don’t get hit with too bad of storms. They are predicting some here as well, but nothing severe yet. But the cooler weather will be much appreciated when it arrives here next week. And I did manage to do some of the genie hops one legged today! Not all, but some. I couldn’t help but think about you while doing them. Not my favorite move either.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were walking and CG Fuel Day - 24 Dumbbell Full Body CORE.

    This week has been some kind of a breakthrough week for me because I've been at my strongest yet. This core workout was huge. I was holding 1-minute planks, two-legged and one-legged planks. I was doing full makers! CRAZY! I was doing renegades and makers with 15# dbells! I am doing full, shallow pushups, but this is huge progress for me. I also did the high lunges with a barbell for the first time. I'm still at 8.1# for shoulder presses because anything heavier makes me arch my back. I started with 5# presses, though, so progress has been made.
    I have scoliosis and have had a small hump at the top of my spine ever since I can remember. That thing is hardly visible now. I also have a curvature below the bra area that makes me stand sort of curved to the side, THAT is also disappearing! I told my chiropractor about it, and she said it's because I'm strengthening my core and back muscles. Amazing! I may not show muscle definition, but I have definitely gained something under the hood. I'm not even lifting heavy weights, but I have done the work and the weights I was using were challenging me.

    My artisan bread came out really good too. Who knew that you could bake so many things with a single can of pumpkin!! I've yet to make the banana/pumpkin bread. I never in my wildest dreams imagined myself baking but look at me now! LOL.

    My aunt told me there was a 6.1 earthquake in El Salvador on Wednesday. She got really scared needless to say. Thank God they're fine.

    Laurie great workouts! I feel that CG focuses a lot on shoulders in her programs which I love.

    I definitely felt my abs talking to me today and my glutes are still talking to me from Tuesday's workout! I hear you on feeling bad about ordering heavy weights online. Do you have a local TJMaxx? Ours carries some heavy weights from time-to-time. I imagine Marshall's would, too.
    I am definitely getting the feel for my dough. I write everything down, so I can easily reproduce or correct recipes. My pumpkin cranberry bread didn't have sugar, but it came out great. I should've measured the cranberries with my heart though. BTW, I'm not using my Dutch oven for my sourdough bread. Instead of making boules, I'm making loaves now. It's easier on the back and the latest trend. People are using two loaf pans with flat rims, so you can use one as the cover. Loaves are easier to store.

    Laurel, amazing work with that Xtreme workout! Good job!

    We hit 91 on Thursday afternoon. The sun was on fire! I still don't think the humidity was high.
    The only snake I've seen was here was a 5" skinny little thing. Thank God we haven't run into any big snakes. Surprisingly, I didn't scream. I ran inside to get my phone, so I could take a picture. It was right on our driveway. We really don't see a lot of wildlife other than deer and turkeys. I have security cameras and sometimes I see a fox and a racoon at night.

    This is what our local weather guy posted Thursday morning. The map shows all of FL in dark green and most of GA, BUT our area is in a much lighter green, which means we won't get the rain others will get.

    Some BIG weather changes ahead next week. See that big high pressure moving out of Canada? The center is over the eastern Great Lakes. The lines around the center are called ISOBARS. They are lines of equal air pressure. Everyone around the same line has the same barometric pressure. The closer these lines are, the faster the winds. Winds flow clockwise around high pressure. Notice the “kink” in the isobars east of the Appalachian Mountains? That’s the cool air from the ocean being slammed up against the side of the mountains and being forced down into Georgia. This called COLD AIR DAMMING. We fondly call it “The Wedge”. This happens next Tuesday resulting in widespread rain and temps in the 70s! Now when Severe Weather Team 2 shows this on the current weather map, you will all be experts!

    Have a wonderful weekend! I may be going to yoga class on Saturday morning because one of my favorite instructors is teaching.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 20 minute spin into Muscle Endurance. Once I got into the Muscle Endurance workout, I enjoyed it. But the first ten minutes when Cathe is completely over-repping squats, I wanted to throw something at the TV. But it got better from there, thankfully.

    Thelma, great workouts! And it really sounds like you are making some excellent progress. Probably recovering from your surgery made you focus more, and, honestly, that is a lesson I need to learn from you. Cathe says it all the time that form is the key, but I still sometimes just am not paying attention to what I am doing. Congratulations on all of your progress.

    We are supposed to get the weather change next week as well, but with less rain chances I believe. We were 98 yesterday and forecasted for that again today. But last night we had a little cloud cover and a breeze and I was comfortable sitting outside with DH after dinner in long pants, so it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. But, boy, we need some rain.

    The only reason I yelped with the snake is because I was within centimeters of stepping on it and it started slithering. Now when I walk through the grass, I make sure to keep my eyes focused on where I am walking. DH came out after I yelped and the snake had crawled into one of our garden areas and was slithering about. DH stayed about six feet away and the only thing he said was ‘That’s a big snake’. I kind of knew that already. :D

    I am glad your aunt is okay. That is a scary sized earthquake.

    Enjoy the long weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a good weekend. Ours was good but very busy. I feel like I need a day off just for me.

    My workouts on Friday - Walking, Travis Elliot Yin Yoga for Upper Body. This was a 27-minute workout to release neck and shoulder tension, and THAT it did! It was amazing. My upper back and shoulders were really tight after the crazy burpee workout the day before. I felt the release after I was done with the workout. Amazing. I will definitely be doing this workout again.
    Saturday - Walking.
    Sunday = Walking and Tracy Steen Norwegian HIIT Workout 4x4 - VO2 Max Workout.
    Monday - Walking, Hot Yoga and Dumbbell LEG DAY COMPLEX Workout.

    Sunday was going to be CG Fuel Day 25 - HIIT burpees. There was no way my body wanted to do more burpees after last week's burpee workout, so I decided to listen to my body and found a Tracy workout. Boy, I'm so glad I did!

    Tracy has been listening to Dr Rhonda Patrick talk about the benefits of the Norwegian 4x4 training and did a workout based on the protocol. I LOVED it. I had fun with the workout and the HR readings from my fitness watch.
    I didn't have time to read about the benefits of this Norwegian 4x4 training method to increase V02 Max, but the workout was awesome, and I felt rejuvenated after it.
    I hadn't jumped in a long time, but I was able to do it. I was definitely working within my 90-95% HR max, but I was not able to recover within 50-60% of my max HR during the three-minute recovery time. I definitely need to work on this.

    The Norwegian 4x4 Protocol for Increasing VO2 Max

    4 minutes hard (85%-95% max heart rate ... these should be BRUTAL)

    Then 3 minutes lower intensity (similar to zone 1)

    Repeat 4x

    Here is the link to Dr. Patrick's tweet about the 4x4 protocol and podcast if you're interested.

    This is an article that talks about the doctor's bio and VO2 max training.
    Dr. Rhonda Patrick Shares Vo2 Max ‘Norwegian 4×4 Protocol’ To Make Your Heart 20 Years Younger

    We finally got rain! Late Sunday afternoon we got a 10-minute shower. Right before the shower DH said, look at that! and pointed to the mountains. There was this wall of rain traveling toward the left of the ridge. It was amazing to see the rain moving to the left of those mountains. It eventually turned our way hours later. It was a windy thunderstorm, but no rain at first, and when it started to rain it rained pretty hard for a while. We got 1.5" of rain. Our current forecast is showing rain from Wed night into Thursday.
    We are under moderate drought conditions again.

    Laurel, great workouts! Too funny about you wanting to throw something at the TV during those first 10 minutes of the endurance workout.

    Thanks for the kudos on my workouts and progress. I find that with Cathe I am always trying to keep up with her because there's a set number of reps per set. Caroline rarely gives you a number of reps, she gives you a timer. She always says, "you vs. you", which is something I've learned to embrace.

    I hope you got some rain also. We definitely hit 91 on Friday. I don't know about Saturday's temp because I was busy inside the house cleaning, doing laundry and making dinner.

    I've become brave about bugs since we moved here, but I've never seen a big snake. A lady I know found two copperheads right outside her door and she almost stepped on one, and her husband on the other. This happened in the last two day! I would've never left my house after that!
    When I found the 5" snake last year, I opened my arms as wide as possible to tell him how big it was! LOL
    Was your snake 4 ft or inches long?

    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I wasn't online Friday, took the day off. On Saturday my Dad passed away peacefully, which I thank God for. He was a great Dad, and will be missed. We spent time with the DD's on Sunday, so I received some grandson time. Yesterday my sister invited us over for a cookout. It was a nice time spent with my sister and brother. Our weather is soooo nice, the morning's are in the 50's and during the day it is so nice that we can leave the windows open.

    Our workouts where:

    Thursday Epic Heat Day 3 Depleted Lower Body (good but tough)
    Friday Off
    Saturday Epic Heat Day 4 Full Body Fuse Workout (total sweat fest)
    Sunday Off
    Monday Epic Heat Day 5 Burpee Bonanza HiiT (crazy amount of burpee's, but we got through it!)
    This morning we did Epic Heat Day 6 Charged Chest and Triceps (Both muscle groups are fried)

    We are going to be meeting friends tonight, so DH got up early to get our workout in.

    Laurel, Great job with those workouts! I did have to laugh about your description of the first portion of ME. :D Thanks for thinking of me during those genie hops also. Our storms where pretty tame, it was just rain. Of course the leaves are starting to fall, so it really has the feel of fall right now.

    Thelma, Such great news on your strength gains, and of course all the added benefits of having that core strength. I'm sure that you will continue to improve as you move through all the Caroline workouts!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Laurie, I am so sorry to hear about your father. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I am happy you were able to spend time with your family over the weekend, and I hope you can continue to do that. Great job with the workouts. No doubt working out is giving you some moments of normalcy during this time.

    Our weekend was pretty good but busy. DH left this morning for a few weeks, so we did a lot of yard work and ran a ton of errands so I am prepared for all of the work I will need to do as we head into fall. September is one of our busier months as we try to prepare our grass for winter and such, so I have a ‘honey do’ list while he is gone. Thankfully we had rain both Saturday and Sunday which was wonderful and today we are back in the mid-80s which feels pretty good after last week.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did Fit Tower Legs, Glutes and Core and 45 minutes of Peloton yoga. Sunday was Rockout Knockout. Yesterday was Fit Tower Total Body and a 30 minute spin. And today was Party Rockin’ Step 2 and 20 minutes of Peloton Pilates. This is my last week of this weird rotation I have done this summer, and it is a blend of the Fit Tower series and the workouts Cathe released in 2012. So far it is a fun way to end this revisiting of Cathe workouts. I am still not quite sure what I am going to be doing next week though.

    Thelma, great workouts. That 4x4 concept sounds really interesting. But that is a long time to spend with that high of a heart rate. I think I would have to build up to that for sure. I am glad you got some rain. My snake was four feet not four inches. Oops that I posted the wrong symbol. I don’t think I would have noticed a four inch snake. Thankfully he has not reappeared, but I am still a little unsettled when I am walking on that side of the house. DH looked up what kind of snake it was and said it was harmless, but I still don’t want to come close to it again. If I found a copperhead, though, we would have moved already. That would scare me.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were walking, Yin Yoga and CG Fuel Day 27 - TEMPO - Shoulders, Chest & Triceps.

    Our chances of rain have completely evaporated.

    Laurie, I am so sorry about your dad. My condolences to you and your entire family. How is your mom doing? I'm glad you got to spend time with your family over the weekend.

    Great job getting your workouts in!
    I hope I can continue to improve with CG's workouts.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    The weather was beautiful on Tuesday in BR, too.

    I think I would've died if I saw such a big snake.

    See you tomorrow,
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I overslept this morning, so no workout. Will be getting in a workout when I get home. We are going to a car show, so I will not be online tomorrow or Friday. My Mom has set the funeral service for next week Friday, so I will be out for that also. Thanks for all the well wishes for me and the family. It will be a tough day next week.

    Laurel, Awesome job with all those workouts! Dang on that snake, I can't stand snakes no matter if they are harmless or not. :D The workouts are really great for me to concentrate on, and of course getting to laugh every once in a while when DH says something crazy while we are working out. He did that yesterday on one move, and I had to put my weights down from laughing. Sounds like you will be busy while your DH is a way. Can't believe that you are already at the end of your revisit rotation. Have fun exploring what you might want to do next.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! My Mom is doing pretty good. Of course it does help that right now she isn't alone. My brother has been staying with her, but is leaving today. I'm going to be calling her tonight, just to see if there is anything that she needs me to do for next week.

    Have a good rest of your week and enjoy the weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! I veered off track today and did a 120 minute spin for my workout. This is only the second time I have done such a long spin, and I am surprised how good I felt throughout. I decided to toss it in now because I really think I have convinced myself to start back up with STS next week, and I want to keep all of my cardio during that rotation under 45 minutes.

    Thelma, great workouts. Our rain chances have disappeared as well. I was so looking forward to cooler temperatures and rain, though I still think they are predicting lows in the 50s over the weekend. If that is the case, I will have every window in the house open for a few hours each day just for some fresh air.

    Laurie, I think it is wise right now not to workout if you don’t feel like it, so I am glad you took the morning off. The workouts will be there tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the car show this weekend and it gives you a little break before going in to another very difficult week.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, Wednesday was my rest day. I walked and did a Travis Eliot Yin for Hips and Back workout.

    Laurie, I am glad you allowed yourself a little extra sleep. Your body probably needed it. I am sure your dad's funeral service will be a very emotionally difficult day.
    I'm glad your brother has been staying with your mom.
    I think I'm 90% sure that my next CG rotation is going to be the Iron/Fuel Hybrid rotation.

    Have a great time at the car show!

    Laurel, amazing workout! 120 minutes! Wow! Good job!
    STS should feel good after all the hard work you've been doing.

    I'm sorry your chances of rain disappeared, too. It definitely feels like fall around here. The poplar trees are dropping their leaves already.

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Flex Train, X10 Low Impact and the chair stretch from the Step Boss series. I am surprised how good I feel today given yesterday’s long spin, which is a good thing. But I made sure not to push too hard today so I still feel good tomorrow.

    Thelma, sounds like a good recovery day. I just checked, and we are still in a moderate drought here despite the rain last weekend. A lot of trees and bushes are beginning to change color and I think part of that is fall and part of that is the dryness. I am not quite sure I am ready for autumn yet as much as I want the hot weather to go away. I am really beginning to notice the increasing darkness in the mornings and evenings, and that is never good for my mood or energy. Everything seems to be changing really fast this year. Mentally I am still wandering around somewhere in May. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were walking and CG Fuel Day 28 -POSTERIOR CHAIN CLUSTERS. I really like these clusters. It was a great workout. Two more Fuel workouts to go! I better decide what to do next!

    I've been doing Caroline's workouts for 3 months now. I started with baby weights because I was just starting to lift again post shoulder surgery. I hit my goal weight today and went shopping in my closet for the limited selection of smaller clothes I have. I was able to fit into a dress I've never worn, a denim skirt I've not worn in at least 15 years, and some shorts, too. I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, I really only had 4-5 lbs. to lose when I started these workouts three months ago. I've been good about food, but I wasn't limiting myself. CG has really helped with my size reduction. Needless to say, I'm seriously motivated to continue with these workouts.

    Our entire county is under moderate drought conditions now. A lot of northern GA is. Our next possible chance of rain is on 9/15, but that is too far away to be accurate.

    Laurel, great workouts! Isn't it amazing how sometimes we expect to feel tired the day after a workout, but it's just the opposite! Good job!

    I think the trees are dropping their leaves mostly due to the dryness.
    I am not sure I'm ready for fall yet, either. I'm definitely not ready for the time change. I know it's getting dark earlier because the chickens go to 'bed' earlier.
    I totally understand being back in May mentally! Time has flown by!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Party Rockin’ Step 1 followed by Cathe Live Cardio Blast Express. This latter workout was filmed a few weeks ago and was surprisingly tough. It started with about 10 minutes of standing abs, then it was 20 minutes of supine floor work alternating with plank moves. And, just for the record, I still don’t think any 30 minute core workout should be called ‘express’. ;):D

    Thelma, great workouts. I am so glad you are seeing such positive results from the Caroline workouts. That is amazing to be able to lose size and weight without really trying.

    Do you have a lot of hummingbirds this year? We are up to four feeders and Monday when we were refilling them, two were completely empty from just the week before. :o And they are certainly keeping us entertained as they fly about fighting over the feeders. This is, by far, the most we have ever had here. I hope it continues next year.

    Enjoy the weekend.
