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Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My mom did well with the surgery, and apparently she has good bone structure. Now for the recovery. She was complaining before the surgery that she didn't understand why she will have to stay in one position for 50 min. with only 10 min. of standing. She is one tough lady for sure.

    DH and I did Epic Heat Day 12 Opposing Upper Body. Enjoyed this one, but the rests where really short. :D This morning I just did a walk.

    Laurel, Nice job with those workouts! Glad that you found a step workout that will be a repeat when you need it again. Gosh I would love normal right now, but I don't think that will happen for quite a while. My youngest DD has gotten into golfing. She didn't know that my hometown had a golf course, so I'm guessing next time she goes up there will be some golfing involved. :)

    Thelma, Happy Anniversary! Great job with all the workouts! Guess that you really worked those muscles good doing your thrusts that way. I'm probably going to try that option next time we have a workout like that. Those one legged thrusts are killers, DH really seems to have a hard time with those. Not sure how mom's surgery was done, but she will be limited for at least two weeks. We are taking her to her doctors appointment when we venture up there in two weeks.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body and a 20 minute spin. And mowing, which is next on my agenda. I’m really looking forward to DH coming home soon. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. Sounds like you are really challenging yourself. We are fully back into summer this week with highs in the 90s expected this weekend. I am hoping this is the last of them, but I doubt it. Happy Anniversary!!! DH and I are total hermits as well.

    Laurie, so glad to hear your mom handled the surgery well. She does sound like a very strong woman. Great workouts. Give yourself time to grieve. It took me many months after losing each of my parents to feel like myself again. I am glad your DD is enjoying golf. DH and I haven’t played at all this year because of his schedule and it is driving both of us a little crazy.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies. Wednesday's workouts were walking and CG Beastmode Day 4 - FULL BODY. Thank God it wasn't a Hiit day!

    A few years ago I purchased two skorts and they were way too small for me. A few months ago I put them in a 'to give away' bag. Today I decided to dig them out of the bag and they fit me!! I never imagined I would be able to wear them! I also had three pairs of size 6 pants with the tags still on. They also fit me! Of course, these size 6 pants from 5 years ago. I'm sure today's size 6 are super tiny. Isn't that weird how clothes makers change their sizing to accommodate bigger figures at smaller sizes? Now that I think about the skorts and the pants were probably 6 years ago and they still have their tags on. I've gotten better at returning things on time!

    Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes ladies!

    Laurie, great workouts!

    I am so glad your mom's surgery went well! How long does she have to follow the 50 minutes in one position and 10 minutes of standing protocol for? That would has got to be hard to do. You know how it goes, the moment they tell you not to move, you can't sit still!

    I got my hamstrings good the other day. For hamstring thrusts you dig your heels on the bench, and for hip thrusts you put your fit flat on the wall/knees bent. Thank God there were no one legged thrusts in that workout.
    BTW, I swear CG loses counts of her sets in this Beastmode program! I am pretty sure sometimes we do 5 sets.
    It sounds like your mom may have had the rear incision surgery because the friend who had the front incision was walking right after the surgery.

    Laurel, great workouts! You are so good about mowing that lawn! I would not do it.

    If it weren't for pickleball and yoga DH and I would never get out of the house. Compared to the people who live here, we are total hermits.
    We are going to be in the 80's through next Wednesday, then the temps will drop into the mid to high 70's.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Our workout yesterday was Epic Heat Day 13 ISO & PLYO Combo. I was dreading this workout because it sounded tough, but I really liked it. She did 3 sets of 30 seconds, and the majority of the workout didn't use weights for the isolation moves. The plyo moves where doable, and I did do the low impact option when I needed to. DOMS in the legs this morning for sure. With that I did some Yin Yoga with Travis this morning.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts, and the mowing. I don't blame you for wanting your DH home. Not just because he will be home, but giving back the chores will be so welcome I'm sure. I have noticed the you haven't been golfing all that much this year. I hope that changes for you, but it sounds like your DH is doing a lot more traveling with his job.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workout! Yes CG does do 5 sets in some of the exercises, so she either on purpose or forgets how many sets she has done. The second week of Beastmode was my favorite week out of the two. Nice that you where able to pull those clothes out of the give away pile. You can replace them with items that are to big for you. ;) My sister was calling my Mom a sassy patient. I have not asked what type of surgery she has gone through, guess I will find out in a few weeks.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was ICE Rock’m Sock’m Kickbox, which is always a fun one for me. I followed it with 20 minutes of Peloton yoga.

    Thelma, great workouts. And yay on clothes fitting! I spend most of my life in my workout clothing anymore (see our hermit discussion) but every now and again, since I don’t weigh or measure myself, I will pull out a pair of shorts or jeans or something to see if they still fit. It always makes me feel good when they do. Somehow, I find that more satisfying than knowing what my actual weight is. DH and I go out to run errands and such, but if you can believe this, outside of travel, we haven’t eaten out since before the pandemic. We both prefer sitting on our deck, eating something off the grill, and if we want wine, not paying $15 for a glass. We talk about eating out…..but we just never do.

    Laurie, great workouts. It is always nice when a workout that you are dreading a bit turns out to be a good one. Unfortunately DHs travels do involve a lot of weekends so between that and our yard/house duties, we have had little time to hit the golf course. His job is changing a bit at the end of the year, so I have my fingers crossed it means more weekends home so we can get back into the golf routine. We both really miss it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hi ladies, Thursday's workouts were walking and Gina B Hiit. I just couldn't get myself to do a CG Hiit workout. It had been a long day and while testing a new vacuum around the house my back started to hurt.

    My yoga friends and I took a friend out to lunch to cheer her up because she broke her arm. I wore denim shorts and for the first time in at least 20 years I wore my t-shirt tucked in. My upper abs have flattened out enough for me to feel comfortable wearing a top tucked in.

    No signs of rain in our future.

    Laurie, great job with those workouts. I am amazed at how Caroline manages to give us DOMS all the time!

    I think Caroline loses count of the sets because she explains at the beginning of the workout that we'd be doing four sets of each exercise. I definitely need to donate some clothes!

    I love that your sister is calling your mom a sassy patient! So sweet! I hope your mom is feeling better.

    Laurel, great workouts! Rock'm Sock'm is a fun workout every time! I spend most of my life in shorts and t-shirts or sweats and t-shirts.

    I don't think I could ever stop weighing myself in every day. I keep track of the weight.

    We only started going out to dinner on Fridays since we moved here, but even that, we don't do every Friday anymore. We probably go out to dinner once or twice a month. I can't imagine paying that much for a drink, but I don't drink. DH may have a drink every once in a blue moon.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,501 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, I was so tired when I finally got home from work. We both agreed that we would do the full body workout when I get home. Had plenty of sleep last night, and I can tell I'm feeling way better today. This morning was mobility/ab work with Heather.

    Today is my 25th Anniversary at work. Now it's time to start preparing for retirement. o:) We even had a little rain this morning.

    Laurel, Love that workout! I can't wait to spend more time in my workout clothes. That is usually what I'm wearing on the weekends. :D Sitting outside and having a meal is a great way to end the day for sure. I will keep my fingers crossed that the change in your DH's job is for the best possible outcome for the both of you. We do have to tackle our yard this weekend, those walnuts need to get off the lawn before they start to rot.

    Thelma, Great job with the workout! I don't blame you for changing that hiit workout. We did do that workout, but it wasn't one that we enjoyed. Nice that you both where able to cheer up your friend, hope that she heals quick. I did chuckle at the shirt in the waistband, that is a great accomplishment. I was a bit surprised that I had doms since that workout didn't involve weights. All those moves where holds, which tax our muscles in a different way.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,868 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was STS 2.0 Supersets Total Body followed by Cathe Live Cardio Core Express. I have to admit that I was dreading this week of 2.0 total body workouts, but I enjoyed these workouts this week. I will repeat this week three more times during my rotation and that thought does not have me grimacing, which is a relief.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you skipped the HiiT since you were tired and your back hurt. No need to push it for sure. How sweet of you to take your friend out. I hope she heals quickly. We used to eat out once a week (a habit we started after DH left the military), but I have never really enjoyed eating out. That fact combined with how much DH has to eat out when he travels with his job is really why we just have never gone back to it. Happy Anniversary!!

    Laurie, I am glad you skipped the workout yesterday and let yourself rest. You’ve had a week (or two) for sure. Great workout this morning. Congratulations on your 25th anniversary at work. I’ve been wondering if you are thinking more about retirement. Not having to dress for work is one of the best perks of not working. :) I was reading outside yesterday afternoon to a constant sound of nuts falling off the trees, so I will be back out there this weekend as well. Not my favorite autumn activity.

    Enjoy the weekend.
