Days of our Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    lol.....u got that right!!!!!
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    just a random comment.... BUT, I can tell there are men writing for that show....since GIRLS would never swap boyfriends and still be friends - like Steph and Melanie are. - Didn't Stephanie start out dating Melanie's brother, and Melanie meddled, and then there was the whole Phillip thing.... I dunno, just in REAL life (obviously I know it's a soap) the girls wouldn't be friends.

    I honestly hate that. You speak of Steph and Mel, but this goes for the whole town. They all swap each others mates until someone new comes on the show. LOL
  • TizMeAim
    OMG I did not expect for carly to shoot Melanie I like to fall out of my seat when it happened, I hope mel is ok, and now that carly has spilled the beans they can have a good relationship!!!!!
  • msladyface
    Oh.My.Goodness! What is going on!? :laugh: Melanie is shot! I know she's going to be fine...they're not going to take her out of the show right now, but geez Days - give me a heart attack why dontcha! I'm anxious to see how Melanie reacts when she wakes up to find out that Carly's her mom...and that Vivian was really as crazy as people said...

    Poor Chloe...:frown: I hope they can do something - she and Daniel were so excited!

    Loving the fact that Bo called Hope "Fancy Face" in the hospital...:heart::heart: :heart:

    Oh and one more thing...note to are a B*TCH! Don't you know that Nathan will never care about you? Ugh..stop lying to yourself!
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Melanie will be fine I bet. I hope!! :cry:

    I think Carley will be arrested though and Bo will realize his place is with "Fancy Face", and speaking of WHAT happened to Hope?:explode:

    AND O M Geee can you guys see Chloe going crazy and being a looney from here on out? How dare DOCTOR Daniel take her through that, every one knows those home pregnancy test are not 100% accurate... hehehe.. this is so real life to us?!?
  • msladyface
    Lol Tasha - it's crazy how involved I am - my fiance makes fun of me everday!

    Hope got Bo's text from Carly telling him to meet him in the basement and went to make sure everything was ok since she knew about the comb and all. Gus pushed the boxes over onto her and Carly to let Vivian escape - Carly left Hope unconcious to try to save Melanie.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I missed the first 15-20 minutes yesterday, but saw most of the episode after that. I saw her get shot, we'll have to see what happens.... what a good one to catch - since I don't usually get to watch it, lots of stuff going on.
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    I usually watch at lunchtime, but I found out it comes on at 6 on the Soap Network. Will catch up tonight, I missed it today.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    that's what I did yesterday - watched it at 6 on SoapNet, but I work all the other days this week until 7pm, so I won't get to see it for probably another 2 weeks..
  • leavinglasvegas
    OMG! I hate that I'm missing it lately! Vivian is so freakin' crazy! Thats why I love her:laugh: She brings serious psycho-ness to the screen.

    I've got to have an old tape around here somewhere. I'm going to record it the old fashioned way tomorrw, I can't handle missing it anymore:cry:
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    well at least the secret is finally out!! i doubt melanie is gna die. i cant stand nathan or stephanie......ugh!!!!!!! im also soooooooo f'n sick of this crap with ej, sammy n rafe!!!! omg!!!! ej is sooooo pissin me off!!!! he needs to leave the show for a while!! rafe n sammy r finally back together n happy and the preview for thurs looks like sammys all pist at rafe again.....thanks to ej. theyre dragging this kidnapping thing out to far. its getting old and annoying!! ugh....i just had to get that off my
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    the sucky thing is the actor that plays EJ is so darn cute! ;)
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    lol....sometimes ej looks ok, other times, not so much. i cant believe that stafano hasnt figured this out. i mean, he can find anyone and he knows everything.....remember when nicole tried to leave with sydney and she was on the plane and stefano was in the hospital but had still found her and had someone waiting there to take her n sydney home.....but he cant find her now??? whatever!!!!!!!! lol!!! what was up with sammy at the end of todays show, storming outta the pub like that all pist at rafe....hes done sooooo much for sammy and shes such a ***** about it! i cant wait til this is over......just because they found her dress doesnt mean shes dead.....this is getting stupid!!!! who's writing this crap???!!!!
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    lol....sometimes ej looks ok, other times, not so much. i cant believe that stafano hasnt figured this out. i mean, he can find anyone and he knows everything.....remember when nicole tried to leave with sydney and she was on the plane and stefano was in the hospital but had still found her and had someone waiting there to take her n sydney home.....but he cant find her now??? whatever!!!!!!!! lol!!! what was up with sammy at the end of todays show, storming outta the pub like that all pist at rafe....hes done sooooo much for sammy and shes such a ***** about it! i cant wait til this is over......just because they found her dress doesnt mean shes dead.....this is getting stupid!!!! who's writing this crap???!!!!

    I said the exact same thing in an earlier post. Stefano should have been on top of all this, his son is not more sinister than he is.
  • msladyface
    Agreed about're falling down on your job man!:laugh:

    So glad the Carly-Melanie secret is out...just praying that Carly gets caught in her room by Phillip and gets sent back to jail - maybe that will be the end for her and Bo if Bo loses all of that money he put up for her? Wishful thinking! :ohwell:

    I'm sick and tired, just like the rest of you, of the EJ/Sammy/Rafe crap. I don't know how he thinks he's going to get away with this! Anna just needs to be Anna and take the baby back. Then again, that would put EJ in jail...and as mad at him as I am...he's still so dreamy! :love: :laugh:

    Just waiting for Nathan to get the message from Maggie and leave Stephanie sitting alone in that hotel she deserves.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm surprised at how many people on here love Melanie and hate Stephanie. I guess I missed something major in there somewhere. I'm all about loving at least one person that's a bad guy - and I've always loved Sami, no matter what - ya gotta love at least one "trouble maker" - but isn't Melanie the one that was vicious? she's the one that tried to steal Phillip from Stephanie, and break them up - granted I was on Maternity leave a while ago, when that all happened, so I could watch the show more regularly. I guess I'm missing something. I like Melanie OK now, but not an enormous fan - and missing why everyone can't stand Stephanie.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    melanies not as bad as she used to be but i still dont like her. shes no better than stephanie!!! she was FREAKING out in the hospital and screaming...omg!!! that was absolutely unnecessary!! i hate when she acts like that!! stephanie is being stupid too, she never used to be like this. sammys been bein a ***** to rafe and i dont like that. im glad that at the end of todays show she saw rafe crying, maybe she'll quit actin like that with him. ej's not gonna get away with this but im curious to see how its gonna go down.
  • mrsbojangles
    I miss Marlena! And are they gonna mention that Grams passed away?
    I agree - the whole baby thing is going on too long. PUHLEASE - EJ would never go to an island with his kids. Whatever. And Anna was never that wishy-washy, and she NEVER took directions from Tony, so why now the submission to EJ?
    And you're right - Stefano should have nixed this weeks ago. And with Mickey gone, who is going to be Salem's "perfect" couple? I guess Abe and Lexi. ???
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    omg......melanie is soooo ugly!!! she has the ugliest mouth and lips!! did u see those faces she was making in the hosp bed while she was crying??? i was like eeeewww!!! and carly too......she is ugly and has an ugly mouth!! lol, i see how the 2 are related!! i so knew that daniel was gonna be her dad as soon as she said it wasnt trent. totally makes sense. hes gonna be PIST!!!!! and lets not mention how crazy ej is just standing there is sami's room watching them sleep....... im wondering if hes gonna change his mind and instead of taking the kids maybe hes gonna be the one to find sydney and bring her home and sami will love him again........ i think stefano is more suspicious now, and maybe rafe too after seeing stefano. i hope this ends soon.....
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    omg......melanie is soooo ugly!!! she has the ugliest mouth and lips!! did u see those faces she was making in the hosp bed while she was crying??? i was like eeeewww!!! and carly too......she is ugly and has an ugly mouth!! lol, i see how the 2 are related!! i so knew that daniel was gonna be her dad as soon as she said it wasnt trent. totally makes sense. hes gonna be PIST!!!!! and lets not mention how crazy ej is just standing there is sami's room watching them sleep....... im wondering if hes gonna change his mind and instead of taking the kids maybe hes gonna be the one to find sydney and bring her home and sami will love him again........ i think stefano is more suspicious now, and maybe rafe too after seeing stefano. i hope this ends soon.....

    O M Geee you are hilarious. Melanie and Carly are definitely UGLY!!!! And their characters make then more ugly.