Calling all Cathe fans!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Cardio Power & Resistance and CTX/MIS Chest are finished. Legs are really tired this week, so will be happy for the recovery coming up next week. It appears that recovery is only one workout done for 6 days. Guess I can handle that, and I'm hoping that it isn't to boring. :laugh:

    Michelle, Happy belated Birthday! :flowerforyou: Keep yourself healthy, and hope that cough goes away.

    Tami, The worksheets are on an Excel spreadsheet. Do you know if we can attach that to a PM on this site? Will try it out to see if it works. I always forget what workouts are like. Guess it is one of those things that my brain doesn't find important to remember. :laugh: Congrats on the volleyball wins. Will be interested in how you like Tonique too. I would guess that you might not want to try those workouts out before volleyball though. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    I woke up to low blood pressure this morning which can be a really painful experience:sick: After an extra hour in bed the pain is gradually disappearing and I'm trying to determine what to do as far as my schedule goes. Yesterday's Get Ripped & Lean was great in hitting those LB muscles as I need the high reps to decrease my bulky thighs, so today I want to do Mat to dig deep into those glute muscles:noway: Hopefully later tonight I will feel well enough to do some major cardio.

    Question for all of us as we are all weights and cardio phobes, although we are logging or at least monitoring intake are most of you losing inches, pounds or both? For those of you that are losing what style of plan are you using and how many calories are you maintaining?

    I'm a slow loser especially when I hit the weights so I actually measure instead but I do eat a high protein diet also.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    So this a.m. was Body Max 2. I didn't have time for the full 90 minute so I did one of the pre-mixes; about an hour. :wink: It was good, I was happy with myself for catching onto the choreography (almost 100%, but not quite :blushing: ) since it had been so long since I did this one. Definitely a calorie burner! Tonight will be Spinning.

    Michelle: I'm really glad to hear you rested and waited to see how your body was feeling. That is scary isn't it? Is that a normal thing that you have? Make sure you take care of yourself. :wink: However if you feel better I hope you get your Mat workout in that you are wanting to do.
    For my results: I too am a slow loser but I think (or people have told me) it is because I don't have a lot to lose. Mostly for me I seem to lose inches and not LB's :grumble: Which is a good thing I suppose. I would say it is because of all the weight training and muscle that I seem to maintain. I try to stay between 1400-1700 calories. Higher side on the days that I am working out twice a day. I also tend to eat a lot more protein than carbs but try to find a good balance and know that I need the carbs. If I drop too low on carbs I get headaches.

    Laurie: I'm not sure if you can send attachments on MFP e-mail or not?!?! If not, I can send you a note with my home e-mail if you want? :smile: OR you can tell me where to go to find those. :bigsmile:
    I think you are probably right on the Tonique being done on "non-Volleyball" days. Unless I want to not be able to jump from the sounds of the fatigue it puts your legs/butt through!

    Hope you ladies have a fantastic day! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!! Well, I've got good news...I won an ebay auction last night for Cathe's STS for $200 for all of the discs, including Abs!!! YEah!!! I was so pumped! So, my question is this, does it come with worksheets to log the weights used/exercises, or do I need to create my own? So pumped to start that and be done with Chalene! :bigsmile:

    I didn't get a workout in this morning...lungs weren't having it. So I went to the doctor instead. I don't have anything but a virus (or so they think), but have an antibiotic prescription on the back burner if I need it before we leave for Mexico on the 20th. Still coughing like crazy, but the breathing seems a bit easier and the coughing isn't as frequent, so I might try for some cardio tonight...what to do though???

    Michelle: Sorry, I totally spaced the Happy Birthday the other day...meant to say something, and then completely spaced it! :embarassed: Sounds like you had a good day. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better after the low blood pressure this morning. That had to be scary! Regarding your calories/weight loss question...I am a fast loser, but can gain it back fast too. I've NEVER watched my calorie intake, but did from about last September-December and quickly lost 15 pounds (and 1-2 inches off my waist and hips), but realized I'm not the type of person to log my calories...just can't do it. So, I quit and gained about 10 pounds back and about 1/2 of the inches too. I have been holding my weight steady for a couple weeks now, and will check measurements too. I'm not sure what made me buy a scale to begin with, as I have never been a person to weigh myself, I go on how my clothes fit. So, I have stopped weighing myself (maybe once every couple weeks just to get an idea now) and more focus on how things fit. My calories are all over the place order for me to lose the 15 pounds, I had to stay at around 1300-1400 calories a day (not using exercise calories at all). Now, I probably eat around 1700-2500, depending on the day. I just let my body tell me when it's hungry. On non workout days, I eat a lot less, as I'm not hungry, and eat a bunch more on weight lifting days. I figure, it will all even out in the end!

    Laurie--Once again, awesome job on the Insanity/Cathe workouts. You are rockin it girl! I can't wait until I feel better so I can kick it up a notch!

    Tami--I just think you are awesome! I wish I had the energy to do 2 a days...maybe soon I will. I miss them!!! BTW, I gotta say your arms are rockin in your picture! I hope STS gets me arms like that!

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Erika, You can find all the workout sheets right on Cathe's site. Go to and then proceed to the workout manager. If you don't have an account on cathe's site you will need to create one to look at the sheets. When you get to the workout manager (which is super cool), go to the STS tab and you can print off all the sheets for each disc. They also have the 1 rep max worksheet.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Erika, You can find all the workout sheets right on Cathe's site. Go to and then proceed to the workout manager. If you don't have an account on cathe's site you will need to create one to look at the sheets. When you get to the workout manager (which is super cool), go to the STS tab and you can print off all the sheets for each disc. They also have the 1 rep max worksheet.

    Erika ~ Yes, these sheets are absolutely amazing and so helpful! It took a little time to do the 1 REP Max testing but after you do and you log them in they are all right there for you. That way when you start STS you have a workout sheet for each disc and you aren't guessing on which weight to use! She thought of everything in this program. :wink:
    :drinker: Congratulations! :drinker: I am so happy for you. Your persistence paid off waiting & watching on eBay!
    p.s. THANK YOU ((( HUGS))) for the compliment on my arms. :happy: That is so sweet of you! :blushing:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thanks Girls!!! So, when you do the 1RM, did you just go through the DVD's separately from actually doing the workout to calculate your 1RM, or did you just pick a weight and go with it as you did the DVD and then enter them in at the end? Just curious... Oh, and do I need to purchase that incline piece for my bench, or can I do those exercises without an incline??
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Plyo Cardio Circuit and CTX/MIS Back are finished. I didn't set my alarm last night, but I still got up when I was suppose to. :laugh: Funny how our bodies have internal alarm clocks.

    Michelle, How scarry that must have been, hope you are doing better today. I'm a really really slow loser, maybe because I like to cook and eat what I cook. :wink: Right now with this Insanity rotation I have been following the Elite Nutrition guide, and I must say this has to be one of the easiest guides I have every tried. P90X was so hard to follow, that I couldn't stick with it. I'm sticking around 1900-2000 calories each day, and I guess you could consider this a taper down type program. You get your carbs mostly in the morning and then at night you are eating protein and veggie. They do include carbs, but not as high as the mornings. After Insanity I'm going to try the zig zag, and going three days at 1700 and 1 day at 2400 (this is my maintenance). Again doing the taper with more carbs in the mornings and less at night.

    Tami, You are correct, I can't do an attachment to a message on MFP. I found the web page that a Cathite created. I see she has added other instructors worksheets onto her page. She also has a Cathe Compendium that lists her workout times and premix times. This is really nice too. She doesn't have anything on this after 2008, but still a usful tool to have.

    Erika, After your vacation I'm sure you will be kicking up those workouts. :wink: I took a week and did all the 1RM that had 3&4 stars. Then when I did an exercise in STS, that didn't have a weight in it I would just add it after I did the workout. Having a weight helped in the selection process, because Cathe doesn't say what weight she is using in these workouts like her older ones. You really don't need the incline, but I have a bench that does that so I used it. If I remember correctly she did say something about it.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday I completed Tonique side and back and then in the evening I did an interval routine with a medicine ball and the jumprope. It was my own creation but I was definitely sweaty within 20 minutes. This morning the butt is not screaming so those muscles are definitely learning to adapt:laugh: Today is Circuit Blast w/Cathe and 15mins of jumprope. I'm trying to build back up to 30minutes.

    Erika- here is a website that helps you calculate your 1RM.. Congratulations on the Ebay win...Cathe is definitely the way to go if you really want to hit the steel...Chalean is more of an introduction for women who are afraid to go heavy.

    Tami- My blood pressure is really good which means it can drop sometimes too low if I consume grapefruit juice or grapefruits, etc
    That night I actually consumed salt which is a rarity but in hindsight I think it may be a part of my road to 40 and my hormones:blushing: . TOM showed up the next day which makes sense with a couple of other physical ailments that occurred that day too.

    Laurie- ExerciseTv has Jillians Yoga meltdown..she actually looks soft with her hairstyle but that drill sgt voice is still there:laugh: It reminds me a bit of YogaX but she includes repetitions and her girls in the video are glistening...think I will do this one.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Erika: On the 1RM testing. She has a nice feature on her Cathe site that shows you just what to do. You can click through basically every exercise that is done in STS and it shows you a clip. You can pause it, go test yourself and record the number right there on her site. :happy: It does take a little time but very worth it. I definitely made adjustments as I was going but it was worth having something to start with on my workout sheets.

    Michelle: Very glad you are ok! Good job on the workouts. Speaking of Tonique ~ mine arrived in the mailbox yesterday! Can't wait to try them out. :wink: Also, I looked at that Jillian YOGA DVD. Let me know what you think!

    Laurie: Thanks for the info on those sheets. I will go to that link and see. They sound great!
    Sounds like Insanity is going good for you.

    Core Circuit this a.m. and Spinning again tonight!

    Hope you guys are having a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    No workout for me this morning...seems like morning is when I have the toughest time with breathing, so I'm pushing my workouts to the evening this week. Not sure what I'll do tonight, maybe some TurboKick. I want to do some Cathe cardio, but just don't think my lungs will tolerate it!

    Hope you all have a great's rainy and gloomy here in MN. I'm headed out to the mall at lunch to score some fun clothes for my trip!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Cardio Recovery and CTX/MIS Shoulders are finished.

    Michelle, Thanks for letting me know that ExerciseTV has that workout. I will check that one out for Sunday, since I have designated that my stretch/yoga day. That one will be easy to try in my family room. 30 minutes of jumprope! I don't know if I have ever jumproped that long. Well maybe not since I was a kid. I actually liked my pogo stick more. :laugh:

    Tami, What a great combo for your workouts. I think you will enjoy having those sheets, I use them whenever I am using Cathe's weight workouts. Speaking of Isanity, I read yesterday that Shaun is working on new workouts called Asylum. :noway: I don't even want to guess where he is taking those. :wink:

    Erika, Have a great time shopping. Good choice to get your workout in when you can breath!

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Jillian has done it again and created something challenging where I least expected it. Unlike the length of P90X Yoga X, the moves are similar but Jillian incorporates repetitions to increase the heartrate resulting in a workout that burns calories, at least 400+ and challenges the core and muscles. Yes at points these legs were quivering:laugh: There is a modified exerciser along with an advance yogi:bigsmile: Although I'm not a Yoga person I will definitely try to keep this in my rotation for my active off day. Well done Jillian!!!!!

    Yesterday after my circuit training and 10 min glutes routine, I hit the yard and pulled weeds, leaves, branches, etc..then biking with the 3 year old and some much needed outside time. These glutes are feeling nice and tight but today will be my active rest day. After looking at my workout schedule I think a mid-week active rest day sounds like a great mental break plus it will provide more quality time with my daughter. Sometimes we get so caught up with everything on the schedule that we forget to just enjoy doing nothing but enjoying this wonderful age of 3.5 years old.

    So I'm looking to really look at my schedule so that I can start to incorporate homeschooling.

    So off to get some more crabgrass out of my yard and work these legs some more.:happy:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :smile:

    This a.m. was Plyo Legs (STS #26) . . . Felt good. I was hoping to squeeze in an Ab workout but just ran out of time.
    Tonight will be STRENGTH class. :wink: We will do some ab work there I'm sure.

    Laurie: I checked out those sheets. They look great; they are set up specifically for whatever workout she has correct?
    Yowsa! "Asylum" the name in itself speaks volumes doesn't it?!?! That must be a cooker!

    Michelle: Thanks for the info on Jillian's Yoga. I have been really wondering about that one as I mentioned yesterday. I'm always looking for a good Yoga workout ~ sounds like it is a good one! :wink: I hope you can work out a schedule for home schooling - what a gift that would be for your kids. Keep us posted!

    Erika: Yes, good choice on doing your workout when your lungs aren't burning and wheezing. :noway: I know that feeling and I'm sure they appreciate it as well. :tongue: Hopefully they will get better soon.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    Can I get the worksheets as well? I'll message you with my email address. Thanks!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs are finished. Don't plan on getting any weight work, so will do Biceps and Triceps tomorrow morning.

    Michelle, We still have snow in our yard, so no yard work for us yet. :laugh: It is melting pretty fast though. Now we have all the lovely dirty brown color going on. :sad: After that description of Yoga Meltdown, I'm planning on trying that out on Sunday morning. Do you remember about how long that one was, if not no big deal. I will just go to the On Demand channel and check it out tonight when I get home. Age 3 is so much fun, the WHY question always comes up. :laugh:

    Tami, Yep, the worksheets are set up with the full workout. I don't think that she has any premixes in there. Some of them have the weights that Cathe uses, which is helpful. I have checked the workout manager to pick some of my weights, and then just put a note next to the workout. I keep my sheets in a binder, and then when I need to look back I can see what I had used. It also is nice to make sure that you are ready for the next exercise. It comes in handy for the workouts like Muscle Max, when she changes weights faster than I can. :laugh:

    Erika, You can get the workoutsheets from this web page She has worksheets for Jari Love also.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    Laurie- It ran about 40 minutes which was enough to get my bangs wet:laugh: It suprised me but then again Jillian has always been unique...those chatarunga push-ups and dolphins from plank....Enjoy! is 80 degrees here in Texas:bigsmile:

    Today I did Jari Love Get ripped 1000 interval and that was great as those intervals keep you near 85%. Now those pulsing push-ups in the Push-up and ab track were challenging to say the least:noway:

    Erika- How is the cough and did you get any cute outfits?

    Tami- Have you tried Tonique yet? I homeschooled our eldest and now the 3.5 year old, although different in learning style does really well with her computer activities so now it is time to create a bit of structure as she is starting to learn how to read and spell. She is so ready to emulate big sis which is quite interesting.

    Off to get started. Have a great Friday:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!!

    This morning I decided to start tackling the 1RM's. They actually went pretty fast! I got through DVD's 1-4 and will do another 4-5 tonight. It's nice that some of the 1RM's carry into other DVD's so I don't have have to full go through 40+ DVD's! I can tell I'm gonna love this program! :bigsmile: My only problem is I can't decide when to start! I want to do some of of other Cathe DVD's that I haven't yet touched, but also really want to get started with STS. Oh, the decisions! I think I'll probably spend the month of April going through all my DVD's I haven't tried yet, and then start STS in May. We'll see!

    Michelle-Now I'm wondering if I need to get Jilian's new Yoga DVD...I don't wanna miss out on all the fun! :laugh: Oh, and I gotta do Get Ripped 1000 again...I loved that one! Enjoy 3 years old....I really liked that age, but then again, I've liked every age (with exception of under 1...I prefer them to be mobile!). The cough is getting better, but now I'm battling with very little voice. I have to yell to get a normal "indoor voice" out! No cute outfits :sad: Just isn't much summer stuff out yet. But, I'll work with what I have I guess!

    Laurie- Thanks for the link. Come think of it, I think you posted that somewhere on here, and I just couldn't find it! Those worksheets will be very helpful! Great job on keeping up with the workouts, once again!

    Tami-I'm excited to hear what your workout was today! I managed 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill last night before the coughing began. But, I've found I can rock the strength workouts with no problem, so I'm going to try to focus on that more and not so much cardio until I'm all better!

    Alright, I'm off to a wellness fair for a client of mine. I'll catch up with you ladies later!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies & TGIF! :drinker:

    So this a.m. was Cathe BootCamp (COMBO premix). :tongue: After last night's STRENGTH class it felt like a back-to-back Boocamps!

    Erika: I'm excited you started tracking your 1RM's. You can see now what we mean and how great that is going to be to just have handy right on your sheet. Starting early too is helpful so once you decide on your date to start STS you will be all set! :wink: If May is your start time I will be doing an STS rotation then as well! Very fun. :bigsmile:
    I know what you mean on so many choices ..... fun though isn't it?! :smile:

    Michelle: Haven't done the Tonique yet. Hoping to get it in this weekend maybe!??! Can't wait to try it out.

    Laurie: Thanks again for the worksheet info. I printed some of them off. I think they will definitely come in handy and the notebook idea is perfect. Enjoy the Jillian Yoga if you do that this Sunday.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Just a quick check in! Did some Turbo Jam this morning...first cardio in awhile and I was huffin and puffin. I can tell I"m getting better, but still struggling a bit with the lungs. But, had my biggest calorie burn to date on that workout, so I'll take it!

    I'm really sore today from the 1RM's. I'm a crazy animal and ended up finishing them up yesterday. I did about 1.5 hours in the morning and about 2 hours last night. I had quite a few exercises that were somewhat similar with CE, so I logged in those weights/reps, so that took care of a good chunk of them. I am so excited to start...hope I can hold out for a few weeks to try some of my unopened Cathe DVD's first!

    Well, off to find a movie to watch and relax. Have a good night!