Calling all Cathe fans!



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    I managed to get out for a 2.5 mile run yesterday as we hit 64 here in MN!!! It felt good to run, but I can tell my lungs aren't quite back at 100%, as my HR was up in the upper 160's the whole time. But, I'm on the mend!

    This morning was Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps. I liked it, but way different not having cardio in there like her other DVD's. But, that allowed me to really focus on the muscles. I want muscles like Cathe!!!

    Well, off to a work meeting. Hope you all had a great weekend with awesome workouts!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Core Cardio and Balance is finished. This is suppose to be the workout for the rest of this week, and I don't see that I will have a problem with that. It really is a good workout, and gets your HR up there. He incorporates a lot of exercises that require you to work your core. Shaun even managed to get my shoulders and legs worked.

    Michelle, I did enjoy the yoga with Jillian. :wink:

    Erika, WTG on getting those 1RM's finished. Sounds like the lungs are getting better and better. It was really nice around here this weekend also, no more snow in our yard. :laugh: Glad you liked the GS workout, and yes it really is much calmer than her weight/cardio workouts. Just doing weights lets you go heavier also.

    Tami, Back to Back Bootcamp! Talk about torture. :wink: I don't know how I worked out my recovery week with daylight savings time. My body takes a little while to adjust, and I'm glad I'm not having to do a 60 min. all out workout.

    My usual MO at 4:30 in the morning is to take my German for a short walk. Well this morning we received a greeting call from a pack of coyotes. I started walking much faster to get home quick, they just sound so dang scarry :blushing: . Just happy we don't have wolves in our area.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    It is Spring Break here for us and the time change has everyone off-kilter:bigsmile: This weekend was great with 80 degree weather and lots of family activities so it was more of an active rest with tons of walking:wink:

    Laurie- That would of definitely scared the heck out of me and started a run back home to safety:wink: Be careful! I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the Yoga!

    Erika- Ready to get those muscles then periodization it is so go heavy for sure:wink: I like her Gym style routine and I was actually using the Legs dvd early but due to bulky thighs already I will rotate that one back in definitely requires a focus on the muscle-mind connection which is a great change if you are a jitter bug that feels you should be constantly moving quickly:laugh: Do you have ExerciseTV or ATT-Uverse...b/c the video is on there.

    Tami- When is your recovery week? Bootcamp and a strength class..why the double damage?

    Off to feed the kids and hopefully get my workout in sooner than later:wink:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Weekend was so good here as well for the weather! We were in the 50’s and it was so great. :bigsmile:
    I did get Muscle Endurance in on Sat. a. m. before meeting a friend for coffee. Volleyball and a long walk with my 2 dogs yesterday. I didn’t get in Tonique but hope to this week.

    Michelle/Laurie: The back-to-back Bootcamp day last week wasn’t planned believe me. :noway: The Strength class that I go to in the evenings on Thurs. is always different. It just happened to be somewhat a Bootcamp style workout that night.

    Erika: That is great you got all of your 1RM’s finished! Excellent. Glad you enjoyed the Gym Style workout too. Yes, wouldn’t it be awesome to have muscles like Cathe!

    Laurie: I too would have been briskly walking back to the house. We do have wolves in our area but they are more in the mountains; when we take the dogs and the camper up to the in-laws property (in the mountains) they are there. It can be a little scary just knowing they are there. :huh:

    I’m going to try to do a mixture of weight work, cardio and Tonique this week and then start up a 1 month STS/SHOCK rotation. In May I am planning on doing the Undulating STS Rotation so trying to kind of keep the endurance/strength going prior to that. So Erika, you and I will be doing STS at the same time probably ~ Different rotations but definitely STS. :wink:

    So this a.m. was Shoulders/Biceps tonight will be Kick Boxing. Tomorrow is Hiit 40/20 and Abs.

    Hope you guys have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    No workout for me this morning, maybe tonight. I was soooo tired today, and figured I need my sleep to make sure I don't get sick again! I'm thinking a Cathe Hiit workout tonight..we'll see!

    Tami-I got my STS set yesterday! I don't think I can wait until May like I thought I would. I'm planning to start 1st Monday in April! I'm soooo excited!

    Michelle-Sounds nice and warm where you are! Enjoy spring break!

    Laurie-Is Core Cardio and Balance less intense than the other workouts? I haven't tried that one yet...still trying to figure out when/how to incorporate Insanity back in!

    BTW, I made a comment on Cathe's fan page a week or so ago, and then I got a friend request from her for her personal page. She is just so friendly and down to earth, I love it!!!

    Have a good one!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Core Cardio & Balance again today! :wink:

    Michelle, Spring Break doesn't start for my girls until after Easter, so we have some time yet. Oh 80 deg. sounds so nice.

    Tami, We have wolves in the state, in fact they where replanted her by the DNR! :huh: My parents say the the wolves have breed with dogs, and they are not afraid of people. My uncle always carries a gun in the woods now. Is the Undulating rotation you are trying the one Cathe created? I look at that one too.

    Erika, Yes CCB is less intense than his other workouts. My HR got in the 120-140's, where his other workouts get my HR in the 150-160's. It would be a great workout for days that you want to workout, but don't want intensity. If you have Cathe's MMA Kickboxing or Boxing workout, I would compare it to one of those, but add weighted gloves. Your shoulders do feel the burn. I too think that Cathe is down to earth.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    HiiT 40/20 and then the STS Abs - Stability Ball. :smile: Felt like a good combo; adding the 20 minuts of abs was great after the HiiT training since it was a shorter workout.

    Laurie: Yes, the Undulating is one of Cathe's rotations. :tongue: Just trying to decide on the 3.5 or 6.5 mo rotation. Leaning towards the longer one again since it went by so quickly (it felt like) last time! :wink:

    Erika: That is so awesome! I know the excitement you have forsure. Hence why can't wait to start my next rotation with STS! :bigsmile: How great that she invited you onto her page and chatted with you. That's awesome.

    Won't be making it to Spinning tonight due to a work/dinner date with the hubby. But that's ok. Tomorrow eve they have Spinning again. Hope you ladies have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    This time change has affected my sleep pattern which has changed my workout routine. I'm actually skipping my workout today and enjoying an easy week, so whatever the day brings this week:laugh: Yesterday was kickboxing and Tonique and some abwork and boy do I feel it in my waist and back:noway:

    The weather is rainy, cool with thunderstorms and perfect for relaxing with the girls.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Ok ladies, I just had to check in quick tonight. Just got done with my Tonique DVD (not the mat one or Tonique 2, but just Tonique) and OMG I have NEVER sweated so much in my life. I actually had my HR higher (and calorie burn--730 whoa!) than even Insanity. I am positive I'm going to have trouble walking tomorrow! :bigsmile: I just have to incorporate this workout at least once a week...I am still in awe...Laurie, thanks for telling us about this workout! :wink:

    I'll sleep good tonight!:happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy St Patty's Day!!!

    I was feeling a little daring this morning :ohwell: , and the soreness from Tonique hasn't fully set in, so I did Gym Style Legs this AM. I have a feeling, I'll be regretting back to back leg/glute workouts tomorrow when I can't stand up, but for now I"ll enjoy the burn!

    Hope you all had a great evening and wear your GREEN today. I really wanted to go all out with the green (hair and all) but have a meeting with a client this morning, so probably should keep it professional!

    Have a great one. l'll check in later with my afternoon/evening workout!:bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Core Cardio and Balance for me again. Feel like I'm boring you ladies with my workout. :yawn: :laugh:

    Tami~I'm planning on doing an STS undulating rotation too. I am going to do the first week of each Meso starting with Meso 1, and then going to the 2nd week of each Meso. Will do a recovery week after the three weeks instead of four, so I think that will make my rotation about 16 weeks total. I have put the Hiit with ab work in my rotation, and now I'm glad I did. Great minds think alike! :wink:

    Michelle, Sounds like a tough workout you had. One thing about having cool weather and thunderstorms, it always makes me want to make cookies. :smile: Enjoy your time with your girls.

    Erika, Let us know how your legs start feeling! I didn't wear green today, because I think I only have two tops that are green. And of course I forgot to wear green. :laugh: I'm going to have to get my wish list together to get that Tonique workout on order.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    The soreness is really starting to set in...mainly from Tonique I think, as it's my butt! I'm trying to sit on my chair to work on the computer and it is not fun! :grumble: I guess after 45+ minutes of squats and lunges my butt should hurt. So far, legs feel fine, although my knees are a tad sore, but that happens when I try new workouts with lots of lunges/squats.

    I'm just hoping I can move enough tonight to get my cardio in. Was hoping to take a run in this beautiful 60 degree weather, but not sure my butt will be able to keep up! :laugh:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day! :happy:

    Erika: You gotta love the soreness though (as long as it isn't too much sore) because then you know you have really worked hard! In case there was any doubt. :laugh: Good job on the workouts forsure! That is one of the two that I purchased, Tonique and the Tonique Matwork I think is the other one. Can't wait to try. Just trying to figure out when?!? So many choices. :wink:

    Laurie: That's awesome to hear on the Undulating Rotaion! When are you planning on starting? We may be doing it at the same time again?!?! :wink: We do think alike don't we ~ I love it.

    Michelle: Hope you are enjoying your relaxing week! That's great.

    I need to get back to work :huh: but wanted to check in real quick! Spinning tonight - looking forward to it since I missed last night. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening ladies,

    Spring break is great and I'm enjoying my time w/o the pressures of workouts. We had another great day today in this 73 degree weather:love:

    After talking with an old PT friend and bodybuilder, my rotation will change for the next 10 weeks. Right now my biceps are solid and the triceps are popping again, my upper body develops quickly due to dad's genetics as he was a bodybuilder in his day and still has a great physique at less than 10% fat:blushing: So it is time to focus on the lower body and cutting the fat. P90x definitely gave me too much bulk and Cathe has maintained:wink:

    The next rotation will focus on treadmill running w/HIIT:noway: , I'm mentally prepping myself for this again so I should be ready by Monday:laugh: Knee braces here I come:laugh: I will only do two full body routines but will not focus on LB workouts. I'm thinking Cathe's Bootcamp for an interval style workout or Jari's Get ripped 1000, both are great and high calorie burners. I'm also taking two off days which is great to think of:bigsmile: Yoga or family walks will be used instead.

    Erika- The original Tonique w/the British voice over? If so that one looks great and only uses 3lbs:laugh: 730cals...sweet:love:

    Tami- The mat dvd is broken down into 3 sections, so choose one to add on after a cardio or full body routine. I still have not tried the plank section yet:blushing: , I usually focus more on legs and butt:laugh:

    Happy St.Patricks day....I'm wearing a green bow:wink:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    No cardio for me tonight :sad: I'm too sore to really move right now. My butt and legs are really starting to feel the pain of back to back lower body workouts! I just hope I can get out of bed tomorrow! :ohwell:

    Michelle-Yes, it was the one with the voiceover. Honestly, when I pre-viewed the DVD, I thought it looked nice and easy...WRONG! I was literally ready to collapse. I actually didn't use the 3lb weights most of the time as I was just too tired. I bet I would have gotten over 800 calories burned if I used the weights and didn't stop every 5 minutes to get my HR down. :grumble: I'm excited and scared to try that workout again! :laugh:

    Tami and Laurie-Sounds like we're all going to be doing STS together!! Do you think I should be at a point where some of Cathe's other DVD's are quite as hard, or do you think that won't necessarily matter?

    I'm heading to bed early to rest my poor legs and booty! Ready to tackle tomorrow with a vengence! 2 more days til vacation! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Core Cardio & Balance is finsihed. Only two more days of this workout. Not bored with it yet, but I think I will be subbing when this workout comes up in month 2. The rotation says that i will be able to sub Max Interval Sports Training, so that is what I will do.

    Tami ~ I'm finished with Insanity 4/17, and I'm giving myself a recovery week. So I'm starting my STS rotation on 4/26, but it will last into August. :wink: So far I'm am really pleased with what I have come up with. Three days a week are double duty, but the evening workout will be the weight one. :wink:

    Michelle ~ Sounds like you have a game plan for the next 10 weeks. :drinker: Bootcamp is such a great workout! Yoga is so wonderful, and I really need to make sure that I incorporate some into this next torture month. I used the Bootcamp cardio only premix as an Hiit. Each of those exercises in BC are a minute, and then you can rest for a minute. Worked good.

    Erika ~ So sorry to hear that you are so sore. STS allows a beginner to start the workouts, because it is based on your 1RM's. She has great form pointers through the workouts, so you will do just fine. If you have questions on something, she has something called CatheTV, that may address an issue you might have. It will be fun to have a group doing STS together. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    No workout for me this morning either...I'm still REALLY sore. But, it's a good thing, as it's in places I didn't know I could get sore! This morning, it's the muscles you use when you, walking is a little tough, but hopefully by tonight I'll be better!

    I'll check back later! Keep up the great work ladies!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ladies :flowerforyou:

    Erika & Laurie: That is excellent that we will all be doing STS at the same time! Very fun. I am planning on starting around the 2nd week of May. :flowerforyou: Erika: Sorry you are sore. That isn't fun :sad: Hopefully it will ease up soon. . . maybe get some stretching in ~ which probably feels like torture but should help. :wink:

    Michelle: Thanks for the info on the Tonique Mat workouts. This a.m. I had time and put the regular Tonique DVD in. Well my player kept spitting it out (it's a fussy little thing sometimes) and so by the time I turned everything off and sort of "re-booted" for lack of a better description I only had about 15 min. So I just previewed it a little ~ looks fabulous!

    Today was an STS Back & Triceps - tomorrow will be Plyo Legs and either Abs or a Tonique Mat work! :wink:
    Tonight is the Strength Class/BootCamp depending on what she decides! :tongue:

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    I woke up refreshed this morning and without the alarm clock. It seems like the off week is definitely giving my body the break it needs from the double workouts, intervals, etc. Usually after a week or two of a break the definition definitely looks better and I can see it in the upper body for sure:wink:

    Last night while watching Law & Order, I did the back portion of Tonique from obviously worked b/c within 15mins I was warm and hurting something good in the legs:laugh: Tonique is definitely a keeper:wink:

    Erika- Try to do a stretch routine which will help with that DOMS for sure. I love soreness especially when it hits those unused muscles, of course trying to walk and then sit under those conditions is another story:wink:

    Erika, Laurie, & Tami- May sounds like the STS month and I will be cheering everyone on and waiting to hear great things as I have not invested in that program yet:wink:

    We are completely worn out from yesterday's adventures so relaxing all day. Later I'm meeting one of my dearest college girlfriends who is in town for a business audit for dinner and I feel as if I have been prepping since last night with hair, nails, eyebrows:grumble: . Sad but true!


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Core Cardio and Balance. Tomorrow is my last time with this workout. Plan on doing a yoga workout tomorrow also.

    Erika~OUCH! I can almost feel the pain. Your vacation is starting pretty soon isn't it?

    Tami~Did you try that Tonique workout? I'm curious to know how you liked it. :wink: I'm thinking the STS support will be great, since I'm looking at 16 weeks of it. :noway: Don't know if I have ever done a rotation for that long.

    Michelle~Glad you where able to pamper yourself, and did you have a good time with your girlfriend? It is always so fun to do the catch-up thing. Bet you talked and talked. :wink: I agree with you on resting the body, because I could really see some changes this week in my waist.

    Have a great day!