Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning ladies ~ :flowerforyou:

    So this a.m. was STS – Back & Triceps and this evening will be Spinning again.

    Laurie/Laurel: Thanks you two! I was proud of myself for not just bagging the whole idea since I missed KB. Perfect opportunity to get in a workout I was wanting to do. :wink:

    Michelle: Yes, the Tonique workout I did was with the British voice over. Sort of funny; I tried to concentrate more on the moves! :laugh: At the very end I thought maybe something was wrong with my DVD because it said “and done!” and that was the end. Great workout though, looking forward to doing it again. Tonique 2 is one that I didn’t order. Now I may have to get that to have the whole collection! :blushing:

    Laurel: Amazing how fast it goes isn’t it!??! I know I have mentioned this before but it’s a great feeling to look forward to the workouts you are doing and STS is that way! I am thrilled to be starting the Undulating rotation with you in May! :bigsmile: It will be so great and a new challenge. Can’t wait to see how my body responds. Enjoy your conference and good luck on the early wake-ups. That’s what time I am up as well (different time zone of course).

    Erika: As I mentioned above on our mutual LOVE for STS! :love: I love that you are enjoying it too. You truly do work muscles in every direction. I think your comments on ChaLEAN X are right on. Especially once you start into Cathe’s programs it does make CHX seem more beginner, (moves, length of workouts, etc.) It was a couple of good rotations at the time that I did them and grateful for that but glad to have moved on from it and the progress I have made since. Keep up the great work with STS!

    Laurie: Thanks for posting that Treadmill link. I have a Treadmill at home as well but don’t use it as much lately due to the STS a.m. workouts and p.m. workouts at the fitness center. But will definitely look at that, is it just for running? :huh: By the way, I knew we were both early birds but as I mewntioned to Laurel that’s what time I am up as well for my a.m. workouts. People think I’m crazy. . . . including my hubby!

    Hope you all have a great day! :smile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Max Recovery for me this morning. We are having another warm sunny day! :love: Feel like I'm actually starting to thaw out after this winter. :laugh: My oldest has her first outdoor track meet today, so this weather in the high 70's will be great for her to run in.

    Tami ~ Yep that workout was made just for running on the treadmill. It is has everything in it from a nice slow warm-up to interval running. When I mention how early I wake up to workout, people look at me like I have an exercise addiction. Most of my friends don't know what exercise is, so anything other than walking is to much! I only have a few friends that I can talk to about my workouts. Funny thing is that once they get me started, I think they get sick of me talking about it. :laugh: My DH is actually the one that mentions to everyone that I'm doing Insanity. He thinks I'm crazy, but is impressed at how tough those workouts are. Of course he has been enjoying how I'm looking because of my exercise addiction. :happy: It's April, guess I better start spending my monthly exercise stash! :wink: Need that Tonique!

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    This a.m. was a nice relaxing Stretch ... felt really good, I needed that! Tonight will be the STRENGTH class so the 2 combined will be perfect. Tomorrow a.m. is legs. :smile:

    Laurie: That's great you guys are having some nice sunny weather ~ feels good I bet! :tongue: I think it is great that we have so much in common on the "exercise addiction" :blushing: People do the same to me when I mention that. Along with my "strange" food they say. :laugh: That's why I love chatting with you ladies here each day .... we all have our love for exercise in common and can chat about it all we want! :love: That's awesome your hubby is noticing & appreciating the changes you have worked so hard for! :wink: I'm thinking of getting the Tonique 2 workout. I purchased the other two so I could try and see how I like them .... well obviously love them as well so feel the need to get that other one! :tongue:

    Erika, Michelle & Laurel: Hope you all have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies,

    Today the eldest forget her homework folder so I had to make a stop at her school which ruined my planned day. The legs were hurting especially the inner thigh I have those:laugh: I opted for a rest day and then I headed to the park with the 3 year old for an hour.

    Last night I did some additonal walking so I'm not too upset about my missed kickboxing, it just means I have to workout this weekend:wink: The weather is great here with temps around 78 degrees:bigsmile: I hope that you guys continue to get some sunshine too:wink: April is my busy month of the year where I work from home scoring exams for the testing companies, so the only sunshine for me this weekend will be shining in from the office window:sad:

    Laurie- I also checked out the treadmill link...I have my old one still taped on there from years ago:blushing: One plan incorporates 30min intervals with 1 min cool downs and the other uses 1 min interval with two min cool downs. Rught now with my crazy schedule I have to find at least one day to hit the treadmill in the morning for a nice 25min HIIT session with some added walking.

    I just finished reading the Primal Blueprint, so I'm attempting to go primal for the month of this is not an April's fool joke:laugh: . I enjoy the author's blog and will attempt his 30 day challenge of eating the caveman, Grok's way. He advocates only two short strength training days, an interval day and more steady state exercises such as walking, hiking, etc. He actually use to be a marathon runner and his body is truly prime but his wife's/girlfriend's 53 year old body is amazing:blushing:

    I'm sticking to a similar exercise routine but nutrition will be the keep me focused especially if I start to ramble:laugh:

    Erika & Laurel- How are you? Hope that your day is great.

    Tami- Strange foods...Lol...healthy foods are always so wierd to non-healthy eaters:bigsmile: My daughter the finicky one sometimes gives me that look and then my 3 year old will jump in and support my choices.:laugh:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I made it through my conference and managed to get my workouts in, which is good. I hate missing my workouts!! I finished week 2 of Meso 3 in STS. Only two more weeks to go! :drinker:

    Erika, I'm happy to hear you are enjoying STS. Thanks for your input on Chalean Extreme. It definitely sounds like something I can probably do without.

    Michelle, I also appreciate your input. I'm always curious about a program when it seems like everybody is talking about it, but, again, this sounds like one I can miss. Perhaps if I had done it before STS, it would have been good. But now? Probably not. Thanks again. I've never heard of the Primal Blueprint. I'm curious about it so keep us informed on your progress!

    Laurie, thanks for the link to the treadmill workout. I'm definitely going to take that with me in a couple of weeks. I'll be in Hawaii :bigsmile: so I'm hoping to be running outside instead of inside. But if all else fails and I need to go to the gym, this sounds like a good option.

    Tami, like you and Laurie both mentioned, people in my 'real life' just understand me and my 'exercise addiction'. It is almost like I'm speaking a foreign language to people sometimes. But the cool thing is I've met TWO people who actually do Cathe workouts since we've moved! Those are the first two people I've ever met who had even heard her name in all these years that I've been doing Cathe. The funny thing is they were equally as excited to meet somebody who understood Cathe as I was! :tongue:

    I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy your Easter! We're supposed to have nicer weather here (though not anything near as nice as 78 degrees!), so I'm hoping to spend a good deal of time outside.

    Take care!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    :glasses: Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Not as hot and sunny this morning, but another beautiful day is in store for us. I got Max Cardio Conditioning done this morning, but I didn't have enough time to finish Insane Abs. I will be busy tonight (singing in church choir), so will be putting Insane Abs with Max Interval Sports Training on Saturday. This will be the first time doing these two workouts, so I'm kind of excited. :happy:

    Tami ~ I'm planning on getting all three of the Tonique workouts, just seems like the prudent thing to do. :laugh: Need to get in some stretching, just you mentioning it in your post made me want to do some stretching exercises here at work. Guess that means that my body needs some TLC. Maybe on Sunday, after my marathon singing Easter morning. :happy: Have to get another Fit Test done that day too. :noway: :bigsmile:

    Michelle ~ I really don't know a lot about the Primal Blueprint either. Do let us know how your body likes or dislikes it. I'm guessing that it will be protein based? Sorry you had to miss your kickboxing, I know how much you enjoy those. That is one thing I do miss about doing a rotation like this. Shaun does include some punching type drills, but nothing to get my kickboxing craving satisfied. :laugh:

    Laurel ~ Hawaii:glasses: Now that sounds like a wonderful place to have a conference. Why can't my DH's conference be there and not Vegas! I would be on the plane with him if it was Hawaii, and I think the DD's would be packed in the suitcases. :laugh: That is so cool that you found people that actually know and love Cathe workouts. I have meet some ladies from where I live, but we don't see each other that often. Hope you really don't get the chance to use that treadmill workout. Running outdoors in Hawaii sounds more fun that running at the gym in Hawaii. :bigsmile:

    Everyone enjoy your Easter. Just remember me at 6:30am on Sunday, because I will be singing for two services. Shouldn't have a voice by the end of the day. :laugh:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    Taking a quick break from these English essays to check in.:wink: This morning I did kickboxing but my calorie burn was less as my endurance has improved along with cardio levels, I need to amp it up instead with some Aeroboxing on Sunday:laugh:

    Laurie- Enjoy your Easter and bless us with singing, drink lemon tea also to keep those vocals ready:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Aaah jealous of the conference in that place and one day will take the girls and hubby there for vacation. I think that was the last place I ever woke a two piece:laugh: as a teenager on our family vacation.

    Tami- I ordered the Tonique with the British voice over...seems like fun:noway: . That combined with Debbie should be interesting to say the least:laugh:

    Erika- I'm sure you are playing catch up at work but have a great day. I also saw the STS set on Ebay for 299.00 which seems great for 40 dvds, so now I know where to go when I'm ready to commit.

    Back to reading,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies & Happy Friday! :drinker:

    This a.m. was STS #9 - Legs (w/ the bonus at the end). My legs were a little tight from all the lunges last night in Strength class :huh: but once I got going it all felt good.

    Laurie: Good luck with your church services and all the singing! I am sure it will go great. :happy: I bet a good stretch on Sunday will feel good, it sure did for me yesterday. :wink:

    Laurel: I'm glad you made it through the conference and especially got your workouts in as well! I am the same way on missing a workout. It really just throws my day off. :blushing: So you did ok with the early wake ups as well then!??! :wink:
    That is so great you have met a couple of people there that are doing Cathe workouts! It's so nice to have people share in the excitement and understand how it all feels with working out, eating healthy, etc. That's so great!

    Michelle: I have been the same way on the calorie burn. It is crazy especially since doing "double-days" and the Endurance/STS/Shock rotation I don't burn as many calories as I was. Shows that I have improved my endurance which is great but yes, then I feel the need to push a little harder. :tongue: I am sure you will love that Tonique workout as well! The voice over is kind of funny but your too busy working those legs/glutes you don't really pay attention other than to the next move or how many left! :laugh:

    Erika: Hope things are going good for you with your "full on" work week after vacation ~ playing catch up. :noway:

    I plan on getting in a good cardio workout tomorrow a.m. and then maybe Jillian's Yoga on Sunday!
    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and Easter! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies...sorry I've been MIA for a couple days! We actually hired a good friend of mine at my job this week, so I've been training her in. Kinda fun as we originally met at a past job, so nice to have somone to chat with during the day!

    Yesterday was a rest day for me...I had a meeting in southern MN all day, so knew I needed my sleep to survive 4 hours in the car and a full day of presentations. I crashed when I got home! This morning was STS Legs #3...super fun!!! I just really look forward to these workouts. Tomorrow I'm hoping to go for a run...we'll see!!! Still trying to get back into running like I was last summer!

    You ladies are all rockin the workouts, WAY TO GO!!! I hope you all have a fantastic Easter weekend...I'm going to spend this evening planning out my boys' easter egg hunt...I think I'm more excited than them!!!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Tear It Up this morning sans coffee:noway: , I will never do that again:bigsmile: I completed only 1 hr as I'm short on time this morning but I'm sure my glutes and arms will feel it two days from now:laugh:

    Erika- You sound like my hubby and his mission of getting those eggs around the property during the hunt. Last year my three year old had a blast as it was officially her first and then hubby was back from Iraq so he went crazy with the hunt:wink: . The one thing that was pretty cool were the treats we included in the eggs, instead of only candy we also included date coupons with each parent, lunch at favorite restaurants, etc...both girls actually loved those and cashed those in throughout the month.

    Tami- Debbie is another squat, lunger, sidekicks maniac and this morning the thought of Tonique was a bit intimidating to say the least:blushing: . Funny how pushing 40lbs is doable and then when it comes to Bodyweight with high reps...different muscles start screaming:laugh:

    Laurie- Enjoy your Easter and sing with the angels tomorrow:wink:

    Laurel- What are your goals with Meso 3 and how does 3 differ form the other sets?

    Off to work on the computer today and get my readers prepped and going.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! We had a blast, but man am I tired this morning! :grumble:

    Yesterday I got in a 3.2 mile run on the treadmill with my new running shoes...ahhhhh...they felt so good. I didn't realize how bad my last pair was! :blushing: Must be from all the running I did last summer/fall. This morning was STS Shoulders, Chest and Biceps Disc 4. Those pushups really kill my arms. I tried to do as many as I could on my toes, but that's tough considering how many she has me do!!! Still lovin STS...can't wait for Wednesday to get the next workout in!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!:bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Wasn't feeling all that great yesterday afternoon, so didn't get the Fit Test done that I had scheduled. I also didn't do Insane Abs on Satruday, because the girls and I opted for shopping. I did get Max Interval Sports Training done before we went shopping, and I absolutely loved :love: that workout. Something happend to my HR monitor though, because it said that I had only burned 350 cal. during that 55 min. workout. :noway: This morning I knew something wasn't right when it said I only burned 195 cal. on the Fit Test. Somehow it had set my age at 30 :huh: and the Met Value at 5, I usually have the Insanity workouts set in the 7-10 range. Might just change the batteries, just to make sure. So this morning was my Fit Test and Insane Abs. I'm feeling a little better now, and will see if I am up for Max Interval Circuit after work.

    Girls are on spring break this week, and DH is leaving for Vegas on Wednesday. I'm taking off work for sure Thurs & Fri. Might have to take off Wed. also, because oldest needs to get to track practice.

    Sundays singing went really well, and the choir got rave reviews from the congregation. I spent some time shopping on the web yesterday, but it wasn't for exercise DVD's. :frown: Bought our oldest DD a prom dress, couldn't believe some of the dresses that you could buy!:embarassed: I think I now know why the school has set guidelines on what an appropriate dress is. Some of them couldn't even be labeled as a dress! :noway:

    Tami, I didn't get in that yoga on Sunday, just was not feeling very good. But now that the girls are on spring break, I can take the time after work to get in some. Not tonight of course. :laugh: Did you mange to try that Yoga Meltdown?

    Erika, That is really cool that your friend is working with you. Makes the days at work easier to get through. LOL. WTG on the run on the treadmill. Shoes are so important, and I can always tell when I need new ones. My feet start to hurt! I think the leg workouts just get better and better with each Meso. :wink: WTG on pushing yourself on the push-up sequence.

    Michelle, LOL about the workout without the caffine! I like my cup of java in the morning also. My girls are to old for the egg hunting, but they still got some candy. Of course they really like that part. Good idea on the coupons.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~

    The weekend was good. I didn't stick to my Friday plan of Sat workout (cardio) and Sunday Yoga. :frown: So that will have to be another day in the near future I hope. But did end up doing the whole Tonique Matwork workout yesterday in the a.m. before company came over. :wink: So that was good.
    This a.m. was STS Disc 10 Shoulders/Biceps.

    Laurie: That's awesome you got high reviews for your singing yesterday! I'm glad you're feeling better today as well. Hopefully you will feel good this eve and get in your Max Interval Circuit.

    Erika: Sounds like things are going great for you with STS. Don't you love how much you look forward to the workouts?!? :wink: I know what you mean on the push-ups and she does a lot of them on some of those workouts! That is really great you have a good friend working with you now; I agree it makes such a difference having a friend at work. We spend so much of our day there.

    Michelle: Debbie S. sounds great! As I mentioned above I did the whole Tonique matwork DVD yesterday. It felt good (painful at times but good) :noway: :laugh: I like the abwork she throws in as well and push-ups!

    Laurel: Hope you are doing good and had a nice weekend!

    Have a great Monday! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Well I missed my workout because I slept in:blushing: but I was able to do some stretching and now it's time for Tonique Mat. I had initially planned on doing some HIIT but I can honestly say, I would not give it 100% b/c my body feels tired today.

    Erika- Glad to hear the hunt went great, hubby ended up taking the girls and one of their friends to Peter Piper Pizza where they came home with bags of candy and prizes:bigsmile: Which sneakers do you run in?

    Laurie- Glad to hear that you are feeling better and that singing went so well:bigsmile:

    Tami- At least you worked out on Easter:wink: Most of us ate well and skipped the workout ,at least I did:blushing: It was my splurge day so extra calories were scheduled:laugh:

    Off to hit the mat!:noway:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody!

    Laurie, I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. I'm glad you took a little break. Don't push yourself too hard if you still aren't feeling up to it. Those Insanity workouts are so very taxing. Glad you enjoyed the Interval Sports Training DVD. I didn't like that one when I first tried it but have really grown to love it now. I find it to be a perfect 'in between' workout....Insanity energy without, well, the insane toughness of Insanity. :laugh:

    Tami, good job getting through the entire mat workout. It's a good one, isn't it? I found the time really flew by while doing it, even though I was in a bit of pain. Like you, I really enjoyed the ab portion of the workout.

    Erika, glad to hear you are still enjoying STS. Finishing up my second rotation, I STILL find myself excited to do the workouts.

    Michelle, good job on listening to your body and skipping the HiiT if you aren't up to it. You asked about my goals for Meso 3 and how it differs. Meso 3 is all about lifting as heavy as least for me it is. :tongue: And my goal is to do just that. The sets consist of 6-8 reps, which I enjoy. One of the side benefits is Cathe lifts a bit slower than her usual speed during this Meso, so I also find I can really concentrate of my form during this Meso, even with the heavier weight. I have a harder time doing that with her more endurance-focused workouts. My body really responds well to heavier weights, so I really enjoy this Meso alot. In fact, I think it is my favorite, despite the fact that I find it physically more painful than the others.

    I got up on Easter and knocked out TWO workouts (STS Plyo legs and Insanity Max Interval Circuit). Then I ate my way through the rest of the day. :blushing: Oh, well. My husand and I also went for a walk in the afternoon, so that felt good after the big brunch we had. I'm entering my last bit of this cycle of STS. Right now I'm kind of going off schedule and doing the workouts in the third week (where you are lifting 90% of the 1RM) twice. By doing that, I'll finish up a week from Sunday. Today I did Week 3 of Chest and Back. I use my heaviest weights in this workout and love the feeling. After a few hours off, I then did my cardio--Imax 3! I haven't done that workout in about six months, and it felt really good to do it again. So, I am officially wiped out now. :wink:

    Hope everybody has a great Tuesday!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    Max Interval Circuit was my workout today. Felt so much better this morning, and the workout rocked! :wink: I was jumping higher and moving faster. LOL Not really, but I did manage to get through the whole workout without taking a break. Other than the ones that Shaun gives you. I was laying on the floor with the rest of the Insane gang. :laugh:

    Tami, I was so tired last night so no workout last night. I'm going to be doing the 64 days of Insanity instead of the 63 that this rotation has planned. Life happens, and it looks like you enjoyed your weekend so don't worry about those missed workouts. :wink: Funny that we enjoy a workout that makes us lay on the floor in exhaustion or cause our legs/butt to burn until we want to yell. :laugh: Totally wanting to try those Tonique workouts right now! Guess I better go order them. :laugh:

    Michelle, I think Holidays are so busy that we wear ourselves out, good idea on listening to your body. I'm just happy that my rotation had the Fit Test, because it was short. :laugh: Hope you are feeling 100% better today also.

    Laurel, What I enjoyed the most about MIST was the ladder running. The one portion that I didn't really gel with was the gymnastics portion. I don't think that I will ever be able to do some of those hand stand type exercises he had in there. Still found it fun to do though. I'm totally impressed with you doing MIC and a Plyo leg workout! :drinker: I have not tried Imax 3 in a very very long time. I have had trouble with my knee on some step workouts, maybe I will see how the Hiit workouts go with the step and then try out those Imax's again.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    This a.m. was HiiT 40/20 followed by STS Abs (Stability Ball). :happy: Both are great and a good combo together I thought. Tonight I have Spinning so that will be fun as well and get some more calories burned!

    Laurel: Amazing job on the workouts! You are incredible :tongue: I bet that felt really good and also a huge sense of accomplishment! Glad Meso #3 is going well. Do you feel the same results are happening this time around, especially being in even better shape than last time through? WOW, week 3, you're almost done & then Hawaii is right around the corner! :drinker:

    Laurie: Sounds like you are right on track again and had a good workout today. Thanks for the encouragement ~ I do have a sense of disappointment when I don't follow my scheduled workout(s) but again, was glad I did TONIQUE. By the way, did you end up ordering them yesterday!?!? :happy:

    Michelle: I agree with Laurel on giving you kudos for listening to your body Sunday. Plus you wouldn't have probably given it the effort you would have hoped for! :wink:

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies-

    Well, this week is really testing me on how well I handle stress, that's for sure. I normally have a very laid back and low stress job, but for some reason, this week has been horrible! I am still hitting the morning workouts hard, but was hoping to get in some evening workouts too to work off the stress, but I'm just exhausted when I get home! I'm hoping this busy time slows down...this is supposed to be our slow time of the year!:grumble:

    This morning was Core Cardio Circuit...loved that one! Had a great calorie burn and really enjoyed it!

    Laurie/Laurel/Tami--when do you do the ab workouts on STS? I haven't figured out when is a good time to throw those in?

    Michelle--I forgot to respond to you a few days ago about STS...I think if you like variety in the workouts, but don't mind having the same instructor 3 days a week, you'd really like STS. I like variety in workouts, but once I find an instructor I like, I usually will stick to that instructor--like with Cathe.

    Ok, back to work. Hope to catch up with you ladies tomorrow morning sometime!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Erika- Glad to hear the hunt went great, hubby ended up taking the girls and one of their friends to Peter Piper Pizza where they came home with bags of candy and prizes:bigsmile: Which sneakers do you run in?

    My last pair were Brooks, and I LOVED them, but that style is no longer being sold. So, I tried on a bunch and have fallen in love with Saucony's! I also have a pair of Ryka's that I love too!!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    I worked all day today after a horrible night of little rest. First my body would not fall asleep due to those multiple coffees and then when I finally fell asleep the 3 year old woke up crying with nightmares:yawn: This is the third night for her and then the 9 year old wakes up throughout the night to watch tv and then falls asleep with both the light and TV on:grumble: Literally I'm walking across the house at least 2-3 times throughout the night:mad: It is probably time to move the Tv out of her room again:frown: .

    No wonder I feel worn down this week:noway: Although I did not workout I did do some glute and ab work. I'm also battling hormonal cravings so I baked some Sugar free Banana nut Vitamuffins this morning before I started to work:bigsmile: That should hold me before the Haagen Daz monster rears its uglyhead.

    My plan is NMTZ w/Jillian Michaels in the morning, that should wake me up and telling you guys should also keep me accountable I hope:blushing: I definitely need to remind hubby to put my coffee on before he heads out the door, he has been slacking this week:wink:

    Ok I'm off to read until hubby gets in from his bowling league.

    Night Ladies:flowerforyou:
