Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning,

    STS #3 - Legs and then followed that up with 20 min of matwork "Tonique" - that's all I had time for. :ohwell: I can tell I am going to love :love: the Tonique workouts. Definitely was feeling it after the STS Leg workout (w/ bonus section) and then Tonique! Thanks again for the suggestion on this DVD ~ going to do more this weekend! :wink:
    Last night's Strength class was good .... funny how I worked shoulders/triceps yesterday a.m. and we did a lot of shoulders & triceps + a bunch of leg work. :tongue: But it's all good!

    Laurie: I really liked the little taste of it that I got. Can't wait to do a full workout of Tonique. I'm glad we will be in the Undulating together! There is another MFP'r who is doing the Undulating too. I think she is going to join us on here :happy: We will be able to cheer each other on. I think you will be surprised how a longer rotation of STS flies by! :bigsmile:

    Erika: How is the soreness doing today!??! I hope better. :smile:

    So tomorrow I have SHOCK: Athletic Step planned for the a.m. and hope to get Tonique in the afternoon. Sunday a.m., something "light" maybe even some stretching and then V-ball in the afternoon + I'm sure a nice dog walk in there too! :wink:

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm hangin in there, but I tend to get really stressed right before leaving for vacation, so that's where I'm at today! Trying to arrange to get the dog to the boarding kennel, the kids to grandma and grandpa's and get myself organized to fly out tomorrow morning!

    I didn't get a workout in this morning...I've just been dead tired this week for some reason. But, I hope to get one in tonight and then am bringing stuff to go running while we're in Mexico. Hoping to keep my eating good too while we're away!

    Laurie--I bet you can't wait until the Max Circuits next week! I wanna hear all about them. I don't know why, but I've lost all interest in doing Insanity. I just can't get myself to put that DVD in! Maybe when I get back I'll try it again.

    Tami--Isn't Tonique the best?!?!? I am in LOVE! I just love how it's such simple moves, but they work oh soooo good. I am FINALLY feeling somewhat normal today, although my sits bones still are a bit sore!

    Michelle--keep enjoying the relaxing time! You'll be back to the normal swing of things before you know it!

    Have a great day and I'll be back late next week to check back in!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    There is another MFP'r who is doing the Undulating too. I think she is going to join us on here :happy:

    Hi everybody! Thought I'd take a minute to introduce myself. Tami and I 'met' on another thread on this board, and we are going to be doing an STS undulating rotation together starting in May. I can't wait! :drinker:

    A little about myself.....I have been a Cathe Friedrich fan for about 12 years. I own all of her workouts. :blushing: I have completed one STS 6.5 month rotation and am in Meso 3 of a 3 month rotation right now. I finished the 6.5 month rotation last July and followed it up with a P90X rotation and an Insanity rotation. It felt good to get back to Cathe in January, though I did enjoy both P90X and Insanity very much.

    I suffered a bad shoulder injury in 2006 and gained quite a bit of weight as a result. I joined MFP in January 2009 and lost all of the weight I had gained plus another 25 pounds that had creeped on me as I moved into middle age. I credit STS alot for what I was able to do with my weight. I'm more fit now than I think I've ever been in my life, and that's not bad for somebody who is going to be 45 in a couple of months. :happy:

    I've really enjoyed reading about the Tonique workouts here. I think that is going to be my next workout purchase.

    I look forward to checking in with you all! I love knowing there are other Cathe fans on this site to share experiences with.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Welcome Laurel ~ So glad to see you here! :flowerforyou: Can't wait to get started either and all of us sharing in our journey with Cathe/STS/Tonique or whatever it may be! :happy:

    Erika: Good luck getting all set for your trip and have a fabulous time! :wink:

    Have a great weekend everybody!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Just popping in to give a welcome to Laurel! :flowerforyou: I'm impressed with your results with STS. I to was very happy with the results I had just doing a 3-1/2 month rotation. Looking forward to an STS undulating rotation in about 5 weeks. Insanity is good, but I'm sure after this next 5 weeks I will be missing my weight workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Month 2 of Insanity was suppose to be the Fit Test and Max Interval Circuits. I was given the advice to do the Fit Test on Sunday. Glad I took that advice, because I would never have been able to get through both of these workouts. I improved on my Fit Test again, so happy about that. Not going to kid you on MIC being a walk in the park. It is a tough workout, and I burned 703 cal. My HR was in the target zone of this 60 min. workout for over 40 min. There was only one exercise that I had a hard time with coordination. Shaun called them floor switch kicks. I started to get it by the last round. :laugh:

    Tami~So how did that Tonique workout go? I'm thinking that I might be able to incorporate that into the undulating rotation, by making Wednesday as the weighted leg day, and Saturday as Tonique. Maybe not using weights for Tonique.

    There was a rotation posted on Cathe's site that really look good, and I might try it out at some point. The rotation was created by Fitnessfreak.

    WEEK 1:
    Day 1 - Meso 2, Disc 13, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
    Day 2 - Tracey S. Cardio Kickbox Challenge
    Day 3 - Meso 3, Disc 37, Squat Rack Legs
    Day 4 - Step Moves & ab work of choice
    Day 5 - Meso 2, Disc 15 - Back & Biceps
    Day 6 - Meso 1, Disc 3 - Legs
    Day 7 - Rest

    WEEK 2:
    Day 1 - GS Chest & Triceps
    Day 2 - Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge
    Day 3 - GS Legs
    Day 4 - Step Blast & abs of choice
    Day 5 - GS Back, Biceps & Shoulders
    Day 6 - Meso 3, Disc 29, Plyo Legs
    Day 7 - Rest

    WEEK 3:
    Day 1 - Meso 2, Disc 15, Back & Biceps
    Day 2 - Cardio & Weights Step Only premix; abs of choice
    Day 3 - Meso 3, Disc 39, Squat Rack Legs
    Day 4 - Meso 2, Disc 19, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
    Day 5 - Amy's In The Ring
    Day 6 - Meso 2, Disc 14, Legs trisets
    Day 7 - Rest

    WEEK 4:
    Day 1 - Meso 3, Disc 13, Chest & Back
    Day 2 - Rhythmic Step; Abs of choice
    Day 3 - GS Legs
    Day 4 - Meso 3, Disck 33, Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps
    Day 5 - Imax 2
    Day 6 - Meso 3, Disc 32, Plyo Legs
    Day 7 - Rest

    I would think that if you don't have the Meso 3 you could sub Slow & Heavy. I really liked the way she did this, and that made me think of putting a Tonique workout in my rotation on Saturday.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning :happy: & Happy Monday :ohwell:

    Laurie: That rotation does look good. Thanks for sharing that. I have seen some of "Fitnessfreaks" posts/rotations and they do look good. Sounds like Insanity has been fun while at the same time challenging . . . :huh: Are you done with Insanity now?

    The weekend of workout ended up almost as planned. I did do the Athletic Step (only had to rewind a few times to "review" a step) :blushing: I ended up not getting my full afternoon workout but did do another Tonique Matwork. The one day of sunny weather and taking the "kids" for a nice walk & the Sat. errands kind of got in the way. :ohwell: Yesterday I did do some stretching before Volleyball so that felt good! :wink:

    Today was STS #4 Shoulders/Chest . . with the drop sets of push-ups! I am definitely stronger on those I can tell. :drinker: Tonight will be Kick Boxing. Tomorrow a.m. my schedule says to just do HiiT 30/30 and Abs. I am hoping to do HiiT and Tonique perhaps, since HiiT won't take up as much time. :wink: We'll see how I feel.

    Have a fabulous day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    My Spring Break is over and it was awesome:bigsmile: We finished the week with Disney on Ice and the girls definitely enjoyed that show...definitely more than the Riverdance:laugh:

    This morning was 30/30 with 30 minutes of SS cardio kickboxing:huh: what a way to jump back into my schedule:bigsmile:
    My legs are already feeling the workout so later tonight it will be a great stretch with some ab work..maybe Tonique's front section.

    Tami- Glad you finally tested Tonique and enjoyed the leg work, now we can all suffer together:wink:

    Laurie- Funny but this week I went and saved some of Fitnessfreak's rotations to my documents and added the list to my favorites:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Welcome Aboard the train:flowerforyou:

    Erika- I hope that you are enjoying yourself and not stressing anymore:wink:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everyone. Thank you for the welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I started my second week of Meso 3 this morning. I can't believe I'm almost done with another rotation of STS. I love Meso 3, but I find myself hungry and sleepy all of the time. I did this Mesocycle last May/June, and I'm still using those workout sheets to track what I'm lifting. The great thing is I'm lifting about 5lbs more on each exercise than I was when I did the program the last time. That tells me that STS works!

    Laurie, I found Max Interval Circuit to be the toughest workout in Insanity. Good call on doing the Fit Test the day before. I didn't when I was doing the rotation and, boy, did I feel it at the end of that workout. Is this your first Insanity rotation? I really missed lifting weights when I did Insanity. I found at the end, though, that I didn't lose any of my strength, but I did lose some of my muscle tone. I work the Insanity DVDs now into my STS rotation, and I'm finding that I am doing better on many of the strength moves in Insanity as a result.

    Michelle, I just caved and bought Tonique. I'll be joining in sharing the pain. :bigsmile:

    Has anybody tried Brazillian Butt Lift? I ordered that along with Tonique. I like to work my lower body (my problem area :blushing: ) often and with a variety of workouts, and these two programs seemed to fit that bill based on what I've read. I'm anxious to try them out now!

    Thanks again for the kind welcome.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning :flowerforyou:

    This a.m. was HiiT 30/30 and then I did a 20 min. workout of the Tonique (On the Knees) matwork :tongue: I was kind of glad I only went for 20 min of Tonique after I was done. Between Kick Boxing last night, HiiT and then Tonique . . Yowsa! I was feeling it!

    Laurel: Again, a very happy "Welcome" :flowerforyou: So glad to have you here and share in your enthusiasm and knowledge! I know what you mean on the strength gains. I have been using my sheets as I've gone through this Endurance and now Shock/STS rotation and I have thought, geesh did I underestimate in the beginning or have I gained some strength here. Either way, I am glad to know and can see on paper that there are improvements. :bigsmile: I definitely want to get my sheets updated prior to the Undulating rotation. :wink:

    Michelle: Glad you had such a great time with your daughters. Sounds like you hit the workout hard straight out of the gates there! That's awesome. :drinker:

    Laurie: After reading your post again from the other day I realize you aren't done quite yet with Insanity! Keep up the good work.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Happy Morning Ladies! :drinker:

    Don't know why I'm in such a good mood, must be the tough workouts I'm doing. LOL! :laugh: Max Interval Plyo is finshed. My butt/thigh area was sore yesterday. Really surprised me, but then again these exercises have lots of squat type work in them. This workout today had a lot of body weight type moves, some where a little more complicated for me to do (having never done them before), but by the last round of trying them I finally got the form down. :wink:

    Tami~Are you going to be walking funny? :wink: Why is it that we enjoy having those DOMS after a workout. :laugh: Oh wait I know we know that muscle was work really good! Yep I'm still plugging away at Insanity, this is the tough month. Yesterday I was just starving, and put my diet on the fritz for one day. My DD's birthday cake was to tempting! Still have oldest DD's b'day on Sunday. We also have a family party at DH's brother's house. More not eating right! :grumble:

    Michelle, Glad you had such a great time with your DD's. WTG on those workouts! Fitnessfreak has some really good rotations.

    Laurel, I totally agree with you on Max Interval being tough. That may end up being the one I dread to do. :wink: Before this one it was Pure Cardio, and then that one started to get easier. I'm going to be putting at least one Insanity workout into my STS rotation, because I think they are ones that you can always increase intensity in. I was surprised today when I cranked out 16 push-ups, and then was still able to do 16 plank runs. Hoping to increase my strength with this next STS rotation. I was wondering if I should try some of the 1RM's again, and adjust before I start STS? What do you and Tami think? I stopped my last rotation in Dec. No I don't have BBL, but they do look interesting. I think a combo of Tonique & BBL would be a great combo. How often do you plan on using the workouts during the week?

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I'm having some nice soreness this morning:bigsmile: Today is a Circuit blast which is perfect for these sore muscles with a short and intense workout. Tonight I will do Tonique's butt section using the medicine ball underneath to keep my butt at least 2 fists apart which tends to give a deeper glute workout:noway:

    Yes, We are officially Tonique and Cathe's girls for sure...Here is to some tight glutes for the Summer:drinker:

    Laurie- I would redo the 1RM b/c alhough you are doing an endurance program your muscles strength would of increased with the activities even if it is just a 5lb gain in some areas or you can simply just add 5lbs to each set and adjust accordingly at he end of your reps. Today I did a plank w/a row and told myself I could only do a 15lb, the truth is I was actually able to do the 20lb for 45secs..just mentally had limited myself b/c I had not done the exercise in so long:bigsmile:

    Tami- You might be feeling that one later tonight..wowzer!:laugh:

    Laurel- Another one caved and bought the Tonique. In regards to BBL I was in the process of buying that workout when Laurie told me about Tonique. On the BB website many of the Ladies have created a hybrid of BBL w/Insanity or other things. I chose Tonique b/c I wanted a female trainer as she understands the woman's body better:wink: Maybe BBL next time:laugh:

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I did Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning today. It felt good.

    Laurie, good job on getting through Max Interval Plyo. That's a tough one too. Max Cardio Conditioning is shorter and a little less intense....but still tough. :tongue: I would recommend doing your 1RMs again. I didn't, but I probably should have taken the time to do it. Instead, I did the first week of STS a couple of times to see where my strength was at. Taking the time to do the 1RMs would have, no doubt, been a better option. About the additional leg workouts, in both of my STS rotations, I've added a second day of strength training for legs each week. I'm planning on doing that with the undulating rotation as well. So, depending on how Tonique and/or BBL look, that might be my second leg workout a week. But on the shorter leg days (like after plyo), I've also been known to add some floor/mat work. So I might add a short section of that after my STS leg workouts as well. I'll better know when I get these workouts how I'm going to use them. My legs just respond better to more work and really changing things up so that's what I'm looking forward to right now.

    Michelle, I really hesitated getting BBL because I'm not sure how I'm going to like the instructor. It's funny you mention how much better a woman knows a woman's body than a man does because, for me, that is one of the biggest difference I saw in P90X and STS. While I was doing P90X, I kept thinking to myself that Tony Horton designed it for the 'show off' muscles men like so much--the chest, the v-shape back, the quads. And Cathe focuses more on women's trouble areas, like the hamstrings, the glutes, the triceps, etc. I'll be very curious if I feel the same way about BBL vs. Tonique.

    Tami, sounds like you are working out HARD! What is your impression of the Tonique workouts? Do you feel them?

    Back to STS tomorrow, and, if I feel energetic enough, probably Athletic Step as a second workout. We'll see about that. :wink:

    Hope everybody has a great day. BTW, I'm not posting in the middle of the night all of the time. I live in South Korea so when it is the middle of the night in the US, it is late afternoon here!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Max Cardio Conditioning is done! LOVED this workout! I have one more workout that I have not tried yet (in the regular package), but I think that MCC is my favorite workout so far. I had to stop periodically, but the exercises he chose where so fun. Happy with my purchase of this package.

    Michelle, I plan on purchasing the Tonique workouts next month, so we will all be getting those great looking legs. :laugh: I think that you and Laurel are right on women knowing what our bodies need. I remember something a couple of years ago about Freestyle training, basically you worked your legs everyday. This type of training only worked for women, and it was light weights with all types of different lunges, squats. So that is what Tonique reminds me of. Makes me wonder is you split up different sections, and just tried something each day. Like say do the squat section one day then the lunge sequence another. Maybe the Mat workout the next. Thanks for the 1RM advice, looks like I will probably be getting those done the week before my STS rotation.

    Laurel, I was wondering about that middle of the night thing, but only today when I noticed that you had posted 6 hours ago. Thanks for the advice on the 1RM, looks like I'm getting that as a recommendation. I think your use of BBL/Tonique is a good idea, like I had mentioned above. I was hoping to try out the squat rack workouts, but now after doing this Insanity rotation, and seeing the definition in my legs, makes me wonder if I should just stick with the Plyo in Meso 3. I have legs that are athletic looking. Big calf and thigh muscles, just covered with that lovely layer of fat. :grumble: . I still have some time to think about it. :laugh: Just have to say that I agree with you on the P90X/STS difference. I like the way I gained strength with P90X, but I got bulky (layer of fat over muscle). With STS I got stronger, and lost fat.

    Max Recovery for me tomorrow, and I think I will be needing it. :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I woke up with some major back pain and foot pain from Circuit blast. Those tuck jumps with plyo jacks for sure:grumble: Anyhoo I decided I wanted to workout sans shoes so I opted for Jillian's YogaMeltdown:noway: Rivulets of sweat later and it was definitely a great choice:laugh: I feel good and my back feels better.:bigsmile: I see that she is bringing out a 6 weeks to 6 pack abs dvd using plank work for shredded abs, one of the moves is similar to Cathe's in CB where she goes from plank to side jumps w/both legs..interesting:bigsmile:

    P90x was definitely a bulker for me and with my naturally developed thighs that was not the path I planned on with that routine. Chalean's workout did the same which is why I'm opted for a higher rep program such as Jari's Get Ripped, it seems to really lean me out combined with cardio. I love Cathe as she really is the only trainer who uses heavy weights but with the developed bulk from P90x, I really need to decrease the bulk to reveal the muscle:wink:

    Lauri & Laurel- Tonique reminds me of Debbie Sieber's SS program which focuses on our trouble spots. For someone like myself this type of training works for me but can definitely aggravate my knees. For now I love Tonique mat b/c it kicks your butt w/o any squats, lunges, etc...all basic moves done in reps of 30-40 which is killer:noway: Hitting our lower body twice is usually recommended by fitness pros, some of them use high reps and a heavier day not mention most of them do double cardio days which will lean out your legs.

    Laurie- One section a day is great after my regular routine and will allow me to get some major glute work in at least 3x per week. As a runner do you mix up HIIT training with long distance running to target both types of muscle fibers? I hate running but HIIT sessions on the treadmill will definitely attack my bulky thighs:blushing:

    Laurel- A friend of mine used BBL but after showing her Tonique's moves she said Tonique may be the better route, Slywia's body speaks for itself, I must say on that cover. Yes you will feel the pain. Erika has done both Tonique Mat and the original and both times the DOMS lasted for at least a couple of days. My first time with Mat I hit muscles that I did not know existed:noway:

    Have a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~

    Laurie & Michelle: Well my legs felt good so I guess I didn’t do too much damage . . . no funny walking, so that was good. :wink: I’ll let you know how they feel after I do a full Tonique workout! I can see the potential of having some sore legs forsure.

    Laurel: Thanks . . . I’m really trying & I think adding a few nights of working out into the mix has really helped me get out of the plateau I have been in FOREVER and also has left me feeling more energized (unless of course I don’t get enough calories that day). Tonique: I think it is really great ~ and that is with only completing a couple of the “Matwork” workouts.
    I really think the whole program is going to be great and there will be no way to NOT feel the work put into it, that’s forsure. :laugh: So with that being said and knowing how much you also love to work your legs I think you will be really happy with your purchase.

    I have been thinking about the 1RM’s for our Undulating rotation coming up. I was thinking maybe just updating my “info” on Cathe’s site from my current sheets then printing them out from there vs. doing all the “tests” again. I made some notes and even now as I am repeating some of the Meso #1 workouts so I think that will work for Undulating what do you guys think?

    So this a.m. was Disc #5 (Back & Triceps) and tonight will be Spinning! Tomorrow I have Cardio Core Circuit planned for the a.m. I haven’t done that one in a little while so looking forward to it! :happy:

    Hope you all have a great day/evening whichever it may be! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody! :flowerforyou:

    I did STS Disk 30 this morning (shoulder/bicep/tricep) and really pushed the weight. My forearms were killing me at the end of it!! I had this problem towards the end of my last rotation with STS as well....where my muscles could handle the weight but my forearms were suffering. But I pushed it through and got a great workout in. I'm not lifting again until Sunday so that should give my forearms a good rest. I also did Maximum Intensity Cardio today (remember that older Cathe workout!). I haven't done that workout in months, and I loved every minute of it. I don't find the hi/lo section too challenging, but I really start feeling the step about half-way through. And that last five minutes of drills.....I was dripping in sweat. I loved it! It really helped ease up the tension in my arms as well, which is good....because if it didn't, I might not be typing right now. :laugh:

    Laurie, I have mixed emotions about the squat rack workouts. I've done them in both of my rotations, but I don't have a squat rack so they certainly aren't as effective for me as I think they could be. The move I have the most problem with is front squats where you hold the weight up to your chest and then squat. I have a really hard time getting heavy enough weights up to my chest because my biceps aren't nearly as strong as my legs are! :tongue: So even with a weighted vest, I end up going 10-15lbs lighter on the front squats than I do on regular squats and, sadly, that isn't because my legs can't handle the weight. If you have the same issues, you might be good just sticking with plyo legs.

    Michelle, based on what I've seen as well, I think the Tonique workouts are going to be better than the BBL workouts (or maybe I should say 'more effective' than 'better'). I also think Sylwia sounds like a wonderful person, so I'll probably enjoy her as well. But I keep hearing the BBL is fun, so I'm kind of thinking that I'll use Tonique as my second leg workout of the week (since it is tough) and BBL as an add-on after an upper body and/or cardio if for no other reason than for the 'fun factor' it might have...and, hopefully, it will workout my 'trouble zones' enough to make me feel like I'm doing something effective but not 'killer'.

    I'm definitely interested in a Jillian ab workout since I understand she loves planks. I don't have any of Jillian's workouts, but thought about getting her yoga DVD. I actually learned to love YogaX from P90X and am looking for some good tough yoga workouts that aren't 90 minutes long. How does her Yoga Meltdown compare?

    Tami, I might do exactly what you are thinking about doing for the undulating rotation....simply putting in the weights I'm lifting right now into the workout manager instead of re-doing the 1RM. I was thinking this morning that chances are I'm not going to be lifting as heavy through the undulating rotation as I am right now, so I'm not sure if I would actually benefit from doing the 1RM test again. I'll have to think about it, but it makes sense to me that I'll be lifting less. I want to keep track of the weights I'm lifting now for when I do another standard STS rotation. But I also want to track what I do during the undulating rotation, and I think recording my current weight and tracking my undulating weights against that (without recording the undulating weights used in the workout manager) would be a good compromise.

    Tomorrow I'm going to be doing HiiT and YogaX (or some form of stretching/yoga/pilates). I always look forward to the HiiT workouts. :bigsmile:

    Hope everybody has a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Max Recovery for me this morning, and dang does he have a lot of push-ups in this one. :noway:

    Michelle, Yep Hiit does help with the running, and Insanity is very close to Hiit. I have also used downloads from cardio coach that have some fun programs to help with interval training. Going to be incorporating Hiit/Running into the Undulating rotation. Have one morning that I do Hiit on the treadmill, and then saving a longer run for my Saturday mornings. I'm interested in that Jillian workout also, but will not be buying the kettlebell workout. I loved her core work in BFBM & NMTZ, so I'm hoping this one is just as tough.

    Tami, I'm going to be trying out the 1RM, since I have not been keeping up with STS like you have been. I think you will be fine with just updating what you have been currently doing. I will only do the exercises that they have marked with four and three stars from the book. I figure I can adjust the others as I go along with the workouts. LOL about looking forward to CCC! :laugh:

    Laurel, Thanks for the info in the squat rack, I had been wondering how the workouts would be with the weighted vest. I probably will still purchase the vests, because they of course have other useful ways to torture me. :wink: I plan on adding the weighted vest while walking my dog. I have not done MIC in years, just never really enjoy the hi/lo portion of that workout. Really loved the step part though. I don't know if I will every try that workout again, but it would be interesting to see how many calories that w/o burns. I saw they had the Jillian Yoga workout at Walmart, it appears to have two workouts. One is 35 min. and the other around 27 min. She moves quickly! :wink: To me the yoga workout was a lot like the first part of YogaX.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good morning all,

    I had an early start and cleaned house this morning. I have a scheduled 12noon workout but I'm not sure which circuit to use as I'm not excited to lift today, must be the bathroom cleaning that wiped that enthusiasm away :laugh:

    Laurel- Yoga meltdown is definitely shorter..the mix they have on ATT-Uverse is 40 minutes long. It uses traditional moves but adds reps and then 15-30 sec holds on some moves. I personally do not like yoga but I actually enjoy this workout and the sweat is dripping..even on her advanced exerciser:bigsmile: Last night my legs were tight after the workout but I also slept great too:blushing: Cathe has great ab workouts on her premixes but a plank focused dvd sounds interesting.

    Laurie- I was looking at some Kettlebell workouts yesterday...have you tried any of those? Insanity is still on my Summer list..any results for you Laurie besides super endurance?arm definition, leg definition, etc

    Tami- What is happening on your end? any great plans for the Summer?

    Off to get moving.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :happy:

    Laurie & Laurel – Thanks for the comments on the 1RM. Was feeling like that would work but wanted to check and see what you both thought.

    Michelle: Hope your back is feeling good today?!?! Thanks for letting us know on the new Jillian Ab workout coming up. :wink: That sounds good. I do enjoy planks so that would be right up my alley. I’ll have to look into it. I ordered her Yoga workout ~ excited to do that one on my “off” days or as a 2nd workout as well.
    Summer plans ……. Will definitely be straight into the Undulating rotation as far as workouts go. :happy: Also, I am going to try another season of golf. Last year was my first summer to try learning that game. Coming from a lifetime of playing softball it is a bit of an adjustment. It’s funny because it’s sort of the same “but different” :huh: so will be doing that. Something my hubby enjoys so want to be able to do that with him. Also, I always enjoy taking my dogs down to the lake on nice days and long walks.
    How about your family? :smile:

    Laurie: I know. Crazy huh that I always look forward to the tough ones! Gluten I tell ya! :noway:

    Laurel: I love the HiiT workouts as well! Sounds like you have a good day planned for tomorrow. I haven’t done the YogaX workout since P90X. I thought I would but never re-visited it. :laugh: :blushing:
    Thanks again on the 1RM thoughts.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:
