Calling all Cathe fans!



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Girls!

    Just a quick note to say hi! Vacation was wonderful and I even managed to get in some running on the beach a couple of mornings! I am fully rested, and ready to get back to my workout schedule! I took yesterday and today off to get some much needed rest from the jet lag, and I had something that didn't agree with my stomach the last night in Mexico, so I've been recovering from that! Hoping to get Tonique in tomorrow morning and I will be starting STS on Monday!!

    BTW, I'm doing some more cleaning out of DVD's and have decided I'm going to sell off my Insanity set. I just can't get into it, and not sure I really will, so it's time to part ways with it! I thought I'd throw it out there if you know anyone that wants the set before I list it on ebay. I have the deluxe set and am hoping to get $100 for it (shipping included).

    I'll catch up with you ladies tomorrow after my workout! Have a great night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! I hope you are enjoying your Friday..I'm a bit off on my days this week, so it's felt like Friday all week (plus I took Thursday and Friday off of work to re-group!).

    I FINALLY had enough strength and energy to do Tonique2 Workout #1 this!!! I think it's all the squats and lunges with arms at the same time that just kills me. I STILL can not make it through a Tonique workout without stopping at least a couple times! I had a GREAT calorie burn...right up there with Cathe's tougher workouts! I LOVE TONIQUE!! Thanks again Laurie for telling me about these workouts!!!

    Well, off to get my hair colored and get my new drivers license picture, then some outdoor time with the boys!

    Have a great one!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was Max Interval Circuit. :drinker: That on is tough, and I don't know if it is just me, but do any of you feel skinnier after doing a workout? I don't think it is dehidration, because I have a 32oz. water bottle, and after the workout I only had 8oz left. :happy: I'm sticking with the skinny feeling. :laugh:

    Michelle, No I have not tried any kettlebell workouts, I just don't have the room for any more equipment in my workout space. I have heard that they really work well with a combo of Hiit. From what I can see they are sort of like circuit, because they do get your HR up. Insanity has defined my waist/legs/arms more. I really like how it has worked on my legs. I'm hoping to get a pic put into my profile after this rotation is finished.

    Tami, LOL about the conversion from softball to golf. I have the same problem, and it really makes me not want to golf. :laugh: I slice that ball all the time, so I gave up. :laugh: It is nice that your DH likes to golf, mine doesn't so there really is no motivation on my part to try to improve my swing. Your summer plans sound really nice.

    Erika, Welcome back to the cold! Your pic is really great, and it looks like you had a fab time. Hey some workouts are just
    not for everyone. Glad you are enjoying those Tonique workouts, planning on getting mine purchased next month. Enjoy the rest of you time off of work.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies & TGIF!!

    Laurie: I know what you mean on feeling skinnier after a workout! :laugh: I think it is because our muscles are tightened up throughout the exercise and of course the endorphins that kick in! Either way, that feeling is great, I'm with ya there! :wink:
    Yes on the golf front . . . . going into it with an open mind and hoping this summer will pick it up a little better. Kind of a slow pace for me but want to get better! :noway:

    Erika: Welcome Back!! I bet you had a fabulous time ~ that's so great. Good job on getting some running in too. It's fun to get away but also good to get back and get into your workout routine again isn't it?!?!? :smile:

    Last night I went to the STRENGTH class. We had a sub-instructor. She was more into the strength end of things and reps vs. interval/bootcamp style like our usual instructor. It was a good class. This a.m. was STS Legs (#6) :smile: I'm hoping to get in a good workout tomorrow a.m. and then my hubby & I are headed for a fun day together. :love: A little shopping, NCAA game watching and a fancy dinner out tomorrow night. This is for our Anniversary since it was Tues. we didn't do much so he wanted to take me out.

    Hope you guys have a great Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Happy Anniversary Tami :flowerforyou: Sounds like a really nice day you and your DH have planned.
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday is typically my on the move day which means lots of walking, errands, etc. This morning I needed to compensate for an easy day so I grabbed an oldie, Tear It Up, from Debbie Siebers SS. It is a 78min Full body blast and it was awesome. Years ago I could not imagine completing this workout, needless to say it has sat in my collection for years unopened. It is truly a thorough workout and hits every muscle from head to toe and includes cardio moves such as burpees, jump squats, etc. The heartrate monitor went over 1000cals burned and I truly enjoyed the dvd:bigsmile:

    Tami- I hope your anniversary date was great:flowerforyou: I'm taking the kids to my mom's home for the month of July which means that I have to travel with an effective workout plan along with dvds. She lives in the country so I can do running drills up and down her long driveway plus we have bikes and skates there for tons of outside play:wink: August we leave on our family cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman & Cozumel

    Erika- Welcome back and I love the picture, you look carefree and happy!:wink:

    Laurie- Post some pictures so that we can see all that you have achieved with Insanity. Show us some legs woman:laugh:

    Laurel- How are you? Enjoy your weekend!

    I'm off to shower and then to replenish with a protein smoothie. Then it is off to the park with the girls.

    Have a great weekend ladies:bigsmile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody! I hope everybody is having a good weekend.

    Yesterday was my 'rest' day, which means it was 'running around doing errands and housework' day. :laugh: Today I am supposed to be doing STS Meso 3 Chest/Back, but I woke up to sunshine and blue skies and felt like going for a run. I went for my first run in about 12 years a couple of weeks ago. I have always hated ( is that strong of a feeling) running. But I decided to give it another shot to see if it felt better since I'm more fit and lighter than I was when I used to try to run. Well, my first trip out was two weeks ago, and I went 6.5 miles. Today....I went 7! :drinker: I did it without any stops AND I actually ran a little faster than I did last time. It felt really good. I'm even thinking about trying to train for a half-marathon. What a difference from 12 years ago when I struggled to get through running a mile. :wink: I'll do the weight workout later this afternoon after my body recuperates a little bit.

    Tami, I hope you had a good celebration for your anniversary. :flowerforyou: My husband loves golf too and has been trying to teach me how to golf for most of our marriage (20 years). I'm pathetic at it....but I keep trying. If nothing else, it's good for a laugh. :tongue:

    Laurie, I definitely feel skinnier after some workouts (like Insanity Max Interval Circuit). I know it is all in my head, but I love the feeling. :heart:

    Erika, I'm excited to hear what you said about Tonique because I just received my Tonique workouts yesterday! I'm really anxious to try them.

    Michelle, now you've got me interested in SS! I've never looked into it before, but that workout you did sounds really good. Is the series worth looking in to? I just recently moved from California to Korea, and was without my workout stuff for a couple of months. I found that Insanity was the perfect program to do when away from my usual equipment. I think if you plan ahead, you'll be fine for the month you are away. The cruise sounds great!

    Off to enjoy some more of this sunshine. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    The weekend was good! Hubby and I celebrated as planned with a day of just hanging out together, a little shopping and a fabulous dinner! I ended up getting my workout in yesterday prior to volleyball games so that felt good. :wink:
    Laurie: Thanks for the anniversary wish! Hope you had a great weekend.

    This a.m. was Disc #7 - Shoulders & Biceps. Tonight will be Kickboxing :tongue:

    Michelle: Sounds like you had a nice long workout over the weekend with a ton of calories burned ~ that's so great! You have some really fun plans in store this summer, I'm sure you guys will have a great time!

    Laurel: I too really dislike (hate) running as well. I wish I liked it more but just haven't been able to get into it. Maybe it was all the years of coaches forcing us to run! :grumble: That is amazing and what an accomplishment from 12 years ago. WOW! :drinker: Good on ya! I bet you were surprised. :tongue: I'm sure you could easily get prepared for a half marathon! Hope you are still having some sunshine ~ I'm sure that feels really good.

    Erika: All settled back in from your vacation!?!?

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I truly had a very busy weekend, and I'm hoping that this coming weekend gets a little better. I know that Sunday will be super busy with me singing in the choir for two Easter services. Satruday was Max Interval Plyo, and this morning was Max Cardio Conditioning. All the workouts in month 2 are super fun.

    Yesterday was my oldest DD's 17th birthday, but we had to go to DH's brothers house to celebrate Easter. DD was very mature about not getting to celebrate her b'day the way she would have liked to. I think the wad of cash she received from the family made up for that fact. :wink: Have to brag on the DD a little, she received two 3rd place metals for indoor relays. She also received an Event Champ T-shirt. I'm still confused as to what events she ran, because indoor has different distances than outdoor. :laugh: All I know is that they where for short distances. She calls herself a mutt, because she can run both short and long distance. :drinker:

    Michelle, Great workout you ended up doing. I will make sure to get some pics on my profile after this rotation, don't know if the legs are going to look that great. I'm hoping that a picture will be worth a thousand words. :happy:

    Laurel, I think you will be able to do a half marathon if you are able to go 6 to 7 miles at a time. I'm getting anxious to get out and run. No running for me since starting Insanity. I wanted to make sure that I didn't overdo my workouts, and then have a set back. But one of the first things I'm going to be doing when I'm finished is a run. :wink:

    Tami, Glad you had a such a nice day. I think when people force you to do something that you don't enjoy, then you get a bad feel for it. Running has always been something I have wanted to do, but have never been very accomplished at it. Will see how I do in about three weeks. Can't beleive how fast this rotation has gone.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!

    I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at work today (LOTS of work to come back to), but started off the morning with my first STS Disc, and LOVED it, of couse! :bigsmile: My arms were shaking so badly by the last set of pushups that I couldn't even do them!!! :huh: But, I did what I could. Also had to do them all on my knees as I did something to my shoulder blade over the weekend (no idea what though), and pushups on the toes put a little too much weight on the shoulders for me.

    It feels sooooo good to get back into a schedule! The last week has been random workouts at different times each day, weird timing on meals, etc. Just nice to get back into it!

    Laurie--I agree with you, I think running and Insanity would be a lot to handle at the same time. I really wanted to like Insanity, and am bummed that I'm not. It's turned into one of those workouts that I just dread (not sure why, as I like drill style workouts), and can't get myself to really try at it because I just hate it. I think it might have to be because I have that thought of it being painful in my head, even though it's not...who knows!

    Tami--Glad you had a fun date with the hubby...those are always fun!!

    Michelle--Way to rock the SI6...WOW, what an awesome calorie burn!

    Laurel--Welcome! I know I've come across your posts on other message boards and was very impressed with your results throughout the different programs! That's awesome on the running...I'm much like you. I HATED running in school and never ran until last May...I went outside to run and ran several miles and then ran in a few 5k's that summer too. But, over the winter, I got bored with the treadmill, so am starting out again fresh as the weather gets nicer!

    Well, back to work! Hoping I can get outta here for a walk at least at some point!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My scheduule was off as we headed to the Post Office for hubby's and my 3 year old passport but due to his meeting we left after an hour of waiting:grumble: So that is back on the To-do list!

    Tami- I tell my girls not to use the hate word but that is how I feel about running:sad: Maybe it is due to genetics and my youth enjoying relay races, etc. but even in the Army my PT test with running always sucked:blushing: My hubby on the other hand has been running all his life to include marathons while overseas but I just don't see the pleasure in the sport:huh:

    I decided to go with Mix IT Up today, another Debbie Sieber's Slim series dvd in my collection, yes it was my first time using this one also after 6 years of ownership:blushing: Great 55 minute routine, approx 800cals burned with lots of moves that are being touted today by the new fitness gurus. My poor arms are shaking and my triceps feels like knots of balls are pressing against my arms:noway: Midway through she actually stopped and did some strecthing to include a few yoga moves which was different. Overall a good workout especially after her kickbutt 78 min routine, which I can still feel in my glutes from those deadlifts:love: I thought I would add Tonique but Debbie does squat w/leg lifts, curtsy lunges, lunges w/kicks and then floor work so I may rethink that option:laugh:

    Erika- Try not to stress out with the workload, address the immediate stuff and just pace yourself. After a great week of little stress in Mexico don't overload and erase all of the benefits of a relaxing vacation.:wink:

    Laurie- Brag about her accomplishments..she sounds like a natural for sure. Those accomplishments can earn college scholarships:wink:

    Ok I'm off to replenish with lunch.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody! :flowerforyou:

    I had quite a challenging workout today. It started with Cathe's Drill Max Ultra Cardio Premix. That one always gets me, but I love it. Then I decided to do Tonique's Mat Workout. Before I say anything about the workout, I will just say that Sylwia really looks fantastic! But the workout.....:noway: I was like 'This is a mat workout. It can't be TOO hard.' Boy, was I wrong. I'd like to think I was tired from doing the Drill Max workout, but I don't think that is the only reason I struggled to get through the mat workout. I loved it!! It gives me something to work up to, which I always enjoy. I'm thinking of doing one of the other routines next. Any recommendations? I'd like to know which are easier and which are harder if anybody has any recommendations.

    Michelle, how frustrating to spend an hour waiting for something and having to leave empty handed. :grumble: You are getting me more and more interested in the Slim Series. :tongue:

    Erika, isn't STS wonderful?!? I've never really been sore from STS, but I get this wonderful fatigued feeling after all of the workouts. I can't say enough great things about STS. I'm glad to hear you found a way to enjoy running too. I'm hoping this continues for me. My concern is that if I do take it up, I won't be able to carry on throughout the winter because I already know I won't head for the treadmill to do my running. Part of why I'm enjoying it right now is the fact that it gets me outside. If I'm going to be inside, I'd rather be doing a DVD than going to the gym. But I'm going to see how it goes throughout the summer and, hopefully, if I enjoy it enough, I'll continue to run throughout the winter when there isn't much ice.

    Laurie, congrats to your daughter! That really is great. I'm glad you are enjoying the second month of Insanity. When/if you go back to the first month, you'll feel like those workouts, while still challenging, are SO short. I love the workouts in both months now, but use them at different times for different reasons because they feel totally different to me.

    Tami, happy to hear you enjoyed a nice anniversary weekend with your husband. :drinker:

    Hope everybody has a great day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!! I hope you are all having a fabulous morning so far! :smile: I was really tired this morning (my 8lb dog has a horrible cold and was up all night sneezing and congested :frown: But, I made myself get out of bed and did a TurboKick DVD. I had a good calorie burn from it, but I just wasn't "feeling it.":sad: I don't know why, but I am just 100% burned out on Chalene right now. I think because that's really all I did for at least 6 months, and just got burnt out. So, I think I'll pull her out of the rotation for awhile and focus more on others (Cathe!).

    Laurel--Glad to hear you liked Tonique. I too thought it was going to be easy when I started, and then wanted to kick myself for thinking that! :laugh: I have all of her DVD's and I'd say that Tonique2 is a good one as you get 2 workouts on 1 DVD. Both workouts are a combo of cardio and strength. I did the 1st one the other day and it was more strength than cardio, I believe I read on her website that the 2nd workout is more cardio than strength. I really liked the workout, and noticed a few of the same moves that I did in the regular Tonique DVD. The regular Tonique DVD really is a TON of lunges and squats, but also some drills, some plyo, and random other cardio moves...all with light handweights in your hands. The thing I like about all the Tonique workouts is that she doesn't really gets your heart rate up there! I guess I'd recommend either Tonique or Tonique2, but don't think you need to get both unless you really are looking to add to your collection.:wink: BTW, didn't get out for my run yesterday...I was going to run on the treadmill and just couldn't get myself motivated to do it. I don't enjoy running on the treadmill, so I usually don't much.

    Michelle--Again, WTG on the SI6 workouts! I had no idea they were as good of calorie burners as they SIL does them and loves them!

    Laurie--What a proud momma moment with your daughter doing so well in her races! I wish I could do both long/short distances, but I'm more into the long distance slow pace than short and fast!

    Tami--What's on the agenda for today??? I love to see what workouts you have on your list!!

    Have a good one!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member

    We are suppose to be getting some warm weather starting today, so I'm really looking forward to this. Max Interval Circuit is finished for today. That one is the longest, and I think has the most dread factor for me. But I pushed play, and the time flew by. :happy:

    Erika, I have workouts that I will probably never try again, because I just don't enjoy the workout. Probably should get rid of them. :happy: The best part about exercise is the fact that you can enjoy what you are doing. Glad that STS made you arms shake. Good idea to go to the knees, shoulder problems can be hard to recover from.

    Michelle, Bummer on having to wait that long with nothing accomplished. How frustrating that had to be. I had heard that Debbie had updated the Slim series, correct me if I am wrong, those are high rep type workouts right? Probably a good idea to hold on the Tonique, sure wouldn't want to have butt overload! LOL :laugh:

    Laurel, :drinker: on getting that mat work done after Drill Max Cardio Premix. I don't have the Tonique workouts yet, but will be interested in what the rating is on each of the workouts. I will be purchasing those workouts in April. I'm hoping that when I insert those month 1 workouts into my STS rotation, that I will be able to finish the whole workout with no breaks. And of course at a faster pace. Funny thing is that the first workout that I really want to try after Insanity is Cathe's Treadmill workout that she posted years ago. I have never been able to do that whole run without stopping. The way I enjoy my treadmill the most is for interval type workouts. If I want to do a steady run, then I go outdoors.

    Tami, Hope your day is a great one.

    Take care everyone,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Erika: Don’t you just love STS! I really knew you would. :smile: I agree with Laurel on the non-soreness but definitely fatigued at the end of a workout. So glad you are liking it. I know what you mean on the Chalene workouts and being burned out. I was the SAME way and then started STS! Haven’t gone back to even 1 Chalene workout since & really should think of getting rid of those DVD's. :wink: Again to make room for the new!

    Thanks for asking about me & my workouts! I’m glad . . . so last night my original plan of course was Kick Boxing in the evening. Well I ended up staying a little late at work so missed the class. :grumble: So I went home and plugged in TONIQUE – Did the whole workout. It is the one just labeled Tonique. It was great, just as you all have said. :bigsmile: I really loved it and burned a bunch of calories. So not only made up for missing the KB class but finally got to do that workout! Her body/legs are amazing and hello on not having a “pause” even. :huh: YOWSA! I did pause to get a little water a couple times.

    This a.m. was HiiT Double Pyramid Wave and then STS Abs (No Equip). Both were a great combo! Tonight will be Spinning.

    Michelle: I have never done the Slim Series workouts but they sound really great. I almost purchased them at one time but decided on ChaLEAN X instead at that time. Sounds like a fantastic workout and good calorie burn! :wink:

    Laurie: Definitely a congrats to your daughter! :drinker: That’s so great. Good job on pushing though the dread factor! Sometimes those are the best because you feel so great at the end.

    Laurel: I know what you mean on the matwork and the mentality of “it’s only matwork” ~ I did that last week one day because I had some extra time at the end of my workout. Yes, definitely a burner huh!??! I know you will love the TONIQUE one too that I just did last night. It definitely surprises you at your heart rate and the burn in your legs/glutes! I think I will now after venture towards Tonique 2 as well. Sounds like you had some amazing workouts yesterday! :smile:

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    This morning I did a Body by Jake Rock Hard Body Extreme which uses a medicine ball for all workouts:noway: Yes the heart rate stays between 155- 175 with each move held for 45sec intervals. It was a nice burn around 850cals and my entire body was attacked:laugh: . I'm not sure which is my least favorite move but the staggered squat jumps with the ball overhead definitely makes these thighs quiver:noway: I had to push through and would only allow my heart rate to drop to 151 before jumping back in..whew!!!!! There is a move where you squat with the ball in front and then rotate all the way around the world, stop and then reverse the rotation.....oooh my obliques have already started to complain:love:

    Erika- Chalene burned me out and that is when I went back to Jari and finally Cathe...I tried a CP3 three weeks ago but I just don't feel it at all. I think I should probably sell my deluxe package too on Ebay.:laugh: Yes I'm enjoying these SS dvds until I get bored again then Tonique is my next purchase:wink: Glad to hear you are enjoying the STS system. If I don't buy anymore dvds:wink: then after vacation during the Fall I'm looking to do a full rotation with Cathe. I see so many options on Ebay I'm not sure which one to invest in yet.

    Tami- Did you do the Tonique with the British voice over?I'm definitely planning on buying the original next month but with the Slim series dvds, Debbie is known as the lunge & squat nut so I'm definitely hitting those legs for sure. After trying Slim in 6 years ago I purchased the SS set next but was burnt out with Debbie and could not commit. The workouts are 60mins minumum with a high rep routine as she does go to failure with most moves with multiple sets. I actually sent my LB dvd & her circuit dvd from this series to my cousin in Atlanta so I'm hoping she can mail those back asap.:bigsmile:

    Laurel- I'm actually enjoying this series but I have had the set for more than 6 years:blushing: It includes 6 dvds to include a Cool down dvd, a circuit routine, a plateau breaker, a lower body only dvd, a weighted strength building circuit and a mixture of weights and cardio dvd. Over all it is a well rounded package. The weights are light compared to my normal 30-40lbs, but I tend to go heavier with upper body and just decrease as needed. Right now with all my upper body muscle, light-med is my weight of choice so it works.

    Laurie- Today will be 80 degrees so I'm send ing some of my sun to you:flowerforyou: so that you can have a great weekend run:wink:

    Back from the dental cleaning for the 3 year it is time for lunch and laundry.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I did my squat rack legs STS workout this morning, and it didn't feel to badly given the fact that I did that Tonique mat workout yesterday. I also did some of the cardio from Body Max 2 (I love the cardio from that workout)....and a really nice long stretch (which I needed). It's hard to believe that I'm coming down to the end of another STS rotation. I can't wait to start the undulating rotation with Tami because I'm not ready to put STS back on the shelf yet.

    Michelle, thanks for the information on the Slim Series. I might look into it early next year after I finish this next rotation. I've toyed with buying CLX as an 'in between' kind of series when I need a break from STS and/or P90X (which I plan on doing again next year). But based on what you are all saying about it, I'm not sure that would be a wise purchase.

    Erika, thanks for your feedback on Tonique. I actually bought all of them and am anxious to try them. I didn't realize there was much cardio involved, so that is good to know before I pop one in the DVD....after a cardio workout. :laugh: I usually preview all of my workout DVDs, but I haven't these (just a little short on time right now). I'll probably preview them, though, before I do them based on what you said about them.

    Laurie, I had completely forgotten that Cathe had posted a treadmill workout. Do you have a link to it? I don't usually workout on a treadmill, but I will be travelling soon, and sometimes when travelling, I'll end up on the treadmill. I might give that workout a shot. I wish I owned a treadmill because I really do enjoy using one for incline training. I did that for a week about a year ago (on hotel treadmills while at a conference), and it really kicked my behind! It was good for my body as well because it gave me a nice break from all of the impact cardio I usually do.

    Tami, sorry to hear you missed your class, but good for you in going home and doing something else! :drinker: I probably would have sat down in front of the TV instead. :tongue: I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Tonique.

    I've got a conference to attend the next couple of days. I'm going to get up at 4:30am both days to get my workouts in :yawn: , and I'll try to check in if I get a chance. If I don't get a chance, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week. :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    This morning was STS Week 1 Meso 1 Disc 2....I LOVE STS!!!!! :love: Thanks again to all you ladies for highly recommending it! I think my favorite thing is the way she hits the muscles in so many different ways. I never feel like I didn't fully work the muscles. I gotta say...I very rarely get sore from any workout, but so far STS is giving me a run for my money...I love it!!!:bigsmile:

    Tami--Glad you got to try that Tonique workout. I just can't get enough of her workouts either. I just love how they are such simple moves, but like Cathe, she makes sure to work those muscles in every way possible! I need to work one of those into my rotation this week!

    Laurie--way to go on pushing play! That's the toughest part when there is a workout that is tough like that and it would be easy to just not do it! Kudos to you! Sounds like you're getting the warm weather like we are in MN...lovin it!

    Michelle--Where did you get Body by Jake DVD's? They sound like a really good workout!

    Laurel--I'm doing Body Max 2 Cardio tomorrow...I like that one a lot too...looking forward to it!! It's so fun having others doing STS at the same time! I just love it!!! Regarding ChaLEAN Extreme, I did 3 rounds of it, and I like the workout itself, however I just have a really hard time with the instructor. She is different from other instructors I've worked out with...for one, she doesn't do the full workout, as she is walking around chatting and pointing out form on others on the video. She also wears a ton of makeup and is dressed more like she's going to a club than to workout. I really have a hard time working out when the instructor isn't doing the workout too, as it makes me feel like it must be too hard for them even to do? I tend to like longer workouts as well, and CE is 30 minutes for most, 45 for some. I just always feel like I have to do another workout when I'm done. After started STS, I feel like CE is more of a beginner level weight trainging workout. Definitely not the level of detail in training the muscles several different ways like Cathe does. Just thought I'd give some more detail....

    Off to get some work done and then the MN Wild Hockey game with some clients tonight!!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    An early workout for me as I had to get the 9 year old out the door this morning:yawn: Thank goodness hubby had the coffee ready for me when I stumbled downstairs to whip her up some breakfast:bigsmile:

    This morning I did Firm It Up, a 60 minute lower body weights free workout. I'm not sure who is worst Tonique or Debbie:wink: The floor portion consisted of pelvic tilts. one leg tilts, inner thigh clam moves(my name for the opening & closing of the legs repeatedly), pulses, pulses and more pulses:noway: ..this booty has been blasted:laugh:

    Laurel- Chalean is a good workout for a beginner but if you have been traning heavy and enjoy at least hitting the steel for 45mins, this series may seem to simplistic. The series was hyped up so much that my hubby ordered the workout for me but truthfully the results were minimal if followed exactly, most of the board members achieving results with the program had also included major cardio. I have not touched the program since completing it, my favorite part actually were the intervals workouts that were included in the deluxe package.

    Erika- Glad to hear you enjoying the we tend to like variety you will be my guinea pig in deciding whether or not to pick up the set on Ebay:laugh: The Body by Jake workouts are on my Free on Demand on ATT-Uverse, there are 2 workouts, each approx. 40 mins and one uses a medicine ball and the other uses dumbbells. The workouts incorporates plyo moves such as squat jumps with the DB held overhead, staggered push-ups, curtsey lunges with a one-leg balancing move, reverse lunges with a ball row, planks with a one arm row, squats with around the world twist with the ball,etc...I have a love/hate relationship with these workouts but at the end its exhilarating:bigsmile:

    I plan to relax today b/c I'm definitely feeling a mild soreness in the glutes, legs and triceps. I keep thinking of those huge bodybuilders who walk as if their muscles are too much for their stuffed sausages walking like primates:laugh: That is how I feel in my triceps like stuffed muscles..ready to pop if I move too fast:bigsmile:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Max Interval Plyo is finished. Was a little tired this morning, had a sinus headache around 1:30 am. Took something for the headache, and it was a little while of having to listen to DH snore before I could get back to sleep. :yawn:

    Tami ~ I'm with Laurel in congratulating you for getting that workout in. I to would have been in front of the TV! You ROCK:drinker: Will be happy when I have those Tonique workouts in my hands, can't believe that I am this interested in a leg workout. :laugh: My next dread factor workout is Kickmax, if you can believe that. I think after finishing these Insanity workouts, Kickmax will be a lot easier. :wink: I always dread the cardio in that one.

    Michelle, I think you did a good job on sending some of that heat our way. It was in the 50's this morning, and suppose to get into the 70's this afternoon. :wink: I will really enjoy walking the dog after work today, maybe some shorts! Will see how the breeze is when I get home. That looks like a tough workout, is that one is on ExerciseTV? Funny how tough workouts are have become fun for me. :laugh: Guess it is just a matter of getting out of your comfort zone.

    Laurel, Here is a link to the treadmill workout. Can't believe that I'm looking forward to that workout. :laugh: I have never been able to run at 8.0 or 5 min. so this will be my goal during this workout. I get up at that time everyday! Hope your conference is a good one.

    Erika, Have a great time at the hockey game, those are fun to watch in person. Glad you are loving STS, it really is a great system. I think that my new motto is going to be push-play! :wink:

    Have a great day!