So sad with what I saw today I wanted to cry



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I had something going on with my body before crash dieting? Since when? Because nothing showed up on blood work or physicals until AFTER the crash diet. Once again I have a paperwork trail to back this all up. Where's your science?

    Yeah, you don't know me at all. Don't make assumptions and do NOT tell me what was going on with my body. I sure as hell did not say I was sick before crash dieting. I didn't say that ANYWHERE. You are flat out pulling things out of your *kitten*.

    I didn't say you were me. I shared my experience.

    You refuse to listen to science, reasoning, rationale. You gave me attitude from the first thing I was posting. Go live in your fantasy world and see what happens in the end.

    I can't tell you how many people I know eat about 500 calories a day and have non of these problems. One of which had a heart attack two months before starting the diet and she's been going strong for damn near a year now. I know another lady that went on a liquid diet having 500 calories a day for 9 months and she's had non of these problems. Your right I don't know you but you don't know me and yet you felt the need to jump on the band wagon and explain what happened to you and warn me it was going to happen to me too. We are two different people. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, I don't have high cholesterol and my goal is to NOT have all these things. This is not a fantasy this is my real life, and I'm good.
    And there we have it. The OP's beliefs are founded on old wive's methods rather than any actual science.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    after reading everything written in these comments my only question has become how people are getting angry at the people trying to share information on how a LOW LOW calorie diet is harmful while making comments about how changing your life and becoming healthier is such a beautiful thing. Eating like that isn't going to make anyone healthier. You are trading in a fat unhealthy for a less fat unhealthy. If you are here to get healthier than expect people to talk to you about ACTUALLY getting healthier. That is all.

    Edit: Sorry that was't all. I forgot the bacon!

    Doctors (like bariatric surgery ones) prescribe 800 calorie diets. Its okay for morbidly obese people, certain considerations taken, until they reach a more reasonable weight. And you better not forget the bacon!

    Just one thing...someone may have already mentioned this, but I'm too lazy to read all the way through several pages of posts, but I HATE this argument with a passion! My diet is currently supervised by a bariatric surgeon, and there is no way he would prescribe an 800 calorie diet pre-op. Nor would any of his colleagues. Why? Because that's not enough calories to sustain a person who hasn't had body-altering surgery long term. Post-surgery, yes, you can and most likely will consume 800 calories or less during the weight loss phase, but they bring you back up gradually into maintenance once you reach your goal. The only time during the pre-op phase that a reputable bariatric surgeon would sanction a diet that low in caloric value would be in the two weeks immediately preceding the surgery, and even that is a specifically controlled situation, designed to reduce the mass of the patient's liver to lessen the chance of complications while on the operating table.

    That said, and sorry to explode on you...I'm not normally so volatile with complete strangers...I fall into the camp with those who say that a very low calorie diet, IN CONJUNCTION WITH MEDICAL SUPERVISION, is vastly preferable to the damage done by continuing morbid obesity and the more than likely nutritionally void diet that goes with it. The important part here is that no one should ever prescribe this for themselves, and shouldn't undertake it long term, or without consistent monitoring. It's pretty much a Solomon's choice...there are very serious risks on both sides of that line, and it's up to us to be informed about the decisions we make about our bodies.

    Again, my apologies for the verbal sonic just happened to dance right on my trigger!
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    I can tell you dozens - close to 50 people I know PERSONALLY who have had these problems. And you are only a few months in - you have said so yourself. It took me 8 or 9 months and then my body started shutting down.

    No where did I say 'hey THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU'. If you had any ability to comprehend my very easy to understand post - I said hey, this happened to me. this can happen. i hope it does not. That is all I said. Then you jumped on my *kitten*. I never judged you and I repeatedly wished you luck and you just kept on my case.

    You are lying in your posts at a few points - where the hell do you get off criticizing me for my life 'before' the crash diet? I was healthy too - no diabetes, perfect cholesterol, no blood pressure issues, no thyroid issues, nothing. I was 'healthy' during the crash diet too. No problems at all.

    So you pulling this 'oh you had problems before' thing is ridiculous. Nowhere did I state that. Reading comprehension - seriously try it. You are old enough that you should be able to comprehend such a simple thing, Terri.
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Thanks for the informative post, moxiecowgirl. I thought that's what my friend had told me her doctor had said, but I had no experience with it to back it up.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    She doesn't want to listen. I hope eventually she does.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Totally anecdata.

    I lost around 115lbs on 700-800 a day and lots of excercise.

    I now have serious intestinal issues, stomach issues, thyroid issues, along with other serious problems etc. I was healthier 'fatter' before I lost all the weight starvation mode then I was when I made it to 'skinny'

    Then I gained it all back. Now I am losing it all the right way - moderation. I may not be anywhere near the 'perfect' diet - but losing it slowly while getting enough calories and adjusting to fill my nutritional needs as best as I can is how I am doing it now and it is going damn well.

    I don't believe 1200 is a magic number, but I just don't wish to see someone fall apart the way I did after losing weight that way.
    Thank you for sharing this. That took courage. I hope people can learn from your experience.

    Her experiance and hers alone, not everyone experiances this. And I seriously doubt Starvation mode played a part in any of her issue because it's a myth. I see people every day eating less than me and have no issues like this. Everyone is different and reacts differently to things. Lost any confindence in the post as soon as Starvation mode was mentioned.
    Starvation mode isn't a myth, it's a misnomer. It just encompasses a whole host of negative symptoms from eating too little over an extended period of time; metabolic slowdown, organ damage, hair loss etc etc. The term itself is misleading but the effects of it are very, very real. believe what you want I'll believe what I want.

    You don't believe people starve?
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member

    You don't believe people starve?

    Starvation mode and starvation are not one in the same.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Totally anecdata.

    I lost around 115lbs on 700-800 a day and lots of excercise.

    I now have serious intestinal issues, stomach issues, thyroid issues, along with other serious problems etc. I was healthier 'fatter' before I lost all the weight starvation mode then I was when I made it to 'skinny'

    Then I gained it all back. Now I am losing it all the right way - moderation. I may not be anywhere near the 'perfect' diet - but losing it slowly while getting enough calories and adjusting to fill my nutritional needs as best as I can is how I am doing it now and it is going damn well.

    I don't believe 1200 is a magic number, but I just don't wish to see someone fall apart the way I did after losing weight that way.
    Thank you for sharing this. That took courage. I hope people can learn from your experience.

    Her experiance and hers alone, not everyone experiances this. And I seriously doubt Starvation mode played a part in any of her issue because it's a myth. I see people every day eating less than me and have no issues like this. Everyone is different and reacts differently to things. Lost any confindence in the post as soon as Starvation mode was mentioned.
    Starvation mode isn't a myth, it's a misnomer. It just encompasses a whole host of negative symptoms from eating too little over an extended period of time; metabolic slowdown, organ damage, hair loss etc etc. The term itself is misleading but the effects of it are very, very real. believe what you want I'll believe what I want.

    You don't believe people starve?

    I don't believe I'm starving and I don't believe that starvation mode exists at least for us in this country. Yes I know people go hungry but they aren't in this starvation mode.

    The only thing missing in my diet is Iron and I know I need that but my body doesn't deal well with the pill form of Iron. I will have to look into things that have more Iron in it.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member

    You don't believe people starve?

    Starvation mode and starvation are not one in the same.

    yeah what she said :laugh:
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I had something going on with my body before crash dieting? Since when? Because nothing showed up on blood work or physicals until AFTER the crash diet. Once again I have a paperwork trail to back this all up. Where's your science?

    Yeah, you don't know me at all. Don't make assumptions and do NOT tell me what was going on with my body. I sure as hell did not say I was sick before crash dieting. I didn't say that ANYWHERE. You are flat out pulling things out of your *kitten*.

    I didn't say you were me. I shared my experience.

    You refuse to listen to science, reasoning, rationale. You gave me attitude from the first thing I was posting. Go live in your fantasy world and see what happens in the end.

    I can't tell you how many people I know eat about 500 calories a day and have non of these problems. One of which had a heart attack two months before starting the diet and she's been going strong for damn near a year now. I know another lady that went on a liquid diet having 500 calories a day for 9 months and she's had non of these problems. Your right I don't know you but you don't know me and yet you felt the need to jump on the band wagon and explain what happened to you and warn me it was going to happen to me too. We are two different people. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, I don't have high cholesterol and my goal is to NOT have all these things. This is not a fantasy this is my real life, and I'm good.
    And there we have it. The OP's beliefs are founded on old wive's methods rather than any actual science.

    Old wives method? Try my workout partner, the one I walk with daily and not to mention my boss. And her boss, and her sister and my sister in law's sister, and a dozen other people close to me. Yeah old wive's with new bodies.
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54

    I don't believe I'm starving and I don't believe that starvation mode exists at least for us in this country. Yes I know people go hungry but they aren't in this starvation mode.

    The only thing missing in my diet is Iron and I know I need that but my body doesn't deal well with the pill form of Iron. I will have to look into things that have more Iron in it.

    Starvation mode does not exist in this country? WTF are you on?

    I see you choose not to respond to my post - the tale of someone who has actually been through this. I believe this will be my last post because you are in fantasy land and you do not understand long term consequences. You are being willfully ignorant.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    That rips my heart out as can people do that to themselves?
    So be it....:ohwell:
    And anybody here not eating at least 1200 calories per day in addition to exercise calories will end up just like that.
    We can lose weight on the front end just to gain it all back.

    *Get's on my knees and thanks God for his miracle*

    With friends like this who needs enemies

    God made your body a temple and would like you to treat it properly. It's rather hypocritical to thank God for his miracle, yet abuse the body that he gave you. In my opinion.

    You are so right, which is why I'm working for a better me, a better body. It's a beautiful thing
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member

    You don't believe people starve?

    Starvation mode and starvation are not one in the same.

    They are the same thing. Starvation mode is just the early signs/process of starvation.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    :grumble: I seriously don't understand if you are on MFP, using MFP, and then get on MFP Forums to argue against basically MFP. It makes me scratch my head. You are using a system that sets you at a deficiet and then tells you to eat back your exercise calories but then you get on forums to argue about the very system you are using. :huh:

    Clearly it's not being used properly.

    My fear with calorie totals like that, is an eating disorder. And I think the people who are displaying concern have no ulterior motive, it's just concern for one who is starving their body.
    Furthermore in my opinon those who try and justify such a drastically low diet, are probably doing the same damage to their body.
    To each their own. But there are many including myself comfortable with saying "that's not really healthy or ok"


    And I for one, would rather someone tell me when I'm stuffing up, than pamper to my whims. Honesty all the way for me. If someone can show me a better way, I'm all for hearing it.
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks to everyone who posted about the dangers of very low calorie diets. A few years ago, I unintentionally went on a LCD - I eliminated ALL refined carbs (well, except alcohol in social situations), ate very, very little whole grains, and basically existed on vegetables, fruits, chicken, beef, and protein shakes. I meant to be healthy, but started having serious stomach pains and roseacea (related to an underactive thyroid). Sad to say I gained back all the weight I had worked so hard to loose (50-60lbs in 6 months) but I am working now to loose the weight again slowly. I thank you b/c this process is frustrating and I was tinkering with the idea of instituting my former diet plan - But now I can see now that the symptoms I was starting to develop may have only gotten worse if I continued. So, it will remain excrutiatingly slow pound by pound loss for me.

    And to the OP, I think it's fine if you want to loose weight your way. But, with so many people reporting serious consequences to LCDs, I think it would be wise if you went to your primary care physician every three to six months for a check up. And then just revise your eating habits if you begin to feel any of the physical effects described in the above posts. If you feel fine, and your bloodwork is fine, then you are probably fine. Best of luck to you.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member

    I don't believe I'm starving and I don't believe that starvation mode exists at least for us in this country. Yes I know people go hungry but they aren't in this starvation mode.

    The only thing missing in my diet is Iron and I know I need that but my body doesn't deal well with the pill form of Iron. I will have to look into things that have more Iron in it.

    Starvation mode does not exist in this country? WTF are you on?

    I see you choose not to respond to my post - the tale of someone who has actually been through this. I believe this will be my last post because you are in fantasy land and you do not understand long term consequences. You are being willfully ignorant.

    You've been thru what a doctor who believes in starvation mode told you. I happen to not believe it. I am NOT being willfully ignorant, I've done my research and I've talked to my doctors and we are good with where I am right now. I'm sorry you had such a horrible experiance with eating low cals, maybe you did it longer than you should have I don't know but I'm telling you I don't believe in Starvation Mode. I'm around to many people who have been eating low for long periods of time and I'm telling you non of them have ever experiance what your saying you experianced. NON of them. I'm not trying to argue with you I'm just trying to make YOU understand that I've got this. What happened to you had to be from something else, or maybe not, I don't know, but I don't believe you were in Starvation Mode. And everything I've read says Starvation Mode does not exist in this country or any where at all except third world countries.

    Good night :)
  • NamibianRose
    NamibianRose Posts: 151 Member
    “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

    -Mark Twain
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    You are an idiot. That's that. I've been to multiple doctors and nutritionists who understand how the human body works.

    You do not. At all.

    You will see. That's that.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!

    I envy your ability to just whip it out and go as you please without having to squat and wipe.

    wiping's overrated

    Not when you have a vagina.

    best laugh of the day :laugh:

    Absolutely hilarious!