So sad with what I saw today I wanted to cry



  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    I was picking my son up from summer school today and I saw this woman walking (yea for her, right?). She had to be 400 lbs or better and you could see she was struggling with walking. She had that gait that you know is her struggling to walk, I know cause I've been there. I wanted to cry for her, for me, for everyone who's been there or is there now. I am so excited for where I am right now. There are so many out there saying your eating to low , your going to fail, you can't live on that, your heading toward an eating disorder...I say to you, I am fine, I have goal and I will reach it, in spite of you, but maybe just maybe because of you. I never want to go back to that person struggling to lose weight, struggling to walk down the street.

    In my personal training days, I saw several individuals like this. I never felt sorry for them (nor did they want me to), but I felt an enormous amount of compassion for them. NONE of the other trainers wanted to help them ...... NONE. I met them where they were at and worked with them to achieve their goals. I really feel for these individuals, nor do I judge them. I can't imagine the daily physical and emotional battles they must face every day ..... the stares, the comments, being discouraged, feelings of shame, etc.

    This woman was truly brave and I pray she will continue her quest to loose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

    I have met some incredible individuals while personal training. We all can learn to be more compassionate and non-judgmental.

    Bottom line: We are all beautiful sons and daughters of God and should treat others as such.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    All i'm going to say is I watch a 3 yr old who eats about 800 or so cals a day....more on some days....and she's really skinny*like a super flat tummy and hardly any body fat* So if it works for a 3 yr old I'm sure it will work just as well for a 25 or 50 yr old:)

    WOW Good for you and the young one. I don't have the energy of a 3 year old, but I have more today than I did in January. I don't dread starting work next December because I know I'll be able to keep up with everything they throw at me. I don't burn as many calories as a 3 year old does, maybe you should consider feeding the child more because I'm sure he/she is burning more than they are taking in and may have an ED very soon because of it. Doc told my cousin a tablespoon of PB a day will help to keep her son's calories up because he didn't want to eat anything. Maybe you should try that see if it works.
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Totally anecdata.

    I lost around 115lbs on 700-800 a day and lots of excercise.

    I now have serious intestinal issues, stomach issues, thyroid issues, along with other serious problems etc. I was healthier 'fatter' before I lost all the weight starvation mode then I was when I made it to 'skinny'

    Then I gained it all back. Now I am losing it all the right way - moderation. I may not be anywhere near the 'perfect' diet - but losing it slowly while getting enough calories and adjusting to fill my nutritional needs as best as I can is how I am doing it now and it is going damn well.

    I don't believe 1200 is a magic number, but I just don't wish to see someone fall apart the way I did after losing weight that way.
    Thank you for sharing this. That took courage. I hope people can learn from your experience.

    I agree, thank you for sharing :flowerforyou:

    I agree with the past two posters. That took a lot of courage for you to say what you have struggled with. Those who say there is nothing wrong with starvation diets really need to do some research on the topic.

    You are a living example of what starvation diets can do and I applaud you on going about it the right way now.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Totally anecdata.

    I lost around 115lbs on 700-800 a day and lots of excercise.

    I now have serious intestinal issues, stomach issues, thyroid issues, along with other serious problems etc. I was healthier 'fatter' before I lost all the weight starvation mode then I was when I made it to 'skinny'

    Then I gained it all back. Now I am losing it all the right way - moderation. I may not be anywhere near the 'perfect' diet - but losing it slowly while getting enough calories and adjusting to fill my nutritional needs as best as I can is how I am doing it now and it is going damn well.

    I don't believe 1200 is a magic number, but I just don't wish to see someone fall apart the way I did after losing weight that way.

    Oh my dear! I feel so bad for you that you had to go through this but I thank you for sharing what happened to you. I've been frustrated at the rate of my weight loss (I want this weight off of me, like NOW) but I realize it's not coming off's taken me 6 months just to get out of obesity range. I will keep your experience in mind when I feel tempted to reduce my calories below what is recommended to try to lose the rest of my weight faster.

    Your words were not in vain. You've saved one person today. Thank you.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member

    I think her weight loss plan is unhealthy. I don't think she's an idiot. It may be "clear" to you that I "think OP is because she doesn't agree", but I've personally struggled with anorexia/bulimia for years, and while my eating has had some very unhealthy aspects to it, I don't think of myself as an "idiot" for it. Nor do I think the OP is an "idiot". So if you want to put words like "idiot" in my mouth because it's so clear to you that I'm thinking it, perhaps you could change your perspective and try to understand that I'm speaking as a person who once had a diary that looked exactly like the OP's, who is now trying to repair a ruined metabolism, and not exactly thrilled with the idea of defending VLCD. I have no intention to call her names or to insult her intelligence. A person can be wrong without being stupid.

    The OP admits that she has opened her diary in order to instigate arguments because she wants to defend her VLCD. She doesn't need you defending her.

    Sad to say...but if you suffered from years of anorexia/bulimia then it seems more likely then not that you (not OP) are the one with an unhealthy perspective about weight and weight loss in general. Your condition is controllable but it is not curable...So since you needed to expose everything that you felt was unhealthy about OP's behavior....Maybe you would like to explain (in a healthy fashion)...How exactly a "supposedly" healthy person (recovering?) from anorexia/bulimia ends up once again trying to lose weight on an internet weight loss site? People who live in glass houses should not throw stones....LIVE AND LET LIVE!
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Aww. Wow. Thank you everyone for the kind words. I'm still learning. I'm still sorting it all out but I'm getting there. The end goal is weight loss obviously - but more importantly I want to do what I can to 'fix' (as much as possible) my body and change the way I eat/live. I want to be a good example for my son and I want to be around for 100 years at least to annoy the hell out of him! :P

    I really did post out of concern for the OP but not going to drag myself into it. I've seen what can happen and not just to me.
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    Totally anecdata.

    I lost around 115lbs on 700-800 a day and lots of excercise.

    I now have serious intestinal issues, stomach issues, thyroid issues, along with other serious problems etc. I was healthier 'fatter' before I lost all the weight starvation mode then I was when I made it to 'skinny'

    Then I gained it all back. Now I am losing it all the right way - moderation. I may not be anywhere near the 'perfect' diet - but losing it slowly while getting enough calories and adjusting to fill my nutritional needs as best as I can is how I am doing it now and it is going damn well.

    I don't believe 1200 is a magic number, but I just don't wish to see someone fall apart the way I did after losing weight that way.

    Thank you for sharing this! Hopefully it will be eye opening to those who want to lose weight the dangerous way.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I was in the gym in feb when i noticed a woman who was about a size 20. where I used to be a few years back. I went up to her and said Im so proud of you for taking back your life! I told her about mfp, sometimes she is on here sometimes not, but I want to give people hope that they can do this the right way. I have told multiple friends about this site. my husband found it for me and eventually he joined also! I want everyone to be healthy, so they can be around for their families! so next time think, hey maybe she needs the encouragement to keep going! it takes me a lot to put it out there and tell people what I am doing. most of them are supportive and see how great of results I am getting that they want to hear about it. and I am happy to explain.

    If I were that woman, I would have taken offense to someone trying to tell me how to do this "the right way." In my 20s, I lifted regularly and was in fantastic shape, 30s exercised frequently, early 40s, lifted again, with lots of cardio. Then I had to make a lot of job and personal changes, and unfortunately, I was creeping toward a larger size.

    All I can say is never assume you know someone's history and their knowledge (or lack of) regarding nutrition and fitness. I mean, what if the size 20 woman you approached had already lost 100 lbs and was working out for a year @ 5-6 days a week?

    I understand you mean well, and that's nice, but I think it works much better to be encouraging without the pep talk about taking back your life.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I am going to hop on the judging train on this one. 700 calories is just not good for you. I can only speak from personal experience and I knew someone I say "KNEW" because she is dead now but I knew someone who starved herself. She started around 250 went to a 500-800 calorie diet was on it for about 9 months lost 115 lbs.

    She attempted to eat around 1500 calories after she had lost the weight and she got VERY ill, really bad thyroid issues she ended up dying at 42 of a heart attack that the doctors contributed to a combination of several factors relating to her thyroid, her constant up and down dieting. She got cold sweats constantly leading up to it, blood pressure through the roof. Her doctors even diagnosed her with a eating disorder and tried to force her to counseling... She was on a handful of medication and on her last day on earth she suffered from a heart attack and stroke...
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    The OP admits that she has opened her diary in order to instigate arguments because she wants to defend her VLCD. She doesn't need you defending her.

    Thanks for putting words in my mouth because that is NOT what I said. Love how people are making up stories now. What I said is I keep my diary open because I don't care who sees it and can defend my decisons on how I eat should someone feel the need to comment on it. Never said a thing about instigating anything you said that. So now this thread has taken another WRONG turn by people making up lies, Sheeesh

    Just in case you missed me asking (and I apologize if I had missed an answer), why do you eat such low calories? Is it for quick weight loss? Medical reasons? If you can't lose weight on 1200 calories then you should see a doctor since there could be a medical problem. What is the reasoning behind such a low calorie diet?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I am going to hop on the judging train on this one. 700 calories is just not good for you. I can only speak from personal experience and I knew someone I say "KNEW" because she is dead now but I knew someone who starved herself. She started around 250 went to a 500-800 calorie diet was on it for about 9 months lost 115 lbs.

    She attempted to eat around 1500 calories after she had lost the weight and she got VERY ill, really bad thyroid issues she ended up dying at 42 of a heart attack that the doctors contributed to a combination of several factors relating to her thyroid, her constant up and down dieting. She got cold sweats constantly leading up to it, blood pressure through the roof. Her doctors even diagnosed her with a eating disorder and tried to force her to counseling... She was on a handful of medication and on her last day on earth she suffered from a heart attack and stroke...
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    Oh and another thing I didn't mention. A month or two after hitting my goal of 'skinny' I started having seizures. I lost weight so quickly that my body/pancreas couldn't adjust to my needed insulin levels and while waiting for the bus I had a seizure and ended up laying out on the sidewalk and being ignored because apparently people just thought I was some 'drunk passed out chick'

    I have medical records to back these ramblings up. I basically got reamed by the ER doctor and then by my own (who hadn't seen me during my crash dieting) doctor.

    You need to satisfy your nutritional needs (and actual needs not your perceived needs) and adjust slowly. Why does the weight have to be off THIS MOMENT? Trying to drop it all crash dieting is a temporary solution, not the needed lifestyle adjustment you need to make.

    /end anecdata part 2.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You don't have to prove anything to anyone else. Just strive to make the best decisions for your health and think in the long term...and don't let your lifestyle choices be motivated by other people - for example, when you said you might continue eating 700 calories just to spite the naysayers.

    I checked out your diary - since it's public - and I'm glad you are taking a multivitamin. You would be hard pressed to get the basic nutrients you need with the types and amounts of food you are consuming. Multivitamins are inferior when compared to the nutrients in foods, but they're definately better than nothing. I'm a little worried that you could be losing lean muscle on your current program and that's hard on your heart (your most important muscle), especially as you get older. But if your doctor says you're good to go, then just do your thing. I would try monitoring some of your other macronutrients, such as fiber and calcium, etc., just to see how balanced your diet is. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    So I would like to add I just "netted" 891 calories but I didn't get a warning saying I'm eating too few calories.

    Perhaps MFP realizes that you don't have to net 1200 or above but at least consume that much.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Oh and another thing I didn't mention. A month or two after hitting my goal of 'skinny' I started having seizures. I lost weight so quickly that my body/pancreas couldn't adjust to my needed insulin levels and while waiting for the bus I had a seizure and ended up laying out on the sidewalk and being ignored because apparently people just thought I was some 'drunk passed out chick'

    I have medical records to back these ramblings up. I basically got reamed by the ER doctor and then by my own (who hadn't seen me during my crash dieting) doctor.

    You need to satisfy your nutritional needs (and actual needs not your perceived needs) and adjust slowly. Why does the weight have to be off THIS MOMENT? Trying to drop it all crash dieting is a temporary solution, not the needed lifestyle adjustment you need to make.

    /end anecdata part 2.

    You are not me...I am not you. We are different. Just because it happened to you does not by any means mean it's going to happen to me. Trust me I know what I'm doing and I'm fine. Come on doctors put people on less than this and they are freaking fine. If it was so bad for you they wouldn't do it to them. Again you had something going on with your body before you did the crash diet and I am not crash dieting.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    So I would like to add I just "netted" 891 calories but I didn't get a warning saying I'm eating too few calories.

    Perhaps MFP realizes that you don't have to net 1200 or above but at least consume that much.

    Yep I agree, consume it not net it. That's note worthy
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. My heart goes out to people I see struggling to move about or to get out of a seat. The highest my weight has been is 207 pounds. At that weight I struggled and was easily out of breath, so when I look at people carrying even more I just can't imagine the discomfort. Additionally, the negative effects on one's physical and mental health, causing a decrease in the quality of life. I pray I continue my journey to good heath and that more and more people do the same.
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    I had something going on with my body before crash dieting? Since when? Because nothing showed up on blood work or physicals until AFTER the crash diet. Once again I have a paperwork trail to back this all up. Where's your science?

    Yeah, you don't know me at all. Don't make assumptions and do NOT tell me what was going on with my body. I sure as hell did not say I was sick before crash dieting. I didn't say that ANYWHERE. You are flat out pulling things out of your *kitten*.

    I didn't say you were me. I shared my experience.

    You refuse to listen to science, reasoning, rationale. You gave me attitude from the first thing I was posting. Go live in your fantasy world and see what happens in the end.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The OP admits that she has opened her diary in order to instigate arguments because she wants to defend her VLCD. She doesn't need you defending her.

    Thanks for putting words in my mouth because that is NOT what I said. Love how people are making up stories now. What I said is I keep my diary open because I don't care who sees it and can defend my decisons on how I eat should someone feel the need to comment on it. Never said a thing about instigating anything you said that. So now this thread has taken another WRONG turn by people making up lies, Sheeesh

    Just in case you missed me asking (and I apologize if I had missed an answer), why do you eat such low calories? Is it for quick weight loss? Medical reasons? If you can't lose weight on 1200 calories then you should see a doctor since there could be a medical problem. What is the reasoning behind such a low calorie diet?

    I stalled and decided to kick it up a notch to start losing again. I've already started upping my intake very slowly so I don't disturb the balance I've created and don't want to gain even one pound back. I've only been eating like this for two months and starting on the third. But these people think I don't know enough about me to read the signs my body is telling me. My family doc once told me I didn't have to eat anything if I didn't want to as long as I took vitamins, of course that's outragious.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I had something going on with my body before crash dieting? Since when? Because nothing showed up on blood work or physicals until AFTER the crash diet. Once again I have a paperwork trail to back this all up. Where's your science?

    Yeah, you don't know me at all. Don't make assumptions and do NOT tell me what was going on with my body. I sure as hell did not say I was sick before crash dieting. I didn't say that ANYWHERE. You are flat out pulling things out of your *kitten*.

    I didn't say you were me. I shared my experience.

    You refuse to listen to science, reasoning, rationale. You gave me attitude from the first thing I was posting. Go live in your fantasy world and see what happens in the end.

    I can't tell you how many people I know eat about 500 calories a day and have non of these problems. One of which had a heart attack two months before starting the diet and she's been going strong for damn near a year now. I know another lady that went on a liquid diet having 500 calories a day for 9 months and she's had non of these problems. Your right I don't know you but you don't know me and yet you felt the need to jump on the band wagon and explain what happened to you and warn me it was going to happen to me too. We are two different people. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes, I don't have high cholesterol and my goal is to NOT have all these things. This is not a fantasy this is my real life, and I'm good.