So sad with what I saw today I wanted to cry



  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    :grumble: I seriously don't understand if you are on MFP, using MFP, and then get on MFP Forums to argue against basically MFP. It makes me scratch my head. You are using a system that sets you at a deficiet and then tells you to eat back your exercise calories but then you get on forums to argue about the very system you are using. :huh:
    Welcome to the MFP echo chamber where everything is unicorns, butterflies and rainbows - all the time. Nobody is ever wrong, and we are all winners....:heart:

    Too bad real life doesn't work like that.

    It does when you're doing it right.

    Oh look, a unicorn!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Honestly, it looks like you are more than heading towards an eating disorder. You are eating 700-900 calories a day. Don't use the existence of fat people to justify starving yourself.
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    I appreciate your post, thank you for writing it. funny thing is? i am that person that you saw walking down the street. I teared (sp?) up with you as you recalled the memory for a few reasons. #1 you cared about another that makes you a wonderful person in my book. #2 you felt her struggle, her pain as you recognized that you had once ‘been there.’ #3 you have taken hold of the courage that lies deep within, harnessed it and began a journey to better health. #4 you are doing it for you! you’re not doing it for a friend, family member, spouse but for YOU. I love that!

    It takes courage and strength to change a destructive path/behavior and begin. Some will never know the literal pain that some of us go through by doing so.

    I love one of the other responses to the post (I think it was Romans624), where she said, “Anyone making consistent efforts to change and to achieve better health and happiness is doing a great thing for themselves”

    We cannot judge others, we simply can’t. We don’t know what is happening or has happened in another’s life to warrant such a lifestyle. I am thankful that you have a tender heart and did not judge this woman but instead ‘felt for her’ and saw where you are now in your own life to help you be free from such chains that truly bind.

    It is my plan to win as well. I have a long, long ways to go but I am making ‘. . . constant efforts to change and achieve better health and happiness . . .’ in my own life.

    Happy Monday!!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Mind your own and you've judged me without knowing that I know I can't eat this way for the rest of my life. You judge me without knowing that I've gone from 500 calories a day up to between 600 and 800 and even higher at times. But it's people like you that make me want to keep it that low just to see your head spin with the horror of it all.

    I wasn't judging you then. But I have judged you now. I judge you the kind of person who really easily feels judged. :drinker:
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    :grumble: I seriously don't understand if you are on MFP, using MFP, and then get on MFP Forums to argue against basically MFP. It makes me scratch my head. You are using a system that sets you at a deficiet and then tells you to eat back your exercise calories but then you get on forums to argue about the very system you are using. :huh:
    Welcome to the MFP echo chamber where everything is unicorns, butterflies and rainbows - all the time. Nobody is ever wrong, and we are all winners....:heart:

    Too bad real life doesn't work like that.

    It does when you're doing it right.

    Oh look, a unicorn!

  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    after reading everything written in these comments my only question has become how people are getting angry at the people trying to share information on how a LOW LOW calorie diet is harmful while making comments about how changing your life and becoming healthier is such a beautiful thing. Eating like that isn't going to make anyone healthier. You are trading in a fat unhealthy for a less fat unhealthy. If you are here to get healthier than expect people to talk to you about ACTUALLY getting healthier. That is all.

    Edit: Sorry that was't all. I forgot the bacon!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    :grumble: I seriously don't understand if you are on MFP, using MFP, and then get on MFP Forums to argue against basically MFP. It makes me scratch my head. You are using a system that sets you at a deficiet and then tells you to eat back your exercise calories but then you get on forums to argue about the very system you are using. :huh:

    Clearly it's not being used properly.

    My fear with calorie totals like that, is an eating disorder. And I think the people who are displaying concern have no ulterior motive, it's just concern for one who is starving their body.
    Furthermore in my opinon those who try and justify such a drastically low diet, are probably doing the same damage to their body.
    To each their own. But there are many including myself comfortable with saying "that's not really healthy or ok"

    For the hundreth time, I DO NOT NOW NOR WLL I EVER HAVE AN ED. I don't want to be 80 lbs. I don't want even to be skinny, just smaller, and omg dare I say healthier. I will get there, at my rate with my own decisions. I have to do it my way.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    after reading everything written in these comments my only question has become how people are getting angry at the people trying to share information on how a LOW LOW calorie diet is harmful while making comments about how changing your life and becoming healthier is such a beautiful thing. Eating like that isn't going to make anyone healthier. You are trading in a fat unhealthy for a less fat unhealthy. If you are here to get healthier than expect people to talk to you about ACTUALLY getting healthier. That is all.

  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I was picking my son up from summer school today and I saw this woman walking (yea for her, right?). She had to be 400 lbs or better and you could see she was struggling with walking. She had that gait that you know is her struggling to walk, I know cause I've been there. I wanted to cry for her, for me, for everyone who's been there or is there now. I am so excited for where I am right now. There are so many out there saying your eating to low , your going to fail, you can't live on that, your heading toward an eating disorder...I say to you, I am fine, I have goal and I will reach it, in spite of you, but maybe just maybe because of you. I never want to go back to that person struggling to lose weight, struggling to walk down the street.

    You don't have to go from one extreme to another.
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    Really proud of you tmauck!!! Your loss is phenomenal!! Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Didn't say you did, but clearly you think OP is because she doesn't agree with you. You seem to me, to be a very vicious person. I don't like vicious people who hide behind a monitor to say backhanded comments just to boost their own self confidence.

    I think her weight loss plan is unhealthy. I don't think she's an idiot. It may be "clear" to you that I "think OP is because she doesn't agree", but I've personally struggled with anorexia/bulimia for years, and while my eating has had some very unhealthy aspects to it, I don't think of myself as an "idiot" for it. Nor do I think the OP is an "idiot". So if you want to put words like "idiot" in my mouth because it's so clear to you that I'm thinking it, perhaps you could change your perspective and try to understand that I'm speaking as a person who once had a diary that looked exactly like the OP's, who is now trying to repair a ruined metabolism, and not exactly thrilled with the idea of defending VLCD. I have no intention to call her names or to insult her intelligence. A person can be wrong without being stupid.

    The OP admits that she has opened her diary in order to instigate arguments because she wants to defend her VLCD. She doesn't need you defending her.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    after reading everything written in these comments my only question has become how people are getting angry at the people trying to share information on how a LOW LOW calorie diet is harmful while making comments about how changing your life and becoming healthier is such a beautiful thing. Eating like that isn't going to make anyone healthier. You are trading in a fat unhealthy for a less fat unhealthy. If you are here to get healthier than expect people to talk to you about ACTUALLY getting healthier. That is all.

    Edit: Sorry that was't all. I forgot the bacon!

    Doctors (like bariatric surgery ones) prescribe 800 calorie diets. Its okay for morbidly obese people, certain considerations taken, until they reach a more reasonable weight. And you better not forget the bacon!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    hmm, low cal diet or all of the health related problems of being obese?
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    For the hundreth time, I DO NOT NOW NOR WLL I EVER HAVE AN ED. I don't want to be 80 lbs. I don't want even to be skinny, just smaller, and omg dare I say healthier. I will get there, at my rate with my own decisions. I have to do it my way.

    anyone at any weight can have an eating disorder.
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    I feel the same way. It saddens me when I see someone like that. I feel badly for them. I want to help them & reach out to them.. Thank you for sharing......
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    I repeat...

    1) 1200 calories is the recommended number because it is difficult to get all the nutrients you need to be healthy on a lower calorie diet but 1200 isn't a magical number. Someone who is under 5'5 could get away with around 1000 calories and still be very healthy.

    2) People who are obese can get away with fewer calories. It would not be sustainable once they reached a healthier BMI but until that point the percentage of muscle loss is minimal.

    3) Eating carbs helps your body stay away from using muscle as an energy resource.

    4) In order for your body to go into starvation mode you'd have to eat few calories for a long period of time. Eating 700 one day and 1700 other days will do you no harm. In fact it's recommended for those who are obese. It generally takes at least six weeks of a very strict diet to see a loss of lean body mass. This means eating fewer than the recommending amount for your body every day for six straight weeks. I have yet to see anyone keep this up, especially around the holidays.

    5) As you lose weight your metabolism slows down, period. This is why a 300 pound person can burn 200 calories with 30 minutes of exercise while the thinner person has to work twice as hard for twice as long.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member

    For the hundreth time, I DO NOT NOW NOR WLL I EVER HAVE AN ED. I don't want to be 80 lbs. I don't want even to be skinny, just smaller, and omg dare I say healthier. I will get there, at my rate with my own decisions. I have to do it my way.

    anyone at any weight can have an eating disorder.


    PS......Best profile photo in the history of ever
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    hmm, low cal diet or all of the health related problems of being obese?

    i was unaware that there are only 2 options.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Doctors (like bariatric surgery ones) prescribe 800 calorie diets. Its okay for morbidly obese people, certain considerations taken, until they reach a more reasonable weight. And you better not forget the bacon!

    Absolutely it's okay. Short term and under medical supervision. Is she doing it short term or under medical supervision?
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
