So sad with what I saw today I wanted to cry



  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822

  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Doctors (like bariatric surgery ones) prescribe 800 calorie diets. Its okay for morbidly obese people, certain considerations taken, until they reach a more reasonable weight. And you better not forget the bacon!

    Absolutely it's okay. Short term and under medical supervision. Is she doing it short term or under medical supervision?

    I don't know what she is doing. I just know that this means that this method is not necessarily a problem.... for the short term. And medical supervision, I don'tknow. If you are eating all healthy food and never hungry, and are morbidly obese.... why do you have to go see a doc?
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    It looks like we have a new member at our gym, she's really really large.. but bless her heart, I've seen her two days last week, and she was on the treadmill for a good 30 minutes. Was she walking fast? no. But she was walking. She got off of that, and moved on to the Arc.. which is not an easy piece of equipment to use.. it took me a few months to get accustomed it. She got on it, and she didnt move fast, but she MOVED. I wanted to hug her and tell her way to go, but I never know if that's something that might offend or hurt someone's feelings.

    It wouldnt. If I saw someone trying to do something and they were struggling but still going I would go and give them a hug. I am fairly sure very few people would take offence.

    They need to know someone has noticed they are trying and is glad for them.

    Imagine the lift it would give you if someone came up and was genuinely pleased for you, the encouragement you'd get if a stranger just said hey, I know what you are going through and I am proud of you.

    THIS! I AM that woman, well actually bigger. I workout in the pool and I workout hard. I have had three different people at different times give me encouraging words. It is seriously a boost because as a large person you KNOW everyone is looking at you if not staring at you so it is nice to be reminded not everyone is ripping you to shreds mentally for daring to be in public.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    after reading everything written in these comments my only question has become how people are getting angry at the people trying to share information on how a LOW LOW calorie diet is harmful while making comments about how changing your life and becoming healthier is such a beautiful thing. Eating like that isn't going to make anyone healthier. You are trading in a fat unhealthy for a less fat unhealthy. If you are here to get healthier than expect people to talk to you about ACTUALLY getting healthier. That is all.

    Edit: Sorry that was't all. I forgot the bacon!

    Harmful to you if you are in normal ranges, not harmful to me being morbidly obese. When I start getting close to something normal I will change it. They are NOT sharing on how it's bad for us but more like trying to cram it down our throats, like we dont' have our own thoughts on the issue
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!

    I envy your ability to just whip it out and go as you please without having to squat and wipe.
  • muchadoaboutme2000
    muchadoaboutme2000 Posts: 86 Member
    Don't be sad for her! She has taken the first and (hopefully not last) step towards a better life. I was her and still am in some aspects. The other day I attempted jogging for the first time and as an extremely fit man blew past me, he stopped, took out his headphones and said "You're kicking *kitten* girl!" and kept going. I may have been "joggling" at the pace of a snail, but my body was in motion and that is not an easy task. That big person in the gym had more of a battle with their fear of the gym than they did with the treadmill itself. It takes a lot to be out in public, let alone making yourself vulnerable in an environment like that. to the gym I go. Gotta shake my butt (and all the other jiggly bits) in Zumba! :)
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    Tis true, but in those 800-1000 calories, as a bariatric patient, you need more than 80grams of protein.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Honestly, it looks like you are more than heading towards an eating disorder. You are eating 700-900 calories a day. Don't use the existence of fat people to justify starving yourself.

    NOT even close to one, but thanks
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Starting and staying motivated the first few weeks was the hardest for me. Summer school is a month or so, right? How about stopping tomorrow and asking her if she would like someone to walk with? Maybe you can walk, and talk, and share your story with her, take a pic of yourself where you used to be.. show her it can happen! I bet she would love the support and a friend!

    Good for her!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Tis true, but in those 800-1000 calories, as a bariatric patient, you need more than 80grams of protein.

    I am curious about 80? Is that regardless of their size, or does it vary with how heavy they are?
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member

    Just wanted to make that clear in case there were any misunderstandings.

    If this sign was on the paths where I run I'd be F'D!

    I envy your ability to just whip it out and go as you please without having to squat and wipe.

    wiping's overrated
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    after reading everything written in these comments my only question has become how people are getting angry at the people trying to share information on how a LOW LOW calorie diet is harmful while making comments about how changing your life and becoming healthier is such a beautiful thing. Eating like that isn't going to make anyone healthier. You are trading in a fat unhealthy for a less fat unhealthy. If you are here to get healthier than expect people to talk to you about ACTUALLY getting healthier. That is all.

    Edit: Sorry that was't all. I forgot the bacon!

    Thanks for saying it!!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I appreciate your post, thank you for writing it. funny thing is? i am that person that you saw walking down the street. I teared (sp?) up with you as you recalled the memory for a few reasons. #1 you cared about another that makes you a wonderful person in my book. #2 you felt her struggle, her pain as you recognized that you had once ‘been there.’ #3 you have taken hold of the courage that lies deep within, harnessed it and began a journey to better health. #4 you are doing it for you! you’re not doing it for a friend, family member, spouse but for YOU. I love that!

    It takes courage and strength to change a destructive path/behavior and begin. Some will never know the literal pain that some of us go through by doing so.

    I love one of the other responses to the post (I think it was Romans624), where she said, “Anyone making consistent efforts to change and to achieve better health and happiness is doing a great thing for themselves”

    We cannot judge others, we simply can’t. We don’t know what is happening or has happened in another’s life to warrant such a lifestyle. I am thankful that you have a tender heart and did not judge this woman but instead ‘felt for her’ and saw where you are now in your own life to help you be free from such chains that truly bind.

    It is my plan to win as well. I have a long, long ways to go but I am making ‘. . . constant efforts to change and achieve better health and happiness . . .’ in my own life.

    Happy Monday!!

    OMG you made me cry again. You are right on. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
  • AquaFitQueen
    AquaFitQueen Posts: 218 Member
    Tis true, but in those 800-1000 calories, as a bariatric patient, you need more than 80grams of protein.

    I am curious about 80? Is that regardless of their size, or does it vary with how heavy they are?

    Nope its a typical requirement. Unless they had the duodenal switch in which case they should be getting 100+grams of protein to make up for malabsorption.
  • ernestruss
    ernestruss Posts: 10 Member
    I am proud of you. Just say a prayer. I have been there to. I just weigh 260. And that much weight will make you breath hard and add pain to the joints. :bigsmile:
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Good post. I see some people sometimes bigger than I am, which is 381, and I think that I will never be like them. But the truth is I never EVER thought I would be where I am now either. Glad to see her moving even if for a little bit. Good job on your weight loss too. It may not be traditional but I know how hard it is. I could never eat that little. I love food way to much.
  • Givingitagdgo
    Going to stir the pot here...Id be more concerned if you were rigidly sticking to 700cpd because then I would assume you were deliberately denying yourself calories when your body is saying its hungry. Tbh there are many people not eating exercise calories back which leave them at a greater defecit and we arent saying they are unhealthy, we are applauding their willpower and motivation.
    There are shake based diets which are GP supported which have the same low calories. The only risk is the loss of nutrients and I do think people on very low cal diets should have more fruit and veg etc.
    just my thoughts-many of the comments on here are lovely. Im large and I often feel ashamed when Im out and about but to think that someone might see me and not feel scorn or digust but something more akin to hope for my future then thats a nice thought.
    Good luck everyone however you are doing this. Im doing what feels right for me Im sure you are all doing what feels right for you.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Romans and Lovely

    I love you guys :happy: You guys seriously rock

    Everyone who agrees with me rocks, and anyone who doesn't is an idiot who will believe whatever they want to believe

    History of the Internet, Part I
    Let's all go out for some sea weed wrapped tofu dipped in celery juice.....:flowerforyou:
    Done here.....

    Hey! I like seaweed! and tofu :smile: