Freakin Deadlifts



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm 5'6" 148 pounds and just did 220 x 5 Deadlift on my 11th week of STRONGLIFTS, LOVE it.

    I'm also 49 years young

    Very nice! I'm am 12 years older than you but 50 lbs heavier and that's where I am right now with my DL's.

    That's freakin awesome...both of you.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    By the way...since adopting deads, I freaking LOVE that my back is just slightly sore for like three days after lol. Just enough so that I can feel the muscles moving.

    It's an awesome feeling.

    I agree. It sort of worried me at first. I wondered if I had horrible form or hurt my back since I wasn't used to it feeling sore at that point of my back. Then once I calmed down I realized that the soreness was really off to the side and not centered on the spine like a true back injury. Then I was like "Duh! It's a sore muscle not an injury". My second thought was "Why in the heck haven't I been doing these all along?"
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    By the way...since adopting deads, I freaking LOVE that my back is just slightly sore for like three days after lol. Just enough so that I can feel the muscles moving.

    It's an awesome feeling.

    I agree. It sort of worried me at first. I wondered if I had horrible form or hurt my back since I wasn't used to it feeling sore at that point of my back. Then once I calmed down I realized that the soreness was really off to the side and not centered on the spine like a true back injury. Then I was like "Duh! It's a sore muscle not an injury". My second thought was "Why in the heck haven't I been doing these all along?"

    Yeah, that happens even when your form is good. It helps to start doing some weighted Reverse Hyper-extensions for your back, like 5 sets of 8 and some RDL's or Good Mornings just to build some strength in those muscles. Add some ab and oblique work and you'll be good to go in a couple weeks.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    I love deadlifts, this thread is making me feel like a wimpo for only being able to do 155 though haha. My ultimate goal is 275. By the time I get to my goal weight I want to be able to DL my old fat self.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    By the way...since adopting deads, I freaking LOVE that my back is just slightly sore for like three days after lol. Just enough so that I can feel the muscles moving.

    It's an awesome feeling.

    I agree. It sort of worried me at first. I wondered if I had horrible form or hurt my back since I wasn't used to it feeling sore at that point of my back. Then once I calmed down I realized that the soreness was really off to the side and not centered on the spine like a true back injury. Then I was like "Duh! It's a sore muscle not an injury". My second thought was "Why in the heck haven't I been doing these all along?"

    Yeah, that happens even when your form is good. It helps to start doing some weighted Reverse Hyper-extensions for your back, like 5 sets of 8 and some RDL's or Good Mornings just to build some strength in those muscles. Add some ab and oblique work and you'll be good to go in a couple weeks.

    I actually did the hyper extensions prior to deadlifts. My lower back is pretty solid I think. I mean I'm sure there's room for improvement...but strength wise I'm happy with it. What's sore on me is my traps...which is awesome lol.

    ETA ~ I actually wonder whether I'll ever NOT be sore with the program I'm doing. With my old program, I did set reps for set weight, and when to increase weight was somewhat subjective. With the new setup, I'm lifting my 4rm every time...if I get to 6 reps, I add weight until I can only do 4 again.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    New PR on rack deadlifts today (pins just below knees). worked up to a 5th set and did 605x6.

    Actually, I beat this PR a year ago but I stopped doing them for a while and have been working back up again.

    NOTHING feels better than deadlift PR's

    Awesome man...seriously.

    What's the difference in effect between from the floor, and on the rack? I was looking at a new gym recently, and the guy showing me the place was talking about how he lifts from the rack as well.

    I've been doing mine from the floor.

    By the way...since adopting deads, I freaking LOVE that my back is just slightly sore for like three days after lol. Just enough so that I can feel the muscles moving.

    It's an awesome feeling.

    I find doing them from the rack is ultimate back annihilation because you can load up more weight. Takes out a lot of the posterior chain. It's not as complete of a movement though, but possibly better from a bodybuilding perspective.

    The main reason I do them from the rack is two years ago i slipped a disc doing deadlifts. Just working up to my working sets, like 275 or 315 on the bar only. I twisted my head/back and it was nasty. Couldnt bend over for two weeks. I really really do not want to do it again.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    While not the milestone some of y'all are posting up I'm pretty proud of doing 5x205 today - 5lbs over my body weight. It impressed the hell out of my 7 year old daughter anyway.

    It actually felt easier than the 5x195 I did on Friday. Guess that means it's working.

    Just to make y'all jealous here's a picture of my set-up. That wheel is the wheel on the grill right next to my designated deadlift area.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    nice work! what are we grillin tonight?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    While not the milestone some of y'all are posting up I'm pretty proud of doing 5x205 today - 5lbs over my body weight. It impressed the hell out of my 7 year old daughter anyway.

    It actually felt easier than the 5x195 I did on Friday. Guess that means it's working.

    Just to make y'all jealous here's a picture of my set-up. That wheel is the wheel on the grill right next to my designated deadlift area.

    Congrats mate! The only person you are competing with is yourself and progress is progress! :smile: Unless you're doing any powerlifting comps :tongue:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Chicken thighs marinated in beer on the grill. I grill a lot of chicken thighs.

    I'm definitely only competing with myself. I'd ultimately like to get to 315 but I'm not in any hurry. Much different goals than I had when I used to lift in my early 20s.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    By the way...since adopting deads, I freaking LOVE that my back is just slightly sore for like three days after lol. Just enough so that I can feel the muscles moving.

    It's an awesome feeling.

    I agree. It sort of worried me at first. I wondered if I had horrible form or hurt my back since I wasn't used to it feeling sore at that point of my back. Then once I calmed down I realized that the soreness was really off to the side and not centered on the spine like a true back injury. Then I was like "Duh! It's a sore muscle not an injury". My second thought was "Why in the heck haven't I been doing these all along?"

    Yeah, that happens even when your form is good. It helps to start doing some weighted Reverse Hyper-extensions for your back, like 5 sets of 8 and some RDL's or Good Mornings just to build some strength in those muscles. Add some ab and oblique work and you'll be good to go in a couple weeks.
    ETA ~ I actually wonder whether I'll ever NOT be sore with the program I'm doing. With my old program, I did set reps for set weight, and when to increase weight was somewhat subjective. With the new setup, I'm lifting my 4rm every time...if I get to 6 reps, I add weight until I can only do 4 again.

    That's cool, sounds like a Max Effort method which is typically done between a 1RM and 5RM. You may just want to switch exercises that you're maxing out on every week or two at most. Have you checked out Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3? It's pretty awesome and is along the same lines with a weekly max-out in something.

    You do Reverse Hyper's before you DL? You are the man. LOL! I personally save that stuff for after I'm done so my supporting muscles aren't tired. For lower body ME day I'm currently doing, Main Lift to 1RM, Good Morning 5 x 10, Reverse Hypers 5 x 8, DB RDL's 3 x 15, and Calf Raises 4 x 10. I was never a fan of calf raises but my leg strength started feeling more balanced since I started doing them, so I'm going to keep it up for now at least.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    What's a reverse hyper?
  • bokabeus
    bokabeus Posts: 3
    What's a reverse hyper?
    Reverse hyperextension. It's probably on YouTube.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    i never liked reverse hyper's .... i'd much rather do Good Morning's i think they work better on lower back

    Great progress to everyone!!!

    I did DL's on Monday this week.

    2 warm-up sets
    5 working sets of 5 to 6

    Last set i got 365x5 (last one was a struggle but i got it up)

    I may stay at 365 next week and add a rack pull (im thinking 425 or so)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    That's cool, sounds like a Max Effort method which is typically done between a 1RM and 5RM. You may just want to switch exercises that you're maxing out on every week or two at most. Have you checked out Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3? It's pretty awesome and is along the same lines with a weekly max-out in something.

    You do Reverse Hyper's before you DL? You are the man. LOL! I personally save that stuff for after I'm done so my supporting muscles aren't tired. For lower body ME day I'm currently doing, Main Lift to 1RM, Good Morning 5 x 10, Reverse Hypers 5 x 8, DB RDL's 3 x 15, and Calf Raises 4 x 10. I was never a fan of calf raises but my leg strength started feeling more balanced since I started doing them, so I'm going to keep it up for now at least.

    Noooo, I used to do weighted extensions on my 5x5 lol. I'm only doing 6 lifts total (2 per day 3x a week) right now. Next week I'll increase it to 9 lifts total by adding lunges, shoulder press, and rows.

    The way I work my sets is sort of a reverse pyramid. 3x very light 5 rep warmup sets (the final warmup set is roughly 50% of my first working set). The idea is to get warm, but not induce ANY fatigue. My first working set is my 4rm...when I reach 6 reps on that set, I'll add weight until I can only do 4 reps again. Second working set is a 10% deload by 5 reps...third working set is another 10% deload by 6 reps.

    It's pretty intense, but I love the simplicity of it, and as long as I keep increasing my weights...I'm happy lol. Right now I'm using it for all 6 of my lifts, Deads/chin ups (working weight of 315lbs/25lbs respectively), Bench/dips (250lbs/70lbs), Squats/calf raises (just started squats, I did 275lbs x9 lol...need to up my weight next week/450lbs). The bench seems to be my slowest to improve. Well, that and calves lol. 450lbs is a ***** for me on calf raises.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I did romanian DLs for the first time on Tuesday and my hammies/glutes are smashed... I don't know why I haven't been doing them all along, I am really quad dominant so they're awesome for me!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    While not the milestone some of y'all are posting up I'm pretty proud of doing 5x205 today - 5lbs over my body weight. It impressed the hell out of my 7 year old daughter anyway.

    It actually felt easier than the 5x195 I did on Friday. Guess that means it's working.

    That's awesome man, and trust doesn't matter WHAT you're lifting...because you're lifting more than those who don't do them at all. That's more than enough for respect all by itself.
  • stuckinsecond
    Was told today the big muscles in leg exercises (squats, deadlifts, ect) increase your testosterone more than any other lift while partaking. Makes sense. No wonder we love dem deadlifts.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It's pretty intense, but I love the simplicity of it, and as long as I keep increasing my weights...I'm happy lol. Right now I'm using it for all 6 of my lifts, Deads/chin ups (working weight of 315lbs/25lbs respectively), Bench/dips (250lbs/70lbs), Squats/calf raises (just started squats, I did 275lbs x9 lol...need to up my weight next week/450lbs). The bench seems to be my slowest to improve. Well, that and calves lol. 450lbs is a ***** for me on calf raises.

    Good for you, that's awesome.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with a slow bench. It seems like when I start improving my bench something happens, either my shoulder acts up, the tendon I ruptured gets irritated, or recently I had some tennis elbow going on. I just don't think I'm made to bench, I have long arms. Even though our bench is slow to improve at least we can say it's improving. :)
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    I love this Thread!!!!

    We need a Freakin Squats! and a Freakin Bench! to go along with it!!! lol