Freakin Deadlifts



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I was totally serious too! When I was in high school I thought all of the wrestlers were hot and I loved their shoes and always wanted a pair and my (super cheap) mom always said no because I didn't "need" them.

    I was of the understanding that girls don't have to have a "need" for more shoes or purses. A simple "want" is all that is required and then they get them.

    Yeah, you would think my mom would have understood that...she sure didn't then, but now she has more shoes than anyone I know...this is what happens when the kids are out of the house I guess!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Deadlifts are starting to replace my squat fetish. Started using a 55 lb fat bar and then tried the 45 oly and felt fabulous! My PR so far is 175. Great for the bum! :bigsmile:

    That's awesome you have a Fat Bar available to you. I would included it. Go for like a 2 or 3 week stretch with an Oly bar and then 2 or 3 weeks with a Fat Bar. Do you have a trap bar too?
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    Deadlifts are starting to replace my squat fetish. Started using a 55 lb fat bar and then tried the 45 oly and felt fabulous! My PR so far is 175. Great for the bum! :bigsmile:

    That's awesome you have a Fat Bar available to you. I would included it. Go for like a 2 or 3 week stretch with an Oly bar and then 2 or 3 weeks with a Fat Bar. Do you have a trap bar too?

    Fat bar, fat grips = workout changing! Definitely increasing my strength. We do have a trap bar, but I'm working out as part of a power lifting class so we haven't used it yet. I keep staring at it funny because it looks a little weird and I'm curious. We just lifted with the swiss bar for the first time and that was cool. Yep, addicted.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I'm working out as part of a power lifting class

    That's pretty darn cool! Do you know what method is being used?
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    I'm working out as part of a power lifting class

    That's pretty darn cool! Do you know what method is being used?

    They seem to do a blend:

    PICP / Poliquin Principles
    USA Weight Lifting (Olympic Lifting)
    German Body Composition (lactic acid training)
    German Volume Training
    West-Side Barbell Methods
    American Bodybuilding
    Eastern European Training Methods
    Strongman Training

    Today was strongman training...FUN!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    They seem to do a blend:

    PICP / Poliquin Principles
    USA Weight Lifting (Olympic Lifting)
    German Body Composition (lactic acid training)
    German Volume Training
    West-Side Barbell Methods
    American Bodybuilding
    Eastern European Training Methods
    Strongman Training

    Today was strongman training...FUN!

    Interesting, you'll have to share some results with us.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    bumper plates are great for this purpose too,
    I would love to have bumper plates.
    though pretty pricey as compared to regular plates.
    And that's why I don't.

    Someday I will have them.

    My whole setup has come from Craigslist and the used sporting goods store where they sell weights for .59/pound. They never have bumper plates and I imagine they would want more than that for them.
    Really all you need if you want to do 'lighter' deadlifts/barbell rows is a set of 25 lb bumpers. Anything lighter tends of be a bit floppy and not good for using on its own, and really, who needs to DL/row less than 95 lbs? You can add non-bumper plates up to the same weight as bumpers you have, so you can go all the way up to 132.5 (technically up to 145) with the 25s, and then switch to 45's from there. You can get a good pair of 25's for under $100, which isn't bad considering. I got a pair for my wife, and find myself using them in warm-up sets a lot... IMO not a bad investment for a home gym.
  • MoveTheMountain
    Up until yesterday, I thought I was happy enough with my home gym set up of just dumbbells - I do pushups and pull ups, too, for P90-X. But now I'm starting to jones for a straight bar and some plates so I can get back into deadlifts and cleans...
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    ... I'm starting to jones for a straight bar and some plates so I can get back into deadlifts and cleans...

    I'm building mine up little by little. I've got less than $200 in it so far and I've got about 225lbs of weights, an olympic bar, an adjustable bench, and an adjustable rack. I'm about to have to buy some more plates pretty soon and I want to get a cage but the cage will have to wait a little while.

    The best thing about working out at home is being able to yell "YEAH MOTHERFCKER" when you get done with a set of deadlifts (I try to get done with them before the kids get home).
  • MoveTheMountain
    ... I'm starting to jones for a straight bar and some plates so I can get back into deadlifts and cleans...

    I'm building mine up little by little. I've got less than $200 in it so far and I've got about 225lbs of weights, an olympic bar, an adjustable bench, and an adjustable rack. I'm about to have to buy some more plates pretty soon and I want to get a cage but the cage will have to wait a little while.

    The best thing about working out at home is being able to yell "YEAH MOTHERFCKER" when you get done with a set of deadlifts (I try to get done with them before the kids get home).

    Lol, that's awesome. This will also inspire me to clean my f*ing garage!! (Yeah, a cage would be soooo niiiiice...)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ... I'm starting to jones for a straight bar and some plates so I can get back into deadlifts and cleans...

    I'm building mine up little by little. I've got less than $200 in it so far and I've got about 225lbs of weights, an olympic bar, an adjustable bench, and an adjustable rack. I'm about to have to buy some more plates pretty soon and I want to get a cage but the cage will have to wait a little while.

    The best thing about working out at home is being able to yell "YEAH MOTHERFCKER" when you get done with a set of deadlifts (I try to get done with them before the kids get home).

    One of my friends made one. Not sure how the costs compare to buying one...but you can find plans to make one. See link for one: .
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    One of my friends made one. Not sure how the costs compare to buying one...but you can find plans to make one. See link for one: .

    That would be very very easy to build, out of simple 2x4's from home depot.

    Very nice!
  • RustedPopsicle
    I love deadlifts. 325x5 at only 150lbs body weight! Makes me feel beast!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I also have back issues (herniated a disc lifting a piano about 9 years ago and then reinjured it abou two years ago) so I was very tentative starting out. I've been very congnisent of my form and so far haven't had any back issues at all.
    I hadn't done deadlift for over 10 years due to the same issue, L7 S1, I went to a new gym that is not mainstream at all. The guy running the place put me back on deadlifts the first week. My back has been waaaaay better keeping them in the rotation.

    Quoted for truth. There have been 3 back surgeries between my parents and my in-laws in the last 3 months, all in this low lumbar area. I swear my step-mom and my dad were competing for best excuse to not do a thing or I hurt more. 40 years of obesity has gotten to them both and degenerated a LOT of important joints. My mother-in-law is less bad, but the pain (which is significant) got her in a helpless stance. I swear I look at these folks and go lift HEAVY at my next gym date because I DON'T want to be where they are ever. But here's the thing, the back surgery these 3 people I love had is not proven to be effective. Strengthening muscles around the spine is. I wouldn't go to just any gym, and I wouldn't trust just any trainer--but if I had bad back pain, I would search high and low for a physical therapist or physiologist that had some expertise in rehabilitation of the back. And then I'd go to town. These folks that I love pooh-poohed my gentle encouragement to start with PT, get the surgery if they had to and then finish with PT. One got a nasty addiction to Oxycodone (in her 70's) another got an infection and took longer than one would hope to get out of the hospital. The other one had to hurry the heck up with his healing because his wife was demanding that she get the same surgery too! /rant

    Love a deadlift. Love the hamstring DOMS. Love feeling like a badass. Love when the triangle shaped guy, who's pretty cool but doesn't work out legs at all suggests I'll have a back ache from my heavy heavy weights.

    Also love a back extension.

    And I love Guinness.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Strengthening muscles around the spine is.

    Truer words have never been spoken. I suffered a lower disc protrusion, don't recall which, last year and it really jacked up the nerves in my left leg and muscles around my spine. I was very careful with them and started deadlifting again a few months later and then squatting again about 7 months later. My back continued to hurt and I injured one of those muscles about two months ago. I tried a new approach, blowing up the muscles in my lower back. I do heavy sets of good mornings (doc said NOT to do), back hyperextensions with weight, and pull-throughs, and occasionally I'll hit some RDL's too. My back has never been better. It gets achy on occasion but overall I'm way healthier and stronger because of this approach.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    One of my friends made one. Not sure how the costs compare to buying one...but you can find plans to make one. See link for one: .
    I dig that. I dig that a lot.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    it took me a couple months before I finally went to the doctor - at the point my entire left leg was completely numb I felt like it was time. He sent me straight to a PT and I did exercises for about three months to get it back in shape. I'm a firm believer in having a strong back. Mine is easily tweaked now so I'm very careful with form and how I lift things but I feel like the past six weeks of doing deadlifts has made it much stronger.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    One of my friends made one. Not sure how the costs compare to buying one...but you can find plans to make one. See link for one: .
    I dig that. I dig that a lot.

    I thought I remember seeing a plan on youtube also. Just came back from knocking out a couple of sets. Warmup at 125, 2nd warmup at 175 then a work set at 245. Very nice!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Within 3 months of incorporating Deads into my regular routine, the lower back pain and sciatica went away.

    I used to have regular lower back pain when waking up, muscle spasms, and could trigger a sciatic episode just by getting out of the car.

    Now I am deadlifting 275lbs for 8 reps on the final set a year later. Love me the dead lifts.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I have a question if anyone wants to answer it for me. I only just recently started doing deadlifts so I am not using very much weight, I did 85 pounds last time. But those 10 lb plates are a lot smaller than the 45 lb plates so the bar doesn't come up nearly as high. Is that ok, or should I set the bar down on something so it's higher off the ground?? Sorry if this is a stupid question. Last time I set those safety bar things at the lowest setting and put the bar on top of that. (in the squat rack)