Insanity - started today (7/16/12)



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 7 Day 7 REST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    TOM finally came and I refuse to get on the scale because I know the number is going to be up. Why ruin a perfectly good Sunday when I know the gain is temporary?!?!?!?!!!
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Nope no point making yourself feel down for no reason, i know it did me just before i came on and it said +2lbs!

    Max cardio conditioning done! Really wasnt looking forward to it, felt so tired all this morning. Playing with my cals and upped slightly as since starting month 2 ive felt the tiredness! Fingers crossed i wont put on weight!

    Do people work to a set amount of cals or to the net amount?
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Max recovery done today, felt i spent half the time watching what we was meant to be doing instead of doing it! Hopefully will do better next time. I did however get some nice grazes/ burns on my arms from high - low planks, carpet is not good for that! I did them before when doing Jillian stuff but not that many lol Can really feel it on my abs today!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 8 Day 1 Max Interval Circuit

    Holy smokes only 2 weeks left until I complete my 1st round of Insanity!!!! I am so proud of myself for making it this far. I can almost see me wearing my "I Earned It" tee shirt!

    Puckers I try to eat around the same amount of calories each day 1750 - 1850 per the Insanity nutrition guide. Some days it nets closer to 1200 and other days I see I'm around 1300. Great job on Max CC...that one is TOUGH, although I still say Max Recovery is the worst.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    This is the problem i have, the guide says 2208 cals for me, i just cant believe i can eat that much and lose! I choose the 1.7 for very active like it says. I was eating about 1700-1800 but with feeling tired upped to 1900 and feel much better already. Ill see what happens.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    Gutted today, had to stop 10 mins early and fast forward to the stretch as my downstairs neighbours came back! I was doing max interval circuit.

    My boys are back to school tomorrow :-( Guess its extra cals burned walking them to and from lol
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Started Insanity on Sat!! I love it of course after doing the first few minutes and then Shaun T says " Ok now that we have warmed up" I was like seriously thats a warm up hahaha. I love cardio and circuit training type stuff so this is something ive been wanting to do. Since I just had a baby 7 weeks ago I needed something to challenge me to get back to where I need to be and this appears to be it. Its crazy that my abbs just started hurting out of nowhere, who knew you would use your core so much go figure and I thought sit ups where the only way to my abbs.
  • puckers82
    puckers82 Posts: 200 Member
    I remember that feeling about the warm up!

    Welcome to the group!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 8 Day 3 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

    I'm thoroughly exhausted after this workout. I can't believe I'm going to complete round 1 of Insanity in 11 days! It's unbelievable.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Week 8 Day 3 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

    I'm thoroughly exhausted after this workout. I can't believe I'm going to complete round 1 of Insanity in 11 days! It's unbelievable.

    So are you getting the physical results you were wanting (so far)?
  • insanityfan100
    Hey . Please add me . Im on day 4 with insanity ,
    I started last week I finished day 5 and then stopped , I dont know , I just got discouraged , so i need some Insanity buddies ..
    Doing fit test I felt I can do more than last week.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Day 17 today, and I'm blogging about it:

    I love and hate it. :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 8 Day 3 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

    I'm thoroughly exhausted after this workout. I can't believe I'm going to complete round 1 of Insanity in 11 days! It's unbelievable.

    So are you getting the physical results you were wanting (so far)?

    So far I've lost 6.3 lbs and a bunch of inches all over. I feel smaller and my stomach has definitely shrunk. I do plan to do another round once I finish this one because I've heard you really see results from doing a 2nd round.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    My coworkers and I are half way through Month 2 and plan on going a second round after this month. There's about 7 of us and we have all lost inches. We are hoping that on the second round, we start to lose weight. None of us are really following the meal plan, but we make sure we eat all of our protein and eat back our calories (or most of them) according to MFP. We all LOVE Insanity.:tongue:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    My coworkers and I are half way through Month 2 and plan on going a second round after this month. There's about 7 of us and we have all lost inches. We are hoping that on the second round, we start to lose weight. None of us are really following the meal plan, but we make sure we eat all of our protein and eat back our calories (or most of them) according to MFP. We all LOVE Insanity.:tongue:

    That is awesome! Are you all going right into the next round or do you plan to do a recovery week first? I'm going to do a recovery week and plan to kick off round 2 on Sept 24.
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    I completed day 45 today and still going. My last day looks to be 9/22.
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    My coworkers and I are half way through Month 2 and plan on going a second round after this month. There's about 7 of us and we have all lost inches. We are hoping that on the second round, we start to lose weight. None of us are really following the meal plan, but we make sure we eat all of our protein and eat back our calories (or most of them) according to MFP. We all LOVE Insanity.:tongue:

    That is awesome! Are you all going right into the next round or do you plan to do a recovery week first? I'm going to do a recovery week and plan to kick off round 2 on Sept 24.

    I don't know yet. I like the recovery program, but might just do 2-3 days of the recovery before starting all over again. I know we will be done on Sept 28th, so October 1 (a Monday), will be when we start Insanity all over again. I can't wait as we are all Insanity enthusiasts at my work.
  • veganlaynie
    I am on week one of month 2. I find support in my facebook group called "team pure insanity" every time i go on facebook i see others who are kicking butt or people looking for encouragement, motivational items, meal advice its really good to talk to people who have been there.
  • chuckels82
    chuckels82 Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me to this group. I just finished week 3 yesterday, and am enjoying my day off. I've lost 7 pounds (through doing the workouts, and logging all my calories on MFP), and have had three people come up to me and say, "You look like you're losing weight." Yea! It's been a while since I've heard that. I LOVE this program! I'm with the folks who want to start round 2 after they finish this round. It's become just another part of my daily schedule, and I DO NOT want to give it up. When I did the fit test on Day 1, I thought....Seriously? I can't even do a third of these exercises. When I completed my second fit test, I noticed a HUGE improvement. This workout is definitely my cup of tea. I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone, but I am just enjoying the heck out of it. two cents. :-)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Please add me to this group. I just finished week 3 yesterday, and am enjoying my day off. I've lost 7 pounds (through doing the workouts, and logging all my calories on MFP), and have had three people come up to me and say, "You look like you're losing weight." Yea! It's been a while since I've heard that. I LOVE this program! I'm with the folks who want to start round 2 after they finish this round. It's become just another part of my daily schedule, and I DO NOT want to give it up. When I did the fit test on Day 1, I thought....Seriously? I can't even do a third of these exercises. When I completed my second fit test, I noticed a HUGE improvement. This workout is definitely my cup of tea. I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone, but I am just enjoying the heck out of it. two cents. :-)

    Welcome to the Insanity chuckels!!! Glad to meet you. I'm planning to start round 2 on Sept. 24 so I'll definitely be looking for people to join me for another 9 weeks of Shaun T!