Insanity - started today (7/16/12)



  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 9 Day 6

    Taking today as my rest day. Will bang out the last workout in round 1 tomorrow...Max Cardio and Cardio Abs. Should be painful!
  • sammyjo0402
    sammyjo0402 Posts: 106 Member
    ^^That's awesome!
    Week 3, day 20 completed today. I absolutely love insanity!! No question in it's effectiveness, carbs have become my best friend ( ! ), feeling better about the way I look and there's more to go! Can't imagine what the end results will be.. Month 2 is gonna be rough. But comments like above prove you can do it. Anyhow, I love to rave on how awesome this program is. (:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 9 Day 6 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

    Ok so I needed to take 2 rest days this weekend before I was physically able to bang out the last workout in Round 1 but I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself for accomplishing this goal. I didn't lose the amount of weight I thought I would (only 5.3 lbs total) but I definitely saw improvements in the tape measurer results.

    Chest - 42.5/39.5 (- 3")
    Waist - 39.5/36.5 (- 3")
    Hips - 44.5/42.5 (- 2')

    I'll consider round 1 to be the start of my transformation and so I'm looking forward to seeing what round 2 brings. I definitely think I'm going to do a hybrid of Insanity and ChaLEAN Extreme after round 2 because I love lifing weights and that's one of the best strength training programs on the market (IMO). I'm going to take the rest of this week for recovery...tomorrow I plan to do the final fit test and then I think I'll throw in Fast & Furious but then the rest of the week I'm going to do Core Cardio & Balance.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Week 9 Day 6 Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

    Ok so I needed to take 2 rest days this weekend before I was physically able to bang out the last workout in Round 1 but I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of myself for accomplishing this goal. I didn't lose the amount of weight I thought I would (only 5.3 lbs total) but I definitely saw improvements in the tape measurer results.

    Chest - 42.5/39.5 (- 3")
    Waist - 39.5/36.5 (- 3")
    Hips - 44.5/42.5 (- 2')

    I'll consider round 1 to be the start of my transformation and so I'm looking forward to seeing what round 2 brings. I definitely think I'm going to do a hybrid of Insanity and ChaLEAN Extreme after round 2 because I love lifing weights and that's one of the best strength training programs on the market (IMO). I'm going to take the rest of this week for recovery...tomorrow I plan to do the final fit test and then I think I'll throw in Fast & Furious but then the rest of the week I'm going to do Core Cardio & Balance.

    Huge accomplishment! You don't HAVE to, but we'd love to see before/after pics if you took them :).
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Not sure if there are any noticeable differences from day 1 to 63 but here are the before/after pics from round 1:

    Day 1 Front

    Day 63 Front

    Day 1 Side

    Day 63 Side
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    You can definately tell! What was your diet like?
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I think you're being kind! :tongue: Thank you though!

    I tried to stick to 1200 - 1300 net calories (probably about 1750 - 1850 calories w/o exercise) and concentrated on cleaning up my diet...lean protein, veggies, whole grain carbs, fruit, and good fats (mostly natural peanutbutter, avocado, and olive oil). I drank tons of water and ate 5 - 6 meals per day. For the 6th meal I tried to only eat fruit or a Quest natural bar (but only if I had extra calories) instead of a sweet or bread carbs (i.e. pretzels, vitatop, cookies, SF pudding, etc.). I tried to follow the Insanity nutrition guide to a tee but that lasted maybe 2 weeks and then I started just trying to follow the meal macros rather than the actual suggested meals which seemed to work better for me.

    For round 2 I was thinking about ways to clean up my diet even further so I would see larger losses on the scale and tape measurer. I know you're not supposed to reduce calories when you're working this hard but I was reviewing my diary from a year ago (before I put on the 30 lbs) and I had great success eating at around 1600 calories while doing Turbo Fire 6x/week. I'm thinking about reducing to 1600 for month 1 to see if it has any effect.
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Second round week four here, and I am still loving it! Good luck you can do this!
  • tshields27
    tshields27 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on my last week of doing it now for a second round. It is the craziest, hardest workout i've ever done in my life, but it's the fastest way to get the results you want. I loveeeeeeeee it.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 9 Day 7 - Fit Test and Fast & Furious

    Woo Hoo final Fit Test of Round 1 COMPLETE!!! Day 1/63 results are as follows:
    Switch Kicks - 67 / 93
    Power Jacks - 35 / 50
    Power Knees - 60 / 88
    Power Jumps - 26 / 35
    Globe Jumps - 8 / 9
    Suicide Jumps - 11 / 14
    Push Up Jacks - 13 / 24
    Low Plank Obliques - 34 / 49

    Fast & Furious rounded out my session for today. I am wiped!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Day 1 - 63 side by side pics

    Side view
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Day 1 - 63 side by side

    Front view

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 10 Recovery

    Core Cardio & Balance - love this workout! I was actually able to get my knees all the way up to my elbows on the oblique leg raises!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 10 Recovery

    Today's progress report...I was able to complete all 5 of the level 1 drills without stopping!!! Go ME!!!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 10 Recovery

    Decided my body needed a rest day, especially since I stayed up way later than usual to watch my Giants beat the Panthers. Will get back to Core Cardio & Balance tomorrow.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Week 10 Recovery - Core Cardio & Balance

    Round 2 starts Monday. Can't wait!
  • kathyleen200008
    I just baught insanity waiting for it in the mail i will start it as soon as it gets here. So excited I just had my first baby so you girls know my frustration.29968554.png
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