for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • shinybonnie
    Morning all!

    Nicolee516, Lol, thanks for letting me know that you did run. Sorry for putting pressure on you. I'm really good at coming up with excuses not to run, and I know that if I give in to them, I will probably just give up on running for good. It is SO easy to break good habits, and so hard to get back on track.

    Tabby, do you take your dog with you to run? Does anyone else? I have a boxer and when I take her for short walks, she is pulling my arm out of it's socket.... I wonder how she'd do at a steady, slow pace for 30 minutes...

    Today was W9D2 of the C25k for me, so I had to run for 30 minutes. It went well and I wasn't tempted to stop and walk. I went to the football field where I usually run, but it was soooo cold and the wind was blowing so hard; I remembered that I had heard that the school had an indoor track, so I walked over to the school and sure enough, they do have an indoor track that is open at 6:30 every morning! Problem is, I have no idea how many miles I may have run, so I can't guage my speed. Oh well, I don't care about that too much right now. I did have some minor aches in my left knee and right hip. This started happening about 4 weeks ago, and I got new, expensive, fancy-pants shoes, which I thought had corrected the problem because the pain went away immediately. Today it was back. :frown:

    I've had to make some adjustments to my life to accomodate my running. I am now getting up before everyone else and getting the run done first thing in the morning. I have 2 little boys, and work a part-time varied schedule, so there were days when I just didn't know how I was going to fit the run in. So instead of worrying about it or putting it off til evening (which gives me ALL DAY to invent some excuses! and I WILL invent excuses!), I decided I just need to do it sometime between 6 and 8 a.m. This is a good thing for me because when I first wake up, my mind is too tired to argue and I'm kind of on automatic pilot until I get out the door and the cold air hits me. Then my mind starts up with the, "you know, it really IS cold out, and you've been so good, you can skip just this once..." But then my other mind says, "What the heck, you're already up, you may as well get this *kitten* over with." And while this arguing is going on back and forth, I'm already doing my warmup walk and then I may as well start running, etc. Lol!

    Ah well, hope everyone is having a good day!

    So how is everyone else doing today? Keep up the good work! I can't believe that I am able to run for 30 minutes with no problem!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good for you Bonnie! I am sure it makes you feel great that you don't have to walk! As for your poochie, I would build her up just like you have built yourself up. You don't want to hurt her. I bet they make great running partners though! I wish I had someone to run with, i.e. another human or poochie. My kids are too fast for me and I don't think I could get my cats to run with me!:laugh: As for your pain, I'm not sure what that is. The problem with me is I have learned to run through some pain at various times, so....:tongue:

    My kids, step-kids actually, are old enough to stay by themselves when I go run. They are 16 and 13. The 13 year old actually is in a cyber school, so we use the running as his gym class. So I make him run my speed sometimes, or like we did yesterday, wait until his sister comes home and they run together. I just don't like waiting that late. Obviously I am a SAHM right now, (big change for me!) os we usually run right before lunch. When I worked, when I could I liked to run first thing in the morning too because of the temptation of putting it off. My job didn't always allow it though.

    Today is not a run day for me. Tomorrow will be. I run Tues, Thurs, and do a long run either on Sat or Sun, depending on what is going on.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Bonnie, my dog is a boxer too, and when I got her (she was 1 year old and I got her from a Boxer rescue) she would pull until my hands blistered. Now I can run with her just with her leather collar. I trained to to go on the leash using an electronic collar. I tried a choke collar and a "pinch" collar, but she has so little fur that those irritated the skin on her neck. I just put the e-collar on with her regular flat colar and carried the remote with me. It has an option to either sound a tone, or give a shock. Since she was already used to the collar (I used it to teach her to stay at home and not wander) I only have to use the tone setting. If she pulled on the leash, I would buzz her, and it took her a very short time to learn. I take her with me all the time, and she doesn't pull. The deal is that she can go ahead of me if she wants, but there can't be any tension on the leash, and when traffic goes by she has to "heel." She likes it better when we are running than walking. She started out the C25K with me. She has boundless energy, so it is good for her. I was going to get her a back pack and make her carry a few pounds, because she doesn't get very tired. :sad: I like brining her because I live out in the country, and run in a very isolated area by myself, and I think that even though she is the friendliest dog in the universe she looks scary and might deter unsavory characters from stopping to chat! :noway:

    Most of the time I run in the mornings, too. If I wait until evening, it is way to easy to come up with excuses. I also like to run on an empty stomach, and can only do it in the morning. I get less tired for some reason. I do run in the afternoon/evening if I have a day off, but 90% of the time I run at 6am. I am not a morning person, but it is what works for me. :ohwell:
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269

    Did you get fitted for your shoes? If not, take them back and go to a specialty store - their prices are just a little bit higher but well worth the personal attention that you will get!

    Thanks everyone for the support for my surgery - going in tomorrow morning so I will most likely post on Saturday.

    Awesome job to all the c25k'ers out there!! Keep it up!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Boy, It's pretty quiet here this week! I am going to do, if I have time today, a tempo run. We shall see how that goes!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    As of today, I am officially a C25K graduate! :) I ran for 35 minutes (about 2.77 miles). My shins started hurting as soon as I stopped running.. so I iced them and stretched them out. I won't run for a couple days to let them rest. If they are feeling fine on Sunday, I will be running my first competitive 5K! :bigsmile:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's exciting Steph!!! I can't wait to hear abotu your race on Sunday! If your shins are hurting you, you may want to think about new shoes. That is usually the first sign they are starting to go.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    congrats steph!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    That's exciting Steph!!! I can't wait to hear abotu your race on Sunday! If your shins are hurting you, you may want to think about new shoes. That is usually the first sign they are starting to go.

    Yeah, I have two pairs of running shoes and alternate. This one pair may just not have enough padding for the longer distance (they were designed for speed). So, I am just going to stick to my more well padded shoes from now on (maybe get another pair too to alternate) and save the speed shoes for treadmill runs since the treadmill takes a lot of shock. :tongue:

    But thank you Bonnie & Tabby! I am so happy. I could have kept running today too.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I was going to run yesterday. But my son gave me his stomach virus. How fun. But I'm feeling better today. I'll probably do strength training tonight, and do my scheduled run in the morning when it's supposed to be a crisp 17 degrees.

    Then I'll have to come into the office and listen to the cackling hens complain about how cold it is.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am going to head to a specialty running store soon to get a better suited pair of shoes. I think I may go tomorrow or Saturday - though I will run in my already broken in shoes on Sunday.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I think that is a great idea Steph. They are great with helping you with the best shoe for you!

    Iplay-Maybe the cold will make you run faster like you want to....HA!:laugh: I really like the cackling hens quip!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I did my tempo run today. I died!!!! The first part was great! The second, lets just say I think I could have gon fater if I was on my hands and knees. LOL. At least I trudged through it.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Holy, well, you know, will the rain never stop?!?!?! We should have snow! Instead we have knee deep mud and standing water everywhere. It is absolutely POURING. STILL. Will try for a run in the morning. good grief! :grumble:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm really excited to see a support thread for beginning runners! I'm not a beginner, per se....I ran cross country and the mile and 800 in track in middle school and part of high school. I've always been a pretty naturally gifted runner as far as endurance is concerned, but I've fallen so badly out of shape in these past few months that I think all of my natural endurance might finally have gotten fed up with me and gone away.

    I'm ready to get back into it! I miss running! But the weather here has been relentless....does anyone here run in the rain? Is it a legitimate to avoid running when it's raining (not downpour, but raining) or does it count as an excuse?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I am sending good vibes your way Tabby for no rain in the morning.

    Welcome Dreamhazer!!!! This is a very supportive group of people. Yes we do run in the rain. We grumble about it though! I won't run in downpours, but, I have to get used to the rain now that I live in Oregon. I actaully get less rain here than I did in Pennsylvania where I am originally from. I am not a beginner runner either, but I am trying to get back into running myself after a year hiatus.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I actually like running in the rain if it is over 40 degrees, and not downpouring. I am beginning to think I should build an ark. Last Friday/Saturday and today it has rained as hard as I have ever seen it.

    Thanks for the vibes Niclole, it is SUPPOSED to be not raining tomorrow!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I like the rain, when it isn't too cold out or down pouring. If I really need to run, then I do it. But, I will push my runs back a day if it is too nasty. :[

    I hope it clears up for you Tabby!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    As of today, I am officially a C25K graduate! :) I ran for 35 minutes (about 2.77 miles). My shins started hurting as soon as I stopped running.. so I iced them and stretched them out. I won't run for a couple days to let them rest. If they are feeling fine on Sunday, I will be running my first competitive 5K! :bigsmile:

    Congratulations!!!!! Good for you!!! Have fun at your 5k!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    As of today, I am officially a C25K graduate! :) I ran for 35 minutes (about 2.77 miles). My shins started hurting as soon as I stopped running.. so I iced them and stretched them out. I won't run for a couple days to let them rest. If they are feeling fine on Sunday, I will be running my first competitive 5K! :bigsmile:

    Congratulations!!!!! Good for you!!! Have fun at your 5k!

    Thanks Jan! :D
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    It was actually 13 Degrees F when stepped off the porch this morning. It was actually pretty nice after I got going. It was clear with a full moon.

    When I got inside I realized there was ice in my beard and on my hood...awesome! Also, next time I'm tucking in at least one shirt, I got frost bite on my stomach of all places. I think my MP3 player died too, I'll check on it after work.

    I thought about post-poning this run until it warmed up, but I looked at the extended forecast, and it's not supposed to. Which means there's a real possibility I'll be racing in these conditions. It's been a great fall thus far, but if I'm going to sign up for races in December in Kansas you have to expect this.