for all the hopefull "wanna be" runners out there - trying t



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That looks like alot of fun Jan! If you want last minute tips I would be gald to help you:wink:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Nicolee, I'm up for all the tips I can get!

    I found a Sprint Triathalon Training Program in Women's Running May/June issue- picked up the freebee mag at a running shoe store last week. They have you getting up to running 7 miles - I guess that would increase the endurance for the Tri...

    This week I've basically done everything they say to do in week 1. For now I'm going to stick with the gateway to 8k for running (probably 2 - 3 runs a week), keep up with my 2 nights a week aqua fit class or swimming laps, and continue to add time/intensity to one or two stationary bike workouts a week. Whenever I can I'll start stacking two activities together - I already run then swim. I'm going to try doing some biking/running days to start getting used to that transition - seems like that would be the hardest.

    In the spring I'll have to start cycling outdoors and learn more about the details of the transitions & such.
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm like dying here - knee is messed up - got to have surgery - can't run - i keep trying to but it just hurts too bad - I miss is so much biking time is getting back up there - got my time down to 3 minute miles - not too bad - reading about all of your running makes me happy and proud for all of you but sad for me - getting surgery right after Thanksgiving - down for about 6 weeks - yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Cool Jan! Sounds good what your doing now. You don't need to pick up the intensity yet. You don't even need to do any brick workouts right now, unless you want to. Brick workouts are combining 2 of the sports. It is a good idea to start building your base of running. A 6 or 7 mile long run is good. It makes a 5k feel alot easier let me tell ya!:wink: I can tell you about the transitions and what to expect, some pointers on the swim, because an open water swim is WAY different than the pool, and other good stuff! Anything that will help you make it fun! Just remember when increasing your mileage with running, only a 10% increase each week. You don't want to hurt yourself.

    darman- Hang in there! IT won't be that long until you can run with us again! AND.... 6weeks is not that of a time off. Your muscles have memory, and it won't be long until you are back up to speed again. Just remember, take it easy when you start up again!

    As for me, I have a 3 mile easy run today, and then my Turkey Lurkey 5k on thurs!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm like dying here - knee is messed up - got to have surgery - can't run - i keep trying to but it just hurts too bad - I miss is so much biking time is getting back up there - got my time down to 3 minute miles - not too bad - reading about all of your running makes me happy and proud for all of you but sad for me - getting surgery right after Thanksgiving - down for about 6 weeks - yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know what the weather is like where you are. But If were to pick 6 weeks to be down, I would pick the 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and NYD. I mean lets face it, it could be summer. No way would I want to waste 6 weeks of summer on surgery recovery.

    As for my running. This morning I ran 5K as my first run since the 2-Mile race on Saturday. Felt good, didn't go any faster. But I kept focusing on keeping my stride long instead of shuffling my feet. I'm going to run Thanksgiving morning so I can eat with wreckless abandon later in the day.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member

    As for my running. This morning I ran 5K as my first run since the 2-Mile race on Saturday. Felt good, didn't go any faster. But I kept focusing on keeping my stride long instead of shuffling my feet. I'm going to run Thanksgiving morning so I can eat with wreckless abandon later in the day.

    I like that idea!!! :drinker:
    I did my easy 3 miles today,sure didn't feel easy! I decided to do my 3mile loop backwards....errr!:noway: Hilly! I am hoping to do my 5k in under 30minutes on Thanksgiving!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member

    As for my running. This morning I ran 5K as my first run since the 2-Mile race on Saturday. Felt good, didn't go any faster. But I kept focusing on keeping my stride long instead of shuffling my feet. I'm going to run Thanksgiving morning so I can eat with wreckless abandon later in the day.

    I like that idea!!! :drinker:
    I did my easy 3 miles today,sure didn't feel easy! I decided to do my 3mile loop backwards....errr!:noway: Hilly! I am hoping to do my 5k in under 30minutes on Thanksgiving!

    Yeah, I am thinking of adding in an extra run this week for that reason alone. :tongue:
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Darman, hang in there! You'll have a great excuse not to run during the stress of the holidays, and right after new year's you'll be back at it. The time will fly by. I was going to say you will have a great excuse not to run in the yucky winter weather, but I see you are in SC. I would love to not run December and January!

    This is the only day I work this week, so I haven't been faithful about logging, but I ran Monday and Tuesday 2.7 miles, and will run tomorrow morning the same, and maybe even go a little farther. I did a Zumba class Monday night, and will do one tonight, so I don't have to feel too guilty tomorrow. My goal is to not gain weight through the holidays, and then get serious about losing again after new years. That last 15-20 has got to go by bathing suit season..... Maybe if I just ignore them they will go away? That's what my mom used to say about my little brother, lol! :bigsmile:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Good Luck to anyone racing today.

    I had an epiphany on my rrun this morning. My 2 mile split has consistantly been arounf 22 min. But I end up with a total 5K time of around 36-37. This means after mile two I really start to slow down. So next time, I'm going to focus on picking up the pace during the last mile.

    The run this morning was also the coldest of the season. 25 F, but no wind, which made it a heck of a lot more comfortable.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    My Turkey Lurkey went well considering I had no sleep last night! I did under 30 minutes. I did 29;26 and that was with walking 50 seconds because I am exhausted!!!!! I am looking forward to my times as the weight comes off!

    I hope everyone has a great holiday!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    How is the running for everyone?
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Tabby - hahaha, I wish if I ignored the weight it would go away. :tongue: Great job on 2.7 miles! I think I may try to run for distance instead of time this week since I am on Week 9 of C25K and I am planning to run a 5K race next Sunday. :smile:

    Nicole - Glad the run went well! :smile:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I'm clearly still a wanna be runner... I haven't run since Wednesday!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I ran for real Thursday morning. Last night I ran on my parents treadmill.....There is no way, NO FREAKING WAY, you can tell me that running on a treadmill is the same as running outside. I felt like I really hasn't done anything after doing that.

    I was kind of beating myself up about the inactivity, but to tell you the truth I think my body has welcomed the rest. Monday morning I'm getting up, and getting back with the routine. Plus I have a bunch of new toys to play with. Another Race day is two weeks away.
  • joynrudy
    Thanks for starting this. I have done a few 5Ks for about a year now and they have really motivated me to run. I love it ! Its very motivational. I keep trying to beat my previous time. If you have not yet signed up for a 5K I would suggest doing it. Crossing the finish line can almost bring tears to your eyes knowing you did it!! And you can even sign up to walk the 5Ks. People at the 5K are very supportive! You will get addicted to it!

    Keep on going!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hey Susan - welcome to our little group! Thanks for the post! I am going to be running my first 5K next Sunday. I am a little nervous.

    Today I did my 30 minute run on Week 9 of C25K and used to see how far I ran. Well, I went about 2.55 miles. I did walk for about 30 seconds in there to pull up my long johns on my legs (I wear shorts over them so I can roll them up as my body warms up). The walking was also because my body wasn't top notch today (probably from all the bad eating this week). But, I suppose by being able to run 2.55 miles, I should be able to run 3.1 miles on next Sunday. :smile:

    iplay - running on a treadmill is nothing like outside. You can simulate being outside by putting it at 1 - 2% incline. But, it it still isn't the same.

    JPrice - I know you'll get into it. :happy:
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I got out there and did a 30 minute run outside today. It was a really pretty day... I'm at a hotel, so I tried to use mapmyrun, but couldn't connect. So I plotted out 1.6 miles on google. I was to my half-way point a lot faster in distance than in time, so I zig-zagged my way through a neighborhood to add distance. Got back to the hotel just as my 5 minute cool-down mark ended. Couldn't have timed it any better! So, I don't know how far or how fast, but I did 30 minutes - my last minute of jogging was my fastest - not quite a sprint, but definately at a run. It was nice to know I had a good pace, and still had enough for a turbo boost to cross a street quickly when needed. Maybe I'll start doing a weekly long (for me) run outdoors and keep doing the interval training indoors where I can see what I'm doing.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job JPrice!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    It was 2.55 miles! I'm pretty pleased with that since I was going a very comfortable pace.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    It was 2.55 miles! I'm pretty pleased with that since I was going a very comfortable pace.

    Awesome! We are pretty much on the same pace then. :laugh: