Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
Changing over to October. Lets have a great month, Here is the link:


Sorry Gayla I had to change month just when you wee telling us about Neil. I will quote it ove to here


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wed 09/30/09 08:01 PMHi everyone! Well, Neil's happy stay at the Respite Home was short-lived. Early this afternoon he called his Dad and asked him to get him out of 'this place'. I think he was very lonely. He gets way too much attention at home and I am to blame for that!! When I picked him up I asked him to think of what he liked best about his stay, just trying to get him to have some happy thoughts about the place. It doesn't sound like much went on. I would have thought with him being the only resident there they would have done something fun with him instead of just watching TV. Oh-oh, now I sound cranky. But. . . they did know it was his first stay away from home and that he may be worried. He said he asked the girl if she would rub his back because it was so sore and that his Mom did that at night. She said "no, we don't do that"!!!! Now, what the heck is that???? I say lazy and lack of humanity. When he was leaving they barely said good-bye. I prompted Neil to say thank you which should have given them an opportunity to say we enjoyed having you stay with us (even if they didn't) or some such thing that might make him think coming back would be ok. I felt no warmth there so I am not surprised that Neil didn't either. He said he cried in the night because he missed his mom. This is way too hard!! I guess we will have to start this all over and the next time will be harder I am sure, however, I will lay out my expectations a little better.

    Sorry for being such a downer! Tomorrow will be a better day. Be back the
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Gayla there is better day ahead. Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It's almost October in Washington so I guess I can post my October goals.

    Once again I want to lose 4 pounds before the end of the month and since I failed miserably doing hand weights in September :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I've kept that goal except made it only every other day and since I've been doing crunches every other day for a challenge on another thread I'll have that as a goal and drinking more water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    and never,never, never give up

  • lizbwell
    I followed you from Sept. Quick rundown. Cannot stand up anymore and walking is out Doc. said. I am 78, COPD, Heart failure and a stroke, 8 hospital stays and 1 rehab. Just got out of Hospital 13 days for blocked intestine (3rd time). On mechanical diet or full liquid. Oxygen 24/7 and bed 24/7. Working on bed exercises. Modifying some of the chair and standing exercises.

    Need help telling difference in the exercises, heart and strength types. My mind goes blank! LOL do not need that part. Still able to move to side beds and few other things. I do have home care 3 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Just this time got infomation needed for calories and protein. This site hit it on the nose what the doc. said.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Liz, so wonderful to hear from you. Been wondering about you.I do not know any exercise in bed. Its wonderful that you have help. they should be ale to tell you what you need to do. the only exwecise I get is a little walking. And watch my calories. However I know you need to eat more to gain some weight.
    Keep posting here and we will try to cheer you up some. Please come and vent anytime. Love having you. Make yourself at home. here.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Liz here is our link but look like you figure it out yourself Good girl. Keep us informed. You have a lot of problems. Eat that food or drink it just get your strenght back upHow long have you been bedridden.?Do let us see your update picture of you and your hubby. Your Friend......Calie. Talk to you later. I also go by the name of Marie.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope we all get on the right wave link. Sorry i goof up.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Day one of our trip :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: a great success
    Easy drive once we got the animals to boarding (Bernie, the young cat, hid under the bed so close to the back of the nightstand that I didn't find him until the fourth time I looked and then I found him only because of his white paws) :laugh: :laugh: , 20 minutes of walking on the ferry, and lunch at Red Lobster where I had grilled salmon, two servings of broccoli, and salad with no croutons and dressing on the side. :bigsmile: shopping at the huge mall. I found a red down vest that fits (small instead of the extra large ones I've had for the last five years). We had snacks during the day of apples and wasa crackers with hummus then we fixed our usual shakes for dinner and went to the fitness room to use the stationery bike and the treadmill and will have cereal and almond milk for a bedtime snack.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, thanks for starting the new thread. It was easy to find.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, congratulations on your new job. You've been a great "house-husband" but I'm sure that working has awakened your brain.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I wear Birkenstocks and love them. In the winter I wear them with wool socks. My neighbor has those shoes with the spring in the heel and she swears by them but they do look funny. Jake wears orthonics and loves them. Keep an open mind and I'm sure you'll find the best solution for yourself

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you are such an amazing fountain of information. When is the new dog coming?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congratulations on your winnings.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm sorry those people were so unfriendly to Neil. Will there be another place he can try staying?

    :flowerforyou: Liz, welcome to the group. It looks like you have a whole wagon load of challenges and yet you have a fabulous never give up attitude. We're thrilled to have you here with us

    We're going to bed early and get rested for the busy days ahead.
    hugs to all
  • lizbwell
    Thank you all for the Welcome! I do love this site. Counting calories has stopped me before and this has made it easy.

    Big problem trying to invent my bed exercises.

    I do 10 leg sets *total 5 sets but each leg separate.
    I do 6 arm sets *total 3 sets but each arm separate.

    Not right yet...

    It takes about 40 min to do them all. Been almost bedridden for last 5 years. Had bad event April this year and when I got home could not stand up and in bed 24/7. But it is not so bad the way my daughter has set me up. I have my laptop and do genealogy and our Family Histories. There are so many so much worse off than me and I do have help. People contact so important. I also bless the day in 1950 when I joined the USAF as a WAF. Uncle Sam's basic training taught me so much and the not giving up comes from there I think. I was an only child of an only child and very spoiled. Basic cured a lot in 6 weeks time. Those were the things that can take years. One book stands out above the rest, "I'm OK You're OK". Worth the reading if you can find it.

    Anyone else confined most of the time or all of the time? Need help with the dad-gummed exercises and inventing them?????

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Welcome Lizbwell, you have joined a wonderful group of people. We range in all ages but I do think that we are all over 50. :tongue: You sound like Marie who is our backbone, she is also in her 70's and keeps us all going. :heart: I give you credit for trying to find some exercises to do in bed, the leg and arm that you are doing sound like they would be good. Maybe do a google search for bedridden exercises to see if you can find any to help you. So glad you are with us. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie hope you and Jake are having a good time and all the animals are behaving. I know we don't have to worry about you or Jake with food and exercise. :laugh:

    Birdie, I never thought of my feet causing my knee pain, I always attributed it to playing tennis when I was young. I will have to watch the kind of shoes I wear when I walk, I usually just wear regular gym shoes.
    I know other people who wear Birkenstocks and love them, but I must admit I am like you and worry about style. Silly women.

    Marie, hope all is well with you and thank you for changing our posts to October.

    Will talk to you in the morning, sleep well.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    In response to your concerns that Birkenstock only makes sandals--below are links to 2 pages from the birkenstockusa website. This is the official product website for the US. These are not the only non sandal styles, but these are new for Fall:

    Another website, which sells the shoes online, birkenstock central, has a large selection of non-sandal styles. Below is a link to their women's shoe area.

    I hope this might help you find something that will work . The Boston clog with wool socks is a very comfortable wintertime solution for me, BTW. I have more than one pair.

    The last time I counted, I had over 20 pair of Birkies, but these accumulated over a period of almost 20 years, and about 3/4 of them were purchased with the employee discount that I could use when i was working in the friend's store.

    LizB. :flowerforyou: I am glad to see you found the October thread. I hope becoming involved w/MFP will help you manage your recovery more easily. I have a close friend w/COPD who was in the hospital 3 times this year due to asthma-related issues and pneumonia. She is doing very well now, despite a setback about 5 weeks ago when she fell and broke her clavicle.

    Best wishes to you.

    Barbiecat:flowerforyou: Glad to hear your trip is going well. Maybe you will have to paint that *****cats toenails with fluorescent paint :noway: --would make him easier to find in the dark underneath the bed:laugh: :laugh:

    I guess I know a little about a lot, not sure if that makes me a fountain.:noway: Sometimes I feel like my brain has sprung a few leaks,:drinker: :drinker: but that is probably a result of sleep deprivation. :laugh: Fortunately that problem has been eliminated, since I started my new work schedule today. I am starting work on a couple of days at 1p and on two other days around 10a. On Saturday, I start at 6a, but I can tolerate one day early.

    Also, Bradley the Yorkie should be joining us after October 10th.

    At the moment I am beginning to fade, so good night all:yawn:

  • lizbwell
    Trying to make up my exercises and need to delete the whole mess! I highlight my exercise, hit delete, says deleted but does not go away. I need to start over with some advice. Just saw the bit about needing just the name. Like: Bed - Heel Slide would be enough. BUT need to delete about 7 or 8 of my own????

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Liz, Lets think in a positive way and we will feel better. You are very fortunate to have help. I think your picture on you avatar you look like a beautiful movie star. Keep smi;ing!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello Sandy, How die you do at the Casino. Did it rain on you. We plan on running up to Oklahoma soon for some Casino.

    Barbiecat and Jake. Don't let Jake hurt his back anymore. Have a nice weekend. I s Jake selling those milk shake the you two are drinking.?

    Gayla, Hope things are brighter around your house. I bet Neil is glad to be home. Hope you find another place for him.

    Barbs, you are really a charactor. Love reading your post.

    Birdie. Are you back on the mend now. I think I am. I do believe I just overdid it on my walking.
    Will stsrt back next week but not push myself so hard. I got to remember I am not as young as some of you guys.

    Jeffrey, always a pleasure hearing from you. See you have been a busy guy.

    Ellen, Where are you? Missed you.

    Elli, I know you are enjoying your house and you son being home.

    Phoebe, I really missed you. But I know you are thinking of us.

    It is really cool here this morning. Down to 58. But will warm up to the 80's today. Good football weather.

    Time to get dress for breakfast and a trip to the grocer store.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :love: Just checking in. I have a wedding tonight! The last time , as some of you already know,:ohwell: my food was perfect but the wine was a little too much on an...almost empty stomach:sick: Today I have had a very light breakfast and lunch, and tonight I will make sure that I have cheese with the wine and only 2 drinks all evening. I will eat what's served but only half of it and skip the dessert. If that puts me over, so be it. :ohwell: I can't exercise because of a temporary stiff back :grumble: so I will make the best choices I can, enjoy my beautiful niece's wedding:happy: and dance as much as my back will allow:laugh: :laugh: My family is huge and gatherings like this are so much fun. :laugh: :laugh: Not only do we all love to sing.....we all love to dance!!!:love::love: :love:
    So here's to fun and discipline tonight and to an extra squeeky clean day of eating tomorrow:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :smooched:

    :bigsmile: Barb, thanks for all the info! when I get a free moment, I'll check them out! With all the Birkies you have...I hope you also have an insurance policy on them:laugh: :laugh:

    :wink: Marie glad you're feeling better. I am doing better but havent exercised yet. :ohwell: Tonight I hope to dance:happy: but I'll be careful not to overdue it!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie sounds like you're right on the ball which doesn't surprise me at all. I hope to achieve your discipline!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Liz: Hope you receive the help you need. Sound like you've been through a lot!!!!:noway:

    :blushing: :blushing: Sandy: Yes it is silly about the shoes, but as you get older and need to adjust some of the other parts of just hope you can still make a reasonable "Fashion statement":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi birdie. Have fun at the wedding. I don't think anyone can catch up to Brabie. But we can try. At least do what we are capable of doing.
    Have a jolly time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Rainy, depressing day here. Trying to pay some bills, but I did exercise today for 45 minutes. I am still using the pedometer but with the rain I didn't get too many steps in today. :explode:

    Birdie have fun at your nieces wedding. You have been hurting and still watching so tonight just have a good time. :bigsmile:

    Marie, glad you are feeling better, I think you helping Liz will be a big benefit in her life. You know not to overdue anything and you can help her think of some good exercises. :happy:

    Daisy is full of energy since we have had rain for the last two days, she will be so happy to get to the dog park again. Tomorrow is her obedience class and then to the vet for her final baby shots.

    Marie, I don't go to the casino until Monday, we will be spending the night so expect to have a great time.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh well Sandy Have a good time Monday. I bet Daisy is ready to get out side. Sammy loves it if we go out with him, He's not too fond of going in the fence in back yard. He likes his freedom. Have a nice weekend. I only got 2,000 steps in today. the mosquiters are so bad this time of the year..Be glad when we get a hard freeze and killed them little things, talk to you later.....Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We're back in the hotel room for the dinner break. We made our shakes so even with having to wash the dishes I have more time than if we'd gone to a restaurant. We ate lunch in a Vietnamese restaurant and had Pho with tofu and vegetables. I can't find an accurate calorie count for it but I know that it has about three days' worth of sodium in it. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We were at meetings almost all day and will be sitting again tonight so there won't be as many steps or exercise calories as I would like. Maybe I should go walk up and down the stairs for awhile to burn more calories :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: or maybe I should lie down and take a quick nap.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, this morning I woke up earlier than my husband and tried doing some crunches and neck stretches in bed so I could do something useful without waking him. I was thinking of you and how you've created a series of in bed workouts. I admire your creative spirit and the way you never, never, never give up. Even though we all joke about how quickly we put on weight, I know that it is hard to do when your body is recovering. I continue to cheer your efforts to assist your body in healing.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie----be careful of that wine----it's sneaky stuff:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    There is rain in Washington but it should be over by the time we get home so on Sunday afternoon I can take the dogs to the dog park
    hugs :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I enjoyed my 'all by myself'' day today even though Neil called me about 18 times. Not sure why I ever bought him the darned cell phone. Thanks to Marie and Barbie for thinking about Neil after his Respite experience. He is already talking about going back. Obviously he lets things go a little quicker than his mother does!! :wink: If he wants to go back he will but I will be way smarter about what to expect. I have called the Manager but she is on holidays until next week.

    A big welcome to you, Liz. I know you will like it here with this very positive and focused group.

    Sandy -- Hope you daughter is recovering well.

    Birdie -- Enjoy the wedding.

    Jeffrey -- Hope the job is going well.

    Phoebe -- Perhaps I will catch up with you this weekend. I always seem to miss you!

    Elli -- How is life in the big house! :laugh: I am too funny, I know.

    Beth -- You have been in my thoughts this week. Wishing you Godspeed as you journey home.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    HI Everyone,

    Busy Saturday, Daisy has obedience class and after that she goes to the Vet for I hope her final shots. :tongue: We always try to go to 5:00 Mass on Saturday so I think this day is gone before it even begins. :laugh:

    Barbie, sounds like you are keeping busy with this trip, it must be a business trip if you are attending meetings. Hope Jake's back is better and you have a safe trip home. I am sure your dogs miss their dog park. :happy:

    Marie, 2000 is great, every 2000 steps is a 100 calories ( I think) so keep up the good work.. :heart:

    Gayla, Neil sounds like he wants his independence but wants you to be very close by which I think is wonderful. He sounds like he loves you so much as I know you do him. :heart:

    Birdie, hope the wedding was wonderful and you took it easy on yourself. :bigsmile:

    My daughter is doing wonderful, she said she feels like her old self and is tired of just sitting. We insist she does though so she gets the rest needed to completely heal. Her boys will wear her out the minute her in laws leave. :mad:

    Jeffrey we miss you and hope all is well.

    Hope Beth is on her way home and her next post is from the United States. :love:

    Have a good day........

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, since Neil want to go back maybe it is not as bad as he said at first. Don't give up yet. there are other places, And he will have to take some bumps and grind along the way. Ir will always be harder on you than on him. I remember when My Mom went into the nursing home I had many of calls during the night that she wanted me to come and get her.out.. I would go in and confort her and calm her down. I am sure you had nights like that too. . Don't let it get the best of you. You will be turning 60 here next month and retiring. Time for you to enjoy life And go on trips.And run around like Sandy. She is really enjoying life to the fullest. On the go all the time. It is hard on Neil too, after all he has had you for almost 30 years now. You are his mommy.

    Kathy my daughter who lives out in the country, Found 2 little squirrells abanded and she took them in to her home and nusrsing them with a eye dropper they took to her and thinks she is their momma. They are getting their farm all together now. With all the rain they have plenty of pasture with grass for the Longhorn steers. 6 0r 7 dogs. and a tank of catfish. got her new home decoative in western cows and horses. blain their son got a horse now He takes care of it. Since they are about 45 minutes from their jobs, her and Ricky take turns driving their trucks into work Save wear and tear and gas too.

    Alice and Jim are in Los Vegas to see Jim Daughter get married. Alot of his family went out their. They are doing fine. Alice has had some medical problens. A pain in her chest. they said she did not have a heart attack or stoke , but think it is connected to he indigestion. She been having soells nearly every week end. this has been going on for 6 weeks.

    My son Bruce is in Mexico on a job. He had plan on coming home this week end but had to cancel out. His job
    takes him all over the world, Mostly in the USA. Everywhere but Dallas.

    Jerry and I are doing fine now, I feel much better. I had run out out of my iron med and kept frgetting to buy more. Back on it now and feel better, the doc said I was an an emiced.[spelling] Won run out anymore. I was just falling saleep of and on in the chair all day. time to tidy up the kitchen.
