Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello barbiecat,

    We had plan on going to Walmart and check out their morrors to see what we can find. And then I can take my tapes to listen to. It will make for a plesant walk. glad Jake is enjoying being with his mom. Thats nice of him to go and visit her.

    Jerry would have to take me to my daughter if he had to go off anywhere.. I couldn't keep everything up here at the house without him. I went and stayed with her and Jim when Jerry had to go to his brother funeral last year. up in Kanasa.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I hope you are all up and enjoying another Friday! I just got back from the doctors. I had to have some blood drawn to complete my annual physical. No problems! And I got my flu shot. I had to fast last night so I was hungry! LOL I now have had a little something to eat and I am enjoying my coffee.

    I can't wait for Samantha to get home this evening! I have not seen her since August. I will spoil her when she gets here. Not a lot else going on today. I have another job interview tomorrow morning that I am going to go to and if it is better than what I just got I am going to take it. My work loyalty is to me nowdays.

    It is cold and rainy here again today and it is supposed to go downhill from here. I guess the decent weather is gone for another year. But each day is what you make of it! Everyone have a great day and I will try to check back in later today.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Bernie, the cat, got me up early today. Actually it is nicer walking the dogs early because there is no one outside to distract the dogs from doing their "business". I carry a small flashlight in my coat pocket and there are lights so the dark isn't a problem.

    Jake is having a good visit with his mom. Besides talking, he brings things to read to her.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I hate those fasting blood tests. I've gotten used to eating at scheduled intervals and 12 hours with no food makes me crazy. I'm glad it doesn't happen very often. Our weather is much colder but for the moment is sunny and dry. Good luck on the continued job search.

    I've had my tea and now it's time for breakfast.:bigsmile:
    Have a great Friday. I'll check in later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    We have Jeffrey's weather here as well. I am so tired of rain and Daisy is soooooo bored. All she does is get in trouble since she can't stay out in the rain. I won't take her to the dog park in the rain, she would get all muddy. :tongue: So instead she goes in and out all day long. I put bells on my door so she wouldn't scratch the door and they are driving me crazy. :explode:

    Glad your appointment went well Jeffrey. Was that the first time your doctor saw you since all your weight loss? You look terrific in your picture, still waiting for the before picture. :bigsmile:

    Marie hope you have fun at Walmart, that and Target are two of my favorite stores. :love:

    Barbie, you and Jake talk like you are newlyweds, which is so sweet. When is he due back? Is his mom okay or is he there because of health issues? Do your pups like the rain?

    Hope everyone else is good, waiting to hear from all of you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Sandy. Still raining here.

    our remodele Target to a super target will open this Sunday. I told Jerry not ot make any plans for Monday for we are gpoimg there.:laugh: :laugh: Sammy is dying to go on our walk. It rain here all night He had a nice surprize fpr us this morning. He went to the back door to do it. Didn't wont tpget his butt wet. At least he was heading out and no carpets there. I am trying to get a 10000 ateps in the house this morning.

    Have a good day. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Kind of bugged out, forgot to put on my pedometer today and went to the mall with my dil and granddaughter. Now I don't have a record of how many steps I went and I didn't exercise so I feel like it is a wasted day. :cry: My dil had hers on and if she remembers what she had when we got to the mall and subtracts that total, would that be fair to record those steps for myself?

    I am impressed with all those steps you are doing today Marie. It is hard to reach 10,000 steps and I think my highest was 9000. My dil is so busy all the time she does about 15000 steps a day. She is also very thin so now I know why. :happy:

    Still rainy here and damp and cold. Poopy day. Daisy is still bored.

    Talk to you soon.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh Sandy, Alice and I got off one day without my meter and we turn aaround and came back home and got it. . Jerry put a rear view mirror of my walker and now I can see the cars behind me. I feel more safe.
    I have done got my 3,000 in for today. Had it in by 4:00 pm so what I do in the house is all extra. Next week I will go up to 3500. and the week after 4,000.

    Sammy take everystep I take. except when i go to the grocer store.

    It is quite chilly here outside. Inside it is still warm for it was 89 at midnight last night and this old house holds the heat.

    we are having chili dogs tonight. Jerry always got to have chii dogs whenever we have our first cool front.

    Everybody have a nice week end.


    Keep adding 500 to it till one day I may reach 10,000.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from snowy Saskatchewan. I guess it is time to put the snow pictures up. I still have some carrots and beets in the garden so hope the frost isn't that deep. I plan to use the carrots for Thanksgiving and maybe I will make some borscht soup. I know I will like it even if the others don't. I have to confess that I feel like a bit of a fraud being here as I am as far away from my diet program as can be. Everyone is doing terrific and alas I am not!! It is Thanksgiving weekend here so I am not going to worry about it until Tuesday. Then my plan is to get back on track. I tried my winter jacket on today and it is not going to do, unless I tie it up with a rope (then only a couple of inches in the front would be cold). :sad: Life carries on and it will all come in to place eventually. Neil is happily waiting for his next respite visit. I have scheduled one in for the last week of October. I just got notice of his Dr. appts. and blood work. As I expected they are looking to rule out Lupus and different types of coagulant disorders. I expect it will turn out to be his medications but am glad they are doing a thorough look at all possibilities. The appt. is the end of the month. I think we will go in and get the blood work done tomorrow as some of it takes a long time to get the results. Life is always a rodeo where Neil is concerned! :wink:

    It sounds like everyone is busy and after a few days I am too far behind to catch up on personals. Please know that you all have been in my thoughts. Take care and keep smiling. Oh yes, send some warm weather up here to melt the snow. We need a few more snowless weeks before winter.

    Gayla :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So glad to hear from you Gayla, Glad that Neil is looking forwar to another visit to the home.

    This is you all thanksgiving. Mmmmmmmmm all those goodies. Are you doing the cooking this year, I think Alice is having us over this year and Kahy is having us over at Christmas. Will have Christmas out at the farm. She is nusrsing 2 baby squireles in her house, She found been abanded in her front yard, She had 6 baby ducks but the last I heard she only had two. She thinks the coyoteds got them.

    You sent your cold weather down here. But I love it. Of source ii is not terrible cold, In the 50's. at night, and got up to 72 today.
    we still have a tomatoes bush. I think I will get Jerry bring it inside for the winter. It is not very big yet. It is from a tomatoes that fell off in the summer.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning ,

    A nice cool morning outside. Jerry will have to go and check our central heat out for it may not be too long before we will need it. It was nice not to have the used the central A/C yesterday. Money in our pocket.

    Looking forward to my walk with my rear view merror on my walker.

    Will be shelling some pecans today. We don't have too mamy yet but they are good ones this year.
    The first good pecans we have had in 6 or 7 years. I think the whole neiberhood will have pecans this year, They seems to be everywhere.

    Talk to you later, Have a good day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Good morning,
    Chilly Saturday morning but for now the sun is shining. :flowerforyou: I am not ready for winter but not much I can do about it. :laugh:

    Had some plans for today but just found out my 4 year granddaughter is sick, so everything might be canceled. He mom is taking her to the doctor this morning so we will go from there. My dil was supposed to take two of the older girls to Six Flags for the frightfest but if Marisa is sick she will cancel.
    I would take them but I am afraid of the haunted houses and they need someone to hang on to when they go. :laugh: We will see how it all plays out later.

    Gayla, sometimes I feel like you do and wonder why I am here. I have not been posting my calories and right now I am again lax on exercise. I do hope to get moving again next week since someone has given us a challenge on the step walking. :laugh: I really have to get back to watching my calories on this site, it did help me lose the weight and I really want to meet my goal. :bigsmile: Glad Neil is getting all the blood work done so eventually he can have his surgery.

    Time for some coffee, will try to check in later.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    would take them but I am afraid of the haunted houses and they need someone to hang on to when they go.

    Oh Sandy, you brought back all kinds of memories with that statement!!

    I can't possibly catch up, and we go again Monday, today I go to the stores, get it done, and come back home, like a hermit!!
    Gayla, you are not the only one one the upside of weight control right now.. I don't want to weigh, I miss my wii exercises, and It is time for pumpkin everything, which I love. I'm glad Neil is ready to try the retreat again, maybe it wasn't as bad as he described it to you.. Jim's daughter exaggerated when she was younger, to manipulate her family into doing what she wanted. I hope you are relaxing and taking care of yourself.. Show Neil how to play a game on his cell phone:wink:
    Marie, sweet Marie, I'm glad you are still walking, and glad you got a mirror, what a great idea! we have cooler weather here today, but it was warm yesterday when we got home.. muggy too.. rainy on and off, but I don't mind.
    Liz, is that right? Liz, glad to hear from you, you sound like a busy lady, staying positive. My only suggestion would be those stretch bands you see everywhere.. rubbery type things.. it would create a mild resistance, and help to strengthen your bones. Any type of movement will be good for you, if you are cautious. The standard weights might be too much too soon right now. hope you will stay in touch.

    hope everyone is doing well, be careful, take care
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe~~~~~~~I'm so happy to hear from you. It seems we are all on the up, except for Barbie. I am ready to change my diet up. But don't know which one to go by. gayla having her Thankssgiving this week end. Lets all fly up and have a wonderful meal with her. Hope there is some snow there. I just seen a wonderful recipe from Kay for brownies. Sounds so good,It is on he OD under calendar.Phoebe and Gayla if you want to look it up If anyone else want the recipe i will post it. I think I will make them for our Thanksgiving Dinner. plus the dressing. I am hungry for dressing just talking about it.
    Oh woe is me. Wish you had longer to stayed.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Here in Washington we have the best and not raining. I went for a walk at 9AM wearing a sweatshirt, down vest, wool socks, long pants, gloves, and a wool hat. After half an hour I was able to take off the gloves and hat and unzip my vest. Later I went to the farmers market and bought chard, sweet onions, and fresh salmon. I had the chard for lunch along with a grilled ground turkey burger with pico de gallo and a salad. I put the salmon in the freezer to save until Jake comes home.:bigsmile:

    Jake's mom is 93 years old and starting to fail. When she broke her arm a few weeks ago and was hospitalized briefly, it became obvious that she wasn't able to care for herself and need assisted living and maybe a nursing home setting. She is enjoying Jake's visit and they've had the opportunity to talk about a lot of important stuff.

    Brandy and Sasha don't mind the rain in small doses. They love the snow. We don't get as much rain here as in most of northwest Washington so we can usually find a time to get out when it's not raining.

    I don't like scary stuff either. I didn't like it when I was a kid, either so I'd be no use taking kids to a haunted house.

    My house is a never ending source of housekeeping chores so there's lots to do after I get back from the dog park. The dogs pestered me while I ate my lunch then finally gave up and lay down to wait patiently until I'm ready.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, it's good to hear from you even if it's only for a day or two.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the family time and the food goodies.

    hugs, :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie, I know know nothing about Chard. How do you fix it?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Barbie, I know know nothing about Chard. How do you fix it?

    Chard is a lot like spinach. I cut the stems into little pieces and put them in the steamer and cooked them for about 5 minutes before breaking up the leaves and putting that in the steamer and cooking for about 10 minutes. I put butter spray on it and it was delicious just like spinach.:bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbie. I dpont know if I have ever seen it. Spinach is one of my faverite. So I should like it.


    WE GOT A MONTH AND 1/2 TO GO YET. I will be making chicken and dressin today for Alice birthday., Pumpkin pie. Sugar snap peas and cranberry sauce. No rolls.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    No fair, Marie!! I am on a veggie and fruit and water detox for 2 days and reading your menu is making me HUNGRY!! It is a good thing Texas is not close to Washington, or you might have company for dinner!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, just wanted to let everyone know that although I haven't been posting as often as I used to, I do read every day, so I am here in spirit, anyway.

    Have a good Sunday, everyone!!:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Today is my cleanse day so my menu is cleanse beverage and Isagenix snacks that are tasty but not like Marie's menu.

    I have a friend who calls me on Sunday which is usually my cleanse day and it is usually the day her husband is fixing some fabulous meal which she tells me about before apologizing for talking about food when I'm not eating.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have a friend meeting me at the dog park in a few minutes so she can meet Brandy and Sasha . It is a beautiful sunny afternoon with temps in the mid 50's.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie cat, I will get back on my diet tomorrow. I promise. But it was good.

    Enjoy the football game. Will take another walk here soon.
    Alice just left and took some dressing and chicken home with her. So i wont be temted.