Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning,

    No rain yet. And no fog. It is surpose to rain later.

    Jake glad you got home. I think Barbie and your dogs missed you. WELCOME HOME


    hello to Barbs, Birdie.,jeffrey, Gayla,Phoebe, Barbie, Ellen, Beth, Elli,and to all thise I might have missed.

    Have a great day and get out there and do the things we know we should do
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    It is spitting snow here again! I surrender! Sounds like everyone is doing well. I will check in later.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Down another pound. I ate really carefully and exercised a lot while Jake was gone and it paid off. I've now officially lost 60 pounds and am 5 pounds from my goal. I couldn't have done it without encouragement and inspiration from all of you.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Rain, but no snow here. It should be clear today so Jake can play golf :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I have always been cold but now that I've lost weight, I'm even colder. Now whenever I feel warm enough, I know that a woman in the same room is probably fanning herself and about to faint. Yesterday at line dance I was feeling comfortable wearing a long sleeve shirt and had finally taken off my gloves and sweater and at that moment two women went to opposite ends of the room and opened the doors and complained that someone must have turned the heat on.:laugh: :laugh: I put my gloves and sweater back on.

    More later, hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I stayed cold all the time. I sleep in my flannel night gown the whole year. Jerry keeps the houase too colol. So i just put on more clothes.
    I am felling more like myself this morning. my legs don't hurt. I will have to quit walking up the hill on my walks just walk back and forth on my street. Grant you it is not much of a hill but my legs know it is an incline.And I guess I am no not ready for it yet. We will see. Calie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Busy Thursday, had a meeting then went to a wake of a dear bingo buddy. She died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm at the age of 76. She will be missed. :brokenheart:

    It is raining here again and I am praying it doesn't rain tomorrow. My 14 year old granddaughter is supposed to go to Six Flags since it was canceled last Saturday due to the illness of the four year old. Cheryl, my DIL is taking her and another girl while I watch the four year old. It is Frightfest and the kids love it. Please God, don't let it rain. :blushing:

    I am with you girls, I am always cold although even at my age I still get flashes. (sorry guys) I had a hysterectomy when I was 50 and took progesterone for ten years and now that I don't I still get a flash. So once I bundle up with a cozy blanket it never fails that I will get a flash and get hot. :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie, CONGRATULATIONS on your 60 pound weight loss. You must feel and look like a different person. I bet you feel healthy and have a lot more energy. We are so proud of you, keep up the good work. You will lose your last 5 pounds before I lose my last 4, since you work the program so good.
    I will be jealous. :glasses:

    Hello to everyone else and now it is time to make dinner.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Great day today
    line dance, I got to teach (actually review) the dance I taught awhile ago. Jake was playing golf so i had my lunch in small pieces and took the dogs to the dog park in between. I got two 20 minute sessions on the exercise bike so I had lots of exercise calories which meant that today was a peanut butter day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, sorry to hear about the troubles with your knees. Even though I have several friends who are thrilled with the results of their knee replacements, the surgery and recovery to get to that point sound overwhelming. I hope there is some sort of better solution.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, glad you're feeling better. I know that when Sasha, the red poodle, was recovering from her broken leg, the vet told us that she should only walk on level ground, no inclines and Jake got the same directions when he was recovering from a torn calf muscle.

    It's time for TV and then bed. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday!

    The sun is still not out but it does look like it might be clearing a little. (Please God) Maybe the girls will have a decent day for frightfest, even if it is cold. :glasses:

    Today as I did on Monday and Wednesday I plan on 40 minutes of Wii and 45 minutes of elliptical.
    I went over on my calories last night because I went with my dil to a ladies night out at our Church.
    It was like a bazaar where they sold different items. They had a wine guy there so I was sampling the wines and also had a couple of margaritas.

    Will be watching the four year old while the older girls go to frightfest, she will be spending the night.
    Better get all I need to get done before she gets here or nothing will get done. :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Dandy sound like you had a fun night. Enjoy your granddaughter for they grow up so quickly.
    Good for you getting your exercise in.
    I am still walking my 3500 steps, next week I will go up to 4,000.

    Barbiecat A BIG CONGRATS ON YOUR 60 LBS. What a great job you have done.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We have rain here this morning and some wind----enough to make all the wind chimes sing :bigsmile:

    My reward for losing 60 pounds was to order a new winter coat. My old one is in perfect condition but it's huge. The new one will be just like the old one only a lot smaller. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, maybe the kids won't be as bothered by nasty weather and have a great time no matter what.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, congrats on your steps.......keep up the good work

    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :angry: Help! I need some advice!

    I went to a chiropractor in town for a free evaluation and he explained about “Relief” care vs. “Corrective Care”. One is temporary and the other one, Corrective, is an 18 mos. Treatment to alleviate 90% of the problem causing my occasional discomfort in my knees, back and feet.

    I understand the process but HE WANTS ME TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT PLAN AND PAY MONTHLY OR IN FULL AND I CAN ONLY USE A DEBIT OR CREDIT CARD TO DO IT! :angry: He’s had this spinal therapy place for over 25 years right here in town, and anyone that I’ve spoken to, that’s gone there, has been satisfied. He does have state of the arc equipment and a team of doctors, but he won’t let me pay per visit and he’s so pushy about it!! :angry: I finally got uncomfortable and told him that he was acting like a salesman and was making me uncomfortable! He said that he absolutely was a salesman regarding this stuff and was proud of his 25 year accomplishments in this field. He’s the official Chiropractor for the CVS Golf Tournament etc. etc. etc…..blah…blah…blah…

    The agreement says that I can get out of it at anytime, but also says that it’s a financial agreement and not a guarantee of results! My daughter goes there and loves it! It’s the “hard sell” that I’m trying to get my arms around!! :grumble: Just sounds fishy to me! I already ordered (and paid for) the orthotics for my shoes but am sick about making a decision to make a commitment for either treatment! Why can’t I just go without signing something?

    Has anyone out there ever had this experience?:frown:

    BidieM:angry::angry: :grumble: :grumble: :huh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, sorry about the tying error bur you ar a Dandy. Calie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Birdie, when we first went to the chiropractor where we live now, I misunderstood something and thought that we would have to submit our own bills to the insurance, that the office wouldn't do it for us, but Jim was so comfortable with the chiropractor that he made another appointment. We still love the chiropractor. It turned out that I was wrong and they do submit our bills to our insurance.

    I guess what I want to say is that prayer, counsel with others, and intuition are often your best guides. If after prayer and hearing from others, you still have misgivings then it may be time to go elsewhere.

    that probably wasn't much help.
    hugs :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Birdie, when we first went to the chiropractor where we live now, I misunderstood something and thought that we would have to submit our own bills to the insurance, that the office wouldn't do it for us, but Jim was so comfortable with the chiropractor that he made another appointment. We still love the chiropractor. It turned out that I was wrong and they do submit our bills to our insurance.

    I guess what I want to say is that prayer, counsel with others, and intuition are often your best guides. If after prayer and hearing from others, you still have misgivings then it may be time to go elsewhere.

    that probably wasn't much help.
    hugs :heart:

    :ohwell: Thank you Barbie. It does help. I have been praying about it and asking for discernment. Part of that process is asking others what they think. It helps keep it objective. :wink:

    I see a big 60 on your ticker! Congratulations! What an achievement!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie. I have never been to one. So I am no help. Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! It is warming up a bit here for the weekend. Our snow is melting. Hope it stays away for awhile. I was having some car problems, leaking coolant so I took it into the shop today. It will be a very expensive fix for an older vehicle but the government said to go ahead and fix it. I am not sure if my replacement will get this car or a new one when I leave but if it is this one it will be good to have it safe for the winter. It had actually been recalled over a year ago but I didn't like what they were replacing it with and the miles weren't that high so I asked to keep it and they let me. I am more about safety than new!! Speaking of work, I have 17 work days to go (not that I am counting) :wink: I only work 3 days a week so that will take me to mid-November. I am going to a conference Nov. 18, 19, and 20 so I guess my last day will be my birthday.

    Barbie -- Yahoo!! You are amazing! Enjoy your new coat! Several years ago I lost close to 60 pounds (have since gained it back) and I was cold all the time. I think it comes with the territory.

    Marie -- Great job on the walking!

    Birdie -- I think I would leave that chiropractor's office on the run! I don't understand why you would have to pay before treatment or why you would need to have regular treatments. My chiropractor says to come when I hurt, otherwise go on about my business. When I have a flare-up I sometimes need to see him 3 or 4 times but then often don't see him for several months. Good luck with your decision. I know you will work it out and choose what is best for you. Don't let him push you around!

    Sandy -- How are the knees? Hope they have settled down.

    Jeffrey -- Hope your knees have been better. Did you back off the exercise a bit?

    Beth -- thinking about you. Hope you are home soon.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Birdie -- I think I would leave that chiropractor's office on the run! I don't understand why you would have to pay before treatment or why you would need to have regular treatments. My chiropractor says to come when I hurt, otherwise go on about my business. When I have a flare-up I sometimes need to see him 3 or 4 times but then often don't see him for several months. Good luck with your decision. I know you will work it out and choose what is best for you. Don't let him push you around!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:


    I agree with Gayla. You do NOT need to sign any agreement to get competent chiropractic care. I have gone to the same chiropractor for 22 years, and I see him when I need to, and he doesn't push me to do multiple visits. I actually went to him AFTER I got mixed up with one of those characters that wanted me to come in to his office 3 or 4 times a week, with an office visit charge each time. I also had a family friend (now deceased) who was in that profession that would rant and rave about practitioners that tried to "feather their own nests" at the expense of their patients.

    Ask yourself, would you go to a primary care doctor that made you sign such an agreement? Of course not. This person gives the profession a bad name, in my opinion.

    I hope you will tell him to put his agreement and his pushy attitude where the sun doesn't shine, and if he needs more detail instructions, let me know and I will send him an email that will leave no doubt!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi every body. Beautiful day here. A little chilly tho . Just right for some college football. As long as I am in the house. Cooking me some butter beans and cornbread.. Sammy is in here trying to get me to take him out. So better do it.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If Sammy wants out, it is a good thing he is not in SW Washington today, as he would
    DROWN if he went out here today. My guys took the fastest walk in history. As soon as we stepped outside, Pepper put the brakes on and looked up at me, as if to say "you want me to go OUT in this???:grumble: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am home for lunch, time to drive,,,or maybe swim back to work!!:laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barb we are having a wonderday here. Nice and cool . just right for walking. No Sammy don't like the rain. we were out walking the other day and got caught in a shower. He hi tail it on home without me.But nothing wrong today except a football game. exas Longhorns and OU. right now Texas is ahead. With 0 minutes to go.

    Be careful out in the rain. Is it cold there too? Had to have a light jacket on this morning but in short sleeves now. See you later.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    We have sunshine in Saskatchewan and warm enough for Neil to be out riding his bike. I went for a massage this morning and am feeling sleepy and mellow now. I should get out and dig up my beets, maybe make some soup tonight. Right now I am enjoying a cup of tea.
    Have a great weekend everyone. Life is good! Gayla :smile: