Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey:flowerforyou: Sandy you did beat me here. I loved the new Tatget. Of course I had Jerry with me and didn;t ge t o browse as much as I ike to, got me a battey aoperative radio for my walks. I just beat my old recodrd of 5000 steps yesterday got . 6,500. in. The calves of my leg are sore this morning. Thanks goodness for tylenol. :laugh: :laugh: But my goal is still 3500 for this week. Don't wont to pressure me this time.

    Barbie, is the trail within walking didtance for you or do you have to drive there. very pretty. It is raining this morning. so Don't know when I will get to get out and walk.. I missed it. I did take Sammy out in the front yard to take care of busniess. And he was ready to come back in. We have several trails here in Mesquite but Have to drive to them. And then they are so wooded that the police don't recomend walking alone :devil:

    Gayla, Sounds like you had a big dinner. Just think this time next year you wont have to get up and go to work. :sad: :sad:

    Liz, Keep those exercise up. you are doing great. Proud of you.

    Jeffrey, Hey guy. how is it going?

    Jake, Glad you got to go to see your mom.

    Beth, Its taking you a long time to get home. I really don't remember what date you gave us. I know its is in Oct.

    Barbs, Don't know how long this rain will last Looking at the radar now where soon. May be an all day affair. iT ALWAYS RAIN DURING OUR STATE FAIR. this is the last week. We have not been in a very ,very long time.

    Ellen Will get a Pm Off to you today. Missed you. Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving Day.

    Phoebe, What state are you in. now? Or heading to.

    Have a great day
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    This is for arms, lying down or standing here are 3 with the band.

    Hand in loop one end, other end and other hand at end of band and on left hip. Toss right hand from left to right over shoulder, repeat 10 times. Then left hand on right hip, toss hand over right shoulder, repeat 10 times. Last one right hand in loop over left hand straight down from chin, stab at the sky going by right side head. Switch hands and do again 10 times each arm.

    Liz, I tried these sitting at the computer. Even if I didn't do exactly what you explained, they were great for several different arm muscles. Thank you, I'll keep using them. I can do them while watching TV without my husband asking me to be quiet.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Thanks :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Our pesky rain showed up this morning in spades. I awoke at 6:45a PT and turned on the tv in time to see a weather radar map showing an advancing green cloud heading toward us from the southwest. From its location, I knew I needed to disrupt my routine and walk doggies BEFORE instead of after I had my bath, so we headed out. Mai Li is a little stove up right now from too much walking on Sunday, so we didn't go far, but did what we needed to do.

    By the time I left the house an hour later, it was coming down with great enthusiasm. We are supposed to get a break in a couple of days.

    I actually made it to the new Target in my area yesterday. Very big, larger grocery dept., but still no produce or fresh meat. I haven't been in Target lately, but whoever selects their clothing is way out of touch with reality in my opinion. Other than a couple of sweaters, I didn't see anything that would inspire me to head to a fitting room.

    Everyone have a good week.:flowerforyou: I have things to do before I go to work at 1p.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member

    I actually made it to the new Target in my area yesterday. Very big, larger grocery dept., but still no produce or fresh meat. I haven't been in Target lately, but whoever selects their clothing is way out of touch with reality in my opinion. Other than a couple of sweaters, I didn't see anything that would inspire me to head to a fitting room.

    The last time I was in Target I looked carefully at every women's clothing item and had the same experience you did
    absolutely nothing I wanted to try on. I did find a good yoga DVD.:laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Really? I guess I just like Target, I seem to find tops and pj's, socks etc. It isn' t where I would buy my good clothes but for fun I like it. :laugh:

    Ok, getting ready to take Daisy for a walk with my husband, will check in later.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I didn't look at sleepwear, or socks, or lingerie, when I visited Target yesterday, but in the past, I have found things in those departments. The housewares, and linens always have lots of selection, but the clothing in the store I visited looked like it was all intended for 20 somethings, with the exception of some fleece jackets and sweaters.

    The rain stopped by the time I drove to work, but returned by this evening, and the east wind relentless, which at this time of year means "b-r-r-r-r-r-r." Every time I was outside, I was cold, even with a sweater and a jacket. It will take me a couple of weeks to adjust to the colder temperatures, and since I have less "insulation" than I did last year, maybe that will be more of a challenge:laugh: :laugh:

    I try not to use my central heat til November, but when I came in for doggy walking tonight, I said "phooey on this" and turned on the heat. It was worth it!!!

    Good night all.:flowerforyou:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Quick check in as I have to get ready for work. Down another 6 lbs:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That's 1 lost from last week's gain and 5 more. Total of 12.5 in. !! Got to get ready for work!
    God Bless!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie, congrats on your weight lost You are doing super good. I woke up during the night and realize ai left you out in mu personel yesterday. I am sorry about that. What is your secret on losing so good?
    Havr a good day. ~~~~~~Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thought I heard Jake yelled hello as he came thru Dallas last night on his way home. Barbie up waiting on him. Hope he arrived on time. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Another drizzly day here, Daisy is not happy about that. Well, actually she is fine with the rain, but we don't like her going out and getting all wet, especially since I had her groomed yesterday. :noway:

    Marie, you are so clever with your little remarks, I bet you keep everyone smiling. :bigsmile:

    Birdie, CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss, you are almost half way to your goal. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm with you Barb, with the rain and wind it just goes right to your bones. I turned my heat on already because I hate being cold. I hope we get an Indian Summer soon. :tongue:

    Today I plan on 40 minutes of Wii and 45 minutes of elliptical. I have been counting and posting calories so my new program is going good so far. :glasses:

    I am going to call my knee doctor today to see if he can give me those series of shots for my knees. They are really bothering me lately and like Jeff if I sit for too long it is really painful when I get up.
    If I walk around enough they loosen up but I do know that I have bone on bone in my knees and will one day need knee replacements. Was hoping to postpone it as long as possible. :cry:

    Tonight is bingo night, wish me luck.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to the trail. From my house I walk about two blocks in my neighborhood, then cross a street and walk up a paved country road. There is a parking area next to the trail so I can drive if I want to walk farther on the trail.

    The Olympic Discovery Trail will ultimately stretch approximately 100 miles from Port Townsend at the East end to the Pacific Coast at the West end. Currently 30 miles of the Olympic Discovery Trail are completed with another 30 miles funded and heading toward construction, mostly west of Lake Crescent.

    The Olympic Discovery Trail follows portions of the now defunct Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way.

    There are many parking areas near the trail so if I want to, I can drive to another place and walk a different part of the trail. Some parts of the trail go along the streets in town, some through parks, and a lot of it feels like wilderness (like the place where I saw the deer),

    Jake arrived in Seattle some time after 11:00 last night. I was in bed but not asleep when he called to say the plane was on the ground. He stayed in a hotel near the airport and will get picked up by the shuttle this morning for the two and a half hour drive home. YIPPEE !!!:smile::smile: :smile: I'm going to call him now.
    More later :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Barbie, you and Jake back together/ Seems like he has been gone a long time. See you later

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Today I plan on 40 minutes of Wii and 45 minutes of elliptical. I have been counting and posting calories so my new program is going good so far. :glasses:

    I am going to call my knee doctor today to see if he can give me those series of shots for my knees. They are really bothering me lately and like Jeff if I sit for too long it is really painful when I get up.
    If I walk around enough they loosen up but I do know that I have bone on bone in my knees and will one day need knee replacements. Was hoping to postpone it as long as possible. :cry:

    Tonight is bingo night, wish me luck.


    Sandy ,
    Good luck tonight and especially good luck with your knees! When your knees hurt it's hard to do anything! :noway: I'm going for my first Chiropractor visit tonight and have some orthotics (not sure if that's how you spell it) for my shoes on order. It's suppose to help my back and my knees. I'll let you know how I make out.

    This WII exercise that you talk about, as well as others, I know very little about it. :embarassed: I know it's a system of some sort that you interact with through your TV. Right? Is it an expensive set up?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to the trail. From my house I walk about two blocks in my neighborhood, then cross a street and walk up a paved country road. There is a parking area next to the trail so I can drive if I want to walk farther on the trail.

    The Olympic Discovery Trail will ultimately stretch approximately 100 miles from Port Townsend at the East end to the Pacific Coast at the West end. Currently 30 miles of the Olympic Discovery Trail are completed with another 30 miles funded and heading toward construction, mostly west of Lake Crescent.

    The Olympic Discovery Trail follows portions of the now defunct Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way.

    There are many parking areas near the trail so if I want to, I can drive to another place and walk a different part of the trail. Some parts of the trail go along the streets in town, some through parks, and a lot of it feels like wilderness (like the place where I saw the deer),

    Jake arrived in Seattle some time after 11:00 last night. I was in bed but not asleep when he called to say the plane was on the ground. He stayed in a hotel near the airport and will get picked up by the shuttle this morning for the two and a half hour drive home. YIPPEE !!!:smile::smile: :smile: I'm going to call him now.
    More later :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I love the pictures you posted of the trail! No wonder why you like to walk!
    I'm also glad Jake is coming in today:love: My daughter's husband just got a job where he's away for 5 days and home for 2. :cry: She's finding it very difficult and misses him so much, so I'm sure it's the same with you and Jake! Enjoy having him back!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    HI Birdie,
    The wii system has just gone down in price but it is still high at $199. The CD's are extra and the one I use is Wii Active although I have others. They sell for about $50. I also have the Wii Fit which is an extra balance board of sort where you can play lots of games, but also comes with a CD for many different types of exercise, such as yoga, strength training, balancing etc. I have not used my Wii Fit in a long time since I get more out of the floor exercises from the other CD's. The Wii Active does a lot that I cannot do, like running. When I set up my program I delete the running so it cuts down on calories. To make up for that I try to do 50 minutes or other exercises but doing squats, lunges, jump squats and jump lunges does use your knees a lot. Funny though when I am working out my knees don't hurt. My worst time is when I get up in the morning. Once I use them enough they don't hurt. Weird.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    The house does not smell like Oregano now! LOL I have 3 pints of it dried and put away! Work has been busy but this down economy is concerning me. Not too much else to report on right now. Pretty quiet. I have a tough workout for tonight, plyometrics, one hour of jumping, non stop. It really burns calories though. The knee is still giving me problems but I am going to cure or ruin it!

    Birdie congrats on your weight loss! Good work! You are now in the range where people will or should comment! Enjoy that!

    Weaklink since I have lost my weight I am cold all the time! My wife thinks its funny. I do enjoy her hot-flashes now though! LOL

    Sandy I think you may some arthritis in your knees. I have a little in some of my joints too. My Dr. says that it is normal with aging. Aleve seems to help mine. Do you have any "popping" with the knee? If you do it could be a grade one maniscus tear. If so, it will heal on its own if you rest it and ice it. The more severe tears require orthopeadic Keep a good eye on it!

    Marie keep it going! I am fine!

    Everyone else have a great day!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Birdie, congrats on your weight lost You are doing super good. I woke up during the night and realize ai left you out in mu personel yesterday. I am sorry about that. What is your secret on losing so good?
    Have a good day. ~~~~~~Marie

    Thanks Marie! :happy: I am trying to keep it as simple as I can, at least for now, so I don't get discouraged with trying to live a way that doesn't seem normal. :wink: I just make sure I drink all my water plus extra,:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I stay within my recommended calories :tongue: (I eat my exercise calories) and I try to exercise every day for 35 - 60 min. on my treadmill. :bigsmile: (When I can't exercise, I am very careful not to go over 1200 calories.) :smile: By keeping my calories to 1200 + exercise calories, I automatically make wiser choices so I am not so hungry. If I want to have a drink with my husband I have one as long as I count it into my daily total calories.:flowerforyou: If I have a beer with him , I have Bud Lite instead of Molson Ice, :grumble: which is a lot more calories (even though it tastes so much better). So I get to be social and do the things I like to do but with better choices....and a few sacrifices that I can handle:wink: Keeping it simple and staying focused is really all I do. Of course I give God the credit for giving me the grace to do....even that... because I am a compulsive eater, so control comes with grace I'm sure!
    God Bless!
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Greetings to all, here I am,
    Sounds like most of you are doing very well.
    I skimmed through some of the posts but I'm afraid too many to read all. It will take me a while to catch up.
    Meanwhile, though eating without keeping track of everything haven't gained any pounds, thankfully [We just had our Canadian Thanksgiving] Lots going on with visitors, my husband going on a missions trip to Mexico etc etc so not gaining any pounds says to me that the months I kept track of every bite did help me to maintain a moderate daily diet and I never had that panicky 'out of control' feeling I used to have at times. In fact, it is quite encouraging. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.
    Well, keep up the good work everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Ellen, So glad to hear from you. Are you going to Mexico too.?
    My son had to go their last month on his job. but was there just a couple days.
    My daughter is going to [ I forgot what country but it is south of Mexico on her job. she will just be gone a few days. My other daughter is still sown on the farm. We have our big meal coming up next month. Also I will turn another year older next month.

    Keep in touch with us. Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake is home safely :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It is so good to have him here. The dogs are happy too. He made popcorn for the three of them.

    we took a long walk to earn some extra calories for treats.
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back, Ellen.

    :flowerforyou: congrats, Birdie on your weight loss and your continued focused approach to this journey.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: