Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Good Morning to all
    The Rocket door to door van just picked Jake up to take him to the airport. :sad: :sad: :sad: I know he'll have a great time, but we'll miss him.

    :flowerforyou: elli, I'm so sorry about your cats. We worry about ours every time we let them out. We live in a fenced subdivision but occasionally we are aware of wild animals outside and we keep the cats in for a few days. When we lived in the country, our cats were the predators and because we had a cat door, we frequently found animal parts in our house :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't even want to think about Thanksgiving yet. We don't have family nearby so we'll have no family obligations to deal with. For the last few years we've met a group of friends at a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. The good thing about that would be that there would be a traditional meal with measured portions, no seconds, and no left overs. If I get to choose, we'll go to the movies instead.

    Today is my weigh in and I'm down another pound :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    have a great day, hugs:love::love: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barbie and Jeffrey - every time i read you guys's posts and scroll down to your tickers i am so amazed. You both have done so great! Jeffrey - i really like both of your pictures! You and Day are such a cute couple! You look lean and fit! No more dead animals - well - mice every day - out in the warehouse at work. Thanksgiving is still up in the air - for awhile i had family from both MA and CA considering trying to come here - i think the airfare is turning out to be too much, so i don't know what's going on! THIS weekend though i'm having 16 (or maybe 17 - people keep asking me if they can bring other people and of course i say sure!) people for dinner! These are the times my "diet" kind of goes out the window. It will be all right as long as i jump right back on - that's what i have to figure out.

    Barbie - where is Jake going and how long will he be gone? You do such a good job avoiding falling into the holiday eating traps! I'm so blown away you're STILL losing weight. From the look of your ticker you only have a couple pounds left! How long have you been at it? You amaze me.

    Hey Marie - how are you feeling? How are your legs?

    Gayla - what's new? how's your head?

    Beth - how is marathon training going? When is the marathon? Is it a full or a half? I'm so happy you're home! When does your bf get home?

    OK, i better quit procrastinating and get some work done! Have a great day everybody!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    It is Thursday, it is raining again, bummer!! I did not win at bingo but did have fun socializing with friends.:bigsmile:

    I agree with Elli about Jeffrey and Barbie, your tickers are amazing. I can't shed the last few pounds to reach my goal and the two of you are doing it so well. I am so jealous. Jeffrey, you set your goal lower didn't you, not that you need it, you look great. And yes where are those pictures? Before and after, the beautiful daughters.....inquiring minds want to see. :laugh:

    Marie, you have been quiet, what did the doctor say about your blood work? Are you okay?? We miss you this morning, come play with us.:love:

    Birdie, I too was touched by your story. How sad to lose a husband and a father at such a young age. Your faith is strong and sounds like it has gotten you through a lot. :heart: :heart: I like you, worry about my adult children but as I am learning in Al Anon, we have to detach with love and let them make their own decisions. :smile:

    Elli, my son did have his interview and it went well although if they do hire him it is not a full time position. He has two other interviews so hopefully he will find something he likes and pays enough to support him. He is such a good guy, I hope things work out for him, although I will miss him. :cry:

    Thanksgiving???? Having a second marriage and with kids who don't get along makes holidays stressful. We can't combine families and most of mine are out of state so except for Christmas I am not a big fan of holidays. We will probably go to my step son's as we usually do, but I try not to think about expectations or what might or might not happen. I take it one day at a time. Full of quotes today aren't I?

    I do have my meeting today and again will try to exercise if time allows. :bigsmile:

    Have a good day.

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, Everyone;,
    I'm having trouble keeping up with all the posts, but good to catch up with some of you. I haven't been posting very much, seemed to be stalled in weight loss. But had a good report from the doc earlier this week although there are some things they can't do much about. As the specialist says, some things you just have to put up with. Says not to walk up hills so I don't have to use nitro so much, and walk slower if I have problems. Cold weather bothers too so have been walking at the mall. So all put together not so surprising I'm not losing. Have to cut more on food.
    You all are posting pretty early in the am, I guess some of that is due to living further east, we are on PST.
    Sounds like you got a job Jeffrey, good for you.
    How's it going for you, Marie. You have lots of health struggles but you keep going anyway!
    Barbie, you've lost more pounds since I was here last. You're almost there. Jake maintaining OK? Where's he off to now?
    Our Thanksgiving is over already, starting to plan for Christmas. Have gotten in to making some cards. Will try to have enough for all the family and special people in our lives.
    Have a good day all.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - i don't think i knew your combined families didn't get along - that MUST be hard and make the holidays difficult. I think it's part of why i never remarried - it seems so hard! It's good you reminded me of Al anon - that detachment is a good thing - sometimes i miss my kids TOO much! If your son gets one of the jobs how far away will he move? Is he living with you now? That will be hard. My youngest was 19 when he moved out and although he didn't move that far i really missed having him in the house! They're all coming home for dinner saturday night so that will be fun! I think there will be about 16 people - including 4 little kids! It'll be chaotic but fun.

    Hi Ellen - i have a young friend from Alberta and she celebrated Thanksgiving a couple weeks ago. It's so hard to cut down on the food isn't it? Now that i've gone back on program i'm SO hungry.

    Jeffrey - are you really hungry all the time? When i was doing well i was hungry at appropriate times - not always like i am right now. I keep hoping my stomach will shrink or something. I woke up in the middle of the night just starving! It was all i could do to keep from getting up and eating something. Also i seem to be having some issues with acid reflux right now - just since i went back to 1200 calories. I don't know if it's related at all, but it hurts! Not a big deal - this too shall pass!

    ok - now i'm REALLY going to work!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its so good to hear from all of you. My legs are doing pretty good. Do have a pain in my hips and none of my doctors can explain why. Just when i walk a spell. Sit down it goes away till next time. Haven't heard from the doctor yet after the vascular test yesteray to see how my circulations is doing. I still have back ache but not as bad as I used to. so Iguess the walking is helping that too.
    Ellen these little hills do brother me too. Its relly not a hill just a little upcline. I take it a 1,000 steps at a time. Usally just walk back and forth to the railway track and back a few times. till I get 1000 in for that trip. I am ding it 4 X a day. It was a little chilly out this morning. the north wind is blowing. Will have to put a jacket on next time out. I like walking at WalMart. Time goes by faster. I am counting my calories and I lost 1 lb. this week. Its slower but more dependable on losing some every week.

    Everybody have a wonderful day. I enjoy reading all of your posting this morning.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :angry: Barbie: I am jealous about your small lace shirts!!:laugh: :laugh: Just kidding!:laugh: You're just awsome!
    :frown: Also, sorry you will be without your Jake again.
    :tongue: That meal with salmon sounds so delicious! All foods I love!:tongue:

    :bigsmile: Elli: 2 good days under your belt!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Let’s make it 3!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Don’t let a dinner throw you off.:ohwell: You can make some healthy and delicious choices!:happy: As far as being hungry, I heard that we sometimes mistake hunger for lack of water. Are you drinking all your water??:huh:
    Regarding acid reflux, have you tried something like Prilosec? I take it every morning and my Acid reflux has stopped. If it helps, ask your doctor for a prescription (Omeprazole). It’s so much cheaper than the Prilosec and does the same thing! Don’t let it go too long, though. :noway: Acid Reflux can cause some serious damage down the road.:noway: :frown:

    :smile: Jeffrey: I hope you feel guilty enough to post some more pictures.:laugh: We all would like to see more of you and your family!:flowerforyou:
    I hope you DO come to RI someday, especially in the late spring thru early fall! Russ and I take so many scenic rides (day trips) throughout the summer to some of the nicest beaches …..or love to take the ferry to Block Island. In the fall….the foliage is beautiful..just have to time it just right or you miss it’s peak!! :ohwell: Even the snow is breathtaking :happy: until it turns to ice!!!!:angry: I often say to Russ that, it blows my mind that what other people have to pay for….we have here at our fingertips! I guess that’s why we pay so much for everything!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :grumble:

    :smile: Sandy: Welcome to my world!! I never win at anything…accept in love! :wink:
    :frown: And, yes , I am learning to let go of my children more and more, but they’ll always be my little pumpkins no matter how old they get!! I added a few pictures (the last 4) of them were taken when they were kids. I am in one... in front of my favorite flowered tree! That tree died the year my first husband died. :noway: :noway: Isn’t that weird!! :noway: Almost like nature grieves with us!:ohwell:
    But that’s how I see my girls in my mind…no matter how old they get!:love::love: :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Ellen: Hang in there. When I don’t exercise, as I haven’t been able to for the last three days, I find it hard to keep within my calories. I do! But it IS hard. You can do it one day at a time:happy:
    :noway: Christmas???!!!!!! I can’t even get my arms around Thanksgiving!!!:ohwell: :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!!:flowerforyou:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    I like you, worry about my adult children but as I am learning in Al Anon, we have to detach with love and let them make their own decisions. :smile:

    Elli, my son did have his interview and it went well although if they do hire him it is not a full time position. He has two other interviews so hopefully he will find something he likes and pays enough to support him. He is such a good guy, I hope things work out for him, although I will miss him. :cry:


    It sounds like YOU have had challenges yourself, and I am sure YOU have been strong throughout them:flowerforyou: ! I hope your son gets the right job but I don't envy you, if he needs to move away.:cry: That WOULD be tough:ohwell: but as you said, it's THEIR happiness that's most important to us. (Still doesn't mean it's easy, though.:frown: )May God bless this entire situation and you too!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hope everyone's having a good night - i'm good! And yes Birdie - another good day! I didn't make it to the gym - had to grocery shop for the big saturday nite fam/din (family dinner) but i did manage to take my dogs for a good walk before it got dark!
    I love the pictures of your baby girls! I know - i always tell my boys - as long as i'm living, my babies you'll be. It's from a book we used to read.
    Yea - I more than drink my water - oh, thank you for the acid reflux advice. Prilosec - I HAVE taken that before but it says to only take it for 2 weeks. I may do just that 'cause it still kind of hurts. I managed to not have an "episode" last night (i went to the er once it scared me so bad) by sleeping mostly sitting up.
    OK - i think i'm going out to hear a friend sing at Open Mike - not sure yet, but i'm done with food for the night so i'm good! I'm gonna weigh tomorrow morning - a little scary...........
    Happy Thursday nite all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just pop in to see what is going on. It was cold and dreary here today. I didn't get all of my walk in. today. But there is always tomorrow. Will try to make up for it. Stayed good on my food tho. Its is going to get down to 4o here tonight.

    Gayla when does Neil go into the retreak home? Glad his blood work is OK. Your days of working is coming to a closed. You will have mor time to spend with us. You will be surprize and wonder how you ever had time to work? Now to get Phoebe retired. But she has a way to go yet.

    Jeffrey done has a taste of retirment, Work harder at home than he used to at work. glad he got the mole under control. We have a nest of big rats down by the railroad track and the city is surpose to clean out all the trees and weeds that look like trees out so they wont have a nesting place. They will probable come to our house. Calie would have a ball. Sammy too. Hope not. Calie has driven me crazy during all this rain and cold weather. So restless

    Alice, my daughter had he colonopy this morning. Got about 3 pollops. Sent a bisopy off for cancer. waiting for the results. Also found something in her chest that they are sending off. She has been having a lot of pains in her chest. She had a birthday Tues. She turn 55. Oh I am gettin old.

    Good night to Barbiecat, Birdie, Barbs, Sandy. Jeffrey, Jake wherever he might be, Ellen,Elli, Beth.
    Gayla, and Phoebe. Thinking of you all.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Where IS Jake?????????
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake is in Phoenix for Isagenix University----training for his business. He is there with three women Isagenix consultants that he knows. This afternoon they went to the Mall and then to dinner and then they have meetings tonight. He says it is so warm there that he is sorry he didn't bring his shorts and bathing suit.:laugh: He'll fly home on Monday.

    After he left this morning (at 6 AM) I put on one of my Sweatin' to the Oldies DVDs and worked out for half an hour before walking the dogs again, showering, and going to line dance. Then I went to Costco (a great place to take a walk), then lunch, then the dog park, then to a friend's house to pick apples, then home to ride on the exercise bike. When I sat down at the table to watch TV I fell asleep :laugh: :laugh:

    Tonight I'm enjoying wasa crackers and peanut butter thanks to all my exercise calories.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've gotten used to the simple way that I eat and after nine months of this, it seems perfectly normal.

    :flowerforyou: elli, does acid reflux have anything to do with how acidic or alkaline your diet is? is there any way to avoid by eating different stuff ? it sounds very unpleasant. I hope you find a solution. I know that book you referred to (as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be) -I used to read it to my first graders around Mothers Day every year and I cried every time I read it.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, it's good to hear from you again. Jake has to be careful about his walking too. He carries nitro wherever he goes. The cold is bad for him to walk in so it won't be long before we'll have to give up our outdoor walks. Since he's lost weight he is able to walk faster and do a lot more exercise.

    Jake is maintaining very well. He's started putting on some muscle so his weight has gone up a few pounds. He feels great.

    I am about 4 pounds from my goal which was a sort of arbitrary one I picked and never expected to get even this close. I still have more padding on my waist and thighs that I'd like to get rid of but I'm buying clothes now with the expectation that this is the size I'll be forever. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, coming to R.I. sounds wonderful. We love to travel but that's quite a long way for us. We have nice fall colors here but I'm told that it is even better in the Northeast.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, aren't our animals wonderful? keeping us active and involved

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'll bet you and Daisy get a lot of attention at the dog park. I bet everyone has compliments for her----she's so beautiful.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, are you counting the days 'til retirement :laugh:

    hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all.

    The sun is shinning. Gonna be a lovely day.

    Not gonna rain anymore this week:noway::noway:

    Got an appt. with my kidney doctor this morning and then off to pick up a few item at the grocer store.
    And then check on my suitcase packing. for Alice and I weekend trip to Ark. next Friday. I am looking foward to that. We used to go up there every year for they have a big craft show all over nothwest Ark. It was held las tweekend, so we are just going to see the fall leaes and go to some anique Malls. this is where Walmart build his first store.

    See you guys later, Hav a wonderful day.~~~~~~~~Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning all! Well, i lost 2 of the 5 pounds i gained - so hopefully the other 3 will come off quickly too. Of course, we have big doings this weekend so i'll have 2 meals "off program". I'm not as dedicated as you are Barbie. But hopefully soon i'll be back down to only 4 pounds to lose! I'm just so impressed with everything you've accomplished! I feel better today - no more pain - I have the feeling that happened again because of the drastic decrease in calories. Drinking a little milk seemed to help, and i stayed on pepcid and mylanta yesterday. I'm good now!
    Thank you for updating us on Jake! I'm glad he's not going to be gone for too awful long! I didn't realize the Isagenix was his business - i thought it was just some stuff he drank!:laugh:

    Gayla - when IS retirement happening?

    Marie - That sounds like such a fun thing for a mom/daughter weekend! I'm hoping all Alice's tests come back negative for anything bad.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's raining here this morning and the animals are restless

    :flowerforyou: elli, congratulations on your great re entry to the weight loss journey. I'm sure you'll find balance in eating your big meals "off program"---there's a happy medium between "discipline" and "pig out" :laugh: Originally Jake was an Isagenix customer but after he lost so much weight and gained so much energy from using the products, people started asking him about it. He wanted to share something that had changed and saved his life so he became an Isagenix consultant so he could help other people.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your trip with Alice sounds like so much fun. I hope both you and Alice get good reports from your doctors.

    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Wow a lot of post! That is great! It is a real dreary day here. Cold and rainy with wind. My back yard is covered in leaves. Day went down to see her mother today so it is quiet here. Not much going on for the weekend. I am going to scrub the tile floors and clean the "gym". We are going out for dinner with our bff's Saturday evening. So all is good for now!

    Marie keep me posted on the Dr. visit.

    Elli I am not always hungry but I still have a tendency to over-eat when I do. I have not gained anything and have still continued to lose a little around the waist. I am down to about 31" now and weigh about 191 plus or minus a little. It's just when we go out and get chips and salsa or things like that, that cause me grief! LOL

    Birdi thanks for post. I enjoyed it.

    Gayla retire as soon as you can and enjoy it! Thats an order! LOL

    Barbie I am so proud of what you have accomplished!

    Sandy I know what you mean on the Holidays. I love them but my wife's family really struggles with them. The put the "fun" in dysfunctional for me! LOL Nowdays I just lay out the schedule and who comes is who comes. I have decided that I call the shots for them and that is just that. And really it seems to have worked and quieted them down a lot. They can get along for a day or deal with me. LOL As long as I have Day and the girls I am perfectly happy.

    Ellen I did get a job about a month ago. I am on a contract, employment at will, for 90-120 days and then we will both evaluate things. Thank you for your thoughts.

    I am looking at new workout program call "insanity" it is put out by Beachbody. This is the company that has P90X and several other programs. I think that I am going to get it and work it in with the P90x Plus. That should be a challenge. I will keep you all posted. I have not seen anyone over 40 post anything yet on the "Insanity" program. It is a very very intense interval training system for 60 days. It uses a lot of aerobics and resistance training, push ups etc. It looks good for core strength, neck to knees. I think that it will focus where I still want change.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning all.

    The sun is shinning. Gonna be a lovely day.

    Not gonna rain anymore this week:noway::noway:

    Got an appt. with my kidney doctor this morning and then off to pick up a few item at the grocer store.
    And then check on my suitcase packing. for Alice and I weekend trip to Ark. next Friday. I am looking foward to that. We used to go up there every year for they have a big craft show all over nothwest Ark. It was held las tweekend, so we are just going to see the fall leaes and go to some anique Malls. this is where Walmart build his first store.

    See you guys later, Hav a wonderful day.~~~~~~~~Marie

    Marie: Hope your Dr. appointment went well and that you have a great weekend! May the weather be sunny and clear!!!:flowerforyou:
    BirdiM :bigsmile:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Elli: Congratulations on those 2 lbs!!! Make some healthy choices this weekend and then you won’t have to re-lose them!:laugh: :laugh: YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    :smile: Jeff have a nice weekend. As far as the leaves go, pray for some STRONGER winds, and then the leaves will be your neighbor’s problem!:laugh: :laugh:
    It must be nice to be young and strong! Just listening to those programs made me tired!!!

    Have a great weekend all!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    just got back from the Kidney doctor. And she saidhat the dye they used in my legs during my stints surgery did Damage my Kidney somewhat. But she will keep an eye on things. I don't go back for 3 months Will hav to do anothr 24 hour urine sample for her.Told me not to eat but 2 oz of protein per meal.

    BarbieI stop at Walmart an got me some gloves an neat little hat with flaps for my ears to keep warm outside. I don't have any heavy clothes For usally I just run around in a sweatshirt all winter. Wear a jacket only if it is rainy. Short sleeves unless a blue northner comes this away. Ou nights get chilly and if the wind not blowing and the sun is out daytime is pretty nice.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - a "blue northerner"?????