Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie, You Whole family is so adorable Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake went to Seattle today with a friend on business so I had the day to do what I wanted:laugh: :laugh: I spent a couple of hours at the yarn shop knitting and talking to a group of women, some I knew, some I just met today. I am knitting wool mittens for children in Afghanistan. After lunch Sasha and Brandy and I delivered our ballots and then went to the dog park. The county we live in does all voting by mail so we get our ballots early and as soon as we've voted we can mail them in or drop them at a special drop box that is between our house and the dog park. I walked about a mile and half while the dogs played and dug for moles.

    Jake got to eat lunch in a restaurant with his friend and then he got home in time for dinner with me.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm sorry to hear about your son and DIL and their miscarriage. How sad and disappointing for all of you. :sad: I guess it must be tough for you sticking to a simple eating plan while enjoying cooking in your new kitchen. I'm so glad to hear from you again. Never, never, never, give up. You'll get back on the wagon and head straight on for your goal

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I love the image of the moles as a petting zoo in your yard. We endured them on our farm and never figured out how to win the battle against them.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I always feel so rude at the dog park when someone tries to strike up a conversation and I answer them briefly and keep on walking.

    :flowerforyou: Maie, I'm not surprised that your doctors all recommended walking. When Jake's back was so bad recently and it seemed like he could hardly get around, the chiropractor told him to walk and it worked great for him. Your pecans sound great. Don't eat too many:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    gotta get back on the exercise bike.
    hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Elli: I, too, am sorry about your DIL. :cry: It's very hard. :frown: I had my first child and then 3 miscarriages, all at about 4 - 6 weeks. :cry: It's very discouraging. :brokenheart: But then I had my Lisa :bigsmile: and 3 years later, unexpectedly, I had Monica:huh: :bigsmile: So you just don't know. It's nature's way of stopping something that has potential and serious problems down the road. My Lisa tried for 4 years after she had her son and then when she least expected it she was pregnant with Melanie. :happy: God draws straight with crooked lines. We place them all in His care.:love:

    Marie: I'm glad the doctors said for you to do a lot of walking. I wasn't sure if the walking was hurting you or helping you. It can do either depending on your situation.That's incentive to walk more.:bigsmile: So walk, walk, walk! We'll be keeping track of you!:wink:

    Barbie: It's so nice that you are knitting mittens for those children in Afghanistan.. Not only are you doing something good for others, you are keeping your fingers limber so arthritis will have less of a chance getting in your way in the future. My mother, who is much older than you, knits teddy bears for the hospital and her arthritis stiffness is much less because of it.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone! Jeffrey! Moles? in your lawn? omg - i never heard of that! Are they like prairie dogs or what??? A petting zoo - there's an idea! lol. NO dead cow! omg - the coyotes dug it up once and i had to ask the farmer/neighbor to bury it again! Thank GOD it stayed burried this time!:tongue:
    Marie - pecans! that is so cool! I can't imagine being able to go out and pick pecans. Do you do anything before you freeze them? like Barbie said - don't eat too many - i know i would!
    Thank you all for your condolences about my dil's miscarriage - she had one back in Jan and now this one. I know it's very hard on her.........poor kid. :brokenheart: I agree though - there's a reason. I pray for them to have a baby....i think it will happen in God's time. When she had the first one he was in Iraq (she got pg while he was home on block leave) so at least he's with her this time.
    Yes Marie - we had about 4 inches of snow a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't quite ready! We're supposed to have some more this week. Enjoy those fall colors! My niece got married mid sept. down in SW Colorado, we drove down and got to see some beautiful aspens changing!
    OK - i'm stoked - i had a great day foodwise and workout wise - you guys are so awesome. I don't know if i would have gotten out of my "doldrums" without you. Thank you all so much:smile::heart: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy. I will be gone on the 31st. Would you be our hostess for the month of November. And change our month. Since you keep up with that real good and usally first on the thread. Would like that very much. What do you say?. Then maybe someone else would like to be hostess for Dec. I am using hostess for lack of another word. This is all of our thread. Lets all be a part of it. As Barbie said somewhere, we are old enought to do as we please. and not worry about what others are doing. So we are all wierd [Did I spell that right} Who cares???? Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! What a busy board today, not sure how to catch up.

    Elli -- so glad to see you posting again. I have missed you and your stories. So, so sorry about your dil's miscarriage. I know they are so sad. It seems easy to think that they will have another chance but I know that it will never be this baby and it will always be a loss. My friend miscarried 3 babies and it was so difficult. She and your son will be in my thoughts.
    Don't fret about the weight gain. You know how to get it off and I have every confidence that you will get it done!

    Beth -- I expect you are busy preparing for the race. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    Marie -- Sounds like a good report from the Dr. I am glad he approves of the walking. Woohoo, glad you got a good crop of pecans. I know you will enjoy them.

    Birdie -- thanks for sharing your babies with us. Very cute indeed.

    Sandy -- I hope your son got to his interview and was able to be relaxed and confident.

    Jeffrey -- Was the turkey your practice run for Thanksgiving? I love turkey and could eat it much more often than just the special occasions we tend to eat it on.

    Barbie -- It is hard to imagine you sitting still long enough to knit! I am reading a book called "The Friday Night Knitting Club" that you may enjoy. I finally got the large print version and it should go more quickly now.

    Barb, Phoebe and anyone who pops in, have a great day. Keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good mornig all! I thought I WOULDN'T do well this week with my weigh in because last week I lost the 1 lb I had gained the week before, plus another 5lbs. :bigsmile: But part of my discipline is to weigh myself every Wed. and I did. :indifferent: I gained 1 lb. back. :ohwell: Although I was a little disappointed I was not discouraged because I have not done anything off my program. :bigsmile: My focus, as I say to others, is to keep making wiser choices, keeping my calorie intake at 1200 & exercise calories, and exercising daily as much as I can. I have done this (with the grace of God) :flowerforyou: So I am please with the discipline, as that's all I can do and let the chips (or lbs.) fall where they may.:laugh: :laugh:
    Indeed I have an "Attitude of Gratitude":love: and will have a great day! I can't imagine what the scale would say if I wasn't doing MFP!:happy:
    Have a wonderful day all. I may check in later.:smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Wow, everyone is chatty today which is a good thing. Yes, Marie I will update the post for November, but might need some of you to remind me since I have such a bad memory. :laugh:

    Went to bed late last night and woke up at 6:15 and couldn't go back to sleep. :yawn: I know I will be tired today and have lunch plans plus it is my bingo night. Somewhere I have to fit in some exercise since again this week time got away from me. I just don't know where the days go anymore. :tongue:

    Birdie, you have the right attitude and will reach your goal. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla, you too have a great outlook and once you are "retired" you can relax and enjoy life to the best of your ability. :love:

    Elli, I knew you would get back on track, you just needed a little push. :laugh: Can you return the favor and give me a kick in the behind to get moving? :bigsmile:

    Weather is a little dreary and now I am getting sleepy, who knows maybe I can take a nap today. :happy:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    THANKS SANDY. I knew I could count on you.
    Got to get some clothes on and get a q walk in before I go for my Appt. to get my circulations check out., Eat breakfast, and be ready to roll. Be back later. Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    good morning friends! Birdie - i forgot to tell you last night - those babies of yours are gorgeous!
    God willing sometime in the next year i'll have a baby (you know, grandbaby) pic to show you all!
    Oh, and your positive attitude has me going this morning! It's great - thank you for sharing!:happy:

    Sandy - lol, i don't really think you need much of a push - just a little more sleep!:laugh: Those last few pounds - they're SO hard aren't they? C'mon - we can do it!!!!!!!! I'm going to keep on thinking about Barbie's "one day at a time".

    Hey Gayla! thank you - i'm glad to BE back. The hardest thing about my kids miscarriage is that it's the second one and they haven't had a baby yet. I had one in between my boys so at least i knew i COULD carry a baby........they'll be fine. They're both young and healthy. I'm looking forward to having them all here this weekend. Glad to hear Neil is doing all right! How's your headache? GONE i hope!

    Marie - i love the picture of you! You look really good!

    Have a great day everyone!

    :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli, I went and look at your pictures, Love your new kitchen. You turn it into a beatiful place. and love your horse and dogs. I wish they would let us identified our pictures. Is that you in your avatar with you family? Well got to get up and get busy. Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi Marie - thank you for looking at my pictures - i forgot to tell you guys i put a few new ones up of my new house. I'm SO loving it! Yes - those are my boys and their girls in my main picture. It was the day in Aug that my Soldier/son came home from Iraq. He's the shorter 1 - with the wife in the yellow dress.
    All that's left of my animals now are my 3 dogs - Bonnie and Billy are my medium size outdoor dogs, little Hercky is the dashchund. I miss my beautiful horse. That's Katie, my younger son's g/f (of 6 years) riding him.
    I'm happy about having 1 good day under my belt and feeling re energized and ready to re embark on this journey thanks to ALL of you!
    Sandy - I forgot to ask - did your son have his interview?
    :heart: elli
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    hi Marie - thank you for looking at my pictures - i forgot to tell you guys i put a few new ones up of my new house. I'm SO loving it! Yes - those are my boys and their girls in my main picture. It was the day in Aug that my Soldier/son came home from Iraq. He's the shorter 1 - with the wife in the yellow dress.
    All that's left of my animals now are my 3 dogs - Bonnie and Billy are my medium size outdoor dogs, little Hercky is the dashchund. I miss my beautiful horse. That's Katie, my younger son's g/f (of 6 years) riding him.
    I'm happy about having 1 good day under my belt and feeling re energized and ready to re embark on this journey thanks to ALL of you!
    Sandy - I forgot to ask - did your son have his interview?
    :heart: elli

    Elli: What a lovely family and a beautiful house!!!God Bless!!!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey Birdie - thank you so much! I looked at your pictures too - looks like you have several grandkids! And a new one? How many grown kids and how many grandkids?
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :heart: I have 3 daughters. 2 are shown with their wonderful husbands and my youngest daughter that's single shown alone with the big beautiful smile!:love: I have a feeling she won't be single much longer! :laugh: :laugh: My oldest daughter has two sons:love: and my middle daughter has a son and Melanie! :love: So I have 4 grandchildren ranging from 9 yrs old to 1. They are all gifts and I'm very grateful for them. Thanks for asking.
    :flowerforyou: Hang in there for YOUR blessings to come, God willing!! :love:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - thank you for telling me about your family! Do your girls all live close by? I love all your photos! It's so great that you like their husbands as well! So you think you have a wedding not to long off in the future? Sounds like FUN! One of my very best friends has 3 daughters, the second one just got married and the eldest just had the first grandchild! Such FUN!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Elli: Both my daughters live within a 25 min drive from my house. :love: One in RI and One in MA. This part of the country is pretty small so we can go from state to state within minutes:laugh: :laugh: My single daughter lives at home, even though she's 28 yrs old, because it's just to expensive, especially in this part of the country, to live on your own. That's OK, I love it!:happy: :love: As we speak she's on a cruise to Bermuda with her new boyfriend, something I found difficult to get my arms around being old fashion :noway: But even "old fashion" girls do that today:ohwell: He's a widower (his wife died 4 years ago from a brain tumor.:brokenheart: ), He’s 35 yrs old. They met online and she was attracted to his comment about how his faith and family got him through his tough time. That means a lot to her. We're very involved with our faith and family is everything! They just hit it off from the beginning. He is very respectful of her beliefs etc. and everyone who's met him just loves him.:flowerforyou: I still think it's a lot... and too fast ....(they just met at the end of August :noway: )but what do I know....I'm just the mother:laugh: :laugh: I even told her one day when she was wondering if there was anyone out there for her, that God has a plan and a perfect one. What if the man is a widower, I said.....and all the pieces aren't in place yet!!! A little scary ,but that seems to be what's happening!! God got me through, when my first husband died 24 yrs ago when she was just 4 yrs old.:cry: She knows that you can love again and love deeply as I have been remarried for 16 yrrs!
    Sorry...I'm getting carried away!!! I just can't help but share how good God has been to me and I'm sure He's got something real special in mind for her:love:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    slept (bought two lacy shirts ,size small :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ) .......helping Jake get packed for his business trip (he leaves at six tomorrow morning):sad: :sad: ......too much rain to go to the dog park :sad: :sad: ....and now finally time for all of you. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I made a wonderful butternut squash and apple soup last night and served it today with salmon and salad. Jake liked it so much that he's already asked me to make it again.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, your house pictures look fabulous. Of course, I wasn't too surprised because I'd seen pictures on your house blog. With that great kitchen, it's not surprising that you've been cooking (and eating) a lot.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, your daughter is one of God's kids, too, so I'm sure He's keeping an eye on her on her cruise....her gentleman friend sounds like a winner. It's a new world today of people meeting on the internet (just look at us, we met on the internet :bigsmile: ). There are two couples that we are close to, who met on the internet.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, before the days of MFP I used to knit a lot. I watched TV and knitted for all the hours that I now talk to all of you on the computer, or go walking, or ride the exercise bike. Nowadays, knitting is something I do rarely. I go to some meetings where I bring my knitting but you're right, I don't sit still too much anymore.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope you got a chance to take a nap. I don't nap often, but when I do, the dogs get in bed with me and cuddle up close.

    I think the dogs finally figured out that we're not going to the dog park. They've stopped pestering me and have found some toys to play with.
    hugs to all :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Well Birdie - it sounds like you've had some challanges in your life! I'm sorry you lost your first husband when your girls were small - but i'm GLAD you have someone else wonderful in your life! I never quite got the whole "man" thing figured out and always made poor choices. I've been happily single now for about 8 years. I tried the internet dating thing and it just didn't work out for me. I hope your daughter is having a blast! The best thing is for our kids to be happy!
    BARBIE! Size SMALL shirts?!?!?!?!?:bigsmile: RIGHT ON!!!!!!!! That is SO great! Congratulations! You look amazing in your pics! Thank you - i'm really having fun with the house!
    I have 2 good days under my belt now -boy have i been hungry tho! Imust've really been eating a lot of calories.:frown: Thanks again for everyone's support! You guys are the best!

    :heart: :smooched: elli
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Thursday Morning Everyone!

    I have been enjoying everyone's pictures. Thanks for sharing, now I feel guilty about now having some more posted. Things have been pretty quiet here, just work and the normal chores. I think I may have the moles under controll now, but I bet I have $500 in damage to repair next spring. Oh well!

    Birdie what a nice story and family you have. I have crossed similar paths with my oldest daughter. She has a great boy friend and I really like him. Our youngest kind of dumped her boy friend about 2 years ago and is fine with that. She told me that she did not want tied down to anyone until she decided what she was going to do with her life and where she was going to do it at. She is a stong willed one! I have very deep and distinct ties to RI but I have never been there. I hear it is very senic. Someday I will get there to close some gaps. Anyway, I have really enjoyed your post.

    Elli I am always hungry! LOL Anymore dead animals? New ones? LOL

    Barbie good for you on the small shirts! Whoo Hoo!

    Gayla have you started seeing "winter" yet?

    Marie how has the walking been on those legs?

    Everyone- Anything special going on for Thanksgiving? One month away!

    Have a great day! I will check in later on.
