Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Phoebe, So wonderful to hear from you. We have had our neeighbor down to help us get our recorder working on out new recorder. That we have have had for a month or more.

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all,
    I am back in the states :) Not a lot of time to talk at the moment lots to do...I am running a race on Halloween... I now have to figure out how the GPS works so I can make it there :)
    Hope everyone is having a great Month ... mine has been WONDERFUL
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome home, Beth, I'm so glad to know you're back and participating in your life at home. Do you have to wear a costume in your Halloween race?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I envy your grade school reunion. We moved so much when I was growing up that I didn't have connections like that. Going on a cruise with those old friends sounds like a great idea. I hope you give it some serious consideration. Yes, I try to exercise every day. Some days are more vigorous than others, but I have dogs to walk and they think we should go to the dog park every day and as long as the exercise bike is in front of the TV, it's easy to get on it and ride and watch TV. Good luck to your son on the job interview. I agree that he'll get it if it is meant for him. I know you'll miss him if he moves away.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, if you edit your profile I think you can make your food diary public and then you can share your day's menu every day.......of course that also means that everyone can see the days you don't log your food or don't eat the best stuff. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, hope your headache is better by now. Potato soup sounds like a wonderful remedy.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, good to hear from you even if it's only a brief stop-over.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I hope a little rest will help you feel better soon.

    The girls came over Saturday afternoon and groomed the dogs. It was a fun afternoon and now Brandy and Sasha looked beautiful. We spent the whole day Sunday with our friend who is divorcing. Her soon to be ex-husband had from 9-5 to come pick up all his stuff that was granted in the divorce and she wanted some friends there with her as moral support. There was no rain so all the furniture and stuff got loaded in the truck without damage.

    It rained overnight but stopped in time for Jake to go golfing and for me to take a walk. I made matzo ball soup for lunch (made the soup months ago and had it in the freezer and just had to make the matzo balls this morning.) It was an unusually high calorie lunch for us so I'll be on the exercise bike a bunch to make up for it.

    right now everybody is napping so it's peaceful for me.
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :bigsmile: So glad you're back on US soil!!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to all from sunny and warm Saskatchewan. This will be brief as it is nearly 5 and Neil tells me he is hungry so I am thinking I should start some dinner. I wanted to tell you that our appt. with the Hematologist went well. He said the blood work that has come back is all ok. The clotting time is prolonged and it may be the meds or may be some factor that they are unable to test but feels he is safe for surgery. It is doubtful that it will get done now before we go on the cruise unless he has a cancellation in the very near future. At least we know it will be done! We had a nice lunch at the restaurant with Quinn and a lazy afternoon. This darn headache does not want to go away. Other than that things are good.

    Hooray for Beth being home. So happy for you, girl!

    Glad to hear from Phoebe, as always. Safe journey to you.

    Everyone else hope you are starting out a great week. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Welcome home Beth!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I feel like you are one of our children and we are so happy you are safe and back home doing what ever it is you love to do. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    My son still has not flown, he was on stand by and he is like 22 on the list. We have decided to buy him a ticket so he can get there in time for the interview without all the stress. :bigsmile: I drove him this morning and then picked him up only to go back this afternoon and now it is just plain silly. I am waiting to see if I can buy him the ticket over the phone so I don't have to go to the airport. :noway:

    Gayla, glad Neil's test came back ok for surgery. Maybe now your headache will go away, you are wearing your night guard aren't you???

    Marie, I don't even have 4000 steps today and I took Daisy to the dog park. It isn't easy getting so many steps, that is why I try to get some exercise in with the walking. With all the driving I have been doing today it has not been a good day. :tongue:

    Barbie I am seriously thinking of going on the cruise. I think my sister and her "friend" will be going so at least I will have them to pal around with if the old classmates come in pairs. :laugh: I might even take my sons with me, depending on their job situations. I would love to take my grand daughter but I am sure she will be in competitions then and won't be able to travel. :glasses:

    Have to run to target for my husbands prescriptions, talk to you soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth, How wonderful to hear from you. So glad you are back in the good old USA. Get rested up for that race.. Be rooting for you. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    It's Wednesday, card day. :smile: We are playing early this morning since one of our players has to be home early this afternoon.

    I managed to get in over 5000 steps yesterday, but did not get my exercise done. With all the hassle with the airport I just didn't seem to find the time. :ohwell: Maybe later this afternoon I will make up for yesterday. I am really trying to at least work out on Mon, Wed and Fri, besides getting steps in every day.
    Wish I had Barbie mentality, then I would lose these few unwanted pounds with out a problem. :laugh:

    Marie, good morning, beat you again but that is okay. You are probably snuggling with your hubby or maybe your puppy. :laugh:

    Have to get a move on, will check in later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No Sandy, wrong on both count. Jerry is still in bed And I think Sammy is with him. i been reading a lot of the different post. I have met so many nice people here at MFP. I got 4,000 steps in yesterday. My goal for this week. Now if I can just keep my food goal in check. thats is my downfall. I do eal good during the day but nighttime is something else.

    time for breakfast of eggs and toast. done had my coffee.

    Was so glad to see you Beth and that you are home safe. Good luck on your runs.
    Where do you go next? What your plans? When will BF be home? Full of questions this morning.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Oh YAY! I'm so glad to read Beth is BACK! That makes my day!

    I know i promised i was coming back - i've been having a tough time but i need to just suck it up and get a GRIP! So today i'm jumping back ON the wagon, quit whining about the 5 pounds i've gained back and dedicate today's success to Beth and ALL our service people.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning One and All!

    BETH! glad you are home! That has made my day! Thank you..............

    Gayla I am glad things are looking up!

    Elli it is nice to see you back on the board! Catch me up with all the doings!

    Pheobe you are the busy one!

    Marie you call me what ever you wish! LOL

    Sandy just stay at it, no big deal!

    Barbie sounds like you are busy.

    Birdie nice to hear from you.

    If I missed anyone, apologies.

    I have been very busy with work. I have been working on a project in England that is getting me up at odd hours to work. 5 hours time difference. I still have the moles in my lawn and if I get anymore I am going to have to open up a petting zoo! The kids and Day are well. Pretty day here today, for a change.
    Not too much else noteworthy. Working out and staying busy! I did cook a turkey Sunday and used the last of my cranberries from last year. It is still good!

    Everyone have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh YAY! I'm so glad to read Beth is BACK! That makes my day!

    I know i promised i was coming back - i've been having a tough time but i need to just suck it up and get a GRIP! So today i'm jumping back ON the wagon, quit whining about the 5 pounds i've gained back and dedicate today's success to Beth and ALL our service people.


    Elli I have been playing around with 5 0r 6 lbs fa too long. I need to join you too.



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Marie - i'm just so mad at myself!:mad: what a silly thing to do! after i worked so hard at getting those 5 pounds off to just start eating anything i want and gain them back! Well, like Barbie said - 1 day at a time, so today is my "first" day.
    Hi Jeffrey :smile: I'm so glad you're working and also glad Day is doing well! And the number on your ticker is just SO impressive! You ROCK!
    So i know you like the "life in the country" updates - the sad news is all the cats are gone - my last 2 and the neighbors. All of which were smart, old outdoor cats. So i've worried on and off about if we have something big around - a bobcat or something. Then yesterday i was walking the dog and there was a dead, headless :noway: rabbit! What's up with THAT?!?!? Anyway - they're harvesting the rest of the beets today - back where i walk there's still lots of corn, i'll be glad when that's gone so nothing can hide in there! That's where the rabbit was. bleah!
    So there's what's going on! lol. I think i need to post some pictures of my new house too. Life is good - i'm just feeling fat and need to get back into the groove!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Ok Ellie, stop that right now!!! You have had a stressful summer with the house and how great is it to have your son home??? Who wouldn't party and eat what they wanted knowing their son is home safe.
    It is not like you gained 50 pounds, what is 9 pounds to someone like you??? Get back on this program with me, we can do it together and with the new people you will have more friends than you know. :bigsmile: There is no way I am letting you feel sorry for yourself, because I know you are tougher than that. Remember, one day at a time and today is the first day of the rest or your life. Soooooo happy you are back. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Marie, you are a force to be reckoned with!!! You go girl, you are truly amazing!! Not sure this post would make it without you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hey, Jeffrey, glad you checked in. At least you are working and keeping busy. As long as you are bringing in a pay check that is all that matters right??

    Taking Daisy to the dog park now, will check back later.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    :laugh: thank you Sandy! i needed a good chewing out! I'm so not a feeling sorry for myself person! So as of today - i'm back! You're right - it's not like it's 50 pounds - it's 9! For goodness sake!:tongue:
    I'm so happy that Dillon is safe at home - his wife got pg again right away but had another miscarriage at about 4 weeks. She's having kind of a tough time. They're coming up here this weekend - i'm cooking dinner for 15 or 16 people saturday night. I've been having a blast cooking in my new kitchen!
    I just looked at your pictures again - i love the one of you holding Daisy - i think that's Daisy right? You look SO great!
    :heart: elli
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    I still miss the dead cow!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :bigsmile: My grandaughter Melanie's 1 yr pictures added to my profie. (The 2 last pictures). She is just an angel!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: My grandaughter Melanie's 1 yr pictures added to my profie. (The 2 last pictures). She is just an angel!

    You might be biased, but you are also right, she is darling. Thanks for sharing. :bigsmile: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Birdie, you are so lucky, your granddaughter is just beautiful!! Aren't they just the best thing to happen to us? :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Elli, so sorry about your son and dil's miscarriage. It is so awful when that happens and just so disappointing. There always seems to be a good reason why this happens but it is just so hard to accept. I will keep them in my prayers and hope God blesses them with a child. :heart: :heart:

    Daisy had a great time at the dog park, but I stood around and talked too much and didn't get any steps worth counting. I am trying to get energy to ride my elliptical but I don't think it is going to happen. :bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    OK the gang is all back . lets get on the ball. Including me. I been dragging my rear for too long.

    I went to the doctor today the one who did the stints in my legs. I go back tomorroe to get my circulation check out. He told me to continue on my walks and not let up for it will help my legs more than anything.

    Also will help my hips which have been bothering me. He said the more I walk the better I will feel.
    You all have my permission to fuss at me if you see me lacking in my walks. Also got more blood work on my kidneys today. Go back to her Friday to find out the results. All my doctors says walk.walk and walk some more. Come and join Barbie, Barbs.Sandy and me on walking for your health. And anyone else that is walking.

    Alice, my daughter and I are going to Ark. to see the fall leaves the end of the month. It is alway so pretty up there in the north east of Ark. We used to go every year. Ou leaves just turn brown and fall off. We are getting a good mess of Pecans out of our pecan trees. Sammy even help Jerry pick them up What he dont crack open and eat. He is as bad as I am. Its my job to shelled them Already have quite a few in the frezzer for holidays cooking. The tree is about 30 years old now. and this is our second good crop.
    This crop is much better than the other one we had 5 0r 6 years ago. We hae another pecan tree a native it has such small pecans Jerry usally just rake them out in the street for the cars to run over and let the birds ans squarils have a feast. But make a good shade tree.

    Elli have you had any snow yet?

    Jeffrey crack me up about the dead cow.!!!!!!!!

    Love you all Marie <<<HUGS>>>>