Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: A little while ago the dogs were barking at the cat that lives next door. I went out on the deck hoping that the cat might run away when he saw me, but the dogs kept barking. When I tried to get back in the door was locked because the dogs had been jumping up and putting their paws on it and managed to flip the lever that locks the sliding glass door. Of course, the front door was locked.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Fortunately my neighbor across the street has a key and she was home. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Otherwise, I'd be paying a lot to a locksmith to get my into the house.

    My new rule, "Never leave the house without a house key in my pocket"

    Barbie :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Barbie, that happen to Jerry only it was the car with the keys indide. He too Sammy with him and Sammy paws hit the lock button. They were up getting the car washed. And a nice lady brought him home to get my keys so he could get in the car. And Sammy not knowing what was going on. All by hissself.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Barbie my wife does that to me about 4 times a week! LOL Glad it worked out good for you!

    Birdie it is nice to read your post. Keep working towards the goal!

    Marie good to see your staying busy. I am so proud of you!

    Everyone else give me an update!

    I have been working a lot at the new position. It is a bit of a struggle but it is going well after one week. I am a classic overachiever and I just cannot settle for second place in anything unless I have exhausted all possible avenues to accomplish the task or achieve the goal, so that presents a work-a-holic thing that I have to guard against. I am going to try to get a little movie posted of Joe the cat and his tricks! LOL I have now taught him to stand up and give me a high 5. It is hilarious! That cat will do anything for chicken or salmon. Sam is coming home for the weekend and I am so excited. We are also planning to go to Atlanta and do a surprise visit to Amanda's school musical production in November. Day is doing well. She is playing for a wedding on Saturday and is practicing a lot for that. I have not missed a scheduled workout in 11 full months now. I am starting to have a little trouble with my left knee. I think it may be arthritis. If it does not get better I am going to have to have it checked out. When I set for any period of time it really hurts when I straighten it out. Anyone had a similar thing? I have lost another in inch in the waist now. Down to a 31 from a 42-43, but I have not lost any more weight/ I am going to refocus and try for 10 more pounds, but not against a time frame. The workouts are good and intense and I have been able to get my heart rate up over 160. We have had a couple of frost here and I have just few more tomatoes to pick yet and the garden will be history for 2009. I just hate that. That is about it for now.

    Our family and friends are good and our faith is strong. I wish the same for all of you!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found Sandy!!!!!!!!!

    I found her at this site. Have a look. Scroll down till you find the bingo lady.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just popping in to say Hi and let you know that all is well here, just busy! I will be back later but possibly not until Friday. It seems to be a busy week ahead!
    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I have had a busy week, started my new schedule, so no more getting up at 4am!!:drinker: :drinker: Hallelujah!!! I had Monday off, and that evening had a belated birthday dinner with two friends, (One of their birthdays not mine. These days even one a year is too much!!:laugh: :laugh: )

    I managed to get lots of walking in on Sunday, Monday and today. The weather has been wonderful here, and I am trying to soak up all the sunshine I can get. They say it is going to come to an end next week when the skies are supposed to open up.

    Jeffrey, Glad to hear everything is going well for you and yours.

    Marie, see I haven't disappeared after all.

    Barbiecat, your story about the sliding door reminds me of something that happened to my neighbor a few months ago, in the early spring. She lives in a second floor condo with a deck, and usually smokes on her deck. One morning (about 5 a.m. she awoke and couldn't sleep so went out to have a smoke. Wanting to keep the cold out of her home, she closed her sliding door and heard a funny sliding sound. The dowel that she usually kept in place when the door was closed (as a security measure) had been knocked out of the corner it was stored in and slid into the track as she shut the door!!:noway:

    She was STUCK OUTSIDE, in flimsy nightgown and robe, no shoes, no cell phone, no way to get down, and her balcony faces away from the parking area. :sad: :sad: :grumble: She finally got someone's attention after about an hour, and sent them to see if my car was in my driveway, as I have a key to her place, but I was already gone to work. She then had the good Samaritan call 911 on their cell phone. Would you believe the operator asked if her front door was open and suggested she go in THAT way???:noway: :grumble: :laugh: :laugh: The person phoning for her said, "Thanks but no thanks, you obviously don't have a clue" and ended the call. Then my neighbor remembered another friend who had a key, and the Samaritan called them. That person drove over, got in the front door and let my poor neighbor back inside!! She made new arrangements for her door blocking dowel!!:laugh: :laugh: She thinks it slid into the door track as a result of one of her cats moving it from the corner it was leaning in.

    I have to call it a night. getting up early tomorrow.:yawn:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Nice to see you Barb! Glad your schedule is better.

    Gayla I hope things are going well.

    Everyone else have a great morning! I will check in with you all later.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Great hearing from you Jeff! Sounds like you're real busy!:flowerforyou:
    Barbie, between your husband's hearing aids and your've been having a tough week!!!:noway:

    I had a little set back today but I'm not going to let that discourage me. I gained 1 lb:noway: But in reality, I have had a lot of days that I didn't exercise (because of being sick and then my back)and the wedding had food that I took a chance on calculating.:ohwell: Today is a new day:flowerforyou: I exercised and am now at work with a positive attitude!!! This week no events, so I can be squeeky clean:wink:
    Talk to you soon!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Watch your salt intake. It will make you hold water and put on a pound or two real quick. I have noticed that with my diet and workout plan. Normally for me it is gone in about 48 hours after I used salt or eaten something that has a salt content.

    Don't sweat about a pound. That is not an issue. You are doing great! Just keep working your plan.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Watch your salt intake. It will make you hold water and put on a pound or two real quick. I have noticed that with my diet and workout plan. Normally for me it is gone in about 48 hours after I used salt or eaten something that has a salt content.

    Don't sweat about a pound. That is not an issue. You are doing great! Just keep working your plan.


    Thanks Jeffrey. I'm so focused on the calories, being a newbie:blushing: , that I haven't tweeked the food itself.:ohwell: Baby steps:ohwell: My first goal was to keep the calories under what MFP projected, drink 10 glasses of water a day and exercise everyday on the treadmill.:bigsmile: I will have to start looking at some of those other issues too! Thanks again for your support.:smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Marie, you are one funny lady..... although maybe that is me in that bingo picture. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I had a wonderful time at the Ameristar Casino, the rooms were beautiful, the company was great and the gambling turned out just super. I was losing quite a bit of money, but when my friend said we were leaving and I had one hand to play I played more than I usually do and won over $900. It was just so exciting. For those of you who know table games, I was playing Let it Ride with the 3 card poker bonus.
    I ended up on the very last hand at the very last minute getting 3 sixes. YAHOO!! It was the most exciting time for me and my friends.

    Glad to hear from everyone and glad you are all on track. I wear my pedometer everyday but at the casino it wasn't as much as I would have liked. :noway: I am back now and going to bingo tonight, who knows maybe I will win more money. :tongue:

    Have a good evening talk to you soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy, the only connections of the bingo lady and you is you both love bingo.You are a beautiful bingo lady.:heart: Marie

    glad you had a good time. on your outings.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    How did it get so late so early???? After line dance today I went to the yarn shop and bought some more wool yarn for knitting mittens to send to Afghanistan. Then I had lunch, took the dogs to the dog park and then went out and did errands all afternoon and went clothes shopping and bought a cute new top. I've been on the phone with Jake several times. he is safely in Ohio and his mom is glad to see him.

    I did some extra eating today so I've had to spend a lot of time on the exercise bike to collect some more exercise calories. Tonight is my night to talk to my cousin for an hour on the phone so maybe I'll get back on the exercise bike and ride some more.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, it sounds like you're trying to be working full time and being a house husband all in the same day. :laugh: :laugh:

    hugs to all :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Yeah Baby, won again tonight!! I won $150 on pull tabs, didn't win at bingo but a win is a win!!
    Just call me lucky and hope it lasts. :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sandy, congratulations on your win last night. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm up early this morning and hoping to get a bunch of stuff done before heading to line dance.

    Today is my weigh in day on another thread and I'm down one more pound. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Happy Thursday to all :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Bright eyes, Sandy and Barbiecat.
    I have done been out for my first walk. Got a 1/3 of my goal in for today.
    Now is the time for breakfast and coffee.
    Alice will be out this Sunday and plan on cooking a big pot of chile beans.
    and a pan of cornbread. May make a pumpkin pie or pumpkin cake.

    I need to get me a rear view mirror for my walker. So I can see if any cars are behind me, I hear all the cars in frtont of our house and on one ofthe Main roads around Dallas But they creep up behind me and I don't hear them.Thanks goodness their is very few cars on our side street.

    Talk to you later~~~~~~~~~`marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Sounds like a darn good idea Marie!! Scares you worse when you don't hear the car and then you sense it is there, turn around and jump up a hundred feet. :laugh: You are sure following your walking schedule nicely, early in the morning before the birds are up. :bigsmile:

    Congratulations Barbie on another pound lost. You are almost at your goal, you should be so proud. :flowerforyou:

    I am still stuck at the last two pounds, I just can't seem to get rid of them. :sad: I am glad that I am not gaining but it would be so nice to have my little tracker reach my goal. :laugh: I think I have more time in my life now and hopefully I will work my program better and finally get rid of them. The good thing is staying here with you makes me want to keep trying, so you see what a good influence you are on me.
    Thanks Everyone!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon!

    Not much new here except we have SNOW in the forcast for Monday night! YUCK! I hate winter. Got a good yoga workout in last night and tonight I have a legs, back, and abs workout. Sam is home tomorrow and I can't wait! It will be so good to see her.

    Sandy congrats on the win! I agree a win is a win!

    Marie don't play in the traffic! LOL Keep your focus!

    Barbie you are doing so well. I very happy for you!

    Birdie sometimes I think that the diet plan on this site is a little too low. At one point I had to up my calories to lose weight. The body will go into starvation mode and your metabolism will adjust to your calorie intake and therefore weight loss will be very slow if it happens. It is really a function of how much exercise you do and your daily activity. There are several sites available to calculate your metabolic rate. Hope this helps a little. Keep up the good work!

    Everyone have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Seniors. Its so nice to have Jeffrey back with us and giving us his good tips.
    Snow already. Jeff. More work for you.

    Hello Sandy, Wher is your snow?
    Hello Birdie, Hello Barbs. Hello Barbie?
    Hello Gayla, Have you had any snow yet?
    Hello Phoebe, When are you coming home?
    Hello Elli, MIsed you, I bet you got some snow.
    Hello Ellen,

    I got snow on my mind.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Marie, you asked if Jake was selling the shakes we eat. Yes, after so many people asked how he had lost all the weight, he decided to become a consultant for Isagenix so he would be able to help people when they asked. It has been a good thing for him to do.

    I've decided that having Jake gone for about three days is long enough. It was an exciting challenge at first finding interesting things to do that I might not do if he were here, but now the only thing left undone is housework and I don't feel like doing that :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jake says that it's really cold and rainy in Ohio and Jeffrey said that the forecast was snow in Indiana so I feel glad about the sunny skies here. It was cold enough for my down vest this morning but at the dog park I wore just a long sleeve shirt and a sweatshirt.

    :flowerforyou: When I walk I wear earbuds to listen to music so I have to be really careful to pay attention to possible traffic. The roads I walk on relatively traffic free and the discovery trail has only bicycles, but I wish I had some sort of a rear view mirror to keep an eye on things.

    I'd go to bed early, but I have a friend who calls at 10:00 Thursday nights so I think I'll ride the exercise bike and watch some TV and then play with the dogs while I'm waiting.
    hugs to all:heart::heart: