Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Great to read everyone's posts!
    Just an update on the wedding. I kept within my plan for the most part but I did go over my calories for the day. :ohwell: I made sure I had a few appetizers while we mingled with my first glass of wine. :laugh: :laugh: Had the soup (very small cup) the salad with vinigrette dressing (very little) but ate most of the chicken breast (no skin). :ohwell: The potatoes and green beans didn't taste right so I ate very little of that. Then My second glass of wine, which lasted the rest of the night:happy: You should have seen the dessert!!! :tongue: It was literally a small plate with a peice of chocolate cake, a chocolate covered ice cream ball and a heap of vanilla whipped cream.:noway: :noway: I didn't even take a taste! :bigsmile: I did try to offer it to others at my table but no one wanted it because what they ate was so filling!!! The waitress came and I gave her the entire plate with nothing touched! I was so proud of myself! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Plus I danced and dance till I was dripping with sweat for the next couple of hours. My back and knees and feet all seem to cooperate:laugh: :laugh: I came home famished and not tired so I ate a small bag of mini rice cakes :frown: I went over about 500 calories for the day but I'm sure I danced a lot of that off:wink:
    Today my back is a little stiff:laugh: :laugh: but it's worth the fun we had. I am now down to 473 calories for the rest of today and I think I should wait one more day to do the treadmill, I don't want to push my luck:wink:
    But I'm tired and my resolve seems weak, so I will commit to not go over the rest of those calories today and tomorrow try the treadmill!

    Have a great Saturday and I'll check in tomorrow:love:
    God Bless!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Liz, I look you up on your profile page and it said you are fromTexas. Me too. I am just on the out side of Dallas. Hope you have a lovely day. and all the rest of you seniors.., Barbiecat, Sandy, Phoebe[ she is Slowly getting there]. Barbs, Jake, Jeffrey. Gayla, Beth[ Has a way to go yet!] Birdie. Ellen. Big G. I sent her a Pm but never heard from her wherever she might be. . Elli. Are you snow in yet?
    Have a wonderful day you all...Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I went over my calories today but ate healthy
    it was a combination of very little exercise (less than 9000 steps on my step counter) and lunch in a restaurant. The place we planned to go was closed and the next one (we were on foot) was "The Rock wood fired pizza & spirits". I found a Thai chicken salad but even with only a bit of the dressing on the side and one bite of the tortilla bits (on the side) I figured it was about 500 calories. sad I could have skipped my bedtime snack but I didn't :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    At least I wasn't like the heavy woman at the next table who getting handfuls of candy out of the bowl on her table and I said no to the Twinkies and M&Ms that were offered to me. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    And I drank more water than usual :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Barbie, you are "human" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Not that I am glad you went over your calories but with so much discipline it is nice to hear that you actually did go over one time. :bigsmile: You will probably do 20k steps today but believe me it makes the rest of us feel better to have you do something the rest of do too often. Thanks for sharing with us. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    At least there is no rain today, so maybe I will get some more steps. :tongue: I think I will do the elliptical since I haven't done that for a while.

    Tomorrow I am going to East Indiana with two friends to a casino. We are spending the night and then meeting up with another friend for dinner Tuesday night. Not sure I will have time to post in the morning, but will be back posting Wednesday.

    Have a wonderful day, keep working your program.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy have fun! You seem to be on a winning streak, not that I know what that is:laugh: :laugh: I've resoved to playing Video Polka with X amount of money and see how long I can play before I am broke:laugh: :laugh: I don't think I've ever walked away ahead of the game!:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie: When you say you probably is what most of us do on a GOOD day!!!! Welcome to the club of not being perfect:laugh: :laugh: You're still the queen of discipline:flowerforyou:

    I got on the treadmill today for the first time since Sept 20th and did 40 min:happy: Feels good to get back into a routine.:flowerforyou: Yesterday I kept to the calories I commited to as well as drinking plenty of water, so I'm hoping not to get too behind on the losing trend:tongue:

    I have a birthday party to go to tonight! DOES IT EVER END??:noway: I'm leaving plenty of calories for the meal and won't have the cake or any alcohol. I should be okay!
    Have a great Sunday!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Got curious about where you might be visiting, so I looked up the pizza restaurant you mentioned and discovered there is one in my town. I had never heard of them 'til you mentioned it. From the way they described the music in the reviews on, I was wondering if you had to wear earplugs during dinner in order to hear yourself?:laugh:

    I survived my first few days of my new schedule. I now work Saturdays and have Sunday and Monday off, instead of the weekends. I no longer am working a split shift--just got tired of feeling sleep deprived most of the time. I never was able to get myself to bed early enough to feel fully rested, so I would have my afternoon nap, which then made it more difficult to get to bed that night and so it went. A few other things,related to specific things at work, entered in to my decision to switch. The downside is that I have at least 2 nights where I work til 9p, but NOT getting up at 4 a.m.:noway: is definitely WORTH a couple of nights working.

    So far I have taken the doggies for a 40 minute walk this morning, and arrive home in time to watch the NASCAR prerace program, which is just finishing. Yesterday I worked my ten hour day, ending at 5p, made it to Mass and then met friends for an Applebee's dinner. Their chicken lime salad is GREAT, and only 250 calorie according to the MFP database, so I came home with enough calories remaining to have my favorite guilty pleasure--10 pieces of Brookside dark chocolate covered pieces of pomagranate, only 90 calories. I still had enough left over for 2 organic ginger snaps.

    The Brookside candy is available at Costco, and even 5 pieces is VERY satisfying. I know there are alot of people around here who can't have that sort of thing in the house without binging on it, but since I am no longer on a "DIET" and don't feel deprived, I know I CAN have a little, and find that satisfying. I even ate two onion rings off my friends' appetizer plate last night. They were good, and two was "enough."

    I am trying to get myself motivated to do some serious cleaning while I am home today watching the race. I have lots do do before I can have my carpets cleaned. I haven't had them done since I moved in here six years ago, and even though we are not a dirty bunch it is time!!:laugh: I thought it would be a good idea to do this before Bradley the Yorkie becomes the newest member of our family.

    BTW, if I didn't already say it, Congratulations Jeffrey on your new job.:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Marie, :flowerforyou: I always enjoy reading about what you and your family have been up to....keep on "steppin" and you will eventually wear out that new pedometer.

    I am glad you found one that worked for you. I tried 3 and they would not consistently register steps, so I use my watch, and have been known to drive a route in my care to get an idea of the distance. I pretty consistently walk at a pace of 3 miles an hour ("WD"*"without doggies":laugh: ) so that helps me have a good idea of how far I have gone. Also the walking trail that I often use near my home has distance information on the maps that are posted along the way.

    Have a great Sunday. I have to go and take a load of washing out and add another one in. I am scraping the bottom of the barrel in my underwear drawer so it is time do laundry!!:laugh:

    Let's keep our fingers crossed for Mark Martin. It would be great to see the grand old man of NASCAR win The Chase this year. As I am signing off, the young man who did a multiple barrel roll crash last week and walked away from it just spun out in the first lap of the race. He is young and new to the Sprint cup, so maybe he is having a case of nerves.

    Everyone have a great Sunday!!:heart:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Hello to everybody :flowerforyou:
    We are home safely and thrilled to be here. It is weird because there are no animals. We can't pick them up from boarding until tomorrow.:sad: :sad:

    We fixed breakfast in our room, then went to the meeting that lasted until almost noon, then went to lunch at Red Lobster. I had grilled chicken breast, salad with dressing on the side, and broccoli. They have yummy looking biscuits made with cheese and spices but I skipped them reminding myself of something I heard recently---"The whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead". I had an apple for a snack on the way home and walked for 20 minutes on the ferry.

    Now the house is in chaos as we unpack, do laundry, and Jake packs his bag to go to Ohio to see his mother. There's a lot to do before the airport shuttle picks him up at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, it's good news that Neil is looking forward to going back to respite care. I guess the good part of being there outweighed the bad and maybe he's not as sensitive to the rude treatment as you thought he might be. You deserve a break and Neil deserves more chances to be independent.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm glad to hear that your daughter's recovery is going well. She's at the worst part where you start to feel well but your body needs more rest. Your trip to Indiana sounds like it will be great fun. A weekend with the girls can be the greatest fun. I hope you have good luck as well as great fun. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, it sounds like your family is having a great time. Thanks for sharing all their adventures with us. I'm glad you're feeling better and have remembered to buy all the meds you need. We need you at your best to keep us all going. You are our leader.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, what a great report from the wedding. You did a fabulous job of staying active, having fun, and staying away from the all the dangerous food. Learning to fun without food is a huge undertaking. All that dancing sounds like fun. I'm glad your body cooperated. Considering the calorie count of all the fancy food served at parties, you did an amazing job going over your calories by so little.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, we were in Lynnwood, at a big event at the Convention Center. The restaurant was very noisy. The only reason we were there was that it was close to the convention center and we were short of time. We'd never go back. Thanks for the info about the chicken lime salad at Applebee's I have a terrible time finding something to eat on their menu and I have friends that always want to go there for lunch. While Jake is gone, I'll probably go with them and now I know what to order.

    It looks like no rain tomorrow and I have line dance tomorrow so I should be back on track with steps again. Tonight I'll get on the exercise bike if I can ever get Jake off it. :laugh: :laugh:

    hugs and pleasant dreams :heart: :sad: :heart: :sad:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: GOOD MORNING ALL,.

    Baarbiecat, Sounds like a nice week end. Good seeing you out enjoying a meal. You made wise decisions. good for you. Are you still teaching dancing?

    Birdie, Good for you going yo all hese parties.And staying good.

    Sandy, See you Wed. Missed you aleady.

    Phoebe----Be nice to Jim.

    Gayla, Hope u=you had a nice weekend.

    Barbs, Walk, walk. I plan on picking up my walking again today after breakfast. If it is not raining. I know you would just get out in it and go.

    Jeffrey, Good luck on you new job.

    Jake, You are a busy guy.

    Liz good morning to you. Hope you had a nice weekend. It rain here all week end and will rain most of this week too,

    Love to all:heart: Marie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    Don't pay the ransom! I escaped again! Iwill try to check in and get caught up later tonight. I forgot what working ws like! LOL

  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm back on the golf course again. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    take a look at our 2 guys. Slim Jeffrey and Slim Jake. So proud of both of you. How nice you two looked. nice to see you post back to back with one another. Jake your golf pose look surperb. Jeffrey we would really like to see your before and after picture. Yours too Jake. I think I seen you when you first started posting here. Whata difference. ........Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake left this afternoon at three. He took the airport shuttle to a hotel near the airport where he will spend the night and catch a 6 AM flight to Ohio.

    I uploaded some "before" pictures of Jake onto his profile so if you want to see what he looked like before MFP you can look at them. The baby in the picture with Jake is our youngest grandson, Jack, who turned one today. :bigsmile:

    I took the dogs to the dog park where they ran like crazy and I got a good walk.
    hugs to all :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbiecat for posting Jake before and after picture. I know you nust be proud of him. And of yourself too. You both are a fantastic couple. I am so grateful to have known you two and allowing us on your fantastic journey to more happiness. My husband has lost 20 lbs since I have been on MFP. He is one of them luckey people who knows he is full and stop eating. He still eats his icecream and store bought cakes and pies on the weekend.His bisquite and gravey. He just don't eat as much as he used to. He has learn portion control...And always on the go. This winter he will probale gain some .

    Again thanks , you are a doll? And Jake too.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake: You look like a professional golfer!!! what a great job you've done losing the weight, staying focused and especially having a sense of humor:laugh:
    :wink: Jeffrey: Hope to hear from you!
    :flowerforyou: Barbie: Thanks for the before and after pictures! I envy the way you and Jake are working together to achieve better health! I wish my husband would do the same:ohwell: Maybe if I lose enough weight he'll be impressed and just have to do something about his weight:laugh: :laugh:

    I did well at the BD party Sunday but I did have some BD Cake. It was an Ice Cream cake and had the calories posted on the box so I stayed within my program for the day:tongue:

    Yesterday was nuts!!!:noway: I was so tired:yawn: I exercised, worked 8 hrs and taught CCD in the evening! I think God carried me through the day as I had absolutely no energy:ohwell:
    Today I feel much better! I exercised and am now at work:happy:

    :angry: Marie: Isn't it a man's world in terms of weight loss!!! My husband and I can eat the same foods and if we're eating well he will always lose more than me! Of course he has a lot more to lose than me....but somehow we just have to work a little harder to see results:grumble: :laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie, you are doing great. 15 lbs already. Gosh I better get busy.

    Have a nice day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake has gotten as far as Chicago on his way to Ohio. He thought he lost one of his hearing aids and then while he was on the phone with the hearing aid office to find out if his insurance on the hearing aids covered loss, he reached into his pocket and found the "lost" hearing aid.

    He has a long layover before his next flight so he plans to walk and get lots of steps on his step counter.

    I took a great walk this morning----80 minutes. The whole walk is paved and has views of mountains, the bay, the highway, fall colors, evergreens, and some beautiful houses.

    My next job is taking the dogs to the dog park. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, when Jake and I started this weight loss journey together he lost weight so much faster than I did. The worst was the period when he weighed less than I did. :sad: :sad: I could never have had just one piece of ice cream cake. I would have wanted more once I had a taste. It's been so long since I had sugary foods that the craving has gone away. I wouldn't want to revive it even for ice cream cake.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Liz, been missing you. Hope all is well.~~~~~~~~~~Calie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake has gotten as far as Chicago on his way to Ohio. He thought he lost one of his hearing aids and then while he was on the phone with the hearing aid office to find out if his insurance on the hearing aids covered loss, he reached into his pocket and found the "lost" hearing aid.

    He has a long layover before his next flight so he plans to walk and get lots of steps on his step counter.

    I took a great walk this morning----80 minutes. The whole walk is paved and has views of mountains, the bay, the highway, fall colors, evergreens, and some beautiful houses.

    My next job is taking the dogs to the dog park. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, when Jake and I started this weight loss journey together he lost weight so much faster than I did. The worst was the period when he weighed less than I did. :sad: :sad: I could never have had just one piece of ice cream cake. I would have wanted more once I had a taste. It's been so long since I had sugary foods that the craving has gone away. I wouldn't want to revive it even for ice cream cake.


    I don't blame you Barbie! It didn't seem to be a problem for me. :ohwell: I will certainly think otherwise if I get a craving!:noway:
    I'm glad Jake found his hearing aid! And as wonderful as RI is in the fall, I do envy the mountains!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am looking for Phoebe and Gayla, has anyone seen them??????????????????? I know Sandy will be back tomorrow. Jeffrey will pop in when he gets a chance. Barbs will be by as soon as she gets her walking in. Well I made it to 3,000 steps today. between the rain.
    Me and Sammy made 3 trip out today. He wouldn't go with Jerry. Waited for me. to go with him.