Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. The temperature is in the 40's I think, maybe 50. I was up very late reading last night so slept late this morning. My sister called to say she got us tickets for Chorus Line tonight so that will be fun. It is a Broadway tour group doing it. I have gone to others and never been disappointed. Tomorrow I am going to a wedding which will also be fun. Both things I have to drive to myself and I have really started to hate night driving. My night vision is so not good! The other night I turned onto the road to get into our little city and last minute saw two people walking, both in black or dark colours. I was able to avoid them but my heart was surely pounding. Our town became a city a couple of weeks ago, haven't got used to calling (or even thinking of it) as a city yet. It is still very much a bedroom community for the larger city close to us.
    Yes, I am counting days to retirement!! I still have to confirm my date with the program director as I have holidays and not exactly sure how many. I think it will be mid-November that I am done except for the 3 day conference that I plan to attend Nov. 18, 19, 20. So If I am not done before then I will def. be done then. I do have to go next week to apply for my pension to start in January. It is one more thing that I should have already done but haven't. I have been very busy at work and have several reports, program plans to get done before I leave so the days will be busy. I am in the process of transferring children over to new consultants. There are lots of 'feel good' moments as I leave family's which do give me pause but don't make me change my mind.

    Sandy -- You are a very strong person and so positive about the difficulties you have dealt with. A positive attitude gets you a long way. I should go back to writing down several things that I am grateful for each day. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily stress and not remember the wonderful things that happen.

    Barbie -- Wow, you are nearly at goal weight. Your focus is amazing.

    Marie -- I hope the test results for Alice are clean. Sorry that the dye caused problems with the kidney. You seem to have a good Dr. and it will be watched. I know you will be careful with the protein.

    Jeffrey -- Glad you got the mole situation under control! Our neighbour had one a few years ago. At least it seemed to be only one. They got rid of it and neither they nor we have had the problem again. What a mess they make! Good luck with the new work out program, I am tired thinking about it.

    Elli -- Way to go on the loss, you are doing great!

    Phoebe -- Hope you get home for a day or two this weekend.

    I better get to work and at least have something accomplished before the boys get home. Have a great day everyone and keep smiling. :smile:
    Gayla :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :ohwell: Marie: Sorry to hear the report from your kidney doctor! I hope it is resolved soon! The 2 oz. of protein a meal …is that for the next 3 months or for the next 24 hrs?

    :happy: Gayla: Seeing Chorus Line sounds like great fun as does the wedding! Enjoy! The night vision thing I am starting to experience myself. :ohwell: It’s not that you can’t drive, it’s just that driving becomes more difficult in the dark…especially when people are dressed in dark colors!!:noway: :noway:
    Getting a pension starting January sounds great, too! Good luck!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Gayla! I just noticed your ticker! You're doing really great! So exciting that you get to retire in Nov.!!!!!!:bigsmile: That is so awesome! I'm pretty sure i'm on the "work until i die" plan!:laugh: but that's ok. I'm so grateful to have this little business. I'm so grateful for EVERYTHING!
    Marie - I'm sure glad you have good docs who keep track of you!
    Jeffrey - your work outs exhaust me just thinking about them as well!
    I'm getting ready to take the dogs for a walk, them i'm going home and starting to cook for the big dinner tomorrow night.
    Happy friday afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Missed my morning post, but we had a plumber here to fix my faucet and then we went to lunch with my sister and her friend. I had halibut and it was very good, but being with my sister was the best. :heart:

    Elli, I don't know how you can cook for 16 people, I wouldn't know where to begin. :laugh: Enjoy your family time and don't worry about the food. You can start working hard on Monday and I will join you. We need each other to lose these last pounds. I have missed you. :cry:

    Marie, I am glad you are having a girls trip together. I hope both of your medical situations are good and you can enjoy life without worrying about your health. :heart: You deserve the very best since you are the very best. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Gayla, have fun at the play and at the wedding, you also deserve a good time and a worry free night. I have not always been positive but I have learned that you can't change anything and there is no use worrying about the future because those expectations might never happen. Might as well enjoy each day for what it is and when you keep yourself happy and take care of yourself, others seem to get happy from your attitude. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbie, I bet you miss Jake already. The rain in a bummer especially when the dogs like to go out and run. I am sure they don't mind the rain so much but we humans are different. :happy:

    Jeffrey, so glad to hear from you. Glad you got your gopher problems under control. My son in Portland gets that problem and has to call someone who puts something in the holes to get "rid" of them. I have learned to adjust to the holidays as my children have also. Since Christmas is my favorite, I have my family Christmas Eve and we go to his on Christmas Day. It has been working but it just would be so nice to have both families combined. :noway:

    Birdie, you are also a positive person who has been through so much. I am glad your faith has stayed with you not matter how bad things were. There seems to be a reason for everything but sometimes it is beyond our reasoning. :heart:

    Have what is left of a good weekend. My step daughter is supposed to come from California tomorrow, but she has canceled at the last minute before, because she suffers from anxiety and depression and can't get on the plane. We will just have to wait and see. My 14 year old granddaughter is staying with me this weekend and I am thrilled about that. She has a lot of dance practice but I should still manage to get some time with her. :heart: :heart:

    Take care,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Saturday morning. I am up and out'em. Look like a pretty day outside. but rather cold. Jerry pick all of our green bell peppers yesterday. now I got to prepared them for the freezer. I am still shelling pecans.
    Got my washing to do today. that always give me some good steps in.

    Hi to everybody see you guys later. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Another dreary day here in Itasca, Illinois. Daisy has an obedience class today (she needs it), my granddaughter is here (still sleeping) Daisy is getting groomed later, my cleaning girl is coming around lunch time and my step daughter is supposed to fly in tonight so my dil and I will pick her up from the airport. :tongue: Busy, busy, busy!!!!

    Good to hear from you Marie, you have a great day! along with everyone else. I know we are all busy on the weekends so enjoy each day and love life, the alternative is just around the corner. :glasses:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    cold and clear here today so I'll probably go for a walk when it gets a lighter and warmer
    Jake is having a great time
    he has meetings all day with breaks for meals.

    I just finished my breakfast so now the dogs and I will try "Sweatin' to the Oldies" :laugh:
    have a great day hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning to all from overcast RI! :ohwell: Tomorrow should be much nicer:happy:
    Hearing everyones challenges with pesty wild animals makes me think of my own situation. SKUNKS!!!!:noway: :noway:
    My mil feeds all the cats in the neighborhood, which we tell her not to do but at 91 yrs old you pretty much do what you want to.:ohwell: We won't let her buy cat food but she buys tons of tuna fish!!!:laugh: So cats hang out around my house and at night they scare the skunks!! The smell is overbearing! My whole house reeks of it! I sure don't want to trap them:noway: :noway: I wish there was a way to get rid of them without hurting them or them spraying again:noway: :noway: Is there a deterrent for skunks???:ohwell:
    :smile: Today I exercised after not exercising since Monday. I've been feeling very weak and dizzy all week, so I don't hit the treadmill feeling like that. :noway: I called my doctor to have him order a blood test to make sure I'm not deficient in the area of nutrition. (I HAVE lost almost 20 lbs in 2 months) I'll go Monday just to be safe.
    All my siblings, in laws and my mom will be celebrating a 4 yr remembrance mass for my dad at 4pm. It’s always special to get together. :love: We'll go out to eat after. I have already committed my food on MFP. Baked Haddock, salad with Rasp, Vin dressing, baked potato and 1 glass of Merlot. I looked up baked haddock in the data base and one of the entries said NO protein :noway: (Waitrose Haddock Portion on oven Crisp Crumbs) Am I missing something? Are they just talking about the crumbs!!Another entry for Waitrose Breaded Haddock, says 19 grams of protein. So I'll go with that... but I'm confused.:huh: I don't have any idea what this Waitrose product is (as I've never heard of it, but it comes close in calories to what I get when I go out).
    Have a great Saturday!
    God Bless!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Birdie, sometimes people enter information into the food database that is inaccurate or missing something important (like the protein :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ). You have to use your own good judgment which is what you did.

    My parents fed dry dog food to the skunks and raccoons that came up on their back deck. By the time they died there were so many coming up to the back door that when Jake and I moved into their house we wanted to stop feeding them. As fortune would have, it we had to replace the deck because of dry rot and while the construction was going on the raccoons found another family to pester and we were rid of them.

    Now I'm off to the dog park.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am up early this morning. the old bones just couldn't lie there any longer. I got lots of little odds ane ends to do today before the footbaall game start. Going to get a pot toast going in the crock pot for supper tonight. Still got some washing to do. And:sad: My back hurt this morning.
    My menu for today is scrable eggs,Toasted oroweat small whole wheat jelly, coffee and skim milk. for breakfast............ For lunch: Qrqweat whole wheat 100 calories bun, 2 oz. of lower sodium sara Lee Roast beef and sliced of lower fat Pepper jack cheese. apple, 1/2 cup broccoli salad.......... Supper will be pot roast, Sugar snap peas and salad, Apple. Since I have been eating more fiber i am not having any problems going to the bathroom. Plus lots of water. I am getting close to 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day.

    Have a good day., A wonderful day. MArie

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon.
    Jake called at 6AM and woke me up but I didn't get out of bed until almost 7 to walk the dogs. It is cold and rainy here today so I didn't go for a walk and I didn't feel like "Sweatin' to the Oldies". I've walked the dogs three times and now I'm making applesauce from the apples I picked at my friend's house on Thursday and I'm doing laundry.

    I'll take a shower in a few minutes and then take the dogs to the dog park while it's not raining. This is my Isagenix cleanse day so there are no meals to worry about.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, fiber is so good for you. I always a bowl of either oatmeal and applesauce or Kashi high fiber cereal with almond milk at bedtime and that really helps me.

    Yesterday when I was doing "Sweatin' the the Oldies' the were doing some arm exercises with weights and I followed along but I think my weights were a lot heavier than theirs and today my left shoulder is telling me to take it easy.

    have a great Sunday hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! We are overcast today but still quite warm. The wedding was lovely yesterday but I did eat too much. Not sure if I will ever learn. It was nice to be at a table with colleagues, very relaxing and lots of laughter.
    I also enjoyed the musical the other night but I think I likely mentioned that so won't say more.
    I haven't done anything today and now Neil is calling me to watch TV. Tough life. I think I will do a short walk unless it starts raining and then a couple of errands that do need doing.
    Being paged, must run but will try to get back later.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Gayla, I look up the time zones and look like we have the same times zone as you. I would have thought you would be in a diffeence time zone.

    It is cloudy here and may have heavy storms later tonight.Sammy and I just got back from a little walk.. For some resons I canno get it up to 4,000 steps anymore. . I just got 3248 in today. but that is better than i have done in the last few days.

    Neil like you to watch TV with him. Do you like to watch what he like. Glad you had a nice outings.
    I am looking forward to Alice and I getting out this week end. Will be taking my walker and my pedometer.
    We will stopped for breakfast and I will pack a lunch for lunch and go to a nice resturant for Dinner.
    thats in case we get lost. Alice don't like driving the interstate so we keep to the back roads. and enjoy our tripped. We have rooms reseves in Bentonville, Ark. That is where WalMart open their first store. They turned it into a mussems.

    Well got to go and fix me something to eat. I cooked Jerry a roast. And he made noodles. I am ready for a big glass of tea.

    Barbiecat----I have been eating a big bowl of tatal cereal with all the vitamins and 9 gr. of fiber. I thank that will be my supper tonight.

    Marie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    :flowerforyou: Marie, fiber is so good for you. I always a bowl of either oatmeal and applesauce or Kashi high fiber cereal with almond milk at bedtime and that really helps me.

    :smile: Barbie; I've never heard of almond milk. Is it equivalent to 2% or 1% milk? I've never noticed it in stores around here. Is it something that is normally sold in nation wide stores? Or is it like coffee milk which is usually only found in the northeast?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Birdie, I've found almond milk in lots of stores. I find it in the same section of the store as soy milk. There aren't many brands so it may be hard to spot on the shelves.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey there. It rain all night and still rainy. It is almost 8:00 aM and still dark ourside

    I think I will have some nice fiber one waffles this morning. and hot coffee.

    Barbie. You were a school teacher??????? Jake will be home today?. thhat man is becoming a traveling Man.

    Good morning and have a wonderful day......... Calie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Morning all! Sorry i was "mia" over the weekend. Had that big crowd for dinner on Saturday so I spent all day cleaning and cooking. GREAT fun! I had 16 people and 3 extra dogs. It was chaotic and crazy and great fun!:happy: My Soldier/son and his wife and their friend and daughter stayed the night. WITH their 3 dogs. Then everyone left on Sunday and it was so quiet and kind of sad..........:frown:
    So i didn't do that great on food yesterday - i actually did better on the big dinner day! :tongue:
    But today's a new day so i'm back on plan.
    Marie - that just amazes me that you're still putting up food - we've had so many hard freezes and snow already:happy:
    Barbie - i bet you're pretty excited for Jake to come home today!:happy:
    Birdie - i get almond milk right in the grocery store. It's got a lot less calories than regular milk. I either drink that or soy milk in cereal. I've had years with lots of skunk problems - there was 1 summer where there were 2 litters born on my property and the babies kept going into the dog yard (teeny little babies - it was so sad:cry: ) and the dogs killed them. We didn't have a problem this year - i think whatever got the cats have been keeping the skunks away.
    Hi Gayla! Sounds like you had a nice lazy sunday too! How's Neil doing?
    Have a good monday everyone!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It rained overnight and was still raining when I took the dogs out. They did only half their business and wanted to come back in. Now they're lying on the couch praying for the rain to stop so they can go out again. Jake is on the plane flying back from Phoenix. After he lands in Seattle he still has about a two hour ride in the door to door shuttle to get home so it will be early afternoon before he gets here.

    I put on "Sweatin' to the Oldies" this morning but did only a bit of it, instead I danced around while doing my chores and got some exercise, then got on the exercise bike for 25 minutes and watched part of a movie that I recorded.....a "chick flick" that Jake has seen before and wouldn't want to see again

    The dogs want to go out.
    Gotta go
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    instead I danced around while doing my chores and got some exercise


    I wish I would have been a fly on the wall:laugh: :laugh:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good Morning all! Sorry i was "mia" over the weekend. Had that big crowd for dinner on Saturday so I spent all day cleaning and cooking. GREAT fun! I had 16 people and 3 extra dogs. It was chaotic and crazy and great fun!:happy: My Soldier/son and his wife and their friend and daughter stayed the night. WITH their 3 dogs. Then everyone left on Sunday and it was so quiet and kind of sad..........:frown:
    So i didn't do that great on food yesterday - i actually did better on the big dinner day! :tongue:
    But today's a new day so i'm back on plan.


    Sounds like you should be pooped! :noway: Today IS a new day and I'm sure you'll be fine!
    Have a good one!