Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today is a beautiful day so we were able to take a walk, walk the dogs, go the dog park, and go out to lunch. We had Buddhist's Delight with brown rice and a fortune cookie.......higher calorie than our usual lunches but not too bad on sodium and full of nutrition. We got enough exercise to match the extra calories. :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Marie, the last time I took a trip I forgot my good black pants so even though I had several nice tops I had to wear the blue pants both days, I also forgot one of the pieces of my blender so I had to mix my shakes with a spoon, and I forgot my checkbook.........none of those could have been replaced at WalMart......usually I make a list and I'll do that from now on. The food you are taking with you sounds great.

    :drinker: Barb, Bradley's introduction to your family sounds wonderful.....I'll bet by now he's learned to use the doggy door. :bigsmile: I know you'll have all the necessary love for three doggies. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :drinker: Birdie I'm so sorry to hear about the young girl in your class......losing a child is such a tragedy.:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    :drinker: Jeffrey, sorry to hear about Day's mom. :sad: I hope there will be better news later.

    :drinker: Gayla, Jake and I like watching a lot of the same programs but there are some that we watch alone. We have a DVR system so we record stuff and watch it when it want.

    :drinker: Elli, Jake is rested after his trip. He's going on another one in the middle of November. We are having cold weather here too. There will be a lot of snow at the higher elevations and cold weather here. I found a great ski jacket on sale for half price today so now I have something to keep me warm :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Sandy, you are so right about overweight people thinking we are too friend who has been abstinent in OA tells people that they are welcome to come to her house to eat, but they probably won't like what she serves.:laugh: You are a champ to be such a good sport with your step daughter. You deserve the rest.

    Time to get back on the exercise bike and watch some more TV
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Well the story continues! No word on Day's mom yet. She is very confused but walking and talking. But definately not functioning properly mentally.

    We got a call an hour ago, Amanda wrecked her car. No one hurt but the car is not so good.

    When does this crap end???? LOL Well at least we are all safe, not hurt, warm, dry, and fed! It could be a lot worse! I hope you are all well. I will put out a longer post later on.

    God Bless and Keep us All!

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all,
    OK I should be done being MIA... Getting home and adjusting to a normal life is a lot harder then one would think but I love being home with the kiddo. I am even heading to Wichita Falls Texas next month I am so excited I havent been there in almost 3 years. I have 3 races between now and I will be trying to stay busy and still studying for promotion testing.

    Jeffrey - sorry to hear about Day's mom, will put her in my prayers...ok you hit enter before I did so I had to edit :) I am glad no one was hurt in the accident.

    Birdie - I remember a lot of the friends I made in CCD class we had a great teacher so sorry to hear about the young lady losing her battle with the Swine flu.

    Marie - now that things are back to normal I should be able to find the dang post office (ok I didnt lose it just keep forgetting to take stuff to it) Wish you lived closer to WF I would drive to see you while there but since I am borrowing a car this time that wont work out. Hope your doing well.

    Gayla - Hope things are going well for Neil, has his surgery been rescheduled? (I am behind so if you already addressed this sorry)

    Barb - I am jealous I want a dog bad but until the bunny meets his maker I am afraid he would beat up a dog... he runs around the house (potty trained ofcourse)

    Sandy - sorry you had a stressful time with your step daughter, and you hit it right on the head...I was told the other day I was never over weight... at 5'5.5 and 190lbs when I started I sure as heck was too over weight. Grossly so actually...I wasnt happy I couldnt do alot of things and drug induced or not it was not where I wanted to be. Now I am running and losing weight people act like I am doing it to spite them. (I just sign up for the races because I figure...spend the money may as well go or I just wasted the money right?)

    Elli - I am so glad to be back...I leave again in March or April they think but Its been great. Hope you son has had good luck since being back

    Barbie- How are things going?

    Enjoy the rest of your week I will check in on Saturday after the Blue Moon 10K I will also try and get some pictures on this computer...might have to ask the 15 year old :)
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeez Jeffrey - the saying is something like God never gives you more than you can handle. I hope he doesn't think you and Day can handle a whole lot more! Thank GOD Amanda is all right. Hopefully the insurance company will come through with enough money to replace or repair the car............

    Sandy - you rock! You do so great detaching. Al anon is really a great program. I don't go anymore - but i did for a couple years when i was in a relationship with an alcoholic man. Learning to not rescue is SUCH a blessing and a gift!

    I've only had people think i'm too skinny a couple times - i always love it! :laugh: Kind of a "i've been fat my whole life" person's dream come true for me! Someone asking me don't i think i should gain a few pounds?!?!?

    I got to walk the dogs yesterday before the rain started, then sometime in the night it turned to snow. We only have a few inches so far, but we're still in the winter storn warning until tomorrow night at 6 pm. They're predicting up to 14 inches, but it seems like we always get gyped where i live - we hardly ever get all they predict!

    Marie - when do you and Alice leave? I hope you have great weather and a great time!

    I'm still not doing the best with food - but at least i'm still posting here - today's a new day so i'm trying!
    My problem is i don't want to go anywhere after work - especially now that we have all the snow. I have little trick or treaters coming to my house both tomorrow and friday nights. I was going to do some baking for them - but i'll get to give it all away which is good..........:indifferent:

    OK - i better get to work! Stay warm everyone who lives in the cold!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi beth. so good to hear from you. Have a good time while you are in Texas for Thanksgiving. I would love to meet you in person but pictures will do for now.

    Are you going to have to go back to Afhg? I hope not.:flowerforyou:

    gotta go get dress to go grocer shopping

    :heart: :love: :smooched: to all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Good Morning,

    My life is back to "normal" and my day is to myself. :bigsmile:

    Beth, so glad to hear from you and so proud of you for all those races you are doing. It must have been wonderful to see you kiddo ( have already forgotten if your child is a boy or girl, sorry). I bet you are spending every minute giving hugs and kisses. Enjoy your trip to Texas and please tell me you are not going back to any war zone. :noway:

    Jeffrey, it seems when it rains it pours. Will keep Day's mother in my prayers and hope she gets her good health back soon. Sorry about Amanda's car, but better the car than Amanda. Cars can be fixed easier than people. :tongue: Take it one day at a time.

    Marie, this is your weekend with your daughter correct? I hope you have a wonderful time and remember not to overdo. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Elli, I haven't been the best on food either, it is hard when you have guests. I am back on track now and hope to get in 45 minutes of exercise today, combined with some walking. That is if I ever get of this computer. :laugh:

    Birdie, I just don't think there is anything worse than the death of a child, how sad. I hope you are okay.

    Barbie, travel much??? I think only one time in all my travels that I forgot something and that was my makeup bag. :noway: I had to send my son to the store because I didn't want to be seen without makeup. :laugh: I lay everything out on my spare bed and always over pack. I do make notes for everything, because my memory is not as good, heck it has never been good. :laugh:

    Time to get away from this computer. Have a great day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So sweet to hear from Sandy. I don't like having overnight guest. Love to see them and visit but after a couple hours I want my time back. I got rid of my rooaway bed and no couch to make into a bed. We only have the one bedroom. We just get them a motel room. Have a good day. Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Beth - what do you mean you're leaving again in March or April? :grumble: Not back to Afganistan i hope?!?!?!? He (sorry, my son) says the same thing - it's a hard adjustment being back. His wife used to be in and did a year in Iraq as well so at least he has good support and understanding. Since he's been home though she got pg, and then lost the baby at about 4 weeks:cry: so now they've had THAT on their plate as well. They'll be all right tho. Good luck with your races! Oh - and if you have trouble with the computer - just ask that 15 year old!!!!! He (she?) will be so much better at it than you probably! Do you have to have promotion points like in the Army? I'm happy you'll be getting promoted!

    omg you guys - i just throw stuff in a suitecase when i travel - of course i hardly EVER do travel.....don't do make up so i don't have to worry about that......i have this bag that lives in the camper all summer with my shampoo and soap and toothpaste and stuff like that so i just grab it.......

    Barb - hope it's going well with the new little dog! What kind is he anyway?

    It's snowing like crazy now - i'm SO glad i got heating pads for the 2 outside dogs. They're much happier. I still may try and walk this afternoon. I know the radio is saying to not drive anywhere if you absolutely don't have friend has to pick her son up at work at 4:30. I may drive her if she's too terrified. Other than that i'm staying home! We're in a winter storm watch 'till 6:00 TOMORROW night. Everything is starting to shut down early already.

    Well - that's all from snowy Colorado! Hope you're all having a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Takes pictures , Elli Build me a snowman.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! A busy board as usual which is nice. I am sick, started yesterday with a tickly throat, now my voice comes and goes, cough incessantly, tired, headache, the usual cold/flu stuff. Dave thinks I have H1N1 for sure. I don't really feel feverish although as he says, I haven't taken my temp. I have been taking tylenol for the headache so that would also help a fever. I feel like bronchitis is on the way which is usually where a cold takes me. It is very bad timing as I only have 2 weeks of work left and so much to do. I refuse to worry about that, what gets done gets done.
    Now I need to lie down again. Take care everyone. Gayla :sick:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sorry Gayla to hear you are not feeling so well. You only have two weeks left to go to work. That is just fantastic.

    We had a cloudy day here and looking for a nice little storm headed our way. Surpose to be here till around noon Friday. It will probable follow us up to Ark. Friday. Hope it clears out by the Saturday. Don't know about Ark. yet. alice is keeping an eye on that,

    time to go get supper ready. I think I will have some Fiber one waffles. Been washing and drying clothes.
    I have had a running nose and sneezying. But I think it is allergy. Becase in the afternoon it goes away. Eye quit itching. But comes back when I wake up. We just turn our central heat on and it might be that We turn it on the other morning.

    Hope the reat of you are doing fine, Take care

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    Foggy and dreary here today. BUT it is a good day! No disasters this morning! Amanda is fine and the insurance really treated her nicely (Allstate). She did get a ticket for following too closely. But no one hurt except for her pride! LOL No word on Days mom yet. They do not have the results back from the scan yet. Last night she seemed a little better but was having some trouble being clear in her speach, another sign of a stroke. But we are all hanging in there!

    Sam has the Miss Indiana State pagent this Sunday. We are excited about that. We are going to a friends house for a big Halloween party on Saturday, staying all night and then going to the pagent. Our friends have a beautiful home/estate. About 10-12k square feet on about 40 acres. Just beautiful.
    That is always a fun time.

    Galyla get better kid! No H1N1 for you!
    Marie keep on a going! How did the Dr visit come out last week?
    Everyone else have a great day and I will catch up with you later!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Jaffrey, thanks for the update on your family. When i had my stroke i could'nt swaller any lilqute. had tp put some kind of thicken in my food, My left side of my face drew up, weakness on my left side. And my speech. I have always had a speech problems, but everything started improving. No paroblems since and this was in 2003.
    Here is my report on me now. My vascular in my legs are working fine,my Kidney doctor said I had ssome more damage to my kidney from the dye they used to insert the stints, but not too bad. I must be duing OK. far all of my doctors are schelue me out for 3 months. So far now I got the all clear sign.
    So life goes on.
    Thanks to you and all the rest of the gang here, i have gotten active again.

    alice and I go on our little trip in the morning so got to get pack. We will have rain today but tapering off tomorrow. See you guys later. Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie! I'm so proud of you! You're doing AWESOME taking good care of yourself! I hope you and Alice have the BEST weekend! If i ever go away i love it if my adult kids want to go with me!
    I took some pictures of the snow yesterday for you - through my kitchen window. I'll post them later on today. Of course, we have about 4 more inches now! lol. I'm not sure about the whole snowman thing! I need a little kid to help me! I'm supposed to have some little buddies coming for trick or treat - but i think it will still be too cold and windy for playing outside when they're here - prob'ly not for them - but for me! :laugh:

    Oh Gayla! I hope it isn't that awful flu! REST and take good care of you. I'm glad you're not going to worry about work!

    Still struggling with my food - i think i better weigh again. I know i'm in for a bad shock:grumble: I figure as long as i stay here and at least keep posting and putting my food in i'll get back on track eventually! Today i'm baking some carmel apple bars for my little trick or treaters - but i'll put those right into zip locks for them so no worries there!

    Most things are shut down around here because of the weather. We're working tho 'cause we ship all over the country........FedEx didn't even make it yesterday to pick up! I have the feeling we're in for a snowy winter! My son was out working this morning at 1:30 clearing roads for the drilling rigs i guess?!?!?!?:noway: go figure - i never know what he's up to!:laugh:

    Get that packing done Marie!

    Jeffrey - so glad things seem to be getting back to normal. I always love it when the insurance company comes through for us!:smile:

    Happy Thursday all!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey elli I seen all that snow on TV. Awesome. we got rain this morning. So what new?????????

    My insurance gave me a nice suprise. Sent my Co- Pay back on my Colonopy 100.00 Hmmmmm maybe we can stop in Oklahoma at one their Casino. We will go right by one. And I haven't been to yet?

    Sammy is wanting me to sit out on the front porch and watch the rain. We can't leave him out on a leash for he will just come out of it. My dog Angel would sit out there all day. We lost her last year.Sure missed her.And she really like her walks.

    I am curious what kind of Mail order business do you have?

    Have a good day. Go play in the snow.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Have a great trip Marie and if you do make it to the casino good luck. :drinker: I won at bingo last night $50 on a raffle and $167 on the last bingo game. It was a $500 game and my friend next to me needed the same number as I did, when they called it we yelled together and my other friend across from me yelled also. So three of us from the same table won the last game. It was so much fun. :laugh:

    Glad everything is working out for you Jeffrey. Will Sam's pagent be on TV? You must be one proud dad.
    :heart: Sometimes when we get older we have these little mini strokes that we don't even realize we are having. I am sure once you get the results of the MRI you will have answers on Day's mom. Be sure they check her carotid artery. (just my opinion)

    Elli, I am not ready for snow let along a blizzard, it is just too early. Your Halloween treats sound great.
    Keep posting your calories and keep trying to do some sort of exercise. I know you can lose those extra pounds because you did it before. We have to keep at it so we reach our goals. :bigsmile:

    Time to get ready for my meeting. Another busy day for me, I will explain later.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi Marie - my little Hercky HATES the rain AND the snow - i have to just about push him out the doggie door and then he just stays out there long enough to do his business and runs back in! I got heaters in the dogloos for my 2 outside dogs - i'm SO glad - they're much happier!

    My business is Goodwinol Products Corp (the website is It my Dad's old business that i took over in 1987. We sell animal healthcare products - just a few - probably not anything you've ever heard of. Mostly to large veterinary distributors. I'm SO lucky. It's all set up out in my barns so i only have to walk accross the driveway to come to work! Plus i got to run the business AND still be here for my kids. SO SO lucky and blessed. I try and remember to be thankful every single day!

    :heart: elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi Sandy - i missed your post. Yes - i'll keep posting away......i wish i were more motivated right now! I'll get there........
    Well - i wasn't exactly ready for all this big snow and blizzard - but so it goes! lol. I've already shoveled 3 times this morning trying to keep us a path between the barns and the house:tongue:
    Oh congrats on all your bingo winnings! That's so awesome!
    Do you go to a meeting every day?
    I know my mom had those little mini strokes - first she had a pretty big one and we had to put her in a nursing home:frown: . Then after that she had a few little ones.....she only lasted 6 months after the first big one. It was 5 years ago this month.......I still find myself talkng to her sometimes and sure wishing she were here - there's still things i need her help with:indifferent:
    Jeffrey - good luck to Sam! What a fun thing and i agree with Sandy - you must be one proud daddy!:happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Elli. I have always wonder what you were selling out in your barn. Sound like you got a nice little business going. Since you are selling this stuff , maybe you can help us get rid of fleas. It has been a bad year here for fleas. We have used the med that the vets sell on there neck and didn't fade them. Used powder and some spray stuff on them and yikes we still have fleas. The best of luck on your business.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Still plugging along but feel very unwell. I called my Dr.'s office today but as I expected he is severly double-booked. My appt. is for Tuesday. If it gets worse before then I will go into Emergency. I can only imagine the wait there. I hate to leave Neil on his own but sharing a car with me isn't good either. I took some tylenol for the headache and I think it is helping the fever as well. Glad for that. I think there is no doubt at this point that it is H1N1 as the other seasonal flu's have not made an appearance yet. My boss called me and said not to worry about time, we will work it out. I may have to work a bit longer and get paid out for holidays. I am hoping that tomorrow I feel spunky enough to get at least one program plan done from home.
    Take care, Gayla:sick: