Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~~~~~`October~~~~~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat is a spices young lady. So active got to be moving. Wish I were more like her. Marie

    Hello Birdie, have a great day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh - i LOVE dancing around while i'm doing chores:laugh: I hafta be careful none of the farmers are driving through my hard though!
    Thanks Birdie - I'm back on track and feeling good! Taking the dogs for a walk after work, then i have to go check on a neighbor's dog and i may try and make it to the gym.
    I have lots of leftover food but i'm doing a fair job of giving it away!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Jake is home and it's hard to tell who is more excited, him, the dogs, or me. :bigsmile: He brought me some presents, unpacked his suitcase and headed off to take a nap. In order to catch a plane at 6AM he had to get up at 2 so he was exhausted.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad your dinner party went well and and glad that you are back on track. What fun to have dogs as part of your party. Our dogs love having people come to visit. We haven't had much experience with dogs coming to visit. Giving the leftover food away is a great idea.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you should try putting on fun music while you do chores, it makes it all much more fun.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your cereal sounds yummy. When do you and Alice leave for your trip? Be sure to make a list of what to pack so you don't forget anything. Jake forgot stuff on his trip and I forgot things on the trip last month when I went without him.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, hope you're having a great day.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, how are the moles :laugh:

    Maybe I'll go take a nap with Jake, if the dogs left me enough room in the bed. :laugh: :laugh:
    hugs,:heart::heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Barbie. I have got a list going. I usally take too much. But it is walMart cpuntry where we are going. so If i forgot some I can easly replace it. We will leave Friday morning Stop and have breakfast and I will pack a lunch for us. We will get o our Motel and find a nice place to eat that night.I am taking sara Lee lower sidum roast beef and a pkg. of oroweat thin sandwich buns and some pepper Jack Cheese.I have walmart to slice it on #3 so 2 oz is 70 calories Thin bun is 100 calories cheese is 100 calories For a total of 270 calories. I think Breakfast out =will be pretty easy, but dinner will be the problem. Too many good things. to pick from. I will pack some apples.:love:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :cry: I just got back from teaching my 7th grade CCD (Catholic Christian Doctrine) class, and one of my kids wasn't there because her best friend became the first Swine Flu victim in RI today. It's absolutely heartbreaking.:brokenheart: Please pray for the 12 year old who died and all their family and friends. Death is always tragic, but a 12 year old....there are just no words.:brokenheart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Howsad Birdie. this remind me of the scare we had when I was a teenager. Polio. My parents would not let us out of the house. So sad. for such young kids, And that is the one it is hurting the most. Will pray for the 12 year old girl and all the kids that is affected by this . Marie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    It has been a few days since I posted, so I will try to catch up.

    Last night I drove to my friend's house to to pick up Bradley. I decided it would go more smoothly if I left Pepper and Mai Li at home. He loved the doggie treats I brought with me, and thanked me with lots of kisses. He is more of a "kisser" than either of my others. We went for a walk at my friend's house and then she put his doggie bed into the back of my car.

    Everything went smoothly til she put HIM in the back with it. He started getting a little agitated when she was reaching thru the window saying good bye. The drive home was a little anxious, with him going between the front seat and his bed, and a lot of time spent looking out the windows and a little whining. The most interesting part of the trip was when Bradley decided to crawl across the console and give me a kiss while I was driving on the freeway. I put a stop to THAT immediately, as I could not SEE where I was going with a doggie in my face!!

    When we arrived at my home, I decided the best way for my little darlings to get used to the idea of Bradley coming in the house was to bring them outside and take all three for a walk before we went inside. I also thought it might help Bradley calm down if he had a chance to do something he enjoys. My plan seemed to work. Once we came in, there was a lot of sniffing and tail wagging. I passed out a few treats and offered Bradley some doggie food up on my bed to keep other noses out of the dish. He didn't have to be asked twice to eat, and within a short time he climbed into his bed and was snoozing away.

    I had today off and thought I only had one errand to run, but I found out this morning that I had to go to a luncheon meeting, so I came home in between that and my errands and found that Bradley is most vocal in his "welcome home" greetings. "Barkity bark!" So far Bradley's introduction to the "doggie door" has him going in and out through it, but not on his own. I hope to get that hurdle conquered soon. Learning to use it is an important skill on days when "mama" can't come home for lunch. Fortunately, that is only 2 days out of 5.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

    Marie, your trip sounds like fun. Hope you enjoy it.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How nice to have 3 little doggies. I don't think Sammy would be so nice. He wants all the attention. But would love to play with the others. Enjoy the precious little darlings.

    I am looking forward to our trip. Will take my camera.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. We did our errands this morning, paying bills and a bit of shopping. No grocery shopping needed (more like I haven't planned this weeks menu so not sure what I need). We got home close to 3, in time for Neil to watch Bounty Hunter, his favorite show. I am madly reading my book, it took awhile to get into it but now I have a hard time putting it down. It makes a ton of difference getting the large print book. It makes reading so much easier. I nearly forgot to tell you ---- no headaches for several days. I hope I don't regret saying that. :wink:

    Marie -- You are doing such good planning for your trip that it is sure to go well. I know you and Alice will have a good time. You asked if Neil and I like watching the same TV shows. He knows that if he puts it on the Food Network I am likely to join him. He really likes Bobby Flay and Iron Chef. I will watch almost anything with him if he needs company (which is usually). The only show I absolutely will not watch (and he loves) is Wrestling. He knows I won't watch and he doesn't ask although he always tells me it is really good. Right!

    Barb -- Congratulations on the new addition. It sounds like it is going well.

    Barbie -- Glad Jake is home. Hope he gets to stay home for awhile.

    Birdie -- So sad to hear of the loss of the young girl. People hesitate to get the immunization and it puzzles me. Health care workers started getting immunized here today.

    Elli -- Are you rested up after your busy weekend?

    Have a great week everyone. Keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    OK where is Sandy???????????????? We haven't heard from her since Saturday. This is not like her. I don't recalled her going out of town. Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning A

    Sure hope Sandy pop in today.

    I am having animals problems I don't know what Sammy is wanting but its something. And that Caliecat is just wanting some attention she is up here with me as I am trying to type, as usally. Well I think I better get up and take care of them, Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Oh Birdie - :cry: too sad - i'm so sorry for the girl, the family, the community..........they're all in my thoughts today.

    Barb - is Bradley a new dog? Or just one you're watching for awhile? When my kids were here over the weekend they said they'd like to try to take Billy home with them. It's probably a great idea for Billy - he REALLY wants to come inside and i don't really have dogs in the house - just my little one. Soooooo i guess we're going to try it - i'll miss him terribly, but i think he will be so much happier with them, living inside.

    Where IS Sandy?

    Gayla - i think i'm now TOO rested up! lol, i'm having trouble getting back into my "routine" of yoga and working out. My plan is yoga today after work. What are you reading? I love that, when i get a book going that i can't put down! I just read one for book group called "The Outlander" that i loved!

    Marie - i'm excited for you for your trip! Sounds like you have your food planned really well!

    Barbie - how's Jake doing? Over his exhaustion i hope! Will he have to go out of town again anytime soon? The older i get the less i like being away from home.

    We're in a winter snow warning starting tonight until Thursday night - they're predicting between 8 and 14 inches of snow. I have the feeling this is going to be a snowy winter for us because it started so early! This will already be the 3rd snowstorm!

    Everybody have a successful, happy tuesday!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli, Beautiful snow. I love to see it. Have a great day. Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What do birds give out on Halloween night?

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    What do birds give out on Halloween night?


    That tooo easy, Marie.....why "TWEETS" of course !!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Just a quick check in note. Day's Mom is not doing too well. Possible mild stroke. We will know more later today. All else is good, just stressful right now. I will check in as much as possible.

    Everyone take care!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :frown: Sorry to hear that Jef. You are all in my prayers. Hang in there!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Jeffrey - so sorry. Sending positive, healing thoughts.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Don't pay the ransom I am okay!! It was a busy stressful weekend with my step daughter here. Even though she is nearly 48 years old, she needs a lot of attention. We tried to keep her busy most of the time and both Sunday and Monday nights we went to her brothers for dinner. Last night there was some friction but I removed myself from the situation (something I learned in Al Anon) and went to the play room with my granddaughter. :bigsmile: There were a lot of hurt feelings and my husband is depressed today, but I have to detach with love. Time will heal all and before Al Anon I would have been in the middle of all of it putting my two cents in. Now it is up to my husband and his children to work this out.

    My step daughter is very over weight and she of course thinks my husband and I are too skinny. She told my dil that we have no food in our house, which is funny since I spent $150 to stock the house for her. :laugh: I never get upset with people who think I am too thin, it is mostly over weight people who think so.:glasses:

    Jeffrey, my prayers are with you, Day and her mother. It is so hard when a mom gets sick.

    Marie, liked your joke and thank you for missing me. I love you kiddo.

    I will post more tomorrow, I am very tired tonight and just want to relax.

    Love you girls and guys.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Get some rest Sandy. I just sent an Pm off to you. so just ignor it. So glad you check in with us.