Women 50+ for October



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Vickim- if you can post a picture of the new black size 10 dress (with you in it of course). Jeannie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Way to go Vicky! a size ten!!!! :happy: Doesn't it feel wonderful!!!

    I'm still getting used to my flatter tummy. i'm not where I want or need to be yet, but it sure is fun to be able to wear cute clothes again. I actually went shopping in skinny jeans tucked into my boots this weekend. A first for me. Last time I remember being this thin was about 12 years ago.

    Took the day off today from exercise but have stayed within my calorie limits and am drinking all my water. Visitinga freind who eats the same way sure has made things eaiser.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Vicky: Good for you! Not having clothes to wear because everything is too tight is a far cry from..... not having clothes to wear because they're all too big!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    :happy: Jeannie I agree that Vicky should put a "black dress" picture up!:wink:

    :happy: SuzyQ: I'm beginning to have some of those feelings with a flatter stomach. Another thing, and I'm sure you must feel this way too....when I go by a mirror and don't see a round face..it's almost like a wake up call that something really IS changing....in a good way:happy:

    :ohwell: I just wish I had some pictures to show the difference from when I started in August but it's dawned on me that I have gotten so use to TAKING pictures so I won't be IN them...that I don't have any to show my loss!:cry: Things have got to change!:bigsmile:


  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello Everyone,

    Haven't posted much this week haven't done well but tommorow is a new day and week so I hope to do better. My husband is out of the country this week and I have really missed him.

    Good night all,

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :smile: Good evening all. I finally found out what Zumba is. :smokin: I saw a video on UTUBE. WOW I really want to try it. I have never heard of it so there probably isn't classes in my area. I am babysitting Matthew on Tuesday at his house so I think I will put it on the computer and give it I try. I just hope I don't end up in traction.:blushing: LOL:laugh: I did the Leslie Sansone 2 mile and 3 mile and really worked up a good sweat. I also tried two other Aerobic DVDs ( about 7 mins each) and didn't like either one. They made me sweat , but it seemed as if they were just jumping all around and didn't have a routine. They were relly hard to follow and I didn't feel comfortable doing them. I am exhausted and think I will go to bed. Weather channel says it is going to be sunny next week :happy: YEAH Everyone have a great Monday, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I managed to get some things done today, but unfortunately, most of them were not things I set out to do, so I am going to be busy on Monday catching up.

    Tonight I got together with my two closest friends, who also know one another, but as we sat there we realized we hadn't all three been together since the 4th of July!! Considering we all live within 10 miles of one another, it is a testament to how busy our schedules are.

    Yesterday was a birthday for one of these ladies. The birthday girl has the best home for entertaining, and if we had dinner at my house, we would have two little "helpers" underfoot, so I made dinner at the birthday girl's house.

    We had halibut fillet, baked in a little olive oil, seasoned with lemon juice and dill and a little italian seasoning. It was finished off with shredded Parmesan cheese, added during the last 5 minutes of baking.--Delicious!!:heart: I also did roasted carrots, and there is a fantastic whole grain bread from the Walmart Bakery called " Filone" that I baked in foil and a little "Smart Balance" spread. My other friend made a great green salad. We finished things off with fresh strawberries, topped with Redi Whip whipped cream, and those little Walmart Bakery mini cupcakes, chocolate of course. I managed to forget the birthday candles, but that didn't stop us from singing!!:laugh:

    We finished off the evening by unclogging the birthday girl's kitchen sink!! Her husband has a habit of putting things down the drain without benefit of the disposal, and it caught up with us tonight, but thanks to a "plumber's helper" the whole problem went down the drain!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I have to get off of here. Tomorrow is doggy beauty parlor day and I have to get the babies out the door by 8:30a for their appointment.

    Have a good week. As always, I am thankful that at 4 am I will still be sleeping tomorrow, :drinker: :drinker: unless Mai Li decides otherwise!!!:laugh: :laugh:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Haven't posted much this week haven't done well but tommorow is a new day and week so I hope to do better. My husband is out of the country this week and I have really missed him.

    Good night all,


    Hang in there you can do it! Sending a prayer up for you!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Barb, sounds like an interesting BD party!
    Good luck with the doggies getting all spruced up today!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Thanks for all the comments and compliments. It does feel great. Even if it is only one outfit. It really motivated me. We had brought our workout clothes with us on our shopping trip cause the gym is on the way home. I was tired but after that dress I stopped at the gym and had a great workout. I will post a picture. I bought it for hubby if you know what I mean. We love that new country song by Chris Young about the little black dress. Anyway when I put it on I will get him to snap a picture and I will post.
    Speaking of pictures have any of you experienced this. When I try on clothes and look in the mirror I am really beginning to like what I look like. then when I get someone to take a picture it seems to add pounds and does not look as good. Never said anything cause I thought it was just me but my daughter commented on it the other day. Just wondering.
    I have had the experience of looking in the mirror at my face also. I hate mirrors as a rule, but now I find myself looking at my face cause it is so thin. I hated my fat round face. I dont believe in worrying about the past or the future but I wish we had all done this many many years ago. Better late than never I guess. Okay need to get started on my day now. Have a great Monday.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Sorry ladies it is me again. I forgot the best news.
    Hubby is at his goal weight. He weighs 175 now. His BMI is in healthy range. not overweight any longer. Now maybe I can get below his weight. Just wanted to share his success with you.
    Vicki M
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everybody;

    I lost 1 lb last week. I was hoping for more but I'll take what I can get. I know losing slowly makes a big difference in the long run but we all hope for more.

    I've been doing the push up buddies challenge. When I started I could do 4 girl push ups and now I am up to 13 consecutive. Hubby says that a 200% increase.

    Vickie: Way to go! A little black dress! I got some nice little things I'm hoping to get back into. Tell hubby congrats on making it to his goal. I found maintenance the hard thing so keep him encouraged to stick with it!

    I hope everyone else has a good day.

    I'm off to the treadmill and then its housework for me.

    I've got to get off this computer!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    Bright and sunny in NW Ontario today - figures since its Monday!

    Well I did it!! I joined a gym!! I still can't believe it but its true. I have an orientation wednesday night and plan to go twice more this week. I'm terrified and feeling sickly about it but if I don't start somewhere I'll always feel that way. Thanks for the encouragement I've gleaned from this thread. I remember posting that I would have to lose 50-60 lbs before I joined a gym. Now I've changed my attitude. Even if I am the largest one there, I won't be for long because I'm going to work my butt off - and my belly and my thighs:laugh: I've purchased a year-long full membership that grants me access to a weight loss support class called "Fit to Win" and a variety of fitness classes and the gym itself. I will just partake in the gym and the weight loss group for now and then when my body is accustomed to working out, I'll try a class or two. Wish me luck!!

    My weight has gone really crazy. I have been quite careful and am gaining steadily. My monthly visitor skipped September so maybe that's a part of it. The rest of the problem is my nutrition. My goal this week is to question every morsel of food I consume. No mindless eating and no unhealthy food.
    I want to be successful by using only real food - no supplements and no replacements for food. I say this because I feel like trying something but I know that there is nothing like healthy food to get the job done.

    VickyM Good news for you and hubby Congrats:flowerforyou:

    Take care all and keep up the good work.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Benson, so glad that you joined a gym. I think you will like it. If nothing else, you will want to use it so that your money isn't wasted. Do they offer classes? I love them because I feel that I have to show up if I have signed up.

    :flowerforyou: mamacindy...congrats on losing that pound. Keep up the good work.

    Well, I am at work, so I had better be going.:bigsmile:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :ohwell: Vicky: I, too, have that same feeling about pictures. I feel good about myself but take horrible pictures! I went to a wedding last year and everyone said I looke nice. Then I saw a picture of me and it wasn’t very flattering. Even my sister, who took the picture, told me that I looked much nicer than that pictures showed. Nonetheless am going to start taking more so I can see the progress. Maybe if I take a lot…a few will be good!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Congratulations to your hubby! It’s an unfair world with men vs. women in the weight loss field. They always lose more…and faster than us even when we’re putting more into it!:explode:

    :flowerforyou: Mamacindy: Congratulations on the loss. 1 lb doesn’t seem like much until you think about a lb of butter! That, 1 lbs, sitting on your hips (or wherever) is much more noticeable than you realize.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Heather: Joining a gym is a real positive move! That means you are focused and that’s half the battle!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Becky and everyone else have a good day.

    I came home not feeling too well so I might check in later.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    :flowerforyou: Benson, so glad that you joined a gym. I think you will like it. If nothing else, you will want to use it so that your money isn't wasted. Do they offer classes? I love them because I feel that I have to show up if I have signed up.

    Thanks swissmiss They do have classes and once I get used to the equipment and fitting anything else into my schedule, I will be trying these ones: Cardio Salsa (latin dance), Start You Up , variety of things from low impact aerobics to pilates - 6 a.m.:yawn: and Fit and Firm (basic toning) There is also belly dancing and lots of yoga but if I can get myself around all of the things I'm signed up for I will be very pleased. If I can reach a better level of fitness, they also have Boot Camp in two different intensities. I have chosen a membership that includes all the above.
  • janessmi

    Thanks swissmiss They do have classes and once I get used to the equipment and fitting anything else into my schedule, I will be trying these ones: Cardio Salsa (latin dance), Start You Up , variety of things from low impact aerobics to pilates - 6 a.m.:yawn: and Fit and Firm (basic toning) There is also belly dancing and lots of yoga but if I can get myself around all of the things I'm signed up for I will be very pleased. If I can reach a better level of fitness, they also have Boot Camp in two different intensities. I have chosen a membership that includes all the above.


    I was using a physical therapy gym for the first two months of this trip. This gym only had weights and cardio equipment. When that program ended, I joined the local Y which has classes. My weight loss has increased since I am taking Zumba (latin dancing) and yoga in addition to using the weights and treadmill. I do not think I have every sweated so much as when I am in the Zumba class. I think the classes challenge me to do more than when I an on a treadmill killing time. Anyway good luck with gym.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Anyway good luck with gym.


    Thanks Susan
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Vicki and Birdie,

    I feel as you do about pictures vs mirrors. I look in the mirror and feel pretty good, then I see a picture taken of me recently, and I feel like it still looks like what I used to look like, though people around me say they can see a big difference.

    I had a very strange experience today. I decided to update myself on this new "Mineral" makeup that has shown up lately, so at the suggestion of someone, I went to the local "Ulta" store, and asked about having someone recommend colors, etc. This woman was about our age, 50 ish, and told me that certain products of that type were not a good choice as they emphasized wrinkles:grumble:

    She then recommended a particular brand and proceeded to apply it, along with other products. I went in there with eyebrow pencil, a little liner and some mascara. Since my hair is reddish and I have fair skin, I have learned that really DARK liners and pencils look like they belong on someone else. They don't look like they belong with my hair color.

    Imagine my surprise when she was finished and here I was with dark blackish eyebrows and liner and mascara.:noway: She had shaped my brows in such a way that to me it looked like I was sad, the optical illusion of my eyes being down turned. I thought it looked like hell, so when she asked me what I thought, I told her it was "different" which was no lie!!:laugh: I also stick to lipstick shades that are reddish with maybe a slight hint of orange. I use a Loreal shade called "spiced cider." She did my lips in something she called "Rush hour" (a kind of mauve) and when I mentioned this was not a shade I would have chosen, she starts telling me how it can also be used a a blush. It was not the right color for THAT either!!:laugh: Just for the heck of it, I asked how much the lip color was--22 bucks!!!:noway: I took another look at the face in the mirror that I didn't recognize and decided that I could do just fine on my own, thank you very much!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    This "esthetician" was satisfied with the explanation that I was not going to buy anything now because I wanted to wait 24 hours to see my sensitive skin reacted to anything!! Never mind the skin reaction, maybe it was that "rush hour" lip color, or my common sense , but I "rushed" like the wind to the nearest exit!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Have any of you ever had an experience like this? It makes me wonder what kind of training they are giving in this field nowadays...
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I personally have not had that experience. I wear no makeup. I dont even own makeup. I have a lipstick somewhere but where it very seldom. I just feel that it is too much trouble and I just live with the face God gave me. I have nothing against women who wear it but like you said naturally. However, My daughter was in a friends wedding in Sept and the bride had that experience. After she told the girl point blank what she wanted she proceeded to do her own thing. The bride very nicely told her it was not what she wanted and the girl did not change or fix it so the bride told her that she would just go to hotel and remove it all. My daughter said the girl was upset but I feel if this is your job you have to do what the customer wants. They were paying for this.

    I finally got a call back from the doctor about my blood results. My thyroid is fine so I have no excuse not to lose weight. She said my other levels were low so I am in perimenopause. I had no doubt. She said it could take 1-2 years with no period before I am fully in menopause. she said they do not really want to put me on hormones unless I have major problems. She said it is important for me to take calcium and vitamin D daily. She said right now I have no estrogen at all. I really have been feeling better since I went back to eating just good foods and exercising. Guess that is another good reason to do this. She said I am due for my yearly checkup in Dec and by then we can talk more if I need something else. I did ask her if it would get better or I just have to live with it and she said there is no way to tell. Anyway just wanted to let you ladies know.
    Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Yes, I've had that same make-over experience! I ended up with an amazing amount of light blue shadow on my eyes in the 1980s. I usually opt for the smoky eye look, so it was hard to get home (on mass transit, no less) fast enough to remove all of that eye make-up!
    I've have heard it suggested that we find a sales gal with our same coloring to apply our make-up, and/or to color our hair.
    To help pick out our clothing, the same sized woman would help. :wink: