Women 50+ for October



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Day one of our trip a great success:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Easy drive once we got the animals to boarding (Bernie, the young cat, hid under the bed so close to the back of the nightstand that I didn't find him until the fourth time I looked and then I found him only because of his white paws) , :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 20 minutes of walking on the ferry, and lunch at Red Lobster where I had grilled salmon, two servings of broccoli, and salad with no croutons and dressing on the side.:bigsmile: shopping at the huge mall. I found a red down vest that fits (small instead of the extra large ones I've had for the last five years). We had snacks during the day of apples and wasa crackers with hummus then we fixed our usual shakes for dinner and went to the fitness room to use the stationery bike and the treadmill and will have cereal and almond milk for a bedtime snack.

    :flowerforyou: It's great to see new faces on this thread----keep coming back, we need you

    :flowerforyou: It's great also to see continued resolve from all of us. Never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, when I fit into size 12 it was the first time in years that I didn't cry in the fitting room at the store. I know you'll reach your goal. Just don't buy too many size 12s because with your focus and determination you'll be moving on and you don't want to have too many new clothes to give away.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Esther, have a great trip. We'll miss you :sad: if you can't get to a computer while you're gone.

    :flowerforyou: MadMadame. you have some amazing challenges ahead of you. I wish you the best as you train and then participate in all the upcoming races. It must be the greatest feeling for you to have gone from carrying so much weight to being such a focused and capable athlete. I'll be cheering for you from up north.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Susan, I know what you mean about singing because that's how I feel about dancing. Is there a singing group you can join or can you buy a Karaoke machine for yourself :laugh:

    We're headed for bed to get rested for the big activities of the weekend. Unfortunately they are ones that will keep us sitting most of the day which means more opportunities to think I'm hungry and fewer opportunities to get any exercise. My brain will get all the exercise and I can't find anything that says that thinking burns calories :sad: :sad: :sad:

    hugs to all :love: :heart: :love: :heart:
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    How did you do on your goals for September? What are your goals for the month of October? We can help each other be accountable. Visit daily to encourage and to be encouraged. We’re here for each other.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
    Let's see - Weight loss - 3 pounds goal was 8
    Exercise - Cardio 4-5 times/week goal was 2-3 time/week
    Weights = 1-2 time/week goals was 2-3 times/week
    Did not drink 8 glasses water

    However, I did finally get back on track with weights. And I learned three other cardio routines---rowing, spinning and circuit! I also bought some flaxseed, protein powder and ate more beans!
    I am also enrolled in a University program study on wellness ==so i am attending that class during work once al week,cooked a new recipe AND incorporate agave nectar into my eating program~
    Goals for October.
    I am going to keep the same goals.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I just started. It will be two weeks on Sunday. So far I am doing well. My father died in April and my boss of 31 years left so I have had a stressful year. I hit menopause and gained 15 lbs since Christmas.

    I decided to get healthy again. I started zumba class on Tuesday, belly dancing class on thursday. Fun ways to get in shape. And new bone density weight training class today. Very cool. Use your own body weight as resistance and some small 5 lb weights. Good for old grannies.

    So hopefully I can keep it up. My weakness is the weekends. I lose 2 lb during the week and drink it back on the weekends. Have a wedding this weekend so I hope I can control myself. Wish me luck.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm thinking of trying the "couch potato to 5K" but I'm afraid I'll fail.
    That is an AWESOME program. I could never run any other time I tried, but this time I used that program and it really works!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello All,

    My September was my start of not getting on here steady for about 4 months. Something I do not recommend to anyone. :tongue:

    I did finally lose 1 pound last week. :happy: and plan to keep on going.

    :heart: Kathy
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning, I'm Cindy, 53 years old and am getting back to my weight loss and fitness program. I was an on-line WW member for 2 years and did well on that but got tired of spending the money. I'm glad I found this site since its free.

    My goals for October are:

    Lose 5 lbs
    Consistent exercise
    Up my water
    Faithfully journal my calories

    Have a great day!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning all:

    Vicki: Good walk with your daughter. It is good you have each other to walk with.:wink:

    Jeannie: I didn’t do well in September either....but, October is a new month and a new beginning.:smile: And - aren’t those measurements going down so much more rewarding than the scales?!

    Barbie: You are so good at making wise choices at restaurants. And getting workouts in no matter where you are! Good for you. Enjoy your weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Fabulocity: You did wonderful in September. The workouts, weights, water, etc. :flowerforyou: Question - are you eating enough with all that exercise to lose weight? Wish you were closer. I’d love to have someone to try all those new cardios with.

    Susan (smwert): I understand about the weekends. Try to keep busy and away from those tempting foods and drinks. Sounds like you’re finding the fun workouts as well.
    MacMadame: Thanks for the encouragement. Maybe I’ll do some more research on the program.

    Kathy: October will be better for us. Stay in touch.:bigsmile:

    Cindy: Welcome to the thread. This is a great group of women. Visit often.:flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm off to do some grocery shopping :grumble: It's just not my favorite thing to do!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I have a pot of turkey chili simmering and my great nephew napping. On the days I get to keep him I don't exercise until he goes home. Although I'm sure chasing a two year old must burn lots of calories because I was skinny when mine were that age. :tongue:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just checking in. I have a wedding tonight! The last time , as some of you already know,:ohwell: my food was perfect but the wine was a little too much on an...almost empty stomach:sick: Today I have had a very light breakfast and lunch, and tonight I will make sure that I have cheese with the wine and only 2 drinks all evening. I will eat what's served but only half of it and skip the dessert. If that puts me over, so be it. :ohwell: I can't exercise because of a temporary stiff back :grumble: so I will make the best choices I can, enjoy my beautiful niece's wedding:happy: and dance as much as my back will allow:laugh: :laugh: My family is huge and gatherings like this are so much fun. :laugh: :laugh: Not only do we all love to sing.....we all love to dance!!!:love::love: :love:
    So here's to fun and discipline tonight and to an extra squeeky clean day of eating tomorrow:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :smooched:

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Birdie if you dance tonight that is great exercise. Try to get in as many dances as possible. Your plan sounds great. Stick to it.
    Susie: Yum turkey chili. As soon as we get another cool spell I think I will make one. I need something different to eat.
    Welcome Cindy. You will love this site and these great ladies. I could not have don this without them.
    I am going to eat out tonight for my son's 34th birthday. I will do fine. It is a restaurant I frequent and I know what I can order to stay in my calories. I have done well so far today so I will do great. I have decided not to weigh myself until hubby comes home next week. I do better if I do not know my weight. I stay focused and dont let the little gains get me down.
    Have a great weekend ladies.
    Vicki M
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all. I found you. Did pretty good on goals for September:smile: I am leaving my bike in the shed with that darned snake until the spring and am going to do a walking goal instead.
    My goals for October are:
    Walk 150 miles
    Lose 4 lbs
    Lose inches: I have lost a shoe size, not exactly where I want to loose inches
    Continue to drink 4 16oz or more bottles of water a day
    :heart: Thank you Esther for starting the October thread
    Welcome to our newbies you will love it here.
    Suezzzque; your stew sounds yummy
    Esther and Barbie have safe trips
    Gotta go for now, spending the night at my daughters.
    To all of MFP family have a great weekend, Rosemary
    And remember to:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: drink that water
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Just started this today and am looking for all the support I can get so I'm joining your group. And yes, I'm 50+........54 to be exact. The picture on my profile was 15 yrs and 40 lbs ago. Not about to post a picture of what I look like now.....you'd never recognize me as being the same person. My goal is to look at least somewhat like this picture. Of course now my hair is short and I wear glasses. But hey, if I lost enough weight I might just let my hair grow out and get contacts :glasses:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Well after tonight I know I am back on track. We went out to eat for my sons birthday. I had grilled chicken, veggies, some potatoes and side salad with no dressing. I drank water. There was a biscuit on my plate which I was thinking of eating. My niece asked if I wanted it and I said yes so please take it and she did. they had cookie cake which does not even tempt me when I am not watching what I eat so I have enough calories left to have a little snack. Welcome to newcomers. Dont be ashamed to share with us. This is the one place I feel I can share my good, bad and ugly and get no criticism or negative feedback. Only positive good encouragement comes from this thread. See you tomorrow ladies.
    Vicki M
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    Happy Friday to all. I've been on MFP since March, but this is my first post. I've been waiting til I put in pics, tickers, etc. but I feel the need to join in now. I'm at goal weight but am really struggling with the desire to binge eat again. I've had it pretty much under control for 2 years. I eat very well during the day and like to exercise, but want to eat everything in sight at night. My husband's super-supportive and has lost 25 lbs himself, but I'm a teacher in CA in a "underperforming" school and the job is incredibly stressful. My Oct. goals are to strength train 3x a week and stay in my calories.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I was given a huge gift basket tonight as a thank you for my part in this event we're attending. The basket has a lot of candy, cookies, and other goodies. I'll figure out someone to give the sweets to when I get home. There were also several apples and pears so I revised my bedtime snack plans and had a pear with peanut butter and came just under my calories for the day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Welcome Sissy, Cindy, and Sheilajane, you've come to the right place. I've gotten so much support from this thread. They have changed my life. I hope we'll hear from you often.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Well I never got around to exercising Friday. :ohwell: Hubby came home only a few minutes after little man left feeling under the weather so my focus was on making him feel better and I forgot all about exercise until bedtime. At least I stayed within my calorie limits!

    Today I plan to mow the yard, which is always a great calorie burner. :flowerforyou:

    Someone suggested I join a singing group after my "I'd rather sing than eat" remark. Well I have ~ sort of. I am on our church's praise team which means I practice 3 time a week for an hour and then do two church services besides. So I do very well on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. I just need to transfer that self discipline into all the other days of the week. Speaking of which, I am off to an extra practice in a few minutes since we are having a guest worship leader tomorrow.

    Hang in there ladies, together we CAN do this! :drinker:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sheila: Welcome to our group. It’s a great group to encourage you. These women are awesome.

    Vicki: Good job on passing up the biscuit. Bread is my biggest tempter ;-) It hits my mouth before I know it’s coming !:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sissy: Welcome to you as well. We all have times of struggling and it is a Lifestyle Change so you came to the right place. We’re here for you.

    Susan: Good for you. :flowerforyou: You can’t sing and eat at the same time:-) I am going to get chores done and then go work on my scrapbooking. That’s another thing that you ‘shouldn’t’ eat while doing. Makes for a messing page! I hope your hubby feels better soon. I think you chose the right route - taking care of him was your mission last night!:heart:

    I have a question. I was going through clothes and I have a nice pair of denim pants that I don't want to just give away to the thrift store. I had an idea but didn't know if it was againt MFP rules???? I would be willing to send them to any of you who might want them for the cost of the shipping? Does that go agains the MFP policies? I've looked and didn't see anything on that but I'll continue to dig unless one of you knows the definite answer. Anyway, I'll hang on to them for a day or two until after I find out the rules.

    Hope you all have a great weekend and stay focused.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Just checking in. I ended up going over my calories yesterday. It started w/that handful of potato chips, my husband was eating them, and I just had to have a few. I guess those are one of my trigger foods that I just can't eat without getting messed up.

    Today has started off much better. I've eaten well and have been on the treadmill for 40 minutes. Upped my water intake so as to flush out the extra salt from those chips.

    The weather is beautiful here in NC. My kind of day.

    SuzyQ I like to mow the yard too but my son won't let me since its his favorite chore. Enjoy!
  • janessmi
    Hi all. I have been using MFP site for several months now but have not been active in posting. My Fitness & Lifestyle Improvement Plan (FLIP) ended. I still have an long way to go but plan to make it. The idea of turning 50 was what got be started last year (which fizzled out) but I am going good now. My October goal is 5 lbs, cardo atleast 45 minutes 5 times a week and weights at least two. I have done 30 minutes treadmill, a 60 minute yoga class and weight circuit today. Good start. Everyone have a great weekend.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Welcome janessmi. I'd say you are off to a great start and 20 lbs down already. Good for you. You can do this.