Dismayed overhearing comments............



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    I agree if im on a crusie or vacation I'm going to eat WHATEVER I want. I just know that when vaction is over I going to have to go an extra mile to get back and stay on track
    What's wrong with eating whatever you want, but not just eating a lot of it? What's wrong with exercising and staying on track while on vacation? Hate to say it but vacations may be part of the reason people QUIT weight loss and exercise. Many work hard to look good, get fit, lose weight for it and in a week or two all that hard work goes down the drain because of OVERINDULGENCE. Many figure why work that hard for months to only gain it back in a week or two? So it's not unusual that they quit once back from vacation.
    You can "vacation" everyday of your life, if you learn how to make it a lifestyle and not just an occasion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • robertthesnail

    Well, you're wrong. It has to do with me because obesity is a public health problem that costs American tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars a year in the form of medicare, medicaid and emergency room payments for obesity related health problems. So yes, your obesity is my problem and my business because it is costing me money.

    Really? Well, I have a few questions for you. Have you had unprotected sex? Do you drink? Ever used recreational drugs? Ever gone scuba diving? Ever gone sky diving? What is your exercise regimen? None of my business you say? Of course it is, I'm a taxpayer!

    Hey Brian:

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, no, 4 times a week 30-60 minutes. And it's not your business because I'm fortunate enough to have good health insurance. So when I get aids or alcohol poisoning or OD on pills or come to the surface too quickly and get whatever that scuba diving pressure sickness is it'll be my insurance company paying for it, not the tax payers. And I'm not going to look up the statistics but I'd be willing to be obesity kills many more people per year than all those things combined.

    But you've inspired me to change me original statement. If the government pays for your health care you don't have the right to be overweight. If you have insurance from your employer, or that you pay for yourself, or you're just really rich, eat your heart out.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Portion control.

    That's really all I have to say to everyone.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I agree if im on a crusie or vacation I'm going to eat WHATEVER I want. I just know that when vaction is over I going to have to go an extra mile to get back and stay on track
    What's wrong with eating whatever you want, but not just eating a lot of it? What's wrong with exercising and staying on track while on vacation? Hate to say it but vacations may be part of the reason people QUIT weight loss and exercise. Many work hard to look good, get fit, lose weight for it and in a week or two all that hard work goes down the drain because of OVERINDULGENCE. Many figure why work that hard for months to only gain it back in a week or two? So it's not unusual that they quit once back from vacation.
    You can "vacation" everyday of your life, if you learn how to make it a lifestyle and not just an occasion.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    what he said.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Why are people kicking up such a fuss over him having noticed the obvious? It's normal human nature! As if any of you wouldn't notice a 200lb 12 year old...

    I agree.

    Everyone on here is always analyzing people's posts for being judgemental. Which really doesn't add to any OP's point, and everyone is judgemental to some degree.

    Anywho, I'll be totally blunt and I'm sure people will just complain about me, but everyone keeps assuming these morbidly obese people are on diets before the cruise and oh maybe they just lost 100 lbs, but how likely is that?

    Nothing wrong with enjoying yourself on vacation or your birthday, but if you stuff yourself completely full I think that's a sign of emotional eating, which isn't healthy.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Why are you taking time out of your vacation to worry about what others are doing? You should have just enjoyed your time and kept to yourself/your family. I feel sorry for the twelve year old boy. You were staring at him and estimating how much he weighs. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

    Maybe thinking about what other people are doing is enjoyable.
  • changinmylifeforever
    changinmylifeforever Posts: 13 Member
    I find it interesting that a fitness professional who found himself in a position to need to lose weight is so judgmental of others. You don't know any of those people, or any of their situations.

    And if I'm not married to (or partnered with) them or parenting them, it's none of my damned business what anyone else is eating.

    high 5

    Just like you don't know his life story or situation?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Well, you're wrong. It has to do with me because obesity is a public health problem that costs American tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars a year in the form of medicare, medicaid and emergency room payments for obesity related health problems. So yes, your obesity is my problem and my business because it is costing me money.

    Really? Well, I have a few questions for you. Have you had unprotected sex? Do you drink? Ever used recreational drugs? Ever gone scuba diving? Ever gone sky diving? What is your exercise regimen? None of my business you say? Of course it is, I'm a taxpayer!

    Hey Brian:

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, no, 4 times a week 30-60 minutes. And it's not your business because I'm fortunate enough to have good health insurance. So when I get aids or alcohol poisoning or OD on pills or come to the surface too quickly and get whatever that scuba diving pressure sickness is it'll be my insurance company paying for it, not the tax payers. And I'm not going to look up the statistics but I'd be willing to be obesity kills many more people per year than all those things combined.

    But you've inspired me to change me original statement. If the government pays for your health care you don't have the right to be overweight. If you have insurance from your employer, or that you pay for yourself, or you're just really rich, eat your heart out.

    We all still pay for it even when people have their own health insurance or insurance through a company.

    The more sickness overall, the more EVERYONE'S rates go up.

    So, it affects every single one of us, no matter what type of insurance you have.
  • inagaddadavegan
    inagaddadavegan Posts: 46 Member
    I find it interesting that a fitness professional who found himself in a position to need to lose weight is so judgmental of others. You don't know any of those people, or any of their situations.

    And if I'm not married to (or partnered with) them or parenting them, it's none of my damned business what anyone else is eating.

    high 5

    Just like you don't know his life story or situation?

    I think it's unfortunately easy to judge some people in some situations. An obese person overeating. A person on oxygen smoking. An alcoholic or drug addict "indulging." It's hard to watch people self-destructing. I get angry with myself when I judge, but honestly I can cut the OP some slack because I still catch myself doing it.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Judging the judgmental is the new "acceptable" form of judgement.

    Personally, if I see an obese person eating a ton of unhealthy food, I do not judge them. Some people just love food, and would prefer to indulge than be healthy, and that is their right as adults.
    Some people smoke.
    Some people drink.
    Most people do something that is unhealthy.

    On the other hand, if I see an obese person eating a ton of unhealthy food while talking about dieting or wanting to lose weight, I judge them the same I would any other weak-willed hypocrite.
    There is nothing to respect about that.

    Also, when I see people with morbidly obese children, I think that they should have their children taken away for being abusive parents. There is absolutely no excuse for doing that to your kids (barring exotic medical conditions).

    Feel free to judge me for saying these things!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Just wow! Niner, as a guy who has helped me and countless others on this site, I can't believe how people are taking judgemental shots at you for making an observation that looked to me to be based in empathy and the calling YOU judgemental!

    I'm always amazed at some people on this site that get all self righteous and judgemental because they think they are the one who should correct someone elses attitude and in the course of doing that display a worse attitude that the person they seek to correct!

    Niner, you are a good man and I totally get where you were coming from. We all make observations and we all make judgements.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Why are you taking time out of your vacation to worry about what others are doing? You should have just enjoyed your time and kept to yourself/your family. I feel sorry for the twelve year old boy. You were staring at him and estimating how much he weighs. How would you feel if someone did that to you?

    I didn't have to estimate his weight, one glance told me that this kid was morbidly obese. I don't really give a *kitten* if people estimate my weight.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Judging the judgmental is the new "acceptable" form of judgement.

    Personally, if I see an obese person eating a ton of unhealthy food, I do not judge them. Some people just love food, and would prefer to indulge than be healthy, and that is their right as adults.
    Some people smoke.
    Some people drink.
    Most people do something that is unhealthy.

    On the other hand, if I see an obese person eating a ton of unhealthy food while talking about dieting or wanting to lose weight, I judge them the same I would any other weak-willed hypocrite.
    There is nothing to respect about that.

    Also, when I see people with morbidly obese children, I think that they should have their children taken away for being abusive parents. There is absolutely no excuse for doing that to your kids (barring exotic medical conditions).

    Feel free to judge me for saying these things!

    I agree with you on all points.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Wow, I am amazed at all the disparaging comments directed toward Ninerbuff.

    He didn't say anything out of the way in any shape, form or fashion that should have sparked some of these comments.

    This is an internet forum. We should be able to have mature dialog about these things without people being so sensitive and upset.

    Put your big girl panties or your big boy drawers and take some constructive criticism. I find that the people that get the most upset are the ones that think these comments are somehow directed at them.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I too think people are missing the point by this thread.

    I have seen many many many over weight kids as I have worked in the public school system. It's a shame and is becoming an epidemic.

    When you see kindergarteners who can't even run on the play ground without huffing and puffing....well, it's a huge issue.

    When you see parents fighting to get their child chocolate milk even though it's FDA regulated to only have low fat white milk at free breakfast, yes, it's a problem.

    I think this was the point the original poster was trying to make.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I too think people are missing the point by this thread.

    I have seen many many many over weight kids as I have worked in the public school system. It's a shame and is becoming an epidemic.

    When you see kindergarteners who can't even run on the play ground without huffing and puffing....well, it's a huge issue.

    When you see parents fighting to get their child chocolate milk even though it's FDA regulated to only have low fat white milk at free breakfast, yes, it's a problem.

    I think this was the point the original poster was trying to make.

    They are missing the point because they are taking Ninerbuff's words personally. That is causing them to become sensitive and upset. This in turn causes people to be incapable of seeing the point.
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    I have been on lots of cruises and the one thing that sticks out to me is the waste. You know...the "pile it high and doesn't matter if you waste it" philosophy. That bugs me. I'd ratehr somebody went back to the buffet table than waste food.

    Me? Despite being morbidly obese, even I have a limit. I think it's unfair to take everything and leave nothing for others LOL. i have one starter, one plate of mains and 1 dessert if I want one. i'm on my holiday and I'll eat and enjoy myself. But yet I don't go nuts.

    Despite that, I have heard judgemental comments from people who wrongly assume that the fattest person in the room ate all the food. THAT annoys me because I'd say my plate is usually less laden than other peoples for the simple reason that I don't want to gain even more weight on holiday!
  • loufranks
    loufranks Posts: 45
    More the reason that we as people should strive for a more reasonable weight limit so that we can enjoy life more.

    Just noticed this - couldn't agree more! This coming from somebody who has poor quality of life because of her weight...
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Thank you to everybody who is trying to understand where I was coming from. I was trying to add to the OP's point that it's sad that people get themselves into this kind of situation. I try very hard not to pass judgement on people but it's human nature, and especially my nature to observe and analyze everything happening around me. And I see obesity as a choice that got them in a bad place, just like my choices put me at risk of heart attack and arthritis at one point. I know that all the comments, good and bad, in the last few pages about the 12 year old kid where directed at me because I read the whole thing and I was the one that told the story about the little kid.
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    I'm not going to bother reading everyone else's responses, as they will probably just make me mad. People like you are the reason people like me don't even like to leave the house. If I was having a "cheat meal", and someone like you saw me, you'd probably think the same thing as you just posted. But I've seen your posts, and I know for a fact that I eat cleaner than you do, and I work out more than you do. I won't always look like this, but I have to continue doing what I'm doing to get the fantastic body hiding under the 3 years of abuse I did to myself. Why don't you worry about your own goals, and stop judging everyone else. You aren't perfect enough to make these kinds of uninformed observations.
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