Everyone do me a favor...



  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292

  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?



    Then don't read it, Summer's Eve.

    Summers Eve.....that is just great :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: lmao!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    This was SOO motivating! I was sitting here reading the threads and now I want to throw the computer out the window and run like Forest Gump! Run! Forest Run!
    Thanks so so much. I'm so glad you're on MFP...please don't ever leave. EVER

    This made me LOL :laugh:
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    are you in cahoots with the "dont beg for friends" guy?

    I am trying to figure out how to bring cats into this thread as well :huh:

    Cars don't need a reason, they just are!
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    are you in cahoots with the "dont beg for friends" guy?

    I am trying to figure out how to bring cats into this thread as well :huh:

    Cars don't need a reason, they just are!

  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    stop posting on these forums asking for some motivation. Listen, your either motivated, or not. If your not going to put in the work then expect to maintain what you currently have. There is no secret pill, workout, training plan, etc. You put in the work you will see results.

    Why does suddenly everyone need motivation? Its a very simple thing. Either you want to do something, or you don't. What's the mystery? Besides, if your motivated enough to join this site and ask for motivation aren't you motivated enough to put in the work?



    So I guess you don't have any friends on her to help motivate you. You don't need that after all. Some people need more assistance than others. Its an up and down situtuation, an emotional one for some of us. If you dont like being apart of that, stay out of forums where people are asking for assistance. that simple. wow
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    are you in cahoots with the "dont beg for friends" guy?

    I am trying to figure out how to bring cats into this thread as well :huh:

    Cars don't need a reason, they just are!


    every day is caturday at my house.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Any parent can tell you there are times when you "motivate" your children to do something (go to a relatives for dinner, clean their room, go to a museum, whatever) by various techniques. The child knows the museum, the broccoli, the room-cleaning, the whatever is a good thing to do but they lack the DISCIPLINE to motivate themselves - at first. So parents provide motivation; external motivation, until the child learns to motivate himself or herself.

    Some of us at MFP are children, emotionally, about our diet and exercise. So we look to our peers to be friends, authority figures, work-out buddies, what ever you want to call it. It works for us. Good for you if you don't need this, but I do. You don't need external motivation and you don't like reading about it? Please move on to another thread. I will not let your rant against external motivation stop me from seeking it.

    Either way, the only thing that matters is our personal health and well-being, and I am stoked for you that you are doing so well on your own. Keep it up! :happy:

    I will freely admit that I only clicked on this topic because I *knew* that it MUST contain something to make many people's heads explode...and I was right. I had NO intention of adding anything until I read this loveliness. Damn you, whoever you are that wrote this! :-)
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    THis is what my cat thinks about your motivation bashing topic

    [img]http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg551/Karalopolous_McKitten/Facebook/Profile Pictures/167997_1814529485188_1298600312_32104509_2341982_n.jpg[/img]
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    THis is what my cat thinks about your motivation bashing topic

    [img]http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg551/Karalopolous_McKitten/Facebook/Profile Pictures/167997_1814529485188_1298600312_32104509_2341982_n.jpg[/img]

    Cat tongue!
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    I am a licensed motivator, and all I want to do is motivate.
  • TheMolloy
    TheMolloy Posts: 31 Member
    Wow ... there really aren't THAT many words that can sum up the experience that has been this post ... other than WOW.

    What a Douche !!!

    ... I do very much like the level of ownage that you guys rained down though :)
  • Laveer
    Laveer Posts: 1
    ATTENTION EVERYONE: please be advised that you may continue to pursue your journey to fitness however the Fcck you would like.

    Or maybe this:
    ATTENTION EVERYONE: please be advised that you may continue to pursue your journey through life however you would like. Healthy or unhealthy, wealthy or impoverished, happy or unhappy. These choices are and will always be yours, and the illusion that anyone can give them to you or take them away is just that-an illusion. Now you know, make of it what you will. We all do anyway, whether we acknowledge that fact or not.
  • sin2001
    sin2001 Posts: 125 Member
    Wy are you worried about if I get motivation from a person? maybe I need a little motivation. Maybe we use it for accountablity to keep focused. Its not your problem to say stop. Sounds like you just need a huge hug. That will motivate you to worry about yourself and not the others here. Its why people have weight problems and are here to change. Its a hard step for alot of us and a little push is what is needed t stay focused.
  • Kalraii
    Kalraii Posts: 89
    Wow. So what, you want this "motivation quarter" to be non-existent? Have you never once in your life sought out motivation for anything? Have you never felt so alone that you NEEDED others to help you through the hard times? You telling the people here who are struggling with an eating disorder "just to do it" sounds like great advice... What about people whose job it is to MOTIVATE other people, fitness trainers, managers, parents etc... I think you need to think more. I'm not entirely certain from what perspective this post came from but it's a good thing that a lot of us here are kind hearted that when you start asking for support or advice we won't throw it in your face....
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    I get great motivation from people on here, I've been ion here since monday and have done more this week then I have in the last 6 months, this site is what motivates me, and that includes the people
  • sbduvall
    sbduvall Posts: 42 Member
    My guess is that people are really asking for "support" in the form of motivation. When there is a long road of 100 pounds ahead of you it is easy to get bogged down in it and feel like giving up and it is my impression, though I am new to this whole thing, that most of the people are here are looking for support and to support each other. I'm not sure how people helping encourage each other is a bad thing or how it could impact an one "viewers" diet in a negative way.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm going to start a thread asking for motivation and you can't stop me! Na na na na boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

    I'll post on that one too. ;-) I think people who are asking for motivation help are just looking for friends and like-minded people. It's a free website. If you don't like motivation posts, don't go there.
  • sbduvall
    sbduvall Posts: 42 Member
    @sin....dude you are kinda awesome!
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    HA HA HA , i actually like this post, its true, move your *kitten* and do it, no complaining, JUST DO IT! works best for me....dont compare yourself to others and if you fall off the band wagon, its your own fault ....lol