Putting your KID on a leash



  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    using a harness is not the same as treating your child like an animal. anyone who compares them have VERY strange relationships with animals. :bigsmile:
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    *exits thread left*

    it's been fun, folks!
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I have a great deal of experience with large groups of very young kids and I never used a leash.
    In general, children grow into what you expect of them and treating them like a pet will not create good American citizens.

    Children grow into what we expect of them?


    Perhaps you've worked with robots, and you simply typed "children" instead.
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    Some kids at a certain age will not hold your hand, throw themselves about and refuse to be restrained in a seat or stroller.

    yep. my little sister was one of those. tried to hold her hand and she did the whole lazy body thing when she would kick and scream and let her whole body weight lag on the floor so she made sure u were dragging her by the arm, rather than letting her walk on her own. complete drama baby.

    that's what you call a spoiled brat =P

    lol this is true. u should see her now when she doesnt get her way ... and she's 30 years old now haha
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.

    doesn't use one in a car? how dangerous, his parents are horrible, just horrible. (more sarcasm but fyi, it is advised to use a booster until they are over a certain height as the damage that can be done to a child from a seat belt incorrectly positioned is horrific, I presume they DO use a seat belt for him right? In order to restrain him, you know, to protect him))

    My Husband is in law enforcement and it is pretty horrible what a improperly worn seat belt can do. (example, cut someone in half if it is twisted)
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member

    glittermama, my post is not a dig against Americans at all even though it might have come across that way. It was in response to the odd post about raising good American citizens. Lots of us aren't American so clearly would not be looking to do that!.
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    When I had my child now 2 I seriously considered getting one...not because isdidn't want to watch her but because it only takes a second of looking the other way for someone to snatch her...now that she is 2 I still think about it if I am ever. in a situation where we have to go to the airport or someplace like that...I would rather have people think me to be a lazy parent than to not have my child any more
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    I would rather put my toddler on a leash than have them get snatched or run out into traffic. According to Erickson's stages of development 2-5 year olds are exploring their surroundings and are trying to accomplish things by themselves, so naturally they will be harder to keep safe without some kind of help. A leash will keep them safe and allow them to explore their environment while I as the parent can allow them to do so without them harming themselves.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    When I had my child now 2 I seriously considered getting one...not because isdidn't want to watch her but because it only takes a second of looking the other way for someone to snatch her...now that she is 2 I still think about it if I am ever. in a situation where we have to go to the airport or someplace like that...I would rather have people think me to be a lazy parent than to not have my child any more

    I agree!
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    my sister puts her toddler on one when she goes to the airport... but then she is also carrying her younger child and her luggage and that seems way easier than taking the risk of the kid running off.
  • Nikoah
    Nikoah Posts: 21 Member
    I lived in a country where my blond kids were at a greater risk for kidnapping. I used a leash to ensure I ALWAYS knew where my son was. I used them with my daughter because it gave her greater freedom than holding my hand. I also had a brother die because he slipped out of his aunts hand and got hit by a car. It is not a promise that they won't get hurt, but it is a security that made me feel better, for that matter my kids - ASKED to ware it rather than having to hold my hand. It depends on how you address it to them.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I always want to go up to the parents of kids who do this and go "Awe, how cute, what breed is he/she?" Leashes belong on dogs, not kids. I don't have kids myself, but I've babysat a LOT. I've never once had a problem losing any, IMO parents put their kids on a leash because they are too lazy to enforce rules, and think it's okay. It's really not that difficult to hold onto their hand or put them in a cart. I've also had to deal with some very bratty kids too. Again, I've never lost a kid this way, and I won't when I have my kids either. Of course, I plan on paying attention to my kids and teaching them how to behave in a good manor.

    DISAGREE DISAGREE DISAGREE...well, If and when you do have kids please teach them how to behave but not how to spell....manor=MANNER!!!!
  • Katalyst77
    Katalyst77 Posts: 79
    I know a mom who had 5 kids. All good kids, one had ADD and that was the only one I ever saw on a leash. I would not make a determination about the worth of a parent when I don't know the circumstances of the child. I have 4 of my own and each is uniquely different and requires different parenting techniques.

    AMEN!!! They certainly do! I have a son who has no impulse control whatsoever and another son who is as chill as a child can be. I have a little monkey backpack/leash that I have used one time, when we took our son with impulse control issues to the cherry festival air show in Traverse City, MI because there is always an insane amount of people and I love him and didnt want to lose him. I used it as more of a safety chain. I held his hand and kept the leash looped around my wrist so that if he broke free (and he did a few times) he wouldnt get far... Why is this bad parenting? Please tell me...those of you who have never had a child with serious impulse control issues. :D In my humble experience parenting is tough and you use whatever tools you have to keep your kiddos safe from harm. If there are those that abuse the kiddie leash... oh well.
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    I have a great deal of experience with large groups of very young kids and I never used a leash.
    In general, children grow into what you expect of them and treating them like a pet will not create good American citizens.

    yes. i completely agree. i am angry and now taking it out on society that i am now a certified gangster fo life because my mom had me on a child leash when i was little.

    /throws up gangsta sign
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    doesn't use one in a car? how dangerous, his parents are horrible, just horrible. (more sarcasm but fyi, it is advised to use a booster until they are over a certain height as the damage that can be done to a child from a seat belt incorrectly positioned is horrific, I presume they DO use a seat belt for him right? In order to restrain him, you know, to protect him))

    My Husband is in law enforcement and it is pretty horrible what a improperly worn seat belt can do. (example, cut someone in half if it is twisted)

    Yup know a case where someone got beheaded by the mighty safe seatbelt. People also get traped by seatbelts.
    Seatbelts are safe! but I can poke holes in that...back to leashing, DOWN WITH LEASHING HUMANS!
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    My mom had 3 kids by 22 years old (my older sis is 18 months older than me and my twin sister) so she had one for my older sister when she was out with us. I don't think it's child abuse or whatever. I see a lot of kids wearing one. If leashes/harnesses are for just dogs why do they make strollers and seat belts for dogs?
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.

    doesn't use one in a car? how dangerous, his parents are horrible, just horrible. (more sarcasm but fyi, it is advised to use a booster until they are over a certain height as the damage that can be done to a child from a seat belt incorrectly positioned is horrific, I presume they DO use a seat belt for him right? In order to restrain him, you know, to protect him))

    My Husband is in law enforcement and it is pretty horrible what a improperly worn seat belt can do. (example, cut someone in half if it is twisted)

    or (decapitation) dislocates the brain from the stem causing permanent paralysis or death
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    My daughter has autism and when she was younger she was extremely impulsive, had zero sense of danger, and didn't even know her own name until she was 3. We would've put her in a harness if we'd had one but we didn't think about it at the time. Taking her places was a very nerve-wracking experience so I can see why some parents use them.
  • TyRoseHolmes
    Well, you should know it depends on size. It's safer to be in a booster than not. Try looking up carseat safety rules. I'm sure SHE is making sure her child is as safe as possible.
    Wow... never used a carseat? That's just unsafe IMO! My daughter will be 8 and she still sits in a high backbooster. I can't imagine a two year old never using a carseat... unless they were never in a car!

    Wow it's called public transportation...lol

    An 8 yr in a booster hahaha omg smh my nephew is 7 and he doesn't use one.

    "hahaha omg smh" is more worthy when it comes to a seven year old NOT in a booster seat. My daughter isn't small, she's 66 lbs. Boosters are made for children below 100 lbs and below a certain height requirement. I'm used to the looks I get when I take her booster out if we're are switching cars or something and they see my third grader in a booster seat...where she's supposed to me. I took public transportation at one time and my kid always had a carseat for when we would ride in cars. Carseats and boosters are the law where I'm from. It's a shame more people don't take it seriously. It bugs the crap out of me but I'm only responsible for my child and the children riding in my car...who HAVE to have carseats or they can ride with their parents! Maybe they've never seen the damage a serious car crash can do?? I have and that's why I don't play no games when it comes to carseat safety and children. She will be in a booster until she meets height & weight requirements. Eight years old or not...