Putting your KID on a leash



  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    my math is just fine, MY grandmother is 90 & had her first child at 18 ergo, she started parenting 70+ years ago.

    I feel no guilt at raising my child safely in fact I feel pretty damn good right now reading how some posters have such a disregard for their childrens safety. Sorry you don't like the way I post but that's your issue not mine. Who exactly do you see "dragging" their kids around on a leash? If you knew a single thing about the subject we are talking about you would know that a harness allows the child to walk safely in front of their parent .

    Quite honestly you sound like a child who is trolling for the sake of the argument. I've taken my son out on a harness & not on a harness. I used the harness whenever I felt it necessary & in his best interest but I have experienced both situations, you have not. I think I am better informed in the benefit of the usage than you can ever be, purely becuase I have used one. Maybe next time you take a young child out you should try one, & see how happy that child is to have the freedom to explore whilst you have the peace of mind of knowing that they're secure without the need to have one hand constantly on them, another thing most children in my experience dislike.

    That you don't agree with them is again, up to you, but if you think you are the expert on child safety becuase of it you are sadly mistake & I hope that any children you may be in charge of in future don't suffer the consequences of your lack of understanding.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    My grandmother is in her 60s and had kids in her 20s so that some 40 years ago.(nice job on the math lol). How funny is it that parents that lead or drag their kids by a cord I mean leash can compare it to ok well dont use a crib or carseat, which makes no sense. They also say you have only raised one child you can say anything, I then replied my grandmother raised 3 without a string attached and they didn't run into danger(fact not BS).... Instead of going with an intelligent argument it got turned into " my grandmother raised 13 so I guess she is better" you all keep using the word " you think you're better because you don't agree" Is it guilt? Because I never said I was better or my grandmother was.

    You can use any argument to defend dragging your child around on a connecting cord like a poppet
    But I can't use the argument that my grandmother never did it? Interesting..well she's now 60 and raising my uncles 2 kids and I assure you she can't run after them like she could hers and she doesn't leash them up.
    Your grandmother in her 60s is raising your uncle's 2 kids. You previously said that at 17 you were raising your 2yr old cousin. (Seriously? Not 1 single adult around who could do that? You were out on your own completely at 17 and were the best option for that kid?) Your family seems pretty incapable of even raising their own kids. No way am I going to take parenting advice from that f*up of a family.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    my math is just fine, MY grandmother is 90 & had her first child at 18 ergo, she started parenting 70+ years ago.

    Who exactly do you see "dragging" their kids around on a leash? If you knew a single thing about the subject we are talking about you would know that a harness allows the child to walk safely in front of their parent .

    1) I was calulating my grandmothers age and commending myself for doing math (I am not good at math), how would I know anything about your grandmother's age? lol so blinded by anger or whatever it is that makes you feel the need to type "****" with such rage.

    2) These people and countless more;

  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    you really need to stop projecting. the forum filerts out certain words, how on earth would you know whether my post was in rage? you are quite a know it all huh?

    but fyi, I commented that my grandmother has been parenting for 70+ years. you made a dig about my math but if you were able to read properly you would have seen my "math" was in relation to my own grandparent & not yours.

    As for your photo, do you not have any experiences of your own in which to draw from or have you only the trawling through the internet to back you up. Really girl, grow up & get a clue. :smile:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Your grandmother in her 60s is raising your uncle's 2 kids. You previously said that at 17 you were raising your 2yr old cousin. (Seriously? Not 1 single adult around who could do that? You were out on your own completely at 17 and were the best option for that kid?) Your family seems pretty incapable of even raising their own kids. No way am I going to take parenting advice from that f*up of a family.

    My Uncle moved to another country and has left his 2 small children with his mother, yes that's what grandmothers are for to help their grandchildren, he will eventually take his kids but as of now she has them. smh

    Yes when my uncle's 1st child's mother decided to drop her son off when he was 2yrs old then went about her merry way and never even visited, it was my uncle who worked and me a teenager and a 2 year old. My uncle worked from home but it was mainly me who bath him fed him dressed him, influenced him and played mother! I never said I did it alone.

    If that's a effed up family in your book then so be it, my effed up family was never dragged around on lashes and we turned out well...the time you spend trying to make me out to be a liar would be better spent arguing the pros of leasing a child.

    When people have no valid argument they make personal attacks. Never have I said don't do it you are a bad parent if you do, or ur kidds are effed up or i'm better. I have just been defending my stands. :wink:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    you really need to stop projecting. the forum filerts out certain words, how on earth would you know whether my post was in rage? you are quite a know it all huh?

    but fyi, I commented that my grandmother has been parenting for 70+ years. you made a dig about my math but if you were able to read properly you would have seen my "math" was in relation to my own grandparent & not yours.

    As for your photo, do you not have any experiences of your own in which to draw from or have you only the trawling through the internet to back you up. Really girl, grow up & get a clue. :smile:

    omg it wast a dig as i just pointed out...i calculated myyyyy grandmother age as well the math comment was for me...omg no reasoning with you...your grandmother did it for 70 so I said mine did it 40 wtf..how would i make a dig at your math..anyway back to the topic. DOWN WITH LEASHING CHILDREN :smile:
  • SweetP88
    SweetP88 Posts: 79
    I thought this was a weight loss/fitness website???
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    you really think you haven't attacked anyone. umm ok, delusion as well as clueless. No more with you, you aren't worth my time. sad
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member

    As for your photo, do you not have any experiences of your own in which to draw from or have you only the trawling through the internet to back you up. Really girl, grow up & get a clue. :smile:

    Heck no I don't have any experience of my own dragging kids around on leashes. You asked who do I see dragging kids around on leashes and I provided pictures of "Who I see" doing it! and by doing so you tell me to grow up lol wow
    you really think you haven't attacked anyone. umm ok, delusion as well as clueless. No more with you, you aren't worth my time. sad
    Show me where I personally attacked someone, with arguments that had nothing to do with leashing a child. Show me where I verbally attacked someone calling them names or using negative adjectives against them and their family. I'll save you the troubele, have not!

    You can't argue a point without resorting to lies. "I haven't personally attacked anyone so yes that's a lie"
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    When people have no valid argument they make personal attacks.
    Admitting your problem is the first step. Congratulations.

    I know people who played with little balls of mercury when they were kids and are perfectly healthy adults. When my husband was a kid and they went on trips his parents laid a piece of plywood across backseat so they had a big area to sit. sleep, and crawl around. His grandparents had 11 kids. Grandma, grandpa, and 3 of the youngest would sit in the front seat while the older kids sat in the back. None of them were ever injured. Does that make it an example of how safe and right that is or does that make it an example of a family that was lucky?

    I can show plenty of pictures of people dragging their kids around by their hands, school aged children trapped in strollers, kids running off in stores, and there are 12,000 new pictures every year of kids who were abducted by non-family members. So if you think posting a picture of a woman in an airport whose toddler would be running off if it weren't for the backpack restraint is an example of bad parenting you are sadly mistaken. That backpack looks to be the thing keeping him from possibly being missing kid #12,001.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I thought this was a weight loss/fitness website???

    If you didn't notice from the title it's called Chit-chat, fun, and games which anything can be posted here!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    When people have no valid argument they make personal attacks.
    Admitting your problem is the first step. Congratulations.

    That was actually directed at you, where is this "personal attack" you speak of...You are the one who called my family effed up dear.
    I haven't once said what you do was "wrong or worse" never called you a "bad parent" actually I haven't used anY adjectives to sum anyone here up who agrees with leashing a child. All I have been saying is I have't done it, will not do it, nor have I had it done to me.
  • SophieAmelia99
    I would want to run away to if I were on a leash oh excuse me 'harness',it's called spanking them if they don't listen try it.Dont put a child on a leash.
  • Shellyyy7928
    Shellyyy7928 Posts: 78 Member
    Have nothing against them, but I refuse to use one. When my parents watch my daughter, they do. And good for them, they are not able to keep up nor do they enjoy bending down to hold her hand. I don't mind reaching down to hold her hand, or carrying her, or putting her in a stroller if my hands are full. I go into Boston every weekend and Boston is a crowded busy city. I do what I can to keep her close.

    I don't judge those who use them, my cousin and his wife has 3 under 3 - wears the youngest, has a backpack harness on the two year old, and the three year old walks next to her. She does the best she can and I commend her.

    Though I have seen parents use them in ways that are less than appropriate. Dragging screaming children behind them, or jerking the leash as though they were correcting a dog
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    ahh poor little victim. lol

  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I would want to run away to if I were on a leash oh excuse me 'harness',it's called spanking them if they don't listen try it.Dont put a child on a leash.

    interesting perspective, forgive me if I don't agree as I'd rather use a harness than resort to violence against my child. but to each their own. I just know I'd rather not beat my child if he is unable to remember instruction.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I would want to run away to if I were on a leash oh excuse me 'harness',it's called spanking them if they don't listen try it.Dont put a child on a leash.

    interesting perspective, forgive me if I don't agree as I'd rather use a harness than resort to violence against my child. but to each their own. I just know I'd rather not beat my child if he is unable to remember instruction.
    I was hoping somebody else had realized the problems with this post.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Though I have seen parents use them in ways that are less than appropriate. Dragging screaming children behind them, or jerking the leash as though they were correcting a dog

    I've seen parents holding their child's hand do this too though, so that argument, the whole dragging thing, happens in either scenario. I often seen parents practically lifting their child up by one arm when the child is resisting. Kids esp toddlers, by nature want freedom & to explore, having a hand in theirs preventing that tends to cause them to resist. Each parent uses what they consider their best course of action, but using argument such as these hold no basis imo.
  • Shellyyy7928
    Shellyyy7928 Posts: 78 Member
    Though I have seen parents use them in ways that are less than appropriate. Dragging screaming children behind them, or jerking the leash as though they were correcting a dog

    I've seen parents holding their child's hand do this too though, so that argument, the whole dragging thing, happens in either scenario. I often seen parents practically lifting their child up by one arm when the child is resisting. Kids esp toddlers, by nature want freedom & to explore, having a hand in theirs preventing that tends to cause them to resist. Each parent uses what they consider their best course of action, but using argument such as these hold no basis imo.

    Did you read anything else I posted? I have no problems with backpack harnesses. My parents use one for my daughter. I couldn't give two craps about other people. I was putting out that I have seen them used badly. No need to be so defensive and nitpick my post.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    I was neither defensive nor niticking only pointing out that it can happen in either case. this is what the discussion has been about & many people have used it as a reason of why using a harness is wrong, I have pointed out (quite civilly I would add) that hand holding a toddler has it's own issues.